Connecticut Kia Boyz | Asmongold Reacts to Andrew Callaghan

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Connecticut Kia boys Kia tell them come get it CT Kia boys in the city and they still can't catch [Music] [ __ ] if you were to raise kids right now what's the main thing you tell them as far as steps for success in life go get you any flat hat any USB cord and go get you any car you want [ __ ] you in CT BP you know how we do it over here big 203 [ __ ] and BPT stands for bridport right yeah CT Bo you'd be surprised when you first do it for real you're like how is that so easy for me I could take that [ __ ] down in one shot so it take 10 [Music] [Music] seconds my name is Andrew a journalist from Seattle and for the past couple years I've been following an online Trend called the Kia boys after I first discovered a documentary by Tommy G filmed in Milwaukee hey watch this watch this watch this depicting Brazen teenage car thieves who seem to be able to steal Hyundai and Kia with nothing but a flathead screwdriver or a USB cord and very quickly after their Discovery the Kia boy method and Kia boy culture spread from Milwaukee across the entire country and broke headlines Nationwide the next time you see a Kia or Hyundai with a broken window and without a license plate it's probably a stolen car have you heard of K boys car thefts how did I not ever know about this I've never even heard about this this is a year ago two went to jail and one quit crime see like what's so crazy to me about this is that like I I knew a lot of people that did stuff like this right but like that was in like 2010 and like you know back then right you didn't have like the same type of like uh location with like your phones and [ __ ] and you didn't have the same like you know you couldn't just like go and take a picture of somebody's plates and be like boom there it is I can't believe people are doing this like in the [ __ ] in broad daylight last year 2023 damn bro that's crazy all their cars are so easy to steal well yeah yeah they are like and and that's the thing but like I mean they're not breaking into like really like old cars I feel like these are like 2010ish cars they get away with it too no two of them got arrested I think that a lot of these kids probably just don't give a [ __ ] like they never even think about the idea of getting in trouble that's probably why it happens cuz I had friends that did that I remember I had one guy I just say it I just say it I'm not going to use names so we got out somewhere and he's like what do y'all want to do and I was like well uh we could uh play Smash he's like he's like no I'm trying to get some money I said okay well what do you want to do he says I think I'm just going to walk around I said okay well let let's go we'll walk around he just walks down the street opens up cars and steals everything out of the [ __ ] car and then he had like one of those oh man do you'all remember like those basketball backpacks that had like the draw string at the top and the white strings that you'd wear around your back I did that too yeah and he just like went in there and he just put everything in there and then the next one he put everything in there too and it's like and I was just like I was walking next to him and I was trying to play it cool but I was thinking to myself you're going to get in trouble you you're going to we're going to get in trouble man like what are you're not even thinking about this you're not even you're not even thinking about this well no here's the thing he got away with all of it he got away with everything he never got arrested nothing ever happened that's what's so [ __ ] crazy about this got to think about the consequences always no bro cuz I think that like cuz I even told them it was like I don't know if he was the one that said this but somebody said this they said we don't want to think about the consequences because if we think about them then it's more likely that it will happen so like if you just go in there with a free mind you've got a higher chance of not getting in trouble and I said bro I don't think it works that way he says if it don't work that way then why I not get caught which is like to be fair it's kind of true but damn he was a professional obviously he did this in Texas I one time watched him watched him get out of a [ __ ] car in some random ass rich neighborhood walk up to some nice ass car with a master chief helmet on and a life beater and pants that were like at his ankles take a hammer bust a [ __ ] Hammer like break a window out break into a car take everything out of it and then run away nothing ever happened to this dude [ __ ] Cody it wasn't Cody but Cody knows who it was cuz Cody was in the car we were all in the car we saw this [ __ ] happen yeah oh my God Max Lux Strat yeah and it's just nothing ever happened to him so it's like I see these guys and it's like they're still doing it this is crazy Screech of stolen cars can be heard ripping through roads you see people running for their life look look I mean yeah we used to do that but like that was but it was our car though there dude terrorizing residents catching the attention who increasingly are chasing down teenagers following an online Trend stealing cars and bro I love that like roaches like [ __ ] roaches increasingly get out go boys and and you know my favorite thing is how coordinated they are because you see every single one of them is going in a different direction we got pink boy over here going this way this guy right over here going that way the blue jacket going that way the black jacket going that way they're all going different ways playing cops and robbers on hard mode bro that this like yes following an online stealing cars and posting videos of their Joy rides in an effort to learn more about the Kia boys I went down a strange social media rabbit hole into secret group chats with Kia boys from different cities around the country many of whom seem to operate in plain sight that's what's so [ __ ] crazy about it I can't believe people still do this this is insane without fear and had public Instagram profiles and Tik Tok Pages where they documented themselves from a first-person perspective stealing joy riding and of course crashing them bro they went they hit a a [ __ ] stealing Kia's joy riding and of course crashing wait wait wait wait hold up was that somebody sitting out the window bro this dude is about to have a bad [ __ ] time look at him he did not make it oh God that's super illegal wait wait guys is this illegal no wait are you sure wait says who though you know what the funniest thing about that is is it's probably a school bus from n school the hundreds of active Kia boy Pages there was nobody quite as fearless and Brazen as the Connecticut Kia boys [ __ ] City what my mother every day they posted two or three new cars and seem to enjoy engaging Connecticut police and highp speed chases take that [ __ ] to New Haven at first I thought this was no I want to see that like did they get away or what the joke page and maybe the Kia boys were just being funny and using Connecticut as a locational decoy to mislead police after all Connecticut known for beautiful Yale University and Manhattan commuters who live in luxurious Mansions upst that's the best [ __ ] to steal from because they don't give a [ __ ] they just leave it unlocked you steal their Kia bro that's like a week's pay isn't exactly what comes to mind when visualizing a playground for petty auto theft but after some research I was was able to make contact with the ring leader of the Connecticut Kia boys a perhaps Caucasian young man named swervo who agreed to meet with me in the backyard of a construction site for an introductory interview yo I'm W swervo trench [ __ ] I'm CT Kia boys CT Kia boys we're on top no other Kia boy competing with us you know what I'm saying so what does it mean to be a Kia boy to be a Kia boy bro I feel like a lot of y'all get it wrong bro a lot of y'all just think y'all could take these cars or like y'all doing these cars y'all go like for me one minute chases y'all crash y'all get booked that is not a kill Boy [ __ ] you take a kill you get lit [Music] [ __ ] you do not get caught this is not what we do ctk boys do not get caught hello so for you what got you started doing this bro yeah Mom no no I I'm out I'm out with Dylan yeah no yeah yeah he is yeah yeah if you could yeah he'll be home for dinner too okay I love you bye yeah I don't know I just started doing it feel me came with the money so it's primarily a money-making Endeavor yeah what about you I started just cuz some someone left their keys in the car you know what I'm saying I was like bet and then you know I'm saying I was scrolling on uh Instagram actually and I see some Tik Tok shf them taking the V I was like oh that's how you do it why you're in the hole so I was like bet it's crazy at first yo we really started on some oh everybody doing this [ __ ] we could probably get po we could just do this [ __ ] see how it work and they was like yo we should record this [ __ ] we could get lit yeah yeah [ __ ] 40,000 followers later we're the biggest on IG as the CT Kia Boy Instagram following has grown so have the number of car thefts in the New Haven area I do feel like Kia's got to