Dante + Charon Run - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+ Revelations Chapter 2

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Oh Dante let's [ __ ] go more like dota yeah I'll music joke stolen alright Eden's blessing has given me the thing that gives me UH one what are they called one astronomical sign so I think the way this guy works is we hit them with the book you do more damage to them which is you know very useful what's packed of fragility what does that do because I've got in like 13 times I still have no clue what that even means help me random Zodiac zodiac symbol yeah sure hey Jay Jay Rockets up packed of virginity that's it that's the one flank prime sub what's up welcome does anybody actually know what it means Oh Lexus says anybody best of luck Sharon's pain in the ass and start cough of guts is the worst boss ever I'd rather fight sarcophagus though than being a room with two of those little icicle spike [ __ ] you sure you want to play it as Dante no no okay you guys have no idea okay well I'm gonna do it then cuz I [ __ ] hate this guy there's like as I take double damage I did fight him yeah it's on my video there's the second guy that it bought all right so this guy we switched characters every single room and it puts us in a different spot on the map and apparently if we find each other than our stats combined or something I don't know the one guy's got a book that he can slap people with and this guy needs to shoot in a single direction for maximum power work all the weight so they can switch directions I see it's not doing it you got charged out somehow this guy needs to like literally just eat a big donkey dick it's fun you guys having fun I'm having so much fun how much [ __ ] health you have how much health do you have though and gamer thirty four months that's a big one welcome back oh boy I reached my lucky number black rude black halls son won't let us pack the fragility do if you know everything they they have to reach each other exclamation point this guy's hard as [ __ ] items of a character don't apply to the other I think that's true too much health so much fun they got a meet oh my god you got got a meet I think you love each other blind date like I just exploded turns rooms to ice besides that that's all I've got here pact of fragility more like two active first slippery I love you guys so much and they said God piercing it's gotta count for something right these guys are lining up also have to come him something right why would you even [ __ ] think about giving me an active item I can't even axel picks Prime's up its up I'll wait [Music] removing the ability of your character to pick up active items which play a huge part in the game is bad character design steam-powered full four months enroll what's up welcome back in Chino in under bits when you get to the boss you have to say its name and ice to meet you I three two your bad character design what about my bad character design black ruin it ooh see now you're thinking black hole Sun won't you come and give me [ __ ] [ __ ] black hole son I mean suicide into that guy I'm gonna save more help bucket these guys explode too don't they they pop after a while no he's like look at me you know Oh [Music] die potato that's exactly what that that scene was 11 months in a row atom morons hi dad passing by as usual just to click subscribe University taking my whole life but I'm happy about it well that's good that you're happy about it that's like good and not like not happy about it right ah fire right upgrade black black hole Sun won't you come holy [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what why don't you make this [ __ ] harder on me huh steam powered fool hunter bets and Melilla Thune 14 months under all I'm not even supposed to be here today look at the [ __ ] out of here any guns in today I love to see a chat picks run in person for once a steam powered fool I think we're gonna stick with this oh my [ __ ] you know at least they made them like super easy to [ __ ] beat at least they're not like moving 10 times faster than that should be oh hey guys we're together why you shooting that way what are you shooting down for nobody wants you to do that shoot with me smack him with my book like a butt smack ah does Dante work I'm [ __ ] known hits space to change the position I'll be a monkey's uncle [Music] burn in hell uh uh uh uh pact his slippery [ __ ] so is it just chair and that shoots then if I shoot in his direction I don't also shoot okay rip devil deal yeah probably not gonna be possible in the first place yeah that seems nice all right buddy come on smoke him that knock-back though [ __ ] you still tagged me [ __ ] all a 2069 something special for our anniversary thank you for that Olli fantastic stuff I appreciate that a lot thank you plenty big ones utilizing the book is pretty important Joe fish fish hook fish UK what's up Joe welcome thanks to the support there's a happy little onion let's go for it cabbage cabbage patch kids eat your greens what happens something happens and I totally know what that was I'm totally excited about what it was do you know what happened I'm just testing you I know what happened hey there's a Cabbage Patch Kid right here what do I do beat him i water him and he gets up and he's own Souls test it go get him a son who destroyed die potato not today steam powerful 900 bits look at that just gonna use the rest of my bits because I love you Lowell why did you laugh after it though this makes you sound like you don't love me eat your greens or die hey Lucky's like permanent no he's not oh oh he died I got a new one though what should we name them [Music] okay that's they blow up - I just I hope it doesn't