Texas Red Chili - Bowl of Red

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hey guys it's Matt with meat church and welcome back to my outdoor kitchen today we're making traditional Texas red chili [Music] there is no more polarizing topic than chili when it comes to the world of cooking I'm telling you from our Facebook group meet church congregation a couple hundred thousand people to Twitter and everything else the beans versus no beans it's a hot debate we're not here to debate it today we're here to show you traditional Texas red chili now we have three other chili recipes on mechurch.com as well as corresponding YouTube videos we've got what we call a Texas Chili we've got white chicken chili that I wouldn't really consider chili but it's my mother-in-law's recipe and you don't argue with your mother-in-law and then we have a brisket chili so every time we put that stuff out there it's mostly meat based right other than the white chicken chili we have no beans in it because that's not real common in Texas so we see the wars rage on so I've always wanted to do a scratch made Texas red chili and educate everyone on where it comes from and what it means so this chili is about two things chilies and meat it originates in Texas in fact it's the State dish of Texas so you can't argue with me let me let me read this to you here open up my iPhone here all right so in 1977 resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Texas a senate concurring in the 65th legislature in recognition of the fact that the only real bowl of red is that prepared by Texas hereby proclaimed Chile as the State dish of Texas so there's some debate on where chili came from did it originate San Antonio New Mexicans like to argue with that as well in any case the Chile Queens of San Antonio were making this stuff on the streets in the markets and it was about again the chili and the meat there were no fillers in it in fact if you go to the Terlingua chili cook-off there are no fillers Allowed no spaghetti noodles no rice no beans because chili is about the chili flavors and the meat so that's the deal so it doesn't matter what kind of chili people make if you're making traditional Texas red AKA a bowl of red there are no beans in it if you want to add beans you want to add all the other stuff that's completely fine line you can still call it chili but it's not Texas red chili so this is going to be scratch made it's going to be good I'm excited to get into it so let's go here's what we're starting with we've got two types of chilies dried we've got guajillo chilies and ancho chilies and then I've got three pounds of stew meat so you could do chuck roast like we did in our Carnegie soda video this is a 44 Farms product and this will work great for us so let's set that aside and if you don't know where to get dried chilies I thought I would show you this is from my grocery store down the street very common here in Texas you could also draw your own if you want but this is really really easy overview of these we're going to cut the stems off we're going to remove the seeds then we're going to saute those a bit until they're nice and fragrant and then we're going to submerge them in some super hot water basically boiling water to soften them up we're going to rehydrate them to make a chili paste and this is where the flavor is going to come from in your chili so I'm just going to show you a couple of these what you got to do so let's pick a pick a big now let's go with this one take your chili cut the stem off and I'll dump wood on the board here to show you you want to get rid of all that you could also use a kitchen shears if you want you want to split it all the way open because we're going to toast this in the skillet and also this will help you make sure that you get everything out of it so remove all the seeds don't worry it's going to burn you up and when they're dried like this they're not hot so when you're done with it put in your bowl now I'm going to use I'm going with and this is preference but the recipe down in the description on meetchurch.com you're going to see a dozen guajios and uh you know four anchos you can use different types of peppers I've even seen people do like up to like seven different types of peppers so it's just kind of preference and what you want to do this is a really good method simple with only two chilies so here we go in this recipe won't be using any dry chili seasoning by default now you can add it at the end we'll talk about that when we get to the end so let's drop that in the bowl I'm gonna keep cutting these up and then we're going to put the water in foreign we've got all of our Peppers deseeded here as you can see and basically just kind of split in half we've got over here uh vintage cast iron skillet over kind of medium heat it's dry and we're going to place these in you're just going to put these in here until they're just nice and fragrant you have to do this in batches obviously you don't want to burn these because they'll get bitter so it's kind of your preference here no more than a couple minutes flip them around they're going to smell really good it's going to open them up brighten them