get their [ __ ] together like there's something wrong with their security system that they need to figure out they did they they fixed it yeah I bet they did fact they've nearly tripled since their page launched in early 2023 and local news anchors blame Tik Tok the Tik Tok challenge has gone too far my ignition everybody blames everything on Tik Tok it's like anytime that anybody's on drugs it's always fenel nah people do crack but you never hear about crack anymore everything's always fentel did my whole car is dented in but it was what happened after her car was found that shocked her CT Kia Boy Instagram page she had multiple pictures and videos of her car being driven by what New Haven Police say are a group of miners so Connecticut is you know kind of emerging on the map as like the center of the Kia ship because of you guys hell yeah C know what going you got to remember us they're called The Tick Tock Kia boy oh yeah yeah I I know I never did this but people would do this in Riverside the funny thing is that where they would do it was pretty close to a KFC too cap no I didn't do no I would never [ __ ] like [ __ ] no cuz it's in front of everybody [ __ ] no I wouldn't do that absolutely not the new is likes a tget so whatever is on Tik Tok they're going to say that's a Tik Tok Trend that's a Tik Tok challenge but this [ __ ] was never for Tik Tok Tik Tok Trends are making Kia owners nervous it's a trend on Tik Tok a howu on stealing Kia and Hyundai the thefts are a viral criminal sensation popularized by social media posts on Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik Tok on Tik Tok it's on for the internet we just found out an easier way to steal cars you feel me well the internet provides like a reward structure around it so like if you can go and like if you can go and get other people being like that's funny now it's like you're getting paid in a way right you're getting paid in attention I hope they get hope they die doing this [ __ ] in the future n no there's always going to be kids that do this [ __ ] they do it for money and popularity no no there's plenty of people that I knew did this for free they would just do it for free man like uh it was there's a lot of this [ __ ] the method [ __ ] all y'all boys need man one of these yo y'all need one of these everybody over here got a screwdriver this your best friend bro you guys all have screwdrivers hell yeah you hop in that [ __ ] put that [ __ ] right under the your wiper you break that ho [ __ ] you get it sometimes in one sometimes you need to put that [ __ ] in ignition you break that [ __ ] off grab y USB grab y' screwdriver it depends on what type of car it is and then we out you you'd be surprised when you first do it for real you're like how is that so easy so they have like a bootable program on the phone probably or like do they have a separate device that boots into the PC or into the uh the computer of the of the car no literally just damn that's damn so it's not even not hard that is CRA wow it's that easy me I could take that [ __ ] down in one shot yeah so it take 10 seconds but sometimes the ignition will stay and don't come off in one shot so you just stay in the IGN boom done do it twice numerically do you think you've been able to steal in the past year want I see my car play like how many cards you've connected to on that iPhone mhm and know I say this isn't even all of them this how easy it is holy [ __ ] always had to be you see Kia Kia not a Tucson we EA in Tucson a lot we always chasing money you know what I'm saying we go out jug we always trying to come up you feel me when interviewing career criminals they always say they do it for the money but one question I like to ask is how do you spend the money for example in Philadelphia when I interviewed two brothers who were in charge of manufacturing Tran an often times lethal fentanyl horse tranquilizer hybrid that can make your arms fall off they said we do it for the money yeah I can see that but they almost always spend this money on the dumbest [ __ ] imaginable what's your favorite who I wonder why I mean do we have to say it way to spend money like after you get it Cary dodge charger Hellcat Grand Cheroke I like pastas I like pizza I like steak say most important land I'm a lamb typ guy oh nice I wondered how the Kia boys spent their earnings after you guys get money how do you like to spend it [ __ ] me I'm coming up I'm going to buy some purples feel me I'm going to get some shoes I'm going to get dripped out straight dripped out and I'm going to go cop me a big ass pack too literally hell yeah yeah you need some jeans you need some hoodies purple a LV off Ki [ __ ] cenal M I'm going to say something that might be surprising this actually isn't stupid the reason why it's not stupid is because if you put this [ __ ] in the bank and then you start building up a bunch of money in the bank with no actual job no income you now are a Target you've got a red flag especially if you've got a bank account at 16 years old with $225,000 in it that you're depositing into regularly with no employment what the [ __ ] do you think is going to happen like they're going to immediately come down on you so honestly like you might them seem like it's stupid but it's really not because like every single thing that you see that they're buying here like a Grand Cherokee are they buying a new one probably not they're probably buying one for like 10 grand 8 Grand so like used probably not even reporting it so that's what ends up just invest in a safe well it it's the problem is that like if let's say you have $330,000 let's say you've been doing this for a year and you've made $30,000 I think that's pretty that's pretty fair like if you do it two times a week you're breaking in the cars and it's in a relatively good area and you sell everything at like 20% cost 20 30% $30,000 that's really good for a kid right and so if you have how do you launder $30,000 they make a 100 bucks a car no probably more than that depends yeah crypto yeah even that I mean so like you'd have to go into like one of those uh uh what's it called the recycler now blender no uh [ __ ] what's the word what's the word laat no no I I don't remember what it is a mixer is it a mixer tumbler washer what yeah I forgot which one was but anyway like in order to like uh you know make people not know where it came from talking about middle school and high schools yeah yeah so like kids probably don't know that but like even that is a risk because like how do you how do you take that how do you take that because you know the odds are they're selling it so like let's say you break off a mirror of a car and you sell that mirror for for $25 well are they going to are they going to cash app you probably not they're probably going to give you cash and so if they give you cash you have to put that cash in something in order to put it in your wallet in a crypto account so yeah it doesn't it's not a surprise they're doing this me what yall want sponsor us a man they're not going to start a car wash man they're not going to start aunder it's not going to happen like how can they get a business license for that if they get it like that doesn't work that's in movies man cash is still traceable of course it is but it's way harder I'm trying to get sponsorship of Niko them new waterproof Air Forces yo we going to need them yeah these are the Kia this is the official Kia boy F black forces black forces are pretty universally known as a crime shoe it seems that the Deep state of metrosexual European fashionistas have been truly successful in their 15-year plan to achieve psychic control over the minds of America's inner city youth by paying rappers to wear overpriced designer bull I'm going to be honest I actually thought this was an ad I thought he was I thought this was an ad CU like that was like such a crazy tone shift I was like is this wait is this an ad like what the [ __ ] [ __ ] and by means of idol worship have effectively turned their useless garments into status symbols that are only only recognized by the ultra port and Uber rich but that's besides the point as somebody who's never actually stolen a car the hardest part to me seems like reselling the car and not getting caught doing it they don't the hardest part seems to be like in my mind selling the car sounds pretty difficult right no that's easy everybody want a v v is Kia boy slang for vehicle now if a car sells for like $25,000 Market how much do you get if you resell it on the black market it depends what it is like a key is going to go for Less all if it has all the windows it's going to go for more you feel me or if we have some key [ __ ] it's going to go for even more even like again like you said we get some key [ __ ] you s that [ __ ] for like 500 that [ __ ] only took us 20 minutes to go get it 500 yeah if they're selling it for 500 they're just selling it to salvage because you can't resell that because of the VIN and so like 500 yeah yeah for sure because like if you sell the car for 500 you can get uh four tires four rims um you can get a radio uh um [ __ ] what else the engine yeah catalytic converter everything in the engine yeah exactly for a cut down KIA KIA you only getting $100 in a h for Jesus $100 bro they're giving that [ __ ] away oh my God nobody here gives a [ __ ] they steal the car and broad daylight and then they sell it to some [ __ ] dude for $100 that tears that [ __ ] down throws away the [ __ ] Vin and then probably compresses and destroys the car steals like the catalytic converter the [ __ ] Wheels maybe a few other things out of the engine and like this is it's like nobody gives a [ __ ] man this is nuts that's sh yeah somebody want to slide in that [ __ ] they going to go liing that [ __ ] ain't nothing those got them [ __ ] for 100 hit us $100 $100 for AIA H yeah I couldn't believe they were reselling their Kia for $50 to $100 a piece but it made sense they said their primary customers were people in the hood who were going to slide which means to commit a robbery or murder in said vehicles I would be so scared to do that man cuz like if they killed somebody in the car and they get caught it's going to have your DNA in it I would be so scared to do that [ __ ] that's CRA that's and again bro they just don't give a [ __ ] oh my God they just don't give a [ __ ] their kids n bro they're old enough to get tried in as an adult like I guarantee you if they if they went to [ __ ] uh to court for this they would probably get tried as an adult like they're kids but they're not nine they're like 16 17 people get tried as adults all the time here in Texas abandon said vehicle after the theoretical keep watching they don't in Connecticut bro that sounds like an abuse of game mechanics I'm going to be honest that is an abuse of game mechanics holy [ __ ] robbery is finished taking place it's not like the Kia boys are taking trips to the scrapyard or post the car on Craigslist they're essentially procuring getaway vehicles for older members of their Community for a onetime use which would explain why almost every morning after the Kia boys make off with a Kia or Hyundai it's found abandoned somewhere in New Haven but sliding in that's so like I mean I'd imagine like if you were robbing a store that would come in so clutch like if you could literally just buy a car that's already stolen like off market for $100 that's crazy you think about how many problems that soles reselling aside the Kia boys are essentially making McDonald's minimum wage with five times or maybe 500 times the risk yeah no no but it's fun though that's the reason why they do it is they have fun doing it they wouldn't do it if it wasn't fun if y'all can just do me a favor just leave a bunch of money in y car for me like I'd appreciate it cuz like I said bro that like I said the [ __ ] media [ __ ] media Kevin my dick I don't know what you doing you need to come get us I don't know what you doing you lacking let me catch you with your V out in New Haven you feel me who's Kevin Morris sh some fat ass [ __ ] he a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] [ __ ] it was just his birthday bro I should have threw eggs at your V like [ __ ] that [ __ ] and his birthday who the [ __ ] is this Kevin bro he P he yo he thinks he's a cop he think he a cop he a drunk addict turn wab be cop Kevin is like a Kia boy vigilante he like a Kia boy Hunter for real like that's his new name like he a Kia boy Hunter like boy Hunter [ __ ] with you this is where bro oh my God Kevin things start to get even more interesting as we've learned from Batman The Punisher and John Wick the true enemy of every shadowy crime syndicate is not the police but a vigilante a rugged anti-hero an elusive Arbiter of Justice who lurks in the shadows to be fair this trailer went so [ __ ] hard I remember whenever this came out I watched it like five times striking fear into the cold hearts of the copos Hees and gorilla pimps who pre on the week for a little Co and the Nemesis of the Kia boys apparently was a self-described New Haven crime Watchdog named Kevin Morse who they said drives an unmarked Dodge Charger and uses drones night vision goggles and advanced GPS tracking techniques to stalk the key see if he's a Texas he' only need to use a gun I don't know what the [ __ ] kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] laws they got going up in Connecticut but down here I tell you one thing you don't need a [ __ ] drone for [ __ ] boys through the night I knew that using the power of Facebook it wouldn't take too long to track Kevin Morse down and the next thing you know there I was face to face with the sworn enemy of the Kia boys my name is Kevin Morris I'm the owner and operator of on-seam media New Haven County this is a samurai sword and that's a Funko Pop and so you haven't caught him yet huh just reminds me of like that one you remember that like that one scene that they had at the beginning of Batman where it was like all the old fat out of shape fake Batmans are like what gives you the right to do this and say that we can't do this and then Batman's like because I'm not wearing cardboard that's the way I feel um I don't know live by the sword Die By The Sword people try my life and all these different things um to try to get me to stop doing what we're doing [ __ ] onse media [ __ ] Med dick [ __ ] that [ __ ] and his birthday that's not going to happen cuz I live by the sword and I die by the sword so I will die before I stop onse media and whatever we're trying to do oh my God I love this and all that so how do you spend your days working for onse oh my God this guy got a set up like he's a streamer media well um I would say that uh we try to you know give the community that we serve New Haven County uh real time real information about what's going on the crime as soon as I wake up I'm usually uh several messages behind um from the overnight stuff that came in and pretty much I open my phone and uh we usually have a direction from there so somebody's car got stolen their dog is missing their son or daughter's missing the cops are over here the firet truck's over there so that's kind of it I mean I literally wake up to phone calls and messages and that kind of creates our Direction outside of anything else we're trying to do I bet this guy's probably a [ __ ] clown because like let's be honest like why aren't you in the police you know advertising for people y so who are the Kia boys according to the Kia boys Kevin has no idea who they are um I would say that the Kia boys are small neighborhood groups uh that uh get together and you know they'll go it seems like they go out 11:00 at night till like 8 in the morning and just start popping door handles and uh you know steal as many Kia and Hyundai as they can in a night look at this but who are these kids young kids uh I feel like the cops could catch them if they weren't stupid I feel like the cops could figure this [ __ ] out I wonder where the what they're doing like because if you can figure out if they're if you've got their voice couldn't you subpoena Instagram to get the account information of the IP address like I bet they probably don't use two phones and if they do they probably take the phones to different places like there's no way they couldn't figure this [ __ ] out this [ __ ] would be so easy to figure out CT defunded the police wait really I can't spell Connecticut uh oh my god um it says it doesn't defund so no I guess not that's fake this a that's a fake situation or at least there's not enough evidence for me to see it yet would say between 11 and 16 years old um is the core uh male and female we got a crew right now calling themselves the Kia girls there's Kia girls oh hell yeah but we love our Kia girls but I [ __ ] like Kia the Kia girls just make this [ __ ] better for I bet they do 11 years old oh yeah yeah um I remember [ __ ] should I say this yeah I say it uh so like I had two friends uh who would steal cars at 11 they would take cars they would take their uh um one would take their mom's car uh the other one would take another car and drive around I never did it no I never did I never never never never never never never never um and so and like they never got caught neither one of them got caught now one of them went to jail no never mind both of them went to jail uh but it was for something else and I was like way later like 10 years later something like [Music] that as went on some Joy rides n there was this one time oh [ __ ] bro you want to go and accuse me of that [ __ ] I never did I never did because I didn't trust them I didn't I thought they didn't know how to drive I remember like there was this one time like next time Zach is on the stream I'll [ __ ] get him to confirm this [ __ ] this one girl shows up at our house it was me and Zach leveling up World of Warcraft we were in Westfall and you know what we were listening to Dragon Force and this girl literally the hottest [ __ ] girl in the neighborhood shows up at my house at 11: at night and she's like do y'all want to go drive around with us we got our dad's car and I was like if we do this there's no way we're going to be able to do dead mans tonight deadmines tonight man I don't think we're going to I don't think we're going to get I don't think we're going to be able to do it uh cuz like I mean it's probably going to take two hours right and then like who knows what's going to happen after that and like maybe my mom get pissed off like I I think honestly bro yeah uh no my mom said we can't do it sorry yeah we got to go bro