hurt me don't sound like it would don't run into the fire you guys mainland Phil greenie Henry only have multiple children I think maybe we want to fight the the mirror boss at these guys up and active with that Cabbage Patch [ __ ] Kaddi mr. Kavon I'm ready Shadid master chat is cute but the person reading this is cuter oh [Music] let's go cabbage children time to feast on flesh that really it's glass but you'll still like it I swear destroy children eat him alive to get cocked Oh I walked into that Oh [Music] oh man Cabbage Patch dick do it get [ __ ] by cabbage this throwing us cabbage you've ever seen what's wrong while they so powerful diem krill what's power you today hundred bits I am doing very well thank you for asking I'm feeling good confirmed explosion doesn't hurt me these guys don't last long No get him get him before he kills me good job good job buddies I want my children to live as long as possible I'm really happy about the fact that they don't oh happy about the fact that they don't die in the spikes [Music] [ __ ] off survive you guys I hate the piss spitters I love my children though they're so supportive oh they're so [ __ ] supportive jumpscares upon jumpscares who made the music for this mod person music maker [Music] there's no Cabbage Patch Kid in this room I saw at least another one of these rooms I don't have wait a second didn't I have a golden key Nobby died that was the lost somebody's blending together in my mind okay you're gonna need to get in there thanks guys did they come down randomly it seems like they come down like you're not really in a set amount of time that was weird trapped oh [ __ ] mop dudes well I'm looking for more keys if I can open up those chests before we have to fight the boss that'd be a way [Music] yeah all stats up I'm in I'm game for that so that mean that only this guy gets the all stats upgrade and then when we go to the next floor chair and just gets [ __ ] this character just kind of makes less and less sense the more you play please install Junkin what's up lobby I'll see you there I know what to expect now no no high school guys sick bro got any good I would maybe like to go to the cursed room then since there's half a heart waiting for us [Music] kind of hang demand in very true okay that Cabbage Patch Kid opened up the seeker room for me ah we can bomb out or we could bomb this guy I want more keys works for me works for me three keys no bombs though so we can open up two of the chests now we can't because we lost your health never mind we can get back in Psych pull more keys there but so much ass trying to utilize the book as much as possible here seems to be working [Music] lots of money SLV gifted us out to a my knees grow what's up with the knees the chat named people the knee named people what do you want buddy we just snuggle though why can't i only buy twenty five thousand bits what's up buddy what's that buddy he's like dad wait I want to see the boss like don't go into the boss fight yet still like my teat Oh baby Oh buddy get my book in there oh it hurt though oh it's still hurting buddy make it stop why am I just dying all the time why am i dying all the time that was just look what the [ __ ] that was just getting tossed around every [ __ ] second and I'm on ice for every rub what the balls dude not even fair I wasn't even controlling myself half the time I was just like Rosario mocha John Grimes saw what's up welcome friend please have health to buy in the shop that's not the shop we'll get all that help that we can buy PhD is full out isn't it two hearts close enough sock mine adder butters how about bombing our way into the curse room to pop this present down like an evil genius would why do I always get shade from that why all right here goes let's get boned back off back off beans why don't I take the full one I don't know get off my back now I'm not taking the white heart right now that'd be the worst decision right I would lose it I want to save it just got here have you figured out what the book hit does nope more damage I'm assuming you have to fight stalagmite again still a get dukkha flakes flakes out and all the all the plants quit freezing my own [ __ ] screw again you know what I almost want to take the pills put the PhD [ __ ] it wait a second did I get them anyways what happened I get both of them what what two balls of steel pills is the game just like feeling bad for me right now why didn't you get taste goes to Dante the other goes to Charron sure why wouldn't it I'm gonna go in here then yeah I'm gonna take that after league timed Fergie nine months in a row Oh What's Up dad officially about baby so glad I can catch your stream working classes to have me stressed to the max glad you're doing better after your week vacay lobby hots welcome back Fergie appreciate the nine months of supports so much all right let's get that eternal heart and then let's toom it up you know we're we're living we're living we're doing it do you member like color pills those were I think they were like white was balls of steel we should probably buy the one in the shop maybe we're gonna go back for the eternal notes over here little buddies still on my arm by the way look at this does this look like it's easy to play for me does this look like it's easy to play he's such a dork he's such a loser ass dude he's waiting down my arms so so much the pill yeah okay white pills are good I mean they're all good pills right but let our dark bum soak up that red hard in the challenge room I got a I'm gonna take my time my sweet-ass time you guys with this because this character is so difficult we actually stand a little bit of a chance right now so let's not blow it oh great my school hello mr. tomb