MS Flight Simulator 2020 FULL IFR Flight | LIVE Pilotedge Air Traffic Control Tutorial & Demo

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hello everybody and welcome back to the channel my name is emily and i will be your instructor today for another microsoft flight simulator 2020 tutorial i have done a couple of more of these videos just please go ahead and click the link right here or just check the link in the description box so for today's topic it has been a highly requested one we're going to be doing a full ifr flight i'm going to be flying the grand caravan and we're going to be going from burbank in california all the way to las vegas international that's mccarran international airport i believe so this time with the full ifr flight though i will be diving into the world of live atc and we're going to be trying out pilot edge i'm going to talk a little bit more about pilot edge itself during the cruise portion of the flight so make sure you stick around for that but first a couple of things that i just wanted to cover these types of videos these microsoft flight sim tutorials they do take a lot of planning and preparation and just like preparing everything sort of ahead of time so i would really appreciate if you guys want to go ahead and subscribe it really really does make a big difference in terms of like the youtube algorithm and it makes a really big difference for me especially while i am still unfortunately laid off from my airline i just want to thank everybody who is already subscribed i really appreciate it i honestly can't believe the community that we've already built so again thank you to everybody that subscribed and please consider doing so if you found value or entertainment with these videos okay since everybody requests you can you just say hello to the camera i didn't know what to do i just woke up from her beauty sleep so she's probably like okay so before we actually get into the tutorial i'm just going to mention a a couple of things so i am going to be flying the grand caravan which has like the g1000 i did do a bit of a tutorial so make sure you go and check that out in the description but i'm not type rated specifically i have never flown the grand caravan in person so what i did is i actually just looked ahead um and just ask my friends who are currently flying the grand caravan to give me some tips so some reference speeds and just you know how to kind of fly it a little bit so don't add me if i'm not perfect with the grand caravan so that's the first thing thank you and in terms of pilot edge itself for the the service so a couple of is a couple of things that you just want to keep in mind you do have to plan a little bit in terms of using the service and what i mean by that is you're going to first need to decide whether or not you're doing of course a vfr or an ifr flight if you're going to be doing an ifr flight you will go ahead and enter the flight plan into the program itself so that the controllers can actually see what you're planning to do and they can clear you accordingly and then you can also enter that same flight plan into the world map the free flight portion that i kind of talked about and covered in another video so you're going to go ahead and plan for that and enter it ahead the other thing that you're going to be needing and that i recommend is just to make sure that you have all of your charts and your frequencies ahead of time so you can use a service like not a service but the website and it has all of the faa charts and plates if you're doing the full ifr thing you're going to want to really make sure that you have all of the charts so you can have your airport diagram your sid that you're planning on doing for that departure your star for the arrival into the arrival airport your approach plates that you're expecting to be doing over there and then of course your airport diagram for your landing airport so all that kind of stuff just takes a little bit of planning and preparation so just make sure that you have that before you actually spawn up and start the flight because they won't be able to provide you with all that information it's expected that you have that for yourself and then the last thing that i will mention is just make sure that you do have a notepad so that you can actually take some notes down because if you are doing the full ifr flight like what we're going to be doing today you are going to be needing to write down your atas get your clearance get your all your information so that when you're actually writing everything down because you are a single pilot it's going to be a lot and you don't want to try to memorize all that info you just want to write it down to make sure that when you're reading it back it is correct so now that i've covered all that let's actually get into the flight so before we actually spawn up and get started i just wanted to let you guys know what we're planning here so i have the sasha 208 um planned out i've got burbank airport and going into las vegas and then the routing itself um by the way i do have some notes here so if you guys see me looking down that is the reason for that so our rooting for today if you want to follow along and you want to enter it and you want to enter it into your flight plan it's going to be a burbank the van noose three departure uh daggett transition which is d-a-g i'll i'll write it down on the screen uh cresso 4 arrival into las vegas and then planning the ils to six left for the approach so i do have all that set up here in terms of where we're going to start um i've just chosen just ramp 30 just to be kind of in the middle and then i've got my departure venues uh one three i'm expecting one five departure that's what i did when i practiced last time and it worked out um you can choose a different departure airport if you so wish the arrival is creso4 for all runways into las vegas and then the approach is the ils 2 6 left that we're planning i do have the ifr low altitude