Super Mario 3D World - The Movie

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[Music] take one step and then again let's do the money you're all together now you got look at the cat goombas look at them meow i'm turning that fairy into a gif it's just the way it nods constantly yeah i agree with this uh-huh yeah i'm here for it i asked you all in a community post which character should play and we all know who i want to play who's that let's do this i can't do a toad voice but i'm you know i'm happy for him i'm happy that he's hi hi yes hi there harry's not gonna be happy though that you're playing toad he will like he'll understand it was the community's decision you know i hate how in this day of the internet in this age that means something horrible and much worse compared to what people previously thought that meant bowser really had to put all of them in a jar no bowser don't do it to her please wait it's not worth getting all the karma already i swear it's not worth it right off the bat toad is just clampering to go he's ready to move oh just speed run it long all right yeah just just right just run kitty dude he's just so tiny he's so small even the gumbo has been given him i just want to admire how cute he looks make sure you get the green stars though right right if you don't do green scars you're cringe well i guess i'm cringe you just started the first level well i was waiting on you very patiently mind you you took her sweet time with level 1 i'm dumb are you done bernie's wanted all of us to bear witness to him playing level one what do you mean maybe i wouldn't have died if you just watched you know now i'm cringe all because you took your sweet time come here big chunkis come here oh my god actual big jungles we come back no that's such a large friend and a larger mushroom look at toad he's just he's just not happy to be here man remember everyone if you are watching the super vernies super show you're going to turn into a goomba you untied huh what shame because it seems like i've already selected toad toad impression right now i do it i told you [Music] i guess i have no say in the matter no longer here we go oh okay so remember when i said it was bearable i paid 10 to say that's the worst toad i've ever heard okay you know what that's just not appreciated i'll gladly take your two dollars but freak you let's mario time everybody 2.0 we made it past the pike we are reaching new territory that's a decapitated toadhead about to say yeah isn't that cannibalism if toad gets a one up no we're not oh okay there's no lie it is not hard wow that just felt very unfair to the koopas let's go these koopas need some rights man go go go go go this way dude this is a long pipe it's this is a very long pipe can you really do this forever i don't see why not i think we gotta take consideration that last time we played a game together it was only two dimensions but now there's three dimensions it's gonna be infinitely more hectic wait no no i wanted to see what's in the tree wait what is it wait what i did i just stuck in the pool let me up no let me up no no give me up don't get out the way suck my balls you know the original idea for this game is that when you wear the cat costume you go into like a maid outfit as well but they scrap that from the game thankfully what do you mean thankfully y'all are moving so fast oh i'm killing them uh oh i think we moved a little too fast bye dude i am simply observing respectfully yes you're observing and dukarino's soul is just in that bubble have you tried connecting and playing with friends no i haven't yet about that yet i'm waiting for the dvd logo to line up any second now it's gonna happen you're gonna hit that one go big go home go big go home go big home home why'd you go home because we got more big things come in small packages like my d hey let's go to the water level oh i love this guy he's a friend plussy who's controlling this we all are oh fun do you know when you go on like water slide and then you go off into the grass yeah that burns that was definitely pain on plessy what will cover plus these medical bills after the level because it's rocket science my brain is so smooth look just because there's four of us doesn't mean it's going to be four times as quick you'll move louise the only reason that luigi is so far ahead is because he has the crown the rich get richer capitalism is actually a scam oh speaking of what oh gambling capitalism let's go gamble let's go um i remember oh [Music] was involved in a car accident lost his ability to jump what yeah i don't i i wouldn't want to think that was the case i think it's just a sack being a little too heavy he will never bottle for the rest of his days due to his tragic car accident it's a whole family look at the toad and his two dads i love them good for them good for them oh i love soccer oh i i don't think they like it though bowser jr is just in the front like just steering it dad please i'm so scared keep driving son almost got him we're gonna get your happy meal just give me a second let's go we go from small medium to large sounds like you guys have finished the level we did we heard guys what do you think about skull means i don't know sands the birdman we needed to have him slam down on one all right guys i have a plan follow me it doesn't matter it's just a great story follow me let's go i don't think that's where the green star is this is the wii u gamepad level oh fun i love the wii u gamepad on my nintendo switch system everybody get your cursors out technology we love technology right now yo this game is easier than kirby's return to dreamweaver are you sure about that whoa nope okay no whoa onto the cloud mario guys guys guys guys oh my god guys let's go to the survivor just survive you have died only 20 times more times than us i don't care about you i don't care about you and your stinkiness i don't even smell