Method EXPOSED! Asmongold Reacts To Gold-Selling Leaks & Interviews Gallywix Admins | WoW Drama

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were you the one that leaked the screenshots with scribe yes or so you wanted to take them down with you no not with me i'm you gotta understand i'm not part of galatix anymore nor i play wow anymore i just wanted for people to know the truth of what is what actually happened what are you shaking can happen for a while after performing a thorough investigation we've identified that the galliwicks boosting organization has been taking part in gold selling for real money real money trading known as rmt is a serious violation of our end user license agreement and is not tolerated therefore we've begun taking action and have banned accounts in north america and europe that were associated with this group and taking part in real money trading transactions these actions have primarily targeted the gallywix organization so far but our investigations are ongoing and additional accounts involved with running this organization may be banned in the future going forward accounts may receive actions that they're if they're all to be involved they're found to be involved in future transactions with gallywix or actively advertising it thank you for your understanding so for some people that are new here that don't really fully understand what galiwix is uh gallywix was an organization that allowed people to it basically connected buyers with sellers they were effectively a middleman and they would take a cut for connecting the buyer with the seller and basically they facilitated different types of boosting carries and basically every type of carry in the game this is what they effectively did blizzard made the right decision here and i love the fact that they are saying that even if you advertise those [ __ ] you're gonna still get banned that that's big dick and i like to see that blizzard is basically saying if anyone is going to under and pay their employees it's going to be us so let's go ahead we're going to look and we're going to see what some of the comments are and i'm going to look at the the reddit thread and we're gonna see what this is okay so it's uh 647 thousand dollars worth of gold that's absolutely insane all right so here we go here's the main thread do people really not think that gallywix does rmt what do the owners of the community do with 20 billion gold besides sell it well this is what it really is any reasonable person would have been easily able to say that they were probably selling the gold rip everyone who hasn't gotten paid from boosting because that money is untouchable now hey that's what you get we were supposed to get paid out the 31st for the cycle but they had an issue so i think they knew this was coming for a few days rip our guild's 38 million gold balance though hey you play with the bulls sometimes you get the horns their discord had about an hour of guys what the [ __ ] guys now all the channels are locked and the entire channels are being deleted lmfao lucky you i was apparently just kicked from the discord lmao they nuked the whole server it doesn't exist anymore lmao yeah i just noticed the discord server is missing twitter is gone and so is their website lmao that's the way it goes guys um so it's obvious that these people are trying to make a living doing this i bet they are probably making good money too which is what i think is funny so if they're taking 10 percent what was their average amount of money that they uh that they uh [ __ ] made so if it's a hundred dollars and they're making 400 million gold a month that means that they're making forty thousand dollars a month and if they're making forty thousand dollars a month uh that's a lot of money so i actually wouldn't be surprised here if blizzard if blizzard sued them for this i have a spreadsheet that i sent you that shows evidence of them bankrolling uh the method first world guild yeah and we're about to get into the method thing okay so method this is uh this is a crazy turn of events method define upstanding organization that they are had a lapse in judgment i know i know i know you would have never expected that but they did yeah we needed gold and i bought it from gallywix instead of buying wow tokens i am amazed that he admitted this like why would you admit this dude like just like uh man limit limit listen max is ironic you guys listen don't [ __ ] say anything if y'all bought gold don't [ __ ] say anything just be like yo man there's some drama today huh wow that's crazy like don't say a [ __ ] word because if you say you didn't do it they're gonna say you did do it and if you say it didn't do it well then you know it is what it is i think he was threatened and decided to make a point he yeah and that's actually a good point yeah so gallywix leaked the comms and so i'm going to go ahead and show you guys the pictures here can you buy world first wait what is this here man like this really didn't age well huh [ __ ] but to be fair they couldn't it is what it is i mean so the answer is is technically no uh and so it should have gone wrong i don't know man oh it's him oh my god scribe come on dude uh what a fall from grace my method this year oh well well i mean he would know he he would he would know if this is possible or not because he's had experience in the field he probably knows this better than anybody else because lemon spent more by the way limit did spend a lot more limits spent a lot of [ __ ] money now did limit do this in the same way i do think that is like i i will not accuse them i will not accuse them of doing anything that i have no evidence for but i will say that i would not be surprised if it happened okay like i would certainly not be surprised no way scripe scribe you think limit didn't do it what's going on man how you doing dude scribe you want to come and discord and talk about this uh sir i'm just waiting for my judgment okay all right well listen like here's the judgment here's my judgment it doesn't really matter right but this is my judgment it's like you guys did what you could to win like i think everybody at the top end does what they can to win does that make it okay no it doesn't laugh well yeah he he probably have to go like he's a busy guy like i mean they've got to farm a lot of gold now like because they just lost a lot of [ __ ] gold and now they've got to deal with a bunch of [ __ ] you know like yeah he's he's busy uh yeah he's gonna go [ __ ] sell some heroic things off kills like uh yeah i mean like he probably thought he had this [ __ ] locked down and now it's not it how about legion used to sell runs let me see here um is this shocking to anyone blood legion was selling runs back in firelands and onward for irl cash blizzard directly knew about it and we discussed it at blizzcon dinners with devs all the time other topic wait what we discussed it at blizzcon dinners with devs all the time other top-end guilds like method obviously did the same it's the worst kept secret wow i would have never expected this and here's the thing is like i [ __ ] i said this [ __ ] i said this [ __ ] how many years ago this is a video i made world first boy gold and just a couple days ago the race to clear mythic blocker foundry has ended with method being the world first guild to kill mythic blackhand and so this did not happen without a little bit actually a lot of controversy and so we're gonna be talking about that today now y'all might remember a while ago i did my video about how reckful got banned for account sharing in pvp now this is gonna be like episode 2 of that video so i [ __ ] brought this [ __ ] out i brought this [ __ ] out back in 2015 and people didn't want to believe it there were a lot there were a lot of people thinking that that [ __ ] didn't happen they're like ah you know what i i think you're a lion asthman gold you're full of [ __ ] and you know what it turns out i wasn't full of [ __ ] okay so here's the uh the screenshots of this okay i'm gonna pull these over and i just wanna make sure that i get them all i have these on my second monitor here um some of these i will not be showing because they show full emails and i will not be doing that but everything else besides that you guys will be able to see so here we go and let's go ahead and take a look can you like me or paypal can't send to friends and family so obviously it is what it is how much did you get from method zeo by the way what's methods deal well the world first race the boes thing a hundred dollars less than you i think because you did the buoy stuff how much of that is it how much is that a bit over two thousand dollars so they made over two thousand dollars off of methods world first race or world first push uh so let's see here only 2k well no there are multiple people selling it it was not just one person uh with the remaining transfers it'll break 100 mil a bit 5k just to let you know how do we proceed yeah we are slowing down boes for now if we really need uh we can still find some but calm down a bit i talked with tolls a lot he said we are good so it's now it's on you pretty much we can go above the current total if it's needed well yeah he spelled something wrong i gathered it all on one character holy [ __ ] look at those rings dude those are the [ __ ] those are the working schemers bands what a surprise the lurking schemers are buying work in schemer's bands [Music] yep how uh how poetic it's kind of funny he's got like [ __ ] 20 million gold worth of boes and a large red sack but you know it's all right uh yo can you hit us up with two million on terran mill jesus man by the way about the money warn me if we reach 9k please holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] nine thousand dollars uh let's see roughly 47 million gold with transfers and this is a rough estimate so far holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dude alright so why don't you go ahead and just tell everybody where you're coming from before we uh before we move on okay uh so basically uh only you servers at least i was the galaxy legacy manager all right and so uh you know now that you've seen all this stuff break and all this information come out uh how much of this is a is a surprise to you um i'm going to be completely honest and uh i went to sleep last night and i woke up at 7 00 a.m today and i was completely what they said english like gobsmacked like this was no no way so this caught you by complete surprise yeah basically and i've been like a manager in galway for over a year by now okay so what do you think's gonna happen to the is the community just like dead now um well one of the old council members basically gave everyone administrator permissions in the discord and everyone just started to delete everything and ban everyone and kick everyone and the discord the discord that we had is just like does all gone it doesn't exist anywhere and the people that are responsible for this r d trade are basically gone like they've basically deleted their presence on discord and twitter and like you've seen on your stream it's basically everything's gone so i'm looking at one right now and it's this guy as rothy and he says thanks everyone not sure what's up and down right now he says this i am perma band yes there won't be any streams for a while yes i'll still write grinds and do log reviews and stuff and i'll play again i don't know what's going to going on in gallywix rmt if anything there's such a thing that goes higher than me and other council members besides tolls so i feel like this is like a recurring thing where like everybody has um there's like it's happening above their head and like they don't know what happened at all so like you really you like i'm like obviously i'm not i don't know you you don't really know me that well right but like for real dude like you had no [ __ ] idea this was happening at all like i can genuinely say from the bottom of my heart that i woke up this morning crying that i lost like half of my family because i was just instantly banned from the discord because people didn't like me wait they didn't like you wait well like um well people like older boosting communities got wind of this right like we're not the only ones in the european union and everyone got access and because people don't like my presence and because i was too big of a competitor to them they just instantly banned me and i had no access to like try and talk to my friends ever again but so when did they ban you um this morning at like uh well it's like about 10 hours ago so is this karma uh could potentially be but yeah like to answer the question of did i know i genuinely didn't know and i've always defended galavix as just we do not rmt we're heavily against it we ban everyone that's involved with it here's one right here there's rothian okay it's fair i did do rmt i would sell a few hundred k uh to two million to friends whenever they asked for it i did not run a buy gold here shop i would let friends and acquaintances ask if they could buy gold and i would sell some this is my own gold unrelated to gallywix i would also accept paypal cuts from when tolls sold gold on my behalf i do not know when or who he sold it to or how much or when okay go ahead oh that's that's basically like there is like like not thousands by now but i assume nearly a thousand screenshots of just people trying to get their story out there because um to our best knowledge tools has vanished those was the like the odor but he was like the actual owner of galax so blizzard banned the gold so what so do you know what happened with that blizzard ban the gold no the gold the guild bank accounts are banned we don't know if that money got off that accounts early enough for the ban to go through but we do know that there is at least 4.6 billion gold missing at least like on that account and jesus christ let me pull a couple of other people in here real quick okay how are you doing man i'm doing okay just uh looking at some of these uh situations things going on uh why don't you just introduce yourself and uh tell us what kind of a role that you played in galliwicks and uh we'll go from there uh my name is jason i was um one of the old council before it got disbanded uh i didn't really deal with any of the gold i just dealt with the website that was it but i know a lot of the in ins and outs of what happened okay so uh was this uh all these things that happened today uh was this a surprise to you uh not at all happily say that not at all uh i'd happily say i did it as well i haven't been banned yet either by blizzard oh yeah you probably already uh oh i didn't do it myself i got given some by other people due to the fact that they used some of my gold when i was like okay yeah sure why not like we mainly had one guy that did it um his name was tolls i don't know this is the one guy that did it this is the fault tolls is the fall guy here i feel like everybody he's not really the full guy he is the guy i don't think it's fair to blame tools about everything hey by the way my scream oh yeah uh i feel like uh everyone's just blaming him yeah everyone is okay all right all right well let me let me just take this one step at a time so somebody said that you uh jason you were the one that gave everybody admin and the discord uh yes correct because the discord was going to [ __ ] so i just thought everyone should just have the transparency to see what happened there was a lot of [ __ ] that went down yeah basically and was just like uh [ __ ] this like in the council chat that we have it was just like oh there's no point trying anymore 99 sure it's banned and then just opened it up are you glad oh yeah i'm god don't mind like you don't bother me like it's one get over and done with really it's only a game really in the end well not for you you made some money how much money did you make i personally made 400 but