Engineer Explains How To Build Your Own Custom Copilot Using Microsoft COPILOT STUDIO

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in this video we're going to talk about tuning co-pilot for Microsoft 365 using co-pilot Studio to build custom co-pilots that provide responses to your specific questions but let's back up a second co-pilot itself for Microsoft 365 does a phenomenal job of giving you responses inside applications like word excel PowerPoint teams and more flows the now paved away to snakes and fakes are chased out back to back to back I changed the pace now had to stack the cash and to the banks [Music] out straight to the top never going down don't wait for the drop it does this by using the Microsoft graph to access your data sources your like your one drive files or your teams chat messages or your SharePoint sites and then leveraging the large language models it gives you a really good response response back but this is all within your tenant what happens if you want to ask co-pilot a question that extends beyond your tenant to thirdparty data sources now there is a toggle for accessing the internet through co-pilot so that you can get more upto-date information there are also connectors and plugins to access third party information these are all really great tools except not everyone has a skill set to use these connectors and plugins this is where co-pilot Studio comes in it's super simple to use let's get down into the step-by-step guide of how to build your own co-pilot Studio let's start off on the web and do a search for co-pilot studio and here it is Microsoft copilot Studio click on it and if you notice on the top right hand side there's a trree let's click on that and I'm going to put in my user here Alex click next it's very easy to get set up very quick we just put in some information and then click on get started now that we have that out of the way the first screen that you see is this co-pilot Studio but also if you check your users email you'll get a welcome email there as well so let's go back to the screen and bypass the first introductory windows and we're going to create our first co-pilot now there's a site that I use very of often that I mentioned uh it's the teams admin site so we're going to call this the teams admin guide and notice that there's many different languages that co-pilot can speak so we'll just stick with English for the website I'll put in this teams admin site I'm just going to copy the URL from here I'm going to paste it in there and we should be good we can click on create takes a little bit of time to get this set up and then in the email you'll also see that when it's set up it'll let you know now here's where you can test your own co-pilot hello I'm the team's admin guide teams admin is what we gave it the name for let's ask it a question what are some of the main features of team's phone it's going to go back to that site that we referenced and voila all this information let's see if it's uh accurate number one Cloud Auto attendance for team's phone yes Cloud call queuing music on hold call answer initiate call forwarding sounds good to me I'm very familiar with teams phone as you guys know and on the bottom there's a couple of reference sites so this is the teams Phone features perfect so it went to the exact place that it needed to and came back with some good information let's ask it another question what countries does Microsoft offer calling plans in and it came back with some information on calling plans and another link that we can click on and this is the Microsoft calling plans for teams which is perfect so again if your users need to have access to a site like this it's very easy just to interact ask another question what are advantages of teams room Pro license compared to the standard license gives us a good response pack about the differences of front row and large Galleries and dual screen support and also a link that compares it to so perfect now on the top left hand side notice this co-pilots menu item this is where all the co-pilots that you create show up we just created one the team's admin guide let's go click on the plus and create another one this is going to be the Microsoft Tech Community we have a very healthy Tech Community this is the site that I'm going to copy and paste for the URL and I'm going to put it in the website and we're going to create this new co-pilot using the tech community so any blog post any new information that gets put up there we can access Now using natural language and co-pilot so let's ask it a question What Microsoft products do you have info on comes back and says I have info on Microsoft 365 five Windows teams and co-pilot fair enough what's the latest news with co-pilot and it comes back with ton of information and if you noticed it's from ignite 2023 which happened in November and it's February now so it's not too long ago so it's relatively accurate later on I'll show you how it's very important to give it some the timelines for co-pilot to be more accurate when we click on on the link it takes us to this ignite 2023 and we can read more from there ask another question what's the latest news with Microsoft teams rooms and so it comes back with a ton of information but if you notice it says ignite 2022 which is rather old so there there in lies The Importance of Being more specific when you're prompting AI right let's try again in the last month have there been any updates around Microsoft teams rooms okay so we're saying in the last month now and it's going to go back and give you this information from December of 20123 I started this in January so it's actually accurate it is the last month so again be very specific with AI if you're generic it's going to give you a generic response back so this was a good response this is the link from December 2023 really fast way for you to get up to dat by just interacting with your own co-pilot this is the value of co-pilot Studio because you can push these out to all your end users ask another question any new teams rooms Hardware in the last two months we learned right be specific and so it's going to come back and share with us yes there have been in the last two months and provides us with a link as well and we can click on it again the value of this is pushing out these co-pilots to your end user so that instead of coming and asking you for all these questions or whoever your experts are they can just interact with these co-pilots which are super intelligent and probably one final question in the last month any news on M365 co-pilot actually I lied this is not the last question so it comes back and says sorry I can't help you with that it's because it doesn't understand what M365 is so I spell it out any news on Microsoft 365 co-pilot and now it gives us better information multiple links which are very recent from November of 20123 when the changes were made around GA of co-pilot General availability so again be very specific you have to kind of massage your prompting and over time you'll become better at how to interact with AI by the way this is where you publish the site so that your end users have access to these co-pilots that you create now if you've enjoyed this video make sure you give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to the channel let me know if you have any questions join our community and I'll catch you on the next [Music] one
Channel: Collaboration Simplified
Views: 3,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft teams, teams, microsoft phone, Shervin, Shervin shaffie, shaffie, collaboration simplified, teams room, desk pro, collaboration, simplified, copilot, m365 copilot, copilot for m365, copilot for microsoft 365, microsoft copilot, microsoft ai, tuning ai, ai fundamentals
Id: a8D9AuOK26A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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