that bad that's a lie we have zero alive this is a single player game now boys i believe in my princess [Music] i love being mario that's so scary you can play an entire level and you have to have a specific character to finish it mario privilege does exist sadly the mushroom kingdom is biased you know what else is red like the mario button the subscribe button yeah no matter what game i'm playing you know i'm going to somehow find a way to slip in that notification hell yeah i like it i like it i like that it's a good show that was a good show i like that one thank you thank you double cherry this is my favorite level there's two of them there was a kirby kid but now they are kirby kids wow i just want to exist too bad yeah i want to be a double cheers is trying to say something i'm trying to ask you like it's the portal of ernest vernosai bernie s's hey what are we looking at right now please let me up you are literally a fetus get back in the oven i just want to point out a king of skill in the chat saying this is a pickle versus that was not a pickle barn moment i refuse to accept that get the cannons then okay stop shut whoa we could spin and shoot like that's it on site what you shot the carrot off me okay there we go this is more like it let's go oh my god my god this is actual war we're committing genocide what a great boss fight and look at that another little piss baby save i just want to say i just saw your stream title and honestly i like it i approve [Laughter] i only want to refer to these fairy bastards as piss babies i feel that's the only fitting name for them i hate women kirby kit the sexism you're admitting is making the network connection unstable unbelievable louis says i hate women toad says so we've saved two pace babies so far now we must save the third one here we go yo tote paper bro watch out put that man on a watch list i close my eyes i close my eyes i think we're gonna poke when you're running on the ice just crouch really fast over and over wait how do you wait it's something only toad can do right is it only toad i thought it was anything where are you going keep getting bubbled because i get too high no the rabbit the rabbit we are going to be here for five minutes minimum oh my god he just outlined it look at the moves look at the moves oh my god it don't matter how much we got mixed it's a 4v1 okay we knew who was gonna win that i mean you know it doesn't matter if we don't all get to the top huh toad you're small you gotta keep it small on the flagpole he's got short little legs leave him alone yeah exactly i'm just simply saying he's physically unable to be on the top i might have a short little leg but i've got a big old heart an even bigger head you're messed up you're so messed up what your head is huge you got a big nose yeah you're right i wasn't impairing my flagpole abilities guys i'm the king i i demand where we go okay let's go here no that's not where i command i would betray my friends for content hey hey why are you playing like that he's out for blood no way we started the level like 12 lives or something i think it's an accomplishment that we hit double digits at least once honestly i way oh my god we all died wow and only took us the second episode but we finally got a game over screen yo what hey the platform literally scared me bro i want my money back i'm just a little baby dad oh yo teamwork teamwork dude let's go oh he's a team or something god god damn it that's cheating all right i'm just a little baby i can't help my limitations i do not care about women's feelings so okay misogynistic luigi is not something i was expecting today mario i have recently discovered that i hate women mario i've discovered this subreddit called r slash nice guys and they're just like me can't get across here guys wait what oh it's just like 64. oh my god thank you i love 50 shades of grey thank you so much what the [ __ ] hairy book more like furry novel now get your ass back in the library my crown hey the crown's gone by the way misogynistic and greedy look where that made you end up congrats luigi no no no no there's no sacrifice yeah because we all need time to process what the hell is going on is this a story of misogynist luigi versus feminist toad sorry toad you gotta go in the jar now hey guys let's go see our friend captain toad dude i love god gambling oh we gotta gamble first okay bruh it's this yellow toad camera in the top right oh it does oh you mother they should not have made this multiplayer this was the biggest mistake they've ever made and nintendo had the audacity to make making 60 bucks too the adventure of the two gay toads and their children yet again hey guys we're in a time limit on my way oh my god wait what is happening wait do we want to get the rabbit i don't know anymore amazing a bit more valuable we have one of the three stars you literally stopped for a second no seriously i can't stop i don't know you [ __ ] no look at my score look at my crown look how i earned that you inflated the economy now skyward sword hd is going to cost 340 oh god damn it's haunted well peach oh no we need peach we need people wait are you serious yeah maybe curriculum was onto something for a second there was misogyny hey yo i'm come for that ass i've come for that ass i'm coming for that ass coming for that i'm noticing you're not pressing the a button i'm pressing the a button whoo you can absolutely freak out ernest you would be the one to sexualize magikoopa no more fortnite i want more fortnite you stupid i really want to [Laughter] i hate twitter i hate twitter i despise the kid who recorded that song i hate everything you're so absolutely spiteful and evil you guys are targeting the guy doesn't like fortnite more than the misogynistic luigi hey hey at least people agree with me what the [ __ ] listen all i'm saying is you crossed the line when you went after gamers oh god damn it of