yeah yeah you're getting scammed like how much did you say no but that's not barely any like that's what i mean like i barely did it it was mainly the other guys because i did it just for like just to get some on the side like i didn't care yeah like it wasn't a main main profit for me but for a lot of the other guys it was mean all right what about you ice cream how much did you make i didn't make any real life money i was in council yeah it does so i just have gold you were on the council and all right so did you know about this i was in council i was admin like i didn't make any uh big decisions all that i just knew everything so but did you know that this was happening before before i mean like no offense to ko or anyone else watching but if you didn't know you're just uh can we say [ __ ] here oblivious yeah [ __ ] your [ __ ] right you're a [ __ ] idiot if you don't know if you act like you don't know you're just uh playing stupid okay yeah obviously that's the case right i mean you have these people that are playing the game all the [ __ ] time and they're obviously gonna try to make some of their money back and so jason how much gold do you think was sold on gallywix per month like i'm talking like gold like gold i think the thing per month is very um unjustified or not unjustified like it wasn't done monthly that was another thing like i did i didn't do it monthly myself i did it when like i was like oh i can't be bothered to spend money on this trip like on this new thing i'll just sell some sell sell like a million gold and just buy it it was just easier than just like uh all this stuff but a lot of it like i personally didn't do it monthly and i don't know how much monthly was sold but when we had some arab buyers i'm saying arab here because these are the only people i know that buy a lot of it in big quantities we had a guy once that basically paid for a whole run for like for four weeks paid five million but or paid five million but we all know that the guy was paying cash so how much cash was five million for you guys uh 250 euros for 5 million yeah like it's 50 euros for a million in a year i don't know about that so you don't even need to be an oil prince you can just be like an oil janitor and you can afford that god damn yes yes gold has very little value anymore wow and when you get so much gold like a lot of people are saying when you get a lot of gold you have nothing to spend on like if you're oblivious if you don't realize that you have this much gold and you're not orienting it like and you say you're not then you're just silly like you clearly are there's a lot of other communities on eu that do it as well i don't have the proof but i know the owner has the proof like tolls has proof of other communities doing it as well i just hope that like this does make blizzard see the boosting isn't the best idea and especially with the real money traders like blaze and boost and wow vendor if sorry if i'm not meant to see him on your stream but hopefully it hopefully makes him realize that this is a bad thing like you should cut down uh i don't really agree with that sorry but like there are people who enjoy playing this game and we do need gold ingredients uh oh you mean for real money yeah i just mean yeah monitoring more yeah they're like more thousands of people that boost for gold and gold only especially for like raiding and stuff okay so how many how many people do you guys think how many people do you guys think knew about the rmt like i also have a n a guy that wants to come speak and he was the n a guy that was at the top and has been banned like basically he collected gold um i'll invite him to this discord if that's okay well what's his name uh cocaine he used to be the gold collector for na okay um yeah yeah oh he he's technically banned so if you can get up a band account so the token price is going up four million four billion excuse me gold is removed from the economy because of all this stuff blizzard oh yeah yeah blizzard it was an internal investigation uh do you think there's gonna be any like out of game reprogressions for any of the people that are at the top of this uh i doubt it like if they did i feel like it'd be quite like small because i think there's only really one person that made a lot of it like i didn't make much and it just feels like a waste of their resources honestly yeah to go after one person for a tiny amount but i would understand them going after other people like for example blazing boost for example does do a lot of harm i feel like also on like how gold boosting works is it kind of gives them a bit of money as well yeah because people buy tokens and they're probably not too bothered about it you guys think you're doing blizzard a favor you're trying you're just creating a demand to make wizards some money well that's probably what they thought as well by bannon getting rid of 5.6 billion or something what i think it was but there was like that was 2 billion on eu 2.6 i will say the pvp scene everywhere like any community you go to the pvp scene is full of rmd you guys pvp is like the stupidest region oh like area you'll see it's just full of rmt's so let's take the top ten guilds okay how many of the top ten guilds one one out of ten how many of the top ten guilds are involved in rmt that i know of or that i can just speculate both um well i mean obviously everyone knows about method um or well yeah yeah what they used to be um obviously method came out and obviously limit did it in the past um i will just confirm as someone who did handle a lot of the gold training with limit limit did not pay us for any um gold um they they paid it all back via boosting we put a flat 20 percent interest rate on what we loaned them and they paid it all back in full gold um and they i just want to i don't any speculation going on about what limit uh did at all because they didn't um from what i know i don't know if y'all charge them 20 interest yes i think it was 150 million in total and we made 30 million on top of that so nice that's insane that's like holy [ __ ] man these were expensive yeah and the uh the thing is they they pretty much paid that back in a couple of months um they i mean i remember their first mythic buyer they had uh was i think like i think it was like 30 million or maybe that was a bit it's a long time ago but they were the first guild to do a full mythic boost listeners off carry and it was multiple gold caps so did you guys were you guys instrumental in funding limits uh limits world first run um well they were they they had uh other like people um obviously they had like individual contributors um but i say that the the largest portion of gold that they had for world first was um from kelly works how about percentage-wise what would you say the percentages from gallywix i i again i i don't have the exact numbers but i'm i'm probably guessing it's it has to be over 50 percent like maybe 60-70 again i i don't have any numbers and i don't really want to say anything without concrete numbers said 60. so uh yeah somewhere around there um do you have evidence of the the 20 and like the whole conversation because like you know right now obviously limit's gonna get get accused of this too yeah and uh you guys have the evidence of that null um yeah i can okay i would i would probably look into finding that uh to make sure that you know because just for them i mean like obviously this is not a good thing for the community and to know that we actually have some people that are doing it ethically is i think reassuring for a lot of people and so great if you could post that um and just i've got an actual number just from a someone who was kind of like head at the time who handled a lot of the limit stuff um he's finding it now he just confirmed to me that it was 127 million loaned and 152 million paid back all in full um i can find he's just gonna find some stuff uh regarding like the conversations but oh i i appear to