Eden Streak #148 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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or button and Shazam spider blue hey Wow huts hello bye 15 months welcome back all right let's see if we got damaged not so good fire right not so good health is like an active item yeah the Polaroid which is like pretty interesting so like yeah you know that's okay rust arm hello I got two bogs I'm almost tempted to use it on this guy cuz he's gonna be trouble I'll be trouble get back sir I can't have you taking some might my life alright such little life that I have I shall not be giving it to you you guys I've been sleeping like all day today I woke up at nine and I was like yeah I'm ready for my day let's get up and do stuff and I'm like you know I just actually want to sleep in even though 9 is probably sleeping time most of you and then I sucked in till 11:30 and then I woke up and I'm like let's do some stuff and I'm like I'm so tired still so I took another nap oh my day pinky nine months in her elbow baby hi I am born does this mean I have to get a job I'll give you like a month to get a job okay so don't like sweat it too hard dream has the question if given the chance would you make Greg the egg shirt I don't know I don't know I'm not sure there's a lot of talk about what people would buy or wouldn't buy and then when I actually make stuff it doesn't necessarily go that way so I feel kind of bad I didn't even need to do that at your fat-fingered it I got it back though I'm tired you guys did I mention I'm tired rosary three soul arts crack the egg shirt yes nap sim 2018 it might seem like I don't have a care in the world but it weighs pretty heavily on me not getting things done Amada generation prime sub I wanted to like record some stuff today welcome my degeneration you said bill the nub plushie that'll be the easiest plushie ever it's just a round blob with a with a pin cushion thing on it with a little build up but all Fry's starting get that a sub 2 e TB k thank you for ID storm first something up to the day we starting that already goodness Kalyn Kenton 209 I took a blind girl to bed the other night she never saw me coming pail kid 9 months and I'll almost missed it Belkin can we get a rip in chat for squats soon to be torturous 4 a.m. wake-up time rip after all Jax paid 100 bits into the bits bro diem crow 201 sub thanks to the sub right this is like music though it's just bangin bangerang paid well for a summer job though oh yeah well then quit your bitching I have to get up to make tons of money ah oh hi guys did he guess I'm not ready for the boss fight yet not that I'm gonna find anything better over here wouldn't it be great if I got a cricket's head game intense but notifications I pop up there 100 plus that's true otherwise I'd be spammed to oblivion it's all hot cider like bits I guess I'll see them in the chat though they still pop up if I look just like all the other chat messages there's so many pills I'm tempted to take the pills and probably after the boss fight a coaching oh dear it could be bad epic night five Munson are all good to see you dad when will you do fight me we just had to fight me not that long ago in fact you missed it probably so before you accuse me take a look at yourself full you accuse me take a look Joe sill and then Seagram's right here I know the Seagrams definitely right here that was silly of me to think that obviously 100% The Seeker room is right here guys come on DM crow would enter beds take all my money just gives me the bombs back - one yeah all right hey that's pretty good take all these pills after boss fight guys come on Tommy get that ass up the new boss it's up new boss welcome did you ever um to end up doing your mile I did another day not that day I cheated on that day I'm sorry today I'm so sorry I would have ran on the stream had you guys killed me and I made a tweet about it and like nobody understood what I was talking about and I was like okay I guess no one here watching my stream yeah but from sub obviously I didn't say that one guy's name right cuz he didn't say sub so you know that's the thing I mentioned something in chat I just didn't see it it's honestly honestly guys I missed like 80 to 90% of the chat just inherently cuz I'm playing a game it's how it's gonna go you know I can't just sit here and just read the chat you know people actually do that though and then call it a reddit AMA did you guys like a reddit AMA now eating it right zero milks died the snails ji told you raids the most out of place out of place messages Jack stayed for pity here had the rest of my bits for today gotta go sleep I see a breath thanks to the bits I appreciate the lot and have a good night shameless use the pennies my Isaac is completely kill after turning off mods how'd you end up fixing yours I had to turn the mods back on Squatch and then I had to press the continue run button or start a new run didn't matter and then you have to kill yourself as I think it's had some on Mayan it had something to do with the save file of like it had it saved with the mods on and then I tried to like reload the rerun file or the continue option and the mods weren't there to load that certain run in so it crashed black see 15 months in RL how is stuffs and things stops and things are you know they're good I like it I probably should I use my pills before I picked that up because I could get a help down probably will knowing my luck person above me has waluigi splicings for a