Meta Quest 3 | Unboxing, Setup and First Impressions Review

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hello everyone it's an exciting day today is meta Quest 3 day now it is actually the day after meta Quest 3 day I was expecting this to turn up yesterday uh and it just never did in fact it didn't even turn up today I had to go out and buy this one because I just don't know where my one is um so if at any point during this video another one of these appears you know that I went out and did that for no reason and now I have to but I welcome you today to join me on unboxing The Meta Quest 3 we're going to unbox it we're going to set it all up together so you can see what the process looks like as soon as I can record what I'm seen on the headset you will also be able to see that too um and we'll go for that journey together I'm also going to give you all my first impressions this is sort of my first impressions review um and just to let you know this video is also sponsored by VR cover now VR cover create amazing products that sort of help with how this feels on your face so we'll get on to that later uh but for now let's just get this thing open because I want to see and I'm sure you want to see how this all goes let's do it first of all we have the meta Quest box um it's a lot smaller and I mean really small similar sort of design pattern um I have the uh Quest two box and this is the comparison it is a bit taller um and a lot narrower um it's also if I was about to say it feels it feels lighter but that's cuz there is no headset in this one because it's not it's it's out anyway another interesting thing I'm actually filming this in uh VR as well so if you have a meta 2 you can watch this unboxing in virtual reality um with the camera that I have just there so I've not really been looking at you and I apologize I'm looking at my 2D friends uh but if you want to watch that you can do that it'll be somewhere maybe there'll be a link below um you can it'll be on my channel a VR version of this video it won't be the full full video but just the unboxing so let's have a little look we got a little Inside the Box uh list here so we've got inside the box is the quester headset facial interface uh two touch plus controllers uh two wrist straps pre-installed love that uh power adapter charging cable and two AA batteries we love having AA batteries installed so I don't have to do it myself it is sealed let's let's do that first we're going back now meta Quest three lovely so we have a scan to start thing with your phone and I'll do that in a second um we also have this this and this so these are your touch plush controllers you can see them just like that lovely and you got a little pull tab so I'm thinking the batteries are probably already inside which is nice um we'll get on to what they look like in a second let's get the headset out um lovely it looks really nice actually um really high quality similar quality wise to The Quest 2 but it just sort of looks a little bit posher um it might be because it's brand new who knows um but it looks really nice and you got obviously the cameras on the front there you got the sort of depth sensors and stuff as well underneath you have the ipd adjustment wheel and then a volume rocker there and then obviously you got your cameras around too uh we got some little instructions on how to adjust the facial interface as well take that off and we got this pre-installed stock strap which I'm hearing bad things about we'll try it out we'll see how it feels for me um I think people are a bit sensitive that being said they could be telling the complete truth who knows we also have this little pull tab box thing there and then inside here I'm assuming we have charging cables and all that stuff yeah got a little power brick charging cables and some manuals let's just get slightly Hands-On uh with the actual device we have a little look here we got our little um peel things that we got peel off now the one of the big differences between this is that on the quest to I'll see if I can find my one here so here is the Quest 2 now this is it without the sort of facial interface um you can see lenses are obviously completely different youve got fiated R fiated lenses versus pancake lenses they're actually a very similar size and shape um but this sort of around it the molding is entirely different you've got the little sensor to see the your faces there um but this is obviously just two massive lenses sticking out on this side you got this nice molding which sort of keeps it all a bit nice and tidier it looks a little bit better and then your ipd wheel I believe will adjust that and it sort of flexes the material as well which is nice really sort of high quality much better than the original also have little um charging pins under there on the bottom as well you've got your sort of speakers that sort of um give you your sort of if you don't decide to wear headphones you can use those and probably most time on the quest I think that's fine we'll see what the speakers sound like and I'll go over that in my review and then I believe you can also sort of adjust this slightly they say if you want to sort of if you have glasses you can move this in and out I don't know how that works there's a little button here so you can see if you oh that's the facial interface coming off it's a bit fiddly this isn't easy I'll be honest okay I've just taken the facial interface off uh so I'll try and click that back on there's a button on both sides so you meant to be able to pull push this button and then you can stretch it out and then you see underneath it sort of pulls out away so if you got glasses or you want it to be slightly less intense um you can do that and then if you want to get as sort of best field of you um and get as close to the lenses as possible you can push those in okay it's a bit less fiddly once you sort of get the hang of it but it is it doesn't feel it's not nicest thing to do I'll be honest but I'll get those as close as I can cuz I want it to be as immersive as possible all right we'll move that to one side these are your touch controllers um they feel really nice actually we'll just take out these little tabs so they can start powering on they're going to be looking for the headset which isn't there um they feel really nice very similar in feel to the ones um from The Quest 2 but obviously there's no tracking Rings which means you can sort of cross over a bit better get a bit closer so they're very similar to the pro ones but they don't have their own processors or things they're probably not quite as heavy but they feel really nice nice controllers one nice touch I did see on these ones obviously you got the strap in the bottom um with the quest two you have to