Dreamliner! (Boeing 787) - Microsoft Flight Simulator

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A lot of people are going to be disappointed with that amount of inop systems. Unrealistic expectations and all that. For a default aircraft I think it's pretty good, excited to see what a developer can add to it though.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/jjkbill 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

The aircraft looks absolutely stunning! Sounds are pretty awesome too. Once the autopilot bugs are fixed (I know they working on them now) I’ll be happy with this level of detail on default aircraft. Once I want more detail I’ll dish out the extra cash on 3rd party.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Babalon33 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Too many "Inop." switch sadly.

Honestly, some of them could totally be modelised without requiring much work (Seat belt, chime).

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Maaxiime 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

My knees hurt just thinking about the cramped seating in coach...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/sixothree 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I bought the premium for the airports and the Longitude, so I hope more gameplay of Longitude than Dreamliner, but however

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Inaxair 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

i wish it was the 8 version tho ;-)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

But only the looks :-)

Hello quality wings..hope they are moving their 787 into this franchise

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Francoa22 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hi guys school here and welcome to another microsoft flight simulator video but this one is a little bit special in front of me is the boeing 787 dreamliner just a few hours ago i got hold of the final release build of microsoft flight simulator the embargo is just lifted and i can finally show you this thing of absolute beauty unfortunately there are no livers available still in the final build i have so we're gonna have to go with this build but it looks uh well it looks splendid doesn't it looks absolutely fantastic the detail on this thing is so good does it have wing flicks oh it has wing flex all right we'll demo that later when we get up in the air this is going to be a very quick flight because i really have only had this thing a few hours so what i'm going to do is i'm going to start it cold and dark we're in the cold desert in nice lfmn lima foxtrot mike november and we're gonna take off a runway zero four right uh we're gonna basically climb out and do a circuit if you like at four thousand feet and then come in and try and shoot the ils for right approach so without further ado let's jump inside and get this thing started okay let's get the uh apu started up and then we'll have a quick look around the cockpit so we'll go up here we'll put the battery on and we'll start the apu let's get that going uh what i want to do is allow you to listen to the sounds of the engines and stuff because i know the audio is important so i'll just shut up for a second and let you listen to this there you go it sounds a bit like my dyson vacuum cleaner anyway so the apu is available so if we pop up here we should be able to put on the apu generators and we should have a bit of ventilation and you can hear what the ambient noises are like so looking around the cockpit as you can see well it looks like a dreamliner all right it's all the high glossy touchscreen stuff beautiful detailing as you might expect there are many things that you can see that are completely in op and many things that are operative one of the major things that's not on i can see is the tablet on the left which is obviously used to calculate speeds and that kind of thing none of this is operable by the look of it um this is a default aircraft so i really wouldn't expect it to be there but what you can see here is some pretty decent implementation of the screens the mcp looks pretty accurate the overhead itself we go to that position there you can see the overhead all the important stuff is working like the the lights and that kind of thing one of the things isn't working the cabin chime honestly i almost uninstalled the whole thing cabin chime is not working most important thing window heats um these work the de-icing works up here uh the the cargo stuff in the air-conditioned stuff is primarily an off-white look of it it's not all of that that's more advanced stuff anyway not for your average flyer i don't think so um what are we gonna do we are gonna program in some stuff so down on the touchpad here we're gonna go to um initiate our route for men there we go let's take that position stick it in the irs go to the roots so we're taking off out of lfmn this won't take very long at all by the way i'm just going to skim through this uh lfm is where we're going to go and we're actually going to fly to a waypoint um choice we do this let's go to the performance page first looks like that and then we've got to departure arrival we'll select the arrival go down to ils zero four right and we shall choose the uh it's called the merlou six charlie arrival and what that should do is you give us a waypoint anyway um we'll have a look in a second but it should give us a waypoint that we can use or root in that we can use that make life a little bit easier so activate that exec and if we come to let's try zoom out second this screen here that'll do uh we can press the um ecast button and we can switch that over to here and then we can zoom out you'll kind of get a feel for what it's done so essentially what we're going to do is we're going to right turn out from zero four and just put a heading hold and we're not going to go to merlot like i say this is just to give us a course vector in really i'm going to basically turn right and then we're going to vector ourselves back in pick up the localizer pick up the glide slope hopefully and uh land ourselves into zero four right in terms of what's available on the screen here well