Creating a Custom Generative AI Microsoft Teams Copilot using Copilot Studio

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hey everyone in this video I'm going to show you how to create a co-pilot using Microsoft co-pilot studio and I'm actually going to create like an HR co-pilot that answers questions about HR policies and I'm going to use three different techniques first one is using just topics that I create where I create trigger phrases for topics and then decide what flow the user goes through I'm going to ask them questions and give them some responses the second technique is to use generative AI to do generative AI over an external website so I'm going to put in an external website and I'm going to ask some HR questions that are present on the external site and see if it can answer those questions the third technique I'll use is upload a PDF file into the data verse and have generative AI over that document to answer questions using natural text over content that's in the document that isn't on the website and that isn't covered by any of the topics that I created myself so let's get into it the first step in creating our co-pilot is to visit co-pilot studio. which I've already done and and I have no co-pilots yet in this tenant so I'm going to go ahead and click new co-pilot and here I want to give it a name so I'm going to call this my HR co-pilot the language will be English and using co-pilot generative answers I can actually provide a website to use to pull Knowledge from to provide answers that don't show up in any of the topics that I'm going to create manually so in this case I'm going to use this website and what I'm specifically going to do is ask about job postings so I'm going to ask what current positions are open and see if it comes up with the right answer based on having this grounding data in a website create the co-pilot by hitting the create button so I'm going to pause the video and come back when it's uh when it says it's ready so I just got an email that my co-pilot has been created and is ready to be configured so say we finished creating your co-pilot HR co-pilot you may now access so if I go back to co-pilot page I'm going to refresh that and sure enough I have a co-pilot let me click into that and I have an advisory about some new features I'm going to take a look at these looks interesting great they're adding more features I love it okay what I'm going to do first is just talk to this co-pilot and I'll say hi see what it says back says hello how can I help you and I'm going to ask it uh what is the um what is the holiday schedule and see if it knows it says I'm sorry I can't help you with that can you try rephrasing of course it doesn't know because we haven't created those topics yet so let's go go ahead and do that the first topic I'm going to create is something that does that that answers the question about holiday schedules so I can click into topics I see these are the system topics none of those cover holiday schedules and the non-system topics none of those really covered either so I'm going to go ahead and add a topic it's going to be a topic I'm going to say create from description and this is an interesting new feature in co-pilot Studio where I can give the topic a name and um a suggestion about what it does and copot studio will try to create a topic flow that meets what I want so I'm going to call this a holiday schedule and this is going to be tell user what the holiday schedule is for this year it's not exactly the way I'm going to configure in the end but it's a good start okay so it says this topic was created with AI it's fine so it created some some phrases for me this is actually pretty cool usually I would have to edit these and type in phrases myself I think these look pretty good holiday opening hours I'm not really going to cover that so I'll delete that one holidays off special holiday schedule um closures get rid of that holiday hours no holiday schedule upcoming holidays I'm going to add another one I'm going to add uh national holidays so these are the phrases that will trigger this topic I think that looks fine and then here it says the messages the holiday schedule for this year is as follows and it's made up some some samples so let's just as a starter let's save that and see if it works and then we'll customize it so what is the H schedule this year question and now I get the answer that came out of this topic so hey that's a start now let's make this even better so what I actually want to do is cover two years and have something that is uh a little more customized so what I'm going to do is add a node I'm going to make this to ask a question and my question is going to be for what year would you like the holiday schedule question it's going to be multiple choices so I'm just going to put in um for this demo I'm not going to drive it with data I'm I'm I'm really just going to put in 2023 and we'll put in 2024 enter great okay so this should then ask the user which year do they mean it's going to sort in variable and these are the two conditions I'm only get them two choices so they're going to have to be one or the other um and so I'm going to display for them the holiday calendar and then and what I'm going to do is I will just send them back to the start again and this one down here I can delete great so like a little flowchart now let's define what the user sees if they choose 2023 so we're going to send them a message and rather than text message I'm actually going to add an Adaptive card so I can get some nice form minuted output so I'm going to paste in my adaptive card Json here and this you'll kind of see what this looks like but essentially the Adaptive card is the type and the body has a title and a subtitle and then a table of values so let's go ahead and you can see what that going to look like it actually looks better in teams but within the editor that's what that's what we get it looks pretty good now let's add the 2024 version again add an Adaptive card card content looks like that so I've got 2023 2024 so this will give a nice guided experience so this isn't a generative AI topic this topic is pretty much pre-programmed so let's try it and see how it works let me save that now we'll say what is the holiday schedule this year and it asks me which year do I want to ask about I'll say 2023 and I get a nice formated output and you can see here it went to the top again let me ask the question same question again and this time I'll choose 2024 I get 2024 I'm going to add one more topic this time I'll go from blank so the trigger phrases now because I didn't use the generative authoring environment I have to make them up myself so this was going to be about vacation so so it's going to say what vacation do I have U let's go with um can I take time off what PTO is available and what I'm doing is trying to get of the way that people might ask these questions and give several examples and that'll give the co-pilot a better idea to match the question to the appropriate topic so we'll go with that that's fine for now and then here again we're going to ask a question so I'm going to actually do this similar to the previous and I'm going to say how many years have you been an employee this again mult multiple choice makes a lot of sense here because in this case our vacation policy or our time off policy um has four different options so let me go add what