and we just listened to the fire and the flames and we played wow all all [ __ ] night and you know what we did deadmines too we cleared that [ __ ] you declined I did she's got two kids now it blows my mind how anybody can commit crimes and then post them on their story or on their platform and it just be okay the police don't give a [ __ ] police don't care that's why they they don't give a [ __ ] they don't care like I yeah even back back in the day they didn't care break entry car theft uh got so bad in Toronto local police advising residents to keep keys in the car so they would be easier to steal yep police don't live by the the repercussions and the um consequences I'm not even sure what they are today um you have people shooting people and basically walking right out of jail with low bonds so I it's I mean they the hundreds and hundreds of cars are being stolen um and not only that the the crimes that they're committing in these stolen cars I mean we watch them pull guns showing guns all types of things uh that doesn't mean it's a real gun that means it it's something that looks like a gun maybe it's a gun maybe it's not uh damaging the stolen vehicles that they took we posted a video where a guy was br daylight the guy um realized on his cameras that his car was being taken he runs out the front door and jumps on the hot of the car begging them to stop and they take off you know that to me is insane that somebody even has to deal with I they should have gone in Reverse yeah that's kind of a mistake but you know what started to happen maybe like a year ago we would post a stolen car on our page make like a little flyer and then boom it would pop up on the Connecticut Kia boy story them in that car that we just posted so they basically kind of mock [Music] us I got to L that [ __ ] again flyer and then boom it would pop up on the Connecticut Kia boy story them in that car that we just posted so they basically kind of mock us it's like a challenge it's like um you know like a bounty [Music] they're constantly messaging us to try to get me to come out there and chase them and film them and record them I mean you got to give it some respect though at least right because like at that point they're like this is boring like we want to have like somebody on the other team like God damn that's crazy oh my God which is just not something that we're looking an adversary that they sent me here yo white boy you're always got to be on the cops you must like they dick in your mouth go in the house and it's getting to the point now where they're stealing cars calling me crashing the cars calling me so we can go cover it we're not we're not doing that nonsense so they tell him where they're going to crash the car God damn bro like I like you know I'm the I'm the type of guy that doesn't give a [ __ ] F but compared to this like this is impressive holy [ __ ] this is a level of literally not giving a [ __ ] that like I didn't even know this [ __ ] existed wow you know I've been trying I message all they all message me on Instagram just about every day threaten my life all types of stuff I mean I've literally been to where they recovered to stolen Kia mhm uh the parents come to the scene and they pretty much sign some papers and they get released to their parents and then I've seen where the kids what life all types of stuff I mean I've literally been to where they've recovered a stolen Kia MH uh the parents come to the scene and they pretty much sign some papers and they get released to their parents and then I've seen where the how are people okay with this no wonder they don't get no wonder they want this guy to go out and chase him because the police don't even give a [ __ ] like and then I don't how do you let this happen the kid says F you Mom I'm out you guys moms know you're doing this [ __ ] um [ __ ] low key I don't even know what do you think yeah I don't know you think they'd be like disappointed I feel me I think yeah we need the parents of these kids to try to do something I don't know they're your children the impact that it has you know I talk to all the it's like you can get mad at the kids and you should get mad at the kids but you know who I really get mad at is the cops it's the cops it's the police the administration like how do how do you let this happen how do you let this happen because like the parents can't stop the kids from doing it the kids are going to keep doing it if they stop doing it somebody else is going to do it so like you can't really like even if you stop these kids from doing it like there still going to be another set of kids that's going to do it it it's the [ __ ] I'm going to be honest it's the [ __ ] police L take no it's not bro like no it's not like you really think that you're going to stop everybody from stealing cars are you [ __ ] [ __ ] of course that's not going to happen people are always going to steal cars they've been steal bro you know why people stop stealing horses because we invented cars if we still had horses people would still be stealing horses and you know what I bet every once in a while somebody still goes and steals a horse nowadays so no I don't want to hear about this oh but in a perfect world it should be like this and it's not shut the [ __ ] up Mickey Mouse suck my [ __ ] dick no you got to have the goddamn police go in there and hold the [ __ ] accountable because if you don't do that nothing's going to happen and nothing's going to change the reason why they do it is because they don't get in trouble they call Post their Pages or post their car on the page people crying all types of stuff you know that they have to deal with um everybody thinks because you have insurance you're you're okay but it's much bigger than that is there a part of you no no CU yeah there's like no way ever feels bad for the car 40,000 horses are stolen every year according to Google that's a fact police can't enforce that though it's the courts and legal system well that's what I'm saying I don't mean it's just the police I'm not saying it's just the police at fault it's really the people that make the rules for the police I bet the police are probably just there are probably some police officers about here that are probably just as mad that's why I said like the police are just like one they're like one link on the Chain hell no it's a lot of horses too yeah cuz it just is what it is you know what I'm saying that's what insurance for some people even ask us to take their kids they're like that's smart yeah payment come take this [ __ ] we'll leave it unlocked even just total it yeah yeah so we never really personally did that [ __ ] no no that's not a cap what do you mean that's that's not a cap that's a good idea it's insurance fraud it wouldn't be it wouldn't be against the law if it wasn't a good idea but people ask us though you know what I'm saying but I never feel bad come get back you feel me what y'all going to do about it just is what it is they recover from it you know what I'm saying everybody recovers at the end of the day life goes on as I learned in Philadelphia when interviewing the Tran dealers almost every criminal has built up a fortress of mental justifications to protect them from guilt and responsibility in the suffering of others in Philly it was that drug addiction would exist with or without them and if they stopped dealing somebody else would just take their place and for the Kia boys it's all about insurance and since 91% of cars in that's one of the things is like I think that if you're still like a kid that's looking for excuses for why you're doing it like you're really not all that far gone like anybody that I knew that like really went all the way it's like if you ask them why do you steal [ __ ] because it's fun and I want the money is it good no that's it yeah cuz I can like there's a situation where I could have $100 or a situation where I don't have $100 I wonder what world I want to live in so like that's actually kind of surprising they they do that they justify it I wouldn't have expected that are insured with complete death protection no harm no foul right at the end of the day I know y'all got insurance or feel me y'all y'all get back in a certain way again like a lot of [ __ ] for me y'all y'all have jobs y'all make bread y' got to worry about y'all [ __ ] ain't come up from the trenches at first I honestly bought this explanation I'd like to imagine that if I had my car stolen I wouldn't take it too personally I just well I wouldn't take it personally probably right I mean unless somebody tries to steal my car specifically but like if you get your car stolen you get your [ __ ] stolen or anything like that you going to have to pay more for your insurance and then also insurance premiums as a whole go higher like insurance fraud is a crime for a reason like there's a reason why it's against the rules it costs everyone money P file a claim collect a check and move on yeah the truth be told I've never actually had my car yeah but like what about 2 days from now before the claim gets processed and you want to go to 7-Eleven but you can't because you don't have a car so you have to walk over there and you're [ __ ] tired so like it still is massively [ __ ] inconvenient or work yeah imagine having a job and in my