a lot of stuff is disabled at the moment it just doesn't do anything it's just in up uh the main thing is that the fuel displays uh there's also a plan mode over here so you can switch in map and plan you can flick that back uh then you've got mapping plan over here like i say that the zoom works on it and then down here this is the main engine display uh there was a button that you can press here which brings in extra uh information about the engines and this is where you can see the trim the rudder trim and um some other bits and pieces where the gears down that kind of thing the flap settings with the nunchuck there um yeah it's it's pretty decent that's what it does um so let's go back down to here we've punched all of that in so i'll go to the legs page you can see it's got merlou go to the nav rad page and it's automatically populated i left zero four right on one one zero decimal seven which is great the only thing we need to do is punch in the course which is zero four one degrees so that the localizer can pick it up and that should be more or less that very very simple flight plan so the rest of it is going to be obviously get myself back into the default camera there we go the rest of it is going to be set up the ncp get a push back get the engines fired up i know you want to listen to the engines that will come very very shortly so what we'll do is we'll set ourselves up for just five four thousand altitude we'll be fine we can switch now to hector pascal's yay hector pascal's lovely and we can do that we can even put the terrain on we'll do that if we remember when we're in the air um what else have we got so we'll have an initial speed of 200. we'll probably just use i can't the the l11 v now stuff does work it does cram a little bit aggressively still i think but come on four one four one degrees which is the uh runway heading out of here so put it back on the map and you should see that i'm gonna zoom that out nice to know maybe can't see it yet zero four one is is yeah it'll be fine i'm gonna climb out on runway heading then i'll put it into heading home mode put the autopilot in and we'll just climb up to 4000 and then start vectoring ourselves around okay so we shall begin preparations here we'll put the uh auto break onto rto um actually what i should do is probably just fire the engines first to be far so let's go to the overhead and let's put the um beacon light can go on and let's get ourselves in a nice position to listen to this so we'll get down here i won't bother with the ground crew apart from the pushback i'd rather focus on the aircraft itself in this kind of initial video there you go so we'll use that as our um starting point so how do we fire up the engines well first thing we'll do is put all the pumps on all right learn from my mistake if you saw a previous video i forgot to put the pumps on uh so let's do right engine to start and then come down to here and we should see some n1 rotation to start picking up and then we basically throw in some fuel there you go 18 and one's picking up and then jump down here chucking some fuel and i'll shut up for a second [Music] [Music] not bad at all eh when was the last time you bought a default aircraft it sounds like that pretty good okay so that's uh one engine started start the left engine exactly the same way if you like we can stay inside listen to the engine start although with this air conditioning i doubt we'll hear it anyway just watching the rotation coming up can't resist want to listen to it again dude you suggest you move that guy very nice i think that guy probably singed his hair a little bit doing that [Music] this thing looks something just magnificent absolutely lovely okay so let's see let's go back to the overhead so now we've got everything fired up uh non-whites are on which means we can turn the apu off now and it can run on engine power we shall stick on our lav lights and taxi lights and what we shall do is we're going to push back from the boys out here so we'll tune in to ground services meet ground request push back and what we'll do is we'll push ourselves back and well to the left even though it's to the right [Music] it might be better if this thing said clockwise and anti-clockwise i think that'd make more sense okay i will need to release the parking brake otherwise he's going to struggle and we'll let him push back straight for a minute and we'll turn it to the left there he goes [Music] when you um when you use the thrust from inside the cockpit it does sound nice maybe i pushed it back a little bit too far oh okay i should think that we'll do watch how aggressively he stops parking brake is set gonna start these camera views out because it's a complete new install from the uh the kind of preview build i had everything and i mean everything has gone all my all my settings all my mappings about to start again right so we'll on the speed break we shall set 10 degrees of flaps if i remember that's what it is in the performance page or is it across limited there you go so you can set actually it's saying 10 degrees of flaps yeah 10 degrees of flaps you can actually choose different climate profiles i don't know how they how well they work of course but you can choose them um there was another page where we set the um i think where we set the cruise profile the climb profile but it doesn't matter because i'm not going to be using vnav anyway so we can probably just ignore that exact page it was on although there is cruise altitude yeah so what i would do here is put six zero like that if i wanted the v nav to work properly but yeah we don't really care because we're not we're just gonna do it manually anyway uh right let's see so we'll put the flight directors on um incidentally you can't um both like the tree both go on together uh we're not gonna arm the el nav or the v nev uh so we'll leave that don't worry you can arm the v-speed mode from the ground looks like you can actually interesting okay um that's it so let's go on taxi now in terms of taxiing uh what you can do is you can put this switch that over to here and then you can zoom this thing out for the plan mode a second plant mode you can get the entire runway over here so