Mexican Brisket + The Best Taco Ever

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hey it's Matt with meat church and welcome back to my outdoor kitchen can our crazy popular Mexican pulled pork recipe work on a brisket [Music] so we have this Mexican pulled pork recipe on and also a video on this YouTube channel and it is just insanely popular it's so popular that it has made its way into my barbecue schools as one of the primary meets that I teach I grew up in the South so when you said pulled pork to me it meant sweet it meant barbecue sauce not Savory at all and first off this thing's not all that Mexican is always my joke but a competition cook buddy mine Woody we've talked about this for a long time and he came up with this concept of slathering a pork butt in Cholula hot sauce and seasoning it with our fajita seasoning which is salt pepper garlic onion Citrus no sugar at all and making a Savory pork butt and if you grew up on sweet getting this contrast of savoriness is awesome it makes amazing tacos like I said it's so popular that we've basically been forced to teach it at our barbecue schools and Dawn on our crew has been saying for months you've got to try a brisket like that so full disclosure we've never done this this is a test I don't think it'll be bad based on how good it is on pork so we're going to give it a shot the great thing about it we're going to chop this up or pull it or something like that at the end probably chop it because it's easier and anytime you can chop an entire brisket you can do all sorts of stuff with it clearly you can make tacos tostadas nachos sandwiches like all sorts of stuff you can bag up leftovers save it really versatile you know it's going to be great the other thing is you don't have to buy an amazing piece of beef when you plan on chopping it so you don't have to buy a prime grade you could save some money and buy a lower grade select Choice something like that but this starting out as a 15 pound brisket that we got at our local HEB and I've just trimmed it to this point not going to trim it for you today I'll put a card up here on my trim method but I always say I trim pretty aggressively and what I mean by that is I trim it down to where the the flat is not so thin anymore so it all Cooks it's all great basically in the end but you don't have to trim this aggressively if you don't want to so let's jump into this so we're starting out with the Cholula as our hot sauce for a binder and it doesn't have to be Cholula it can be whatever you want I'm going with what Woody started with and this is what we use on the pork so here we are we're just gonna hammer it with it and a lot of times people say you know binders don't really affect the flavor profile well we're going to use this Cholula three times so you will taste it and before you're too worried about it it's not going to be all that hot if you follow my recipes for a long time you know that I like hot but I'm not a fan of like super hot personally so this is going to be just fine for you and you know just keep your audience in mind you know if you've got your kids involved and maybe don't do so much of this but adults love this on pork as I keep saying so we've got it pretty slathered up here and let's talk about seasoning I mentioned that we're going to use our fajita seasoning so the fajita seasoning actually has less salt than holy cow but it can taste salty if you put too much of it on certain things that's not going to be the case with this because this is a huge piece of meat but I'm going to start with just straight black pepper this is 16 mesh pepper this is the same pepper that's in holy cow I keep it on hand because I'm a pepper lover pepper catches smoke it helps build bark so I'm just going to add some extra pepper onto the top of it this is optional just something I like to do I do it on all sorts of meats chickens ribs I like to contrast for the pepper pops as it comes through and as I said it helps build bark so I'll do that on the other side of the moment too but first let's go fajita I'm gonna go pretty heavy because again you're going to chop this up it's not you're not going to hurt it it's not going to be too salty I'm just going to Pat it on flip it over to the other side I cook fat side up that's why I season the meat side first pepper first make sure you get your edges you can use the board to get your edges too I always say this I like to season at least 12 inches high if not 18 maybe a little higher because I want an even application if you get too close when you're seasoning you'll get real splotchy put a bunch in a certain area so just nice and even I'm just going to Pat it on here now what I would normally do I always tell people like I feel like people are preparing briskets on the weekends if that's the case I would love to do everything we've done to this point at night Friday night trim it come home from work crack open a beer trim your brisket slather It season it put it in a pan put it in your fridge and just let it sit I'd love to let seasoning it here for at least an hour or so really let it penetrate you know go overnight if you can don't always have the amount of time so just work with work with what you got but I'm going to hand this off and let's talk about how we're going to cook this one because good news for y'all and better news for my Crews we don't they don't have to be here all day I've actually been smoking a brisket all day that I prepared like that so let me talk about my fire first so today I'm cooking on my mil scale 94 gallon offset smoker you can replicate this recipe on any type of cooker that you have I always teach time and temperature so whether you're cooking on a pellet grill kamado grill Offset Smoker maybe you want to make this in your oven you get to choose whatever your cooking device is in this case we're running a mill scale I'm shooting for 250 degrees it's running a little hot at the moment but we're cooking this with Mesquite so Mesquite is a really popular Texas wood particularly in South Texas to me Mesquite Burns a little hot it has kind of a distinct taste wood is a pairing with whatever it is that you're cooking and so I thought that would pair nicely with this we started this fire out in a charcoal chimney uh that my buddy Matt at cotton gin smokers made for me we built the fire in there we've dumped it in the Firebox and then we've been running um you know chunks of mosquito or smaller smaller not chunks but smaller