Bullet Run - Polling of Gungeon

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what should we do I'm gonna bullet run it forever how about a bun run how would a bun run I feel like no turbo though holing of duct tape that would get crazy wouldn't it what do you guys think about a pulling duct tape run a Gunjan stream do eats only Casey we've done that before that's the beauty about having literally no more achievements left to get on this game and having a console for editing is that we can do it at the Frick we won holing of duct tape just sounds like it's gonna be the biggest most chaotic thing ever so the first gun that we're gonna pull on then is going to be the gun that is our base gun and given our first duct-tape run ever we know that a beam weapon is especially good [Music] feels good to be the bullet again I'm gonna turn the music down a little bit I love it but give him a one shot laughing guys you wouldn't dare I want to give myself mr. Shelton key light that would be smart just let me never have to worry about keys ever but we'll see like challenges should just come to this with the shell it's because nobody wants to like not see me do something amazing right well I cheated in a bunch of all their guns and duct tapes but like decided not to give myself any keys so we didn't do anything the hell's the point then bo+ makeshift cannon one boss one shot I'm thinking about doing it YouTube video guys where I do the best combinations and or synergies and I and I wanted to find something to go with the makeshift canakkale lies and I think bow duct-taped with makeshift cannon it would be the [ __ ] all right spun chest blue 3 and let's just give myself a damn Shelton key curses me but rightfully so all right let's go like this your option number one shotgun Cola coffee maybe shot got coffee shotgun coffee decoy sunglasses med pack go vote poll now you guys don't know how to vote ask questions mods are there to help the sling plus the makeshift cannon yeah yeah yeah do-do-do-do-do-do what's this help you speak of I just talk [ __ ] most of the mods are there to help not to turn your enthusiasm but someone already made a video about the best duct-tape combos it's where I got the bow combo from oh that's fine there's there's gonna be rarely rarely anything that I can really do that hasn't already been done in some way shape or form I just I haven't seen that video so I'd like to maybe make my own especially before seeing it so don't tell any any more combinations from that video because I don't want people to be like you just [ __ ] copy this one oh and do my own thing it's for my fun really because I think that'd be a fun video to make charge of in 11 months in a row welcome back welcome back are you a vacuum welcome back the contrast is like I don't know what happened to my my webcam but it's like super dark does it look okay looks like moody I think the duct-tape video is mr. wit see the woodsy makes a lot of stuff like that it's up Alexa one year of giving love to you dad 12 months you look pissed or angry you know those like comic book strips that like one person like when they're like basically dead inside but they're smiling and they have like a little shadow like in the middle of their face that's me right now that's me right now this is completely dead inside but you know what it actually fits the whole vibe here yes speed upgrade I love it give it to me speed me dad has anyone done any duct tape polling runs yet I try not to get too caught up with like who's done what video I've been pretty concerned about that at one point I know I'm not that might get me in trouble at some point people are gonna think I copied somebody and like you don't to be too fast and loose on the whole life I don't care if I copy someone but what really in the end if you think about it though it let's say that I made a video about the best duct tape combinations and people wash it it you could think that I'm stealing wid C's views if he's already made one like that but guess what's gonna be right next to my to the videos on the right the recommended videos Shazam would see more combos and people I'm like oh [ __ ] let's click on that too right I just give back I'm a terrible person that's okay and I'm not wrong might not exactly be right but I'm not wrong all right do it that's why you mad bro so [ __ ] man number one pulse cannon no screecher it's called what the [ __ ] you do to your sponge you're supposed to be a gun number three sunglasses are like me damn it pots lying to feel better about copying or ruby ring immunity to fire you know this creature is really not that good of a bass gun so if you guys want to vote for sponge here I'm okay with it but we will be taking whatever gun we get on the boss fight then making the moon from stuff guys you know the ring would be pretty good too if we get a gun that ends up starting everything on fire doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo I met the sponge shots oh yeah the sponge would just do it all but I mean like the ruby ring like if I was to like run into somebody that's on fire the sponge doesn't help me there I don't think just if I walked into oil that was lit on fire so it doesn't really do it like you know uh you guys want number two 37% all right yeah sponge is really good sponge and I are friends we hang out occasionally on the weekends synergy room would be nice but I don't have anything to synergize with probably better for me I mean that's not necessarily true because you didn't synergize with passive items so I'm just kind of lying just all the time I'm just a pathological liar mini Tallinn 