year that's a good one to knock out puberty's fun why tis puberty so we want to get three of those for health upgrade feels like a feels like somebody lick the tip of my wiener alright I don't I don't think there were any more than that so that's fun be they have seven months in RL what is up I'll try that mine crashes before the title screen so it's probably something like the Isaac of Isaac or something that changes title intro minded that to squad doesn't even load up upon loading the game which goes rule so need to turn them all back on beat dizzle the person above me licks the tip of my wiener no homo o clock I'm gonna say no homo so it's like you know it's just is whatever so no binding contracts this is not this is from [ __ ] blows what the [ __ ] and [ __ ] in hell hey peewee Phil what do you want buddy here we dis knuckle that's it so bad this game good someone should flick the tip of edge penis this is such a weird thing to say oddly fits the context of what we're talking about recently here but taken out of context yeah that's weird I don't have to keep buddy like we like literally like literally just snuggle it's been five minutes [Music] yeah I'm Karl 100 bits I can't see what the little words are let's fill the cup with poop since Jack stain took my number one badge what a jerk Bruce Starr says I wanted to twitch on the weekends between school should I do it if I should how do I start that no one can help you with Bruce tar that's up to you man 100% everyone wants an easy button doesn't exist doesn't exist there's no easy button hard work dedication and flopping around like a fish out of water for a while that's all that's what it takes just got my shirt and I'm super happy with it I love watching content while doing my calc and physics homework Thank You Tommy for the hundred bits about the shirt looks good biggest part of streaming is IMO is sticking to it can we get a skip-bo all right our buddy Oh buddy boom look this cat hug so you're seeing such a better tighter cat hug than this have you my arms are wrapped around my back shaded master 100 beds have some patty cat patty Bongo surges Smurfs surged Smurfs prime sub welcome friend this little guy guy he's a dead Chicago dad stop dad why does no so wet cats noses are supposed to be that way he's a little booger Callan Ken 196 a washbasin just rang your dope doorbell let that sink in anyway I'm out of money after those two tiny donations law no more puns for a while I'm afraid dad in other news my band releases their first song soon good luck Allen can freaky dino tear what's up what's up Ricky do I [Music] have to work okay goodness selfish little cat data finally so this is freaky Nino fantastic word glories what was the Italian nice man DM crawl 100 bits madman mortal first of all 24 months that's two years has it been has it already been two years dang dude I'd now have all your money we forgot what time was and I made it zoom past at Lightspeed so died all the sub money like an evil genius would appreciate the two years of support breath DM Carl I just love how you read my name DM Crowe I'll call you CRO then I want you to like it too much bossa nova 169 first time catching the streams welcome at first time donation feel though oh that's my help upgrade right there I'm an adult now I've got beard have beard don't worry don't worry be happy don't worry be happy that beautiful face a face only a mother could feed she doesn't love it but she goes off we gotta defeat it don't happy be worried yeah that's it that's how it goes another luck upgrade penny no keys though kind of problematic oh oh guy trapped me popped into my corner hey go [ __ ] yourself no yeah no keys that's fine little duckie for months that are all it's up lil ducky is the music a little loud you guys with luck you'll get some keys only got my buff baby shirts this madman more dough slowly centered a mountain this is not a difficult rag man so let's be thankful for that no jumpy [ __ ] as this this is a mad mad man this is a rag man sands jumpy [ __ ] so quite pleased Hiroshima hotel three months in a row I've watched you for a for a lot longer than this but only recently sup thank you so much for the endless entertainment and making my homework more bearable oh yeah thanks for watching me hope you still get your homework done there's asked me some questions on your homework and like we can do both the same time you know there's no reason that we can't kill two birds one stone you guys send me some homework questions hit me hit me up health pretty good before I deal with the devil not Krampus my Krampus is non Krampus yes good yes I like it these two plus equals question mark this philosophy Crow Hunter bits I've lost my credit card recently so I missed my three or four months sub feels bad man you should I find that or cancel it squat final question I swear do you think he would ever be willing to stream og Isaac wrath of the lamb I'd love to see you play it again I I don't know no no promise is on that squat no promises that's all I got keys please yeah those are definitely keeps thanks to the keys bud yeah oh good baby XY 22 months what's up welcome back who's gonna give my damn keys give me my damn keys Isaak is so much better now the original shallots are the I don't speak Italian that's why I had to look up nice man which wasn't incorrect one times five thousand nine hundred seven six plus fifty seven minus 69 plus 4 20 okay don't give me stuff that you guys could just crank out my calculator in five