(MILE RUN) FITE ME Challenge #2 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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all right you guys let's start this up we'll do one more well do one more same rules same rules if I lose I'm gonna run a mile on stream $100 buys an item set by 25 months welcome back I realized that 100 dollars is a lot it was supposed to be a thing so unreachable that it might or might not even happen over a period of one entire stream end up getting myself three items last game you guys will pick my my items challenge me other pedestals we will say are off-limits I don't know 169 I am intrigued the more hats you say I said the next dollar not all dollars from here on out but thank someone listen tonight if I did a hat for a dollar I would just like be crushed under the weight of all hats I'll save my d6 for you guys in the item room so that you can get even worse [ __ ] if RNG smiles upon you oranjee can smile upon you you guys got the pick items last time you still couldn't do it remember if you donate to buy an item you cannot buy an item that's already been bought this stream so if a CAC is off-limits soymilk is off-limits and I able Isle is off-limits rip what's up Jacob all right you know we got our rules in this damn household vote 69 for a rear all just remember that the last run though literally every single item room had something bad in it like I don't I don't understand how this run could get worse I don't see how it's possible then that last run we reached peak badness on that last run I am like boiling alive and all these hats I think I've got a fan oh that feels nice Oh fan me in Belleville 80% let's reroll and reassign the poll now vote again go doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo if you guys get rid of my d6 though I will no longer be able to rear all rooms for you no pika oh no dancing allowed let's have a pile of dead Pokemon in my head so I show off my hunting skills you guys want number 4 mom's I deal i with eyelashes pair this with dr. fetus and we'll be in trouble you should look into taxidermy perfect song to be playing right now dead Pokemon you say [Music] welcome no one send me a Q bone Morrow Ock mask you guys even love me [Music] and count down count down count down count down Oh he explodes and then goes goo food oh my Opie's hell dude can goo himself that's not even fair mate how is that fair it's like a new boss idea [ __ ] dude I can't do it buddy what's wrong adela promise' deal wait are you really sure we can't get another hat I mean the dollar looks really tempting got you don't now go now now now move move move move got him toughest Roman history [Music] right should we keep going I don't know that there's like really a reason to maybe attend - Drock or something more bombs consumables first floor is probably pretty good to do for me not for you oh that's it's an excel floor [ __ ] good thing we kept going then stud finder what's up with this enemies realm thing alright 69 and I'll rear all [Music] [Music] Kane's eyes ope I got a rear already guys alright alright I'm taking it off you guys I'm overheating Josh Nader just get to the sub to end your blades Thank You Josh and you know it's fantastic me to do yeah I'll keep this on good thing I look behind me little Lenny's was just sitting there behind the chair just asked him to get run over buddy let me crack your back it'll be it'll feel good Kath adjustments now I would never I would never [Music] he just tolerates the [ __ ] out of me he's like no I can stay no I'll stay no this is good for me okay bud alrighty the Jew still 100 bits hots do Gunjan challenge curse bullet run with only sword if you can you should submit that to the reddit page see if people vote on it number 3 wait what what do you guys vote for 3 for you want me to have nails what this is supposed to be a fight me guys alright oh yeah fine sure okay alrighty take it before we change our mind all right guys you know the stakes if I lose this I'm running a mile on stream you guys did your best to try to kill me last the last run couldn't do it Chad's drunk [Music] eeny Meeny meeny not a fan of the hunt but with the nails anything's possible oh good one good shot mate this feels like it's increased knock back I'm gonna lose my deal with the devil chance here you just feel it since when do you get whites arranged on a boss what vidi vidi well what is this variant of little horn do retro crusher prime sub welcome friends he just spits balls he's only balls he's 100% balls why don't you put your money where my balls are failed test better fire rate what the hell's failed test you guys had two failed tests really who you get pick one you get to pick one chance I can't believe Lenny's just okay with me he's just like yelling just over here just being loud and obnoxious he's still on my lap I don't even show you guys look at him look at him he's just hanging out my lap hey buddy hey little man what's up little man where's your brush he's like okay I'll get up chat doesn't understand how to kill him you guys there's one way to guarantee there's one way to guarantee dr. fetus hey little man there's one way to guarantee I don't want huts to die all right what do you guys want invalid vote Oh reroll good one all right I forgot that was in Turin options what's up little man what's up and you know he's biting me now he just wants to play probably here play with these this is