How to create your own SharePoint Copilot #sharepoint #copilotstudio #microsoftcopilot #ai

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hey everyone welcome back to my channel so in this video I will show you how you can create a co-pilot for SharePoint so I'm in my SharePoint site and I have an co-pilot sitting on a SharePoint page this co-pilot is connected to my SharePoint document library and in that Library I have different documents and this co-pilot is going to go into those documents find the information that I'm asking it and provide me the response so I'm going to ask a question to this scop pilot what is the maximum file size I can upload in SharePoint the documents that I have I know this information exist in one of the document and let's see if this co-pilot can find that information for me here you go so co-pilot went inside the stock command it there is a PowerPoint that I have that has this information it extracted that information and presented that information for me another question I'm going to ask about power flat from manage environment so I'm going to ask this question key takeaways of manage environment that we deployed by a power platforms pipeline this copilot is actually went inside those document give me all the information that I need and I also have a link to document that I that I can open very interested so if you want to build something like this stay tuned I will walk you through step by step how you can build co-pilot like this also I'm going to show you how you can use the same co-pilot in Microsoft teams stay tuned [Music] [Music] welcome back and if you have not subscribed to my channel go ahead and click the Subscribe button and let's start so the first thing that we need to build the co-pilot you need to go to copilot studio. if you don't know much about copilot Studio then make sure that you watch my other video on copilot Studio the link will be in description okay so I am in my co-pilot studio and as you know these are the different co-pilot that I have created we're going to start from the scratch so I'm going to click on new co-pilot this is my SharePoint co-pilot so I'm going to get the name and before we go further let's look at the SharePoint the documents that I have and the location of those document okay so this is my SharePoint site I have a document Library that's called my documents okay and it has many documents right and these documents can be anything that you have make sure that those documents are either Word document Powerpoints and PDFs I'm going to copy this URL of my library now you have multiple options you can use the URL of the document library or you can just put the URL of your SharePoint site the difference going to be if you put the the SharePoint site the your co-pilot will look everywhere in your SharePoint so if you have more than one document Library it will look into those and try to extract the information if you just put the link to this specific document Library it's going to just look into that for my case I'm going to just put the URL okay I want the co-pilot to go across my SharePoint and bring the information that I'm asking click create okay so the co-pilot is ready now we're going to go to the generator AI section and make sure that this last option is enabled okay it's important you need to make sure that you do that the next thing we do we will go to the topics and plugins go to the systems and you have one topic called conversational boosting now why I'm using it because I don't want to define the question that user should ask for this co-pilot to start looking into it so this conversational boosting topic is on unknown intent that means I'm just typing whatever I need to type and if I do so this particular topic will trigger so I'm going to click on that it will open up and if you look at the data source our SharePoint should be already there what we have added so that's all good but this is where a little work that you need to do so if you look at the topic Checker you will see that there is an error authentication not enabled okay so when whenever you are working with SharePoint you need to make sure that you have the authentication set up otherwise this co-pilot will not work so so enable the authentication need to go to the settings go to the security go to the authentication select manual and this is where you need to get your client ID client secret from the Azure now if you're not working in the Azure do not worry about it this is very standard process to get the client add in client secret the reason we are getting it because behind the scene copilot is going to use the graph API and graph API required you to give it permission to look the resources and information depending on the locked in user I'm I will briefly show you how you can get it but generally most of the cases you can just provide this redirect URL to your AZ your team and ask them to create an app registration for the graph API and give you the client ID and client secret Okay so to set up the authentication and get the client ID and client secret from aure there are a couple of documentation from Microsoft that you can prer I'm going to put them in the comment section so you can read it the first one is what kind of permission that you want to give so that graph API have the right permission to access and then this document is going to talk about step by step how you can create and get the client hiding client secret now again if you are not working in the your team you can definitely ask your a your team and they should be able to give you these these information but we're going to have a quick look how to do it and then we will go back to our co-pilot so if you have access to Azure and you have permissions to create app registration you can go to portal. go to app registration this is where you register your app click on the new registration right give the name and then you can select the options that who should be accessing this API generally this is the first one so ENT our organization okay then we have the redirect URL if you go back to the co-pilot and look at the authentication we have a redirect URL so copy that go back to here and then paste Okay click register so this way you can start and your app registration is started you got the some of the information like client ID but secret you won't get it okay once you are on this page you will click on the certificate and Secret new client secret enter the name and this name can be anything okay and then you to set the expiry