200 bits hey why all why not also yay sorry excuse me one curse and you give me this really I can already tell them I like the song spooky Oh get away from me in my hearts [Music] tearjerker it's the Isaac themed gun the Isaac reference I think should we get it I actually like the jar bees as well yes yes yes yes yes please god no but really get see here is when they split you you can keep them together your much higher a higher chance of not dying better to focus on one two because the one gets held back when you kill the other one nothing killing both the same time all right it's at this point in time when which they have to split me doesn't matter I got him nobody splits smiley seems easier to fight as a second then shade or is it shades well there she blows you guys is that elephant gun as our base weapon oof oof now that's a good gun a two bullet gun [Music] let's see if we can get a synergy for us to actually shoot elephants that's the only way we turn this around [Music] No shaaka cold Abell another speed up shotgun affinity that means any shotguns that we use are like really good right higher damage and reload speed or something like that does anybody know that specifically we've got three in reserve so that we can do this three times elephant gun is a shotgun elephant gun is a shotguns as ordinary Pete's is it I thought it was a rifle or something you sure it's a shortcut Lennie's me Alan which makes me think it's not it's a semi a semi truck Lenny what do you want buddy yeah I know what's know those again all right vote one if you want me to snuggle with money again elephant gun is a terrible base weapon for duct tape yeah I'm aware yeah aware of this where but oh hey that's the thing get the pole off there you're just watching the music video come here we're just watching that freaky porn that I had up in my computer I only put it on for Lenny okay come on there you go there we go there we go [Music] hate for the goat gun what's the dope guy [Music] vote reroll to drop the elephant gun I'm not sure you just said body football football football how old is Lenny he's 2 years old the put Hudson Lenny at the top 10 best bromances pretty much we're besties [Music] a little for you a little for me a little for you a little for me you know I got an itch his beard to it gets itchy beards are itchy guys know this they are sasquatch what do you see but he just pretends that sometimes we see something outside he's like I gotta go just can't understand cats that's enough love for today dad you're smothering me whatever did it does actually look like it's spreading so maybe this is a shotgun almost felt like guys gonna be right there but he were a secret room where would you be not on this floor I don't think ah yeah worth hashtag gets blank back your cuddles are cramping his style in front of your viewers yeah you know it wasn't the cuddle position that he wanted so he's like you know what this isn't good for me dead he's very picky about his cuddles spider blue actually I'm a Montano gifted a sub to teef LSD w-welcome tea fell thank you on Mon tato appreciate that so much and spider bless a question if you duct-tape an item that has a synergy with each other what happens the synergy goes away you don't get it which is kind of a bummer it totally should like remain but sadly it does not this almost seems like turbo mode now doesn't it what the hell he literally just waited for his friend to walk by the explosive barrel oh you guys ever done that in the game you shoot the explosive barrel that's right I see your friend yeah I mean either yeah I mean either who does that terrible people awful people do that soulless non-christians this reminds me of playing viscera cleanup Locke and whipping the barrels around and everyone died shadow dragon eight months in a row welcome back so close you can taste that but baby if you don't want to taste it though maybe should choose a mint this is some mint gum or something dirty mouth paint it up at all bits did you taste a bud baby no no no no how many champion and bullets what's up with that ruby bracelets what happens if I get the the ruby necklace and the Ruby bracelet that's got to be a combo right synergy see you lyric recreate the sub got to do what a guy do [Music] all right uh number one actually let me start the poll over again number one is the moon scraper to the ring that gives me a lot of health until I buy something in which then it goes away three the rolling I or something for Corinth II ring speedier dodge rolls we just go all speed moon scraper is really good actually I like the moon scraper remember when we used it that one time and it was like the best con the entire world Kobe says take it M'Lynn scrapers Opie by itself [Music] that was gamma-ray wasn't it aren't they the same thing what's the difference between gamma ray and moon scraper [Music] oh that might have been gamma ray they look so close you may be right [Music] yeah I think the moon scraper is actually the shittier version I just looked up moon scraper and it just brought me to gamma-ray that's not right there we go well anyways number four is the clear winner here I want a ring so we're just like speed speed speed speed speed speed speed speed speed speed speed speed speed speed speed turbo mode I'm turbo everyone else is not I think the rolling eyes when I dodge roll through bullets it sends them back it sucks to be that guy here we go alright number one cactus gun to Turkey three loot bag and for Junkin since one is junk in a blue chest item since when Junkin you are a b-tier item he's a see tear item what you're drunk game Junkin sir junket