airway and there's your route that it spits out for you double check that the altitude you want is um selected i just put 11 000 in my navlog and then for the flight conditions we're just gonna do some clear skies for today just to get um the the visibility and to have a nice little view as we fly along for this flight so i think we're all set up and let's see how this works so guess who just recorded their entire atc flight but had their mic muted i'm sorry ahead of time if i repeat myself from some of the stuff in the beginning yeah we're gonna try to do this one more time okay so let's get some stuff um configured so i'm expecting taken off from runway 1 5 which is heading 1 5 9. let's take a look there's our route i'm just going to zoom it in so i could see where i am attacking there we go we are going to be flying in heading first that level change i believe for the caravan it's like 105 104. also i apologize ahead of time if my mic sounds echoey i had to do use this as a makeshift to film this because i don't have a proper gaming headset so anybody who wants to um send one over just let me know just double checking the flight plan here it does a weird thing for whatever reason the active leg there it's like a user waypoint um because there is a heading on departure so it just leaves it um like this for now so i'm just gonna set up my clearance frequency and then we will get started okay so we have our clearance and our ground frequency so clearance is one one eight decimal zero underground system nine or eight four eight tango itself and then we have our ground frequency 129.0 so we're just getting ready ahead of time um and then the other thing i'll do is i will set up i've got all my approach plates and all that here so i will also set up some of my now frequencies that i'm expecting to be using okay so i've got my now frequencies all set up now and i will get my airport diagram for burbank just so we can see clearance on departure flight runway how to maintain vfr at below one thousand five hundred televised departure frequency one two zero point five five squawk one four six six okay let's see if we can get our clearance here i'm kario diamond memories are alpha victor clear runway two six left there's your alpha vector taxi to the parking lot ufc or have a wonderfully taken debugging mission zero flicker burbank clearance good evening it's charlie goldstein charlie romeo ifr clearance to las vegas please las vegas international airport banner 3 departure daggett transition as filed maintain four thousand expect one one thousand one zero minutes after departure departure frequency one three four point two squawk seven zero six six alright charlie golf charlie romeo is clear to las vegas airport venues three departure day is transitioned as filed clear to four thousand feet expect one one thousand ten minutes after departure and uh frequency there will be one three four decimal two squawking seven zero six six charlie garcia so now that we have our information we have our clearance i just leave it to 39 until you have the official i have our clearance so you know you don't um so you know you don't forget to call it up so we have four thousand feet and we can expect one one thousand after ten minutes after departure and then we'll just throw in our transponder charlie alpha tower um it sounds a little hollow but you're definitely readable okay so i've switched over to ground frequency now and i'm just going to preemptively enter my tower frequency so 118.7 so that once we taxi over we will be ready to go okay so there we go i think we're all ready so our tower sky 4210 kilo short runway one five right ready for departure um also i don't know how to move this uh lovely ground marshall out of the way so we're just gonna pretend like that person doesn't exist there and we're going to taxi charlie romeo on the main apron got information zulu ready for taxi runway 1-5 for departure please philadelphia charlie romeo burbank ground for all my one five taxidermy products actually bravo for charlie goffstein charlie roman thanks okay so bravo is what we expected it's just the one taxiway uh just to the other side of one five so i think we are going to be good to go i notice also that taxiing from this perspective is a little bit easier for me so we're going to do that with the okay so my parking brake taxi light is off with charlie are you remaining in the potter you're departing now departing to the west and we're taking to one six right yeah off in okay so something that i i'm gonna have such a hard time remembering what i did in this version versus what i did already so please forgive me if it's a little bit out of whack i'm a little bit tired okay so um one of the things so typically this would have already been done um already you know before taxiing so forgive me for the out of order but i'm just gonna brief it so we are planning the van news departure out of a burbank in california the chart is 10-3 charlie it's effective the 10th of september our departure frequency we already have it from our clearance is going to be 134.2 the airport itself is at 778 feet we do have a radar um and it is required transitional student not applicable because we're going to be staying at 11 000. so in terms of the routing i'm just going to talk it through so we're going to be departing a 1-5 so after departure it will be a right turn to heading 213. and then we're going to be expecting that they're going to be continuing to give us vectors top option is assigned by atc and the rooting will expect greater vectors to the event noose vor and then we're going to be the via the transition so for us at some point it could be twine and then land slap bog it uh palmdale vor ether to the daggett transition and that transition is actually onto the star into las vegas so it ties in perfectly for our flight plan there is some high terrain to the east of the airport and then another thing to keep in mind there is restricted air spaces but