Meta Quest 3 - Everything You Need to Know

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I've been using the meta Quest 3E for almost a month now and I've got loads to share in this video we are going to dive into everything and how it sticks UPS against the quest too so if you're deciding which one to choose stick around till the end to avoid making a huge mistake so grab a snack get comy and let's find out if the meta Quest free is just perfect or [Music] not [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you still think that VR headsets are just some fancy gaming gadgets the new Quest 3 might change your view this headset Builds on the popular meta Quest 2 model and offers a more complex use of virtual reality Quest 3 is a step towards taking we are more seriously Quest 2 was more about games and over overall entertainment but now we have something that can do much more the new Quest 3 has enough cameras and sensors capable of scanning the space around you creating a 3D model and projected internally opening up far more uses than its previous gen and as I'll show you later the new Quest can even be used for work it's available in 128 gigs or 512 gigs in my case I got the 128 gigs version and later on we'll discuss whether it's worth paying for bigger version as we can see the new Quest free is much thinner specifically by 40% but interestingly it's a few GS heavier than Quest 2 due to a larger battery however since the weight is distributed closer to your face it actually feels lighter um let's talk about the head strap as you can see it's very similar to the previous Quest 2 adjust the fit to your head using this wcro part up top and at the back you can pull these two straps the further apart they are the tighter it will be so you just tweak it until you hit that sweet spot of comfort honestly I have some issues with this head strap well I did but more on that later one of the main differences is the type of lenses used if you are upgrading from Quest 2 this will probably be the first thing you notice now we have pancake Optics which are Slimmer and much clearer everything looks sharp even when the headset moves on your head these lenses provide a beautiful sharpness across almost the entire ire area of your fov feel of view making it much more comfortable for your eyes and preventing headaches Quest 2 has an 89° fov and the new Quest 3 has 110° which is definitely a pleasant increase you get a consistently sharp view almost everywhere you look thanks to the new lenses in the case of Quest 2 the bluring at the edges was noticeably worse if you wear glasses you can use these buttons to adjust the lenses further from your face making sure you'll glasses sits comfortably inside with this dial you adjust the ipd the distance between the lenses the range is from 53 to 75 mm and here is a tip for you if you don't know what distance you should choose try the IM measure app and it will show you the distance you should set the more accurately you set the distance the more comfortable and strength free your VR experience will be and it's free in the previous model you could adjust the ipd only to specific measurements 58 63 and 68 mm so even players with smaller or larger face shouldn't have a problem here we have two infrared cameras capturing the controllers or your hands if you decided to use hand tracking in the front there are RGB cameras and in the middle a def sensor improving the accuracy of spatial and motion detection thanks to these cameras we get a beautiful color for pass through which cannot be even compared with the previous generation but more on that in a moment on the bottom side we again have have a microphone which honestly didn't get much better this is a test of the microphone from the older model Quest 2 and this is the test of the microphone from the new model Quest free I'm not saying it sounds bad but considering the meta is pushing for overall communication in the virtual world they could have given the microphones a bit of an upgrade too right beside the microphone you'll find the volume buttons moving to the speakers which are located on the side just like before they sound great they are significantly louder and better compared to those on the Quest 2 if you're a fan of games like beats saber and really want to dive deep into every track you're going to love this upgrade but if you prefer using headphones there is again the option to connect headphones via 3.5 mm check on the other side we again have a USBC for charging and data transfer and a power button the spatial sound quality is great and I have nothing to criticize here before we dive into the virtual world let's take a look at the new controllers the controllers no longer have the terrain it's quite subjective and everyone might prefer something different I personally like the new controlers much more mainly because the ring doesn't get in the way and you don't accidentally bump the controllers into each other it might also be worth mentioning that changing batteries is a bit easier thanks to this button the only thing I micro size is that if they had a rechargeable batteries with a USBC connector then they would be perfect like I said these controls were work for me and I prefer them over the previous generation and now let's talk about pass through which is basically our window to the real world while in we are this is one of the biggest differences between older and New Generation the cool thing about the meta Quest 3 is its full color pass through allowing users to easily switch between virtual reality and mixed reality experiences when compared with the previous Quest 2 the difference is obvious at the first glance blurry black and white and overall resolution isn't best definitely better than