up pull them off here put them in a bowl get the water see that's looking really good right there and they smell amazing all right last of the chilies here all right so now what we need to do is we need to soften these and so we've got some water that's uh that's boiling over here and we're just gonna pour it over it you could pour water in that skillet if your water is boiling like this and the peppers are submerged you're talking five minutes to soften them if you just pour water over the skillet and simmer it could take 25-30 minutes you just want these to get nice and soft and I'm going to get my next ingredients we're going to make a roux and we're going to finish this uh this chili paste in a blender so let me go get my ingredients and we'll move on to the next step we still got our Skillet going here we're gonna put about a quarter cup of oil in it we're going to make a blonde roux so let's heat that oil up then we're going to add some flour to it you know your oil is hot enough when you put a little pinch of flour in and it'll fry it all right so this is probably a little less than half a cup you've got to stir like crazy [Music] all right so you want to cook the flour down and then we're going to add 16 ounces of chicken stock and stir quick [Music] assistant all right blonde rude don't want to cook it too long so we're going to kill the fire let's let that sit for just a second let's go back to check on our chilies they should be nice and softened by now oh yeah they are so now we're going to make our chili mixture so we got a blender here Vitamix you don't want to pour this water in here because it'll be really really bitter so to strain off all the water dump the peppers in [Music] set that aside so now let's pour in the roux foreign some garlic three to five cloves I like garlic we're going five big ones and a little bit of salt and you just need to blend this up until it's nice and smooth and set it aside while we move on to creating our spice dumps and Browning the meat foreign [Music] I'm gonna go get all my seasonings for my spice dump and we'll move on to that all right let's get all of our seasonings together I'm going to call these two different seasoning dumps one we're going to put in in the beginning and then one we're gonna put in after it's been simmering for a little while but I need to get my Dutch oven going to Brown my meat also foreign you can use oil I'm using lard all right so the first one is going to be two tablespoons of onion powder two tablespoons of garlic powder tablespoon of black pepper I'm going to add some beef bouillon a couple and then I love this stuff I'm going with two dump that in we're gonna just set this aside gives me something to do while I'm waiting on that to melt down okay this is our first dump and the one we'll do later is some Mexican oregano and some kamino we'll talk more about that when we get to the near the end of the chili cook I'm going to set this stuff aside now we need to get into Browning our meat so here I've got the 44 Farms stew meat you can use this you can use chuck roast just use something big you know as this simmers and breaks down that's what's going to give you such a hearty bite I didn't actually have to trim this up it came pre-trimmed um if you I'm gonna start putting this in while I talk to you this is a pretty warm maybe a little too warm if you use chuck roast you want to cut it up into no bigger than one inch squares probably gonna do this in batches you're going to want to use three to four pounds and you don't want to overcrowd the pan so I'm just going to fill the bottom of the pan I'm going to Brown this much like we did our Carnegie Sada I'm going to toss it around and just get nice sear and Browning for like six to eight minutes um and then we're going to drain off the liquid that's come out and then it's going to be time to make the chili so we can simmer it I can see this meat's nice and browned gonna pull this off because I actually need to drain this Dutch oven we're going to cook the chili in here but I don't want all this excess fat in here that came out of this stew meat so let me get this out of here I'm going to go drain the pot and then we'll compile the chili all right we've drained the Dutch oven turn it back on okay let's return our meat by the way you could use some ground meat in this I've ground my other recipes I really like that gives you like a really consistent bite but we're just going really traditional I'm here today so now let's get our chili mixture okay now let's add 16 ounces of beef stock now there's lots of Texas red recipes out there and for this one I got to give credit to my man Matt Wilson of Arlington I call an unofficial mayor of the City of Arlington the guys a West Texas boy at heart he's a true cowboy and he brags about his Texas red now I'm going in with his first spice dump and I mean it's a pretty big deal the guys won like his office cook-off of four people at least two times so you know it's good but no this is seriously good I adapted just I changed us very minor things I appreciate Matt for letting me use his recipe no tomatoes in this right so that's something we talked about earlier um