because we're on ifr flight plan they will be vectoring us around for that so we don't have to worry about um about that and then i think that's everything so the only thing to keep in mind really is after departure i'll be turning to a heading of two one three um the sim has been super wonky for me so i'm going to do my best to set the autopilot shortly after takeoff or once we do our turn um it just pitches really really abruptly sometimes so i'm going to do my best but otherwise i think we are all good to go burbank tara is charlie goffs here charlie romeo ready for departure one five trillion cosplayer charlie romeo burning california one five clear for take off paper takeoff one five shirley golf sierra charlie romeo okay here we go so landing lights strobe and parking brake rotate is going to be about 70 knots and then once we're airborne we're going to be setting forward at the terminal requesting departure to the northwest with information tango 774 delta fox chat north las vegas grounds runway one two right city charlie alpha power hold short we're only seven in golf contact tower speed is alive rolling one two right it's actually via charlie alpha golf cold short runway one two seven someone said four deal to fox el monte grand warrior 185 jillion promo and write down win for romaine they're five year have great flight over to departure for so-called for charlie galcia charlie romo good night so forgive me while i try to multitask this okay let's see if my um autopilot will arm oh nope standard okay departure hello is charlie garcia charlie romeo heading 213 climbing 1500 for 4 000. oh no wonder it changed i don't know what at what point please capture i screwed up the frequency here point two oh my gosh socal departure hello it's uh charlie golfs here charlie romeo heading two one three climbing four thousand for four thousand so they can change that that's a new thing apparently they can uh just use your call sign in letters or they can still use the phonetic alphabet so 9000 alt cell we are still climbing out we are on their proper heading now i feel like finally sorted my life the trim is so weird let me know if you guys are also experiencing the same thing cgfc are flying three four zero flat heading three four zero for golf series charlie romeo i'm [Music] so based on where we're pointing i'm kind of thinking they're going to clear us probably to land like direct to lounge so while we're still climbing out and everything looks like that's good our traffic 12 o'clock four miles southbound on two gates five thousand five hundred typing on the rover bay nine so i just got some visual for uh charlie golf charlie remember thanks ggs thank you direct language there they are all right claire delight to uh lang and uh resume the departure for charlie gaussian trailer okay so they did clear solange and the rest of the sids so we're gonna type that in now if you were actually operating this there's a much easier way to do this you could just enter direct to and all your waypoints would um get pre-populated there's obviously not this uh the luxury for this here so we're just going to type it in to contact uh almond tower one two one point two squat pf i have your one one two one point two and scorpio skyline star two four six and delta i have traffic inside the entry sample okay enter and then we're going to switch to nav so we actually intercept that waypoint and we see now that we are heading direct to lounge and hopefully last time i flew this it was fine but sometimes there's issues with its sequencing because right now twine to land is the active um leg we see that by the magenta so i'm just going to turn that down so um hopefully once we go to land jade will sequence to our next wave point which it should um so a couple things that i learned torque setting you're looking at around that feet per pound it's like 19. climb maintain a one one thousand charlie golf right one one thousand and then a flight level change for 105. that's perfect um what's that saying oh yeah prop is going to be around um 1900 uh your foot pound torque is like 1865 or something like that again you guys can just look all this stuff up um with tutorials or just look them up online because i'm not a grand caravan pilot by any means oops that's nice so one of the cool things that i found out as well i got so much help from kevin over at pilot edge thank you kevin he helped me plan this whole thing the reason why we you know we chose burbank to las vegas is because i was wanting to get an example with a full like ifr coverage of course so having a tower airport uh having tower airports in both situations and then um i also wanted to make sure that i had a proper sid and a star as well as an instrument approach so and it's something as well that was within range of with the aircraft that i was going to be flying so this kind of worked perfectly and one of the cool things i found out is that you can actually accelerate the sim rate so there's different settings you can just look them up on your simulator but you just want to make sure that you clear it with them the controllers ahead of time so they know like how fast you're going to be kind of blasting through so through 10 000 probably turn these landing lights off there's ten thousand feet and then we're almost leveled out so ten thousand for eleven thousand it looks good still and then once we kind of cruise along i'm gonna give you guys my thoughts about pilot edge and then we will also brief the entire approach for uh las vegas so we are leveled out perfect that's the only thing i was kind of point magoo one two four point seven four nine or eight four eight tango that's the only thing i was kind of worried about is whether or not um it was going to sequence so it did now 737 quebec foxtrot content point big approach one two four point seven one two four five seven straightforward joshua approach 126.1 have a good play 126.1 for charlie gold see you charlie romeo take care foreign okay joshua