the option is so each of these will send a different message because the message is different depending on the years and then rather than adaptive card I'm just going to Output text so there are my four different outputs depending on the number of years now let's go over here and try this so I'll actually recycle this and I'll put in how much PTO do I get and it says how many of years have been an employee and during the preview it's in this preview window it's kind of scrolling but let's say that we we have 6 to 15 years and here we say 6 to 15 years you say 3 weeks okay that's good that's great I'll go back to topics and I have holiday schedule I have PTO by years that looks good so my third objective is to be able to ask about job postings I didn't create a topic for that but I did provide the external website which has job postings so let's see if we can get that what J job opening do we have now and here we actually got a pretty good answer so we have these job postings are available so there's one two 3 four and here's the reference document so we click out there those are the four so that part works right out of the box and in fact we actually could ask just about anything else uh that we might find out here so so we might say um tell me about food and beverage Solutions let's see what we get if we do that tell me about food and beverage Solutions and here we get content from the website about food and beverage Solutions so that's kind of cool so we had to do almost nothing for that now there is one requirement that I have for the this co-pilot and that is I want to be able to talk about other things that are in the employee handbook not just those two topics that I created uh manually so here's a just a sample um employee handbook that I downloaded from the internet to use for this solution and let's say that we wanted to look up something specific from here so how about personal leave what may per what what if we wanted to ask what can personal leave be used for let's try that what can be used for and it says I'm sorry I'm not sure how to help you with that can you try your phrasing so it doesn't know anything about that so let's see if we can add that in with another generative AI solution so here we have the website that's where it got the job posting information but let's see if we if I add in the employee handbook PDF file and let that get indexed let's see if we can ask questions about it as well and then we'll have some things that we pre-program some things from the web some things from a document and let's see how that works so so this file upload complete files have been successfully uploaded to dataverse they will be available for generative answers shortly so I'm going to give that a few minutes to index and then we can try it okay so I took a break for oh less than 5 minutes about 2 or 3 minutes and I think that this thing now can tell tell us what is inside that employee manual so I'm going to paste in what can personal leave be used for and see if we now get an answer and now we get personal leave can be used for various purposes including medical Etc if I look at the original document to see if it's actually right it looks pretty good it created an you can see the generative AI kicking in because it a numbered list for me and it picked out the details it thought that were the most important but it didn't include everything in this section just what it thought was important now that we've tested the co-pilot in the co-pilot Studio let's go ahead and get that deployed out to teams so there are two steps here one is to publish it so that it's available to be sent to a channel and then we'll send it to the team's channel so to publish it we just need to go to the publish tab press the publish button ask to do you want to publish the latest content definitely publish I had a quick message that said my publishing had completed at the top of the screen with that disappeared but I can see here that it says my published co-pilot is good to go published a few seconds ago that's awesome so now that it's published I wanted to put it into my teams environment so I'm want to configure a channel so I can see teams is down here in the channels area so if I go to channels I choose teams and I want to turn this co-pilot on for teams so I'll do that I can see up here it says adding Channel I'm going to edit the details and I don't really like the color so let me change the color to something else so I will go with kind of this I don't know how about little light blue color then I'm going to change the icon I'm going to choose this custom icon that I created kind of an orange color uh no I don't like the background color as much so let's change that to let's change that to a blue color yeah that looks pretty good okay and then we're going to give it a short description we're going to say our HR co-pilot and then we'll say this is use this co-pilot to ask about HR policies procedures at our [Applause] company there we go and allow your users to add the spot to a team sure more developer name this is fine okay this is fine this is fine this won't really matter but we'll go ahead and save then we have a message that changes are saved it might take a while for changes to be updated before when opening your Bot in teams so I want to see how this looks so I'm just going to ahead and click this open bot button and I want to use the web app and here's where I can add the co-pilot to my personal environment I'll click add and so here I am in teams so I can use this pretty much the same way so let me ask the same kinds of questions so I'll say uh what is the holiday [Applause] schedule I wants to know what year do I want to know about how about next year please as of analy next year so schedule very nicely formatted table very clear great so now I'm kind of back at the beginning and I'll I'll say um how much PTO do I get and this is finding that topic that I created with the flowchart and it wants to know how many years of service do I have okay let's say I have 2 to 5 years well during the second or fifth year great 12 days that looks good and then the third scenario is what open positions do we have right now and this will search through our website to find that yep those are the three that are correct and if I want to see the reference for that I can click on the number that takes me to that page looks awesome and then the last scenario was searching the employee manual let's find something that is absolutely only in the employee manual how about how many days of bereavement leave do we get many days of leave do I get and hopefully this won't be on the website and will only be in the document and that's where it will find it and it did so 3 days of B pay bement in the event of of a member of your immediate family let's see if that's actually correct it is good okay so that's our co-pilot that we created pretty quickly and we used several different scenarios so we used generative AI from a website generative AI from a document and we did topics which we controlled through a flowchart flow within the co-pilot Studio itself so I hope you found that interesting or at least you learned something I'll see you next time
Channel: Rob Kerr AI
Views: 2,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teams, Copilot, Microsoft
Id: 733iiLMq5NY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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