I Survived 100 Days in River Monsters Minecraft... Here's What Happened

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my Vans how's it going everywhere the show River Monsters oh my God Jeremy is like a fishing show I'm doing that in a Hardcore Minecraft okay the next 100 days I'm gonna spend hunting this massive giant you wouldn't believe your eyes when you see this fish look at this I had to use a man as bait this is this is personal what was that scared me so why don't you go ahead and leave a comment saying you will get this fish just like the great Jeremy Wade no that's a good comment right there why don't you go ahead also you know what you should do you should go ahead and subscribe to me okay they say everyone who subscribes gets a good they get something okay let's just start the video 100 days River Monsters hey day one I uh spawned massive tree a huge view up here oh imagine if I fell on that right away day one straight down to the big pit that'd be good okay so I made some stone tools before going to that house I'm not walking in there with no weapon you just immediately die on day one so I got those built and headed over there oh look at this wow I came down and uh made a a massive mistake yeah I saw these you know Buffalo right there and I thought oh yeah it was probably good to eat some buffalo meat let's hunt these things to the point of Extinction and uh wow big mistake okay [Music] okay okay okay okay [Music] I'm getting chased by a bison [Music] where's the door they're coming they're coming they're coming after I got in the house I went through it and I found some good stuff there's a gold block upstairs uh downstairs there was a chest with some more gold in it there's a saddle a bucket oh a bucket forgot about that thing there are some seeds uh I went outside after I made sure that that Buffalo was hunting me was gone and I got some cold and I made some torches and put them all around now it's got this place nice and light lit up you know no one's sneaking up on me that big building nearby I don't know what's going on in there but yeah I want to wait I gotta fight my urge to run in that thing immediately and die so just hold off but oh no it looks like yeah I got went in he's just don't remember doing that that's like destroyed us spider spawner and a zombie years I I got what am I doing here day one I'm already anyway so when I got home that night I I popped in a music disc this is my first time doing this in Minecraft and uh a creepy song [Music] hey you know what this is the perfect time to tell you we got new merch Forge Labs Anglers Club got some good stuff here got a these are clips of me like what am I doing here what is that there's me walking through a puddle with this stuff we got a whole bunch of new stuff right we got the my man's big grouper hoodie what a good stuff we got the forge Labs Anglers Club goliath tigerfish also got this Spooky Fish uh there's like a mug there's a hat there's some good stuff in here right oh look at this this has nothing to do with the merch I put my GoPro and in the this swamp and look at this fish I found look look at the eyes and then look at this big lips but what was going on here it's supposed to be showing the merch but you go I have to show this fish hey there it is if you want to get some of this Forge Labs Anglers Club merch I got a link in the description okay day two what did I do on day two looks like I was uh oh yeah it's chasing a crow that's good [Music] land here we go okay come here are you gonna land or what are you going I can't fly I can't get you for floating up there okay should be focused on getting iron right now but it looks like I wanted to explore a little bit there's a second big lake near the house that I'm staying at and uh I don't want to jump in it and I don't want to go for a swim because I I have when I make these mod packs I just click rent not random mods but I don't research the mods I add so who knows what could be in that Lake there could be a giant monster in that Lake for all I know uh when I when I wrote this script that was a joke I wrote in here I didn't think that there would actually be River Monsters in this mod pack that was a joke I wrote it I had just get back to the okay so I no oh oh look at that there's a turtle remember I saw a little turtle swimming around I thought hey let's see what's going on in there completely disregarding my uh you fear of a some sort of beast in this like okay I have it the turtle a little turtle okay okay I'll stop hitting it how do I take it I spent the first half of day three mining I I found six iron get an iron in this mod pack for some reason incredibly difficult I don't know why it was taking it doesn't matter so my pickaxe broke so I came up and uh while the iron was smelting I looked up what I could do with copper I found that I could make some sort of you make you make pretty cool weapons here but you need poles and hilts and to make those you need leather uh straps and you get leather straps you need leather okay you need a lot of stuff all right so I went out and made a farm because I was a man who needed other extremely bad a man with leather on the mind oh but first quick message from this video's sponsor Monster Legends right they're sponsoring another video here and I'm real excited about this one I'm gonna tell you why in just a second here this one okay first of all monster legends is an awesome free-to-play battle RPG mobile game that'll put your strategy skills to the test there's over 900 monsters to collect plus there's always new monsters coming out every week you can breed monsters of different elements and Rarities to create new species and starting from today here's the part I'm talking about the newest addition to the game look it's the forge Labs monster right this is look at this guy right here beautiful Beaker got that ooze coming right out of it this thing right you look at the wall of monsters here what is your eye drawn straight to the the forge Labs monster you can figure out how to get this guy by going to the YouTuber Island a place where you can find many monsters created in collaboration with some other YouTubers and stuff but you know they don't matter okay focus on this one right here what you want to do is create the best team and put your strategy to the test and I'm gonna tell you right now the best team you gotta add this guy that Forge lab I can just focus on this right here you can level up your monsters you can boost their powers with runes relics and talents you can create the best team and put your strategy of the test and the ultimate challenge of battling other monsters in real time with live duels or multiplayer mode where you can conquer trophies when rewards and fight for a chance what you really need to do is just get the forge Labs monster right and the way you're gonna do this is you're gonna go ahead and click the link in the description all right or use the QR code on screen right now you'll get 50 000 food 300 000 gold 10 gems and 10 Forge Labs monster cells which you can use to create my monster in the Monster Lab all right now go ahead and do that because you don't want to miss this it's only available for a certain amount of time thank you to Monster Legends for sponsoring this video and thank you for creating such a beautiful work of art right okay day four doing something with bees I uh you have no idea what they do in Minecraft they're just buzzing I the other night I was in bed and I thought of that the best joke about bees I thought it was so funny and now I have no idea what it was okay so you just pretend I said a b joke here anyways I hope these I was just hoping these things would help my farm okay just flying around doing bees that it's got to be top 10 worst joke that's not even a joke can't even classify it as what was I needed to cut down wood all right I installed this mod that made cutting wood down more interesting you just chop the base of the tree whole thing comes down I'm a huge fan of this because it makes it much more quick it's much much faster to cut down trees this way so big fan of this I turned one of the little like natural caves by the house into a pen of sorts this is where I'm gonna keep all my animals the front is a regular fence but the back is a kind of turns into a bit of a cage kind of like the I also opened up the roof a bit so that I can just drop animals right in is this called animal hole you know you just push them right in boom it's good [Music] my man [Music] right in beautiful so I went out the next day and I lured two cows