surd by the Queen of England knighted I mean the Junkin himself is AC tier item it's always been a blue chest apparently is a brown chest item Mike the game is drunken see what you did there wait I got a something for it I got a sound board you guys how exciting is that alright yeah yeah although cactus gun not bad it's kind of fun to use really all right here we go here we go see tear item my friggin ass can decaying 145 Junkin is the true wizard junk 'm junk them all it says scare face is that even fair if I junk for chests both 69 for me to junk them although well I can't even open them I can't even [ __ ] open them I can't do a poll before we open them that doesn't make sense junk all junk only junk one is a vote well it's 69 69 69 6 an end it's not even fair if I junk them all you guys realize it's not fair in in the least bit I think we do I think we do as recommended we junk one of them then but that means that you guys gonna want to junk all of them like from here on out I can't even get to the junk you guys it's gonna open the chest oh my Jesus are you [ __ ] kidding me are you kidding me can I have it can I have it I'm gonna have your Nova all right I get the KC that's it ok that's it I'm leaving your chest behind all right that's it chat no more this is the dumbest thing ever we're not even trying to have a fair game anymore not even trying boy oh I still got shot though what is that about what the forget about if I can kill the boss with nothing but Casey then I'm gonna be able to come back and junk the other chests all right we got to earn it there needs to be some balance here if Junkin can kill that guy in his own with nothing but head butts and wieners laughs that's reasonable Casey does has it have a synergy with the cactus God you guys he done [ __ ] up a Aron no he's got to do it junket needs to go from a trash bag to a man you better not take damage yeah no guarantees of that much is whiff then oh this is with twice [Music] okay I don't think I'm listening that one mature drawable ku oh damn straight I got Corinth a ring beach not gonna be fun to kill this guy with the KC although it's going really well so far oh no Popo maybe Junkin can kill him if junking can kill him with nothing but his trash bag attacks ah [ __ ] dude I'd [ __ ] slant KC into that way don't work like you're supposed to KC [ __ ] [ __ ] you saw me knock all of those bullets out of the park and then there's none of them left like oh yeah you did the thing but it's like moving right now I'm comfortable right now in the couch that's what it was supposed to do right there got an itchy face again Avril Morningstar two months in a row two months whew was almost too late already I made it though I made it back double but welcome back appreciate it okay I'm not sure what happened there I swung the bat you saw me swing the bat and but nothing happens I think Casey's having a bad day hey guys I think Casey's having a little problem some some troubles right now [Applause] swings bad nothing goes anywhere chaos a mullet that's okay oh my god this has got to be a shotgun did you see that blast this is this is not bad actually with a shotgun an affinity this is for you Junkin this is for you alright he's feeling much better as he should be did we get everything in the shop there's another chest room so gonna blow up yeah I would have accepted it punish me for my sins oh I gotta pay for my sins somehow all right [Music] good hit apparently the more I played this game I think it's like I'm getting a little lazy when it comes to dodge rolls but I feel like I'm doing them perfectly and I still take damage and then I get all pissed off when I probably shouldn't all right so much for a duct-tape run number one Full Metal Jacket number two hexagon number three glacier giant thing number four shelygin junk one junk all junk one let's have an agreement that if we come across Brown chests we junk them how about that does that sound good because green chests are awesome only junk Browns his clock seems fair it's not anime 40% for number one 33% for number two it's just like why are we even doing a duct-tape run then what's the point what's the purpose what does ruby bracelet even do though [Applause] unique ruby bracelets hashtag ad throwing throwing guns will explode them bad it's just really really bad Huggle peggle was their hell to buy actually I want red art this is the worst duct-tape run I've ever seen yeah this is pretty brutal it's not the worst run but Stefan the worst duct-tape run get him junk dad anime 100 fun story I am or was a staff member on a large discord server I confirmed a person I'm playing with his girls emotions since she was suicidal and I got demoted I love trying to help people tier two sub two months in row Ferrer thank you so much err appreciate that a lot existing is hard so let's keep doing it together hugs you know that was actually a pervy I was a perfect follow-up error to animes thing some people don't want help I had a very very similar situation like that with actually two people recently anime some people don't want the help and you telling them that they're doing something wrong that's what they focus on that's what they're gonna focus on at that point in time so it's not it's it's not simple to help people it isn't not any way shape or form sorry they struggling with it oh my god why Casey Casey dance look at me you see me [Music] oh that's not a platform down there that's a wall by crest I'm just not even paying attention okay I should hit him there pop up up up up up up up up up up zoinks Scoob I feel like I had the cheese boots but I don't [Music] vast