Asmongold Is A Genius

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this is a video saying that I'm smart and so I'm going to watch it Jesus that was oh asman gold the king of nerds and the successful businessman whom I sincerely admire I have never been an ultra fan of asman and have never been writing anything in his stream chat but I have been watching his content for more than 7 years now I fascinated by what this dude has achieved he literally started from his mom's house EIC and now owns numerous successful businesses and well still lives in the attic I genuinely think that this guy had a positive impact on my life and my hobby of content creation and that is why I decided to film this video see look at this this is this is one of the times whenever I realize like look at that stomach on my life that's disgusting that's awful it's [ __ ] it's it's absolutely filthy and my hobby of content creation and that is why I decided to film this video to share my amazement and respect for Asen go I started watching asman gold back in 2017 well because I played and loved World of Warcraft I was watching lots of dudes who filmed videos about wow and most of them had better editing scripts video quality and sound than asman yet not one of them was as entertaining as asman gold it looked like he wasn't even trying that hard he was just turning on the stream sitting in his messy room and doing what he knows best playing people always told me that I should stream back in like cataclysm in like 2010 2011 they're like you really need to start streaming people a lot of people would watch you and I said streaming was for and I can't say that word anymore um that was my opinion of it and then whenever I realized that I could get groups while streaming and people would give me money then I started streaming wow he didn't care about how he looked like he wasn't showering for weeks and months oh actually that's not true um I would if you go back to my 2016 vods I actually would cover my face every single time that I would smile like I'm sauno or something but it's because I didn't have any teeth over here cuz I didn't want people to see that it seemed like he never had any particular script or ideas for his videos or stream yet he was a real master of World of Warcraft he knew about the game and most importantly he loved the game I always was fascinated by how he remembered where every part of the armor set was coming from when rating trans smokes in the competitions he was running and how he knew literally everything about every aspect of the game besides that I how he set was coming from when rating trans smokes in the competitions he was running and how he knew literally everything just just so you guys know that's the venier tabard those shoulders are from Nex Ras 25 man that sword is from uh Blackwing descent in cataclysm that's the reforged Ashi uh these legs and boots are actually the 10-man version of the olda war death knight gear that dropped uh you know obviously in Wrath of the Lich King obviously the mount is of course midnight rains of midnight besides that I was actually shocked by the look of his room one of the first as most videos I watched was a layer video which is quite amazing as you might know pretty much every influencer nowadays is trying to show you how rich and cool he or she is asman is not one of them despite becoming popular and making his big buck he is still sitting in the same room drinking Dr Pepper in a white shirt from Costco or Walmart no Brands no fancy cars nothing oh I did buy this one at Academy I went there with my dad that and I truly think that this is amazing however for some time now I was wondering whether this is just an image he's creating for people to believe in or is it his real happened to these nuggets and I actually want to believe that this I actually oh is real as gos first right and so uh I love the um Collective uh disgust and despair that Twitter and the greater internet has come to at the fact that it's all real I remember uh Emy was going to come over and clean up one of the rooms in my my house as like a stream thing and I told her I said you don't really know me that well but every bad story you've ever heard is true and then the stream never happened YouTu videos date back to 2008 the very first video is called the rat where esman is well catching the rat the other old school videos depict asman with close friends I used to break things over my head regularly in order to uh practice having fun and of course World of Warcraft videos however how did he go from there to becoming one of the most popular streamers in the entire world the dude was a real hardcore fan of World of Warcraft and one of the first to make guides so his YouTube videos about wow started to become well a lot of people made guides but the problem is that most of the people that made guides were [ __ ] stupid and they were bad at the game so whenever I made guides and I was like one of the best players in the game I had all the achievement points I knew more about the game than everybody else put together I could make the best guides because I was the best player that's just how it is popular however I think that his success wasn't only due to his professionalism in the game but also due to him having a talent for storytelling he is a very talented speaker he can talk about the games for hours and be of interest to people who have never even played this particular game this is proved by millions of views on his video series called the true story of yeah why you not like the true I love that um that that's something that you get better at doing over time like if you go back and you watch my videos from whenever I was like 12 they're really not very good if you go back and you watch my videos from I was like 15 or 18 not very good and then over time I got better at doing videos so like I don't want anybody to think that I like spawned in and I was good at talking on camera immediately like I started doing it whenever I was like I I did it as soon as I could I I think I started recording and making content with like a a camera like a a video camera like not a big one but like the small one in like 1998 maybe 1999 and then I I was like eight or N9 years old at the time and then I got a video camera at like 10 or 11 and then I started recording all the time and I was