Make Your Own Custom AI Builder Prompts for the Power Platform!

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it just got a lot easier to work with the greatex with GPT model in AI builder thanks to new custom prompts this new functionality gives us a place to store and curate custom prompts to use inside of AI Builder easily and it's natively built right into the Power Platform so let's take a look at how they work how to build one and how to use them in power apps and power aomy to get to the new AI promps page you go to make. Power and go over to your leftand navigation menu click on the more Tab and you'll look for aiub and if you haven't already make sure to click that PIN to pin this to your navigation in the AI Hub you'll see this section now for AI prompts and this will take you to the AI prompt landing page this will be your One-Stop shop to not only see the pre-built prompts that are there for the create text with GPT action and AI Builder to do things like classifying text doing sentiment analysis extracting information and responding to complaints but also your place to go to create new custom prompts and you'll you see all the prompts for your organization that you have access to as well as the ability to filter by the ones shared with you and the prompts that you've created the most powerful piece of this whole thing is the ability to curate and create your own custom prompts so to do that you'll click the create text using custom prompts button one option here is you could start from a template so if you know you want to have a prompt to extract information from text you can click on that pre-built template and just customize it to your needs but I'm going to focus on creating one totally from scratch so to do that we'll click the custom task with custom prompts option and choose to create a custom prompt button now we can start building our prompt here in this blank text input for me I want to have a prompt that allows me to evaluate résumés I want to pass in a resumé and the job requirements and have the generative AI model give me a recommendation for if this person is a good hire so I'm going to start typing my prompt here so I'll say act as an HR recruiter evaluate this resume and here is where I want to paste in some dynamic content and you'll actually notice we have this yellow message that pops up letting us know that we do have to have at least one Dynamic value before we can even save this prompt to add a dynamic value we're going to choose this add a dynamic value button and it gives us this little input box where we can give this Dynamic value a name this is really just like declaring a variable so I'm going to call this ré text and press enter to confirm that and when we press enter you can see it applied that so there's our variable basically and we can always change the name of this at any time if we want to by clicking on the pencil button so now I can put in Dynamic content from my power app or flow and pass that into this prompt so I want to evaluate this resume and I'll say and compare it against the job requirements and we need another Dynamic input here so I'll choose Dynamic value for this one we'll just call it job requirements enter and then I just have some additional information that I've already typed out here some instructions for the model I want to to basically get a higher no higher recommendation based off how good of a fit the person is and give an executive summary bullet point summary really of the main qualifications strengths weaknesses and all that so these are just instructions that I'm passing to the model now at this point it's pretty much ready but before I save it I want to make sure to rename it because you see it gives us this very unhelpful name for the prompt just custom prompt with the date and time so I'm going to highlight that and we'll call this resume r view okay so I'm going to save this now that I have a meaningful name and at this point once it's saved it's ready to use inside of an app or flow but before we do try to venture into using it I think it's a good idea to use the built-in test functionality so you see we have this test your prompt option and if we expand that out it has our Dynamic values that we defined and we can paste content into those so I actually have some sample resume text that I had generative AI create for me I'm going to paste all all of this long text in here in this box and then I'm going to paste my job requirements for a Power Platform Advocate job into this box here and now we'll just click the test prompt button and see what output we get and it looks pretty good it's kind of comparing what the main requirements are here and giving us a pretty good summary I could tweak The Prompt at this point if it wasn't giving me exactly what I wanted so maybe it's a little too long so I could say give a three paragraph summary of the candidates qualifications three paragraphs is kind of long so I'll say a one paragraph I'll say include a higher or no higher decision at the top based on how closely they match the requirements okay so I tweaked it a little bit and we'll see if this gives us a better result so I made that change so now let's go back and we'll do another test all right so a little bit better we'll run with it though for the sake of seeing how to use these prompts here so now we'll close out of this and we'll see as soon as we do that now in the my prompts tab here we have the resumé review prompt so this is my spot to go to see all the prompts that I've created and right now I'm the only one that has access to this if I want to share this I can go to the share Tab and just like I would share an application or workflow I could type anyone's name in my organization and I could share this particular prompt with them so that they can use it as well now let's look at using this