Prompts Secrets: 20 Midjourney Art Styles to Make your AI images POP!

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hi I'm back again with another video  full of mid-journey art styles that   will make your AI images pop just toss  one or two words into your prompts and   transform your images everyone will want  to know how you made your images and you   have the secret sauce this is the fourth  video in this wildly popular series if   you've missed the other videos watch to the  end and I'll give you a cheat sheet of all   the magic Art prompts so buckle up and let's  sprinkle some more magic into your AI prompts I'm working a mid Journey 5.1 today mid-journey  seems to be the most responsive to Artistic terms   but mid-journey isn't the only AI image  generator out there well these terms work   in other AI image generators absolutely but  not always it's about what the AI knows some   models just haven't had the art lessons if  the AI doesn't know the term you'll usually   get the tools default styling but that can  be pretty awesome too and the AI are always   learning so even if Leonardo doesn't know  the term now it might in future try these   terms in other AI image generators and  let us know how it goes in the comments let's start with some illustrations thanks Steven  for suggesting this many of these styles are   meant to accompany written content it's all  about communication with a splash of design   let's start with the simple doodle just  a few keystrokes and a Whimsical image   appears but give this prompt to an AI  image generator and our simple doodle   takes a life of its own spinning Whimsical  tales with AI are absent-minded scribbles   become the vibrant world of imagination  if you want it simple ask for line art an editorial illustration is a colorful  eye-catching design to accompany newspaper   and magazine articles it's developed into  a graphic art style merging elements into   a visual story The designs often  have a strong conceptual component   so give your editorial illustration a  topic and let the AI develop the story if you want a more precise and detailed  illustration try prompting for technical   illustration or diagram these  visually explain complex systems   mechanisms Concepts or procedures the  diagrams often include cross-sectional   views or cutaways so you can ask  for a cutaway or a cross-section [Music]   most of us have run across infographics  at some point they visually show data   or information in a visually appealing way but  you can ask for an infographic on anything how   to make a pizza or how to train a cat you can  also prompt for a schematic or a timeline the   text in these images won't make sense the AI  is just putting the text in as a placeholder   but you can use infographic as a  design element as well you can ask   for an infographic Crow and you might  just get something completely different if you're looking for an illustration that's  a bit more historical try prompting for   chromolithographic or just lithograph these are  colorful prints with a nostalgic twist prompting   vintage illustration will get you close to the  look as will prompting Victorian illustration or   victoriana lithographs were primarily used  for advertisements labels posters and art   reproductions they generally have a vintage  aesthetic with vibrant and varied colors or see what a wood cut from the same era looks  like a woodcut has a rustic charm and texture   the artist carved the image into a wooden  surface and then Inked and pressed it onto   paper resulting in strong lines and clear shapes  in your AI image you can see the cross hatching   of the wood in the stamped ink you'll get a  similar look if you ask for a Lino cut print or go back a bit further in history and ask  for an illuminated manuscript for the Middle   Ages the pages are filled with gold and silver  elaborate designs these handwritten books were   written and Illustrated only for the rich  and it shows in the luxurious appearance   the designs can be dark showing fantasy worlds and  Dragons or stylized versions of the natural world   prompting for a medieval illumination  will get you a similar Style   but ask for Illuminati and  you'll get a whole different look you probably know the artistic term Noir from  film it's dark monochrome and full of grain   it's characterized by Grim or  Shadow equality and is often   associated with crime mystery and graphic novels   toss this short four-letter word into your prompt  and smash into the genre of classic films Noir   takes even the most wholesome subject and brings  out the dark side you can really Noir anything Gothic is a medieval art style  but prompt AI for gothic art or   goth and you'll get a wildly popular Macabre look   add goth to anything and you've entered the dark  often disturbing world of black death and mystery   you'll find dramatic and ornate elements often  featuring either religious or Supernatural themes tarot cards have a look all of their own  full of symbolic detail and geometric shapes   there are many creators on mid-journey  using the tool to make their own decks   of tarot cards but you can  make anything in this style   the cards are rich in symbolic detail and  often reflect spiritual or archetypal themes let's lighten things up a bit  with an anime variation chibi   chibi also known as super deformation or