uploading onto onto the internet at like 14 years old in 2004 gold under this videos you can read lots of comments of people saying they laugh the video yet have never played World of Warcraft themselves that is exactly the thing which brought success to his dreams he was playing wow but talking about everything politics real life difficulties people face jokes and internet drama so despite being a World of Warcraft streamer he always has been talking about something else too thus turning his stream into a talk show with him being the one and only host when watching his streams and videos I started to notice that he is never silent so he's yeah that definitely is true and I wasn't really the one and only host I mean like having McConnell on all the time was great like whenever we would stream in like uh Wad and like when need' stream pubg like m like I feel like made a lot of my streams like he absolutely did like even for example like the sunken Temple stream that we did like last week I feel like that was really good because of McConnell and I think like it's not like obviously McConnell is like probably like the most popular one right everybody knows but like San and like other guys that I play with too I feel like that can really kind of uh be a multiplier for Content literally commenting on every action he's performing in the game and he's doing it crazy by the way this was crazy why couldn't they get out of the red thing it was so easy like just get out of the red Cosmic smash just don't stand in it I I it's making me mad just looking at it never silent it doesn't look like a big deal when you're just watching the streams or videos however I as a content creator know how hard it could be despite that the dude is doing it for hours and hours without stopping it used to actually hurt my throat a lot to talk all the time and I actually wouldn't talk to almost anyone at all uh off stream and I remember like I would have like a girlfriend that would want to call me and I'm like I can't talk I'm you know I'm on cool down and she would just be [ __ ] like like I had a girlfriend like and in like the same like inside of like my phone messages like I love you and I hate you would be in the same frame yeah and I would say that there are not many streamers that are on the same level as him so this thing most certainly amazing that's one of the things that I really respect and like a l about a lot of the new guys like jinxy and queso and Kai is that they focus primarily on being entertaining and bringing value to the stream and making people have a good time because whenever I first started streaming one of the reasons why I like grew a lot more than other wow content creators is because other wow content creators thought that the content was the game and I realized very early on that like this is just really not the the game is boring like what the [ __ ] people aren't going to watch this and so like I tried to actually like entertain people by being funny and telling jokes and you know all that stuff so I I but that's debatable they what they do well like you might not like what they're doing but I I really respect somebody who tries to put on a great show like they're not just sitting there and clocking in and playing video games I think that is the most boring type of stream ever oh I'm going to turn on my stream and play video games wow why would anybody want to see that successful despite living in the ethic and sometimes looking like a homeless man asong Gold's life is what lots of people Envy most of asong Gold's viewers are grown of men in their 20s and 30s and most of them have responsibilities families full-time jobs and credits to pay for despite most people preferring to have a mortgage a nice house and the car all of them remember their childhood the time when they didn't have to worry about going to work or having kind responsibilities the time when the most important thing they had in their life was world of forcraft raid bosses and mounts to farm so now people live viciously through asman gold as they wish I mean vicariously and he's right I think that a lot of people like that a lot with my stream it's like my stream is like a Time caps in a away because uh I'll be honest the world has changed and I've stayed the same I'm still the same as I've always been and uh you know I think people can come back and you know you look at my streams from eight years ago and like yes I'm different but I'm also not that different could sit around and play WoW all day and get paid for it that is the way for people to escape their formal serious and responsible lives they look at a dude who is just playing games eating junk food and having fun similarly to what they did when they were young exactly happy despite becoming popular because of World of Warcraft asman gold went away from it he learned how to farm views with reaction content so he's reacting to everything I remember the time when the legal dis between Johnny Depp and Dumber her was the thing man asman gold farmed this drama with numerous videos com it was crazy how hard we farmed this like this is I have never farmed anything harder than this yet this is the current record on this thing and it's the same for every other drama on the internet he is there to film it and react I know I actually this is going to sound like borderline Psychopathic but I actually get really sad whenever drama happens that involves me or involves people around me that I can't talk about and I'll even get jealous of other content creators that get to farm my drama like I'll like watch Destiny and I'll see Destiny farming my drama and I'll be like you [ __ ] I want to do this I can't do this but you can [ __ ] I'll be so mad so jealous he's making 30 minutes long videos reacting to 5 minute original videos by doing it he's not only helping himself making money from YouTube heads but is also supporting some small content creators by watching their content and thus promoting it I think that there are several reasons why people like watching gasman gold reactions to other people's videos the first one is very obvious people like to feel as if they are watching this content with a friend who is there to share a thought or two about the content however another thing which I find very interesting about asang Go's reaction videos is that he's very rational