Microsoft Copilot Studio Custom Prompts

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hey everyone this is Daniel and in today's video we're going to take a look at copilot Studio Custom prompts and we'll start by understanding what prompts is all about right down to its definition then we'll switch gears and take a look at custom prompts we'll see some of the out of thebox custom prompts examples already provided then we'll go and create our own custom prompts and we'll leverage that both in power apps and in power automate so it's very important that you understand this because after you you figured out how the AI Blends in this custom prompts you can start leveraging that both in your existing apps and flows and solutions for new ideas so stick around this is very exciting but first here's my intro [Music] video so I want to start right down to the fundamental definition of prom and I love this Oxford languages definition of the verb kind which says it is a cause of an event or fact or it brings about an action or feeling and this is the fundamental definition of co-pilot prompts as well because we are using these co-pilot prompts to go ahead and leverage either an event or a fact and bring about an action so for example we could go ahead and ask GPT to give us a summary of a message or or we are asking a very important fact about something and its action which is gpd's action will go ahead and return that to us so I really like how the learning documentation of co-pilot prompts comes up because it breaks prompts down into these four parts it is goal context expectations and sources so what is the goal like what do you want from your co-pilot example I want a list of three to five bullet points to prepare me for something then it's context like what do you need and who is it solve for a solve is it is a meeting that is coming up with a client focusing on their current state and also they again understanding of what they want to achieve expectations how should co-pilot respond to best fulfill your request and then after that is the source like if you want to get a goal context and expectations you got to make sure your source is really good also you can put a little or a lot into prom but all that's required is a clear goal that's the key thing so unless and until you start with the clear goal the rest of these four parts which just kind of fit into place so this is the whole concept of co-pilot prompts is asking questions to GPT to get the action and the results back over here so here's some great examples of prompts over here from Microsoft 365 chat site example write a summary based on all emails from a person such as Sam and in the past 2 weeks really great goal that is asked and now GPT can go ahead and first of all get to the source that you asked which is this case is your emails other sources Sam and give you a full summary back a great great example of how prompt works so now that you understand the how let's take a look at the what like what can I get done with co-pilot prompts so copilot is built upon llms which stands for large language models that are connected to your Microsoft 365 apps and the data and what this does is it allows you to go ahead and do a catchup catch up on what happened in the meeting you can go ahead and ask co-pilot in teams hey what were the questions that were asked during meetings you can also go ahead and do a create a create presentation about time management uh you can make it either a long presentation or short presentation even going and creating a writing an email um going and doing an ask are you plan planning a trip so that co-pilot can actually help give you ideas for say a 3-day trip in Hawaii for example um not just going and building new stuff but also editing existing stuff so examples is in word you can ask copilot to edit a paragraph that you might have already written and then ask copilot hey can you go ahead and rewrite that these are some everyday examples of how to go ahead and use copilot prompts for your day-to-day tasks so when it goes to creating a custom prompt there are a few things you need to be aware of first of all this AI Builder prompt as of right now which is January of 2024 is running on GPT 3.5 turbo model and it is powered by Azure open AI Service uh this capability is limited to some regions and there might be some limitations when it comes to either the usage or its capacity but what's a custom prompt altogether the custom prompt gives makers the freedom to instruct the GPT model to behave in a certain way and the importance to do that is include the following information what is the topic keywords of phrases that are associated with the topic and also the tone of the response or the target of the audience now we will be going ahead and building some custom promps so you'll understand how to use it the key key thing is that be very specific more specific you are in your prompts the more accurate the AI will be in getting that information does it make sense good cuz now that you're getting to understand what prompts and Microsoft 365 prompts and the custom prompt is all about let's go and take a look at copilot studio and its prom section now currently this is in preview uh but you will see this available in your co-pilot Studio as well so now when I go and click on the prompts you see all of these options available you see ai promps ai promps already has some of the options available for you to pick and choose from we will actually leverage some of these in apps and flows um and then it gives you an option of which were my prompts any that were shared with me and all the prompts alog together now if you see over here if you see on the owner column there are some of those which are system generated and these are the out of the boox prompts that works so I want to actually take a look