course it's always a minority that gets mad when they're targeted of course i love looking at cfulu videos where it's like cool swimming in the ocean deep down i love subnautica uh i believe in kofuru i think kaffir will come back at some point every night women damn it kapoor's gonna come back fix a woman i am talking to you and you alone only you can hear me right now cthulhu is going to awaken and he awaits your call no more fortnite hey harry who you talking to oh no the crowd just heated right onto toad's head it was like brown no that's just proof that cthulhu is returning oh my god it's happening no more here harry you can have it since you're such a cannibalistic freak enjoy your next meal you bastard isn't this mario kart we're running it is mario kart whoa yeah it's mario this level's sick it's just mario without the cards mario got the crown i do hey i do have the crap oops done i didn't i don't i didn't see i didn't see i'm gonna curb stomp you i was too busy summoning shut up are you telling me that the wi-fi [Laughter] if it wasn't a misogyny it was going to be cool one of the other we've got to protect the little baby the little mushroom fetus from his intimate demise it's okay you're gonna be a-okay it's a common theme for at least one of us to lose internet during the session each episode yeah it's not me this time and i'm dead again i don't understand you yeah maybe you should have been paying attention i'm sorry i'm luigi okay and luigi's eyes but you know i don't know how did everybody die it's fine everything's fine i don't know man everything is fine i really don't know i can agree with that statement let me let me think let me channel the powers of confusion that was uh that was not very cthulu of you harry can you stop summoning cthulhu and just play the game please oh i better get stop being british how about that make the connection a little smoother mom can you just let us record in peace it's just a very thick accent mom you don't understand that it's very thick [Music] she was talking about harry's ex dialect i'm not she's still on the accent now i tell you what we're gonna get inside this right here castle we're gonna save this little piss gremlin inside that jar well said well said bro let's do it i'm so glad we're finally getting to play the video game again me too man again shout out to my mom for existing man bowser thinks he's so cool not even bothering to show up for his own boss battles sending him an airship and a train instead oh so cool hey what are you looking at yo what you looking at what are you looking at stupid hey now you're dead i love how the crown is still really small the ground doesn't even fit on your head is this a comedically large luigi or a comedically small crown luigi i hope that's how it works really odd i did not mean to do that what did you mean to do that oh my god it's pom-pom oh look we're packing heat let's save the baby yeah woo i love babies hell yeah especially in jars let's go can you stop talking about putting things in jars burn i didn't put him in there that's bowser's fault he's a problem but you just said you love putting them in jars i didn't say i said i love babies and i love jars i simply said i like them both nah my fault you're also a misogynistic and cool ass no it's just a joke bro come on if i get canceled on twitter i hope it's for saying stuff about to be honest i really hope it's because of that too that's the cool way to go out in life if you want to summon cthulhu and misogyny uh subscribe as well and comment oh i did the wrong password oops oh my god i mean it was on screen hair you could just open your eyes a little bit why am i always look behind peach's skirt i feel really uncomfortable oh you feel uncomfortable yeah yeah it's an offense to you apparently okay hey look it's for you then the circuit has arrived yeah go ahead halfway because you want to act like a clown but hostility right off the bat toad's peeping yeah i'm the one being called the clown fine let's go to the circus guys i'm already afraid of this level like where someone's not going to cooperate and you know case in point yeah yeah that's what i thought guys you know i think we need a vibe reset we need to reset the vibes the vibes are all off right agree that's a funny button wait wait press the button button okay here we go that's not funny vibes reset vibes reset hey let's go to the next world okay oh well we're in the desert wait desert more like dessert shut up no explain that yeah tell me the funny shining shimmering splendid tell me princess toad when did you let's let your heart desire did you get there what toad what why why do we go to secret natural secret actual secret okay okay okay okay secret actual secret actually okay okay one of us has to ask that at least once every recording session and like this is the earliest we've ever asked that so you know we're doing great currently hello luigi i'm not toad i'm dying oh that's right you're on a different account i'm for what why am i down here why am i down here uh you died uh maybe because you should probably get better at the video game here's the thing that was a test to see who would be supportive in that situation none of you guys are supportive if you're all just trying to bring me down i'm just here man i don't know could you imagine a baby yes there's literally a baby right in front of you what would you do if there was a baby right in front of you oh you know i mean i just i look at the baby and then i go [Music] and then that you know start talking mort's code at it like what is that no wait wait hold on hold on we gotta get gotta get it get drunk well i was trying to but the platform said no do you ever think about how a mushroom house is just made out of a toad's decapitated head why you know honestly now that i'm sitting down here with you toad i agree this does kind of suck don't believe me i'm not i'm