have lost access to certain spreadsheets yes i lost them this morning we all seem to have lost them yeah well it's again i don't really keep too much but i think one thing is i don't want to i can obviously limit it's probably knowledge that limit has done dodgy stuff in the past and again i still am convinced that topping guilds there is always something dodgy going on top end pvp arena team there's always something going on mythic plus again that there has to be something going on and i think it's the core issue with just how the player base has evolved with this game the whole i mean gaming in general actually i feel like it's just um pay to win and you know everyone memes like oh can you buy world first and stuff like that but the whole mentality oh well yeah yeah they did yeah what's up man you're unmuted hey thank you for having me on yeah for sure um so you want to introduce yourself and uh tell us what your role is yeah so my name is esther therian uh i'm the subject of many of these screenshots that have appeared on this stream lately i was a council in gallywix i was one of the longest standing council members but i wasn't there from the very beginning i think i've been in there for two to two and a half years so how long have they been doing rmt in the two and a half year two to two and a half years that you've been involved uh well let me pull up paypal and i can tell you the first dates that i received uh any such transaction are you banned you got permit i am i'm permanently banned but not on the hardware so i am allowed to make another account right the others you have spoken to at least i think well no actually if some of the people that were banned they got like hardware banned which means that you know they cannot even rebuild your account yes so there's a distinction there so you know i think you can change your computer hardware and just keep going but the mac address yeah yeah but i won't have to do that all right so the first transaction i got which was gallywix rmt related was on it's the 13th of december 2018. so this is a two-year endeavor yes all right yeah okay how much money did you make uh overall in this two two and a half year period i made through rmt gallywix four thousand euro and through my own imt i made around two thousand euro so six thousand dollars total from rnt over two years yeah something like that why not more uh because we didn't actually sell that much so in terms of my personal rmt it was basically prints and like acquaintances would come to me they know i have a lot of gold and so they'll ask like can you sell me some on this realm because i have gold and a number of realms and i would you know i would sell gold to them for a good price because i didn't need the gold and um they asked the other side of it is gallywix rmt which is essentially so the main guy in charge of galiwicz is a croatian man named tolls he is the fall guy yeah well yeah and he's um so he was in charge of selling gold on behalf of gallywix in general so basically gallywix takes a cut on all the boosts that are made this is called the management cut and this is what we get paid people like i get paid yeah so of this management cut tools gets paid 40 i get paid 20 percent and another guy named kit gets paid 20 and then jason whom you spoke to made 10 and then there's also another council member named hong koi that made 10 percent i should preface the next by saying that i'm mostly speaking from an eu perspective so you've spoken to some n a people for example token uh and that's kind of like for me at least that's a separate thing i just don't know that much about the n a side of things so i'm just speaking from the eu perspective i have to uh only read one donation here okay sure thing this is from izar xenos global donate a hundred dollars thank you hello asthma gold this is xenos zerothian used to claim making 30 000 euros per month overall they made 1 million euros counting the community itself in a higher up management primarily it's a steaming pile of bollocks hashtag avoiding lawsuit from blizzard so i wish i'd made that much gold on um angeliwicks simply no way even if everything we made was sold it would not even amount to close to that amount of money so uh were you lying whenever you said it was thirty thousand a month or is he lying about saying that i don't think i've ever said that okay genuinely like yeah i mean i don't know i mean the guy donated a hundred dollars so i assume he's telling the truth but i mean like i don't [ __ ] yeah uh and anyway i'm sure he'll bring something up or whatever um so when did you first get when that blizzard was investigating this uh i think it's a bit short of a year ago when basically our na section entered an agreement with blizzard that they would let blizzard have full access to like all of our accounting stuff so all of our spreadsheets that track our gold and everything and they would just be like given full transparency and they could just check whatever and whenever they want it how did that work what the hell uh well i mean i i don't know the specifics because i wasn't involved in this because it was on n a exclusively but it was basically something like i'm not sure who approached you but i'm pretty sure we approached them because we were interested in just like you know make establishing good relations with uh blizzard and we thought that a good way of doing that was just basically transparency so dividing huh you approached blizzard i believe that was the case on nh that's very smart for you to do because by taking the initiative it would make them not suspect that you guys were doing anything wrong and then you could control the narrative of the information that they received that was actually very smart yes good nice job i have to correct myself because i've just been corrected in discord so blizzard approached us and then they pro approached us both in discord and then in game okay um so what did they say do you have any screenshots or like information a uh unfortunately not because i was not the one like receiving these messages or doing any but like i'm being told that a friend will find them right now so i'll send them to you as soon as i have them great okay but the gist was basically you know they want to check but this was you know gallywix started as a eu community and uh once we got big enough in eu we started expanding to n a and it was relatively short time after we expanded to n a that blizzard were like hey can we check out you know what's going on okay and so uh was blizzard part of the discords did you have a regular open line of communication with them did they ever tell you was there a point where blizzard expressed any sort of concern or uh questioned anything that you guys were doing uh not as fast i'm aware um like so this is a while ago now and as far as i know they did not find anything untoward um so they were asking questions but they were not like replying uh to what we were asking so we were interested in knowing like okay so how do we get past some of the hurdles of running a gold boosting community um that will sometimes get you like auto banned for example sometimes when you're paying out like hundreds of billions or even billions of gold a month sometimes you'll just get like whacked with a ban just because like it triggers the system somewhere yeah i understand because it looks suspicious and so a big you know advantage for us was that like okay we we could let them know that these accounts those are what we pay out from it's legit and you know so basically white lists the accounts something like that yes and the boys would do that uh as far as i know we did not have any problems with like our account we call them like our gold holding accounts being banned after that okay um the so i i i hate to have somebody donating and everything uh zenos i i don't i think this is a little bit a little bit awkward for him i'll read his message here do you know who this xenos person