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yes and it says peasants me well then it has other jewels too or just diamonds just diamonds okay so if we find out our ones we can thank you key dokey this dumpster is shared by oh well hello telling me the park because their stuff that looks like a camping chair in this bags head he's heavy [Music] kind of with this can't be chair or something I like a bad card though that's nice like P that's stain it's real Leopard definitely is that a hit somebody's head is in here well there's a hair salon right there these must be clips for a wig [Music] defeated this.width red show Janet's read it okay so this came from that hair supply place that hair money money in here yeah we've hit the mother lode nobody can be bothered to get their money out oh yeah just keeps adding up folks just keeps adding up spread some butter everywhere orders [Music] yeah we're gonna give then we're gonna have a laser that don't fit at least the dollar I think we'll have two dollars total what do you think more oh man but that one's devalued nevermind I thought there was something stuck on it I got it off of it right now we're at and this is 75 85 95 Oh a dollar five six seven eight nine there's like a dollar eleven right that's what the mother oh yeah freakin money everywhere it's a needle yes just when you think you're not gonna find anything you find a fortune you get it it just keeps turning the money won't stop whoa where's a little change counter I don't know but right about now I think we might even be able to get a grande a grande I'm gonna get us a grande coffee hey that key that key is important okay we might run into some safe it has more cash some squares can I try those for my gift card reading scan see what happens I think was it linked to life no how many dollars that's a quarter that's a penny and a nickel a penny and a dime I need another penny just when you think it's all over that is a giant comb the change when you go to this dollar counter thing the change counter here it's gonna be like no no rubber bands no hair wait let me get them whatever that thing is on there okay okay we're they're just rolling in it rolling in the dough my back is burning up but it's worth it could be in the Sun as long as we've got all this money [Music] I'm on I'm on I'm on I guess we could mother mother mother mom me get some more quarters penny boy at the time it's a bag of money money and with the money know what we might have to take that and have it checked out I'm running out of places to put this money silver okay we need to give you a little bag there's a bracelet earring okay Oh Oh bunny somebody just like I'm sure on this away I think that's real yep yes yes it is we gotta get that checked out that's real okay sounds crazy okay I grab this poop bag to put it in all right can you put money in the bag how about the freaking Kooning her that ring more money [Music] you're going to bring this one lots of money interactions matter corner big diamond [Music] ranee time [Music] this is stuff oh boy a whole other side Oh under the knife more money more money this one's got some relax or something drip in here so this bag is destroyed why did they give up I just didn't want to dig through it like we are we have a contest to see who could see how many times we save money money money money money a gift card hardly possible okay [Music] I was hoping there'd be money on everybody knows Tim may poke me penny just fell out there is money in this oh that was hot so hot here okay that last one definitely came from no more money in this what is the purpose of this bag like shaky like a slingback a nice hit alright oh it's an ice a refrigerator tight back but they would get a cup of honey look for there's more they have many more the jewels in there helps tell it's too bad let's double check under that's where you hide the goods all right that's money a bag of money bag of money let me let me see inside that bag this is just loaded with moolah sweat is through that and we're gonna check the date on every single one all right okay so we got that bag of money out of this one and we also got this giant diamond ring we're gonna have to get this checked out but we're feeling pretty confident about this thing if this suckers real that is a huge I mean it's not gonna fit on my finger but that's a big ring right there okay we decided to go hit a pawn store test this baby now look and see if they can we're gonna play now how much dollars that giant diamond is worth could be the hope at me you know there's the blue diamond that can be the yellow this is the one everybody doesn't know about this will be funny just to see what that jeweler says we're going to cash out yeah we'll go to a pawn shop not a jeweler maybe or something cuz if a pawn shop whatever just the right amount of money even though they're going to need to make a profit sell it and hit the road okay so this could be our last video you might because after this we're gonna go and just go crazy with the money what are we gonna get you can we get a Tesla you're gonna get I'm getting an in Burma Starbuck superbug okay so if I get a Tesla yeah then you get your amber mug right my mug is $80 and then we'll go on a road trip in the Tesla supposedly you could drive a Tesla from California to New York and there will be a place to plug in all the way across the country and if you did go on some side roads and you ran out of power you can go to an RV park the stuffs dead dial this in for me so we're gonna buy a Tesla okay if there's any money left over we're gonna buy an ember mud and then then we're just got free we just start going cross-country and we'll dumpster dive all the way across in a Tesla dumpster diving across the United States and at Tesla I would make that would be that's what we're gonna do so thanks to this ring you're getting your Tesla getting my test cut steps getting our ember mug this is a wonderful day it's a great day I'm so excited about a come on ring and we'll let you guys know where we're stopping along the way and then we can meet up with other dumpster divers you guys can hang out with this for the 20 minutes or whatever it is let us know we'll do it on Instagram hey we're coming in to Topeka Topeka Kansas and then boom we dumpster dive with somebody that's a dumpster diver on his channel yeah you guys tell us where there's a hot dumpster and we'll go get your dumpsters with you all the way across country in a Tesla all right so looks like we got a new journey since this diamond ring is gonna pay off yeah a new top how much is it know Tesla how would I know I don't know either we need that ring to be worthless nobody use Tesla I don't all by Houston I know yes says it's my wedding ring he says it's real this is real we just want to see if it's real you guys buy that all right you guys want to take it over there mister sir okay can you hold this on it let's just see you have scans everybody yeah okay so I know my shoulder like this so you had always said Ripper yeah what was it saying the firm means like that it's basically not a real diamond yeah okay when it says pass and that's women it's a real day awesome no you guys want to get how it does with this when it's right yeah sure that's fine [Applause] and it says presents well then it has other jewels too or just diamonds just diamonds okay yeah so if we find out our ones we can thank you thank you so much that's so cool yeah it wasn't really that was fun it was really cool it was cool thank you guys I'm glad they're really cool about that I thought they would look at it with one of those things that's you don't even need to know anything ever know and we have if you worked it you don't need to know a thing I know that when it goes the diamond tester we have I know but I want to test one something that we have with a real one in it like maybe my grandma's ring or something right here and just test our machine to make sure unless you know where this diamond yeah but you with it that'll be fun anyways too bad yeah but we didn't find out if it was gold or silver that's true but I do have a tester at home maybe it was owned by somebody famous well I'm not giving up on that piece of that ring so we learned something new and we found some nice people that if we do need to pawn shop that was a nice pawn shop gems and loans yeah that's cool and guess what what while we were waiting like we found that earlier and then we decided to take to a pawn store the anticipation we we got that forever like that excitement of going hey we're gonna go get this checked and maybe it'll be real that was real it was a we get to keep that experience forever exactly and we got we know they were really cool about doing it there so it'll be fun we could take some others things we found in there yeah under the next thanks for doing this enjoy your life hi guys
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 207,471
Rating: 4.8781362 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving, We went dumpster diving, found this suitcase in the dumpster, suitcase, bag of money, diamond ring, pawn shop, ring, donate, reuse, repurpose, recycle, sell, THIS RING WAS IN A DUMPSTER!
Id: HRDfnSgiyhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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