and that is why a lot of men like him on the one hand he doesn't behave like that's why um you know again emphasis on the men part uh there are no girls that watch this stream basically uh this is a male space it is crazy how deep the dynamic is like a crazy [ __ ] percentage under dat on the other he's not a woke feminist and is not supporting ultr left people he's reasonable and doesn't go to the extremes that's very appealing to the man from when to 30 years of age finally well I think also another reason is that like my like if I talk about something in politics or something like that uh I'll usually have a perspective that I at least try to reason out so people might disagree with what my conclusion is but usually people don't disagree with what my argumentation or how I got to the conclusion and so that that definitely happens a lot and I I have people [ __ ] on me for that all the time but at the end of the day I mean I I I think I I try to like with the videos what I try to do the most of is I try to be as Fair as I can be and as authentic as I can be and that gets me into a lot of trouble like uh I I'll say something that a lot of people won't like to hear and yeah they'll get really mad but at the end of the day if you're watching my stream you're going to get my opinion and that's going to be something that's good or bad go off actual information yeah like the reason why is that um like I'm not a very emotional person really and so whenever something happens like I usually don't this is going to sound bad but like I usually don't really give a [ __ ] about it a lot right like I don't really have like a personal emotional investment into it so I can look at it from an outsider's perspective and I can notot really like have a vested interest in the outcome of a conversation you're a sociopath well I mean there I I don't know if I am or not right I mean I I if somebody wants to call me that that's fine if not it it's not it it doesn't matter to me but um my point is that I'm able to disconnect myself from things and look at it from at least a pretty biased P unbiased perspective I mean he understands these group of men he's telling things that we all like and agree on he understands the struggle of Life he's not delusional and he's not telling people that they should live like he is living he understands that most of his viewers have 9 to 5 and a family to feed so he's talking about very relatable things such as high prices in the McDonald's and Wendy's and how the gas is expensive he's humble man talking about humble things that are important to most of his viewers and that is why they it's one of the reasons why I don't really change a lot of things in my life is that I think that once you start living like a rich person you uh you won't really be able to understand the experiences of a person who's not in that position and also like you don't have to be rich to know that like you know like I'm I'm good at remembering numbers right and so like I'll think about like what the average salary is somewhere and then I'll know like what the poverty line is and then I'll get my property taxes and it'll be $10,000 and I'll think to myself oh my God how could any normal person afford this like it it's actually crazy to me that like when I cuz like the way that I live is you know I I live kind of like an animal you know absolutely but there's other things that I actually think that I wish other people would do too like you don't need to buy a new phone every year you don't need to buy uh new clothes all the time you you don't need to buy a new car all the time uh these things don't really matter having an expensive house designer clothes like these aren't these these don't matter right and uh I I I think that's like that's a good thing to promote and I wish that more people did that I think there's a lot of like influencers and content creators who want to become celebrities but I don't think that they want to become cele they don't want they want to be celebrities they don't want to do something that earns them the status of being a celebrity like for example um you know Keanu Reeves is a celebrity because he's an amazing actor and he has been for 30 years like there's a lot of people that want to kind of appoint themselves as a position of like you know cuz you look at somebody like Kim Kardashian right it's like she's you know famous because she's really hot basically and uh you know they want to put themselves in that position rather than actually trying to earn any sort of like real credibility for anything is down down to earth I mean I I mean I I I think I am right with with a lot of things I I definitely think I am lot people are overly ambitious about the material and also like this is another big problem that a lot of people have and this is especially true with people that are uh Rich she hot is Kim Kardashian hot I think she's ridiculously [ __ ] hot but that's another another like we don't need to talk about that but yes absolutely uh a lot of people like to they like to think that they earned and they deserve to be in the place in life that they are in and I think this is a big problem that a lot of people on like in in society have is because like people are constantly fed a lot of like guilt messaging where it's like oh you should feel bad for the fact that you are uh you know white or you're a man or you know you have this privilege or you have that privilege or you have a job and you know you don't know what it's like to be like a poor person whereas like for me um you know like I if I was rich because I stole a bunch of money I would be happy because I'd have a bunch of money I think that people focus too much on the approval of like greater society and because of that they constantly need to like rationalize and validate themselves whereas people can't enjoy like you know what they have just for what it is they have to like constantly look for people patting them on the back for it I find that to be very exhausting and I think it's pathetic to be honest love him so much sometimes without even realizing it despite being humble it's like here's another thing right rich people problems aren't real problems that's what somebody says well rich people's problems are absolutely real problems like everybody's problems are real problems but the reality is that I know that