SD is  a style of caricature originating in Japan it is   common in anime and manga and features characters  with large heads large eyes and small bodies   in a nutshell chibi is cute foreign group means raw art or primitive art it  sounds like it should be a bit heavy but   art brute means art made by self-taught  artists like you and me ask the AI for   art brute and you may get basic shapes and  childlike drawings full of color and craziness   art brute Works outside the boundaries  of official culture and showcases a   raw untrained aesthetic so don't worry about  going wrong with art brute it can be anything and how about nulling or flat Light Art you  may have seen this style of art and had no   idea there was a word to describe this type  of image nulling is a raging objects often   around a theme in a grid-like pattern  and then photographing them from above   the design is usually orderly  colorful and Visually appealing and now for some alternative mediums in real  life These are approachable Hands-On styles   that you may have dabbled in before these  methods transform the mundane into something   truly extraordinary let's see what the AI will  do with the media remember the joy of tearing up   colorful pieces of paper and arranging them into  shapes this is a playful game of hide and seek   with the patterns and Hues resulting in dazzling  spectacle of texture and color prompting for a   torn paper collage and you'll get splashes of  color and geometric shapes piled into layers with stencil art it's as if we have a magic  painting guide letting us create sharp precise   images stencil art involves creating designs by  applying paint or ink through a pre-cut template   this produces the sharp edges and you can  repeat the design it's really street art   8 easy with AI we get the look of street  art without having to cut out the stencil tresh art is the ultimate creative  recycling challenge turning trash   into unexpected treasure treasure or found object  art incorporates discarded materials and objects   into creative compositions giving new life and  meaning into what might otherwise be a waste   prompt for trash art and you'll  get textures and colors and even   possibly recognizable objects smash  together into an eye-catching collage let's finish with some outside the box  experimental looks that you may not have   thought of looking for a bit of reflective  shine in your images something you can see   your face in ask for a liquid chrome  finish liquid chrome is a paint or ink   with a highly reflective metallic finish  kind of resembling the Chrome on your car   it's often used in automotive customization  and it will give you a Sleek shiny appearance   ask for a liquid chrome finish and it's like  you poured a melted mirror over everything with AI we can take anything visual  or graphic and make it art take the   simple barcode we see dozens of  them every day on packaging but   ask for barcode artwork and the lines  making up the code transform into art [Music]   foreign patterns from sound have their own unique  look you can see this pattern in action by   putting sand on a drum head cymatics is a study  of visible patterns and sound prompt for cymatics   and you'll get interesting often symmetrical  patterns showing visible sound and vibrations thank you and what the heck are neuron flowers  it turns out that our brains are beautiful and   magnified in lab conditions prompting neuron  and you'll get extreme close-ups of the brain   branching synapses these have an almost Galactic  vibe are neurons branch and connect and they look   pleasingly like stems of blooming flowers so if  you prone for neuron flowers the AI turns up the   color and brings out the natural almost floral  Vibe of our brain structures pretty cool right and now for a bonus term synthography that's  what you're doing right now synthography is   a new term for making art  using AI generative systems   artificial intelligence generates  images from words and Concepts   allowing for the visual representation of  any imaginable idea this is synthography so here are 20 terms to get your  creative juices flowing I promised   you a handy comparison guide and here's the link   the magic of art is experimentation so don't  hesitate to try these prompts in different AI   image generators and combine the Artistic Styles  into your unique blend got a crazy unique prompt   that you'd like us to try share it in the comments  below it might just get featured on an upcoming   video if this video got your creative Justice  flowing remember to like the video and subscribe   to the channel this is Jen and making the photo  let's make something amazing together [Music]
Channel: Making the Photo
Views: 25,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Making the Photo, Jenn Mishra, Wits End Photography, Digital art, AI-generated art, AI image, digital photography, AI art, AI photography, AI, artificial intelligence, AI generated art, AI images, Art Styles, artistic styles, fine art, contemporary art, creating art, visual arts, painting, traditional art, abstract art, modern art, art history, art movements, art terms, art vocabulary, artistic terms, art descriptions, digital art, Midjourney AI, Midjourney art
Id: ewwlK-Sed14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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