quantities of hugs are coming your way Oh a health upgrade I want it I would like to have that yeah Oh [Music] what if we did a challenge run of having nothing but cacey but every time I get a chest I can give myself something that I think will make KC better so like guaranteed KC synergies what else would go good with it like lychee trigger finger maybe I don't know reload stone possibly for faster reload times server owner I am pretty sure it likes the guy who played with his gross emotions which is why I was demoted that's another thing sometimes you try to help other people by going directly to them and then they talk [ __ ] about you to somebody else and that's that gets ugly fierce punch s cream cream bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum be the rat ring mega hands época and demon head for sciences ice wall thanks for the one cc9 breath [Music] [Music] what you guys want number four okay since like we're just fast and loose with the rules you guys it's just well okay here's the thing though am I gonna get okay here's the thing here's what I'm thinking alright now try to follow me on this starting off why are we doing this song again it's ok because I like it starting off if you have the peashooter right and you get the thing you get the thing where the peashooter gets the upgrade what's it what's the thing we get broccoli right and the peashooter and then the P sure is like double damage and then if you duct-tape something to the peashooter that other thing also gets the double damage so if we have shotgun affinity and we duct-tape something to the shotgun maintaining the shotgun then now does the demon head get that shotgun affinity upgrade and all other things because the elephant gun is the base gun I think we should keep the elephant gun as the base gun elephant gun gungeon let me just look this up quick to see if it actually is a shotgun double-barrel shotgun so yes this is this is a fact I think we should do that I'm trying to look at what the shotgun affinity is let's just look up shotgun Cola with the player has a shotgun Coffee all shotgun types weapons gain piercing increased knock-back and increased shot speed so it's not even a damage upgrade but it's not bad though hollow victory prime sub welcome hollow victory let's go with it you guys give decked tape all right left tape duct tape this to this I think that's probably the way that we should go about handling this it's not the best starting weapon you guys I agree but all wait a second I can only shoot the laser for as long as the the gun has ammo I just thought I could just keep holding it down and shooting the laser I thought I could just keep holding it down shooting the laser turns out that's wrong okay oh well we'll just have like a high reload one and maybe we'll get guns that require reloads anyways Junkin finish his ass off noise try me breath okay I don't want to just lame leg foot leg but leg what's that nice miss blasphemies still good here but Casey we kind of cheated for Casey so I feel obligated to use it even if it means I'm gonna get hurt but like I'm gonna do what to me no secret room their spawn Chirst all right number one that one I can't let no can I can i duck tape something to Polaris stops going number two oh the hammer three Hey yeah the UH oh Jesus the regular aka the vertebrae k the hammer and the Polaris if I could just have them although have a ball mother gunship says Omega cannon I beat that game though so if I duct tape everything to my Polaris and my Polaris keeps going up in quality than everything else should get a go up in quality ah Polaris has a good glitch vertebrae K is a seat to your gun vertebrate I like it though I like it a lot it does the homing and it also connects its bullets and has like that laser thing tech zero style only Polaris shots get piercing and stuff [Music] doesn't players get stuck at level free when you duct-tape if Polaris has been combined with another weapon with duct tape it will fire all three level all three levels every shot consuming three ammo what happens if it's the base gun though you guys same thing let's do it for science I mean you guys have to vote on it really but all you know what [ __ ] it [Music] okay I'm going to combine things to the Polaris I think let's try it oh god I feel sick oh good giving with the crust boss time perfect timing looks like it's not shooting all three waves as the base gun it's just shooting a one I can see it which is kind of how I wanted to do it but it's shooting all free levels it's okay it's better if it only shoots one level and that level is at three Luxan I like the Luxan cannon I like it we haven't followed any rules though on this one we've just completely ignored all of the duct-tape challenge rules he doesn't even take the rat ring interesting if I took the rat ring we could get him to trade out items I think he takes items and then drops another item what's up with me just getting my blanks back that's not a good deal for me take the rat rein then yeah that's a little unfair though because he's gonna drop a bunch of new [ __ ] and then I'll be able to take that new [ __ ] but then again we're not following any rules I should have just taken it we've broken every single rule that's ever existed known to man and most good speedrun try to keep a lookout to see if it goes at the level two [Music] doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo roasted I'm toasty welcome with that prime sub also Mack slappy you'd probably get along with slap daddy reminds me of - your grace where you just cheat stab a fun run hey if it works for him if it works for