conversations with Kia boy Hunter Kevin Morse he explained to me that for Kia owners even if they get their car back in just a couple days the impact it has on their life is devastating yeah I I was parked at work and I was there all day when I went and got out of work my car was gone from the parking lot and what do you think happened the kids were probably just casing the parking lot because there's no security there so they just look for Kia my car sticks out like a sore thumb so [ __ ] talk about [ __ ] Fu [ __ ] you [ __ ] talking about [ __ ] who are these kids local teenagers have nothing better to do I don't really know the answer the cops seem to know who it is but they won't press charges how did this all make you feel anxious so the cops no oh like oh my God what's happening how do these people not put pressure on the people that are working at whatever the government building is there how does this even happen I'm mad this crazy I've been a wreck for 3 weeks I'm just not myself I I don't eat I don't sleep I'm afraid to leave my house and why do you think having your car still it's actually really surprising I never really think about this a whole lot but like being a victim of like a crime actually gives people a lot of PTSD and like trauma and I'm not talking about like just like them beating you up right but like a a crime that's not physically endangering such a profound psychological impact on you my sense of safety is gone I never thought I think of that but you know they were in my car they maybe know where I live I don't know if that's at now but it's just I don't feel safe it's just turned my life upside down like I don't want to go out anywhere I don't want to go to the store I don't want to do anything are you kind of pissed Kia for making it this easy to get your car jacked 100% Kia should pay for and hondai should both pay for all of this like the unironically I think she's right I don't know though like uh maybe maybe not uh no I'm thinking about it more no they shouldn't emotional stress that I'm under and what this caused isn't you know you can't replace that with money but obviously with where I'm at financially a recall yeah or something like that dragging their feet on it did did you uh reach out to anybody else other than the police when your car got stolen I did onse media it's a security no no people shouldn't steal n the reason why uh so not have a design flaw but like the thing is that so if you use the logic that exploiting a system so like if you break into something and you intentionally destroy and damage it in order to compromise it and then the company is responsible of the product that's intentionally damaged and destroyed then you can do that with almost any product and you can hold almost anyone accountable if you use that foundational logic because like these are people who are breaking the law yeah it's a massive slippery slope that's not a that's not a slope that's a cliff you you can't you can't do that like immediately if you apply this to any other situation it's ridiculous the ATI media has been fun it's not the gun's fault Midway through this journalistic Mission I started to resent the Kio boys a little bit and realize that I do have an emotional connection to my car a 2006 Toyota Tacoma that I call trucky if you run the Carfax on trucky it's virtually valueless rebuil engine 200,000 M on it and the stereo is pretty much fried but trucky is my real [ __ ] homeboy and to be honest I'd be kind of pissed if I saw someone dig a screwdriver into my sh had no idea who they were and then went on Instagram and saw them joy riding trucky without asking try's Dad if they could even do it and thinking more about it I don't even have car insurance but let's move on really dude like we can't even like we have to have car insurance here yeah it's like illegal to not have car insurance here to examine the psychological impacts that car theft has on the mind I'm here to understand the underlying motivation I know it might be surprising you guys but I actually have always had car not always but like I've had car insurance like uh for like 4 years I've had it for a long time maybe five even voice surely there must be something deeper to them than a material desire for black Air Forces and cardier Buffs after interviewing the Kia car theft victim swo told me they just gotten a new V this time though a Mazda and wanted to do another interview boys up Mur boys up fil hey guys what are we doing yeah just chill a life feel me yo they told me they'd spent the afternoon attempting to steal Kia and getting into police chases a typical day in the life of the CT Kia boys yeah going to a little chases turned up a little bit feel me regular day [ __ ] how's today like level 1 through 10 in terms of excitement uh this this was our yeah this was like a four we could we could have did some more [ __ ] feel me but V is not clicking for some reason clicking mean not busting not opening feel me so you think Kia is doing a good job of making their [ __ ] harder to steal oh yeah definitely now usually damn bro they're ruining all the fun what the [ __ ] wow you're going to have to go back to school that would suck man you got to have to go learn algebra [ __ ] man like the ones in the driveways and apartments don't got the update but the ones in the street people are going to usually have the update yeah it was way easier before now it's way harder we can't we hop on new V for real Hyundai and Kia are holding events across the country to install free software upgrades aimed to car thefts Kia and Hundai developed the software for millions of their vehicles even better the software will be provided to vehicle owners free of charge attention if you're a Kia or Hyundai owner watching this right now if you go to a local dealership they will install the new software update for free which makes it so the screwdriver or USB cord trick won't work to start your car what's up YouTube I wonder what you would need to do in order to do whatever the next best thing would be you know like I wonder what it would even need to be you'd probably need like a program right yeah F the software yeah like a software injection or something like that as we learned in the streets of Connecticut it's a shyy world out there and if you're a Hyundai or kia owner I want you to be I don't if you're surfing the web I also want you to be safe from malware scammers hackers and restrictive countries that don't let you go to the websites that you want to homie straight up I'm going to keep it real with you guys this episode is sponsored by nordvpn boom you're in there keep loved ones especially grandparents who aren't too well versed in cyber security away from malware and scammers VPN you can go to www. channel5 and sign up for a 2-year plan with a huge discount by using Code Manel don't know how to drive those it'll get you a huge discount you need a packet sniffer and repeater that can recreate the signal the key that's four entire months possibly if they have a fa you can use nordvpn at a discount rate if you use three three attemp down you're in there watch my from any country on Earth and just say you're in America see it on Max boom you're in there and hey if you don't like it and you feel like nordvpn isn't really working or doing what we said it would do there's a 30-day money back guarantee so truth be told it's pretty much risk-free all right guys back to Connecticut you want take this to the Bando you guys want to go to a bando yeah we about to go to the Bando yeah sure to do the boys said they wanted to take me to an abandoned house where they like to hang out while skipping school it just keeps getting better it just keeps getting damn you know what these guys are doing it's like they're playing rust straight up like this is like a [ __ ] real life Survival game what the [ __ ] at this point I realized just how young these kids may be after all only 15-year-olds like to hang out at abandoned houses I haven't hung out I would I wouldn't say that out at an abandoned house since I was I prefer to stay away from abandoned houses abandoned houses are where you go when you want to hide from your parents I'm sit up there there you go so this is kind of like where you guys kick it at yeah we just be chilling here it's a little Kia trap house for me one thing I wanted to ask them about was Role Models it seems cliche but at this point in your life 16 17 before you turn 18 is when having a strong male role model can really make a transformative impact on your life and keep you from becoming a degenerate adult by guiding you with basic pieces of wisdom like jail sucks and you are 100% headed there if you do not change course like probably really soon these kids are underage which I think they are they've only been prosecuted thus far in the juvenile court system which in Connecticut is very forgiving and typically recommends behavioral treatment and mandatory GPS monitoring for children charged with auto theft and so long as nobody was hit with the vehicle and there was no guns found in the car juvie time is almost never recommended but the moment that's crazy I wonder why all this is happening I bet it has something to do with that yeah I bet it has something I bet that's why lock them up this is my mentality you know what