dropped them right in right there they uh I don't know why I called it the whole of Destiny that that's not even I gotta come on so after I got that all sorted I I turned around and I was scared to see that this man snuck up on me foreign [Music] oh I tried to Wrangle this thing into the pen you ever try to get a buffalo into a tiny little pen it's not uh it's not not easy oh come on in wait I have an idea oh my God come here okay [Music] come up I'm gonna go for you a little bit oh it's horns hit you should I stay away from its horns oh is he in oh he's coming for me oh it's inside it's Matt it's mad sorry my man you gotta be in there okay it is can I get out I can just walk out [Music] right here okay but it it just strikes me every time I go near it it does not like me like it remembers it remembers what I did to it there we go come on it doesn't chase me well here I know excuse me God I need you in the Hall of Destiny come on right here come here come here pigs you big stupid Buffalo let's go oh you're so close to the whole Destiny let's go let's go there's the whole Destiny getting the whole Destiny come on oh right in the whole destiny he just walks over the whole just walks right over the hole he's gonna knock me off I'm gonna get killed by this Buffalo I'm not giving up until you're in that hole let's go what's up freeze okay good I'm gonna go behind you I'm gonna give you a little gentle little Jab okay ready he just walks Over the Hole [Music] go in the Hall of Destiny he doesn't care about the hole I didn't end up getting this this man inside the pen so I went inside because I was getting shot at and I tried to sleep but I couldn't so I wanted to make a heater Shield what is a heater Shield did I did I mistype that yeah you got to make steel ingots by uh blasting iron so I did that uh then I made the shield and I went out to deal with the skeletons and I killed one but then look at these weird creepers and just snuck up on me oh oh look at these creepers oh I don't know I do oh they're fast they are fast oh okay when I went back inside I still couldn't sleep so I figured that I would do some Inventory management because one of the things I know I don't need to explain you are if you watch any of my other videos you know that I'm a messy man just throw things everywhere so I wanted to make a new chest and uh the only thing was I had nowhere to put it I was looking around the house and I thought oh right there it looks like a good spot so I destroyed whatever was in the way and realized that there was a a trap door it just look what I found it was incredible look at this are you joking me are you joking me the next day I converted that iron to steel two and then I used the leather I made to make straps which were then used to craft a steel Morgan Stern okay I was about to say Morgan Steen no way that's right Morgan Stern that's you know I'm just gonna hope that's right I used the rest of the seal I had to make chainmail and then I made steel plates uh and I was only one played off making armor so I went out despite it raining and uh tried to find some in that mini dungeon I went in uh that little like whatever this building was this thing I went in no armor just Brave man and uh it's very easy to clear there's like next to no enemies in there and there's also next to No Loot in there not good stuff there's some useless emeralds I I don't know there's barely anything there's definitely no iron so I ran home in the dark which was scarier than the dungeon itself I did get these broken leather boots though so hey I put them on on day seven in the morning man with boots on in the morning they say that's gonna be a good day so I went out Mining and I got yeah pretty deep but I ran into look what I found down there whoa whoa okay the arrows just don't work you gotta use a pickaxe to kill this thing you have a rock creeper so I wanted to go further but I ran out of torches I kept mining the next day and I found more iron as I explored the cave eventually I found an underwater Lake and oh this is how people die all right they go they go swimming where they shouldn't be swimming yeah if you're ever in a deep cave and you find a giant on don't go swimming in something like this all right that's so dangerous look I I can't do that I I'm gonna why would you do something like that I'm gonna drown yeah I can't do that I came back up and I got I started smelting while I was well that was going on I took a look around and I saw a floating island oh look at that floating island what's going on up there normally I don't like these things but you see something like that this one will look like some place that I want to go later I had enough steel now to make the am I I suck at reading Roman numerals X IV all right so that's 10 14 Century 14th century there it is I did in my mind uh Knight armor right I got the boots I got the chest I got the legs a man who's ready to ready for battle of the 14th century now ready to go uh so I went to the coast to see those floating islands and you know kept looking them thinking hey I'm going there soon it's gonna be good on day 10 I went to the island I swam up the thing it was a giant like water whenever this is kind of floating waterfall or something like that and there you know what there wasn't much up on this island kind of a waste of time I ran through all of them and I found next to nothing it might be a good place to set up a base because you're kind of safe up here no you're not enemies can still spawn up here I I don't know okay kind of anyways I I from up here I spotted a lava waterfall and some other stuff on the mainland that that looks more interesting than these islands so uh took a giant leap of faith off here we go here we go look at the whales what's that sound oh oh yeah then on my way back I ran into the whatever these creepy little looking things on there just running around on there what is that what is nothing okay okay I don't know what these ones do don't go my house it's still there's three okay started raining on day 11. he no man loves a rainy day like this you know you actually know it's not hearing it's not too bad since it was raining I decided I would skip the lava waterfall thing because after seeing those things walk around outside of the day I was not in the mood for those so I ended up exploring past that mini dungeon out by the lake and I found this mine shaft entrance but I got it freaked out and turned around and uh on my way back that night I found a book okay and this book led to a series of events that would yeah it it shaped the entire playthrough of this thing this book right here is what caused okay anyway so the book I started reading it and it says you need something about some hey hole block a guy comes out of a block or something like that and the moment a man like me reads something like that he thinks okay you know what let's figure out what's going on here so I made a block of coal uh but you need more so in the morning I got more coal and I made the block you know I placed it down with a campfire on top of it and nothing happened so I turned away and then his man showed up oh hello this is dropping books huh the house [Music] two emeralds for an empty map the house oh the lonely villager of the search you stay here okay stay here I know where emeralds are stay here I'll be back I needed two emeralds and I knew where I could find them I went back to the mini dungeon and got them uh when I came back I I was worried that the guy had left no no oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa come back come back come back come back come back come back back I bought this thing now with two emeralds absolutely no idea what it does yeah so I just clicked it and uh it did nothing so that was yeah it was good the guy had more stuff though it looked like he was selling maps and I assumed that these were to Dungeons and that I really wanted to do that but the problem was was that I needed no I needed emeralds I had none of them so my new priority was to find a village so next morning that's what I set up to do the only thing is I needed a horse now something to ride and uh this guy brought me a horse I guess so I tamed it and uh tried to ride it but it would not couldn't go it was kind of stuck so just found another horse and started riding rode this thing very far or I got stuck in like in a river at one point I found like a name tag all sorts of stuff there's tons of the tons of stuff was going on here but I didn't find a village so I ended up riding home in the dark so Open Season everything's shooting at me