him he has a good time and people enjoy watching and who the [ __ ] cares at that point right slugga goofing around how many hours have I put into like freaking old Grand Theft Auto games where you just put in cheats and run around with all the weapons and just do funny [ __ ] game slap look at that gift look at that gift streak I would call it game slap gifted ass up - noted Merlin game slap gifted a sub - spacefaring dragon gain slap get to the sub the home day game slap get to the sub it's a home die - reborn Aussie game stuff get that a sub - hey had a rage hell yeah a game slap thank you so much without my friends much much hots love much Hutt's love is the same level to yet I feel like it should be maybe it's not gonna grow at all let's slap dad just slapping that love whether you want it or not Brown ah that's junk right I think it's it's fair to not make four chests and junk them all oh I am mega super Junkin prepare to get your butthole ripped open I hope you brought us sewing kit you didn't even need that ammo but it's pretty cool you got it look at my jogging I've got legs and arms and stuff I mean I had them before but these are even better that's what he would say if he could talk it's a fact I know him personally a golden junk from a brown chest Heil the brownies okay look it see that purple fire you see that purple lantern how much do you want to bet that there is a gun muncher in there how much you want to bet zero dollars I bet three monies I will about one bit $1,000,000 potato ain't prime so book a potato in look at all the blue look at all the frickin look at all the subs in the chat for vaad because I bet you a gift sub bro well you were right you were right I was less right every okay the last six times I've seen that purple flame it's been a gun muncher now we've learned that it's not just gun munchers be water nine months you glorious but bastard baby's gonna be bastards elder blank plus full metal jackets that tasty I have 675 golds so I take all of it well I don't want the blankets I'm not dumb I'm not stupid he owes me eight now hey we didn't shake on it you guys know I don't follow rules so he has a [ __ ] lightsaber I have a lightsaber I'm gonna shove it in your aisle and then into your peepee hole iron should are four months in a row you just put the colored lanterns thing together filthy pleb I thought it just meant that it was a special room but literally the last five times I've seen it has been nothing but a gun muncher so no it's like miss me our pugazh back alright our pika you're in alright that's the wrong button this button Junkins a Power Ranger Power Rangers have lightsabers and minigun arms and rockets did he just light himself on fire [Music] power rangers wish they were him Ohio where up wall Wow blonde [ __ ] alright blue it is [Music] purple flames mean npc greenish shrine Oh is that purple or is that blue be water giving a sub to taro was stuck in taro was taken figure it out be water get to the sub to fire exe be water get to the sub to Zeno lichstorm be water get to the sub - toast roasting [ __ ] be water get to the southern intrepid you want to get to the sub the cage or MK at chasm are you want to get to the sub - Owen Volsky you want to get that ass up tonight scream if you want to get that ass up - red cap - jar or be water get through sub the middlemen welcome welcome friends and Thank You B water the outdid yourself what is this light here on this mean its glorious right what is this light nice man plunger health upgrade health upgrade health upgrade there's got to be a synergy with the health upgrade right the plunger would be good too because I've got sponge hey there's Lenny in the bag you guys see him little buddy let's surprise him though Shh wow what a choice [Music] the body or the body or the body it's like dad stop give him what he had to save the people he's like I hate my dad he tortures me all right back to the game Lenny cringe emote we got all 44 percents all you guys are nuts deal no synergies why did why did they dislike force him upon me then why did you do that to me DDT we already found a secret I'm on this war didn't we we did did anyone see the rat room Junkin find the rat room for me random gift sub camel ask the question huts I just hit 20 years can you sing me a song or wish me something happy 20 year breath I hope that you have a merry 20 years old day miss you know you're lucky I don't say that everyone you don't have they'll hear this I can tell because that guy was it necessary to fire a rocket at him no is it worth it yes did we do everything that there was to do almost fell off ttv Jake the Ladd prime sub welcome friend wrap towel huts how's your day you're looking happier in the past few times well I slept like 12 hours last night or more so that helps always I still feel like I'm tired though I feel like I'm tired I feel like I have a headache all the time for some reason I don't know why I feel this way it's always tired to the point where I'm just like I don't feel like doing a damn thing it makes it hard to work big owl man seven months in a row what's up the gal man you got this but man the gamma and first of all says I recently beat the past the convict in the Marine glad to see we're still streaming hell yeah and stole beans five hundred bits she got this but man I feel like I got this there's no way I don't got this it's impossible to sleep too much that's definitely not my problem I normally get up at like 9:00 and go to bed at like 1:00 which is a decent amount of sleep but wouldn't class fight is too much as players level three how do I tell dr. Taurus tier 1 sub