and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 fourth wall breaks in television these speakers to the audience you don't cringe hey they have nothing to do with it don't bring him into this yeah there you go let me play yeah you're playing let me play i mean you could have been playing if you didn't die stop everyone stopped having fun my draw distance was so crap oh okay that's a good one game good timing you know we really murdered that rock family just because it was in the way we're horrible there could have been a better way to resolve that issue though besides just throwing them into law though in theory is mario the bad guy he could be he really could find out today on game you saw past the storm no i wanted to go higher literally it's literally a kids game it's literally a kids game we said that about dreamland return to dreamland how many times did we die let's not talk about that guys please i'm trying to look past our mistakes our mistakes i mean your mistakes oh oh oh we're not doing that can we we're not doing that what did you do i smacked my pop filter unintentionally and i stubbed my thingy how can one man be this cringe no wonder you're player two let's talk to the fairy let's talk to them can we talk to the fairy oh okay hey they're your friend he's just a pink little baby don't do it to them like this wait why is she smiling still i thought help me out this nightmare different strokes from different folks now let's get these stars all right just like crash bandicoot right away from the rolling boulder well it actually has a crash bandicoot reference that i think about it yeah yeah it is crash bandicoot do you just call walking forwards a crash bandicoot reference i i just met this in the army it reminds me of it i suppose wait inflation no anyone who wants to crush magic for smash bros ultimate played the new characters once and then drop the game oh i want to make everyone happy or whatever please no they're just they're literally insane if you want that character in the game you're literally insane ah thank you you're literally psychopathic this man wants to add another sword fighter and yet we're the insane people okay dude honestly i think more sword fighters will be funny because it would make people look good it would be funny though just remove mario how about that that was the smartest thing kirby has ever said rep his entire playthrough i completely agree pete throw the hierarchy destroy the plumber i would love to that'd be sick i mean you were close like you had a gun on him but you didn't pull the trigger fight to the death uh all right oh super luigi 3d world we actually won that i'm sorry dude got outplayed hey don't worry i know what can what can fix this turmoil between teammates some good old-fashioned gambling and the audience i'm coming to kill you please don't kill them that's not very nice careful how you think tonight plea please don't please don't do that to them they're just they're just children if you drink your toad will not come to your bedroom at night don't worry about it he's just playful snap your little toes off of you yo the toes though not the toes though if your piss is orange you've got a you might wanna that means that means you drink orange juice that's not that's not what that means like bowser just put these guys in jars they're also dehydrated that's illegal wait no no hold on how is there sweat coming out of the jar like you see you see that how's that possible they're over hydrated that's even more illegal we gotta get in there wait is it the peepee bridge what the pee pee wait someone step on that button why would you want it's a beefy oh you gotta be kidding me nintendo you probably use your head as a condom or something oh my what the [ __ ] is weird mario ah oh great now you need birth control because the condom just burned off great thanks guys oh i'm gone to everyone watching currently i don't know why i thought it was a good idea to record video games with these free insane individuals but here we are we're already too deep in to turn back we gotta use this man's children to kill him this is messed up nintendo i'm scared you're scared we should be scared for him we're literally throwing his children at him to break them open like a coconut yeah that's normal you ever think about lava blocks just being spicy coconuts you're literally insane okay boys piss baby number four we're halfway there we are all babies except for mario yeah well grow up then you actual infants hey you guys remember that one tweet that nintendo made they said something like nothing feels better than the inside of a cat i'm the weird one that's the tweet that nintendo made i'm the weird one why do you remember that why don't you remember that i'm glad that they feel so free but they want to reside in the same place we're locked up in for so long oh wait look the family's still alive look they're oh yeah they are we probably just killed a few of a relative or something you know it's not going to end the lineage oh there's a boo ah it's scary oh no he's coming look out i'm gonna die to the boo oh we go together as friends yeah yeah there we go friendship hell yeah this is more like it all right i'm gonna go get it hey man that looks really scary over there wait what ah can we just go to the beach level please stand up i'm lit are we going to the beach episode i'm literally just standing here sit down i'm just literally sitting i don't know what the hell's going on anymore oh my god the world is flat is on the edge all right oh we found a way to mess up in two completely unique ways i put my controller down good don't pick it back up never pick it back up lord i don't i don't got this okay someone else jumped in because i'm bad oh look we got the golden leaf guys wow look we're so good guys we gotta boo power up because we're so good at this game i don't want to jump because i'm gonna fail so who wants