Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 ILS Tutorial G1000 172 Skyhawk

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hi and welcome to microsoft flight simulator 2020. we're going to do a flight in the ces now a 172 skyhawk with the g1000 i have done a video without the g1000 so if you're looking for an ils landing video without the g1000 please look at that video we're really going to be concentrating on the ils landing today we're going to be landing at hanida international airport let's get started i'll click ready to fly we want to make ios landing so easy you can show your grandma how to do it okay so that's the objective we want to make it very simple start the plane however you like or you can follow along just going to make the yoke invisible make sure the fuel shut off valve is pushed in or closed and then i'm just going to turn on the beacon i'm going to turn on the master alt and battery i'm going to turn on the fuel pump it's going to go down to here on the throttle i'm just going to push that into around about 25 and then just turn the key the plane will start every time just be aware if you haven't got your feet on the brakes or you haven't got the parking brake on you've got a way of stopping the plane make sure the parking brake goes on and perhaps that's going to turn it to start the plane will start every time pull your throttle all the way back and you're all good now all you have to do is take your parking brake away and you can put on the taxi light if you like you can turn the fuel pump off i think in real life to have the fuel pump on but i'm not concentrating on that in this video i'm trying to just show you the ils landing only i don't want to give you too much information so we're just going to start taxing out now the wheel brakes on the keyboard you can push left control and q to release the parking brake left control and q but on your num lock pad if you make sure the num lock button is on you can then push the dop dot full stop delete button on your num lock pad down the bottom next to the zero and that will also apply the brakes so as we come out onto the runway you'll notice i'll just push that button now i won't use my wheel brakes and that will also slow the plane okay so if you just got no um foot pedals or some sort of emergency and you don't know what's going with your brakes you can always push that button on your num lock pad the dot full stop delete button that is your wheel brakes just let's put the plane in the sky as quickly as possible anything else i need to do while we're still on the ground i may do one thing what we're going to do is just down here it says vore1 i'm going to click on the cdi button but you can't click here click on the buttons below i'm going to left click that once and then left click again so it says gps okay and this is very important to see the eye so we're just going to click between them it goes to ball one vor two and then left click again that goes to gps i'm just making sure it's in gps mode before we take off and we'll find out in a little bit when we are getting here it's going to give it full throttle have a little look at our external view it's our lovely plane very very cool i was mentioning uh this plane you can taxi around in the ground very hard and the wings will not touch the ground just one thing i noticed with the caronado model was that if you taxi very hard the wings will actually hit the ground i'm just pulling back around 60. we've obviously got no gear to put up in this case i didn't use any flaps with this take off so it's really easy to take off if you have a very short runway you may want to use flaps f7 to bring out your flaps and f8 for full flaps i'm going to try and ascend ourselves up to 1500 here and then when we are at 1500 i can turn on the autopilot and then we can start talking about the ils landing this is going to be a short video that is the objective i'm trying to not talk about too much other than the ios landing if possible but i still want to give you the full video so that you know that there's no buttons or anything that i've missed that you might be missing as to why your ils landing is not working for you so you can actually work it all out just from this one video coming up to around 700 at the moment but it's slowly coming up so we've got the cdi sitting on gps and what we are going to have to click is over here we're going to be looking at the information the buttons over here there's three buttons that we will be clicking we'll be clicking one to enable autopilot we're clicking two alt to turn on altitude hold mode and then we'll be clicking free on the nav mode to turn on the nav you'll notice it'll change up here in this part of the screen it's already in gps mode so we don't have to worry about that now if it's not working you don't know what's going on please do keep in mind you need to have hit that cdi button and turned it into gps if you just take off and click on autopilot alt and nav and it's not following this line that you can see and you're wondering what's going on my autopilot is not working it needs to be in gps mode at this point okay so this is you're going to be in your gps line that's what the gps is going to follow but you need to tell it that you want it to follow that by clicking on this button down here the cdi and you can change in between it to to get it to that point we're coming up to about 1300 so almost at the point where i can talk a little bit more about the irs i want to keep it as simple as possible there really isn't a lot of steps so please don't be intimidated landing this plane in ios is for everyone anyone can do at least that and get some fun so we're at 1500 now what i'm going to do is i'm going to click three buttons that i was talking about i'm going to click on autopilot i'm going to