a fight me it does not affect the streak this is true it that's on a different save file alright um you want me to re-roll so let's do that now go ahead and reset the poll and you guys can vote again if hots wins he has to run a mile I could throw the game so easily though I get so the game so easily check it out guys he got it he ripped it right out of my hands did Lenny such a pro he's such a pro at he's so good at this game whoa look at that air you see that air time bro he's like eh I'm done Aaron my back nerf Lenny please what was that flop all right all right he ripped it out of my hands again he's still good at the game he's way too good what we got number three you guys want me to take number three numero three oh half moon all right all right I got a bone heart to ladies I'm gonna go for the shop see if I can't pull out a soul heart volt Lenny I heard that hardwood [Music] got a fire an upgrade I'm pretty pumped about that we're doing well [Music] I'm just waiting for dr. fetus to show up though I just feel it I can feel it no problem handled and old man this has been such a high-flying high energy stream you guys I'm already exhausted I'm already exhausted ah black paintbrush it doubles the flies I generate I think maybe Tasers better rip hats now I was overheating and technically we do a thing where I take them off every run technically we're gonna get technical with it we I like the sound those made wait till I find soy milk soy milk didn't stop me last time you can't stop me it was really that luck well the D for that you guys voted for and then that lucky Cuba meet with the BFF sealed the deal [Music] alright 69s re-roll [Music] i Loki want to send $100 worth of $1 donations eyes Adia I think your bank might flag that but I won't stop you I'm trying just a warning doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo set out sounds is that good singing of it did you like it invalid response re-rolling boink and redo now on this one will do vote 69 is a none option [Music] oh man remember how bad rng was to me that last run it was amazing you guys are not getting the crap even with the rerolls in this one this is gotta be my last run you guys this is white to me out holy [ __ ] was a good day though monstros tooth can be good well well well if it isn't hot stop Marty Oh Lord do 28 percent is the winner here for number three number three look at how happy I am about my crying I'm gonna redo the poll in three two one three still wins a little red button alright guys yes I'm not running today guess I won't get exercise guess I'll just let my health slip and uh fade away all right fine that's it you guys won okay your choice that is too nice I don't want that I already discussed about how not I didn't want that there we go let's move it a little bit to the side I will do whatever you want me to do chat that's the thing though we could be doing as well as you want to then there's gonna be that one item that screws it for the whole run just waiting for that excuse you sir blow you up you had a cork up your butt I don't I don't even know what the court does larger splooge radiuses someone by dr. fetus No let me win let me destroy everyone starting with this guy he touched a butt cork it's kind of hard to fight the hugs yeah it's not for everyone I don't know it could be a masterful master like me mashable master master master sim masturbate wait what yeah buddy no deal with the devil here though all right all right then I'd like to go to my shop please yes thank you shops her mind to do as I please but I did promise I would not get rid of my d6 for you guys nor would I use it elsewhere for my own benefit I'll buy this literally just lost five cents that's the only thing that happened right there ah newb corn gaming Tier one sub welcome friend l thank you for supporting me appreciate that a lot [Music] masterful masturbator because I baked you guys blondie get two months in a row welcome back been waiting for a resub for a bit completely slipped my mind that today was Thursday glad I caught it anyway looking back 1d it was like one day OGG he's crying back there I think he wants to play a little bit more should we play with him a little bit more I'm gonna play buddy gonna play look guys big eyes just in time for Lenny cam you missed it with what a whiff where did you suck at this game with there he goes he's got it Oh Toki on his butt now uh-oh watch the chaos ensue look at it oh he's mad he's mad it's hooked on his butt he's trying to kill it he's trying to stop it from attacking him he's just yelling did I need him a Lenny Mike buddy did something funny he looks at me goes meow it's so mad you guys he's so mad you see this but he keeping dumb oh he got it unhooked he got it unhooked he got it he figured it out buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy baba pop [Music] oh let's get back to it shall we buddy you're goof it's such a goof what are we even doing right now we're winning we're miserably winning did you guys see him do those little spins with the thing that it was hooked on his butt was hilarious I've seen him run through the house before one time he tried to sniff into a plastic bag put his head through the loop of the plastic bag to the handle got a [ __ ] on himself and was just bolting around the house like with a plastic cape on ba-ba-ba-ba ended up just dive-bombing through the staircase and it ripped it off it's like dude that's how you