shoot you sweet-ass time it's like normal time but last time why does it tell me that the ice tray is unlocked every single time why would you do that all right this is the old man remember with the Meetup oh oh don't touch the purple balls although if I did we're up above that doesn't seem so bad but my stats just [ __ ] blow my stats are terrible whoa stop it jug Cabbage Patch how do I get that Ben [Music] how cabbage that's the good Kush flight says Jacob I don't know which one I want to take anchor packed of fruit five oh [ __ ] not even funny these traps I think you should be dead that was like all the damage can I shoot him from here convince him to walk over the spikes all right what's the spiked pattern here maybe these aha am genius No all right done done baby yeah did I already lose my deal with the devil chance dude this cheran [ __ ] the ankh hurts [Music] think you can stop me scared you're so easy you guys come on see you likes it could this be any easier I just pick up nothing okay the item room oh that's right we abandon it knock it off you little butt spreaders ah stop it let's hit up that item room oops okay never mind then sweet dude awesome excelente pectoral mirror boss I just I don't have to like come back here I don't want have to come back can you burn a luigi board what's your least favorite boss right now from this mod all right now it would definitely be that stalagmite [Music] do we just wait yeah oh hey knock it off okay you can do that oh you can do that too [Music] you got Robo baby yeah I don't even understand how I got hurt there am I supposed to be able to dodge that got him just get out just get out of the room sir I still be legen getting a sub to Scrooge McDuck okay sweet worth at that point it's worth it the degree that if you disagree than your own if you'd agree good work brain so look do those ever not spit [ __ ] out let's go sneak by them okay what's that big Rolly ball see you what the hell was that gooey thing all right make a little trail there [Music] I'm not even sure what those little wall dudes are I don't even know dead-end you seen it tinted rocks I wouldn't mind seeing one wouldn't mind more balls of steel pill [Music] yikes bro dark bum how do you not have something for Mia like at this point in time severe lack of dark bum love challenge room have you been getting the patch kids have they been in every room yeah that book damage is good that book damage is good and you can slap them you control the mirror shards or they plop down randomly if I shoot in a direction I think it like tries to find anybody any any meaning that in that line enemy in a man in him an immunity my [ __ ] brain today is like yeah we could work but I'm not going to I thought about working and I was like yeah nah blame oh hi oh I'm using this sir this [ __ ] walkway trying to exist but failing goodness gracious mom's I um I am mom do I shoot backwards I feel like when I'm shooting in the direction of Cheiron and he's just shooting I should also shoot backwards via mom's eye but it only works if I'm shooting up or down [ __ ] dude hey here's an item that works for you psych it doesn't look a nut I'm not sure those guys were shooting dark bomb you're eating all my stuff but you're getting me nothing [Music] no soul arts in there oh good no that's fantastic okay awesome sweet man that doesn't seem good sandcastle laser bros [Music] cactus butts egged man got spectral [ __ ] another black rune I like it did we leave anything behind snow what's the mystery button stopwatch would be amazing stopwatch would be amazing but mystery button remember cabbage each room good times yeah what happened to Cabbage Patch each room stanky beans six months in her Hall what's up stanky beans welcome back press the button bomb the donation oops keep the receipt well um let's use it on the boss right tech mill the salad twelve months one year what's up welcome back you guys fantastic stuff much love war button that's not war oh no oh hey okay yeah nice loved it I'm seeing a lot of Zelda references in this whoa you gonna tell me it's a [ __ ] thing over there that is half chewed pony well the button sucked I don't know what the button was supposed to even do might be a shop thing let's go let's try to use it on something it pushes all the buttons half-chewed pony it is blank ruin that for a shot fire right upgrade [Music] catastrophe I don't know how to play this I just move it he's my half-chewed pony go I press the button and I'm not sure what happens I'm not sure what that was honestly [Music] moving around so much okay nice uh alacrity prime sub and Mexican Mexico prime sub welcome who wants the health upgrade and who wants the damage let's do damage like this health goes to cheran alright I think maybe this guy came out there's this guy mine yeah this guy's mine now that's why we have chewed Pony that does that spawned an antlion that hurts enemies it's called an antlion [Music] all right we already go I guess with the flight we could get that rest of the money up there might as well backtrack a little bit take this other paintman card well now we have flight on flight it's kind of pointless but okay sick bro we're doing all the things oh my god I hate my jobs is dance you don't have to be a mom if you don't want to be kidding it's not your job walls bandage babies up in the basement we're doing it guys all right which direction to head often I don't know dang dang that little bit of a damage upgrade really making a difference here difference you know he's pretty far away maybe this guy should have had the damage but but knife pipe this damage is just balls button I've killed everybody to item rooms here though should we just do it is it bad for me to