welcome course you got this doesn't even a question then if I didn't got this if I didn't got it into this I would just cheat my way to get things now I wouldn't have already cheated enough literally just walk into it Full Metal Jacket with with the elder blank you just get a free blank by walk into [ __ ] hey this round isn't cheating anymore still walked into it though house couple times I bought the rat that won certain wave right there was undoubtable [Music] I should like be more on it and and be hitting those those punches for their heart of time I could have gone for six keys but I'm fine we already got it before I want to figure out how to put a parry that one see I punched right then and there I just he blinks and the Mason noise like he can parry it but I honestly don't think you can I don't think that's possible I missed them that that was gonna finish them off it didn't one pound of ham two months what's up dude welcome back it's not giving me any parable things come on dude what the hell what did H did come on are you even trying I walked too early on that one alright [ __ ] it [ __ ] it I did get the baby good mimic King lunar bro you [ __ ] called it called it double mega ultra Chokin holy [ __ ] Zen Heiser two three eighteen months in a row oh my god first of all eighteen months second I got my bought baby shirt today it's [ __ ] awesome nice dude I'm glad that you got it I'm glad you got it [Music] Oh Lord says clock give duct-tape no that's not what I wanted finish it please give duct-tape and give maybe another one all right take this duct tape it take this duct tape it synergy with Casey though isn't it or is that wrong about that could've been wrong it didn't go pinky must have been wrong this duct tape microtransaction gun take this which is what is that yellow chamber the jamb thing yellow chamber is super good right I don't want smoke bombs I want my elder blank back we kinda have a lot of curse we've got a lot of curse here wait a second it didn't duct tape the microtransaction gun what happens why is my duct tape up there it's nail gun not the cactus I thought it was both I'm not sure what just happened there let's try it again duct tape there I must have thrown it somehow I don't know get rekt here girls why was my duct tape in the wall why is my duct tape in the wall why is my duct tape in the wall why is my duct tape in the wall I'd be saying that if it actually got stuck there alright three chests then but it was stuck in the wall if we weren't cheating if this is our legit run and I got stuck in the wall I'd be saying that I don't I don't know we don't really need to do the super dragon but vote all I've never seen this stuff cheese gun not sure I care about the cheese gun should we go ultra dragon microtransaction gun does not longer get rid of your money question mark I don't know sell them for cheese wheel ultra dragon or no balls well I could actually I could get rid of junk but if I threw the wrong junk and I threw Junkin that'd be a mistake all right it's fixed my Isaac did did my tips and tricks' help at all he's a friendly guy but I don't think he spawns in a friendly yeah see he does not spawn in a friendly skeleton so what the [ __ ] is the point of him being my friend pretty friend if you asked me then exactly what you said and it fixed it awesome I think like a video on that to help people out I remember like so many people were having problems with mods oh yeah oh yes the hell was he all spooked for beep therefore my baby baby baby need be feeding a baby 19 only 19 for this huh do-do-do-do-do-do [Music] it's just simple math [Music] how do I handle the situation probably should try to bounce it off the green because then I can bounce it off the blue eye someone to bounce it off the green into the red [Music] because I need this last one out the blue and those greens are in the way you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me some spiny three of them spawning sixteen of them you can't stop me all right number one the star pew number two the AWP you think sniper rifle number three the Oh Oh shocker Lightning gun thing number four the cannon they seem all like super balls [Music] does anyone know the real name of that thing you'd better duct-tape it I think the sniper rifle is really good the serious cannon the chances of me actually charging it up and firing it probably pretty low look at Junkin like would glitch it out looks kind of cool system failure [Music] 23% for number three thunderclap under club [Music] now what unicorn horn I mean I'm probably at like six or seven hearse I'll be at six or seven Percy R pressed air tank I'll take it [Music] honestly the mega Dow sir might as well [Music] probably take one of these write me one of those reload stone if I had the room for it but it's gonna boot out my elder blank so I'm gonna say pass on that and that's all we need really there's good stuff but not stuff that I need I don't know if this says better things that I break chests or something I'll [ __ ] know it doesn't matter doesn't even matter anymore kind of a lame shop there unicorn for fanciness I just don't want to deal with the the curse [Music] shot number two turkey might as well no reason not to [Music] better chance is still gonna Knight them upon breaking a chest [Music] [Music] I hit that guy with the KC because he was jammed he just hooked the shot pushed him back like a superhero look sick bro there's like to Mecca ultra Junkins and then there's a turkey running around with them like hey guys I'm part of the crew - wait up camera turkey super drunken destroying the world mega Junkin team plus