Microsoft Copilot Studio Plugins - Introduction

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hey everyone my name is Daniel and in this video we're going to take a look at Microsoft co-pilot Studio plugins and I'll explain to you what are the different types of plug-in options available in the co-pilot studio and which one of these you can use as an extension in your Microsoft 365 co-pilot in addition I will also tell you what is the difference between a plug-in and a plug-in action cuz yeah they both exist and as a bonus I'll show you how to use this re breakable connector so you can go and get information about all your Lego Parts using the part number it's pretty awesome so as you can see it is very important for you to watch this video to get an overall knowledge of how co-pilot Studio plugins work and where I can go and leverage them across my entire tenant but first here's my intro [Music] video [Music] so when it comes to the co-pilot Studio plugins it's actually classified as two different types one is the AI and the other one is the conversational so when it comes to actually the plugins for conversational that is where it allows the maker to give descriptive text to the co-pilot and this is what I found very close to what we actually did back in power virtual agents so conversational plugins is really not a very new thing yes there are enhancements over there but that is basically it and these plugins are similar to The Standard topics in co-pilot Studio that you used to create back when it was still power virtual agents and now in the functional co-pilot so think about it this way conversational plugins is not something new that is something that you and I used as topics back in power virtual agents days over here and this is also what helps us to make a fully functional co-pilot all right so now let's take a look at the AI plug-in and the good thing about AI plugin is even though it is broken down into four different subcategories some of these you are already familiar with so the first one is actually the AI Builder prompts that's part of the same AI Builder that we've been doing in the power automate Cloud flow s and some of these you might already be familiar with and speaking of power automate those Cloud flows that youve built in power automate the existing ones or any new ones that you want to do you can go ahead and pull that directly from the AI side into your co-pilot studio now there's also the custom connectors again you are familiar with this you might already have these existing custom connectors or you might have a need to build some new ones and that's also part of the AI piece now what's really new is the integration of the open AI plugins this is 100% genuinely new now it's still in the earlier phases and as you and I know the open AI plugins is part of the chat GPT background um so there's a lot more involved over here we'll take a look at at that more in the future but this is just the overview these are the four subsections of the AI plugins and the good news is some of these you're already familiar with all right so we took a look at both of these different types of plugins available at a much larger scale what I want to take a look at is some of these plugins that almost sound the same but they are not and that is the conversational plugin versus the plug-in action so the conversational plugin we just had a look at it and here's what the overview is it is used to extend to your Microsoft co-pilot so you basically created in the co-pilot studio and extended into the Microsoft 365 co-pilot side there are some limitations right now for example this co-pilot does not support Rich Text formatting or any multi-t interactions in addition it can only be built at a per co-pilot level it's not part of the entire co-pilot Studio you've got to First go and create that co-pilot and over there you can can go and add your conversational plug-in on the flip side is plug-in actions so plug-in actions is part of the co-al component such as topics but here's where it really shines you can go ahead and create a single plug-in action and use it multiple times across multiple topics and think of how much time that's going to save you because in each topic if you've got a node or a set of noes that you're going to be reusing well go ahead and build a plugin action and then call that across multiple of these topics and the beautiful thing is that the plug-in action can handle both the input and the output so it's as if one plug-in action can handle up to two nodes worth of job and similarly this also can be built in a per co-pilot level only so now that you have a good understanding of all these different iterations or plugins let's actually go into the co-pilot studio and see how they function over there so we're now in our co-pilot studio and right over here is where we see plugins so remember we are not inside any specific co-pilots we are kind of outside in the main co-pilot studio and so this is where you can actually see those AI plugins and remember I showed you there were three of them so on the left side when I go and click on the Power Platform component as AI plugins this is where you go and see three of them so the AI Builder the power automate for custom automization or the extensions basically you're going and creating those custom connectors all three of those are right over here in the Power Platform component as AI plugins and in the future I'll be deep diving in a lot of these but I just wanted to show you that when you are in the co-pilot Studio how these show up as plugins specifically in the AI plug-in now remember in the presentation I showed you there were actually four of those AI plugins so three are here and the other two this is where it is see the open AI plugin and there's a lot of other plumbing work involved for this but the open AI is part of the AI plugins that is available now when it comes to the conversational plugin for that we actually have to go into an existing co-pilot so I'm going to click on my co-pilots I'm going to go into this existing co-pilot which I have I call it as friendly co-pilot and once I get in over here right at the bottom you see that extend Microsoft co-pilot preview if I click on it right over there is conversational plugins so when I click on the conversational plugins over here you can now go ahead and create your own conversational plugins by the way it's pretty neat that even at this level you can also go and see what your AI plugins are so that's the good thing that you can actually see your AI co-pilots at the higher level at the co-pilot Studio level or inside an existing co-pilot that's where you can see the AI plugins as well conversational plugins well you have to be inside a specific co-pilot to do that and I've got examples built over here which I want to show you now if you go and try to create a conversational plugin it almost has the look and feel of as if you're creating a topic but there are some differences for example this one does not have the options to go and add your own trigger something else is going to trigger over here and it's important that you actually go and give it a good description because that description really helps in going and creating the trigger so what I want to do is show you one that I've already created I'm going to come out I'll say leave and right there I've used a plugin to get Lego parts and this is pretty neat in case you haven't played with it the connector that I'm using is called rebrickable take a look at it and that's what I did is in this plugin it does a very specific thing in some conversation that you're having with an end user that end user is going to give you a Lego part number moment you get that part number now I'm going to go ahead and leverage