Metal detecting an old Alaskan gold rush cabin

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[Music] hey guys keep e6 of metal detecting in Alaska and today's adventure cuz I'm gonna get on like dual-sport motorcycle then we're gonna ride way out into the middle of nowhere to an abandoned gold rush cabin that I know love I've got my metal detector all packed in this backpack bring in my Fisher Goldberg and hopefully we'll have some good luck and find something cool all right well let's get ready and start fighting out there well hey guys Oh finally made it off the main road and onto the trails but I had to stop and take a little break and stretch out take a look at this view can sear all the trees down there have lost all their leaves today is September 27th 2017 all right well let's go ahead and finish riding the rest of the way hopefully we'll have some good luck today ready to ride do a really crazy section of trails here thought I'd run the camera just in case I wipeout nothing but slick mud roots and now it's covered in leaves whoa I almost rear-end almost went out from underneath me that's how sweet kisses I'm trying to take the time okay so now we're out on to the Alaska Pipeline it's all Barry do here so that's why you don't see it it's all underground all right so let's close up the road here real quick okay so here's the turn off but he's been due here doing some ribs take my time going out this slick little trail fun reason I bought this motorcycle was so I could get out to these spots like this and do some great metal detecting well it sure is beautiful back here in these woods all by myself oh but I don't see a bear or a moose I can handle that maybe a Bigfoot I know I might try to take his picture if I saw a Bigfoot chasing down with the GoPro there she be there's the cabin right there guys check that out there she is all right well let's get unloaded and get right all right make sure we got some protection here let's go take a look around get out of that old Sun check that out there's an old couch in there floors have pretty much fell in check out those logs whoa almost went through the floor watch where I'm walking check that out had a little living room in it I'm assuming that was probably a kitchen a lot of trash in here where people have been in here whiskey bottles no over here they had a really cool thick door I wonder if this is it and it just fell in yeah that was it look how thick it was it was like that thick yeah it's falling in look at the roof that's what happened it wasn't like that last time I was here just falling apart check this out it had a door and then one of these sliding to lock it isn't that cool all right well hey let's break out this detector and just know that detect around and see what we can find it's pretty overgrown and but you never know it's the thing I love about metal detecting you just never know it's a great shot the bike and the old gold brush cabin pretty sweet it's all bottle over here I don't think it's anything special I also noticed over here that it looked like there was a kind of like a man-made ravine here look at this see it look at that I just want to walk up here you know they could have had water flowing down through here and oh look a there can Oh alright well we'll mosey back up here we only got a couple hours so let's get back to the cabin and get busy detecting because it's gonna get dark here I think it's probably about five o'clock now and it gets dark by 7:00 so bear get busy it's all structure over here - oh yeah okay what is this all kinds of different oh wow look at this I've found a grave Wow what the heck check this out Robert Mersh 1932 to 2013 and Laura may Mersh 1933 to 2017 it's just this year I'll clean you off every time I'm up here rest in peace god bless you in a beautiful place I wonder if they used to live here because that's where I'd want to be buried where I lived and where I loved see I saw this stuff down here old remnants of cars I guess engineers cabinet I don't see nothing else I bet you there stuff just scattered everywhere all right mr. mrs. Marsh I hope I find something really cool from your life here if I do I might just put it on your grave there and let the relatives have it or let you have it wow that was totally unexpected to find a burial site up there did not know have to look up that those names see if I can find out any kind of history all right let's break out the oil detective not sure what kind of building that was Wow look at all that bear poop all kinds of it must be a bear around bear has been digging looky dug there dug here went out that trail somewhere there good day to get ready for hibernation just been finding huh a lot of tin cans and all kinds of stuff so far nothing interesting see it's kind of what I'm talking about here a lot of that belt is stuck this can can't make out what it says cool man I started digging that up and I thought I found some gold look at that looks like a giant chunk of gold orange colored lumen in foil there it is another lid Wow check it out I found the outhouse this might be a good place to metal detector out people dropping coins as it cannot pull your pants up ha ha now first bullet of the day expect it to find a bunch of these all I've been finding this old beer cans and old tin cans old toilet rice getting a huge signal digging everything mother nail holes washtub thick this door is keep that cold Alaska winter out see how you find coins and cushions Oh couches I wonder if I flip this over I'd find any old coins that's worth to try don't you kay that's pretty cool I found this old bumper and it has fort wainwright be a seven eight nine it's an old decal I look I found an old car it's pretty cool Wow is that like an old Chevelle or what crazy yeah she's pretty messed up well I'm just kind of wandering away from the cabin looking for little trails that are leading to cool other stuff well this is either a good path or a bear path see where it takes us well obviously that doesn't lead anywhere let's get back to the road man I thought for sure we'd find something down around that old outhouse so there's a little trail that leads away from the cabin so I'm gonna go check it out now see where it leads because so far I'm just finding old cans I'd like to find some old coins at the leaf now the trail does go good ways out that way I've been out that way before I know it leads to some tailings piles anyways let's turn around and walk back towards the cabin Suns going down so it's gonna be getting dark here real quick it's pretty cool finding stuff like this in the middle of Alaska the metal detector it's gonna be getting dark here soon so I need to start heading out and it's gonna be a little ride so I get out of here so it'd probably be dark and we'll keep looking for more cabins and trying to see what we can find every hunts not a treasure finding hunt you find a lot of trash good time to practice the three P's of metal detecting patience persistence and perseverance alright guys till next time good luck and happy hunting and I'll see you all out metal detecting alright so time to go it's gonna be getting dark here pretty soon and I don't want to be way out here in these woods in the middle of the pitch-black I think I got it all bags are all closed that's all step down you should check it before I started bike alright here we go Oh had it neutral haha can't cross the mud hole neutral Oh see what I'm telling you this things are slick [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Metal detecting in alaska (keithie6)
Views: 1,236,469
Rating: 4.1340075 out of 5
Keywords: +metal, detecting, in, alaska+metal, detecting+metal, parks+metal, lost, jewelry+fisher, gold, bug+garrett, pro, pointer+winter, metal, snow+urban, prospecting, +cabin+gold rush+gold rush cabin
Id: SjWYbDFmkak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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