but I made it home I went on the next day in a different direction this time and I found a tombstone and uh if you watched any of my other videos you know I got no problem defiling a man's grave even if it means getting one piece of coal so I just dug that thing right up and uh yeah I got some leather and then I found another one oh another one oh iron helmet golden copper look at all this gunpowder wow do I have a helmet no I don't oh finding a lot of good stuff and tons of stuff out here in the world everything but a village though could not find a village no matter where I looked this Village was getting away from me so I went back that night and uh I used those two graves I found I kept them and I set them up made one for Robert and one for Kim we planted some crops on it and I went to bed so I wanted another the other direction the next day I went towards those lava waterfalls you remember those that sounds gonna go out completely forgotten they were uh let's just say there's no point in going over them it's kind of a waste of time but before I left I cut down this massive tree which had a bunch of apples in it so I took the saplings thinking hey maybe you can grow apple trees later I don't know if that's how that works but hey maybe I don't know so I kept going and uh that's why I saw something truly remarkable that's a gorilla okay the king monkey hello my monkey man how's it going hey this guy's just sitting here oh how's it going I get on this guy I thought you you're gonna eat the tree I need this man how am I gonna do this you like trees just keep eating those oh wait wait look at this here take him oh okay okay he does it I I that moment I realized everything else that I'm focused on right now it doesn't matter I need to get this man home but I needed him on a lead so I went home and let's just say I knew where to get a leader right I knew one place where I could get one that traitor I murdered him and took the lead and then uh I put a tombstone where he died and titled it no one the next day I went back and I got the gorilla okay still here look at that man go oh okay how's it going my monkey man oh you're having a snack here we go you're coming back with me let's go let's go you can take that stack on the road we got a place to be come on come on let's go okay we can't fall here where are you going where are you going no no come on this way okay how do I get you in the boat you're gonna get in the boat with me what happens if I start sailing can you swim yeah you can swim you get some fun right hey there we go I'm bringing King Kong back to New York oh maybe we can just kind of stand on water it's good look at that let's go though come on climb don't what don't do don't do it don't do it do not do it stay away from that hey just come walk like that it's good like that come on no no come on we're gonna suck don't fall don't fall into the Buffalo pit they they are psychos come on these are nuts there we go okay you just stay there for a few minutes okay it's good to have you here I gotta figure something out for you I start I brought him home and I started I built him a cage let me figure out what to do with him figure out where to put this man so I spent nearly the entire day on day 17 cutting down trees and uh replanting them and the next day when I what was I gonna do with all that wood well I still figuring that out the first thing was I need to get that horse back so I went down to the coast but I got I got uh I was attacked by an illager or something like that which reminded me oh yeah villagers yeah supposed to be looking for supposed to be trying to find a village right now that's the important thing not getting my horse not worrying about this gorilla I gotta get to find this Village so I made a boat and I sail I I sat I was in that boat for so long just going in One Direction and you know what I found absolutely it was like 10 minutes of just sailing straight and I found nothing so I turned back and yeah I I what was have you ever seen this before just nothing what was going on here so I turned around came home and when I got home I guess it was uh Halloween night that doesn't make any there's so many monsters outside just it was everything but I wasn't good I had to kill them all and this giant Beast came out so I killed it from upstairs so I went out looking again and I found a very I found this beautiful view right here this looks beautiful over here wow why is it taking so long to find a village I really wanted the village to be on the other side of that little river so I could build a very cool bridge and walk across to it it would have been very nice to do but you know what no Village no Village anywhere starting to feel like I was the only man alive in this world and uh wow just brutal so I kept looking through the desert and I found some sort of it was like a little column with a V's next to it or something so I brought a bed though and I slept out here in the open I didn't want to travel through the night the moment I woke up I got chased by some sort of fire Beast what is this thing I don't see I don't know what that thing is it's just it's you see that it's just coming straight for me what is that Sugar yeah there's like a jungle ahead um big a bunch of trees a big clearing or whatever so I started walking towards that jungle and I saw two good men there too good what is that I'm going to write that in my script too good what am I talking about oh okay I went into the jungle and I saw this a Boss Bar on my screen and said Kraken whenever I see a Boss Bar I think okay I gotta know what what's going on over there so I I found this Lake and I saw what looked like a sunken ship out in the middle of like and you know what I should have put two and two together should have thought actually you know sorry let me let me go back in time below my cousin yeah it was my cousin he got he started playing he saw a ship in the and he said I gotta see with this I said don't go there right Kraken is probably out there just don't you don't need to go see the sunken ship and he said hey no I gotta go and I go okay if you die it's you you're the one playing not me right so he uh yeah he went out to go see what was going on over there okay okay that's the Kraken that's the Kraken okay it's stuck in the okay that's okay what did I say about that about the other being River beasts in here I said that as a joke they're in here there's a crack in there okay you know what it's you can you can clearly hear it's me in there why who would who would fall for that so I did something really dumb after this I got in a boat and went back out [Music] stuck [Music] it's not stuck okay yeah how was I supposed to know that the Kraken would kill me though it might the thing looked like it was stuck you know these giant creatures in Minecraft they get stuck all the time and I thought that thing was locked in also squids are they don't attack people how was I supposed to know that this thing was okay that that death there's no way that death counts why there's no way you cannot fault a man for dying in those circumstances absolutely why don't you go ahead and leave a comment saying something like I cannot fault a man for dying in those circumstances not not not me not on day 20 of all no way that counts as a death you know that that right there that is a comment okay that is a comment you gotta leave that's a good one but you know what seeing that Kraken told me everything I need to know about what what I was doing in this this was the moment where I decided to change this from 100 days in a fantasy to 100 days in River Monsters because that cracking I was gonna take that thing down and you know what you need to do to take a thing like that down you need to change your skin from whatever my skin currently was to Jeremy Wade yeah yeah but if I'm going to take that thing down there's a lot of things I need to do number one day 21 I needed to move I so I I'm building my house at the river it's gonna be a river house there's no question about it that that's going to give me quick access to the it doesn't matter you if you're gonna do river you gotta live next to the river right so that's where I was building my house I found the perfect spot and uh by the end of the day I had a bit of a small frame built I went back the next day and I started it was raining again which I don't like the rain actually I don't know sometimes it rains nice so yeah why why am I commenting on if I like rain in Minecraft or not should we talking about what I was a man working hard in the pouring rain so I wanted the