hang yourself you dumb cats can actually hang themself in the wild if you put a collar on them that's why they make the cat collars that the easy break things so if they get stuck it just falls off which probably means you're gonna lose the damn cat if that's your identification but better than death by hanging I guess let me use spin attack [Music] avoid portals immediately chopper toots I can't take this cape anymore I'm ending it all winning is for winners his mr. bones oh this is the start of the ends all right all right [Music] mr. bones votes were for C DM votes 1 and dance votes one [Music] don't pick Ludo I have an idea s is here and what did you vote Kiran for oof is that Ludo you guys are so split in the chat though make up your damn minds gimme ball pre-rolled yeah that's 69 always sorry I love to eat dinner and be in pain did you eat pain for dinner you've got something on your face it was paid [Music] - was a winner ludo got it chat voted it's all right Karen flying nails spicy we care about your health we don't want you to run wait is that what you guys know that you can actually run too much and it's bad for your heart did you know the more you know plumbago bank all right I'll fight I can just hide in the corner now ah I just nailed people to death ah unstoppable under percent chance or deal the devil I like the sound of that [Music] quit your toots angel or devil angel are done they will feel darn it [Music] Leo would have been so good now angel can we vote I'll just like look at the chat and see what people want I see a lot more angel than devil devil deals where you actually get rid of my health angel Rome is where I'm just gonna get something good right okay let's pull it one angel - devil go one angel - devil go Josh Nader gifted a sub - dag in the dude 45k welcome Dagon dig on Deegan negan why am i spinning out random nails was one angel to devil right tech 5 does that but I still tech 5 though out of my face mom's I maybe could be mom's I is it come out backwards does seem like it comes out backwards doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo oh yeah [ __ ] one angle to devil we got to we got to winter we're going devil Oh [Music] oh I'd really don't want the the nose Goblin it doesn't work not the way you think it would I'm dropping it now and resets the whole thing it's just bad reroll this or not rigged deal mom's I had the chance for random directions here to be launched from Maine tier use per throw not not no no no nope no don't rear oh don't okay Chad simmer down simmer down nah I'm leaving I'm done with this [ __ ] you having a good day Linney I think my knees having a really good day you guys gotta love snuggles he got to play you got a toy stuck on him he flipped the [ __ ] out it's like really good day dead how's your onion onions been harvested it's been harvested stuffs gone [Music] onions dead and in my mouth it's weird though that like you can plant an onion just to make a new onion it's supposed to seed but I don't think it got enough light or something cuz it's supposed to flower and then you can get seeds from the flower and then you can plant more onions and that's how you double alright that's how you make you one onion in two more onions but Giles just didn't want to give birth I guess Dallas is like [ __ ] now there's only one Giles I watched ads next Dairy Queen and I got a blizzard while you're at it a cheese quake blizzard [Music] I'm supposed to be running them so to be exercising and I'm dreaming about ice cream because nobody can kill me bombs are key rip Giles rip gillyweed [Music] nope yep [Music] I'll get you a blizzard yellow razor blade - uh you liked that a little bit too much I think [Music] doo-doo-doo [Music] can I have a blizzard so now you got to get one for the whole class I'm thinking Idol room first here I had a Reese's outrageous blizzard earlier was it good [ __ ] did I just bought that so hard nice things wet penny [ __ ] man stuck oh oh stop it back over here nail your frickin job would you why don't you do your freakin job ya freak head yes son of a dirty Frick this is no longer Pokemon music dd-do well-placed spikes I like that I don't like my lack of bombs though I need a bomb now yeah [ __ ] got my bomb oh [ __ ] girl yeah bye yes or no Lindy's waiting to play again he's pissed off at the toy I almost got him [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone is saying yes are they yes yes yes yes yes why not deal dead cat head - I don't take mind my dice is better is he doing all right back there told you yeah I'm gonna leave it behind anyways doesn't matter it's one-third guppy but are you really are you gonna really vote for 2/3 guppy here [Music] do I want some graveyard keeping we actually decided to stop playing graveyard keeper all together it got so repetitive and confusing it was like yeah it's time to be done I think so we're done sadface because I liked it but damn it holy crap it like hurt my brain he's gotta hook it on his tail and he loses his [ __ ] what are you doing alright does I just droop it over his tail so it looks like I'm following him and he loses his goddamn mind wrong trouser 22 months in a row that's a lot of months meow he's always saying that bird Leonard okay wrong Charlie says meow he doesn't respond I showed you my meow please respond in before Bob's brains for the win I want him to like do something he's just sitting there now buddy go be funny or