click on altitude hold mode and then i'm going to click on nav mode so now the plane will look after itself and it'll make sure that we stay or at the moment it's going to stay at sixteen hundred it will make sure that uh we are following this line the pink line and it's going to be following that pink line all the way around to rjtt we're taking the flight today from rj tk to rjtt hanida international airport please if you are looking for the version of the 172 without the g1000 i have made a video on that as well so check out that now we can talk a little bit about the actual ils landing and it's not that hard but the first thing we're going to do is we're going to tune our radios now this could be a bit we need to explain up here is our navigation information and up here is our com radios the one we need to change today is the navigation information okay and the button to change it with is over here now i want to explain some things the one which is highlighted in white which you think is active is not the active number that's the number which we can change at the moment the one which is active is the one on the right so this is the active number which has the id td next to it may not have itd next to it for you but the one on the right is always the active number the one on the left is the one we can currently change it's the secondary okay we need to make sure that it's over here but the first thing is we need to put 110 108 sorry 10 which is the number for hanida runway 22. so 108.10 is the number we need now the big wheel on the outside changes the number on the left the 113 in this case so i'm going to hover above that and just use the mouse wheel to change it to 108 you can see it's a 1i8 the inner wheel the while on the inside that one will change the 90 the number on the right here after the decimal point so if i hover above that and then just use the mouse wheel i can change it to 10. i'll just keep going and we're at 108.10 now that's not the active number so what we need to do is we need to swap the standby and active nav frequencies so if i left click once you'll notice now the 108.10 is on the right now just for this demonstration video i'm actually not going to change the number on the left okay i'm going to leave that one wrong so you can be sure that the 108.10 is the active number it's the real one it's the one which the the plane is going to follow and look for this is the number we can change all the time now you can also obviously change in between f1 and f2 but this button here is just changing between uh which one is active and which one is standby if you want to change between nav one and nerve two you can actually lift on the end here there's no writing on this plane but if you left cliff on this main button just on the very ends it'll swap you can see it's gone down to 113. so for instance if i wanted to change this to 108 um dot 10 i can do so you can see that 108.10 but we'll take it off that now just to make sure we've only entered one number in here which is correct the 108.10 now keep in mind the active one is the one which has the little arrows going left and right so at the moment we've got nav two active we need to get it back onto nav one and then we need to make sure we have it on the right side the 108.10 so to get it on to nav1 i'm pushing this button hop jumps to the top now that one is active you know that from this light blue and then you know which one is active because it's on the right hand side so we know that 110 is active at the moment and then we push this button here again swap between it the swap standby button the arrow going left and right and that swaps it back to the other side and we've got 108.10 active okay so that's the active one that's all good once this information is done and you've got good at just enough and this little button here to swap between you can look at the other information we need to know i'll quickly show you the map there's a point on this map where we're going to activate the plane to go into ils mode and that's between nexus and nitro okay i'll just zoom out a little bit so you can see so the plane is going to come to nylon to nifty it's going to keep going all the way through over to nexus and then the plane's gps will start leveling us out once i think it's leveled out i'm then going to hit the approach you'll tell it to get ready for ios there is only two buttons you need to click at this point to get your ios landing done just two buttons how easy is that so all we're going to have to click is down here on the cdi we've got a left click once and we've got to change it over to the first ball mode and we've got to left click once on approach over here now nav will go out by itself when we click approach apr the nav mode will disable the autopilot will still stay enabled so we'll still have the plane in autopilot and the altitude hold mode will still be holding as well so that won't disable but what will happen is we'll have some glideslope information over here so we've got the little g and we've got that little this diamond symbol just below the g that diamond will come down towards our altitude when it reaches our altitude and at the right point it will then drag us down push the nose of the plane down towards the runway and we'll descend at that three degrees all the way to the runway by itself so that's very good so we've got a little bit of time we can go back over all the steps that we had let's have a look outside while we're here we should be able to see uh mount fuji they call it a very shy mountain so sometimes in different weather you can't see it but we can see that fuji out there just at the moment it's amount fuji is it's just a cool thing we can look for while we're doing this run if you want to give it a go first thing i did i started the plane and then the only part as