chili got popular on on Chuck Wagons and chuckwagons did not carry any fresh ingredients so I'm not saying tomatoes bad if you look at our original Texas Chili Recipe it's got some tomatoes in it a lot of people use tomato paste or sauces so that's up to you but again we're going like super traditional so this is going to be about the chili flavor and the meat but as always make the recipe your own and you know add whatever the heck you guys want so you can bring this up to a boil and as soon as it gets to a boil you want to drop it down to a simmer so the key to this for me is you want to simmer this really gently you don't want to evaporate too much liquid so that's going to help get serious flavor into the meat so I drop down and simmer basically as low as you can go and 45 minutes in we're going to add our last spice dump and that's the point you can taste it and decide feed and put enough chilies in it you could put some chili seasoning in it if you want make any adjustments you want at that point and this only this takes less than two hours total to cook so we'll cook another hour after we do this but I like to simmer my chili all day so I like to make this in the morning and smell it throughout the day and have it for supper the meat's just going to continue to break down you can't overcook it as long as you're cooking it really really low all right we'll see you guys back here in 45 minutes whoops forgot something I like to float some serranos in them whole so we're just going to stick these in for added flavor and as you can see it's uh it's already boiling so I'm going to drop the temp down to simmer it cover it up and now I'll see y'all in 43 minutes foreign we've been simmering 45 minutes and by the way I didn't tell you how cool this Dutch oven is this is an old vintage Griswold probably from the 30s so no telling what's been cooked in here that looks good wish you could smell it you can see the the meat's breaking down you know releasing some fat in here it's looking really really good so second spice dump in and by the way I did say this is all traditional so you certainly do not have to do this but at this point you could test it if you want for Taste and I'm just going to show you this if you want any more chili flavoring like I said earlier maybe you didn't put enough chilies in it or whatever the case may be you certainly can add chili seasoning so you guys know we have a chili seasoning put a little bit of that in there it also the more you put the hotter it will get if you like a little spice and stir this up again we're staying really low you know we're done in 45 minutes or keep going so we'll see what the day holds but I'm going to Stir It Up here put the lid back on and I'll see you guys a little bit okay guys it's been one hour since that second spice dump so one hour and 45 minutes total I know the meat's going to be tender at this point man that smells good again you could simmer it all day but look in here man that looks so good and so hot so you don't want to eat the the peppers you put in so make sure you don't get those but I'm gonna I'm gonna scoop out a bowl here man this smells amazing there's some big chunks of meat I like it meaty oh this looks and smells amazing kill all this stuff over here all right well you know this was a little extra work clearly but I love cooking and I think you know some of you that are going to love taking the extra time to do this uh the question is going to be is the juice worth the squeeze but I always say you get out of it what you put into it so there's something about taking the long array long way home at times I know this is going to be hot huge meat chunks again what I like damn that tastes like Texas that's so good that's about the chili and the meat I'm telling you that's traditional Texas red chili there are no beans in that type of chili and there's actually no debate for that that's just the deal if you want to make the old school Texas red chili I would try this give it a shot if you don't want to spend that amount of time again we've got other recipes more of a quick chili you guys want to throw down but I would take the time to do this or something special about this old school way I love it never gonna get old with me so you guys like this I like what we're doing please like And subscribe weekly cooking videos on this channel all the recipes Down Below in the description and as always they're also on mechurch.com see y'all next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Meat Church BBQ
Views: 878,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: texas red chili, texas chili, chilli con carne, bowl o red, bowl of red, bowl o red chili recipe, 44 farms, chili recipe, chili, chili beans recipe, award winning chili recipe, easy chili recipe, texas red chili recipe, how to make texas red chili, terlingua chili cook off, comfort food, meat church, matt pittman, bbq, meat church bbq, meat church bbq youtube, Meat Church BBQ YouTube, Meat Church, Matt Pittman, BBQ, Barbecue, Grilling, how to make, cooking, cooking show
Id: ePlqYj7e46A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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