something this is way okay [Music] this is called this is called being lazy I feel ignore it says wrong trouser what is that 22 months and I is this the ice pass the message on and everything oh you're feeling Nord from him I was like bro I even read it he fell over there you go n over the cat Lee oh my god backflip you got your justice cuz he just fell over on camera and that was incredibly embarrassing for him salty plant thirty four months in a row what is up salty plan did he's like mad that he fell over I think he's mad and he wants revenge he's like you think I'm lazy [Music] all right fine he's done let's go you guys what'd he want oh my stream deck just crashed sick bro I'll just do it this way then okay bye stream deck all of them let's do it silver fly no one cares magic bag brass knuckles angry red fly suck on that [Music] I'm feeling good I feel good should have rear old why vote all in a fight nice is squat like pissed squad off among tato two months in real welcome back feels pretty good [Music] baby boom we've tried some bombs right now Ludo is actually really good here though remember when you guys voted Ludo to try to kill me and then now I'm like yeah Ludo yeah yeah that's sound really cool angel or devil you guys rotten milk carton dudududu devil and all take all in the devil deal I see a lot of Devils [Music] all right vote alrighty then my hair is so [ __ ] today I'm just gonna put this hat on cause this looks way better [Music] would you agree did you just will get it yourself not all of us have the ability to have friends just noses for mania did you even watch rocket power [Music] if I was in rocket power you'd let me wear my hat like this you'd be like he's so cool I can do whatever he wants [Music] now with this chill music though just before my doom all all right get me jumpy baby copy copy copy copy copy man told you is gonna give me guppy now [Music] dead ghost with no skin oh yeah whoo dang girl the best I could / throw again goddammit viewers things ever no no no no no someone getting the best the best the best the best alright next for then I guess oof big old oof ha tax I mean you said all and that was another item and I am did just you know did it faint and stuff and then things so like you know I am nail face look at him those old of T furs where's the post on the screen it or not they're like I should talk quieter because it is chilling [Music] about brown butter indeed it's all listen to sunshine a nice man can fall asleep [Music] [Music] mail is so nice I'm actually getting tired from this music please no I don't have fall asleep at 1:00 a.m. in front of my PC it'll be fun dreams are a magical place fun and friendship [Music] eighty-eight months in a row what's up I just realized majority the mods will break when the new DLC comes out probably question mark I don't know what that's gonna do don't know what that would do for me I have a rear ol vote 69 next song drops brain power close enough let's wake up everyone that was fall asleep let's go [Music] do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do [Music] The Wiz changed the firing direction of ludo right nope doesn't know doesn't know nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope invalid vote 69 let's go [Music] Stone kovin 12 months in a row what is up thank you so much stone Colvin for a full year of support holy jesus guys is to fight me I has question I had challenged for you a jammed gun gin run with the bullet using only blasts to me yeah someone already said that to the juice stone said do a Gunjan challenge curse bullets run with only sword if you can pretty similar submit to the reddit that's where we put those number three deep deep deep deep deep Aditi brass storm 25 months welcome back both 69 [Music] definitively entity a free quarter excellence you have a schedule Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3 p.m. Central [Music] burkha no bank tabs - should we just go let me get a real first do you ever eat in the shower can't say I've ever done that what about a shower beer she shot me she stepped on me I'm guessing devil viel but I can't afford one so angel or nothing I can't afford a devil deal and I won't allow you to kill me via devil deal devil nothing nothing nothing nothing angel angel devil angel nothing angel angel devil angel nothing none muffin angel for funsies nothing angel none angel devil angel nothing angel angel angel devil angel you guys I see more angel 100% angel chance or void then I guess vote one or vote two or vote none devil kills him I told you that I will not allow you guys to kill me via devil deal it's in the rules but red fires don't help him here guys voting one wouldn't even hurt me it would be the exact same thing that we already had because we have goat head and we have the duality which means that both rooms will be open all the time anyways Eucharist will just make sure that they're both open all the time anyways which they already are unless Eucharist makes it so that there's no devil deal which could be the case but I think my duality will override that invalid vote Oh reroll is that a reroll is that a nun then that's a nun no Maria roll vote reroll vote 69 vote 69 all right reoww reowww reowww reowww reowww all right now vote 69 are invalid vote will be none goodness you guys gotta get our heads on straight I'm gonna die I'm gonna end up dying anyways because I don't have any health I would have been