is by the way as uh as roth so you know depends how it's spelled uh x-e-n-o-s i do not know that name all right um wait wait maybe if it's uh if it's someone named cenozydic maybe uh not that i'm aware of uh exactly as well during white and is actually why keep it on an open book simple watching investing hours of their life just to make gold to do what what do they even do with all the gold so what did you do like how much gold do you think that you made in the past year or so in the past year probably made something approaching four or five hundred million gold for myself okay and how much of that did you sell um probably around well i mean let me just look at like so though i sold at around 50 euro per mil yeah so six six thousand euro divided by uh fifty so 120 okay so then what happened to the other 350 million gold those i spent oh well actually i lost them on what how did you lose the money like well our accounts got banned so oh you well i mean before no like today this morning yeah no but what about before that like two days ago what were you doing with 350 million gold oh nothing they were just so basically oh we didn't have our gold liquid it was just all sitting on these uh gold holding accounts and so i had my management sort of cut or balance and that was like something approaching 300 million and i was just sitting there so i could use it on anything i wanted like i could take it out on a realm if i wished almost never did like i don't really spend that much gold i spent a lot of gold early in this this season like the whole reason i got into boosting was because i wanted to buy the dankester buis okay yeah and i spent tens of millions on that but then after that i had almost nothing to spend golden so why didn't you sell the other 300 million because i was not actually in charge of selling anything that was tolls and tolls did not have enough buyers to sell uh that much so you were trying to sell the inventory but you couldn't find the buyers i was not personally trying to sell the inventory but tolls like tolls was always working on getting people to buy the gold okay and so he was the person who is really in charge of like connecting the buyers yes that's correct so he would sell and he would sell an equal amount from each of our of the council's balances and then he would basically just paypal you know an appropriate cut so i would get 20 percent toll's got 40 the others got 20 or 10. so um when do you feel that blizzard suspected that there was rmt going on i don't know i think well i don't know so i mean this came out of nowhere like i did not have any clue that this was about to happen yeah there was no like communication from them they were not like extra sort of inquisitive or anything um so i'm not really sure i mean i would assume that the biggest red flag for them to like start an deeper investigation was when they were when the whole method rmt thing went down okay yeah so which method are you talking about so i'm talking about the one where the um method would pay galliwix to for boes that we could buy using our best resources on a variety of realms so they of course needed these buoys for progression and so method were the ones who so were you the one who was talking to scribe i was not the one who was talking to scribe i have not communicated with scribe in any like rmt context at all so how much how much money did that method give you uh i mean i can probably find out um an exact number just based on my cut um but let me see i'd have to look for like when i so i'm pretty sure that's okay i don't feel comfortable like sharing the number because i don't know if it's actually true so i see here in my paypal there's 450 euro um and what was your cut what percentage no okay so i see fourteen hundred dollars fourteen hundred dollars okay so that would have been i mean again i do not know if this is actually the amount that uh method paid anyone but uh my cut was fourteen hundred dollars and my cut is normally going to be twenty percent so uh about eight thousand dollars yes wow yeah i feel the need to stress that not every council member in gallywix was involved in rmt so we were around like six or seven council members spread across eu and na and there were some that were not involved in um in rmt at all how many people and method do you think knew that rmt was going on in order to get their boes and apparently it is closer to seven thousand but okay i just did like i think uh probably half half do you think that the uh method leadership knew uh the method leaders knew that well the leadership was a sort of scribe was mainly in charge and uh communicating with us so i would assume they knew yes but do you think like the other like uh officers knew and like do you think sco knew i didn't i don't know because like it didn't seem to me from the outside that sko had a lot to do with the in-game running of the guild like i've never spoken to school i don't think anyone in like gallywix management has spoken to school it's all been through scribe so i really don't know if it's go new all right uh i i think that's reasonable uh other people have told me the same thing yeah um okay uh can link the gallery screen spreadsheets they've made 20 million gold there's spreadsheets about this holy [ __ ] man where's my cut yeah yeah really the spreadsheet was supposed to be a boosting community dm subscribe yeah i saw that one guys um yeah we saw this since you can buy mythic booze do you think blizzard just make mythic level gear purchasable with gold no mage2 uh no i i don't think so at all so um you know what's in the what's the what's the future for you man like what's going to happen with you now that you got to make a new account keep doing it again uh i'm not intending like i have no in no rush to uh to get back into anything related to goal boosting so i wouldn't say it on stream either i mean the thing is that i only need the goal to buy the buis and after that everything is just fluff so i mean you know i went down with you know 300 million gold in a bank all of that is gone but like you know i could just have spent it if i needed it or tried harder to sell it but like genuinely you know i live in a country where the cost of living is reasonably high and it just doesn't really it's not really worth the risk for me to to do anything on that on my own um on a big scale and this like the future for me i'm just gonna try and you know the part of the reason i'm here is because i'm trying to like sort of get clean about it and like clean up my conscience um and i guess that's what's next for me like trying to just move on uh clean up my conscience uh come clean about everything and you know inform people so that you know this stuff doesn't happen again do you think that the goal boosting is harmful to the game um i think it is i think it can be harmful to the game but i also think it is inevitable so even if i was to say like it's harmful to the game i'm not sure the solution would be to just like abolish it because even if you ban it completely it's still gonna happen um and i don't think that it's necessarily bad i think that it's bad when you can buy the absolute peak of uh you know pve and pvp content for gold like you can buy gladiator you need to be a decent player like you okay can you please say that again because everybody says i suck whenever i get gladiator please can you say that again you can buy gladiator but you need to be a decent player to buy it thank you okay no worries thank you so uh you want to clean up your conscience you want to get kind of past all this and you're living in a country with a high high standard of living yes that would be denmark all right there you go doesn't denmark aren't the people in denmark supposed to be really happy uh we lost to finland recently which in itself is really saddening so it's probably knocked us down more than just second place i understand that man i can't understand that it's it's right it's all right