seconds come on this isn't even you guys don't even have homework like this come on this is like what third grade [ __ ] multiplication tables get out of here one times five thousand nine hundred seventy six oh but it's ordered operations and it trips you up oh this is V 33 months 33 what does LP at 22 and 33 back to back feels nice feels pretty okay I guess I'm leaving you guys look at the floor look at how pathetic that was what's the second integral you mean the double integral of e to the X so the derivative of e to the X is just X e to the X right or is it X e to the X minus one something like with the double integral of e DX this is gonna be dangerous because the sake of S is kind of making a like a timebomb thing going on here oh you can get them yeah but better be away from me bud thank you I don't want that equals mc-squared get out of here integral of e to the X would be e to the X over X and another one of that would be like I forgot how it's as an engineer so now you're just like pulling out these like weird rules with integrals and [ __ ] come on give me some normal stuff too easy too hard excuses excuses I'm like Goldilocks but with math this math problem is too hard this one tastes like salt calc is painful not enough cat's calculus our health is doing pretty okay you know on a plus side here our damage is just licking the bottom of an ashtray that's some sweaty dude just sat on I already sit on it it wasn't even comfortable this looks like I'm gonna let sucky this just like take control here perks was this sauce poops I'm gonna keep my bombs actually [Music] chops to the right a secret rum that's good information all the way I'm getting freakin into my item rum to buy a key or key I yeah yeah let's just double-check that information not that I don't trust you I spend double check it what does the library then you're a liar Alice inator what's up welcome two months in a row Irie sob but it did not display and I looked up crested polished chickens fresh crested Polish chickens sometimes all right Avery there should be a share button for that it doesn't automatically show up credit card though I think we wait and see if there isn't well no because we can't just wait for a deal with the devil because if it one shows up and then we leave to go get the credit card then we're boned then we're boned city then everything is bone we wait to see if we get more money we wait to see if we get more money so they can you know for two key and the credit card before deal with the devil just buy it well don't you love me those are fightin letters [Music] hey what if you guys [ __ ] didn't do that alright stop [Music] I'm a demonic make these really tough enemies haha Oh funny damn the nerd Benjie six months in a row it's up ng God dear mother 125 from road hog Benji and then Road hug defend Zeena Kenji yes I understand that yah eats his Road Dogg crow just cover the top and you got it 128 square at a 980 jukebox six months what's up alright oh my god gettime succubus [ __ ] him up Ronis day [Music] all right no more epic musics let's do this let's buckle down that's what top secret huh me think it looks like it's leading me somewhere like I planned on there being another room on the other side of the of the room it's telling me it's whispering to me hear you I know it yes I'm a genius oh good thing I'm a genius what would we all do if I was not such a smart awesome genius it's trigged a lot easier than calc find the cosine 165 degrees exactly using an angle addition or subtraction formula a minus 1 plus root 3/2 be well let's see here sign starts at zero I mean I could do that whole thing that you're talking about but that sounds ugly I could just be smart right purple Knight 15 months in a row it's a purple Knight sign starts at zero and cosine starts at 1 and at a hundred and eighty degrees is also back at one 165 would be like 15 off M MP verbatim prime sub what's up so I guess like point eight it's not about guessing that's about getting inside answers yeah he's like right on the money to spell Caen what's the actual answer though cosine 165 Aleksey you ready all right what's up bruh veil I don't know say I'm ready Ally to psychic rolls off the tongue right - love it it's not even like that than what it actually is that's why statistics oath alexia ten months in RL I'm late I'm sick on 25 but I'm here can I get some birthday hype at the birthday LXE up everyone say happy birthday to work right now do which narcissistic much not enough addicted happy birthday well what's the actual answer though you guys come on cosine of 165 is at point eight one eight one two five huts it's like 17 foot six seventeen this makes sense Lord Comcast 559 can I offer you an egg in this drying time is it a certain egg let me know about Part B bar fight oh god he's been dropped on his head it's a negative root 2 minus root 6 and all that over for 0.96 are you guys in radians you in radians or degrees I don't give me this [ __ ] can you shorten the expression a squared plus 2 a B plus B squared isn't that in parentheses a plus B and parenthesis squared now I want to open those have you been in the item room yet have I even found the item room I don't even think so where am I I'm lost completely and utterly did we find it did we go into it did we conquer it where am i credit card in the shop buy you should get that now yeah Alexia is trying to get some sleep but I woke up coughing my lungs up so I decided to come by for a little while dude being sick on your birthday it's