approach good evening is charlie golf here charlie romeo 11 000 heading for slot charlie girls here charlie romeo joshua bridge roger palmdale twitter two nine nine one check two nine nine one and uh i'll be uh requesting to accelerate my sim if possible for trailer golf stage early remember trying to go straight with charlie roman rancher um commercial broods out of a four times and then um normal time compression there at wig okay sounds good not above four times compression and we'll resume a normal uh wig for charlie golf stay here charlie okay so he's proved me that i can accelerate which is great and it's not about four times it's kind of crazy fast and then wig is a waypoint just in the future on the flight plan so that's perfect i was obviously so okay first of all i'm not sponsored by pilot edge um they just approached me they just offered me to try out their service so of course i'm all game for trying that stuff out i mean why not it's it was like super nerve-wracking at the beginning because i haven't flown and i haven't done anything ifr since i got laid off in may so i was like heck yeah like i'm we're gonna do this so not sponsored by them i just wanted to give it a shot um so my overall thoughts like pros and cons of kind of using this i think i've mentioned before or i've responded to a bunch of people in the comments section like people ask me a lot whether or not it's beneficial and we can hear enough frequency in the background um people have asked me whether or not it's beneficial for them to get microsoft flight sim you know during their private or their commercial license and to be perfectly honest i typically tell people like it's not a requirement if you love it and you've already had it i mean why not i'm sure it could add to the procedures and taking care of you know your flows um it's it's not a bad idea to to add it to your array of things that you do but the thing to keep in mind is like it takes a lot of time to set things up um it there's a lot of bugs to deal with and it doesn't give you the actual feedback of what you're actually doing what you're actually flying so in terms of the you know the procedures if you're practicing you know for your you know and level or you're practicing your landings it's not going to make really much sense same with your commercial now and the other thing too i guess to mention is it costs a lot of money to do this right so it's going to be costing a lot of money for the program it's going to cost a lot of money you know your setup for the desktop that needs to be able to run this so a lot of times flight training is quite limited in terms of you know your actual funds and it's it's it's one of the most frequent reasons why people actually don't even get into flight training in the first place so i wouldn't recommend it for that reason because it's it's not necessary this is the first time i'm using a flight sim in 10 years of like flying so again not necessarily now that being said had i had this with my because my biggest thing that i struggled with is visualizing and like practicing the procedures like visualizing how to enter the hold visualizing all my approaches so if i could have used this service while i was working on my multi-ifr to make me more efficient in the actual aircraft so that i could just kind of like nail the procedures a bit more fluidly and it would come to me more easily i would have loved to use this service because it just allows you for a really cheap you know fee to practice with actual atc um air traffic controllers so huge benefit and it would really really heighten your the ifr side of things so definitely something that i would recommend for that um because it's just yeah you can just practice it you can just do the route you can do the actual um routing that you're going to be planning with your instructor like i think it's fantastic now there are different systems and programs that are out there i haven't tried them out yet so this is just my experience with this one um pilot edge specifically which i'm definitely enjoying so far i got oh my god and well one of the times with air traffic controller which is definitely realistic how it would happen i'm not saying that to scare anybody i'm just saying like they really they this is what they're probably dealing with at work too right so they're just in their natural environment so it's really funny so a little bit of information in terms of the actual piloted stuff um they have most of western uh us coverage um and you can see on their website they have all the information of what's actually covered but it's most of western u.s there are times i believe are from 11 sorry 8 a.m to 11 p.m pacific time seven days a week just not on holidays again that's all on there you can use it with your x-plane you can use it with obviously flight sim 2020 and then you can use it with prepared and microsoft 2004 i believe as well so all that information on their website and it's really straightforward to set the whole thing up i was able to do it just in just a couple minutes really so it's it's really easy in my opinion you can file a flight plan with them you get a push-to-talk that's assigned so the program knows when you're actually transmitting versus it being like a live mic sort of thing um i think i was just looking at my notes i think that's kind of it like that's just my experience so far i thought it was really good i really enjoyed all the trolls [Music] 134.65 for charlie goes to each other 134 55 oakland alaska 55 john wayne clearance cleared to the oakland airports actually in alaska 55 challenger appearance on request semi and arrival so charlie golf is here charlie romeo on one thirty four six five charlie goes to your trailer center roger the dagget altimeter two nine eight three two ninety three thanks charlie you go to children two nine eight three so of course because we're not in above our flight transitions yeah we have to actually abide by the proper altimeter settings