nothing but nowhere near what the quest free offers as you can see the image is sharp nice and colorful it's just on a whole new level good pass through of course depends on how much light you have in your room in a good light you can even read a notification on your phone if it's dark it's quite noisy and Less Pleasant however in a brightly lit room the quest free still gives you a clear view of your surroundings even without the 12 cameras that the Apple Vision Pro has you can comfortably move around and even walk from room to room pass through is great but isn't perfect for example when moving hands you can notice some Distortion in the image it kind of seems like you are underwater but when compared to the previous generation we really can't complain not to mention that so software updates could come over time to improve this we have even seen people going out with their Quest free to do things like shopping or even cooking but it still has plenty of issues like the fact that Windows can't trick you and stay in one place and more importantly it's strongly advised not to use the headset outside meta itself warns against this as it could permanently damage the lenses setting up boundaries for VR use is incredibly simple with the quest free you just need to look around and the quest automatically creates a safe boundary for your VR activities and if you use the quest in a different places it even remembers the environments the control tracking on the quest 3 is again slightly better and more precise especially in low light conditions here's a useful tip to make your life easier if you want to switch between VR and AR simply double tap on the headset your environment will change instantly this is far more convenient and quicker than going into settings this feature is especially handy when you're playing a game and need to quickly check your surroundings you can just head out to the fridge without taking off your headset just double tap to switch views spatial orientation in a quest free is truly amazing wherever you place your virtual window it stays exactly there even if you go to a different room and come back the virtual window stays right where it was another thing that will surprise you when you first first try Quest three is the sharpness the new Quest has a 30% higher resolution everything looks better cleaner and more pleasant for instance if we look at the basic window where you'll find stuff like games settings and store you can see how beautifully clear it is and that window stays right in the same place no Jitters or anything like that it just really looks like the window is actually right in front of me if you don't want to use or can't find the controllers you can control everything with your hands hand tracking this is another feature that just works great you can replace your controllers with special hand guestures this way you can easily access the menu recenter or start recording the screen you can effortlessly navigate through the quest free interface using only hand gestures even some apps and games support this feature surprisingly it works really well you can even type on a keyboard with your fingers personally I really like this feature I don't have to look for a controller and can do everything just with my hands you can even scroll simply just with your finger of course there are times when you try to grab and move a window and it doesn't work however like I said the lightning in the room plays a big rooll let's talk about some of the uses of the new Quest 3 obviously the main reason people buy VR headsets is for gaming and entertainment you don't need to be connected to any external devices to play games this headset is all you need it's a huge Advantage compared to the PlayStation and its VR headset the latest processor in the quest free delivers a GPU performance that's 2.5 times stronger and 50% more efficient compared to the first generation chip found in the Quest 2 in other words the quest freak can run games at a higher resolution with better image Fidelity at higher frame rate we will likely enjoy very interesting titles with impressive Graphics in the near future games run and look much better increase performance is especially appreciated if you often record your screen games are much smoother when recording and there is no audio lag of course the quest fre is compatible with games for Quest 2 and Quest Pro moving on to mix reality with the pretty solid pass through on the new Quest we can dive into AR stuff mixing real and virtual words it adds virtual things into your environment and you can interact with them there is a bunch of apps that let you work with mixed reality I feel like like people don't know how cool mixed reality is until they actually try it I'd split AR apps into two kinds purely for fun and do you can actually learn something from I tried some AR games and honestly it's super interesting it's a great experience something you just couldn't do with the older Quest 2 you can map your entire home into VR play Space playing board games right in your living room but in VR and you still get the full experience of your surrounding ings while you playing and of course I've tried some AR apps that can actually teach you stuff like this one for example you can learn to play the piano in a fun way it's really interesting and you don't even need to own piano you just press on the table into virtual keys this just makes you think about VR headsets from a totally different perspective it's not just about fun anymore it can really teach you real skills now now let's look at another way to use Quest free for work yes you can actually use the quest free for work honestly realizing that the quest free can make work easier and more efficient was a total game changer