far as the navigation goes is i just made sure the avionics were on one and two and i went to here cdi and i clicked the button down here to make sure it's on gps mode just before i took off okay once we're up in to the sky i went and clicked three buttons i clicked on autopilot i clicked on altitude hold and i clicked on nav and then the plane all by itself is now going to follow our line it's going to go to an island it's going to follow the flat pan okay and you bring us all the way around to get ready for the lineup what we need to do now is tell the plane at this point we need you to actually not only follow this line but we need you to follow the glide slope down to the runway and we've got an ils code that we can give you we want you to use that information from the ios to bring us down on the glass slope so we had to go up here we had to put in that information for the glideslope so we have nav one you can change that by moving between the nav radios so first thing you can do you can just left click on the bottom and make sure that you're you're going to be using the one which has the um little light blue here next to it so at the moment they have one is enabled now nev2 is enabled now we're back to nav one is enabled then we need to change the number keep in mind it's very important i want to make this clear the number on the right hand side is the active number the one on the left the one in the big white box which you think is active is not the active one that's the one we can change okay the active one is on the right so to change the number we make sure we've got the white box here and we just use the mouse wheel over the big wheel on the outside we hover above it and use the mouse we want your mouse to change so i'll change it just to something like 110 at the moment and then it'll be on the inside we can make also 10. now this is not the active number that one is on on the right so if you had to move that over to the right you can left click on here the little button here left click that and you'll notice it swaps over 110.10 there you go but the one we need for hanida international airport today is 108.10 so i'm going to make sure it's on the right and it's in the right position you want to give this a go make sure you've got a 108.10 on the right here with a little light blue next to it it can be on that one on f2 it doesn't matter just as long as you've got the light blue matching the one which has the 108.10 for yourself okay that's all good the plane's still following the gps for us so that's awesome there is a few big buildings in japan i have been there to uh tokyo i've also been to mount fuji and we're just taking a flight around today and very very good weather we're doing this just for the recording we also have no other players on for this recording at the moment now the other things we're going to have to worry about is just our flaps and our throttle so we've got our throttle if you're just learning you don't have to worry about your mixture we're only staying at like 1600 1500 that's not a big deal i want to keep it simple but what we can do is we can change our altitude just as a demonstration so if we want to change our altitude from 1600 down to 1500 for instance we can do so we're going to change this number up here first to do that we go down to here and we go to where it says decrease and we just use the mouse wheel and we just hover above it and we move it around so we might change it down to 1 500. now it's not going to do anything until we click vs so we click vs and it's still not going to do anything until we tell it to push down how much do you want to go down how quickly so we'll push a couple of clicks on it and you can see now the numbers slowly coming down when it gets to 1500 it will go back to altitude hold mode all by itself so you don't have to worry about re-clicking alt it will just settle at 1500 the vs mode will turn off and we'll go back to old it's very very helpful you can see it's going down to 1500 it'll stop there if you're trying to practice 1500 is a good point if you're just going to land at this uh runway to have a go and what you will see is after we have hits uh approach mode and our cdi mode down here this little diamond will come down towards us at 1 500 and then it will reach us it will start forcing the plane to go nose down and we'll go down towards the runway the rest of the way at the three degrees so that'll be the glideslope part and the gps part is going to line us up on the runway right about here and then the ils will take over and guide us in the rest of the way he'll still keep her straight if it is not if it's way out here or way out here or something something's gone wrong maybe have a look at the steps again you should still be in the perfect alignment with the runway okay with this demonstration it will work for you the other important thing if you're wondering when to hit the buttons is between nexus and nitro and it's all really easy because at this point all we actually have to do is click two buttons we have to click the cdi button we're going to click it once to put it into nav mode and we're going to go up to here and we're going to click on approach mode we're going to click that once they're the only two buttons we have to worry about now once we're very very close to the runway we're going to want to hand fly it in just to the last moments so all at that point we're just going to click on the auto part to disengage and we can hand fly it in we'll use our rudder pedals to keep our plane steady on the on the runway we use our throttle to keep an eye on our speed we can change our lights i'll just put it onto landing we could do a few changes here but i just want to concentrate on the ios part i want to keep this as simple as possible and hopefully just clicking two buttons will be