two nine eight three there we go show your large airports filed in san diego so wig was the point where they wanted us to slow back down so we'll just keep that in mind so i think while we do that we can reach 55 for our arrival so the crystal four star is going to be our arrival into las vegas so if you guys want to follow along again i'll throw it on to the uh the sim here so you guys can follow along with the briefing so okay so this is going to be the crystal for arrival into las vegas into mccarran international it's 10-2 alpha 29th of september 2017. um for our atus we're just going to tell them that we have our own weather so it's going to be information zulu is the code for that the airport elevation is 21.81 and in terms of our routing we are going to be expecting to be going from the daggett transition which is where we are right now so daggett will be to danby to sarah's wig um that's not applicable to us for the altitude restriction at twelve thousand that's four turbojets i believe they'll probably get us to cross it at ten and then cresso and then the rooting from cresso in on the bottom there it says from overcrosso then on to the boulder vor it's radial 213 to the right radio excuse me and then for two six left or right we're going to be expecting the ils approach so we can expect that inbound from there at some point they're going to be giving us a heading and we're going to be able to activate that approach but i'll talk to you guys through that portion um in terms of like the g1000 stuff so then we can move on to the actual ils itself into las vegas we're expecting the ils our localizer runway two seven six left into las vegas it's 11-2 29th of december 2017. the approach coming we'll see what happens from the west i'm just going to write it down here so we have the reference 125.025 charlie gelstrom charlie romeo cross wig how to maintain a one zero thousand las vegas altimeter 2984 across a wig and maintain a 10 000 in on two nine eight four for charlie goldstein children okay so this is the challenging part with if we had v nav um we would 100 be able to set this up so 10 000 crossing at wig means you have to be descending at 10 000 with that waypoint i don't know i haven't played around just yet if you could enter that into the flight plan and make it to be at ten thousand that's how v nav works um so i'm just gonna try to plan it back maybe a little bit closer to um to danby we'll start our slow descent uh down there and he did say two nine h4 i believe there we go um and the actual g1000 there's like a little banana like we call it the banana bar it's like a curved bar that's in magenta that actually shows you once you start descending if you're in vs it actually shows you at what point you should be at the altitudes you've actually um the lcd that you've selected here in the altitude window that doesn't have that again in here so it's a little bit hard to estimate so we're just going to do our best to try to get to 10 000 for wig so we'll just wait a little bit longer so i'll continue the briefing and then we'll see where where we are at so las vegas tower um i talked about the approach 125 025 oscar vegas tower it looks like for runway uh two six left or right it's going to be oops tower is going to be 119.9 and then the ground i'm just going to write it down because it gets busy 121.1 looks like which is the east of the runway which um i looked ahead at the chart at the plate and looks like we're gonna be staying east of the runway of one left and uh one right and 19 left so that's fine the localizer frequency which we have already preset here is one one point five final approach grows to be two five nine we'll cross rell in the final approach fix um at 3800 down to ils minima will be 2269 or 200 feet above the ground the airport itself is at 21.81 so a thousand feet we can say 32 which is where we'll set our miss approach altitude highest msa highest msa within the las vegas vor so what i'll do is i'll actually add bearing two oops ah keep skipping it there you go that's the las vegas one so that's our dmu distance so within the las vegas vr the highest msa is 13 2 we're going to be on radar vectors so we can just follow the instructions uh for that in the event of a miss we're going to climb to 3100 then climbing right turn to 7000 and we're going to be heading direct to the boulder viewer and hold on the whole will be excuse me the hold will be a direct entry standard hold and inbound track will be three three zero we'll continue the climb to seven thousand if we haven't made it to 7000 by then so just visualizing the rest of the notes there that's fine just visualizing looks like they're going to be kind of making us intercept in like the lower terrain there between the two higher elevation sections um and we know that based on our star they're going to be giving us a heading to intercept because we can expect vectors to once they get uh once we get cleared so i think i'm gonna start descending here before i get too distracted that's not super smooth sorry i think i'll uh resume he said resume speed as well so there we go well that was quick okay so we're down to ten thousand now which is fine there you go i thought i was way closer that's the issue with not having your everything zoomed in so we're still a little bit far out from ten thousand which hopefully he won't get mad at us for that um okay so what i was saying in terms of like just visualizing your approach so once we're inbound to the boulder city the or they're going to give us you know some sort of heading i'm anticipating some sort of like a northerly to like northwesterly heading so that we can intercept the localizer probably clear us down to like seven seven or eight thousand feet um to intercept the glide slope inbound and then last but not least you always want to brief the expected uh taxiway that you're going to be taking a look at you want to break all the way into you actually stopping the aircraft so to your gate