that you can zoom in on it just can't remember how you do it now dang it i did have it working what was it that's his ah that was there there you go it's on this one yeah i don't know how you zoomed that one on the right actually not really that familiar with the dreamliner uh so yeah if you zoom out here you can see we're gonna go over to here zero four right so we're gonna taxi straight across zero four left so it's more or less straight out down that way but i do like this about the dreamliner is uh it basically comes with a free planner if you like let's help this ground crew get out the way oh she's a big bird she really is you don't realize how big these things are to you um you're in one you're next to something like an a320 it just makes it look tiny all right so we wanna turn right down here i believe she's mad i could have gone straight over there it doesn't it's no biggie we'll go this way probably makes more sense anyway that's external camera view see like look at the side look at this the wing on this is massive oh incidentally i was going to show you something actually let me let me stop here a second i just want to show you what stuff looks like um let's put the parking brake on one second so just have a look at the rear section so here's the elevator right and there's the rudder a huge rudder but this is but then the ailerons are quite interesting i don't have ever seen a dreamliner ailerons before but they're kind of asymmetric if you look at the one on the right compared to the one on the left it's not like some the same pieces move like they're completely different pieces [Music] which is kind of cool it's not like one other one like their sailor on the very left here let's move over a second this bit moves either up or down but everything inward it's just completely different it's cool anyway i thought we'd like to see that let me turn the rings off this thing's gonna be so much fun to fly it's about as modern as the modern cockpit gets this one oh it doesn't want to turn the left toe break to kick it around can i ever a crush crossing over zero four left you can actually see the wing flexing at the moment by the way when we go over different bumps i'll try and go over some bumps at a little bit of speed so you can see what i mean but you can actually see [Music] the wing flexing oh you don't want to turn there i should have gone for the other sexy one though see that the wing flex then there you go and that operates properly in the air as well when we go through um wind and stuff okay so let's get some lights on here so we'll get our uh landing lights on did i i thought i'd put the tax lights on oh well apparently didn't uh everything looks good okay it's taxi out oh this does not want to sound yeah without differential toe breaking that would be not really turning at all look at that flex that's so cool okay let's do some final checks and get going right to yo so we're gonna put auto break into rto we're gonna arm the spoilers we're gonna check the flaps are in 10 degrees which they are we're going to flick that back so i can see that the flaps are in position 10 there and i'm just going to bring the nose forward a couple of degrees uh i haven't got any way of calculating this so normally i just go with a little bit of nose forward it's in 9.1 making a little bit more okay uh i haven't played with all this stuff by the way some it is clickable it just seemed to do stuff but i haven't played with any of it so it says you know i haven't played with any of this stuff at all don't know what detail there is though right then i think we are ready to punch it so tiger is armed nothing else is armed uh we're just gonna be flying runway heading if we turn off uh heading select this point i think we can okay let's get out of here 70 knots the nose is coming up already should have pushed small trim forward three one positive right is coming up and we are up okay heading select is armed let's turn it to the right [Music] and we'll palm the also pilots there we go why i swore i pressed the gear one second i definitely pressed the gear button i don't know why the gear didn't come up quite still not come out interesting why is the landing gear not coming up i have no idea what's going on with that one the landing gear used to come up but it appears to be a little bit in op at the moment okay not to worry i guess we're flying with the gear down doesn't make too much difference for now we just bring the flaps up what the heck oh now it's gone up i have no idea what just happened some something just kicked it into life and then all of a sudden it went from rto off to gear up and and it's fine again how very strange i think i might have found a bug i'm not sure okay let me zoom out the map a second swap that over and we can see what's going on there you go right okay let's uh bring the speed up we're approaching 4 000 feet i i really don't know what that was then i can't work out with something i just did wrong or not [Music] 230 knots that was a bit of an aggressive accelerate um right so yeah we're going to basic basically cruising around here and then shooting around for the approach that's the plan i want this one so we'll basically factor ourselves around for uh an intercept while we're here let's have a look this thing of beauty wonder if we can actually get to see the wing flex in action here depends i think there's a bit of wind but not a lot let's have a look yeah you can see it flex and lower that is so cool so yeah i don't know for a default aircraft i mean obviously i just i think i might have found the bug unless i just something weird happened but for a default aircraft this thing is doing pretty well i'd say it's pretty well specced or something that comes free so lfmn is there in the background we just need to get ourselves um vectored around just flying a large circuit basically and 4 000 feet should be the intercept for the ils everything's set up already we don't need to do very much so uh i'll just jump forward and we'll pick it up on the approach so here we are about to turn right onto the kind of final approach i can turn that in you can actually adjust the bank angle with this option here so you can restrict how