take him as cheran oh [ __ ] mill flammer hunter [ __ ] what's up plumber appreciate the bits but knife carry I love being a mod for you being here helps me make it through my work just wish I could be hundred percent here one percent of the time don't worry about it I know you like doing it I know [Music] so now let's see let me join forces if Sharon gets to keep the upgrades he just got oh it's what would you do for $10,000 walk 10,000 miles lethal Safi ten months in a row sup dad sup lethal Saffy welcome back [Music] Tampa Ross pretty good then would you walk 10,000 more just don't be the man to walk 10,000 Marcie phone down at your door here we are the number one there and then and there and there geriatric to you so arts are nice black hearts would be good to sweet nice black horns it'd be kind of cool if I donate a $10,000 after I said that but I'm broke my cabbage are dying all my friends are dead a pink one super mega cabbage kid look at how angry it is dudes pissed looks like we still got the upgrades this is good news [Music] this is good news [Music] alright well save Mikey for what though the item room that doesn't exist yeah open it yeah open it miles and I did the pink one blow up and just hurt me did that just happen why me little bastard [Music] [Laughter] I want them both but it's gonna hurt it's gonna cost me out shelf damage is good though he's doing it keep your eyes peeled for tinted rocks yeah dark bum buddy you're doing it flights been really helpful so far not too shabby too shabby as I'll shoot the flames save my last two remaining key never mind got golden key and mine [ __ ] it [Music] whereas my shop top ten proofs that cabbage can kill you make sure we don't miss him lucky like respawning or did I just blazed past him I think I was cheering for this for these rooms and I didn't actually have the item probably what it was bro why didn't we get one koromon the the tomb floor said a glitch I just thought like maybe that was only the first floor that he got one for room but a vault I know now tato potato Tier one sub it's a potato potato thank you for supporting me shop is a bust and that was the last shot that we could have possibly had awesome sweet dude plots his cabbage Lord we got a golden bomb but like ever want to spend the time to Bom Bom every one of these yeah I do I think I do well maybe I think we already teleported to this deal the devil that's where we got these last two items for so joking now it'd be dumb would be a big stupid oh it's pre cabbage to confirm okay then um more health for Cheryl Charlize Theron's sure and we're ready to go Oh mom we did it we beat mom with cheran we're doing it Oh rogue nuts three months ago what's up barely get the chance to watch but thanks the great content absolutely thank you for supporting me my friend appreciate that sub yeah we already did that lame just miss boss rush my coffee's gone Bob look forget 14 months in a row oof you say you have a license for that oof I almost want to Joker right now but it probably shouldn't probably shouldn't well fun boss little [ __ ] popped up underneath me super fair did well we got a long ways to go I don't even know the right direction I'm just guessing [Music] [Music] doing a big time baby Smith 11 months in Earl it's up Smith make sure the bits die male love you dad thanks Smith oh you're gonna make me Smith ah I got stumpy makes sense to me makes sense went the wrong way confirmed stompy and flight well this guy doesn't have flights tinted rock as well good to see John's craft also good to see with that 33 look at that sexy number feels pretty good John's craft I [Music] got pinched I'm really glad that this guy got the the holy lights it's helping him out a lot my path is set before me it's two hands and this might think yeah that's gonna hurt losing all my health dark ball hook me up someone dropped the golden chest sure why wouldn't you [ __ ] dude damn it's dumpy trying to hide over the rocks here try not to blow all of my health alright reunion three onion time what's on the scarred womb that we might be able to find use curse room maybe these are temperance and maybe like have it blow the [ __ ] up how about that hey would that be fun I might like that awesome you're the best cabbage shots I wanted to get into Polaroid states damn they're still getting had wanted to get into Polaroid State with that but if the whole thing just disintegrated before my eyes de gods seize it now we get nothing but curse the labyrinth so are we gonna have an exit Oh pimple are we gonna have an Excel Cathedral cuz that doesn't exist thought I'd just point that out I don't even need the help now now I just look like a big whiner more rooms more cabbage it's gonna say something after I subbed but now it's late one of the glass shards do they come down on enemy's head and hurt them I'm pretty sure we got a cabbage in each one of these rooms and now we just get a second cabbage some to do probably with the way the cheran works all right we ready to do this such a joker called Batista Dority light beams of douchiness was it a bum rock come on man leave me alone well should I trade my my chewed pony for my white pony yeah probably yeah probably this one's just like really good I like it you know it killed mom in one go death mask sweet can't wait to try it on we could go back for that health but that's like way over there let's do this Roget let's go for it we start with the same hell from the next floor right anyways chewed pony yeah a half-chewed pony okay we are split confirmed but is not cathedral excel I think the floor is just big enough I've got flight sucka you got nothing on me if only I could have just given the other Pony to Charron horse is not gonna let