no good but it's so bright harder the next day Allison ater $1.00 then watching your streams and videos for a while now I wanted to drop a little money on you to say thank you for your entertainment you'd have to do that thank you I appreciate that also thank you for helping me sleep at night not a problem I kind of want the fly for protection but I don't want to get rid of my soul heart and I don't really want to get rid of my my pills thing but I haven't really gotten a good pill yet so 100 bits it's pronounced Zirin but come my next payday I'll subs you dad have to get my puppy a haircut my crotch is okay [Music] or is the shop again I can't see it now because this is normal door it's over here I'm gonna buy the credit card well cuz I want to high priestess the freaking boss some of beach let's do these let's do these some spell like these let's go up here let's open these that was pretty worth it that was a lot of money that I got out of that I thought minecrafter will if I press it again it blew up what's the item that does that what's the one that drops a bomb then blows it up when I press it again come remote explosive I did that step lyrics buddy this will be the third time in this like what third freaking floor that you wanted to snuggle me keep it in your pants minecrafter does when you have a chart just GW beach stance my damage is just so much of the balls it's like horse [ __ ] and tiny mouth I'm like rage Mario I asked but I know it is there's no stress justice damage though not even succubus can make up for it succubus is like flat there are like okay so like I can only do so much I'm pretty sure succubus does like a portion of my damage so I'm just weighing her down like an anchor did you just assume the gender of this gender defined creature can we just can we just it's a game of focus now I'm gonna lose my focus and take damage oh goodness my complaints gone Allyson ater another dollar forgot to say thank you for getting me back in - Isaac - I'd put around 400 hours into it before I never before but I legit never got anywhere now I actually understand the game better thanks to you also my cat reminds me of Lennie because he always wants cuddles it's good cat then huh I'm even bigger though I don't really want to be this big I never asked for this do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do yeah not necessarily helpful your friends roll what said I'm extra-large but store my friends and us with our oversized hearts will die early together that got real dark Sam here prime sub what's up welcome why do you proud X like a Z I don't know as elephone just [ __ ] it up for everyone Master Parker five months I have percussion practice every Tuesday and Thursday right at the Times Ustream and it makes me mad well that won't always be that way right for right now you know I do need to use beds there's something I need to unlock by using beds and this might be the time that we get it but I'd have to lose some red health in order to do so luminaria promise up it's up and replace made it on time well yeah well yep well okay or you could get rid of all of your red hearts that's how I'm saying need to loose my soul locks to get to my red hearts maybe there's an arcade that is the arcade that literally is that is the arcade oh oh well then you still come across a blood donation machine but swagalicious two months in a row double but first time not breaking a substrate proud of myself well done well done and well come back good this is going so much better just like with white like 2xr damage really don't care about that but it shows up literally every single run I've ever had in my entire life it's just there it's the dad I never wanted and one of the year huh take no actually probably watch the credit card let's use it up come back for the era unlimited bombs it's just so nice never underestimate how important bombs are just so nice you know what to give me bud give it to me give me it give me the damn Steam sale for pennies I've never seen such a piss-poor fricking pay out of that guy for pennies generally it's like eight pennies and a nickel for pennies what that's not greed that was poor as [ __ ] it's agreed but he's not very good at it sucks at his own job have we bombed a corpse yet we did that's why we're at 72% chance for a deal to devil anyway we could raise that even higher yeah beggar and the top secret room character looks like a hippie peace and love men free love lyric prime Saab there it is appreciate that oh yeah thunder bars hello just a crush crap I am air room top secret room more pubes on my faces - you all right I'm a little nervous to take that but make neat oh that's just pretty garbage it's alright though more pubes please it's up Jarek what's our plan hopefully just get that deal to devil what's that kiram way back there a library is that a library way back when at the start or is it a double key room either way I'd like to go in there just in case as a begger of some sort crawl 100 bits to double bomb room good you remember me of myself when you talked about your sleepy day that I actually feel tired now another bed come on WTF might you actually feel tired because of my story it's definitely not a crawl space but just prove it to myself you know I'm not crazy all the beds if I could use both eyes should probably use both the beds I need an unlock but is an unlock worth sacrificing and eat in street for no no no but using two beds in one floor I've averaged around zero beds per run so my average around