turkey [Music] mekka Turkey nope just a normal turkey so regular old Turkey thinks that the first person that the turkey saw was the with the Junkins and they imprinted on the turkey so now the turkey thinks that Junkin is that's the mom and dad wait mom dad wants to be like that when the turkey grows up it's an adorable story really you're hurting the turkey self-esteem no I'm not Turkey will draw to be strong and great don't you put this self-esteem [ __ ] on me I'm calling PETA you know you should because they're gonna put me on the front cover their [ __ ] magazine local hero raises the strongest turkey ever gives turkeys good idols to look up to the hero story near welcome world you know I feel good about what we've done here not the Seagram oh no the wall thank God for Elder Blanc grenade launcher might as well just throw it on top [Music] did we miss anything yeah both chest rooms chaotic shadows ten months wait where did the nine month go oh well I know it's a couple weeks late but welcome back cuts thanks Gary shadows welcome back for you know you [Music] [Music] no your mom's welcome back might be my worst joke I've ever made but I'm okay with it let's get hit there must have gotten smashed somehow I'm sorry but if you have a lightsaber Junkin and you can't one-shot a shell really bro number one ice cube number two mutation number three mass shotgun number four proton pack because I'm feeling hungry turkey wants the ice cube I say ice cube myself [Music] Bell and I are getting Chinese where's mine dude what I want is I want chicken lo mein with the noodles but I want the sesame chicken sauce on the side and then I'm gonna pour that all over the noodles thank me later everyone dude can we just get more though can we please get more Metroid remixes the music so [ __ ] epic [Music] you guys are so split number two wins here by just a hair just a hair [Music] it's a mimic anyways good luck dying bro oh wait Booch he strung himself up to a frickin fuse I don't feel bad at all for that I tried for comes out there will be more music definitely alright here goes did I reset the pole I think I just did but let's do it again number one roll bomb speaking of Metroid number two the other bomb thing whatever number three yeah doesn't care don't don't matter number four l-dub grade [Music] see Clark you've all disappointed the turkey [Music] the ice cube would have been so good with elder blank you guys so good now we're gonna lose no I'm gonna starve [Music] the locks that can we get some sad music [Music] number one 71% you want roll bombs fine nothing like two exceptionally great here out of all of these things but what it is did we check for Seagram's why is there like a chest that's like still alive right there in the middle you see that right there it's like the mimic came back from the dead and he's like sitting there like almost not broken I don't understand well he thought seven months ago welcome back not sure why that double clicked now we'll pull go away so much struggle just to get the frickin poll off the screen [Music] if we die I don't think we're allowed to fight dungeon anymore Steve just like takes away my game key I just got shot from something from what X H 2k what's up prime sub welcome [Music] just like my singing I got shot again there's a key that I missed back there not that it matters oh it matters [Music] [Music] frost giants cold 45 they work together they do wise bullet crying Ross giant let me see it if the player also has a colt 45 attacking a frozen enemy with one of the guns causes a Yeti to attack it dealing high damage oh I gotta see this but let me see the Yeti attack guts I wanna see people get attacked by oh I like it I'm in full support of it blue Yeti [Music] and then three months in a row let's update I can't believe the three months I just walked into some because he [ __ ] is trying to make I love you though [Music] is [Music] got sharks and yetis oh hi I didn't see you there ol buddy dragons gonna be a super ultra dragon fight remember [Music] the Yeti is pretty badass though you guys another mimic why cuz I've got 75 bajillion gazillion mammalian freakin curse yeah number one gun night grieves that means we'll have to we'll have three of the three gun nights stuff if I take it rolling I again number three down well boots we shoot backwards in my role I think number four greased oiled cylinder faster reloads or something like that and remember [Music] butter butter butter [Music] [Music] number one big time gun night gauntlet [Music] ballot brick up cash rocky I'm gonna say no to all right look out for the little dude look out for the secret run bro that's what I'm gonna do let's duct-tape these now to the original weapon I like the yetis but all fun must come to an end that do it that one there we go all right rip yetis always in our hearts all the balls get them shark how was that for on the seeker I'm no [Music] rainbow chest saying that for free that's mine what was that is it a green chest or a blue chest I can't even see it the thing got disintegrated blood cry thanks to the hundred bits appreciate it in 1099 bits from Jake the lad thank you so much Jake the lad hell yeah it was blue huts okay it was rainbow number one melted rock corpse exploded garbage number two decoy number three medpac number four med tag I haven't played a hat in time squad I was pretty excited for it and then I heard it was not that exciting though somebody being like more of a kids game really or just yeah it I still am hurt from ukelele and I feel like it's like that but I could be wrong that's why and time was goods his blood dry died