pieces of uh of Mesquite in this fire I've been cooking a brisket for just over seven hours right at about seven and a half hours instead I was shooting 250 it's okay if you go lower it's okay if you go higher it's an offset your temperature is going to fluctuate this pit runs like a dream I'm going to open it up see the one that's been cooking I'm going to grab some gloves and I'm gonna bring it out for you guys to see all right so I use my instant read you first off you can you know if cooking for me is visual you can see bark has formed pretty nicely we're at 170. I usually like to wrap about 175 but with this recipe since we're chopping it in the end you could have wrapped at 165 you could have wrapped it 180 and we're going to wrap in a pan so like I said really pretty bark now that seasoning is kind of orangish reddish in color so this isn't going to be as dark as like a holy cow brisket or something like that so that kind of explains why it looks the way that it looks so we're going to put this in a pan because now it's time to wrap and we're going to put some more goodness in this wrap first thing I'm going to do is this is where we're going to add more hot sauce so this takes me back to my competition barbecue days when folks wrap briskets pork butts they put all kinds of stuff in it you know if you follow like our typical brisket recipes like a Texas brisket I would never do anything like this I would not be putting anything on this brisket I would be simply wrapping it in butcher paper with a little cider vinegar and that's it so this is like because we're adding crazy amounts of flavor to this now we're going to go for the good part butter I always tell people there's a lot of butter in cooking way more than you want put at least a stick I'm actually going two sticks today because I'm feeling extra fat use however much you want this is a good butter it's going to add some rich and it's obviously it's going to melt off and be down in the pan and this brisket is just going to be kind of swimming in that and then lastly we're going to put a little bit of stock or broth which I've I've brought both out to show you generally I prefer stock in my cooking which is you know the difference is this is made from Bones generally I make my own stock often I don't have any homemade beef stock now so these are just some that I pick up my local HEB I'm going to use broth today simply because this broth is open and I like to not waste stuff I put about a cup in and you can either pour it across the brisket like this or you can just pour it around in the pan no need to measure it this is this is a braising liquid so what we're doing here adding some moisture to this pan we're going to cover it with foil we're going to go back in the cooker and we're going to cook this until it's what I call probe tender so it's going to be you know just north of 200 degrees where this thing is just going to fall apart and like I said we can pull it we can probably go over 210 to pull it but we can chop it or whatever it is that that we're looking to do so there you go you can see that so now I'm going to wrap it up in foil we're going to go back in the pit and let's talk temperature from here not all that important you have a lot of latitude you're not getting any more smoke because you're wrapping in foil if you're in a hurry run your pit up 275 300 325 even hotter if you need to if you want to elongate the Cook you can drop it down if you need to you know if you if it's like a long time before you're going to eat then drop your temperature down also great to Brazen pellet grills because you can control the temperature you can leave you can go do something else so lots of options on how you get this cooked after you wrap it in foil got my handy dandy Costco foil I'm gonna wrap this up I'm going to put it in the pit and I bet this takes two to three hours max to be tender all right back in the pit we go and I'll see y'all when it's tender all right the brisket's been cooking about three hours I've probed it it's tender let's get it out and take a look at it and it's hot this isn't going to look nearly as pretty as a brisket that we normally cook there's all that Steam I mean you can see visually right off the bat you've got where that butter just kind of set up there and melted I'm definitely not mad at that and just just feel that just like there's no resistance whatsoever it's like butter it's over 200 degrees 209 this thing is good to go I've got insulated gloves on I'm going to pull this out of here be careful when you do this it's going to be hot put it on your block now the beauty of cooking a brisket like this is you don't have to let it rest as long as you would a normal brisket because you're just going to chop it all up but I'm going to bring a fat separator in here and I'm going to pour all this you in here so you got butter stock Jew that's come out of the brisket I'm going to let that sit and when the fat separates I will dump out the fat and then I will keep the rest of the juice I'll discard this because there's too much and then that's what we will dredge this brisket back through so while this is kind of hanging out and that's separating I'm going to get some fresh tortillas that I got this morning I'm gonna head over to the back of the Firebox and we're going to warm them up super duper hot with the IR gun who knew the mill scale offset also doubled as my tortilla warmer I'm just going like 30 seconds aside make sure they're nice and warm I'm going to chop this brisket I've put a disposable cutting board down here on top of my block because my iron growth Cleaver is super duper sharp and I don't want to destroy my block you can see that the fat has separated so this bottom is a super good stuff that we're going to put back in this pan we'll do that after we get this shot but for now I'm just going to chop this brisket up foreign [Music] that's good and chopped up so we're just gonna go into this pan and this is where we're going to taste test it obviously we want to see how the recipe was but more importantly than that this is where you're going to decide how much hot sauce or fajita do you want to add this is really important and I think a really good lesson for a lot of types of meats that you do I always say it with pulled pork pulled pork is a big cut of meat you should be adding seasoning after you pull it it's going to make it just that much better all right let me get this out the way so back in