this conversational plugin the conversational plugin specifically leverages this rebrickable connector it goes and gets information from that comes back and then presents it back to the end user this is all that the conversational plugin does but the neat thing is with the conversational plugin now I can go ahead and actually extend that and it can be leveraged outside in your Microsoft 365 co-pilot so there you go right over here is the first conversational plug-in that I have so you see this conversational plug-in well then what is a plug-in action well let's go take a look at it what I'm going to do is now click on my topics and plugins and over here you will see that we've got the topics we've got the system and there's also the plug-in actions this is a little different than that conversational plugin so when I go and click on the plug-in actions over here I have also gone ahead and use that same connection but this one is going to be used at your topics level and that's important because now I've gone and created this co-pilot in this co-pilot I'm going to have multiple topics for very specific trigger reasons but in all of those I might have a need to have a node or a set of nodes to go and pull some information from this rebrickable example and instead of me going ahead and building those nodes again and again let me go and create this plugin action to save me the work of adding those nodes again again so for the plugin actions when I go and click on it over here it's a little bit more different we click on plus create click on the plug-in action and over here you start by saying which one of these actions tied to any connector that you're going to use so in my case I actually went and did a search for rebrickable I did that search and it gave me all of these outcomes that I have and the specific one that I used for my scenario is to go ahead and get part details basically part is you tell what a Lego part number is it goes and gets you information so when I click on it it comes to the next section and it's going and making a connection first to that connector comes back making sure that all the authentication is good and then I go and click on next and then after that it's saying okay here is your very specific action for that plug-in action and you go ahead and add all this other information where what is the input how do you want the output and the output effects that you have I'll show you the one that I've already completed I'm going to go and say leave right over here in this plug-in action that I did I am going to go and do the exact same thing is go ahead and get part details that's the description in my input I am going to go and get the information from the user so when the user gives me a response which means the user is typing something that activity response the user actually types in a part number and I'm going to go and take that part number and use use rebrickable over there and then the output I'm actually going to be a little smart I'm going to say hey respond to the user after running this action and let AI dynamically generate a message for it it's just the default setting makes it a little bit easier but do you see the importance over here is that when you go ahead and create a plug-in action you can hit two boards with one stone you can go ahead and do an input node and you can go and put an output node all as one plug-in action so it's going to save you some nodes when you're actually going and building those topics and let's go and test this one so I'm going to go outside to my topics and I'll go and select an existing one that I have here it is this is a Lego one now this is a full-blown drop topic because it actually got some triggers and based on that it is going to go and ask me a question the question that I'm asking is hey give me a Lego part number and over there the user is going to go and type that in that's when I go and get the user's response save that response over to a variable and guess what the next thing I'm going to do is go ahead and leverage this plug-in so this is what I did I went and selected add a new node in my call and action now I go into the plug-in and when I go and click on this plug-in action you can actually see all the work that is happening and this plug-in action is pretty awesome because it's saving us so much additional work on all the additional nodes that we have to put in I go ahead and give it my input number that input number is basically that variable that we went ahead and captured from the users entire response and then it's going and giving me all of these outputs now it's not going to give me all the outputs it only gives me what that API can actually pull from The Source U and you will see in this case what all it is so once I get that information I'm actually going and pasting a message now the message was an additional work that I put in because I actually wanted to go and even see an image because remember this one plug-in action will serve two purposes me giving an input and it automatically goes ahead and gives us an output and in our case we let AI went and described it so let's actually see how this works just to make sure that I'm actually going and triggering this one for my message I'll just go and type for my message I'll just go and type in Lego moment it does that it directly goes ahead and triggers this one topic and now it's asking what Lego part number are you interested in well I'm going to go and say 3030 and click on enter and now that plug-in action immediately works so in the plug-in action it is going ahead and getting that information and here it comes it actually gives me two responses it says the details of the part with the number 3030 are as follows and it gives me a good breakdown it actually tells me what is the name of that part it's telling me a plate which is 4 * 10 it's category ID a part image part URL and over here I knew that was only going to give you URLs or hyperlinks so I added this additional load to actually show me the image but notice what happened this section which is actually an output I did not have to write a note for that that came directly from this plug-in action and that's what I was telling you that plugin actions are actually a big huge timesaver and that's what I love about it but the beauty is that I have created this plug-in action once and I've gone ahead and use it in this topic you can go ahead and use that in other multiple topics as long as they are inside the same co-pilot so hopefully this video gives you a good understanding of what co-pilot plugins are and the difference between the plugins and the plug-in actions and how it is important to start using plug-in actions cuz it's going to save you so much time by using that instead of reusing all of those mod again and again hopefully this help you and as always keep using copilot Studio hello hello hello so if you like this video go ahead and click on that subscribe button and smash that like button also if you have a few extra seconds can you go and put in a comment either say something nice or give me ideas for my next video and until then see you
Channel: Daniel Christian
Views: 3,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Copilot Studio Plugins - Introduction, Daniel Christian Copilot, Daniel Christian Copilot Studio, Daniel Christian Plugins, Conversational Plugin, AI Plugin, Daniel Christian Plugin Action, Example of conversational plugin, Example of plugin action, Generative AI, Open AI, microsoft copilot studio, power virtual agents, Copilot Studio 2024, microsoft copilot studio plugins, microsoft copilot studio training, microsoft copilot studio generative ai
Id: mztLksQuN_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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