you don't care about my problems and to be honest with you I don't care about yours either and that's okay it it and and like I don't I don't need to prove to somebody like oh no my problems are real or or anything like that because that again that comes from a place of narcissism you want other people to feel the way that you feel you want to be seen you want to be heard the world doesn't have an obligation to listen and I I think being able to get like internal validation if you can do that you'll you'll solve like so many problems in your life and it's so hard for people to do rich people problems are everyone's problem unfortunately well like if somebody doesn't approve of what you're doing why would it matter think about it like that what like for example like if somebody doesn't like what I'm doing why would I care what they think it doesn't matter like what it really doesn't like now there will be some people that like I'll listen to them and I'll agree with them but it's not because they said it it's because I agree with it that's on conspicuous consumption I think a lot of people engage in that too much and I think that streamers do that and other influencers do that in order to parade themselves around as pseudo celebrities I find it to be exhausting if uh expensive things make you happy then you should do those things you should absolutely right uh but a lot of people it's like an endless Abyss right where like you you start trying to pursue something to uh you know it's like oh I need to like have this thing I need to have that thing and then like you get it and then you need something else and then you need something else so like very rarely do people buy something and then it actually is the missing puzzle piece and the you know their jigsaw puzzle of their life very rarely is is that the case in the image of a nerd asman gold seems to be a very talented and successful businessman I didn't conduct the throughout research so I will talk only about the businesses of asman gold I naturally know about from watching his content first and foremost he is a co-founder and co-owner of the streaming gaming and content creation organization one through King referred to as OT K that is pretty much an organization that has been described by its members as media production company and a Lifestyle brand as M gold together with his friends and other fellow content creators from otk are also selling their merchandise besides that asman gold owns a computer assembly business gold starch for systems I I'm a coowner to be fair like there's a lot of other people that are owning it and I don't run the business uh you know like the people at Star Forge run the business you can buy a PC designed for your specific needs and have deliver to your home as far as I understand to pretty much any place on the planet the most interesting thing is that the business seems to be very successful and its marketing is just on another level since we uh star Forge is extremely successful uh we're doing great and it's awesome it's successfully advertised by asold and other streamers so the pr group is pretty strong there moreover asold owns a game development company called met mushroom they're working with in the game developers to make their games bigger by assisting them providing feedback during development leveraging advertising it as well as building social media presence last but not least is the stay connect podcast which I have been listening to from the very first episode as gold and two fellows from otk are it's a it's a big risk to do all the things that I did but in my perspective like it's a risk if you don't know what you're doing and you're not sure that you're going to come out ahead I don't view it as a risk because I am pretty confident that I can make certain things go well right so it's like for somebody else it might be a risk for me I don't really view it as a risk I think the reason why is that like obviously like you know I went to business school and everything but that's not really the reason I I think it's because it's kind of like what you know we watch that other video and it's people that are talking all the time about like oh people are giving bad reviews to our product and they view it as like these people are the enemy like this is it's just like a lot of people's perspective on business is really bad and a lot of people's perspectives on uh I guess like selling a product is also really bad it's it's actually awful like I'm G to be honest like it is crazy bading a weekly podcast which is getting on average 150,000 views per episode which is pretty impressive considering the somebody says uh you're a huge streamer with massive audience your viewers are buy your toenails so you're right about that but that's not really true with computers because computers cost a lot of money yeah I can probably get people to buy a $15 shirt sure but can I get people to buy a $2,500 computer well I've got to have a good computer fact that guys mostly talk about video games enemy and internet drama which in reality is a pretty narrow segment to conclude all of that gold has numerous successful YouTube channels which post about eight videos every day at T Channel and work a computer assembly business game company and the podcast and all of that has been achieved literally from the ethic of the house if that is yeah I mean I usually um you know I don't really even take days off right I mean you guys look at my if you look at my statistics on Twitch um I don't really even take days off uh you know I will you know start working and you know some days I'll start and I'll do my stream and then I'll just immediately start doing something else and like I I'll be doing it until like 400 in the morning sometimes and then I'll wake up and and like that's that's just what I do I mean and it's like yeah that's I I'm glad I'm happy when are you going to take a vacation I'm taking a vacation right now I like streaming I know this might sound crazy because like a lot of people on Twitch for some reason hate streaming and I did whenever I was on my main Channel and I realized that that's what I was doing and so I stopped doing it on the main Channel because it was just unhealthy for me mentally that's why I stream all the time [ __ ] but you don't get burned out I used I I had like a like a a cyclical cycle right