you're doing and it's like also whenever I think about like who are laws for a law should always prioritize the people that aren't breaking the law so like if this was me I would say bro if you doing this [ __ ] you're going to jail you're 14 damn you're 14 going to jail that sucks damn man that's a man that's that's like almost getting spawn killed like [ __ ] man you shouldn't have done that huh wow any of these kids m the single Kia upgrades to a Class D Felony which is punishable by up to 5 years in state prison which is a bad place to be for a 110 lb 18-year-old who were some of your role models like looking up to as a kid um I spent a lot of time with my granddad what was he like um he was mad too my grandfather used to L just in the garage all day for me go for me I go pop my tire trying to do some hot [ __ ] come back to Grandad like yo I need new tube again like is he still around nah D I'm sorry to hear that bro I'd be chilling for real do you remember the last thing you said to him yeah it was I love you and it was crazy it was like I left that night and feel me got that call I was like damn what do you think he'd want for your life [ __ ] I'm probably he probably looking at me right now tell me stop jugging like you tweak it shorty what would you say to him [ __ ] Granddad you got to see how grandma doing I'm about to make this bro what about you man you had any Ro models growing up sh no not really feel me what about your pops yeah he he not really no role I don't [ __ ] with that [ __ ] for real has he tried to reach out to you like since you're getting older and no yeah I talked to him a little bit still I've had homies whose dads are kind of like popping in and out whenever they get to be like 17 18 they try and reach back out and like explain I couldn't be there for you because I had all this [ __ ] going on did you you guys had any conversation like that yeah bro that [ __ ] like that's a main conversation for every everybody and they father that haven't been around for a minute feel me I they go to sented it's it's kind of 5050 you know like some friends of mine have said okay I forgive you I just want you back in my life now and the others say nah [ __ ] that you were you weren't around like stay stay away from me yeah which one do you think you fall into that's some rough [ __ ] I I don't think there's a right answer to that Jesus like [ __ ] that [ __ ] mud thicker than blood you know what I'm saying do you guys see yourselves as like a family yeah definitely these these my brothers how you not Brothers if you risking your freedom you're just life with each other you got to depend on him to drive you got to depend on him do whatever you know what I'm saying whatever he doing the moment how important is loyalty in your life that's the most important what do you think really measures loyalty among friends sometimes you I I tell you with my dad like my dad was the one buying me [ __ ] to do this with like like you know I'm going selling fireworks and and [ __ ] like that at school who you think bought him my dad out here isn't enough like you need to really be in situation like sometimes it really takes being in cuff to see what the [ __ ] is going to happen yeah that's why struggles is not always such a bad thing sometimes cuz it really builds character and shows you who's real and who's not a lot of these people they got money but they don't really got friends like we do you know what I'm saying like if you don't understand how we came up what we came from and like what we do then you can't like you're not going to understand us like you feel me like K may not be us but our come up is us you feel what I'm saying all right [ __ ] you guys want to get down yeah yeah it's probably annoying to sit up there have some kids in the night time all right Cuisine the most overlooked underutilized purpose of Channel 5 programming but boy do we love to eat sometimes and today we're at Frank Pepe's Pizzeria nitana we're at [ __ ] Frank Pepe's with it New Haven Connecticut Pizza capital of the world they told us to go to Sally's we're not going to Sally's we're going to Pepe as I entered the restaurant I could already smell the maritime Aroma of Atlantic Ocean clams being shooked to Perfection that's because this place is known for their white clam Pizza Wood Fired mouthwatering delicacy that can only be found in New Haven the whole family piece of pizza in graded peino Romano you had to do that flakes the family of Clans is dusted in the perfect amount of Flora no fauna which is a nice touch the spices undermine the garlic oh seven out of town D came about the wood just like a Hermit if a tree falls down I'll be the only one whot the Beast things I know I'm not allergic and the game always ask for my fishing High yeah High eight nine I mean the clam is a little weird but I would never eat that [ __ ] before I could even digest my pizza napolitana I got a call from Kevin Morse the Kia boy Hunter himself who wanted to take me along on mission to drone a drug dealer a regular pastime of his where he terrifies local tra see oh oh see like yeah you tell he doesn't work for the military cuz military drones people but you know after that rappers by air by deploying a DJI drone above their stash houses I was in I met Kevin Morris in a nondescript parking lot on the outskirts of New Haven and entered his patrol car which was stocked up with Monster energy drinks Vape juice and of course a miniature samurai sword he is lit Live By The Sword and I die by the sword so I will die before I stop on see media and whatever we're trying you to admit though right if you're a Kia boy you've got to be kind of thankful that this dude is a bit of a clown he's a bit of a joker you know it's like thank God like we don't have to deal with some like crazy [ __ ] D with the fanol and all that I could have ried it harder but this thing will put salt on vaping in a in a sub on tank what defines droning a drug dealer why are you not in the police force well somebody sends us a message basically with an address and a description vehicle whatever it is and then we get to the area deploy the Drone and try to lay eyes on it and the psychological games that the drones play with these people it's insane why they to shoot it it makes them crazy so so to clarify uh the plan here we're going to fly a drone into the sky yep and we're about a block and a half from like a drug dealer Stash House or uh potentially uh at least at least where they're trapping out of have has this led to any like successful arrests before um probably not I'm just going to say yes you depending on what they're doing maybe we'll fly the Drone right by him this drone is very loud and intimidating when you hear it when they see it they know we're around and I'm sure it it throws them for a loop yeah I can see that yep yep straight all right all down SL down SL down can you go to the right Ernest right look this is where I want to see if we can spot any dealers here let's see um back up a little cuz you are no I mean this would [ __ ] with my head if I was doing this too yeah no I I I think this is a good a good strategy there's the highway y That's good now turn look down at the street cuz I'm looking see if you can spot anybody oh here's the store right here okay you would know who it is though right here so this is how good of a job we've done cuz they're nowhere right now unfortunately Kevin failed to locate any drug dealers but it's okay A for effort anyways whenever night fell I wanted to call say e for effort where are you guys at Milford oh I'm in Milford right now too yeah we're just a good location a good like a good location to get a v yeah swervo told me to meet him at the Milford McDonald's and pulled up shortly after in the blue Mazda from earlier and told me to get in assuming the car was probably stolen I threw my shyy on and got in the back seat okay pretty immediately he began driving erratically swerving between lanes and truly living up to his name as we headed toward the state highway of course all good I mean cuz like they probably know who Channel 5 is so it's like you know this is going to go on YouTube a lot of people going to see it like bro you got to put on a show you got to like I mean you really going to be driving around 30 m an hour you're going to be on a YouTube video with a million views n man like you're going to try and pull out absolutely yeah you're going to be on that five star Grand Theft Auto [ __ ] he poked his head out the window and began scanning the roads for cops they said they had the car for over a week now and after being reported as a stolen car to the local police it was getting hotter and hotter to drive by the day no less than 2 minutes into our drive I began to hear police sirens uhoh uh-oh oh oh perhaps naively I assumed the Kia boys would just pull over and try to talk their way out but no swervo dipped onto a service road and hit the gas approaching 110 mph okay I got it on the high he turned off he turned off the place already yeah I know by some Stroke of Luck the cops stopped pursuing us so it's actually Grand Theft Auto or like cyberp Punk like you just go you just D just are you out of the circle okay stay there for like 5 Seconds okay yeah everything's good you're good the the cops like all right