in a flow first so we'll go over to power automate and for the sake of keeping things simple I'm going to use this in a instant flow but you can use this in any business process that you have so if you want to have this automatically run when a new email is received and extract the attachment of the resume and all that you can totally do that I'm just going to keep it simple so we'll go over to our create button here in power automate we'll do an instant Cloud flow and choose the manually trigger a flow option and choose create now we have our nice new new flow designer and we can click on the plus button and add an action and let's see how we go and get that prompt that we just created so to do that in our search the easiest way is to search for create text and it should first thing pop up the AI Builder connector and in that connector you'll see we have two different actions so we have create text with GPT which is the classic quote unquote action to be able to paste in your own prompt and call it directly there but the one we want for this new custom promps functionality is the create text with GPT using a prompt because if we select that one it'll give us a drop-down box that will show us all of the custom prompts that we've defined that we have access to so in here I can see there is my resumé review prompt and now if I select that another panel will pop open with the inputs that we have defined so we have our job requirements and we have our resume text and that's really all we have to do to call our new custom prompt now I want to make this Dynamic so I'm going to go back to my manually trigger a flow trigger and I'm going to add in some input so that when I run this I can dynamically paste in the requirements and the resume so I'm going to add a text input I'll just call this resumé input and then another text input that we'll call requirements input so now going back to our create text with GPT using a prompt Action Now inside of these individual inputs I can choose the lightning bolt icon which gives us our Dynamic content and map the requirements to our requirements input and the ré text to our ré input now at this point I'm going to give this a name so we'll call this resumé review and I can click save now when I click save though I did this on purpose you'll see this red box that pops up it's letting us know that four responsible possible AI purposes we do want to run any AI generated text with this action through an approval process so that a human can review it and make sure that there's nothing malicious or wrong with the outputed text so before we save this and test it out and use it we'll go and do that right now so we'll go to our plus button We'll add an action and we'll search for approval We'll add a start and wait for an approval action we'll choose the approval type so we'll do just first to respond and then we'll just fill out the details here so I can say review AI generated text I'll assign that to myself in this case and then in the details we'll use our Dynamic content again and in the create text with GPT action here we'll get the generated text so that we can review that and just to finish this out let's add one more action and we'll add a condition just to check was this approved or not and then we'll use our Dynamic content again so we'll say if the outcome of that approval is equal to approve and then if so at this point that's when we probably want to proceed with our process whether it's sending an email the recommendation or whatever it might be in my case I'll just do an add an action and we'll just do a compose which lets us see in the workflow what the output was so in the compose I'll do Dynamic content again and we'll point that to our AI generated text here so here's our text and that will close out this this process so that we can test it okay now let's do a save everything's green that's good that means we can actually test this thing so we'll click the test button we'll do the manual option and now we have our input where we paste in our resumé and our requirements so here is our resumé text and here are our requirements and we'll just choose run flow so it's triggered looks like it's already got the text there so it should be on the approval step so I'll open up power power automate again and we'll go over to our approvals tab to see if we have that approval there and looks like we do there it is and there is our AI generated text so I can review all that looks like it is recommending that person for the job if it looks good to me I can say approve and that should finish out our process here and it looks like the flow ran successfully I can see the inputs and the outputs natively in the flow run history as well of what happened and we're good to go so that's how easy it is to use this inside of power automate with the custom prompts now let's segue to power apps and see how we can do the same thing inside of power apps so I'm going to go to my create button we'll do a blank application we'll just do a canvas app here I'll call this one resumé review click create now this isn't required by any means but I like using the new modern controls for power apps because they look really nice so I'm I'm going to enable that feature by going to settings upcoming features and searching for modern and we'll toggle this option on and now when I go to insert we'll see this modern tab here so I'll add in a new modern text input and I'll add in let's see a modern label for text there and finally We'll add in a modern button so these are the basics of what we need so I'm just going to rearrange these so we're going to need one label for ré where we can put in the ré this will be the rum text that will paste in and I'm going to copy both of these twice so we'll have resume we'll have requirements and then we'll have the output of what the recommendation