where like cyclical cycle yeah uh where like I would take really long breaks from streaming and then come back streaming is a hard job L well streaming isn't really a hard job but being good at it is and if you think that it's easy you know who else thought it was easy I did and look at me now so if you really think that go out and do it and prove it like I yeah I mean I I like if you think that my job is easy and what I do is easy then go do it I don't it doesn't matter to me like if somebody thinks it like I don't need to justify how hard it is who cares like it it doesn't like that doesn't like why what is it do we not just watch a Chinese streamer video a few days ago like 99% of streamers can't make a living most people lose that's just how it is not impressive I don't know what is remember the guy has never finished University but he's clearly a great businessman who knows how to develop and grow teams delegate work and build companies one after the other the main thing I want to say with this video is that this guy is a genius in one way or another and actually is a great example for all of the young men out there Hew I I think it's like I mean I think that there are some things that I'm very smart at doing and other things that I'm not necessarily as smart as doing but one thing that like this is one thing I learned about with like uh being at school is that I wouldn't be very good at like doing some things in math but I could memorize every single outcome that could happen and then just do it on the test without showing work and so it's like at a certain point if you are so good at one thing you can completely offset being garbage at something else that you shouldn't be fancy and Rich looking in order to be wholesome and popular he is an example of the person who was just doing something he loved and became successful I bet most of us want to do something similar with our lives so we have a lot to learn from the true king of nerds the gold well I mean I appreciate the video it's a great video I mean I yeah I I really do I mean I would say this right is that another reason why I'm successful is because I show up I show up every time I stream every day I focus on trying to at least make content that is to some degree compelling and I do my best to to be there and you know I have a bad day too bad I have a good day great like there were a lot of days like for example like my dad was like uh I mean like he was so sick like he uh you know was like like writing out a will like it was really really bad I came home I you know like kind of decompressed from that for like an hour and then I went live every night that's it same thing after like my mom uh that's just how it is and I I think being resilient and being able to like being able to like take the way that you feel out of the like for streaming there are great times to treat something like a job and there's great times to treat it like a hobby and sometimes it's good to treat it like a job you go in and you do the work there's the video right the way give it a like this a it's a good video it's a great video It's All About Me of course it's great and so uh yeah that that's that's the way that I see it priorities yeah and great man once said it is what it is yeah exactly and like that's kind of like the way that like I was raised in general is like my dad uh my dad's the kind of dad that um you know I'd get a 97 and he'd ask what you miss you know he's telling me I'm still not doing enough work now like I need to be doing more he's like oh why aren't you doing this why aren't you doing that you should do this why aren't you like I mean this is just all always how it is and so uh you know like uh do appreciate authentic truthful to yourself yeah as much as I can as you're wrong well like I I come from a like like it's kind of a weird thing because I live with my mom and I grew up like not I mean like not like super super poor but like you know she would usually make uh money under the poverty line every year but like you know my dad's side of the family is actually like a ve very wealthy uh German family and so like that's kind of like where he came from and you know uh that that's the way everybody else on like you know his side of the family is like most parents are like that yeah oh [ __ ] I'm good uh [ __ ] chair I messed that up and so it's a d thing yeah yeah maybe but uh my dad beat me with electrical cord my dad never hit me uh not once in my life uh never hit me never did anything like that aggressive to me at all he was a you know a combat uh veteran in U what do you call it Vietnam like decorated like War veteran he gets like a free license plate because of it uh so like yeah and he never felt the need to hit me for anything and so uh it was not an issue did he roast you he would roast me he definitely would your mom oh my mom I mean like she was my mom was like basically okay with me doing anything like she was like very like kind of uh um like I if I told my mom I'm going [Music] to I'm going to just like I'm going to just stay home for this semester and play World of Warcraft she'd be like yep you know like she was just supportive of anything that I would do yeah she was the cool parent yeah yeah she was and and you know it was good to have that it really was you also up small creators and that's great well yeah sometimes I do I mean sometimes I can if if it's possible semi- liberal upbringing um you know again like you know big surprise my uh you know very wealthy uh you know German family is primarily very conservative like extremely conservative uh my dad is actually I would say like he's he's pretty liberal with a lot of stuff and uh I guess like my mom is like kind of half and half and they fight in World War II yeah oh yeah of course like uh yeah both of my like grandfathers were like pilots in World War II and uh yeah uh like same with World War I and [ __ ] like that too so you got Ying in there well no my mom was like very conservative too like she was she was based okay like uh she would she would say some crazy [ __ ] yeah which side oh our side yeah yeah no no our side for sure
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 416,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: DSbckAu81ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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