so in this case we are looking at 2 6 left so that's the southern runway so to the smaller one and looks like the first exit point i'm looking at will be alpha five and then alpha five will just stop short of the active to right um and then switch over to ground to make sure we get our clearance and your after landing checks and all that and then from alpha five onwards it'll just be bravo 5 to the charlie gates that's just what i'm going to ask the controller so that's pretty much all of our briefing i have all the frequencies there set up so i did have 111.5 which is our localizer frequency it will um show up right here as with the identifier i should have actually mentioned the identifier the identifier is i r l e so we will see it pop up the g1000 just it does identify it so we know that we can actually follow it along instead of listening to the morse code so i have that set up and then of course um the other one i have set up here this is the missed approach this is the bolder vor frequency so that we can just toggle it in the event of a missed approach and then on the secondary one here i have the las vegas vor just for dme distance it's not a bad idea to just have an idea of where i mean they're they're both super close to the field but in the event that they were different you could obviously just use that secondary one for an idea of where you are visually now what i will i think the bearing one is still not there so we're going to let that be once i do see that it is identified here i will turn it on to give me the extra needle to shadow so i can start to visualize where my course is going to be to intercept um let's see where we are here so just cresso will be our next waypoint maybe i can accelerate it a little bit more you won't be able to tell let's see how we're doing it kind of gives me a bit of like oh what is that crop circles the views are pretty cool i'm not gonna lie that's pretty sweet um and then a couple things i'll just mention in terms of um the approach so i have my speeds here i had to write them down so i knew what i was doing um so flat 10 is below 175 flat 10 to 20 so it'll be 150 and then to 30 will be below 125 so i'm going to be planning for that and then i'm going to be slowing down to i believe it's 80 knots or so for the actual approach so we're going to do our best try it out broken algebra 2987 um charlie ghost here charlie romeo contact uh las vegas approach hold on eight point four one eight point four for charlie goldstein trailer 48 [Music] so i'm just gonna check in and then i'll just mention one thing here that's uh just wonky approaches charlie gaussian charlie romeo level ten thousand charlie going straight trailer romeo spruce road specs visual only one on the right and instead of maintaining seven thousand i'd like to request the ils 26 left if possible for charlie goldstein trailer review should i go straight trailer roger expect dallas for my tc cluster bridge seven thousand seven three and seven thousand for charlie goldstein charlie romo okay so you just have to request it because they don't necessarily know obviously it's beautiful weather there so they're just going to clear you for a visual but in this case because we do want to practice the actual ils you just have to request it so 7000 i'll sell we're going to go vs down we'll just go to 500. typically it's like a thousand feet or so but this should be fine for inbound so below ten thousand feet just make sure we have our you know 10 000 feet checklist that you would probably have maybe make a little pa ladies and gentlemen to your captain speaking we're just inbound to our final descent should be landing in las vegas in the next 15 minutes or so thank you so much for flying with us today we hope you enjoy your time in las vegas something like that um okay so the one thing that i will mention before i try to go a little bit more style cockpit this is really weird this this whole thing here wouldn't be occurring in your flight plan the reason why that is happening is because i've pre-entered it into the flight plan in like the nav log section at the beginning of the flight so it's trying to say hey you're going to be going to a boulder you're going to las vegas oh but you're also going to go try to do an approach so that's why there's like the two kind of like lines realistically what would happen is it would just go to boulder and then stop because the star is just or it would just keep you on a certain heading whatever the heading was in uh in the star i'm just going to increase um so that's not realistic it wouldn't join to las vegas and then you would have this separate line which would just have the ils with the preno uh waypoint which we are going to make sure that is loaded so it is the ils and 226 left preno transition if there were different transitions to select from you could just choose that so in this case we're going to load it um and let's just hope that it doesn't change anything with cresso because it did last time okay so it didn't change anything which is great so now we have it uh loaded up and then once we are clear to intercept it or once we're on a heading and we can expect greater vectors we know that we're going to be cleared for the approach so we can activate that approach in your flight plan so it got rid of like that line there because now i'm saying hey we're going to be doing this approach again it wouldn't be that curved line there it would just have an extended line from prino so that you can intercept it at any point 55 so i've got a park sure contact columbia city 718-1400 okay so we do have the irle now so i'm just going to visualize and have it here so this is my localizer frequency that is coming from here and that's going to be with the 253 um chorus for our look i don't know if my next frequency might be we'll see um because i'm going to be using this for my dme distance for my fab i'm actually just going to be getting rid of this bearing now just to declutter it a little