was so I'm just going to rename these this one is requirement and this one is recommendation and so make things easier when I had to get to building formulas I'm going to go ahead and rename these controls right away so this input here I'm going to rename to text resume this one here I'll rename to text requirements and this one here let's make text recommendation all right so we have all the basics in the app to make it function that we need uh the button real quick I'll rename this to get recommendation all right so now the piece is how do we get that custom prompt inside of power apps so to do that we'll go over to our data sources tab because at the end of the day this is a data source that we've created so if we go to the add data option what you'll do is actually search for the name of the prompt that you created because it basically creates that prompt as a data source for you to use inside of your power app so we called ours ré review prompt and you see as soon as I type ré in that search box there it shows that rume review prompt option with the AI Builder logo so we know that is a custom prompt there so so we just select that and that adds that as a data source that we can use inside of our power app and once we have that in we can go to our button and this is where we actually call and execute that prompt so in this button we'll go to the on select and to call this data source we call it like any other data source that we have to call our prompts so we'll put in the name here of ré review prompt and you'll see we have a DOT predict this is how we actually call that prompt itself and when we do that we have our telesense letting us know the inputs that we need for this particular function so this is the inputs that we defined when we initially created that prompt so first it's expecting the job requirements separated by a comma and then the resume text so we combine these to these text boxes that we just put in to make that call so I can say text requirements. value for the first one and then it wants the resume text so we'll say text resume. value for that one and we'll just close that out so that will actually go and make that call now the thing we need here though is I need to be able to take that information and put that into this recommendation text box one way to do that is by storing this data in a variable so I can wrap this whole function inside an update context I can give this variable a name of VAR recommendation now after this predict if I do a DOT you see that we actually have two outputs of this call it gives us a finish reason so this is really good for debugging like if it didn't execute correctly but the one that we actually want to store in this variable is the text that's the actual outputed textt of this so now I can close that out and now that stores somewhere that I can access the final piece here is to go into my recommendation text input and its value property and bind it to that variable we just set those are all the pieces we need so now we can test this out so we'll run this application we're going to paste in our job requirements here now when we do that you see that we can't really see all of the requirements this is just a simple setting we need to toggle for these inputs so if we click on this one there's a mode setting which is set to single line by default but if we change it to multi-line then we can see all the text so let's go through and do that for each one of these really quick so we can see all the text that we have we'll go back to running our app and I'll paste in my resume text there we go and now we should be able to just click that get recommendation button and it should fill out that data in this recommendation field field based off of what the generative model thinks all right there we go so there's our review of the resume and looks good it worked so that's how simple it is to call these custom prompts for AI Builder inside of your powerups hopefully this is a good overview of what you can do with this new functionality it's really making it easier to integrate and use use the create text with GPT model in AI Builder now of course there's all kinds of things you can do if you want to do more than using AI Builder and you want to use some of the co-pilots and save your prompts for that in an easy to store Central place you can still do things like using the prompt management application that I built in power apps and it's available on our Power Platform samples repository so this gives you a way to tag your prompts by categories by products so if I want to see Power automate co-pilot promps or power apps co-pilot prompts and curate those for my organization I can bookmark them I can copy and paste those into the product I can store prompts even outside of the Microsoft ecosystem in here this is a good tool still for that type of use case as well in addition to the powerful functionality that we now have with these prompts for AI Builder if you use these prompts I would love to know what you think drop a note in the comments and let me know and if you have any ideas for other topics you'd like me to talk about on the channel let me know I am open for suggestions thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: April Dunnam
Views: 5,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Custom AI Builder Prompts, Microsoft Copilot Studio, Power Platform, AI Builder, Create Text with GPT, GPT, Generative AI, Power Platform AI Builder, Power Apps, Power Automate, artificial intelligence, power automate tutorial for beginners, chat gpt, power apps microsoft, Copilot, Copilot Studio, prompt engineering, Azure OpenAI, power platform ai builder, power platform generative ai, power platform azure openai, April Dunnam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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