man well listen like i i feel like so you think that that tolls here the uh the fall guy here the ultimate mastermind behind the operation how much money do you think that he made uh i mean so i just like so i can only speak to what i know was sold by him that i was involved in because it's possible that he sold a bunch of other gold that i had no that i didn't see any cut from uh-huh so i mean so you know if i got 6 000 euro and i got a 20 cut and his cut would be 40 percent then it follows that he must have made around 12 000 euro twelve thousand dollars like you mean in total or just like uh in total but that is only what i can you know like sort of prove almost by and just infer from the the money that i made like i i know that he was trying to make a living off of gallywix and that he was successful in doing so he lives in uh croatia which is relatively low cost of living so that is a way more viable place to do so in and yet it was my understanding that he was successful and comfortable doing so so it's very likely that he made more so this guy was making a whole living just by selling gold yes wow how many other people do you think gallywix are doing the same thing how many people do you think were involved in making real life money through this i think that most big earners in any community not just gallywix will make uh will will naturally sell that gold because that is the only incentive to earn a bunch of gold past a certain point so well if that's the only incentive to earn gold past a certain point and you're telling me that you had 300 000 extra gold doesn't that seem like there's a little bit of a connection there uh 300 million extra gold excuse me and you know at this point well you know at this point i could easily say like oh i wish i had sold it all because then i'd be banned and wealthy instead of banned and not wealthy but on like i was never involved in selling my management card myself tools so sold it on my behalf and i just got my cut that was enough for me okay all right uh i'm being asked to quantify what a big earner is um so i'd say you know if you're making more than uh you know 20 million gold a month uh or like 15 20. past that point there's just no way there can be much stronger incentive to uh i mean it depends on the person for me gold was a lot about just it was a metric for you know the work i was doing and how well the community was it's a scoreboard it's a way of keeping track yeah i understand yeah apparently and so where is tolls now uh tools is presumably at home digesting all this so it was my impression in the morning that he was going to write an announcement and that might still come but i don't know he hasn't been replying to me all day wow um wow so what do you think do you think blizzard is going to shut down more boosting communities now after this i do think so yes because i think that rmt is a part of most of the large communities in both na and eu i think it's only a matter of time just as it was for us wow uh i think that's kind of what makes sense though i mean like do you think that blizzard is gonna pursue any sort of like higher action uh with like any of the people involved with gallywix at all i don't know about i don't expect them to take higher action but i expect them to take a closer look at gold boosting in general and instead of like banning individual communities they may just take actions against the whole thing you asked me earlier if you know is gold boosting bad for the game and i think blizzard is starting to think that yeah maybe it is well i mean i would say like it is but i also kind of agree with you in saying that it's kind of like a necessary thing or not necessary but it's an inevitable thing that's going to happen and here's an interesting question do you think that if gold boosting exists that rmt is inevitable uh yes i do yeah because uh you know you know gold has you know a very real value and there's a lot of buyers and sellers of it and you can exchange it for gold and maybe classic wow a runescape or other games so yeah there's absolutely a financial value to gold and people will take advantage of the advantage of that to to own a living wow um yeah i guess so i mean that is insane did you guys buy this actually interesting were you guys involved with selling gold on classic no we had the gallywix had no operation whatsoever on classic really we were thinking about expanding our services there but like there just wasn't the will or the power to do it almost no one in our management really played classic seriously so that just wasn't that you know in yeah it's probably a good idea okay um well that makes sense i mean like so for like is it 2 million gold is that right how much gold was removed from the economy uh with like this whole thing whenever i think the most common like number that gets thrown around is 5.6 billion but that is split between eu and na i think eu was around 2.6 and it follows that it's likely that the remaining three billion would have been from any oh my god that's so much money yeah wow do you think any of the people at blizzard like they kind of knew that you uh that you guys were selling gold and they just kind of turned a blind eye to it uh i don't think i mean sort of that implies like some nefarious yeah yeah from blizzard but i i don't think that was the case um i i guess like the logic that follows is that uh so we spent uh so we sell a bunch of boosts and people will need gold to buy those booths and they might buy tokens and that way blizzard earns money yeah uh i'm not quite that cynical at least not for them to blatantly ignore uh you know breach of the end user agreement for that i think blizzard has integrity all right well that's good at least there's a massive rmt going on in russian servers mythic is up to a thousand dollars usd people doing rmt's even get promos from studios who translate tv shows into russian language serious business [ __ ] yeah oh my god man uh that is [ __ ] insane uh i guess yeah it does kind of make sense that blizzard does benefit from the rmt in like a weird way 100 yeah but there's also a lot of ill will towards communities like gallywix because of chat spam yeah you know so it's it's not all good for blizzard that uh these communities exist and i think one day uh it's just not gonna be worth worth it anymore basically now i can see that i understand that well is there anything else you'd like to add apparently there's somebody who actually made the sales to method who wanted to talk for a minute and um yeah yeah is there anything else you want to add before i uh uh so i've gotten a few dms of like people asking me to clarify a few things on their behalf so if i'll just give me like a minute and i'll just browse through those and clarify the things that they want clarified um you know i'm speaking mostly for myself here but like other people they have stuff to say as well so i'm just gonna try and um you know share that so for example token who you um who you spoke to just before me so he's corrected me in saying that since that blizzard checked out our accounts and stuff and we got that white list we never got banned that is not true the correction is that the north american account for our gold was banned and then overturned three times so after we do a big payout they would it would be auto banned and we would have to appeal and get it unbanned okay yeah after the third time it stopped though so it happened three times but then it stopped for a while okay well that makes sense all right yeah so the other question was so this go know like what was going on and i'm being told by tolkien that sco knew because scribe asks sco to paypal him uh which is like a third party source because he got that information from tolls so he says he's not 100 sure okay okay uh what else so i also want to express clearly that particularly the na management and moderator section did actually not know any rmt was going on so the management stable