to jump i'm i'm jumping all right everybody i'm guppy okay put it down what do you mean harry there we go nice just like that cool good job wait hold up for a stamp yeah yeah it was worth it right freaky trapeze theater i love alliterations i don't need i got this guy got it a bunch of boulders now we gotta murder a bunch of actual people i don't think those are people i think they're like football players they're not people they're football players kirby kim this is the one time you should make an amongst joke because one of us is being suss and it's not red you know it's it worked no no no no no you all saw that they're literally hooked up the moment i pressed a you saw that this happened every single time are you kidding me all right speed run speed run speed run speed run open watch video spin this guy looks funny this boss is actually built different dude he looks so cool i just love this design oh oh the mix up whoa buddy wall roll and that's it i wish that lasted longer i really like that wait where's the next what's the next world six but like where it's going up next up we fight god bowser ascended and so shall we make a new dance right now to this music oh look at it they're gonna go nice oh my god look at those moves awesome that's what's up great did you see did you see that oh this is where mario goes after the 31st good for him what do you see right here in the middle what do you see you didn't have to bring attention to it i actually didn't see it i can't help it i don't see it where is it wait wait oh no 100 gameplays man i really do feel like i paid 20 dollars for this internet connection 19 e-shop card i do not want it honestly i would rather not he's very cute staring duck in the face like that he's very cute oh not again and bodies will be won oh i don't i don't know about the whole body merging thing i wasn't agreeing to that mario you're healthy right you'll help me summon cafulo again i'm already so deep into this i don't know if i can turn back already don't kill me why don't you want to sacrifice yourself to cuffulu all right here we go it's time oh my god oh my god it's finally time whoa what is this whoa it's the wii u gamepad level we gotta we gotta touch things i just see the frame where it just paused down mario you're closing his eyes yes take me away pipe i do not wish to see this pin anymore what are you doing in my house get out act natural they won't notice [Music] come on run away run away we're sneaking through the dojo this is a stealth game now i just cover my character my cursor no one can see me i want to be a cat i want to be a kid give me no no i can't be a cat because the cat died i'm dead again first the cat now the toad god damn it wait no me no i don't want to come back alive okay here we go i'm playing the game i mean that that's asking a lot of us bro you see you're you're asking too much out of the game wait wait i wanna i wanna swing my friend and you're gonna jump off my head oh the teamwork get it okay that was probably one of the proudest moments of our entire playthrough well that's rude unless i'm not in control that is go get that stamp toad oh i will try and not die to the lack [Music] i got the moves like jagger i got the moves like i got them i died that's what you get for making like just weird noises that's youtube's copyright claim system just killing the person creating the claim there's the goal right there look there's a lot of friends oh my god he ran me over you really ran me over about like on site the hit and run did you steal my shoe i did oh that's what you get wait wait wait we need to stop oh no guys are you kidding me guys where'd you go i will always hit you hey i wouldn't we are so talented to have died so beautifully everyone grab the one in front of you okay not not me in front of you he meant the freaking boots whoever has like their microwave on or whatever can you turn it off it's interfering router go bro i am a goopy cooper again you're a goopy cooper yeah we're all goopy goopers yeah go baby go go go yeah chat press one for the little itty witty box press two for the big box i see nothing but ones go teeny weeny or else you're a mini i don't know the phrase oh we got a mushroom oh my god you guys suck chat why is with you in your poor decision making you could have just picked the right one now purple toad was suffered yeah thanks a lot guys this is not your fault what the nintendo what wait uh where'd you come from this is a clear evidence of me getting stream styled by nintendo they are fed up with me complaining about nintendo online they're here to justify their price tag amber latency goodbye toad i i don't even want to know man toad's going through it man it's okay why isn't he going through it i was warming up wait can i just oh wait wait can't we just we can't can't we just yeah see yeah all right let's see what's down there let's see we have we literally we are missing a single star guy wait what we found it let's please please get up there okay let's go mario okay into the void luigi goes thank goodness looks like someone pooped on this cloud with another cloud is that just me i mean to me that just looks like a cloud but you know oh that didn't suck oh okay [Music] we saved you a sacrifice holy crap he did it yes become the ball um oh i got it yes my accuracy is on point again my accuracy is on point bro guys bro you suck i'm the sharp shooter i am the one on the crown luigi don't be talking smack hey but whose logo is on the flag though i mean i think you're cool you're my wife so yeah you're cool good for you screw a literally back in the fight you want to kiss me so bad oh yes i do come here girl hey yo there's nothing wrong with kissing the homies that's all i'm saying no no no no no no no no not at all i found some artillery here um let's go oh oh oh case in point yeah god's sake give me the bet hey no that was your belt wow when you wish