Michael Che Points Out the Lies He Told in a "Things You Don't Know About Me" Article

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-I follow you on Instagram. I'm a big fan of yours, obviously. But I just realized -- I just saw you deleted almost all of your photos. -Yeah, I got really manic. Sometimes, I just -- Well, what happened was -- I saw this girl on Instagram, and she had like 4,000 pictures of herself. And I was like, "That's so many pictures." But I had like 400, so I couldn't make fun of her, 'cause that's equally insane. -Yeah. -So, I liked every single one of them, of hers, and she called me a creep. She's got 4,000 pictures of herself, and I'm the weirdo? -[ Laughing ] Yeah. It is a lot of pictures, man. -That's a lot of pictures. Well, you can't develop that many pictures. Like, I think that's the thing. Since you don't have to develop pictures and they just go into space, nobody cares. So if she had, like, a duffel bag of rolls of film and she, like, sent them to CVS and was like, "I need these pictures developed," and then they were all just her in her bathroom, they'd be like, "This lady should be on somebody's list." -Yeah. -So I deleted mine. I didn't want to be that person with 400 -- You don't need that many pictures of me. -But you kept a few. -I kept a few that I couldn't part with. You know, I couldn't... -Like, you have -- This is you and Colin. -Yeah, that was a late one. That's, like, the latest one. So I was like, "Okay, that's, like, something current so you know that I'm me." That's me and Colin. -That's kind of cool. -Yeah, that's a good one. We did that for Delta in-flight magazine. -Oh, yeah, I like the in-flight magazine. -And then that's -- Oh, that's a picture from the 40th anniversary party, where Prince performed. -Yeah, dude, I was -- -Yeah, you're there. -That's me. That's me singing with Chris Rock. -Yeah. -Dude, you know what? How mad is Chris Rock? Probably like, "Dude, why am I not singing with Prince right now?" He's, like, so mad. -That was random as hell. -That was unbelievable. -But I can't delete that. It's Prince. Come on. -No, you can't. Yeah, that was amazing. -He's the best. -This is -- Oh, this is you and Cecily Strong. -Me and Cecily was at the game, and that was fun, so I kept that one, too. -Yeah, you got to keep that one. That's a good one. -That's, like, friends. -And then... Yeah, that's your friend. -And then this one is me and my other friend, Jared Freid. But this is a very special moment, 'cause he had never sat courtside before. And he was very excited to get one of those T-shirts that they throw. -Oh, the T-shirt guns? -Yeah. It was, like, it meant a lot to him, so they gave him one. And I asked to see it and I chucked it into the stands. -What?! Why would you do that? -I don't like people being happy around me. -So, that's you right after you threw it? -Yeah, that's me. That's me laughing maniacally and him saying, "Why would you do that?" I was like, "Dawg, who cares? And now we got a good moment." -You posted that you're gonna do some stand-up in London. -Yeah, I'm going back to the U.K. -- that's exciting -- this summer. -Have you done that before? -I have. It's fun. It's fun to perform there. The audiences are great. And, you know, it'll be cool. -People like you? -They like me, but they're, like -- You know, they're prejudiced, but not because of racial. It's like because you're American. Like, I went to a McDonald's. No, this is true. I went to McDonald's and I heard these guys behind me. After I was ordering, this guy was like, "Ugh! What's he doing here?" And I was like, "Excuse me?" He was like, "We don't like Americans." And I was like, "Oh, thank God. That's all?" -"Oh, that's it?" -Also, how are you gonna be prejudiced against Americans in a McDonald's? That's like my embassy. -Embassy. I am in McDonald's. -I'm in McDonald's. -American as that right there. -Oh, yeah. You can't get kicked out of McDonald's for being too American. -The fourth season -- This is your fourth season just doing "Weekend Update." -Yeah. -You're fantastic at it. Oh, man, oh, man. I love you and Colin. And congratulations. -That's very nice of you. -Now, I see that you guys do press a lot together, and you did one of these press events. It was in a magazine. It's those lists of, like, "20 things you didn't know about me." -That's true. -Yeah. And, so -- -I'm not good at that kind of stuff. -No. But Colin -- -Colin is very good at it, in that he does it. So, we were supposed to say 20 things that we know about each other -- or that people don't know, right. And he actually did it, and I just kept putting it off. I wouldn't do it, I wouldn't do it. And then, finally, I decided to do it, but I just kept putting Tupac lyrics as facts about myself. -Yeah. -So, like, one would be like, "When I was younger, me and my mother had beef. I was 17 years old. She kicked me out on the streets." -Did they catch on? -Yes. -Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. -And they said, "You can't do that." So, I was just like -- I had to just put up a bunch of stuff that maybe wasn't all true. -Well, let's go through a couple things. -Yeah, people will ask me, like, if this stuff's true, and, like, some of it is, some of it isn't. -"Michael Che -- things you don't know about me. 1 -- I love lists." -That's not true. I hate lists. -"I do squats every day." -No. I don't do them any day. -"I don't do them any day." -Squats, you got -- That's no. Absolutely not. -"I use women's deodorant." -Okay, that's true, but not on purpose. I didn't know that it was women's deodorant. I use Dove deodorant, and I didn't know that that was women's deodorant, 'cause it comes in a white canister and the Dove soap is white. I just thought it was deodorant for white people. I didn't know it was, like -- It doesn't say "women's" on it. It just says -- -You thought it was deodorant for white people. -It's white. -Yeah. -Secret says like, "For a woman." -Yeah, that's true. -Dove is just like, "Original clean." -One here says, "My mother is world famous in Puerto Rico." -That's plausible, 'cause I've never been to Puerto Rico. Who knows? She could be. Who am I to -- -Yeah, you got to fact-check that one. Yeah, exactly. -She could be huge. -How about this? "I like to bird-watch. That's why I have binoculars in my apartment." -All right, both of those things are true, but completely unrelated. -Michael Che, everybody. "Saturday Night Live" returns on May 5th with Donald Glover and musical guest Childish Gambino.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 981,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Michael Che, Points Out, Lies, Told, Things You Don't Know About Me, Article, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, Fallon Stand-up, Fallon monologue, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Saturday Night Live, comedian, Weekend Update, War, Detroiters, Top Five, sketch writer, head writer
Id: pnQMdt91X18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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