it's like 858 859 9 okay I'm off all right I got to go I'm not sure why by this point my adrenaline is pumping time seems to move in hypers speed but also slow motion at the same time they're not chasing I start to understand why the Kia boys like doing this it's a special feeling to successfully outrun the cops in a high-speed chase turn swag way AB turn the way up if sm all the way up we drive to the suburbs of New Haven and swervo tells me they're going to steal some VES at this point I feel that I'm in a little bit too deep I mean it's one get in the back seat of a potentially stolen car but to actually accompany someone while they steal a Kia seemed a little bit too far so I had to think fast how can I get this footage without being an accomplice to a class I decided to give my handicam to swero homie who said he'd film their mission and give me and I'd follow close behind in my camera crew's rental car as a disclaimer Channel 5 does not condoned endorse or promote auto theft or car broky viewer discretion is oh wait what oh man I was about to go do this [ __ ] never mind damn swarvo begins his mission by locating a Hyundai yes he shatters the passenger window with a special tool and clears the broken glass with with his bare hand he sh locating a Hyundai yeah say spark plug probably spark plug right is spark plug or porcelain he shatters the passenger window with a special tool and clears the broken glass with his bare hands Jesus using a flathead screwdriver he disables the lock cylinder then goes to put a cheap USB cord into the ignition I'm going to be honest this kid's a professional like I did that before and I had blood all over my hand I'm impressed I think he got the update he says the car is a dud the driver recently installed the anti- theft software update they had to find something else just a few cars down he locates a 2010 kiaforte and starts all over now I feel better okay I feel better now it's okay yeah see it's hard to do yeah see okay yeah bare hands godamn after successfully activating the engine with the USB cord swervo on the move and I'm following close behind genuinely curious as to what his plan [Music] is SVO begins driving as fast as he possibly can then comes to a stop and tells me it's time to turn up all right let's turn [Music] [Music] up he KCK you got to admit bro like this probably the best day of his life like yeah it it's like swerving erratically from left to right like a madman hitting break neck speeds down residential streets in a nauseating frenzy that lasted probably 45 minutes why would you get in a car with him was [ __ ] crazy I mean you got to have the content right after that swervo led us back to the highway and appeared to be trying to shake us he later told me that we were making it too hot for them somehow and so got off at the nearest exit headed to God knows where a few minutes later he called to tell me the Kia ran out of gas at a random intersection so he is really Grand Theft Auto this [ __ ] is really rust they really play in this [ __ ] like rust like no way that's I can't believe this don't even got gas money no they could probably buy gas but if they do that then it's like another point of failure if you go and you fill up the [ __ ] car what do you think's going to happen abandoned the car and fled on foot no it's all good I'm going to go fill up the car at a gas station with a bunch of bright lights and cameras everywhere with the windows broken [ __ ] no located the car near a culdesac in Milford thankfully it was recovered by Connecticut police and we're told was reunited successfully with its owner the next morning I wonder if they filled it up with gas the police did you know dog mom uhoh I went back to my hotel that night feeling a bit puzzled I mean swervo essentially just risked his freedom for a 45-minute Joy Ride and even if he'd been able to get the car back to the hood to resell it he only would have gotten a 100 bucks K you only get yeah and $100 and but he didn't risk his freedom because he wasn't going to get in trouble that's the thing the reason why they do it is they don't get in trouble it's like everybody who commits crime like this is m is is good at math everybody who does it is good at math because like what they do is they do the math in their head they say what are the probabilities of me getting caught of me getting in trouble of the intention of the trouble of uh you know how long that trouble will take will there be a fine like there is a [ __ ] mathematical calculation that happens here that then they make a decision based off of because like yeah these guys don't really give a [ __ ] no wrong uh-uh bro uh-uh I guarantee you I you think they're logical I do I think guaranteed if the cops were able to just shoot the [ __ ] wheels and shoot them if they ran away none of them would be doing this Garen [ __ ] teed it is a calculated risk $50 that [ __ ] somebody want to slide in that [ __ ] I mean that is so like these gu like here's the thing is that yeah they really don't give a [ __ ] and they are stupid in a way but don't take their agency away from them they're still people like it's not like they have like an IQ of 30 or something like that like these are people that have like like they're not that dumb it's real not like it it anybody could figure this out they risk almost nothing yeah they just don't care yeah exactly adiq instead of for no I'm being serious like y y'all can think that they're stupid all you want but I guarant fuckinge you that if the punishments were higher and people like there's a reason why people probably don't do this [ __ ] in places where they can shoot you if you get in the car and if they do it's going to be a lot less of them I'm sure some of them do it but it's less oh stupid this leads me to a deeper question what kind of environments facilitate this antisocial criminal Behavior where consequences seem obsolete I mean there's no Noble Robin Hood Alibi behind stealing a Kia or a Hyundai like there might be if you were I don't know living in the slums and stealing Bugattis or Lamborghinis from billionaires you1 is like Honda it's a working class fuele efficient car and so this type of crime is all around just shitty and sad for the victims it leads to a collapse in Social trust which is the glue of a community I've been a wck for 3 weeks I don't eat I don't sleep I'm afraid to leave my house my sense of safety is gone my sense of security and for the perpetrators it reflects a deep personal alienation and a hopeless search for status meaning camaraderie and social media Fame in a world without guidance [ __ ] we're the biggest on IG H yeah C you know say you know what we did y know what's going on you got to remember us in a way I kind of understand all kids from every Walk of Life like to [ __ ] around and get in trouble when they're teenagers but for the key yeah like I'll tell you like for me like I would [ __ ] around like I never did anything this bad like that this is crazy but like I would [ __ ] around and do stuff that I shouldn't do and like my mentality was always [ __ ] the world it was always [ __ ] the world I never give a [ __ ] they don't care about me I don't care about about them [ __ ] everybody else that's how I saw it yeah boys this teenage chapter May unfortunately define the rest of their lives steal D or 17 they only have about a year or a year and a half until they're going to be charged as adults for the same crimes and so the likelihood and the window for a Retro Bill style intervention is very very slim which is sad I'd like to think that all human beings are not inherently bad and even the worst Among Us are just healing unmet needs in some way but no that's a i nuh no NOP no that's a nope there are a lot of people who are just trash they will always be trash they will never be redeemed they like being trash see you can't think like that because you'd probably never been around it but there are a lot of people out there that to the extent that it causes another person misery this is the reward in itself like you it there's no Grand Design here that's it n that this is this is some [ __ ] idealism [ __ ] uh-uh nope that's weird bro of course but I'm not talking about whether it's weird or not I'm saying that's why it happens do you think it's genetic or uh because of their environment or both I think that is both it it definitely is both I think some people are born like that and I think that other people are turned into that and I think that there's a lot of people that are born a nine out of 10 and then the environment takes them to 11 you know I think it depends so know that some people are just shitty temporary personal gain is more important than the suffering of a total stranger but that being said in my personal interactions the keia boys didn't strike me as to damn he do even give a [ __ ] man this is what's so crazy about these crimes like he's not wearing a mask he's not then he just looting he just straight looting God damn more important than the suffering of a total stranger but that being said in my personal interaction the Kia boys didn't strike me as total sociopaths in fact they display a great deal of empathy for their own family members and also for each other mud thicker than blood you know what I'm saying he he my brothers and