upon a star it will get you very all right well this is a single player game now have fun duke hey stop beating my wife and shake my hand you just had to shake my hand bro all you do is shake my hand but no you were difficult you just had to beat up my wife instead if i was playing i would have done it better but you know oh okay let's save this criticism for later piss baby number six has been saved we're going to super heaven yes i can't wait let's go guys come on let's go oh it's not even like world 8 it's world castle world empire world dictatorship i remember what happened i am the winner i am victorious he did it away from me no you stay away from me let's get rid of the livestream quick yeah that's a good one clean slate i think that's what we need exactly refresh for vibes can i have the camera please can i have that camera nobody jump good job everyone i think the beauty of our dynamic is that we find different ways to fail everything in the games we play i'm going to troll you try me okay you can't you can't that's done that's not true remember when our live count was in double digits yeah me neither let's actually like get the star yeah yeah yeah [Laughter] okay so i believe harry is experiencing actual brain live on camera damn we lost a good man too soon it's unfortunate how many hours have we sunk into this game too many and of course toad has the least amount of swag out of the entire party what could you say you can someone throw vernies off the surface wait no no no one throw me up for two dollars i'm worth more than two dollars oh we're out of lives oh okay swell cool cool awesome that's what i said we have now we're gonna we're gonna get live we're gonna get live hey one last person who's gonna throw me off of this goddamn level for two dollars i am once again asking for vernias to be thrown off oh well i'm thrown off all right because the internet connection decided to fulfill your wish yep there we go sorry sorry sorry no no your money went to the wrong cause buddy sorry to say the power went out oh why oh why i i don't know chad did you pay for this man's wi-fi to go out chad this is karma trying to kill the main character is gonna get the side characters killed off even faster i gotta take luigi to the flagpole right right carry him home carry our brother home oh make it make it yeah swag swag baby swag playing the game like that i'm playing i played again i'm playing the game like a separate room to scream in for a bit he's actually senile like we've actually lost him bro i'm already dead oh my god hey it was a strategic death now i get five lives you see if i die one time i get to live five more times it's just simple math that's a good call chad please decide for us who we should make go extinct first frick arms to give us men men you know what you're right you're right screw you for being bipedal i hate you video gaming wait oh wait wait wait wait wait a second wait a second swag swag swag oh my god the level's blocking off how much swag i have swag yes oh wait did we miss a star though who cares that was such a cool skit i love how expansive our family gets every time we do a captain toad level it started with nothing but two gay dads in their son and now they're doubles he does a little toting i tried to do a little toting and then i got thrown off the hierarchy day one of doing this playthrough yo the blue guys are scared the bloop oh my god it's a homie missile nintendo hired batman and take me out for march 31st i get it bro i'm done i'm gone i get it super princess peach two really looking different compared to what i expected and that's one shot these little meatballs are annoying truly joker persona 5. you just had to make the jokes you just had to be a funny guy didn't you this one's easy no it isn't no it isn't easy it is not easy and there's toad summoning cofulu as predicted it's just the time no comment no words to be said my head is empty there are no thoughts being processed i'm going to cry after all of that was said and done with duke's wi-fi being restored we can finally save the final piss baby technically we've been in a big castle this whole time and now we're in the little castle oh wait wait swag okay you got swag fine i don't have swag i'm out of swag there's something up here dude ernest are you by chance a gamer i am indeed absolutely yeah i'm so observative of my surroundings look at me being super observative oh wait wait wait wait oh oh wait no maybe i can make it wait we have no more lives oh what the frick was sad we're totally gonna die we're totally gonna die no no no no you can do it you may be babies but you're not pissed babies oh we all pissed babies okay yeah i take it back you actually are pissed babies you're going in the jar get in the jar kirby kid hop on in get in get in get inside i'll get the start guys hang on no i'll get it it's like this guy is so weird you know what i'll get it yeah suck it all right guys we have 14 lives we can do this i think no we can't we've clearly shown that we can lose all of them and not complete the level okay no no no don't give up i've shown that but i believe that we can we've also shown that we are capable okay we're capable of losing your pessimism is really starting to bring me down well unfortunately y'all are bringing me down with your incompetency now let's beat his ass i might just walk together i just want to work together as friends okay fine let's do that let's give him a flat tire dude luigi's like falling like soccer balling wait if they were here the whole time why didn't he just say them themselves all the piss babies a whole rainbow of piss infants we finally save them all wait why didn't lava make you even bigger wait no no no no not again bowser please no how this is epic this is not epic how many more jars does he have what is happening we're going to super heaven my we are in super heaven we're going to super duper heaven