the cosine of eighty degrees use your blanks magic 8-ball man the nail I shall take this okay okay let's get my air ruining leave could have been better could have been worse off the class bye dad see Tommy could afford to do this now [Music] hashtag worth I've you know I probably should have just left all the black carts in the floor hurt myself used the beds then just started on the nail I still could do that I still could do that technically killer ninja prime sub what's up yup just have a lot of batteries yeah there's at least three batteries lying about yeah we should probably do that you guys I mean that the chances of me actually coming across a bed they've just been so low that I should take advantage of it while it's here probably this was gonna be a lot of it's a lot of help to get rid of bye by hello Jett [ __ ] Gerrard 23 months welcome back breath bombs maybe quicker oh hell no knock we're gonna miss look at that hell that just went to nothing bring bring bring ding-ding Oh Frank Frank Frank ping ping swallow penny would have been good yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't see any unlocks you guys it's all for nothing all right do have you seen any batteries anywhere else Oh chatter I know everything in the world probably need like ten more sleeps here infinii dollars more pubes please Hut's dozen 18 all right let me see if this one even works thank you so much Karen this one's for you glasses oh yeah what do you want Kieran you want the hearts do you want the waves the fireworks go craziness which one though you can actually make custom designs in this too I just haven't I just haven't oh no too much choice like choosing Isaac items all over again that's all the batteries that I've seen let's get the hell out of here wanna leave XR eco czar eco prom sub welcome craziness alright stare into my eyes you're about to get very sleepy and in your sleep you're going to pee all over yourself do not fight this do not fight the temptation or it will come no matter what the harder you fight it the more you will piss yourself fat fat wig East prime sub what's up thank you so much the subs you guys I was sleepy before you started saying that's his clock Mary piss miss lads you guys just better okie do your laundry doo doo doo doo doo doo then another ninth circle of hell more Metroid please hi yes I'd like to have all the Metroid in my life when are we getting a Metroid four switch hey / Nintendo where's my switch Prime Metroid switch Prime and then hire this person to do the music this would be an epic boss fight the only thing that this song is missing is his face face drop all right these little jumpy bastards that also leave creep come on I start with the Polaroid yes doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo three black hearts love them give me a joker card as well ah shoot so close oh oh oh Fifi hahaha [Music] [Music] how did he just bank off the wall there that didn't exist [ __ ] hack [Music] dumpling of doom I see you [Music] yeah whoo girl who did it nine months for savage barbecue look at that hell yeah very consistent guess is getting a t-shirt better see you wearing that damn thing also question from deaf droids so when repentance comes out will you only do eatin streets after all the new content is thoroughly gone through on one of the save files they suspend my mind for a while will you only do eatin streaks after all the new content is thoroughly gone through on one of the save files I'm night there's a lot going on in that question I'm not sure I fully understood it even streaks will go on even after new contents only on the same Eden Street SAV file but I've got other save files where I will like knock out the actual content an environment in which I can be risky in Tammy's head it's tempting not necessary doo-doo-doo reading the chat not paying attention to the game not a pterodactyl has recent months Boop Charlie three months in our lobby dad welcome back both of you why can't you hear a pterodactyl urinate that's my question you guys why can't you hear a pterodactyl urinate because they're extinct fools get with the program remember my first joke [Music] that was probably it Oh awful awful here I saw one the other day Avery two months in a row now I can share it apparently anyway I really like your personality it's great to have someone as cheery as you lift me up in a bad day is it me lifting you up or this epic music oh oh oh I mean you just put songs you just put sounds like that in any song and it's gonna get me going [Music] oh yeah sack me also chaos card still not better than the era rune when you're like I'm good in the chaos card like you know you're alright [Music] even you're probably a pretty decent at the game gas card I'll pass alternator of $1.00 me again I was wondering if you'd like to listen to my music it's on Bandcamp and I can give you a free copy if you like it yeah I just like put me a link or something that'd be the best place to reach me yeah sure sack the chair alright I'll do it if someone like demands it just look at him back there like he's seen some [ __ ] dude jeff has seen some [ __ ] including banal limited my bud poor sack I don't like the charging guides dude you know what I was thinking the other day you know how what's the dude's name I know my like three different names now the guy who did anti-birth what's the official names of the dude what should I be calling him kool-aid 16 months what's up I forget Kilburn see i knew him by Kilburn and then now