just fine if I didn't allow vote all's on bevel deals but whatever whatever [Music] as you can see by this non-existent PowerPoint I've made the HUD sympathizers outweigh the Smarties in chat invalid vote all right let's go let's get out of here [Music] I'm gonna end up blowing this one many bitty bitty bitty bitty bum native anybody be able to believe any ball mama give me some help is is please it's all up to me now give me some Degas daggers is slagathor nothing ok potential no cuz I don't have any bombs good Oh excellent Ludo saved me protect me that's technically a bum Ki bum okay sweet good talk man I don't like the flying noses they're very unpredictable they're very unpredictable oh stop it yeah buddy akia [Music] meconium probably gonna help me out a little bit more then the gray monopoly money would wouldn't the gray monopoly give me a free double deal or is that the other item I'm thinking of that's credit card I don't even know anymore [Music] you have to take it ah hell I don't like [ __ ] I do that's credit card coupon I can't tell which ones my nail and which ones I met are maggots no they're uh they called not the maggots so the flying ones Oh dad make it stop oh hell yeah [Music] tapeworm yeah tapeworm was the word I was looking for [Music] yeah it's a lot of [ __ ] coming at me front there [Music] because no oh Oh you know yeah off the skill now maybe I should let key bomb get some if I'm at ten that's like enough right meconium allows some of the poops to show up as black poops which does a hole a little bit of damage to the whole room yeah okay give me the guys please you tried be good I'm gonna use the black room I'm gonna go over here and use it now and take double gyro they pop the algae's in the boss room go back for the era it sounds good to me now use it for better fire rate which i think means more ticks of damage on Ludo possibly maybe [Music] oh thank god Oh what loc through yonder window ha ha someone's happy about themself all right you guys devil or angel bloat you had one job flips for days 69 prime sell boots up flips welcome friend L welcome flips double double double double a bit of angle C more double I'm not sure how that's going to work bone hearts apparently don't count I'll allow you to vote I'll allow you to vote [Music] gotta take pops tots pool [Music] they do not see squat so what happens if I take an item and I die I'm not gonna count that as a death that doesn't count I don't even count it should only take the house so hard well we'll see take all the black cars just in case hello like I would do that wallet you're silly you're a silly person invalid vote is gonna win here wait and that's reroll yeah all right those ever been really good though redo it now go [Music] do not vote for two but two would be so much fun you guys think of the fun that we can have together we'd be so close to superbomb look 2/3 super boom who was a good chance of help he's tricking you no I'm not - would be fun happy times look at how happy he looks it's quintessential Hut's gaming shut up hot snow dark bomb for you [Music] think upon your votes [Music] three-two-one boink number one one column yourselves decapitated ghost and then I take the black hearts and then we're happy I should have heared the black hearts for safety reasons oh well yay [Music] yeah happiness you putz trickery alright let's go let's roll autobots roll out I guess we'll never see that treadmill what if I never had a treadmill what if I was so confident that I made up this lie of a treadmill I was like I'm not gonna lose anyways I'll eat my own [ __ ] if I die soon never happen oh that was close call that one when doubts let's stack them up balls balls tinted rock oh I've got so much hell I was so close to death you guys almost got me blow it was like I am here to claim your soul and it's like psych algae's sook fortnight dances we like fortnight we like fortnight oh I guess in that video I'm gonna go to bed hot it's as retro crusher I'm going to be near deeds in time [Music] I hate this room this room can eat a giant it can choke on it too man I'm thinking so hard about this got to be perfect oh right now right in the danger zone right there my cube meat was like no but it's your president you're down [Music] doo-doo-doo-doo I am the smartest genius sense ever existed yeah no one has been better at this game than me I'm so [ __ ] good yeah that's how the song goes is the real lyrics look him up dude well I can evil genius would oops walked over the creep on that one ah like a good neighbor State Farm is there I think we're down to one skull heart and one soul heart now maybe two black hearts still you spent like 40 hours to get past that one room perfectly and then the games like yeah give them up dude yeah those are mine please yeah you could not pop up if you really felt like it that's how you really feel oh girl damn [ __ ] kill that thing kill him bro do you get out there mom does not sound too good today uh-oh oh goodness Oh baby I love the way all right guys I'm assuming devil is that a safe assumption pre-recorded I say devil devil devil yes angel devil devil angel I hope it's just nothing but red chest and I arrow them [ __ ] every balls oh yeah those balls are really hairy Bob on 69 is a reroll don't vote for number three it's a trap that's what they want you to do doo doo doo doo yeah Chino I will I'm thinking after the strands so that we can do little chill chats first