much it turns which is kind of cool so we'll turn that in a maximum bank angle like that and we should hopefully be able to intercept the localizer turn in okay so if we on the localizer now it should pick it up as it comes around reset the drone camera a second the dead ahead that's where we're going so it's found the localizer as you can see uh we're at 4 000 feet seems to be drifting off ever so slightly but it's definitely enunciated localizer we'll basically arm the approach now which is now glidesloping white and we'll just wait for the glideslope to come into view which hopefully it will pick up on four thousand feet is supposed to be the intercept and it's not showing me a diamond yet though but it has actually caught the glide slope there it goes so we'll basically bring in our first stage of flaps we're still at 220 knots break in flaps five will actually flick that back now i can see the flaps properly we can have this over here so what know what we're doing spring the speed back to the little flaps five speed and we shall actually should we have a look at the gear coming down let's have a look at that hopefully the gear will actually come down there you go there's the gear coming down look at the reflections as well even the reflections are accurate so good so with that we shall reduce speed now one eight zero five hundred now we'll go flaps 10 so we want to put the auto break on so we'll put on position three but i think two will be absolutely fine we'll arm the spoiler supports around flaps are good it seems to be left of the glide slope to me there should be diamonds here as well i'm surprised i'm not sure it's definitely left of the runway seems to be aiming for like here to me not quite on the runway path let's bring the speed right down now i'm going to disable the autopilot shortly and just manually lend it and that's four flaps coming in okay also pilot and also throttle and i'm going to try and maneuver over annoyingly i haven't actually got the glideslop to follow down use the thought to try and keep the speed at about 155 can't promise this is gonna be a smooth touchdown by the way i'm just gonna try and get it down maybe in the center line if we're really really lucky definitely feel like the pitch trim is off 100 50 40 30 20. yeah come on down you go and versus diesel we didn't die it's all good okay welcome back it's a nice airport let's see if we can tank to this thing back all right we need to clean up a little bit got all the flaps cleaned up flight director doesn't come off uh landing lights come off attacks like come on beacon strobe and go off and let's see if we can swap that over just gonna swap that over actually zoom in there we go why don't you want to move all of a sudden parking brake is off okay that was slightly weird didn't want to move we set the parking brake it's fine okay so we'll do the same thing we'll just taxi back using this routing here this is so handy let's see if we can find our way back to one of the major gates actually i wonder if he can um i don't know if he can request some of this let's see if it will give us a uh i'll request pushback now takeoff options nope i think it still thinks we're taking off we'll just go and find a selfie space over here niece is done pretty well i've been here a couple of times it's uh it's a very nice approach actually these if you get the right runway if you the best thing to do is look up um look up where it's actually flying into one second let me just get the drone camera sorted have a look which runway you're going to be landing on based on the winds before you fly and uh pick the seat for the most likely approach if you can get zero four coming in you're on the left side it's uh it's really good i think we started over here didn't we just over there someone now we'll tax you back over there i think you know what the amount of ground crew that still drives around on taxiways look at this guy dude i can't avoid him and the plane look at the size of the car compared to the size of the engine like that entire van will basically fit inside the engine boy bro this thing's so nice i think we're starting over here somewhere it doesn't really matter we'll just drop it here for now in fact i think there's the baggage crew okay we'll just stick it there they'll do all right let's say what we should have done something you should always do when you land and that is fire up the apu in preparation for the fact that when you want to shut your engines off you're gonna need some power i'll wait for the ap to start we'll have a quick look around [Music] so the um the diamonds um i did one one quick flight on it and i saw the uh ils diamonds they definitely are and as for what happened with the gear up i can only imagine it's because i didn't enable el naval vina so i don't know if that's a feature or a problem that we just found um but either way it should have worked the gear got stuck which is a bit odd probably just some bug that needs sorting out uh let's see if we've got anything available yet so off the left engine i leave those on okay it looks like we should be fine anyway sounds so good i cannot i mean these are so good imagine what like premium aircraft are going to be like on this sim oh anyway guys that was um obviously a very quick video um just to basically show you the brand new dreamliner um subscribe for more content if you want to see more flight sim subscribe for more content because i am making much more content on the sim and uh give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video let me know what you think until the next video guys take it easy happy flying
Channel: Squirrel
Views: 966,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulator, gameplay, commentary, walkthrough, tutorial, asus, microsoft flight simulator, msfs 2020, cessna 172, takeoff, landing, new, preview, overview, review, flight, journey, wind speed test, weather system, experiment, ground services, atc, ground control, control tower, comms, ai, St Maarten, San Juan, tbm, TBM930, athens, skiathos, Robin CAP10, Diamond DA40NG, Edinburgh, Dundee, Citation CJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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