sort of like yank this bit off to change the battery with this one it actually has a little push button that sort of does it for you which is much nicer that press the button it already snaps off much better way of doing it nicer for the user there you go super easy quality of life Improvement thank you very much meta so now we get to the point where I'm going to have to start wearing this and turning it on um and I'm going to need my phone which I'm actually currently recording this video with which is very funny so what I'm going have to do is I'm going have to use this phone up here which I borrowed off of my wife to film the rest of this video uh while I use my phone to set it up and the quality might drop a bit and I apologize for that Okie doie here we are here we are here we are so let's get this headset on and let's get it set up and as soon as I can record I promise you I will start recording what I can see but you might be stuck just looking at me looking like an idiot for a bit so it did say on the box I don't know if you remember it said scan to start now I'm having a feeling that that is going to take me to the app or it's going to take me to a place where I can download the app and I already have the app cuz I had a quest too meta Quest it's opened up the uh meta Oculus app and that's pretty much it it hasn't done much else it's just open the app so let's pop that down for a second let's fire this thing up power button is over here on the left side as you're holding it switch on and we'll try and put this on okay lovely so it's nice and loose and I think you tighten it by sort of pulling these two apart it's a lot easier than the uh than the original to adjust the strap oh look at that okay honestly first thing is that it jump straight into the sort of pass through to describe it is like a slightly grainy version of real life so it's like imagine if slightly lower resolution oh my hand looked a bit crazy there so this is how I have it at the moment I might adjust it I think it'll probably take a bit of time for me to get it perfect but there we go um I keep looking into the camera trying to make sure that you can see eye contact cuz it just feels like I'm looking at the camera but I know you can't see my eyes um so that's a bit weird okay so we got our controllers so it says push the buttons on your controllers yeah yeah yeah our controls are here switched on so we've got a little picture picking language adjusting the straps yeah I've done I've done that so basically I've got this Big Box menu in front of me um I think because I've got this massive key light as well lighting me up it's sort of affecting it the rest of the room looks quite dark cuz it's trying to adjust this massive light um but behind me the exposures that control was actually quite good honestly okay adjust the headset to the for the back to it's comfortable and you can see the screen clearly uh yeah it it's really really good actually the field of view is much better than the quest considerably all right adjust the just turn the wheel at the bottom of your headsets just until this text is clear and comfortable to read an ipd of 65 I think that's fine it' be nice if they had like a thing to like so you could get it perfect but obviously it's much better than the normal all right Wi-Fi or use a QR code from The Meta mobile app I'll do that because I have the app right here download and I can see my phone that's the most impressive thing because I never been able to do that before download open your device and follow the setup steps to get a QR code what happens if I here's a question if I press the Oculus button what happens H I want to try and record come on all right so if I go to devices connect new device it's still not an option um do I need to update the app that's annoying let's see app store do I have any apps I I find it weird that I'm using my phone that that's the most bizarre thing um I do need to adjust the ipd there because I do feel like it's a little bit feel like it's not quite right if you don't know what ipd is by the way and I'm just like talking nonsense ipd is like the distance between the lenses so everyone's eyes are slightly different distance apart you can move the lenses to sort of where your ipd is and if it's slightly off it tends to like give you headaches and stuff like that if you're wearing it for a long time now the thing I've noticed as well is that the for example my psvr2 The Sweet Spot is very small this has pancake lenses which going to have a much better Sweet Spot Quest two spe sweet spots pretty good what that means is is that you can sort of get away with having quite a wide ipd so you can be off your ipd and it still is looks quite good it doesn't look blurry but you want to make it perfect just to if you're using it for a long time you don't get headaches and stuff all right what we're going to do we're going to skip that bit we're going to go back and we're going to do a manual like an absolute lunatic because I don't know how to do it and I just want to get on and play lovely connected what it saved connecting obtain IP connected done all right there we go that's a bit easier continue set up in the meta mobile app so now that I'm on the right Wi-Fi will it automatically I was trying to do face ad that ain't going to work mate what is weird is that it it's warping slightly so for example my phone it looks like it's banana shape so it looks like the top of it and the bottom of it is closer to me than the middle which is a bit of a bizarre feeling but all and no it's not that bad I just saw a reflection of myself wearing the headset and it's quite funny actually cuz I I I'm forgetting that I'm wearing the headset it is also updating me I can see that it's updating me in a box over there updating to latest software 2 minutes remaining it's got nice little Avatar someone's apparent know what they're doing on the app uh but it's not showing me any details of how I actually get this thing set up all right continue set use the mobile app to complete next steps plug in your headset okay so I can take the headset off is that what you're saying now I can finish setting this up somehow it's not let it's not giving me the option come on Sam surely I shouldn't need to like get support this early on I already have an account so I don't need to set up a new account this isn't good I'll be honest this isn't the best setup process I had an issues the last time I set up one of these as well but that's cuz I had a faulty headset but this is upsetting me a little bit I'll be honest with you all right what's this two hours later looking for headsets so now it's looking for a quest three that it's actually saying that I'll be honest this isn't that clear it's clear enough that I can read it