don't do it guys it's a trap don't do it joke's on you I wanted this item I'm living the d6 behind then leading the d6 behind it's your fault d6 only a tude you guys alright fine I don't have to use it now look at all my hills still party time oh god that's cute hey there's my credit card rip rip you credit card you could have been there when I needed you most [Music] chose the wrong direction twice let's luck go get him nail I can't see over there so you get the trust yeah I gotta trust you to go over there and get them you getting them you got him [Music] worst part about this is Wow besides the death being a dick not being able to tell the difference between skully's and the white dudes I don't even wear my nail is hilarious whoo spicy time Oh bro I can't [ __ ] see where's my [ __ ] nail you work harder man [Music] those balls I get all the chest items by the way even if I era them twice those are mine wolf girl [ __ ] [Music] a third era [Music] ah this sound pack I don't even know if you guys gonna hear it but a total areas you have to use a razor for every chest that you open thoughts needs to do his exercise let's just say I have to take them no matter what so it's essentially a curse of the blind I could get garbage I could get garbage it's possible and I'm actually gonna take the High Priestess here for the boss fight I'm like literally like a double adversary fight could end it now i mean i yo load the starter deck and earned that you guys did it all on the purse of the blind and gave me rune bag don't look at me like this is my fault [Music] blackroot black hole Sun won't you come wash away the [ __ ] the what doesn't even hit me I can't afford this damage I [Music] can't afford this I can't pay for this [Music] [Music] I need those chests in the chest please give me something good that's not the spot I wanted to be right that was dangerous that was risky that was dangerous and risky not worth sacrificing my life for hang on by a thread hanging by a thread I'm threading it go back to my other Gera let's not get lost in the way back please that's not running any red poops or spikes thank you the era the era is not a funny joke anymore his brutal honesty Doupe Doupe Doupe Doupe Doupe dinner to do your girl is gotta take it it's actually not that bad I'm not sure what that's really gonna do sure yeah okay maybe I don't know yeah I guess yeah that's good but like he gets not only get help me right now it's oh yeah okay sure yeah that's pretty good oh yeah oh no I'm out of keys oh well there's no sense and using my active item because I'm out of keys and I came and see my health so this is risky we had what two soul hearts and one bone heart or is it one soul are think was one soul art one bone art and we might have gotten a health upgrade from the chia seeds I think that's helped put that damage though but a damaged oil plus we freeze the enemies with contact mom's contact anybody bomb if I were a rich man not a penny of anybody but if we do all day long I bitty bitty bum I were a wealthy man oh oh that's right I'm immune to bombs now oh dude oh it's good it's good to be me Kyla's i'm gonna say that 85% of the chat right now has not ever even heard of Fiddler on the Roof and that's okay Fiddler's of my dead learn who these guys are just fun to play with now ha ha ha ha yeah whatever deepen the new doobie Doo oh thank you Oh oh it looks cool though not sure that any of these items are actually helping me but dang looks cool bro look sick we lost boys you know it's a good fight though it's good fight there's no way we could even do pulling with 816 items rather how do I even do that I suppose we could have uh hold per round right yari era era and then this like pick four four four four and then I don't know that would have been weird still don't have enough keys though yeah buddy [Applause] pretty late on double adversary double adversaries like I'm here I was summoned diddly doo be doobie Doo Daisy Doo milk no thanks bud should have saved my year off her keys instead I would have been smarter you guys were on the right track with Lou no but then with the nail like literally we were hanging on ah still taking damage death's door a couple of times had we not had the benefits the bonuses that we did have like tech five and nail pobably would have been dead it was well within your guys's grasp guys had it literally was down to one red heart at one point no way I would have been able to kill maybe even pick 2% of those guys and an up in for tech five alone tech 5 was a clincher here so much damage LG's is good did it not exactly you could get unlucky in the boss fight I mean I can get unlucky anywhere robot ghost water Strider they call them Strider cute red demon ghosts you know it is a cute red demon Gois isn't it yeah those little wings in the back or is that a little red to two-seat shredder is that what it said I think Strider sounded way better quiet mega-santa I can't if I can't get in there Oh sack of P knives that's really gonna help big time dude take it take it naughty girl that's all she wrote you guys whoo Viktor stridor Aragon where's Vigo that's what I was referring to
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 13,019
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: mX6TLadUlAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 6sec (4866 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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