for me my main work tool is a Macbook for video editing photo editing note taking and stuff like that I've tried many apps for creating virtual workspace with virtual monitors the ones that really caught my eye are immersed and metas Horizon work rooms with both you can connect your computer whether it's Windows or Mac OS to the VR and create multiple virtual desktops to work in this virtual world you can add more monitors than you have on your desk you can also make a cut out to see your keyboard you can even use a controller as a pen and write anything on a desk whiteboard you can invite anyone to a meeting or present anything both apps are completely free you can literally take this Virtual Office anywhere by the way this video was entirely edited in the virtual world on Virtual monitors so yes it really is possible to use it for work honestly I find working in a virtual world very enjoyable and I could talk about it for hours if you like the idea of using the Quest for work or making virtual monitors hit subscribe I've got special video coming onest I've been talking a lot about how great this new Quest free is with lots of improvements and seemingly no downsides does it mean it's perfect certainly not there are some negatives but don't worry there are not many not going to lie a longer battery life would be great it depends on what you are doing but if you're planning a gaming night expect around 2 hours of playtime I think it's enough for most users but for those who want to use it more intensively it might be a bit short charging is done via USBC and it takes about 2 and 1/2 hours to fully charge the headset the biggest battery drainers are mixed reality and hand tracking features however if you need more juice you can always grab the elite strap with battery it's not cheap but it does job personally it's not a big deal for me honestly I couldn't play for more than 2 hours straight anyway and when it comes to work I'm usually pluck into a power source the whole time even though the quest free weighs about the same it feels a bit nicer on your head it's Slimmer so the weights more balanced and closer to your face but about a basic head strap for a lot of people this head strap gets really uncomfortable after wearing it for a while personally I had a bit of trouble getting used to it at first the first first few days with this headset were really uncomfortable it took a few days but eventually I got used to it now I can wear this headset for several hours without any issues but it doesn't change the fact that meta could have come up with something more comfortable well they did but of course it'll cost you extra and now we come to the part you probably click on this video for don't make this mistake so what is it about from my personal point of view if you're not exactly chasing the newest flashiest VR gear out there or maybe you just just dipping your toes into VR and when to mess around with it now and then the Quest 2 will totally do the trick of course it all depends on bunch of stuff like what you're planning to do with the headset if you have already had a spin with VR headset before what your budget is looking like and everything in between if you're ready to dive in and really use everything this headset packing especially the cool AR features then cool you're definitely not going to regret it it's just aesome that it can even teach you how to play the piano also it's incredibly handed that you can create way more virtual monitors than you actually have in reality so if you can use the quest free for stuff like this and you don't need to buy extra monitors then getting this headset actually makes sense financially but again if you're mainly into getting a VR headset for gaming and I mean regular games not the mix reality ones or if you're are totally new to this virtual world and haven't had any experience with VR headset at all or maybe you're not even sure if you like it or if it'll end up forgotten in a drawer after a week then I think the Quest 2 is more than enough for you and you'll save a bunch of money The Quest 2 cost $300 and the quest free is $500 and that's a noticeable difference and when it comes to storage honestly the 128 gigs is plenty we are games aren't huge like PC or console games I've got over 30 games on this headset and there is still room again it depends on what you plan to do with your quest but for the average US user 128 gigs will do the trick and save you some bucks if you ask me better to spend extra on a comfier headstrap if you're going to be in a VR World a lot so wrap it up I think the quest free is pretty awesome most people including me agree that Quest free is currently the top Standalone gaming PC headset aable Gamers will love the bigger F crisper resolution and outstanding performance and for those who want to take their Virtual Office anywhere it's a game changer it's surprising how much this small device can handle there is definitely an improvement from the last gen we've gone through the differences between Quest 2 and Quest free so hopefully you won't make a mistake in choosing it's like the first real successful step into mix reality that's also pretty affordable I definitely want to hear your thoughts so what's your take on the new Quest 3 do you like it or do you feel like the previous gen got everything unique let me know in the comments what you think and see you all next time ciao [Music] [Music] he
Channel: Just Perfect
Views: 46,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: just perfect, tech, technology, virtual reality, virtual, reality, vr, meta, quest, meta quest 3, vs, meta quest 2, compare, review
Id: BKoMlF9yCvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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