so it's more likely that their personal alienation doesn't come as a result of a deep sadistic desire to cause pain to others but rather environmental factors uh environmental fact I think that's a big factor it is yeah no I think it's true true I do I think it's true I think that if you look at you take a th000 k boys and you look at income disparity between them I bet that if you look at the average of kids that age and then you look at their average income at their household it's going to be way lower and this isn't an excuse It's not like oh well it's okay that they do it of course it's not but if you want to make something stop happening you have to figure out why it's happening the morning after our mission I went to go visit the Kia boys in the housing projects in Bridgeport where they spend their time a 36 building government built Plaza of identical residential apartments called the Trumble Gardens you saying no no no it was Tik Tok shut up you [ __ ] little kid get the [ __ ] out of my stream shut the [ __ ] up people used to do this [ __ ] on Vine all the time people commit crimes on Vine constantly what do you mean what are you talking about like what are you you just were you [ __ ] 19 you don't remember it Jesus what's the first thing you hear whenever a fight starts world star you don't hear Tik Tok World Star response was to an event occurring now people are trying to get in a world star by being a happen that's exactly why have people trying to get INF me through media yeah for sure but um all I'm saying is it didn't start with Tik Tok like it it's going to happen on any social media because uh there's a lot of kids that like watching this stuff it it's it's really just that simple Tik Talk's not unique or special nobody there was above 25 there was no parents no uncles no moms no grandmas just youth every 45 minutes or so the screeching tires of a fresh Kia can be heard driving into the gardens y look at them little [ __ ] yo where somewhere in this mix is swervo and the other Kia boys who have cars for sale for 100 bucks Research In addition to cars for sale there's also items inside these cars that are being pwned off in a recently stolen Kia there were DVD copies found of The Hangover Trilogy and the movie Into The Wild both going for the bonus Loop free [ __ ] other is how it's a family community issue yeah but the truth is that these people wouldn't be doing it if they could get in trouble like if if you if you had the police that were aggressive with this [ __ ] they wouldn't be doing it that's that's really what it is it's the police is there's not laws that are aggressive enough about it about 20 bucks a piece despite obvious differences in music fashion sense and of course SL it's safe to say that this environment isn't unique every government housing project in America and the mentality it produces is virtually the same us against the world get out by any means but the roadblocks of financial illiteracy the psychic influence of hyperviolet drill music and the lasting legacies of mass incarceration and residential segregation have led to the Genesis of a drastically misled generation who believe the only way out is petty crime or like rapping the most popular I actually disagree with this I think that I don't blame anybody other than the people that are doing it these are grown ass men this dude is probably 22 21 years old I don't give a [ __ ] what your reasoning is if you are stealing cars and robbing people you're wrong like there are reasons why it happens and people's lives are harder but that never gives you an excuse to go out and do it even if you're 17 the 16 absolutely you know what you're doing they're choosing yeah they're choosing to do this the rapper out of never anybody else's name [Music] QB de [ __ ] rest inace nigg Fu all this Facebook [ __ ] cuz I heard what he said nigas be I know these kind of lyrics are common but if you think about what he's saying it's actually pretty [ __ ] up and sad anyways while the music like that of the Kia boys were becoming relatively obvious one thing I was even more curious about were the motivations behind Kia boy Hunter Kevin Morse I mean what would cause a 40s something-year-old man to insert himself as a vigilante in the world of Connecticut Teenage Crime he thinks he's a c he think he a c he was a weirdo you like a ke boy Hunter for real life D [ __ ] and his birthday can you tell us a little bit about your past yeah so uh you know I was born in Milford and uh around 89 years old I have an older brother that was starting to experiment with substance uh alcohol weed cigarettes um so at 8 n years old I was smoking weed smoking cigarettes and uh when I was 11 I had gotten alcohol poisoning yeah we had remember I told you all that happened to uh a friend of mine uh yeah cuz they would drink alcohol and like go in the pool but they they I think they were 12 at the time cuz we were in seventh grade but like yeah the other friend uh the the guy whose house it was I remember he used to smoke weed out of a flashlight a plastic flashlight he used it like a pipe sixth grade which is looking back just kind of crazy thinking of that um when I was a teenager playing sports I caught an injury and I was prescribed some Viking in which I really loved at the time and they just kind of spiraled into dealing drugs doing and dealing drugs that's pretty much all I did from you know 10 years old to 24 I was stealing a lot uh from people that care about me hurting the people closest to me some would say that I'm you know I probably got some people hooked on pills back then so we could do bad [ __ ] together eventually after about a dozen charges I had to go do some time I was sentenced to serve uh 8 month in jail I paroled out and pretty much hit the ground running I mean I've never looked back only for growth and uh I became a recovery coach you know I participated in opening a 18 to 25-year-old intensive outpatient program where I worked at for a couple years over at the 16 and then all these parents that we started a support group with kept pushing me to start my own business it all began to make sense Kevin is a 12-step recovery guy who got cleaned through the program and left a life of drugs and crime behind to pursue a life of service which is the third pillar of the na and AA recovery model Kevin mentioned that he himself got people hooked on pills so they could do bad [ __ ] together something he obviously feels a lot of remorse for I was stealing a lot uh from people that care about me hurting the people closest to me the ninth step of the program is to make amends which means recognizing harm done in the past and trying to repair it but for those who dealt drugs and possibly ruined the lives of others that's not always possible many of Kevin's customers I'm assuming are now dead so the program has an alternative avenue called living amends where you take contrary action and make amends by doing the complete opposite of the bad things you used to do in an effort to achieve karmic balance in the eyes of a higher power in a sense it seems that Kevin's passion for crime fighting is informed by his own guilty conscience which thankfully is something he's honest and open about that's part of the reason I do what I do because I feel like I'm always going to be in debt to Society for a lot of the crap and [ __ ] that I did right that I didn't get caught for or whatever doing the stuff that I can do with on scene media and lift um you know really helps me give back and uh you know heal from the past I guess you could say do you feel like your experience in jail was able to rehabilitate you 100% so in terms of your kind of long damn cuz you know that usually doesn't happen from sobriety what do you think's like the main factor that has made it so you've been able to maintain sobriety for so long exposure putting myself out there you know I I don't fix what's not broken so I've always kind of worn my addiction and recovery on my sleeve do you think you would have been a kiao hell yeah yeah absolutely at at 12 13 years old if this was the way things were absolutely we would have been stealing Kia and Hyundai Channel 5 live worldwide Hollywood inine [ __ ] the authority Channel 5 News Channel 55 we don't [ __ ] with c and five is the best number [ __ ] that [ __ ] in his birthday this was a [ __ ] ride I'm going be honest like this was a [ __ ] ride whenever I pulled this video up I was planning on watching like five minutes of it but there's a video give it a like bro like give it a like that give it give it a sub like that was so good man God damn that was so good he is a legend Andrew is a [ __ ] I this is amazing I cannot believe this did it change your life though I mean I tell you this I remember my my mom uh you know whenever they were having that BLM Riot [ __ ] she said thank God this didn't happen 10 years ago I said why she said because you and Cody and Jeff and everybody would have been going over there and looting she said yeah CU y'all would have been loot
Channel: Asmongold TV
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Id: hUd5bPk2Ffc
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Length: 84min 50sec (5090 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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