we're talking about how he like took over this last this last pack on isaac and he did that but it was he was going by a different name at that point in time and that's we're talking about two different people which could be the case but now he they're doing the whole anti birth port right well let's just say that maybe Edie is done right but he hasn't done let's say that he hasn't done a whole lot he hasn't taken the the lead lead on the past to Isaac content packs right let's just say that because Kilburn is right repentance yes get to the forest nine months welcome back but baby heck yeah but baby do i get my shirt now dad he's most certainly do want to get around to earning them disclaimer welcome back I appreciate the nine months of support let's just say nice guy pad subscribe at such prime but let's also say you guys [Music] let's say that Ed is grooming Kilburn to take over isaac for him right what if that's the case what if IDI saying I love my game I support my game but I'm gonna take a back seat and give it to somebody the community essentially which is where Kilburn came from to continue making content for the game what if he already is already making new content for the game heads already to my knowledge taking a back seat and said kill bernie do you have your way with this last content pack you have your way with it is not like totally getting him his way because I don't think ed will ever let go of Isaac but like if Edie could just take up more of a backseat and and be the one who approves things or not and then Kilburn takes it to gloriousness i mean wouldn't it be sweet if like Kilburn took over and like kept making content packs even though ed was done i think ed is going to stay with isaac but is going to be more of a co o type deal but if you want to get up you then you have to get up getting up for snuggles is within your power I'll even hold your brush up look I got your brush toward some brush ease that's what I thought that's what I thought this is trippy Lenny stare into my eyes you are feeling very snugly this I convinced him to snuggle with me and be such a good cat I bought these glasses Isaac has always been really personal to Ed but I don't know yeah but Edie just keep saying that he's done and then he's not done and he's like I'm done and then he's not done and I feel like he's gonna end up getting sick of it I tweeted you the link thanks Allison ater for the dollar I'd love to know what you think also can I have lots of Lenny yeah here you go [Music] he's actually watching it I saw his pupils go like this buddy you couldn't like is your noodle getting baked is your noodle getting baked I just think that like if Kilburn took over that would be amazing it's definitely amazing when II D keeps making the content packs but I want him to still enjoy it little man and like none of us none of us can ignore how flippin amazing it was that Kilburn took somebody else's game and then made like the greatest expansion known to man look I'm like years to learn that [ __ ] when's beta birth my name's like too much too much love dad [Music] see you know after I brush Lenny he's at a deficit he owes me love which is why I can come in like this and he's okay with it see now that's me paying it forward hang it back and now he's like okay now you owe me more brushes say it's like a give-and-take relationship Dairy Queen 169 has a question first of all travel to run sub welcome friend covered in hair who wants it next person that donates $300 it's gonna get Lenny's hair this little Lenny hair puck in the mail I'll set it right to you welcome to club what would you do if you lost your Eden street do you think you'd be able to continue Isaac if Edie gave you the opportunity gave me the opportunity of what if I lost my eating streak I'd start like a lost streak or something like that fling Mouse tier-one sup what's up you think you'd be able to continue Isaac if Edie gave you the opportunity do I've I would be able to do it like if he gave me the game would I keep making content packs for it not necessary sure that I would I don't really know how to but I would definitely you know take the reins and take the rain down in Africa I'd probably end up getting a bunch of people together that would help me make a team we are over to the shop this is the longest floor I've ever been a part of ever ever stop dance don't ever like put your job at risk for this dance jobs come comes first for sure and my job I mean this is your child you're a mod now welcome nothing but modding quit your job no don't ever do that please Wow dad never notices me anymore it makes me sad interesting interesting doesn't doesn't like add up though because I just read that oh no what happened Judy oh you're right get rid of all this [ __ ] get your [ __ ] out of here stompy mom not too difficult until she starts spitting tears at eyes thirteen Ravens cards what up dad just stopped by to say hi before I head to work also have you ever watched critical role I haven't but I've heard so many good things man just like one cue meat would make this so much difference all banjica meat would have really turned this run around I would have been my boss killing power it's amazing how much damage so Cuba meat and ball advantage do kelvinator two months in RL welcome back school is just kicking my ass when laugh kicks you you get a kickback can I take the negative then since I already had the Polaroid or do you think I'm gonna get double Polaroid power what's up with your fire rate I