oh god it seems like our journey has only just begun bowser is such a narcissistic villain maybe i'll hold your vote i never thought he'd name a whole freaking world to himself speaker doesn't need to be a speed run oh come on i blame luigi uh dimitri asks if we can go 10 seconds without anyone taking damage or dying all right let's touch that let's test it wait um yeah how do we get over them that's all you do you're a mashem money guy i mean he doesn't like k-room you grabbed me and then you committed kamikaze blue babies we killed the children oh my gosh it's pom-pom how do you hard read an rng boss fight because i got it right hello be careful mario these are very dangerous conditions i can see why can you let your step you were dying oh no i didn't watch my step oh my god oh light anyway i'm getting my flashlight no it is among us oh no [Music] [Music] wait [Music] did you guys like that level i had a great time oh yeah like i was guys i fun fun i had fun gamer gavin has beaten every level of 3d world at least once and got everything except beat up the levels of all the characters you're a fan gamer bro apologies you're a fake gamer why are you clapping he's a fake gamer clearly we gotta drop off kirby at the circus exhibit i mean i am in a furry suit so i mean i can understand [Music] give us a break nintendo no this is bowser's way of keeping us out of the castle he's literally locking our routers man this is petty bowser said i cannot be defeated if they can't play the game [Music] she looks like the dragon from shrek she looks quite beautiful she does actually hey lady i've never met someone so beautiful in my life why is this oh has finally been vanquished it is about time hey think about it toad now you're saving an extra 25 bucks a month you were too good for her anyways it's okay man [Music] um [Music] oh my gosh it's hotel mario oh my goodness that fair play in that ferris wheel we're fine we're here to steal your heart bowser and save the piss babies oh my gosh bowser's the final boss oh wait does he oh no oh turn it off oh no he wasn't losing his persona look out yeah i feel like i could just sit here and i'll be absolutely fine i lied ah whoa we gotta scare you guys come on we've gotta challenge you elite four go upstairs [Applause] [Music] oh my goodness there's many of them okay go friends you have to send the tower ah here we go wait toad is not a cat he's gonna get you i'm a cat now bowser get it we must we must audrey oh he whacked us with his tail the big the big bro come on team oh no wait where am i where are you oh i don't know oh it's over i think maybe team rockets blasting off again i really don't know is it actually over anyway guys thanks for coming to our super mario 3d world speed run i think that was world record he died died yeah like wait what wait why couldn't you do that before you are so incompetent all of you okay everyone wait let's all go together of course all right line up line up three all right one go oh thank god we set the landing on that thank freaking goodness all right one final pose everyone [Music] oh there's the yellow blue orange purple light glue wow everybody say it [Applause] i'll be honest i feel nothing i don't feel attached to these little idiots these little infants okay but this song is kind of a banger though oh absolutely yeah yeah the increase is easily one of the best songs in the game easily oh my gosh we're all cats the journey is finally over like not really though you y'all know the drill we've got some extra work to do but hey we finished with the bowser [Applause] uh and in the end luigi is on top in the end he was always a dictator all along of course he makes it about himself as usual of course a new world is open wait before we do that can we go to captain toad please yeah yeah let's go captain toad sure a moment of cooperation before we all inevitably screw each other over in the upcoming levels no i got i got it i got this everybody get pushed off do something now don't flip again this is so goddamn sad i apologize in advance for what you're about to see you're about to see the worst gameplay why you always blame me uh what happened who killed them never took responsibility for your own actions i'm running yes i have there was there were boosted panels you didn't have to run you see that look we're on the same screen after the first few seconds this is already great progress 12 seconds later no i'm not okay i'm really not okay actually i'm not i can do one of the most complex jumps in the whole level yeah i can be a poopy head and miss withdrawal distance and just jump off the ledge all willy nilly but i get to play rosalina now so at least i can just confide in my waifu instead of being in pain constantly literally the most boring character in all the videos you're boring [Music] as you do this can she do this huh no i don't think so press both bumpers in the bubble oh i'm trying but it won't work not while you're in the air oh at the same time okay there we go betrayal what all right cool uh oh oh you know we can just beat the level right if you stop running okay [Music] i got it am i running am i running i'm running i'm running wait you got it wait oh yeah i got it wow that was fast because i am that was so boring cut out of the video so bloody boring you think that's going to make the video that was such an anti-climactic ending editor screw you you i hope you cry right now oh wait wait wait wait i don't want to see anything else all right i write it just probably do a little trolling oh this is too much trolling wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it's me tension's that's what all gone saying before yeah i was in it's almost the same playing the video game now shut up man shut up god you made this about yourself i did no such thing it was not my decision you literally got on your hands and knees and said oh do not mess this up though oh