floor to be slabs because there's water here and uh I need it what oh no I said I want the floor to be slabs but because there's water here I need to learn how to write yeah you need to drain it so what I have to do is I put down dirt for if somebody could explain to me a better way of doing this because this was a huge time consuming process of putting blocks down and putting another block down removing them it was just a whole thing yeah I don't know I got a chunk of it down that day uh and when I got home I started I was I was I was getting worried about getting killed oh yeah I had no more armor anymore I was worried about dying again but yeah the next day day 23 I just worked on the platform more there's tons of work to do I wasn't sure if I was gonna cover the entire thing especially since there's there's a lot of turtles here glowing turtle oh hello this is like a home for Turtles on this Riverbank and I was about to destroy their habitat oh oh look at these guys these turtles walking around well the next time I was working on the house I thought to myself you know what these Turtles really need this small piece of Coast more than I need a nice house to live in no they do not I I need the house so I just had the they covered the spot why this was such a bad joke there's another out of the list of terrible jokes I've made I worked on the house all day day 25 as well I started building a foundation it's made up of logs and Cobblestone and for once I'm not going to use stone bricks right I'm gonna I'm gonna try very hard to resist the urge to use stone bricks and build an underwater component to the space I I don't need to be doing anything with water in this playthrough I'm always spending so much time on that so I'm not doing that yeah I never want to be same thing on Day 26 I I built the Cobble layer up and I filled in the floor more I I don't want everything on slab so I need to come up by half a walk and then more work the next day just worked on the house more but I was getting very tired very very oh yeah at one point I actually fell asleep while playing just look at that I was just standing there with an apple in hand [Music] oh look at this on the boat ride home I was spinning in circles you ever fall asleep playing games like this what am I just go to bed so I I I slept that off something in real life day 28 back for more work on the house uh I don't like how I didn't like how the wall was turning out it was not looking good so next I tried to make the walls look better by giving them some depth and I think I found a style that I liked but it meant more cobblestones so I did some light Mining and I came back up and it was raining again so I just kept working in the rain doesn't matter man's got to work you know more work on the house than xao I'm getting kind of bored of building this house so I wanted to do an expedition tomorrow apparently there's tons of dungeons around tons of dungeons all over the place and this would be an excellent opportunity for me to go get some gear pretty easy get some gear and get myself protected in case some sort of Beast comes for me that's what I needed to do so in the morning I left and I went very far I traveled across Fields Lakes beaches Etc and I saw absolutely nothing I was still kind of looking for a village and there was no Village there was no dungeons but I did find this look at this no what are these things hello my man is it going whoa oh look at the mountain so I climbed to the top of that mountain and I was hoping that when I got to the peak that I would see something and give me some sort of indication that hopefully there was a village nearby and you know what there was nothing okay so I just slept I made two massive discoveries the next day the first was about food you can cut these mushrooms down I just got are you kidding me okay I oh okay that's like unlimited food in the second I'm never going in the dark woods again all right oh what am I doing oh okay there was a big thing there okay it ran at me it ran at me there's flies at this point I had traveled so far that even if I did find a village it was it was like a four day journey to get here that is not true it would be a two-day Journey there's a long long Trek to find so I I just slept on a riverbank and after another day of searching and getting I got stung by a puffer fish at one point okay okay I was a puffer fish why what are you doing just just come for a man for no reason I I had enough so I gave up and slept with the seals you ever do that just take a little sleep with the seals these noisy creatures extremely noisy I wanted to go home now I had enough uh but I didn't this I had been kind of worrying about because I had absolutely no idea how to get back I mean I mean I left markers but if let me just put it this way within three minutes of trying to get home yeah I was already lost I have no idea where I am right now so at this point I had three options option one I could do something off camera traveling and uh appear back home and say oh hey forgot to forgot to record day 34. I just walked home option two would be uh my cousin uh La cadanaro what is that name lookaderono why would I write that my other option was to have him play and have him die where I'd spawn back at home or option three I could uh this well you know let's just save this one in case I still need it but I would let's just say I was option three I was about to write a joke about being stuck on Sheep Island for 100 days and when I got my boat back what is Sheep Island option three makes anyways I got my boat back and I I started sailing and I look what happened okay oh okay I can't believe it thank you I can't I I was I was just about to give up whoo this was a this was a huge find I was a desperate man and when I when I finally found this Village I was let's just say I was feeling like my man Jeremy Wade at the beginning of every episode of River Monsters time to get to work time to start making some moves here but for now it was time to get some rest for a stressful day so I slept in the village now that I knew where a village was it was uh it was time to get back and just remember where the village was and figure out a way home remember I was talking about three options and I said option three might it was it was time to use option three I'm an idiot okay you know most people write down coordinates in Minecraft and take note of where things are I don't do that right so I had no idea what the coordinates on my base were but there were I there was a way for me to get them I recreated the world copied it and when I spawned in I just got the coordinates it was that simple bingo I then loaded the my world back up and it looked I looked at where I was and I knew the direction I had to go and there it is man knows how to get home that's simple does this count as cheating no it does not all right I does not and if it does it was my cousin lockadon playing right and you thought you just why don't you leave a comment saying hey that crazy log of dawn always be breaking the rules he loved that man though good heart good mind good man that's why we all love lockadon I don't I I'm I'm I don't know if I'm gonna read this script anymore yes I am I'm gonna read this okay so I didn't want to leave the island yet or the village yet because there was no point in sailing all the way back home and then just come I needed the village anyway so I figured I'd stay here for a few days and maybe do some trading and get some armor or something like that so I don't know so I stayed out all that all night killing zombies and spiders and creepers I was trying to get flesh because one of the one of the villagers would accept flesh for coin or for emeralds so I thought okay let's get this man some flesh he wants it I'll give it to him um but by the morning I didn't even have enough for one trade so the following day I looked up villager trading and I learned the how to get the men I want right so I made one of these grindstone things and I put it in a house next I read that Fletchers are the best for getting emeralds so I made a flashing table and a replaced a cartography table and uh turn this man into a Fletcher hey Fletcher I am with 32 sticks for uh the next day I brought this man sticks tons and tons of sticks and I leveled them all the way up and uh then you want to Flint but I realized how much work it would be to get him Flint so I went back to collecting sticks and by the end of the day I had almost leveled them up again and I now had 15 look at 15 emeralds a rich man very rich but I was back to chopping