me do that though this guy's got balls for health oof I'm just glad that the cabbage kids get passed between the families between the mom and the dad you know shared custody and all that it's really nice to see them working together in that way really appreciate that it's always tough when the kids take the fall you know no one likes to see that sounds like you got to shoot in a direction for long enough a chair and to actually get the damage boosts ah don't take my help I need it that triple-booked slap this is gonna hurt all my kids are gonna die too all my kids are dead Tim no more Viking blood did I wish I had some Viking blood right now all right the team's back together we're unstoppable now let's go Punk can't stop these books laps Oh buddy you can't stop the book slaps ow stop watch just cut them off the knees though [Music] the brutal veteran prime himself welcome brutal veteran thanks to the support 160 piece stream does that use much data I wouldn't know about that let's say use about a hundred fifty piece the eyes you got to worry about really get a touch on that oh the light though it still uses much data yes all right you guys we ready to go 48 hour Energy's gonna be really good for the pony we're gonna split up again and I don't have that much health uh uh maybe I could find top secret room with a bunch of red hearts in it will change my luck the two of us together could probably handle most of these rooms and come out with more help at the end it's just a guess though just the two of us we can make it if we try just the two of you rivers perfect never lock up we can make it if we try just the two of us just the two of us we're doing a big-time hook me up dark bomb oh my god I forgot was Tuesday says goes written oh god that's just good damage and then you walk into the little white beggar but then you get a hero whoo Sharon's gonna be dead next floor though cheiron's like literally just dead just super dead the old guy what's his name Luke Jim the old guys gonna do great cuz he's gonna have a yarid chest room Dante yeah that's why I said so I said the same thing like you're not listening just the two of us one more run possibly and check those Seagram's please I don't have enough keys like ain't got enough keys for the era chests Keamy nice keys bro oh I knew it did I not call this did I not call this answer is yes I did call this bro you sexy beast I don't even care that you spin out a spider right there we're still friends we're still friends sometimes friends pull spider pranks and friends I get that darkbot Milla's feast seated pre-recorded pre cabbage all right missing some keys but we'll do we can okay okay sure Nannan bombs one of the doors open periodically I don't know well we found the boss oh why are they stopping all the time something slowing them down there it's great don't get me wrong here I can't see the map but I don't even know how to get to myself oh we can make it if we try just two of us with this climate what do that Taurus must do it or no balls I'm at four fire eight dip stick stick Oh dip don't be foolish yeah that was fair fellas good nice and fair okay fine we'll take it okay fine twist my nips source is gonna be good here actually I don't know not super good not super bad 99 bomb seems like it would go quite well with that all right no longer thoughts enjoys purple nurples confirmed I do not like people touching my nips nips are off limit I meant to kill the green guy laughs sweet nice good teamwork everybody oh hey good an active item that's super good oh hey look it's gonna show me the map that I can't see anyways that's the sound of me having a rough life I took out the other one with my but night oh yeah running rides Tier one so welcome back friend oh you're back out of day I'm back guy just said that I guess we're going this way [Music] chocolate milk has not been bad for him chocolate bean juice the two I've got these tail that's probably why we're getting so many chests made it made it alright soy milk one fire rate three point six nine damage it gonna be good wait a second wait a second this sky still charges up though so it's just I think it's just better for me to just shoot what is going on he's not even supposed to shoot in that direction this is busted he's not supposed to shoot in any other direction then down that's busted [Music] all my jibbers unleash the fury Oh tap shoot baby oh I'm still walked into a spider got my health back though just the two of us if we try if we cheat just two of us unleash holy hell spawn to the battlefield oh my fruitcake and you guys thought I wasn't gonna take soy milk and you guys thought I wasn't gonna take it [Music] Taurus is just annoying now I do better without it I'm gonna fall clear for sure more keys now please can I get some more keys skeleton key me [Music] close enough [Music] [Applause] still no keys I can't get anything but chests so I guess keys are off-limits keys are just not gonna happen [Music] [Music] balls of steel [Music] blank rune what he's a blinker on these guys No burp steam sale oh boy [Music] justice Keys baby [Music] so you walk loads up [Music] rainbow boobs all right let's do it let's finish this we did it you guys would beat it we got to do dark room too though [Music] nothing but pony damn pony boy fairy man's toll as appeared in the basement sweet dude good game yes we did it ah feels good though please go void when possible
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 47,663
Rating: 4.9326925 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: EreKYmJOzSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 11sec (4631 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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