with this uh with all this goodness that we got right here this is going to be obviously super juicy now okay mix it up super nice and wet so I'm going to try this before we go to build our final product let's give me a nice little handful here um surprisingly I ain't mad at it it's actually like really good it has great flavor I'm going to add a little more to it you could eat it just like that not too salty despite all that that we put on there but this really will kick it up a notch let's add a little hot sauce this is to taste this is like whatever you want to do and then I don't think we need a whole lot of seasoning we're gonna do a little bit I peel the glove off so I gotta one-hand it now remember you can do all sorts of stuff for this you make enchiladas tacos clearly chopped beef sandwiches tortoise tostadas whatever I actually don't know what we're going to do this so we're just going to kind of wing it because we always have all kinds of taco stuff in the meat church house so that part's not going to be hard got my tortillas here that we heat it up by the way these were corn tortillas made this morning just down the street in my super Garcia so they're super duper fresh I'm gonna use my hands as my food corn tortilla is where it's at for me normally all right a lot of meat here's some onions that I pickled this weekend this recipe is also on all my recipes are always on me pickled red onions are a staple in Texas barbecue I love them my guac was hiding from me here let's put the onions on top a little bit of guac Gotta Have Guap there we go speaking of pickled fingers in they're mine nobody can say anything don't tell Mrs meat church I did that she gets pissed when I reach in the pickle jar of my fingers she didn't watch these videos so I'm good oh a little Crema now you kill hot sauce if you want of course we want to there's a lot of hot sauce in it so you don't have to but I'm gonna put a little bit on there this is uh yellow bird jalapeno hot sauce we bought our HEB can't have Texas barbecue without Big Red here we go that's the best thing I've eaten in a long time God damn that's good all right finish the video strong Matt that's amazingly good all those homemade flavors we got in there y'all have to make this this is a winner I can't believe we didn't do this sooner Don you were right he's proud he's gonna ask him for a raise this is amazingly good the brisket cooked quicker than a normal brisket cook right because you just really need to get it to 165. you could have foiled it probably six hours in anytime you foil a brisket especially when you put a braising liquid in it you braise it to the end you're speeding up the cook process like I said earlier we could have increased that second temp instead of doing 250 we could have went 325 350 and finish this brisket super duper fast you don't have to do the rest in this case since you're dredging it in its own juice and you're eating this is this is crazy crazy good easy something you could actually do during the week I recommend I love smoking Meats on the weekend getting them out of smoke you one on it back sealing it putting it away and then you could you could actually do this braise in a pellet grill all day you could do it in a sous vide bath you could you could in a vac seal bag put this in sous vide 165 let it run all day by the time you get home from work you're going to be able to just pull the brisket apart a lot of flexibility on how you could actually finish this brisket but this is going to make a ton of meals I'm excited to make nachos with it for the family tonight if you like what we're doing please like And subscribe we'll see you all next time [Music] well we're here in my barbecue supply shop continuing the post video wrap up I'm excited and trying not to be nervous because I have an audience here of folks that have come in from Iowa and Michigan and we've said hey you should stay and watch this and video it and leak it on social media because that'll be cool but anyway uh the main thing we want to talk about in this video is something that happened as soon as the camera's turned off I know I've given props to my dude Don twice in this video but let's make it three times he looked at me and he said I've never seen you eat like that after a video we make a lot of tacos and I know a lot of the things that we talk about we say it's good you should make this that's not an automatic reaction most things that we have made we have made in the past we know they're going to be good we had never made this recipe and I don't know that I've ever had a taco that good I have a favorite Taco the one that we make with our beef ribs and truffle horseradish cream and that's something we serve at food and wine festivals planning on serving it at Fort Worth food and wine at the end of March and I think it might have just got displaced by this it's that good so you have to do it I did not tell you how to make the pickled jalapenos I mentioned the pickled red onions are on it's the exact same process you heat up the pickling liquid and then you just cut up fresh jalapenos drop them in a jar and Bam they're good to go the next day they're not hot they might make the tacos so don't leave that out another thing occurred to us this is a very easy beginner brisket a lot of people that we run into are afraid to make the purchase of a brisket because that's a lot of money and they don't want to screw it up yes this is a very non-traditional recipe and it was about copious amounts of butter because I'm here to help you lose weight hot sauce fajita seasoning but it was awesome so you could buy this you cannot screw it up when you put it in that pan with a braising liquid it's foolproof or I'll give you your money back anyway like And subscribe thanks for being here we'll see you all next week
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 476,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mexican brisket, brisket, brisket recipe, smoked brisket, texas brisket, how to smoke brisket, offset smoker, texas barbecue, brisket tacos, mill scale offset, brisket taco, brisket tacos recipe, meat church brisket, tacos, mexican tacos, smoked brisket tacos, meat church, matt pittman, traeger, bbq, barbecue, grilling, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, how to, how to make, cooking, cooking show, pickled onions
Id: ZQLgjqwbzxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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