bit we are made of vectors so 7000 is is a safe altitude um and because this is so close on the field i'm just going to be using this for my distance uh because the las vegas vr is right over top so it doesn't make much of a difference in terms of situational awareness again if it were something else or if it was different setup with the nav instruments then i would probably have another backup needle so we have that and then the only thing that i wanted to kind of set up and test is and hopefully i don't screw anything up here so let's see if i can get so 200 feet rattled we're gonna try and see if it tells me gives me like the minimum uh call because i think that's how you set it up it's really different than what i'm used to flying so please correct me if i'm wrong on that okay let's see if i got everything covered before we come in um i don't know if this is going to be the one but just in case it is let's have it preset 125025 was the arrival frequency so gonna have it there um as a side note i don't know if i've mentioned it just yet but if you were looking to do like live weather there is that function and the only downside is that right now i don't think with flight sim 2020 the function allows for having two columns so you have to toggle between uh your atis and then going back onto the frequency now of course because you're um under ifr rules you do have to just let them know that you're gonna be off frequency for a couple of minutes i think there was a guy that um just requested that earlier so that's just the small thing that you have to do so request to be off the frequency listen to the atis and then come back on frequency and and you can let the next controller or whoever know that you have the appropriate atis or weather information for the field um so at some point just to give you guys an idea of what we're expecting here at some point from the um boulder city vor they're going to be giving us some raider vector so they're going to be giving us a heading of sorts so this could be this is why you really want to make sure that your heading is synced so that you can toggle between your gps and then going to your heading so that you can just continue to fly along and now you're just controlling the autopilot or you're telling the flight director to follow a heading which then causes the autopilot to follow along it gets a bit wonky here so forgive me if it's not the smoothest but sometimes it starts to turn really weird so i'm just going to hope that they just give me a heading to change to before that happens um if not i'm just going to say this ahead of time i might just stick to heading until i get to boulder city viewer and then see what they say if it does here trailer romeo fly president heading back to stylus from it's exposed to bridge contact las vegas bridge 135.00 okay maintain current heading and expect um vectors for the ils two six left approach and we'll switch over to 135 decimal zero for charlie golf stage record 1083 contact albuquerque center okay i got it all correct okay so it is not that right 1083 contact center one okay so i'm going to toggle to heading and then what i'm going to do november 9848 this is where it does the weird thing so i'll tell you guys what's that chicken 125.27 for alaska 55. approach hello what's up charlie golf here charlie romeo heading zero three six seven thousand charlie goes here charlie romeo last week's approach roger 7985 17 5000 charlie goldstein okay so five thousand look at the departure 431 papa 1000 climbing via seat accept to 4 000. remember four three one julia papa soca departure okay so this is where it's weird this wouldn't happen once you activate the approach this portion would be the magenta line so right now it's saying oh you're gonna fly to preno because that's the transition waypoint that you've selected but that's not how it would work so the best way to do this is go to heading you can activate the approach through your procedures just switch your cdi to the lock here and then once you're cleared you're going to be now talking toggling on nav so now you're telling it hey follow follow with the cdi that i've selected and in this case it's localizer one which is this frequency right here so it's it's really weird you just have to kind of it's a makeshift um situation here and then he's at some point he's gonna turn me in to return so i think my next one will be my tower so i'm just gonna set that up 600. 119.9 i believe four two one julia papa socal approach trender lighting one three zero and the la altimeter 2987 okay how are we doing for time there okay point eight seven heading one three zero one two little okay so charlie gold sierra charlie romeo turn left heading two nine or zero intercept through my two six left localizer twenty left two nine or zero two intercept the localizer two six left for charlie golf here charlie remo so turning left heading two and nine zero it's pretty abrupt but should work 55 contact deli center 133.2 okay so this is another weird thing that happens so if i activate nav right now i don't know if it's going to keep on that heading so we're just going to give it a shot and see what happens so loca is active now see it turns more into it so that's not realistic again another thing because you have there's an option of being able to keep the heading and then have it activate or sorry have it intercept from that heading that you've given it so now it's kind of like angled itself a little bit out it's not perfect but we do see that look is active and we do see that we are below the glide slope so then once we're inbound he's going to clear us to actually will be cleared for the ils 26 left right now we're only cleared so that's why i've only clicked nav for loc once we're clear for the actual approach we're going to click approach which will capture the glide slope as well so i'm just going to zoom it in here and then just as a review the actual ils are crossing our faf is relent at 7.2 dme so we'll know that