trees the next day and uh I was worried that I'd run out I saw there was a nearby jungle oh look at that I will cut that entire thing down no problem I'll tell you right now I got no problem clear cutting that entire jungle if it meant even getting four emeralds I'm a man with emeralds on the mind and in fact I would love to open up some sort of casino here hey that'd be pretty good get all these villagers coming in and call it like a fast Sean safe and fun casino bring your money here is that even can you make a villager Casino maybe I should have maybe I should have done that would be so funny these guys are giving me emeralds and stuff for the casino they come in they bet I'll get Kim and Robert to get in my Casino okay focus on the script let's go stop talking about Casino so uh the next thing I wanted to do was get an armorer so that I could use some of these emeralds to buy armor but to do that I needed two iron and I did not have iron so uh I went out looking for it and I didn't want to I was sick and tired of digging I didn't want to be mining at all anymore so I just figured I'd look around until I found iron even if it took longer I was looking for surface caves and I found an underwater cave at one point there's no way I'm going down there there's no way so I found the iron on the surface as yeah I found it okay and then I met went and made the blacksmithing table and real I said hey you know the blacksmithing table that does not say that's not what you need it gives you this gives you weapons big waste of time right there so I was back out looking for more iron the next day I still refused to mine not doing that but while I was out there looking I saw uh some like kind of stick things it looks like a little stick coming out of the ground and I thought oh a little entrance to a dungeon but then I realized I'm just I'm an idiot I'm dumb wait a minute are these my sticks are these six I put down is that the mountain I already okay I know how to get home turns out that uh this Village is not that far from my base it is not far from my house at all and in fact I knew exactly where I was like you know what I'm glad remember when I said oh you're gonna sail in this direction this is the way to get home that was not right I I don't know where I was gonna be heading but that was not correct at all anyway so I found nine iron and I went back to the Village I made the stone thing and then I placed it down and rang the bell and converted this man into an armor crafter I used my emeralds to buy armor and then I cut down more trees and sold them to the Fletcher and I used that money to buy a crossbow or my multiple crossbows to level this guy up it was fun I've never really done this before I have a few times but not like this I was having fun doing this so that's what I did for the next few days day 41 same thing just going back and forth Max anything you know day 42. I got the Fletcher up to max level and uh it was finally time to cash this man out I need more wood so I turn my attention to the nearby jungle it's just clear cutting this jungle chopping everything down for profit oh look at those wood it's all money falling right there money money money Gone Bananas I have not gone bananas all right we'll be saying stuff like that I made it back to the village that night and I was full of wood I converted all that wood to sticks and I trade trade traded got the armor guy max level I the enchants on the gear he was giving me were horrible just brutal enchants so just kept trading the next day I got Diamond legs and shoes I also did some light training with the cleric was this cleric who is this guy clerk clerk I don't know cleric that's it I'm clerk yeah this guy's a law Clerk these guys what am I saying cleric anyway so I was almost done with this Village getting kind of tired of being here to be honest it was probably boring for you to watch me just running around talking to these guys so I thought you know what this let's do a dungeon time to cash in some of these emeralds and buy a map so I made a hey call block and I put it over a campfire and just waited guys I better show up again this guy needs to come here hey you did this man brought I bought the map to the iron mines from him for like 12 emeralds uh the only problem I have no idea how to read them out I have absolutely no idea how to read them out and that's about the time that I started considering if I even wanted to do a dungeon I was supposed to be doing River Monsters at this point in what episode of River Monsters does Jeremy Wade use a map to find the iron mines dungeon but when does that man do that he does not but you know what I I needed our I needed something so I uh I don't know I figured out how to use the map the next day uh but before I go I wanted full diamond gear so there's more trading was doing that by the end of day 47 I had full diamond armor and uh now I just wanted to get the cleric to max level before I left because I didn't know when I'd be back here so I traded with the cleric yeah eventually he offered me ender pearls and you know these things right here these will be very useful later but he also offered me uh Emerald for glass bottles we thought hey that's a pretty good deal I also realized that this whole time I thought I was leveling this guy up so that I could get any chance from him okay this was this guy is not going to give me any enchants I'm realizing now I I want to do one last trade on day 49. one final one I know I keep saying that but this was I swear it was the last one I needed more six though so I went to the jungle and once again I was ready to destroy nature for money and while I was cutting down a tree I spotted something oh oh how's it going my man hey uh don't wanna don't don't even worry about what I'm doing all right you don't need this tree it's good trust me it's gonna be better without this thing you can see you can see more I got a banana for you egg banana here there you go oh go crazy for banana you remind me of Robert eat a banana in front of you oh no oh oh okay I didn't mean oh okay okay got a little a little carried away there I I don't know what it is about monkeys but they get my monkey bearing going it's a little fact about me I took a you know one of those DNA tests okay I did one of those a few years ago and just figure out where because I didn't know where my family was from right so I took this DNA test and uh they give you other other stats other like information about you and I found out that I am in the 99th percentile uh for having me the most Neanderthal DNA well what does that mean 99 percentile for Neanderthal DNA I told my parents and they started laughing at me they're like making fun of me you know what does it mean I'm some sort of like am I less a vault what's going on okay you know just focus on this anyway so I got the enchanted bow and some iron tools if you're by day 50 now I'm ready all right so I started a long journey home and I followed the post that I made and you know it was not long before I was lost again I did an awful job pulling these things down where is it where is it keep getting lost oh oh where did I come from I don't think I came from over there so I stopped on this little island while I figured out what to do I kept looking around the next day for the next marker and I I just couldn't find it so it was time to time to get into the mind of an idiot think like a man like me when he where where would he go in this situation what direction would you came from so I followed a path and there wasn't any markers but sure enough hey it's good to be back hello hello throw that in here throw that there got some good stuff in here look at this name tag golden carrot block gold feels like I haven't been here in like months I feel like a man who's been gone man I made it back so I popped in dropped the stuff off and went to the new build house and yes everything's looking good good to be back day 52 it was time to take on the iron mines I was going there and I was getting what I could get and uh started the track and realized you know this is going to be a long journey so I went for a while and about halfway throughout the day I realized that I forgot to bring a bed and uh if Knight fell before I found sheep oh did not want to be out there did not want to be oh there for that so started getting worried uh that I was gonna have to fight off stuff throughout the night but then I found a bunch of sheep whole group and even better than that look at this found a town another Village hey okay how's it going good to see you all oh you