at how this even works all together so for example if I go and take a look at this AI summarize I simply go ahead and click on it it gives you an overview it says what is the prompt and then how you can go ahead and test it so for each of these prompts that are available you can actually go ahead and click on it and take a look at how it actually works a great place to go and do some reverse engineering so an AI artificial intelligence summary prompt is a place to summarize the text below and they've already gone ahead and created The Prompt CU as you can see each of them have this text embedded and that's the place where it's the prompt input text over here is the prompt and then you can go and actually test it as well so you have the AI summarizer one uh you have all these other ones as well for AI sentiment or AI extract or even AI classify what I want to do is actually go ahead and create our own custom prompt so right over here in creating text using custom prompt you can go and click on it and this is the beautiful part all of these existing ones as well they have given you examples of how it works so for example the classify text when I go and click on it here is an example first of all we've gone ahead and created two prompts a text to classify and category list so once you've defined it this way your model can respond with the full summary based on an example right over here summarized text is a great place once you've gone ahead and defined your prompt you could go ahead and give it a big prompt like this and your AI will go ahead and summarize it based on an example over here so what I want to do is now create my own custom prompt so right on the bottom right you see you have an option to create custom prompt and when you come over here it goes ahead and creates this title but I'm going to go ahead and change that cuz it's very important to tell what this prompt is all about now if you've actually seen I did a similar video on how to go ahead and get information about Lego Parts years ago I'm going to go and replicate that exact same example over here and I'm going to use prompts so I'm going to go ahead and call this as my Lego part number this is basically my prompt name next in the prompt I'm going to go ahead and put in this Tex the text says what information can you provide me of the after that I'm going to put a space now I'm going to add the dynamic value and in the dynamic value I'm going to call that as Lego part number right here hit my tab make sure it goes out of that and there you go we've just created our first custom prompt and it's very important that you define it really well remember in the introduction I was talking about keep it very precise it doesn't have to be big doesn't have to be small it has to be precise ex size that's the one thing over here so now that I've gone ahead and put this information you can actually do a test so I'm going to say test my prompt right over here so it says Lego part number well I'm going to actually go and put in some of my very famous Lego part numbers let's say 303 all right I'm just going to put that number in and I'm going to say test now remember I have not had to do any other work in the back end no API calls nothing I just made sure that I was very accurate in my definition which is Lego part number and I went ahead and did what I just put in a part number 3030 and look at the AI response the Lego part number 3030 refers to a basic brick with four studs on the top it is a rectangular brick that measures 2x4 studs in a size like do you understand the Wess over here is that we didn't have to explain AI what this is all about any other API connections whatsoever be very specific um I'll also go and change another them instead of 3030 I'll go and say 3031 test the prompt um and then now it's saying waiting for the test and it's going me and it's going and giving me the information so this 3031 refers to a 4x4 plate it is a flat rectangular piece with definition of four studs by four studs again very detail information which gives you a good summary done by AI so I like what this is I'm going to go ahead and now save my custom prompt and now it is going ahead and finishing off all the saving but in the back end it is actually doing a lot because remember now in your custom prom not only should you have that available over here in copilot Studio but we're going to leverage that across power apps and power automate as well so I'm good it says your prompt has been saved so I'll go and now close it and right over here you see the Lego part number this is just the one that we created 4 seconds ago so if I go now to my my prompts you will see the two of initially there was just one now there is the Lego part number as well now you've got the option to also go ahead and share this with other people but I'll save permissions and access for another video this is just about the fundamentals learning all right so we went and built our very own custom prompts in co-pilot Studio but guess what I should be able to see that in my power automate and in my power apps so as I switch gears and now come to power automate I just do a quick Refresh on the left vertical navigation you see the AI Hub and in case you don't see this over here it's completely fine just go to click on more and over here you will see all of them find your AI Hub and then you can go ahead and pin it that's what I did click on my AI Hub and over here you will see something very similar to what we saw in co-pilot studio and right over here you see our custom promp that was created the icon is the exact same except that right now we are in the power automate realm over here um everything else it shows up right off the bat this is what we created publish it this is how we can start using it if you go to power apps same thing over here in my power apps