I don't know so you tell me if I'm wrong about that I'd like to know game well apparently lost my eighth month sub streak rip but baby shirt it just says your sub dose is Game one alright game well I'm saying to you you sure you can't refresh right now reroll 39% we don't even have a reroll option guys alright you know what for re-roll let's do this yeah buddy I don't know what I'm doing just vote all I obviously loved it it was super fun super mario sunshine ask platformer i would give it a solid eight at a ten minimum one of my favorite platformers in a long time wish it was longer okay that's good to hear so a first rainbow chess yay [Music] all right what am I even doing right now [Music] oh right and that's for free that's blood bridge let's do the cricket let's do the crescents bull brick of cash no think of cash briefcase of cash synergizes with what the brick of cash cash rules something something something something I couldn't read it [Music] RC rockets combined rifle alright pretty good reroll if you ask me so what was that again let's look it up brick of cash cash rules everything around me I'm gonna take out the screen by the way the players briefcase to cash firing any gun occasionally fires money which charms enemies okay it is what it is we've broken all the rules you guys so it's like plug it why why him to try I'm gonna try anymore [Music] [ __ ] DPS capital we let the DPS cap cool off for a bit and then we go at it again we get little bursts I think have you say the ammo on the end we probably run out of ammo if I would have just kept firing at that point [Music] [Music] [Music] going down bud don't get inside the eyeball it shoots triangles Oh [Music] get not in here I'm ass outta bullets [Music] got'em statism what's up how come the dragon never shoots from his nose gun you know you got a good point there I'm feeling a DLC well they unlock his nose gun and just lets it rip we ready to go was there a mole for sale in the store yeah yeah explosive sneezes what if he dropped his whole head as a gun it's kind of like Dragon Fire but not really Dragon Fire is clearly a gun that was meant to look like his handle not actually his head should be like makeshift cannon time for dragons boats and you can shoot it once per floor which abuse can you take bud [Music] whoo risky business here I got hit there on that one 18k dose six months two thirds there's also reminded that the name is I ten item item Titan honey hey Kato heightened I'll try to remember that I'm doing my best only got like a thousand plus names remember better at least subbed it's that much right each of us has like five thousand friends right so I should be able to handle 1000 names quad Taurus coming for you all the Junction's take care of those effects [Music] when in doubt is elder blank I've got like all the ammo let's [Music] what I don't have is the ability to turn big enemies like that into a chicken it would actually be pretty helpful a [Music] charmed jammed shotgun guy that went really well actually we said that we're gonna jump off Brown chest jump no junk but at this point in time I don't think that's necessary considering that the mega Junkins they don't care about how much junk you got like I did whatever all right let's do this number one Phoenix number two lowercase R number three wind up gun and number four procs mines have you ever seen a jams chicken I have actually chicken jam you guys ever have gravy and then you put it in the fridge and it turns into jello and so I think I'm gonna hear chicken jam can't see the poll right because it's on the brick of cash website still it's on my weird porn site good night loading - is lowercase R yeah number two the synergies though you guys research chest chest chest mimic mimic bullet see here yeah I'm gonna duct-tape everything to the lowercase R [ __ ] it man [ __ ] it chest mimic spooky [Music] [ __ ] it man [Music] she's gone not as fun as Casey oh you sly little bastard you can't even hear the are nah not really if you're on my team if you're okay he's charmed but he's still hurtin me the laser Brett [Music] you cheat even more getting hit don't even know how ballon I know I knew that knew how there I tried to leave them alone because he was my friend Junkins could you help me out here no no help you guys are stuck over there sweet good talk dude [Music] half the time I hit them with the KC they just turned charmed and they don't take any damage tired of this [ __ ] no how random bullets I've gotten hit by so many Rando bullets I've lost balance that was not a Rando Bullock that was just me bein that's just that's just Casey in a nutshell can you drop charm to bullets did we even pick up charm to bullets at any point in time dooba dooba dooba dooba [ __ ] you this episode is run specifically been sloppy and really sloppy but whatever got so much help it doesn't matter games like health here you go [Music] where that L is the lish [Music] [Music] [Music] hiding accidental full clear no at all bullet just research holy [ __ ] [Applause] first is the best I think did he fly me did sup little man chess circle good gravy that was good what's up little man you want to come up [Applause] [Music] buddy buddy buddy that's how good I am look mom what hand [Music] those guys did a lot of damage tons of damage
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 32,205
Rating: 4.9579687 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bulletstorm
Id: SRXQjfaXn50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 45sec (6945 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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