guys don't even know I already uh did this whole thing I slept in the village that night it was a good day it could have a nice solid sleep you know I approached the castle the next day and as I got close to it I saw the Boss Bar appeared iron slime I ignored it for now and just went into the castle there was tons of good stuff in here next to no enemies besides uh they had like a guy locked up in the basement oh I didn't see that gun there hey this place is very cool I wish I could build something as cool as a next time I want to build a castle like this in a future 100 days video maybe I can build something like this because this right here is this is incredible anyway so I looted the whole place and uh stashed everything I could in the I am going to build a castle like this in the next 100 days video I I gotta I gotta go back and look at how this Castle was built and maybe it means copying it but you know I want to live in a castle like this in the next video that I'm doing I'm doing that all right just focus on this video for now you can hand yourself so anyways I looted the whole place and I I stashed everything in a chest and then I proceeded to the iron mines it was close and I could see the the details filling in on the map and that's when I saw the building I saw the entrance this is it this is the iron mine I carefully went in and kind of got stuck there was like water flowing into a staircase and I couldn't plug it because every time I put it down would just fill back in and if I tried to dig around I was getting mining fatigue so I just went back up and just slept I guess I was trying to figure out how to get down the next day maybe I'd just swim or something like that so yeah I just swam down through a hole and there was face to face with the iron slime that's the iron slime right there oh look at this thing it was a giant massive big slime made out of iron and I had absolutely no idea how to fight it so I tried to shoot at it and that didn't work and I hit it a few times which is nothing so then I just you know walked in okay this is not good this is not good I think things go real bad after that I realized that I had mining fatigue and I had sealed myself in that room oh no no no no no no no no no no no oh okay it's breaking I managed to get out though because the I guess the mining fatigue went away when I got stood in the corner something like that so I got I got out and made it back to the castle and uh made a golden pick because I learned that that's what you got to use you cannot you have you have to use anything besides an iron pick on this thing and I thought gold was better than Stone so I made one of those I came back the next day and I was ready to go I tried hitting it and it did some damage but only for a second and then it immediately healed itself and then it almost killed me and I was starting to get real angry at this thing so that's why I came up with an idea how do you deal with a metal creature well you just won't die I'll tell you how you go up to the surface you get a bucket of lava and then you smelt that thing down there we go burnt oh I'm hitting him immediately gets his health back it didn't it didn't do much but it was stuck so I went up to it with my stone pickaxe now and hit it a bunch of times and it did it started to do damage so I had to hit it rapidly and then I just kept going and my pick went broke so I made another one kept hitting and eventually this thing died yep so I killed him I got absolutely nothing no it wasn't totally pointless because there's a lot of iron in this cave there was a ton of iron in this iron right here plays a very crucial role later if I didn't get this iron you'll see okay I needed this much iron this was very important for me to get this so I tried my best to follow the markers back home and it worked for a while until I I couldn't find the next one so I just looked around and searched the river and the hills and I I couldn't find it okay I'm getting sick of this how does this keep happening to me why does this happen to me so much am I this must happen to other people other people must get lost in this game as much as me I looked around more I I truly have no memory of ever being up on this mountain this Cliff or wherever I am right now I I I do not remember putting this thing down here okay day 57 so you remember those coordinates that I got but I said I wasn't going to use a long time ago you know what desperate times call for desperate men and I was a desperate man and so I used them right and I found my um I found out how to get home on my way back I stopped it that abandoned mine and found a while ago when I went in and look at this I got one diamonds in there I also got some bookshelves from whatever this place was and that was good day 58 so I worked on the house more you know I don't want to go another 100 days without a house yeah I always end up not building so I just you know like time to get this thing done I had some trouble with the roof because I had no idea how to make this look nice but you just got to keep working you know so damn day 59 in the morning I uh you know I took a look at the roof on the house that I was sleeping in and thought you know what that's it looks pretty good so maybe let's just copy this so I went out and looked for some Spruce and eventually I found some but by the time I found it it was starting to get late and I did not want to be stuck out and lost at night and stuff so I just went back home and made note of where it was I figured I can get it tomorrow and uh go there so I was about to go back there on day 60 but I got distracted by this cave kind of looked cool so I went inside and yeah things got out of hand fast I killed all this stuff but I think there was some gold you know I was gonna probably need some gold for later by the time I was done with all that it was yeah I didn't think I'd have enough time to go get the wood so I just worked on the house and it wasn't looking too good things were not looking good at all I also realized that I had been just I was totally copying the house that I was living in didn't even realize that I was just straight up copying it a nice original design right here Sean oh good so I sailed to the spruce the next day uh and this road getting over here and there's a little path I was taking it was actually quite beautiful when I got to the shore I managed to tame a wolf what happened to that wolf no what I completely forgot about this wolf so I kept walking and I spotted something in the distance not one building but two I had to check them out and when I got to the first one turns out it was the same building that I'd already been staying in which meant that you know what remember that basement how I found that there was chests on there this one probably had them do and sure enough look at this it did there was no Diamonds though so it was fine though the other building was it was some sort of Tower and I thought okay you know what I'm going there tomorrow for sure so I started heading there in the morning and uh came across this beautiful sea creature oh look at this thing a huge crab very cool I enter the tower and honestly this place it was a breeze I went through each floor no problem the only tricky one was the golden men what am I talking about the golden look at these golden men at the top of the tower there was this room with papers and a map table in it and I have no idea what this was all for so I just kind of ignored it and went back down there's a floor with an enchanting cable yeah I don't know on my way back though the seagull stole my they all stole my meat to that seagull just four now I have two okay that um I can't afford that I started running back and I stopped in the spruce force and I caught I cut down a ton of trees look how much wood I have now so I worked on the house next day and I finally I'm finally gonna get this thing done at first it wasn't looking good it was starting to feel real worried about it but over the course of the day it started to look a little bit better there's gonna be a lot of days here in a row where not much happens besides working on the house between day 65 and daylight I'm just gonna just save you time right because I'm just working on the house day 65 all the way till day what is it Day 72 yeah I finished most of the house this place looks pretty good all right you got a nice little roof a little balcony there's a fireplace in there there was I had some lights outside the whole thing was looking pretty good so day 73 is finally time to start preparing for my plan I'm no longer