easy to remember at this point just that that one button here the cdi we're going to click that once and we're going to click once on approach mode at the appropriate time not much will happen when we click those two buttons so the plane will seem like it's still just going along straight all by itself the plane will calculate by itself when it has to start descending okay so you'll notice it'll go over this river pretty much and it it still has not maybe descended it's it'll come down at d3 degrees from the runway and we'll calculate that when it needs to descend so that we we reach the runway at the appropriate point the important part for us is to tell it we're intending to go down at the right moment we can do that between nexus and nitro to make it nice and easy so the plane's coming around for this example we don't have to worry about any com radios or anything else like that very cool we've got this information here you can hide that we will need to keep an eye on our airspeed i will do so in a little bit trying to make this video as short as possible so i don't really want to slow down but the important thing is that you're in the green you don't want to be in yellow or red or something crazy make sure you're in the green if you are going really high up you would have to bring the mixture back but for this demonstration just leave it at 100 don't worry if you're just learning um but if you're intending to go up just be aware you plane will run a little bit better once you start bringing the mixture back as you gain altitude you may need to do that already if you are taking off from a runway which is very high altitude as part of the founder fly in this plane just going along now 1500 gps mode two buttons we have to click down here on the cdi zoom in again this one and af approach and that's what i mean please don't be intimidated if you think ios is going to be way too difficult with this crazy digital screen with all sorts of buttons all over it a lot of the buttons in the middle here are for microphones we don't need to worry about that there is a few other buttons though we've got a second one over here if you're wondering whether you need to use one or the other you only have to worry about one okay the only thing to note though is that you've got all your engine information over here you feel etc so you would want to be looking at that ordinarily but i'm trying to just keep it simple and keep us focused on what we need to do again as you're coming in always a good idea to just double check that you've got the right nav radio highlighted so we know our numbers 108.10 it's on the right hand side tick box that's good and we've got the little light blue button next to it next to the number we want because if it's over here it's not good it's not going to work we've got the right number on the right side but it's going to activate the 110.50 it's not going to activate 108.10 so if we want to activate 108.10 we need to make sure it's on the top one by clicking that so that's all good we'll just check our little map can you see we're between nexus and nitro so we're now going to do those two things i talked about i'm going to go down here i'm going to click on the cdi button once it's on lock one i'm going to go over to here i'm going to click approach left click once you can see up here this will tell you what all the current things it's doing so you can see loc and approach mode is enabled and the altitude hold mode is still on it's looking for the glideslope what is cool is it's in light green or the green color here now so that means it's active it's just waiting for us to get to the point where it needs to start pulling us down towards the runway at the moment we don't need to be this low we could be a little bit higher but it'll be very cool to be at this altitude so that you can clearly see as it comes down towards us it's 1500 and it will drag us down i'll watch this closely and i'll look at the external view just so you can see the plane coming down once it's hit us and it starts dragging us down i could have gone into what's in down here but um you can click pfd for instance you can click wins and you can put option three on and then you can see where the wind information is because that could be handy if you're thinking about your speeds click back and go back again i just clicked pfd wind option free and then click back and back okay that's all i did now i want to keep an eye on my speed so the first thing i'm doing i'm going to drop my flaps and i'm going to bring our throttle back just a little bit you can see the throttle is coming back the plane will still keep us where we need to be so don't worry all the pilots on uh runway today is somewhere over there and if you're doing this you should be perfectly lined up with it okay you can keep looking back here all the time and you should be coming in perfectly you'll notice as i said not much is going to happen at the moment we click that button and the approach button but nothing seems to have changed this is going along like normal that's fine that's why it's really important to look up here and see what's going on we can see approach mode is enabled it's in green and the localizer mode is enabled you can also see down here it's in like one lock one the light green it's not in gps mode anymore okay if it says gps at this point um we need to click that cdi it's not going to work it's not going to do the ils part of the landing we want to do and show an ils landing so for the ios landing you need to have it in loc one it needs to have your approach mode enabled we'll keep looking at this uh runway today is just down there it's still holding 1500 so we're going to watch this and you're going to look at this little green diamond under the letter g here that green diamond will come down a plane won't