if I just go ahead and refresh it on the left vertical navigation over here you have ai hubs as well and now you are able to see the Lego part number so as you can see even though we build it in copilot Studio it is available both in power apps and in power automate so let's start with power apps canvas app what I want to do is take an existing one of my canvas apps and I want to start putting in the AI functionality into it so on my data sources by the way this is a full app that I went ahead and buil using copal it's got a nice look and feel to it it's a service desk request place so what I'm going to do is I want to use one of those existing custom prompts uh to get some information about the type of request description that is put in so for that I'll come to the Plus ad data I can go and start typing in Ai and if you scroll down this is where you start seeing all those custom prompts you see there is the name and then the subname it is custom prompts so what I'm going to do is actually play with one of the existing custom proms that we had it's called the AI sentiment and you've seen this before all right the sentiment one but now it's a custom prompt that you can start plugging it into directly each of your apps and flows in our case our canvas app so just going ahead and loading there you go the AI sentiment connection is come in what I want to do is now when somebody is going ahead and actually putting in a description I want to gauge hey what is the sentiment of this text that has been put in so for example in this edit form that we have right in the request description section I'm going to go and select this specific data card value and in its onchange property I'm going to go and set it something like this watch I'm I'm going to say I'm going to say bar response and I'll put in a Comm comma and over here go ahead and put in an AI and then put in sentiment so right over here right click on it put in a DOT and you get predict so I'll go and click on this predict after that predict what I need to go and predict this text so right over here is this text so I'm actually going to say self Dot and it's going to be the text get that close it and then go ahead and close all of it over here so I'm not no longer having squiggly lines I'm liking everything that I'm seeing what I want to do is now get a prediction of what is the sense the pulse of this description and just for the sake of this text right on this little label section it already goes ahead and shows you what is the ID I'll just go and add another text to it so we can actually see what is going on all right so I'll just make some space go and add that and then I'll go and put in our VAR response Dot and when I do that you've got two options the finished reason and the text go ahead and put in the text all right so now we'll fill in so let's do a test over here right so I'm going to go and click on play and I'll go and start new I'll click on new and in my new I'll go and put a request name is Say Finn Christian name of my dog um now let's go to the request description I'm going to start by trying to put in something a little negative I'm going to say I am so TI sick and tired of my existing leash I demand a new one and then moment I go and click outside you can see that the custom prompt has directly gone and say that hey the sentiment of this provided text is negative so now you can take this information and add enhancements to your existing canvas app saying that hey for a negative one go ahead and bump this priority directly to high or you can do stuff like that this is basically an example of how you can take your existing canvas apps um and go and put in your custom promps directly into it and as a test let's go and switch this up to put something positive in it says I love my new toy it is nice and chewy and you see immediately The Prompt when give me the sentiment of this text is positive so in that case you can just make sure that the priority of this can be set to medium or something like that but do you get the idea that how you can go ahead and use this out of thebox custom prompt in your existing canvas apps and since we are in canvas app I'm going to actually go ahead and test out the custom promt that we made um so what I'll do is I'll just switch over I'll get out of the the test side I'll go to our exist new screen and this is well go and test it so a couple of things we need to do ahead first of all I need to go ahead and get my custom prompt um so I'm going to go to plus add and over here search for the custom prompt so we call that name as something called Lego and right over here is the Lego part number see and it says custom prompt this is the one that you and I just made so as you can see as long as this prompt is shared with you you can directly go and start leveraging it directly into your canvas app so I'm going to make sure I click on it and let it load so we got that done next I'm going to go and put in a text input cuz I want to actually put some stuff in so we can do the exact same testing um go ahead and add actually a button put the button over here and then I'll also go and put in a label so we can actually see what is the result of that text right so I think everything looks good over here um the formula side I'm on the on select for the button I'll go and do it something similar I'll go and say VAR uh AI response some something like that and then I need to go and put in our Lego part number put a period that it is predict and predict what well we need to give it the text number see right over here it's actually telling us uh what predict what it's the Lego part number so for that the part number comes from this text the text input so I go and put that in is the text input two uh it's of a type text basically we're giving it the text so close it close it again and there you go