going to kill the Kraken my plan is to catch the Beast catch and release all right to do this I'm gonna need a few things the first thing a cage right so I built a a bunch of chain link fences using iron that I got from that dungeon then I brought it back to my new house to make sure that it worked in water but on my way something happened oh oh there you go I got tagged by a piranha yeah little vicious fish jumped out of the water and then started eating me I didn't want to use uh this fence piece for the roof because it can't go horizontally it can only go vertical so just look weird so I needed to figure out what I would use for the roof of the cage uh that kind of worked with the theme so I found this Rusty sheet metal block so I made Rusty sheet metal plates with iron and I only had like nine iron here at this house but it's actually quite economical because you get a lot out of that so I ended up making nine Rusty sheet metal plates and I used those to make blocks which you get 24 of then I use those 24 blocks and made them into slabs so I went from like nine iron to 48 rusty iron metal slabs and these things always look pretty good pretty good slabs here a day 74. I wanted to test my theory out to see if this cage would even work before I went after the big boy the Kraken several days ago off camera I installed a new mod that adds a ton of River Monsters that you know what if I would if I knew that I was doing a river monsters 100 days I would have installed it from the beginning but sometimes a man does not know what he's doing with his videos until he's 70 days in you know so sometimes you gotta sit back relax and just see what happens all right this mod that I installed and knew absolutely nothing about I looked at the picture and just added it to the game I couldn't get all these fish to spawn naturally so I had to manually spawn them and I had done this several days ago off camera I spawned them throughout all the rivers that I could find nearby and uh gave them several days to swim to wherever they wanted to be so I would not know where they were I also did not know what they did I knew nothing about any of them at all so just there's a man sailing down a river with one goal and one goal only catch one of these things Somewhere In this River that I was sailing down there was a true river monster swimming in the Darkness okay okay I'm gonna be completely honest I did I did not expect that to happen I didn't even I did not think that they were aggressive so you know what I I don't know what to say about that one all right I was all I can say is I was out terrified of the river and I did not want to step foot in it so but that gear I needed it back needed it badly so I went for it I don't want to go in the water okay okay they see it's right there it's right it's it's right there it knows when you go in the water you okay you see that right there that's that's exactly what I'm talking about that thing that thing is dangerous that is a blood thirsty beast I don't want to call that Beast that is a bloodthirsty fish right there so I carefully got my stuff one piece at a time then I ran home I used an ender pearl to cross the river because at this point there's no way I'm touching that water anymore and I'm not going in there so I'm back to the old house to rebuild and refuel because after that I had no food I was hungry so I needed to deal with that and I made some golden apples I went out fishing the following day and you know what first time fishing it's not pretty good it's what [Music] there we go hey what are you going back in the water for her come here oh here we go big old salmon [Music] enough maybe the turtles don't want to go in there anymore so I went back to the house and I made a diamond mace this thing is absolutely beautiful so I fished the rest of the day and uh you know I'm having a good time fishing remember at the start when I was scared to jump in here [Music] it was right like what hey what is that it's gonna probably have some sort of poison Stinger on it and paralyze me and drags me to the bottom of the lake and drowns me not going in there not going in the water I can do some fishing for right here hey how's it going they're Catch and Release you know get back in this river is incredibly dangerous incredibly dangerous I gotta sail down it how am I going to do this I I don't think this is possible I I don't want anything to do with this River anymore I I didn't know what to do because I did not feel safe in a boat on the river anymore and while I was figuring out my plan I figured out I'm just gonna work on building a dock a nice simple dock that I can set sail off of next to my house that uh mosasaurs I'm not gonna call it a mosasaurus anymore because that's technically a dinosaur and I call it the is it called the Goliath tigerfish all right yeah the Goliath tigerfish that attacked me twice I I realized one thing about it it struck once swam away and then it hit again which tells me that I have a small window to get back to safety in that time I I thought maybe I could use an Ender pool to teleport away so I got the dock built and I was about to do some fishing before bed okay okay that piranha just jumped out of the lake and got me this is the river this is ridiculous so I I okay I need more under pearls and the best place to get them is that Village so I started the journey there and I had to cross a few Rivers which in this point I did not he was not a fan of that at all this is awful oh it's so deep oh come on come on the next few weren't so bad but at one point I had to make a boat and uh I just didn't see it I got on that bone I did I saw something I did not like it was gonna be awful this is awful there's dead stuff everywhere why is there so much stuff why is there so much why is there so many ink sacks finally I arrived at the near the village and harassed by seagulls oh okay okay I don't have enough food for these seagulls just stealing my stuff so it's not a good day for a man like me when I got to the Village I forgot I had that bad Omen thing what is that no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I need a shield move what are you doing stand on the door there's a raid coming come on they're here they're here I can't spell shield why can't I use my shield oh come on what are you guys doing here you guys need to take a break for one night I know these guys are you okay okay foreign woke up and just started fighting in the morning is the raise resetting shoot each other this has nothing to do with River Monsters at this point yeah it's resetting again how do I end this raid I just came here for ender pearls I didn't come here for all this no not enough with your horns look now they have some sort of Beast here and a witch I remember these things it's coming for me it's coming for me I can hear it Galloping it's galloping okay oh okay okay what are you doing what are you doing here you just stay in the ocean all right I hope Beast takes you out it's it's back it's guy climbed out of the water it's swam it's just resetting again foreign don't be drinking that I'm throwing stuff in what is that there's one Raider remaining okay you know what I'm gonna leave the one Raider and I'm gonna get my ender pearls and just leave I'm not I'm not part of this conflict I was cutting down trees and because I needed sticks for emeralds and I returned there and there's still one Raider but you know what just let that man do whatever he wants we're doing warm I just did some trades and went to bed I spent the entire day on day 80 waiting for the Fletcher to restock and he just did not so he went home the next day when I got back to my house now they had ender pearls and kind of a plan I thought it was you know I would be a little bit safer for me to be in a boat on the river so I got in a boat and set sail I wanted to see if it was theoretically possible for me to catch this thing on a fishing rod and just to set the mood a storm rolling let's see if I can catch this thing just with a rod pouring her in oh oh [Music] after spending a good chunk of time fishing I did not catch it so I went back I returned the next day to the spot where I had died originally and started fishing again this is where it is what was that scared me well they gotta make the puffer fish so scary yeah I got scared like five times by that thing anyway so I carefully sailed around more I stuck close to the shore and just looking to see if I could see this thing eventually I got out of the boat and looked underwater to see if I could see a silhouette and it seemed like