move at that point it will keep coming down it'll only start moving when it reaches this marker here the light blue one with the red in the middle next to the 1500 and then you'll see the 1 500 go down meaning we're declining those will point down we have to keep an eye on our speed at that point because the speed will go up a little bit we have our flaps out a little bit still got a long way to go but i might just experiment we're going to push f8 on the keyboard to do full flaps you can see full flaps coming out okay but to make up for that i've got to give it more power so you can see i'm just holding it steady with the more power on the throttle should hold around about 72 at the moment there we go still hasn't started to come down but we're doing about 70 1500 and we can begin to whoops we can begin to see the runway in the distance down there it's keeping us adjusted i'm not doing any flying in terms of holding the joystick at the moment now the next steps for us is we have to turn off the autopilot so when we get all the way down towards the bottom we have to turn off the autopilot i'm going to click that one button there in the top left okay the ap button that's all you need to click then you have control of the plane again so then all i need to do pretty much is bring the throttle back to idle flare slightly by pulling back on the joystick and keep the plane straight on the runway with the rudder pedals just keep it straight at first you don't have to worry about rule breaks as the speed comes down you can then push the wheel brakes and then you can come to a slower speed where you can tax it off the runway if you're just learning you can come to a full stop but um in real life i would not normally stop on the runway that keep going until i can taxi off if you're wanting to just make sure you can stop then um please feel free to do so especially if you're just learning remember you can always push under your num lock pad make sure your num lock is on and then you can push the delete button the full stop button on your num lock pad that will give you wheel brakes if there's an emergency and you don't know what's going on we can see the runway down there nothing's moved yet so to give you a bit of an idea can you see how there's a river here you're playing if you're doing this runway i'm landing your plane will still have not descended by this point okay just kind of trying to make a point of just before see that river and this river your plane will still not have descended at this point you can see the 70 down here 1500 i'm going to keep a closer eye on this now so you guys can see what's going on looking at this watching the green diamond it'll be coming up very soon we're looking very well lined up on that runway right now and that's what you should be looking for it's not a lot of workload now do you notice a little light blue button which is above the g that means the outer marker and then the middle and the marker will be just towards the end they'll be a lot closer together it'll be a big distance between the middle marker and their outer marker but we've got the outer marker so we're just above that at the moment it's a good sign that we are on track to come into the this landing if it was nighttime or bad weather we couldn't see the runway visually that's a really helpful guide to make sure that um we know we're coming in on the on the runway everything is going to plan 108.10 we know is working because you can see now there's a g the green dot is coming down can you see that diamond very slowly it's coming down to meet us at the moment the plane hasn't changed it's still steady but in just a second it's going to change so you can see that green diamonds coming down to us coming down to us and you'll see this 1500 change as it gets to us it'll start pulling us down towards the runway that is the ils that is the ils landing part you'll then be able to see it bring us all the way down to the runway on that three degree glide slope angle we can see our winds at the moment there we go so we're just pushing the nose down our speed's going up and the altitude is going down so bring that throttle back and keep an eye on your speed manually yourself the plane will adjust because you still got your auto pilot on i'll just give you that outside view now so can you see we're perfectly lined up on the runway and we're descending planes just got it lightly nose down our flaps are out we don't have to worry about gears in this aircraft so that makes it easy too i definitely don't think ils is too hard for you you can do it and my workload is pretty light to my not having to do very much just coming down gradually we'll jump into the inside again so about 1 000 now it's that plane's following the glide path down i want to get out of this view now so i can actually look at the runway that you can also see here we've got the runway ahead of us we're lined up perfectly with it got our speed around about near where we need to be i'll let it come back a little bit more slowly if i can if you're worried about hitting the runway too hard you can just keep going along the runway these are really long runways for these planes they don't normally need a lot of runway so if you're landing here at this airport you've got a massive runway to practice with get yourself ready with your rider pedals just have another look so you can see us coming in on the ils landing with the cessna skyhawk 172 we can see mount fuji beautifully in the background here what an awesome landing spot to be doing mount fuji but i really want to show you this view because i want to make sure that you know that you're really coming in the right angle it should look like that for you if you're giving this a go it should be coming in quite easily now remember the only thing we need to click is the autopilot