when this secret will expire because this is for the security secret has to expire I'm going to set up for 2 years click add once you done that do not get out from this page make sure that you copy this entire information and save it somewhere so that you can use it okay so now we have the secret and we also have the client ID this is the application ID I'm going to copy the client ID go back to our security paste the client ID here in client in the secret and certificate copy the value of the secret come back here paste it that here okay and everything can remain the same okay so once we provide the client ID and client secret we also need to make sure that the app registration that we are making for the graph API the graph API has the right permissions so that it can look to the SharePoint files and other sites okay so go back to the aure and this time we going to go to API permissions and we are going to add some permissions here what permissions are we adding site read doall and files read. all okay and you can also see the setting here in the documentation so click add permission Microsoft graph that's what we are doing delegated permission and we're going to start searching what we need here you can select open ID profile search for file files file read. all search for site site read. all and user. read click add permissions okay so all of these permissions will be add we also need to make sure that we are granting the consent okay so this part is done let's go back to the co-pilot now if I go to the topic and go to the setting here I'm still getting this error though I have all the authentication and everything setting the reason we are getting it because once you change the security and authentication setting you need to publish the bot at least once okay so we'll go to the publish click publish okay so after publish let's go to the topic system conversational boosting and no error now for for a reason if you still see the error that authentication error just refresh the page and the error should be go away okay so now we are good to go let's try to test our bot here and there is possibility that once you uh come to this bot testing you will see a login button over here uh I already have logged in so I'm not seeing it but once you see the login button click there it will give a code that code you need to just paste in the chat so that authentication will happen and why that happen if you go to the setting authentication we have this checkbox require user to sign in so user has to sign at least once that I I have already done so it's not showing here now let's try to ask a question so I'm asking what is the maximum file size I know this information there in one of the document and if you look at the flow it's going into the generative answer and going into this document and if I open this document and this information is going to be somewhere here see so the co-pilot is going inside the PowerPoint extracting the information and showing me here okay let's try another question and again I know because I have the documents this information should be there in my documents that I have in my SharePoint here you go right pretty standard it's connected to the SharePoint it's communicating with the SharePoint I can keep adding more information here and other document library because you remember we use the entire site not just this document Library so now what we're going to do we're going to take this and add it to a SharePoint page okay so for that we will go to the publish publish again just in case okay then go to the channels and selecting the custom website you're going to copy this go back to our SharePoint I'm going to create a new page so I can show you okay and this we don't need and we're going to select embed okay and paste the code that we just copied now there are chances that when you do this it may not load this co-pilot for you so for now let me publish it and then I will show you if you don't see this working how you can make it work so if you get an error once you paste that co-pilot code go to the settings information view all site settings and here you will see the HTML field security if you are the site collection admin if you are not then you need to ask your site collection admin to do this for you so HTML field security and in here you need to add copilot studio. so you can just type in here copilot and then click add I already have it once you once you do that then you should be able to see your copilot rendering on your page okay so that is done now you see there's a lot of login button it's just because we keep refreshing and this is what going to happen because we have that setting that user should log in so user needs to click login once you got the code copy that code and now we have our co-pilot ready to go now I can ask any question to it there we go let's ask another question perfect right so we have now co-pilot sitting on your SharePoint page user can ask any question and it's going to go through entire site collect the information inside the document and give you all the information that you need similarly how we did in SharePoint you can also do this for teams and for teams is pretty straightforward because we already have teams here you just need to select the teams and once you do that open B this will take you to the teams I'm going to use the web you can also use the teams app and this will take you to the page where you can actually add this spot okay so you will see this see this message here you just need to click on ADD and this will add this particular co-pilot into your teams and you can start using it right perfect awesome yeah so this is how you can create your own copilot that can talk to the SharePoint yeah that's it for today I hope this will help you and you will try to create your own co-pilot for SharePoint thank you for watching
Channel: Deepak Shrivastava
Views: 12,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copilot, microsoft copilot sharepoint, microsoft copilot, sharepoint copilot, copilot sharepoint, copilot in sharepoint, sharepoint site copilot, sharepoint microsoft copilot, sharepoint, microsoft 365 copilot in sharepoint, copilot microsoft, copilot for makers, ai copilot, microsoft copilot ai, deepak shrivastava, sharepoint documents, sharepoint search, document library, azure, authentication, app registration, microsoft graph api, sharepoint tutorial, #copilotstudio
Id: 2-VYwC6Akiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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