the thing was gone the following day I finally had came up with a solid plan of how I was going to catch this thing I was simply going to trap it why is it gonna rain again why does it have to rain so I found a good spot and started building a trap I'm gonna need to dig this entire cave out I kept digging the next day and dug more throughout day 85 and in day 86 I found a little hummingbird on my way to work on the Trap oh oh like a hummingbird or something like that hello hey how's it going little bird okay get out of the middle of the river we're eating and just got back to more digging day 87 same thing more digging had to get this thing nice and big I kind of forgot how big the goliath tigerfish was just made it as big as I thought it needed to be so now that I had a cage or a traffic least the second part of the plan was how was I gonna get that giant fish into here I had to figure that out and the next morning an idea just came to me oh what are you doing here come on you can't keep doing this I was going to use one of these men as bait okay I hope you can this man right here I'm taking him so he'll keep swimming after me right only when he's hooked how far can I pull him this is good I'm only about halfway there but better if I went on land Maybe because you chase me at land right maybe it's faster come on over my man I'll sit right here wait for you how do I get you on a boat [Music] I don't want to place a vote get in get in the boat there we go okay you stay there okay we'll be right back wait no you're in a boat it's fine okay you gotta stop shooting me for one minute okay you're gonna be very useful oh no no no are you gonna drown you're in the ground no you're gonna stay in the boat stop stop shooting me right now I'm gonna lose it in a second okay stop where's the bow keep going get in the boat there we go you're just gonna stay there okay it's your psycho hey don't know why I'm gonna get him out of there now I thought I could just swim up a waterfall with a boat but when I uh tried to do that the next day that did not work at all the other problem was that I kind of screwed up the nice circular pattern I had so I had to kind of fix this area up again I need the sand now to make glass and uh I meant sailing down the other River and the thing is is that that uh goliath tigerfish yeah it's not the only thing I spawned in these Rivers so I was did not like sailing down this side of the river either because he there's something else in here luckily I got the sand with no problem so when I got home and started cooking it and went to the trap to build more I added the rusty sheet metal slabs to the edges because I figured there's water in here it's splashing up on this metal it's probably gonna get rusted it's looking pretty good and I have the thing almost done on Day 90. Day 91 I managed to get the man out of that tank and uh up this guy was really annoying me though how's it going my man we're gonna do two things here I'm gonna have to break out of this thing okay now you're gonna chase me come on yep can you come through here all right good posters go up the stairs come around come around this way this way this way how do I get you in this roll I forgot how to do it I'll get it there we go okay good okay you need to go you need to relax and die [Music] okay you're about to go in your own little spot in a second you are getting you're getting all my stop shooting me okay enough so I built the rest of the tank and it was it was 90 down at this point there's just a few more things to do tomorrow my day 92 was it was done all I had left to do now was fill it in the following day I did just that I was filling this thing with water I know I said I wasn't gonna screw around with water in this but here I am you know filling this tank in with water I finished the Trap by day 94. I removed the Cobblestone and I got ready the plant is incredibly simple I'm going to lure the thing into this tank I'll be in here it'll be coming after me whoa what I do is I swim straight to this hole right here I leave run up this it absolutely cannot fit into here I just run straight up the stairs before it even knows what's going on I come down right here boom boom boom boom seal this up it's locked away in there I'm catching this thing the plan isn't totally ironed out yet but like every good plan you just figure it out when the time comes I knew that I needed this man though out in the middle of the like sitting there being bait now all I had to do was just sit there and wait oh okay it happened again I sat there watching him for the entire day and threw a good chunk of the night there's nothing not even a nibble so the next day I went out looking for it I set my field of view to Max and went into third person started looking down while I sailed I was sticking close to the coast to remain safe and after sailing for a bit I started to sort of think that this thing might have despawned oh it was right there where did it go it was right there I got back in the water briefly just trying to spot it but it was gone so I just sailed home and then thought okay maybe maybe he's gonna go take the bait now okay so I just sat there and waited and nothing day 97 time was ticking and there was no sign of this Beast I I think it swam away and since I had the Trap built here and the man set as bait yeah I I had to do something so yet again off camera I went and spawned another one in further up the river came back into survival mode sat there and just waited again oh okay it's right there okay there it is right there okay okay I have to I have to do this quick I'm right here here come here okay okay come on I'm here I'm here it's right there come on come on come after me come on here I can hook it I can hook it fish on fish on I got I got it okay okay I got it I can't believe that worked I cannot believe that worked I should be dead right now I I gotta do it I gotta do what Jeremy does look at look at this beautiful fish right here you can see just that those the scales or whatever those are that that sharp row of teeth this thing is a monster a river monster okay yeah I'm gonna be completely honest here I cannot believe that that actually worked I thought there there was no way that this thing was going to attack that man I I thought it was a zero percent I set this thing up as a joke and thought that maybe it would swim by it I knew nothing about this mod and have not even interacted with this thing prior to just spawning it in and having it immediately swim away from me I I thought there was no way that that thing was going to do that zero percent chance so I watched the sun go down and then went to bed tomorrow is going to be Asia it's gonna be tough tomorrow day 98 it was time to do what Jeremy always does catch and release you're gonna swim out of here leaf I hooked it here we go [Music] here we go this is gonna come out there we go I almost set it up there we go this way is out oh no no what are you doing you're out come on swim right out what are you come on go so I'm free is it taking damage it's taking damage I gotta save it there we go don't attack me don't Don't do not trying to give you set you free eventually I got it back in the water but I I guess it had no stamina I tried to get it going a few times which normally ended with it hey trying to eat me oh okay what are you doing I just released you try I'm not you're not getting me there's no way there we go stop trying to eat me is it sort of just stayed here all day long so the following day day 99 is still hadn't left I thought you know what let's do what I can do I'll just I'll get a picture with it look at that got a picture I'll see you later okay it's fun fun getting killed by you but you know I got you so I went after that I went back to the old house and it was finally time to go swimming in that Lake you know what I'm not afraid anymore it's time to go for a nice big swim [Music] Ming okay what was that thing okay there it is River Monsters but before I go man once again thanks to uh Monster Legends for sponsoring this video make sure you check them out in the link down below
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 6,523,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, #minecraft, minecraft song, minecraft house, minecraft music, minecraft video, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft videos, 100 days in minecraft modded
Id: 92Nog640NOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 54sec (4734 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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