button i'm going to zoom in so you can see it ap that is the only button i'm clicking okay at this point that will disenable the autopilot and then i can hand fly it in we're going to probably have a couple more symbols just come up above the g for the inner marker it's coming in very easily at the moment so there's the middle marker and then we'll have the inner one in the last few moments just get ready with the autopilot button i'm going to click the disengage autopilot button i'm going to pull back very gently on the it's going along at 54 53 50 around the runway just use your rudder pedals to keep it straight and you're all good you can bring your flaps up with their f5 we're doing 38 so we're doing it pretty easy i can jump to the external v of course i can't do that in real life but we're playing a game and if you're just learning well feel free to jump to the external view whatever makes the game more fun for you whole objective here is to have fun you might have had a hard day at work a whole heap of things that happened and you just want to take a rest and have some fun then this game is for you there is no combat in this game you can challenge friends obviously with um landing challenges etc but there is no real combat at this point in the game anyway so we're going to park over here i'll just do the cold and dark start and then i'll just talk quickly through the steps that we did to do the ils landing today but um please do give it a go it's a lot of fun and there's a lot of runways and around the world that you can try this out on um all different scenery now i have got crash damage on so if i go into that bus right now this whole video will be a failure and i'll need to do it again so let's say we don't have any problems you would not normally be parking here but again we're just um wanting to shut the plane down at this point so we can talk through the steps i'm really trying to just highlight the ils part of the landing here so we're safely down on the ground we've got our plane stopped we haven't had to worry about too much other than the ils part um i won't turn the plane off just yet because we want to describe the screen so the first thing i did after i started the plane up is i went down here where it has cdi actually what i can do is put the parking brake on it'll make my life a little bit easier i went down here to the cdi and i changed this to gps mode okay so it was in gps mode i then took off and i just hand fluid up to 1500 and then we hit three buttons with clicks here on autopilot we clicked here on altitude hold mode and we clicked here on navigate and nav mode on okay we turned the nav mode on so then the plane's following our line which is going around all the way around here does that what we had to do in the meanwhile i was tuning our radio now i've just proven to you that the number which is active is this one up here we know that because of the light blue and it's on the right to change that number you can do it with this knob here and also this this swaps the numbers around so this one swaps the 110 to the right and the one eight to the left and you click it again it goes back so that puts that on to the right and then this will change the number up here so in this case i'm going to change it to 108. i just hover above the other one and i'll change it to 108 and then the inner one i've got to use the little number little wheel on the inside so just hover above that and change it to whatever i need but it's already at 110 anyway so 108.10 108.10 okay that's those two if you want to swap between nav1 and f2 you can click on the bottom here there's no writing in this playing just left click here and it swaps to nav2 left click again swaps to nav one um but yeah please keep in mind the active one is the one on the right i think i've made that really clear finally then once we are coming up to our point where we wanted to do the landing so we're between nexus and nitro we're going to hit two buttons all we have to click is we go down to here on cdi we left click once and we change it to loc one so it's got one in there and we had to click on approach apr data two buttons we had to click then at the last moment just before we landed to get control of the plane again i had to click on the autopilot button to disengage the autopilot it says engage at the moment because i've already disengaged it and that's it you just hand fly your plane in and that's that's all good you can put your lane light off you can take your beacon off you want to shut your plane down really easily you can just pull out the mixture and that will kill the engine you can also go down here and click that out if you wanted and you can turn off the switches our parking brakes on we are on the ground that is a very quick shutdown of the cessna 172 but i think i've highlighted the main objective of this video and that is to show you very easily how you can do an ils landing i hope that's useful please feel free to subscribe i really appreciate all the subscriptions please comment and please like the video thank you very much for watching enjoy the rest of the day and i'll see you in the next video bye for now
Channel: azayomi
Views: 16,695
Rating: 4.8543692 out of 5
Keywords: Cessna, Citation, Longitude, Microsoft, RNAV, rnav, ILS, Flight, Simulator, Simulation, 2020, game, carenado, orbx, Skylane, CT182T, cessna, KORS, ils, instrument, landing, system, island, orcas, fun, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, land, autopilot, darwin, daher, TBM930, 930, tbm, tutorial, guide, module, plane, aeroplane, avion, OMDB, Dubai, OTBD, International, Airport, 172, Skyhawk, RJTK, RJTT
Id: RSmLO3-nbZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 51sec (2391 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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