MidJourney Tutorial: Image Reference and Weight for Stunning Profile Pictures [v5.1]

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in this video I will show you how to use mid-journey to turn boring profile pictures into this first I will show you how to use image reference and how to Tinker with the image wave until you get the result you want then I'll show you the absolute best prompts for profile picture because trust me I try a thousand of them so you don't have to and finally as an extra tip I'll show you how to quickly vectorize and edit your mid-turning images using a completely free tool for this tutorial I will assume that you already have a mid Journey account and then you have some sort of basic knowledge on how Discord works so this is my Discord server and I already have the mid Journey bot linked to it so let's see the settings I have slash settings and I will be using me Journey version 5.1 but of course depending on when you're watching this feel free to use the latest version and I believe the rest of the settings are just the default settings so first to use an image reference all you need to do is to upload your images let's say I upload these two once you have the image load all you need to do is open them right click copy link and then when you start to start prompting slash Imaging and the first thing is to paste your image link and after that you can start prompting so let's say in this case mail R2 cartoon that's it and as simple as that you're already using an image reference in mid-journey okay being completely honest these results already looked very cool that before going crazy into prompting I want to show you how image wave works because I promise when you start thinking with your own picture you will find it really helpful so to show you a clear difference for using different width I will use a different prompt and I will use mail and in this case I'll use stain glass window art and the first iteration I will use the default Image Weight that is one then for the second one I will use a higher image weight then for a third iteration I'll show you I lose when you use a lower image wave so it's giving less importance to your image so these are the results of my three prompts and I love this example to Showcase how image wave works because as you see the default one is just splitting the stained glass art as a background and it is not what I'm looking for in this case but when I put more weight or less weight to my image reference I can see that now my picture is part of the window art and that's what I was looking for and if I put a higher way through my image reference is even worse it's just putting a smaller window r at the bottom and giving more importance to my image so when you start tinkering with your own pictures sometimes you will find that the end result is not quite similar to to you so in that point you will just increase the the image weight and sometimes you want it to have more emphasis on the prompt and that point just decrease the image weight okay now they have some fun trying different prompts and of course I will not go through all of my prompts but as I mentioned before you can find in the description of this video and as a first recommendation and you probably already noticed it it should start with the gender you are expecting If You're Expecting for a specific gender in this case I always start with male and the second recommendation is to try to keep it short when you are describing the style of your of your art because the more text you add the less importance mid Journey gives you your image reference so to show you these examples I will use these female image profile so I will copy the link and I'll go through the same process imagine copy the link and this time I will use female and the first example will be Pixar Style then I'll do the same this time I'll use anime style third one I will use painting and for the fourth one I'll use cyberpunk so after waiting for a minute or two these are the results I got personally I think the anime style and the Pixar style are my favorite look at this I think this is a great balance between your image reference and your prompt this definitely looks like a Pixar character and this cyberpunk and the painting I believe it took too much importance to the image reference and not to my prompt so I think these two are a great use case to decrease my image wave so let's do that I'll copy this paste it and I'll add my image with property and I'll put this to 0.5 and I will do the same the same for the for the cyberpunk so after waiting for a couple of minutes again these are the results I I got I think the journey did a match with a job this time these two definitely look closer to a painting and my favorite is this cyberpunk version this is definitely what I was expecting when I put cyberpunk as a problem and as you see using image wave is really important and it can really give you the power over the results you get in mid-turning now I want to show you two examples of using artists styles on your ROMs instead of using this style directly so I will show you two examples one is in the style of Patrick Angel and the second one in the style of Tamer and Nuka and James gone and I found better results starting the problem with in the style off and there you add your your artist name these are the results I got and I really like these two artists because they have a very distinctive style but of course you can Google and feel free to use a different one small caveat before picturizing the image is that you always get better results having a clear background so I will use these one as an example I'll upscale it u4 then I will open in the browser and download the image to vectorize the image we're gonna use this website called vectorizer.ai and you just need to drag and drop your image or pick your image from your desktop and as easy as that you have now these image as a vector and you can download it as an SVG then I import my SVG file to figma but you can use any other software where you can edit svgs and now I will remove the background this process can be a little bit tedious depending on how the or the different colors that your background has in this case they have different gradients of blue so I will need to delete in one by one but I promise it's worth it because once you have the SVG without background you can do whatever you want you can change the background you can add an outline and everything [Music] foreign [Music] once you have your SBG ready you can right click and copy spng place it here and now you can work and create a different background you can do whatever you want also and you can add the outline I can show you how to do that real quick I'll use a blogging call demonstraser here you can adjust the threshold but I think you just need to cover all the image that looks correct and I'll place the threshold then I'll move this under the image I'll select my threshold I'll add a stroke I'll I'll add an outline I'll make it white and I'll increase the outline and now you can put this inside a frame maybe make this rain round you can group these two put it inside the frame increase the size something like that change the frame color background and at this point you can be as creative as you want you can change the background maybe put a a linear background add some stroke to the background everything you want and that's it so I hope you found this video helpful and please let me know in the comments if you want to learn more about image generation tools like mid Journey or any other tool it's my first video covering that topic but it's something I really enjoy and I really see the potential of it so please let me know see you on my next tutorial bye bye
Channel: Product Sensei
Views: 18,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui/ux, midjourney, ai, image generation, ai art generator, tutorial, profile pictures
Id: FLrh2vgCM1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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