got two nine when I use the black room none of Tammy's head I started with the Polaroid so take Polaroid especially since you have BFF gwb - saying I would just take the Polaroid says Judy take the negative for science as the asteroids if we end up going to the Cathedral and winning and that's where the it ends we don't get to go to the chest for whatever reason it's still a victory oh if I yeah that's a pur throw then I could just / throw both of them because then I need either of them son of a [ __ ] watch the ruin on it B / throw negative ute and I'll take the night already I literally already have the other one so you know who needs a cube meat oh and you got this the deal with the devil has been very very nice to me recently I remember it was a time of my life when it was really really mean to me gave me nothing but [ __ ] see here's the Polaroid being active oh yeah why don't I not wait for that why didn't you wait to pick that up though yeah you got me you got me on that one got me good he's getting big now nothing can stop me don't stop me now having such a good time [Music] thirteen Ravens Ford gets it a sub to necromancer look at that wonderful thank you for the sub gifts you guys love is in the air orange dad stare into my eyes I am a demon am demon why doesn't stop he give you stompy though you know that's the question that I've got edy looking at you add wonderful ish ish whoosh oh gosh my gosh good fire rate with brimstone honestly not that bad of charge up right there [ __ ] she knows now that I've been petting Lenny I'm up got a pump peoples gas and wash windows also guess what it's already snowing up here Oh winter's coming thanks to the bits man have a good day do I want that no I want to be in Polaroid Polaroid a polloi position would we call it again sure sell don't call it Polaroid position the tick [Music] I can feel any hair just floating around my nose I can feel it you know that might be a purr throw that blank rune it might be a pur throw it's probably worth it to try to get another book for bookworm there's a Degas we got health out of it anyway so it was pretty okay that's my bad we just the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh op dine but if you come easy go should I stay I should I go now so big balloon Berserker II subbed for 22 months what's up balloon Berserker welcome back in four months quad but for spider-man hi dad thank you for providing me with content enjoy every time I get home you're supporting them my full of [ __ ] I mean wonderful content Polaroid position sounds like a yoga thing sometimes you just blank on shape but you shouldn't blank on you know you're like brain you [ __ ] know what that is your brain is like I owe nothing dude I got nothing for ya I still feel any hair in and around my nose I don't know where it is but it's just it's tickling the hell out of me it's making me not got a sneeze constantly just sitting here on the edge of a sneeze how do you see with those glasses glasses are see-through breath oh good that's simple the boss was over there the whole time there's also a mini Boston I'm gonna kill it [Music] not worth not worth it Shoop is the best thing I can get troll bomb is what we're going to get [Music] just here Lenny breaking [ __ ] over there knock it off such a dad now would you day our kids shut up do-do-do-do-do oh my god you guys even hear the music anymore I turn it like way down the Lenny loves knocking [ __ ] all the tables as any cat does so I started playing this game with them where I'd put all of his toys at the top of the steps and he would shove them all off and then whenever I came by the steps next I would just put all the toys back up on the stairs hoping that it would just get that energy out he loves that game though it's one of his favorites get Lenny a slinky it would not ease that what are you nuts I can go for a better trinket you know like including but not limited to brook trout plaid Penny's pretty good though if I had to take one the bouncy ball is pretty good do you think the succubus stops flying around if I get duct tape cuz if I gonna just stick sake miss on my face that would be a damage upgrade let's wait till succubus comes around no saki buzzes like that I'm not I'm not affected by your ass stupid stuff not bloody crying some broken cracked crown yeah with that drop all my nice stuff off over here come back in here take my Asus Peduto deuter's and go if I get up stuck in stick ins to stigu currents the succubus on my face oh god that would just be a game over gee flarping g14 fire eight that's a per throw outside the door and I left it behind I'm gonna be sad never mind lump of coal is good more pubes working out all right next floor we're doing well my cat's name is slinky hmm do you push it down the steps because he didn't as in brimstone GAMEOVER feels like I'm walking on sunshine I didn't want that help oh okay [ __ ] me then gonna have it feels like I have some hair stuck in my dick I'm gonna get that checked we honestly just we should stop worrying about any sack we should stop worrying about any consumables we should just go still opens chest up just get a move on Ali era I'm not gonna replace it but late Dave gods [Music] top secret room I don't even know if I care about those you're done yeah done hey how it's penny questions but not actually a question I guess you should do a DNA test on Lenny to find his breed he'll die he'll do I do that and how much does that cost you guys ever done the 23andme the DNA thing