we've crossed our faf at 7.2 dme right here so there we go we're intercepting our loc beauty and there's the runway charlie goes through charlie romeo three miles from shannon cleared ils runway two six left approach all right uh cleared for the our ls26 left approach for charlie golf here charlie romeo so you just gave us let us know that we're three mil three miles from shand which is 10.8 dme so we just have to wait until we're a little bit closer and then we'll be able to actually intercept the glide slope it is coming down so that's perfect um let's see i've never so i'll just wait a little bit i'm just going to keep an eye on this i don't want to have to dive um if the glideslope gets ahead of us so change is at 49 so i might arm the approach a little bit before that so let's just do it now and just see so this is what it would actually look like when you're on a heading and then intercepting the loc but anyways so see how it says altitude 5000 and then the glide slope so that's the the back up stand by motors here charlie romeo concert las vegas tower one one hundred goodnight 119 a small night for charlottesville charlie romeo okay we're over to tower now and i'm going to go ahead and set up my ground floor where where do you have the airport yeah i'm on a switch to a vr simulator so i'm trying to get up here and figure that out simultaneously all right i'm going to put on posture at of the field right now the field is at your uh 10 o'clock in about two miles okay i'm gonna be turn around okay there we go we're starting our descent and i'll check in crossover has a field of 2500 and it enters the left down for my one two right flaps i forgot to set the settings so it just goes max flaps with my actual button so i got to do this instead of somewhere number four output present altitude 2005 across overhead midfield and then enter the left down for one two right okay entering left downwind for running one two right seven seven four delta fox las vegas tower hello it's charlie goldstein charlie romeo ils two six left jolly golf sierra charlie romeo vegas town win 2-7-0-6 from 826 left clitorin clearly on just six flight for charlie golovkin charlie romeo a lot of us will turn on the taxi light as a reminder that uh we've been clearland so it's a nice little trick so we're a little bit closer and then i'll go flaps 20 and then flaps 30. i'm gonna choose and then a trick to zoom in your map so that once you get on the ground um you can see the airport a little bit better i had to learn that the hard way okay so we're coming up shortly on our five which is relent here so we said 7.2 dme we're going to make sure that we are at 3800 there we go all right so there's um relin or 3800 altimeters and instruments are all set up and then i'm just going to call 1000 feet early here but at a thousand feet set your missed approach altitude so in this case it's going to be seven thousand feet set once you're right run two right totally on seven zero four jumps so i'm going to try to preset my trim because last time it was just not a pretty picture here before a tango next uh left turn attached to the parking okay thank you oh someone just passed i don't know what that is there's ratings or something like that you guys can go tell me about it and check it out okay so once we're a bit closer three miles final inbound we will set our last flap setting exited one two right at charlie requesting departure back to the requesting taxi back to the ramp fought out for flash rod just uh taxi clock for you charlie remaining in this room with david nice to see texas via charlie 774 delta fox okay pray for me that the this trim isn't like super crazy and that it does it doesn't like spiral down wow yep so i over did it on the trim but that's okay someone has to teach me how to do this because john lane clearance skyhawk charlie golf delta tango echoes ifr to john wayne scott charlie golf delta tango echo johnny clear it's clear to john wayne airport fly hitting two two zero radar vectors to seal beach direct maintain two thousand expect three thousand one zero minutes after departure departure frequency one two eight point one squawk two zero five zero maintain two thousand expect three thousand ten minutes after departure frequency one two eight decimal one squawk two eight five zero charlie golf delta tango echo charlie golf sierra charlie romeo turn right out to five hold short runway two six rank turning right to alpha five and holding short uh two sixth grade for charlie goldstein children charlie golf danville oh sorry charlie golf delta tango echo rebecca he's got two canadian aircraft on their frequencies probably stripping him out all right guys so that is it for today i hope you enjoyed this tutorial i hope that my second time around i got everything that i wanted to cover i know it was like half a tutorial half of me just like actually using the pilot edge um software the program so i hope that you guys enjoyed it i hope it was beneficial to you if it is i would please ask that you subscribe to the channel and that you give this video a thumbs up so give it a like go ahead and dip your toes into the world of live atc so thank you so much for watching and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Pilot Emilie
Views: 377,597
Rating: 4.9178429 out of 5
Keywords: full ifr tutorial, full instrument flight rules tutorial flying ifr approaches, flying ils approach, real pilot explains ifr, real pilot ifr flight, microsoft flight simulator 2020 ifr, microsoft flight simulator 2020 ifr training, flight simulator 2020 ifr training, air traffic control tutorial, air traffic control pilotedge tutorial, air traffic control pilotedge, pilotedge ifr, pilotedge ifr training, pilot emilie, pilotemilie, female pilot cockpit, aviation, flying, steam, discord
Id: eZ8ZotfdUZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 20sec (3740 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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