of gallywix was huge it was like 30 people or something and only a fraction of those knew so for example we had you know we had a lot of moderators that handle different sections of our community that you know were just completely blindsided all this so for example um our moderator in charge of giveaways and charities you know people may have noticed that gallywix ran a lot of like sort of charity events yeah you're trying to give me a charity event actually yeah exactly uh all that charity gold is also gone uh even though she had no idea like what was going on at all wow so yeah and that really sucks like that's almost what i feel the worst about because all that you know part of the the idea of that charity i guess is like trying to this will sound bizarre like trying to clean our conscience by giving back to the community a bit and we did that in a big way like we gave away a lot of brutal sauce and like we we helped raise money for um for mind and stuff like that how much money did you raise which is uh that is the uh i'm trying to remember what it was mind is the one that connects people with therapists right um let me see i'm not sure but we raised around 5k for the mind mental health organization okay and so sort of the tagline is um you know no one has to face a mental health problem alone so i believe yeah it's about you know yeah that was actually a charity that was recommended to me by dr k i donated i think it was like five grand or four grand and it's not i mean the uk version of mine i believe is um the president of which is like stephen fry whom you also might know yeah but yeah so i mean you know not saying like gallywix was only good but like we did put a lot of all that excess management into good things and i uh and i think it's a major shame that like a lot of that whole charity gold holding account was also banned uh through no fault of her own really so did and did that person get banned as well yes permanently banned with all the gold that we use for giveaways and uh stuff is also gone 100 wow okay um and so did they get hardware banned or anything else uh it was not a hardware ban it was just the uh you know account permanent suspension yeah [ __ ] man uh that is insane yeah oh wow okay well uh is there anything else you want to add uh just give me like a moment okay um i mean mostly i wanted to stress that not everyone in gallywix even in a manager position was involved so so i hope i've come given that across even not all the council were not involved for example hong koi he was one of the most recent additions to the council team he had no idea what's going on uh most of the council did but he didn't so and a lot of na management and staff did not know okay um someone is saying i'm not gonna say who it is i'm just gonna read it sure he is a two year golden account account uh that's [ __ ] [ __ ] she's such a big armed tear lol that charity woman she did 20 million in black market auction house sales every week where is all that gold lol well that is i mean i would say that is goal that ended up on that 100 mil account that got banned no we'll see yo what up can you hear me hello yeah i hear you so you were the guy you were the contact for method yeah i was uh introduce yourself yeah so basically i was a council member in galavix since december of 2018 until about september 2019 uh where i decided to step down i still had my role as council on the discord formally until a few months ago but i had quit wow didn't play anymore didn't do i i was basically tasked with handling gold collecting payouts everything regarding gold that was that was pretty much me um regarding the method deal you asked about yeah well basically what had happened so i've been out of the game quote unquote for for a very very long time and i was asked if i could uh step in when progress started uh for the boes because everybody in the management that was you know involved or well knew anything uh about the actual rmt uh was simply playing they were progressing as well so there was nobody else that could do it uh i said yes sure um i was i was asked by toast to do it really i was i never did it before so i had no idea like is this the infamous tolls of the fall guy the mastermind to be found beyond that i'm not gonna like accuse everything and just dump it on him i'm not saying that like okay everybody who what they were getting into and uh i don't know why automatically everything is just full on pulse blame like well because he's not here to defend himself it's pretty [ __ ] easy isn't it yeah i mean it's it's obvious okay so how much money do you guys make from method okay so uh i can tell you what i made for methods is that good enough uh basically uh so they spent in total let me open the sheet real quick i'm assuming you already have the link to it and whatnot oh yeah okay let me just open the ues quickly was this the only tier that you guys did uh did did rmt with method or did you guys do it personally yes that was the first and only tier however i uh this is again just allegedly saying they did this before in previous tiers as well but i wasn't personally involved with the boes before it but you cannot confirm that i can't because i was not physically present i don't have the evidence to prove whether it was or it wasn't so i'm just gonna say allegedly they did it okay well we'll just talk about nilotha then because that's what you're talking about yes so uh toast put me in touch with scribe uh and basically we agreed that uh he and his teammates raiders whatever would send me the uh information for the specific boes they wanted uh acquired on certain rounds i would go there buy the boes put it all on this sheet that you see here in front of you if you see it um if not let me just quickly send you the link and they will scribe asked me to update him with is this the google doc with all the screenshots no that is the actual um sheet where all the boes were handled at the time history that anybody can do okay so um basically um viewers were being purchased i spent two weeks uh availability at least 16 12 to 16 hours a day they were they they didn't stop coming with uh with the items a lot of them were being sold uh sold already so i couldn't get them anyways um he wanted updates in how much uh in real money the amount ended up being at so uh limits were raised a couple of times uh so they they reached the limit of money and then they wanted to expand that because they needed more money yes so the initial limit uh set before the race even started uh i believe was 3 000 euros so we agreed on a price of 50 usd per million so that would end up being around 60 million right okay so so you all right that that makes sense and so how much total did they spend uh i i heard the number seven thousand somewhere around seven thousand is that is that somewhere around seven thousand would be accurate the total gold spent to the penny is uh a little well close to 128 million gold yeah so that includes the prices of boes on the realm that they were purchased on and transfers all combined that is how much gold was spent the actual transaction the money transaction between method and uh gallywix happened with between pulse and somebody from it i didn't see the screenshot i don't know who sent him the the actual amount and what was the amount i have received so were you the one that were you the one that leaked the screenshots with scribe yes why well uh because uh the whole thing was already over and i think that i don't blame the raiders they're some of them are very good people very nice people but i think that i felt bad because uh only people from galilee's were uh crucified and convicted so you wanted to clearly barely pipe lizard fairly however others who were in my mind equally involved or so you wanted to take him down with you no not with me i'm uh you gotta understand i'm not part of galadix anymore nor do i play wow anymore i just wanted for people to know the truth of what is what