where you can see like what percentage like where your ancestors come from and stuff it also tells you like if you like cilantro or not and [ __ ] that's expensive law I hope he realizes he has a negative not the polaroid says the twig is hi welcome welcome to today he must have just gotten here it's okay [Music] just remember even it doesn't seem like it I'm 12 steps ahead of you I know everything there is to know about everything ever it's like I knew that was a dead cat that's why I came in here I just pretend like I sometimes have trouble with this game to keep you guys on the edge of your seat but other than that everything has always been under control I did not know that it was expensive since Terry Queen I think any kind of DNA testing is gonna be like really really really really really expensive it's very luxury able to do that especially to your cat I was thinking about maybe according it for myself I should just tell them it's me but then send my cats DNA and they're like sir you're you're a cat okay but like where am i from though what breed of cat then scientists come out of my closet and catch me in a net keep me locked up in a cage forever experiments [Music] pre-recorded stream confirmed well you know there's only one way that I can always know always know what's going on and be three steps ahead said everything is a lie actually everyone always says that he's got to be part Maine [ __ ] but Maine Coons are [ __ ] ginormous they've got faces like Ron Perlman beside his name yeah that got faces like Ron Perlman Lane is never Ron Perelman face he just doesn't y'all are crazy look at how it's googling ron perlman you didn't spell it right o'clock get on my level part Maine [ __ ] part tabby what part is Maine [ __ ] which one he's a huge he doesn't look like Ron Perlman Maine Coons are pretty huge alright Lenny's got a tiny he's got the smallest cat head ever he's got like a longer body but his head is tiny he should feel like kind of sad like a little bit about how tiny his head is but he's not smart enough to even be self-conscious of how small his little tiny brain is he's a runt maybe that's why he acts out oh god another yera I was like I'm gonna hold off just in case I get a couple years and the game is just like oh you guys I've got sound effects should we use those perfect little brim with uh with me brim although he charges way slower than I do I got like half is charged right oh stop he's gorgeous Eleni is gorgeous yes but he's got a tiny head he's got an anti Maine [ __ ] head I still love them as any parent should love their tiny headed kid but you know Rapace thanks to the host I hosted some of the other day but I had no one watching so I hosted them in a tread Hut's has now hosted for one viewer now it's like whoops tabby is not a breed people says shine paw well shine paw is shining in his name and her his or her name have fauna Hal I need to go to sleep good night Rapace have some good slaps [Music] the Peppa Peppa you guys want some good pity game tunes I'd recommend checking out game shops there live 24/7 I wonder how much money you get being some of these channels that like have their music live all the time is like could you afford a whole second computer just to keep it live all the time off of like 30 viewers editing it a moment I wonder if overtime like that actually adds up there's no ads on it though so I don't even think it's about money right it's just about exposure it's gotta be another anus let's just open the chest some feeling it like we don't even need anything so let's not ask for too much then I didn't think I have enough keys anyways shoot I guess we can settle with that taking this for sure I didn't want that but this yes this good bye fire it again 46 yeah hello darkness poison should be green laser purity gave me speed upgrade would pop I don't think pop does anything cool put it up up up up up I don't yeah you know it's good it's like a really really good fire rate upgrade tear to lay down 2-2 but brimstone with antigrav and below me oh good Pearson he said sarcastically [Music] how about this straw oh I was hoping for one of those Oh yeah sure I'm giving up my money which is my damage but yeah you know what I should just bog him you still get an upgrade probably an item rather probably a better one if I would have just bombed them dude deep deep deeper doop doop doop doop do doop do doop doop doop hair through the laces are really good with for instance is a damage it's a flat damage up of five let's say plus five damage oh oh what's that seventy-seven damage Blazers with bombs 77 you say 77 I want to take I'm gonna take two as well it's really good with uh with bra ipecac that little laser right there oh god it's gonna destroy lives that little laser right there is going to defeat the entire world and everyone inside of it yeah I'm good and I like game our tier 2 sub for 12 months what's up in my game are yo hots much love hope you're having a nice day I'm having a pretty nice day I slept a lot just made me a little worried but my eyes burned too right now looks like man watch this zap didn't I didn't even get my brimstone out brimstone never even into the show hey good stuff [Music]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 10,547
Rating: 4.9526629 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: jV4_pkG0E9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 48sec (5268 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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