all the errors is gone so what I'm going to do is for this label I'll go and replace that as the VAR AI response so we can actually see what is the data coming in um Dot and that will be the um finished reason go ah and close this off and then for the text I'll just replace that default output and let's do a play over here so we'll replicate the same testing we did when we actually went and created this custom prompt uh so the first number that I put in the Lego part number was Lego 3031 click on that and over here it went there and said stop well that's because I put in the wrong one let me go and change that uh the stop is actually coming for the Finish reason let me go and replace that to the actual text right there and there you go it's already going and giving me all the full definition of that let me make it a little bigger so we can actually see what's going on on um right there same thing was there go 3031 if I go and change that to 3030 it's going and doing all of this in so now that custom prompt that you and I just created it we tested it we are able to go and leverage that directly into our power apps as well so this could be for the new one or it could for existing apps this was how we did it in canvas apps I'm going to do the exact same thing but I want to do it in power automate just so that you can see how it's done over there so I'll switch gears and I'll go to my power automate and my power automate I'll just click on my my flows I'll click on the new flow and I'll do it as an instant Cloud flow that way we can actually do a test very similar overall process but I just want to show you how you do it in power automate as well so I'll click on the power automate you know for now I'm just going to skip over I'm going to skip the new designer um and I'll just go and do a testing custom prompt and for that section I'll actually go and click on ADD and I'll just put in the text for uh just prompt that's what I'll do for now and right away here it's G me AI Builder and create text with GPT prompt that's what I'll select so now that action comes up and now says choose a custom prompt in my choosing of a custom prompt right over here is the Lego part number so I'll go and select that and then as the next one I'll click on the next and I'll go ahead and add another compose so we can actually see what is the data coming in that way you also have an understanding of how it represents the data in power automate so I'll go and click on the inputs and right over here you can see that there's different options um there's the text over here which is exactly what we saw in power apps as well in the power apps this section was coming in as text if I go and click on that uh you remember the mistake that I made uh it's actually just called text the text is the current one so let's not make that same mistake in power automate I'll go and select text all right so that's good um let me just go ahead and save it oh yep the input Lego part number we need to go and make sure that it's actually coming in from the right place so um over here I enter and call that as input so this is actually going to be input let me go and type input in right here select that and there you go now at least all the errors should go away click on the save everything is looking good and now let's just do a quick test right over here in power automate um so I'll go and click on test manually test clicks on it testing prompt and then I'll give the same numbers I'll just do a 30 31 go ahead and do a run flow ran successfully we'll see that the flow runs over here successfully as well right over there it successfully completed the custom prom that we created and in the compost there you go you see the full text similar to what we saw in power apps as well so as a quick recap we went and created our own AI custom prompt and we did it in the co-pilot Studio then we were able to verify that it shows up both in power apps and power automate then we took one of our existing canvas apps that's the important thing one of our existing canvas apps and we added one of the out of the boox prompts the one which did a sentiment um on the ticketing system worked really well I also showed you in the canvas app how you can go ahead and put in your new custom promt that we did in the Lego part number and I also switched gears into Power automate just to show you how the exact same thing can be done so you can understand how it works both ways hopefully this video got you excited and even proves a point how easy it is remember we didn't have to put in any code no custom connection whatsoever no API calls nothing we without a single line of code went ahead and actually built our own AI custom prompt and leverage that across power apps and power automate so I really hope this gets you excited gets your wheels turning to come up with some ideas that you already have and take your apps and flows to the next level hello hello hello so if you like this video go ahead and click on that subscribe button and smash that like button also if you have a few extra seconds can you go and put in a comment either say something nice or give me ideas for my next video and until then see you
Channel: Daniel Christian
Views: 5,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Copilot Studio Custom Prompts, Daniel Christian Copilot, Daniel Christian Copilot Studio, copilot studio microsoft, copilot studio tutorial, copilot studio demo, Copilot Studio Prompts, microsoft copilot prompts, Use existing Copilot Prompts, Build a Custom Copilot Prompt, Copilot Prompt for LEGO, Custom Copilot Prompt for Power Apps, Custom Copilot Prompt for Power Automate, custom copilot, Copilot Prompt using GPT, Understanding Copilot prompts
Id: ie-7qn6fplo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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