actually happened what are you shaking for a while what are you shaking is that is that a pepper is that pepper no no i have bracelets so it's just hitting people okay i see um so uh so you leaked the screenshots and you did this because uh you thought that it was the right thing to do and you wanted to make sure that all the blame wasn't just on gallywix because you thought other people were involved and the community deserved to know is is that right yes community does deserve to know i think since everything is coming out why not like uh okay since everything's coming out how many other top-end guilds did you sell to and which ones from my knowledge method was the only one who bought gold from us for real money as far as i am aware and as far as i've been told limit borrowed the gold legitimately and made a deal with galavix to pay it back by boosting until shadowlands and this deal was met right they made the money they did they did they reimburse the money as far as i know they did up until the point i stopped looking at it i just left i was just there temporarily until the deal was done and i was gone again so i don't know if they paid out the debt i just know that was the deal made that they're gonna boost it legitimately to earn the gold back okay but you were not involved directly with selling gold to any other any other players all right all right so here's the next question are there any other people in the community that we might know their names of that were involved with buying gold from gallywix that you can prove with screenshots thinking uh no i don't think i can nor do i know because most of the deals uh that have occurred as everybody else said it before pulse was the one who was between those deals and everybody else i was the one that was personally handing over the gold yes because i was in charge of the gold uh i was collecting i was doing payouts but no i can't i don't even i'm very bad with names like i really don't know anybody on top of my head to just well that's convenient that's good to know um all right so you left did you did you leave gallywix before all this stuff happened like i stepped down from my official position and for my from my task to collect gold did you step down from an unofficial position where you completely removed from the organization or did you just step down i was that only happened a few months ago that my actual rank was removed yes but i officially stepped down as doing any work for galavix last year in september came back only for the meth deal that was about it okay all right um well that makes sense uh sure and so why'd you leave well um for that uh there's uh quite a long story behind it um that i think you should read or because it's very long and i don't think i'll have to read it off stream yes you will have to read it off stream uh i will send it to you um but to sum it up uh i think i did what i set out to do i can only say that money was not my primary goal or primary motivation for doing what i did okay and stand behind that and feel anybody can ask me why but i just can't tell the story it's too long it's gonna take a while how much money did you make total uh well the biggest amount of money i made was actually just from the method deal and all my other time in gallywix i made very little because uh basically uh i was the one uh who worked almost eight months for free uh with about a single euro or a single gold because gallabix was in minus again this is a story i'm gonna send you so you can get a better picture of what had happened so in total i would say it was um if you all sum it up uh less than uh 2 000. i would say we made out of all the time that you were involved with how about how about total of all the gold that you made as an individual how much did you make like like personal sales etc uh i was an active advertiser uh is when i joined in july of 2018 and i made 5 million gold uh in in two payout cycles so that's one month that was sold um later on much later when i actually knew i i saved up the gold i was a very filthy casual player i i didn't have i didn't rate i didn't do mythic plus really i didn't have to anything the expensive to spend it on so that gold kind of accumulated um so uh that then when i became council uh a fiasco happened i had to take over the world what i'm kind of asking is how much real life money in the past two years have you accumulated from playing world war i as i told you between 1.6 and 2k no more than that okay all right so and half of that 50 of that was just the method deal okay okay that makes sense uh how is half oh okay yeah i got it uh and how much do you think tolls made uh i would say he made quite quite a lot more uh i never really asked i thought that was private information and it was none of my business but i suspect he made a couple of thousand for sure and how much gold did you make while you were in gallywix how much total gold did you make it's uh very hard to say because our council cuts were used to balance off the debt that we had the minus so uh all that was being earned was being used to cover up the minus so not a lot as i said so you don't even know how much gold you made no wow right and you were doing the accounting for method weren't they a little bit worried about that you didn't even know how much gold you made but they had you do the accounting for method uh i think you got it wrong i didn't do any accounting for method uh i just uh kept the track of the poes that were being purchased that has nothing to do with my personal what do you do you know what a synonym for keep track of this no accounting yeah sure okay accounting uh i don't know when you see it accounting it sounds a bit it sounds a bit uh irresponsible for me for not knowing how much i have but does that even matter um i guess not so hey what's going on man so you're gonna sit there and tell me out of two years of rmt and all this other [ __ ] with all this it cost me to it cost me 20 dollars to buy from blizzard like 120k and you're gonna sit there and say you made a 1.6 k or like 2k on on all the billions of gold you're sitting there saying that you're going to tell me that right now well people are giving you uh half of the actual information the uh gallagher's that you know today that is making uh billions of gold yeah that expansion started a few months ago in 2019 gallywix had average cycles of 200 to 300 million it was not billions that was only what a half a year ago a year ago actually uh-huh okay so the the amounts you think of now were didn't exist back then galavix was not that big the expansion on ama happened last year and i'm talking only about eu i'm not talking about na i was never on an a okay okay cool so um what happened to your account did blizzard ban you yes all right well that pretty much settles it huh yeah well is there anything else you'd want to add before we uh before we move on no not really oh i'll listen to the the actual story of what had happened between 2018 and 2019 september where i left so you get a clearer picture of what happened in galax so you you kind of get where i'm coming from all right yeah sure i'd love to see that absolutely i got a question to ask him go ahead you got any gold on n a dude on sargeras no he's so unfortunately i never had an n a account and i still don't [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,100,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold method, asmongold world first, method, method world first, ny'alotha, ny'alotha method, asmongold ny'alotha, nyalotha, nyalotha raid, method nyalotha, asmongold drama, method drama, wow gold, wow gold selling, gallywix, method gallywix, gallywix gold, asmongold gallywix, wow draama, world first drama, method rmt, wow rmt, gallywix rmt, scripe, method gold, gold rmt
Id: ybOMK-8EGb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 27sec (4527 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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