there we go [Music] [Applause] okay here it's simple it's simple the plan is simple what okay peace the plan is okay the plan should be simple it should be but we're playing with four people don't look at me [Music] luigi okay you're gonna you're gonna okay let's get off this careful okay sprint jump and you're gonna throw as far as you can okay okay we tried you know you know if anyone has way too much free time and is clinically insane then feel free to go back to every single video in our playthrough so far and count how many lives we lost for the entirety of this playthrough that's the one on the video not even off like yeah you'll never know completely i mean you can go back to the streams better yet go to activate all the stream archives and just look back on the hours of footage and calculate every single life that everyone lost what is this there's so much oh my god so many more dudes when will it end we're in mushroom world we've got so much video game ahead of us oh boy oh why oh where's mario it's not super mario 3d world if it's not got super mario 3d man well that's why it's called super rosalina bros 3d world don't say it don't don't think we've already said it bro we don't need to say it again thank you don't say it guys it's a secret there's a sword oh i like secrets betrayal oh i found the secret luigi why are you being such a sassy packer i'm going to go to britain and find you harry i will i will find you one of these days you will repent for your sins and you are not going to enjoy that can i vibe here for a bit yeah let's do that we're done vibing i think we need to reset the [Applause] looking for more options if you ever you know looking for a friend or something you just let me know you haven't seen me oh my can't god i'm saying this but we want we need towed back we we actually need to look back like right now give me cool i i will gladly go to cofulu i'll pray at his shrine i'll go to church whatever it takes just get given back give me back tone hi there i missed you so much what is it toad could you use some deodorant you know i've been considering that for a while and i'm glad to have a second opinion you know i've been i've been daisy told me i stinker i didn't believe her because it's palpable yeah we're done here did you see that mom get him dad told my brothers and sisters what the hell leave them alone stop hurting them stop them there we go i'm sorry you too you'll be better in the afterlife i promise [Music] it's goop man this guy looks so cool he does look really cool he's a shiny boy okay so how many levels of heaven are we at now what is this like super d duper ultra mega or something oh [Music] okay it's the mystery house marathon boys we got 50 stars to collect i believe that's that's 50. yeah i can count no that's 30. no no it isn't no it isn't that's high it's a five by six grid that's there yes no wait five ten okay okay this is easy literally baby games this is some koopas you know it's easy money we're doing good oh oh my we're gonna get one more oh oh okay we can't be home we did it yes dude this game is good i'm so proud of us we're finally ready to take on the holy glory of champions road one last level oh no okay hold on hold on oh oh i should have held on oops here we go oh no no we don't no we died you know what we're as a team we're terrible we need that we're on a plane no we don't know what am i supposed to do we gotta think about how to work around each other we're obstacles more than the actual level and not on us it's just because of mechanics and such so throw you off the cliff no so the optimal strategy is to get all of our lives down to zero so it's just one person playing you got this okay you're dead [Applause] i'm staying in this dimension now okay you're cool i'm glad to see that you're gonna do that good good idea oh my gosh secondly i'll put that in the montage the pipe the pipe is like i already see it now yeah i see i see it it goes invisible in the water for some reason oh my god that's how it's doing visible each float is gonna carry absolutely let's go let's go okay where are we heading to now oh [Music] you thank you for watching oh my gosh we did it hey guys you know what's insane what you did that first try oh absolutely [Music] i'm gonna be completely honest i think my brain has like subconsciously repressed 90 of this playthrough because i do not remember a thing i mean no doubt it was segmented to hell and back because scheduling things with a bunch of people from different time zones is very inefficient immediately but it was a great time out of the way kid you and your louisiana time zones stupid wait me magic when there's a british person right here let's get your birthday with one last round of slots yeah okay what the hell dude in my opinion because if you go next then it'll be really comical because all the pressure's on me if you get it right so if you don't don't get it right though because then you know then there's too much pressure on me okay absolutely now you see what you've done is become a diamond do it everybody give it up for the day happy birthday hello everybody [Music] thank you so much for do playing my stream [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Vernias
Views: 246,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario 3d world, super mario, mario, vernias, luigi, bowser, peach, toad, rosalina, mario 3d world, 3d world, playthrough, vernias mario 3d world, harrybook, kirbykid, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, super mario 3d world gameplay, super mario 3d world walkthrough, bowser's fury, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, super mario 3d world switch, super mario 3d world ost, mario 3d world bowser theme
Id: JKjDeccBhVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 9sec (4149 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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