but it's not like real life just so you're aware it is still a bit blurry it's it's amazing in comparison to other past through that I've used before enable hand and body tracking yes we'll enable that welcome to youra oh hello while you're iMed inal experiences can you hear this like there's a Giant floating Quest 3 in front of me and they're talking to me make sure the volume is uh all the way up so you can hear too let's create a boundary so I got my controllers I've turned hand tracking on as well although that's not doesn't seem to be working just yet it's cuz you can't see the floor cuz I've surrounded myself in junk oh it's doing it okay so it's creating this polago a stationary boundary which makes a lot of sense because I am stationary confirm time to open your Universal menu to choose what to do next press the meta button on your controller you're all set all right let's record apps find friends and explore so quickly I'm just going to give you a little spoiler about some of my first impressions and this particular spoiler is regarding the facial interface now the quest 3 is definitely better than the Quest 2 uh what that came with stockwise it's more fabric than sort of weird foam and that's much more comfortable it's still not great it's quite abrasive um and it's not I don't think the not most s it's not the softest most comfortable it's quite grippy it's fabric so it might absorb it and there's no sort of silicon thing that you can get with the Quest 2 uh to sort of protect it if you're going to be sharing this round so on that note I'd like to reintroduce this video sponsors VR cover now VR cover are the first company to ever offer hygiene VR products and they've been doing so since 2014 now the VR cover for the meta Quest 3 is designed to um make the the whole experience much more comfortable to absorb sweat and to be be easily removable so that you can take it and you can hand wash it and then you're not sharing sweaty gems it's also anti microbial which means it's not going to be passing on germs it's not going to get all fouy and horrible and inside there is now a thin foam layer to make it even more comfortable on your device you can get it in two colors if you want to be a bit more subtle like me you can go for uh the gray I think that looks really nice honestly and what it does is it just wraps around the existing facial interface now if you want to be a bit more outlandish you can go for the red um or sort of like orangey pinky salmony color and that just sort of Pops off a little bit more so if you want to have a little bit more Pizzazz that might be the option for you but honestly if you're the type of person who gets a bit irritated with something that's a bit abrasive on your face this is a particularly good option and it's easily removable and you can wash it now VR cover super kind and offering you guys at home 10% off if you add in my promo code and that is Samuel Jones Tech Q3 it's all down in the description and the links down there as well to go get yourself one but guys if you're wanting a way to have a much more comfortable and hygienic way of using your quest 3 and being able to share it with other people as well go check out VR cover and VR cover thank you very much for sponsoring the video okay I'm recording like so if you haven't had a quest two before you get the same Little Red Dot that shows you you're recording um but this is what you this is what I'm seeing I'm seeing my horrendously messy office there's a hamster cage over there who has that in their Studio me that's who uh my app absolute mess around here everything you can see um and I am good I you can see my like box thing here um it's got like so I got my menu I'm in mixed reality it's just doing it by default it's not put me in a world yet so if you are new to VR just wait because you're going to it's going to blow your mind once it does something so it's just going to keep me a mix ready what happens if I double tap well whoa okay there we go okay so it just straight up threw me into virtual reality it wasn't like this crazy animation where everything disappeared which is a bit sad so I'm in this sort of weird metal logo behind me lovely okay so this is cool is it very Posh nice big city oh hello there's me over there thinks I'm standing but I'm actually sat down oh I'm wearing my suit looking sharp as you like uh oh I can jump over there app yeah looking good how good's the hand tracking look at that that's good look it's behind my head oh nice okay and then if I tap that oh I'm in my office so it sort of like sort of fills up from the aha okay so one of the first things you should do I think when you get one of these headsets is try their first encounter so there was one on the quest two first steps for Quest two still here that's nice but first encounters that's going to be I think the way to go and we got firsthand a bunch of different things already jumping in firsthand I'm assuming is another First Steps type thing but let's try first encounters first oh wow okay got big logo we're straight in VR some apps may ask for your spatial data I didn't I haven't given any spatial data you can have it though okay so we got to set up our space all right what we're going to do we're going to pause come back into the real world even though I was technically in the real world it's a very weird experience I'll be honest we're going to pause there I'm very excited to actually try some apps um so far setting up experience I'm going to give it a six out of 10 um but if you're new to VR very exciting and if you're new to Mr we're going to wait and see cuz first encounters hopefully will take us along that step so let me move around a little bit because I need some more space because I've boxed myself in and that's not good oh and if you're watching a VR this is the end of that so see you next time okie dokie ladies and gentlemen we are back with a brand new hit this is the quest three honestly head strap I'm not sure just yet that initial set up was a bit funny but let's see how how we get on so head on B to Titan it's easy to put on right here we are in the real world aha look at this it was scanning the room you can see all this stuff going on yeah nice and it's suggesting that I have a room scale boundary of about this size which might makes sense when you think about it cuz there I've just got stuff everywhere if I move that maybe but now I want to jump into this app first encounters set up your space okay we're going to add some furniture 2 hours later oh we finished space complete okay let's do this all right all right we're in looks like you need to rescan all your space relies on automated space setup function try scanning again oh I have to start over Okay maybe my room is too much of an absolute tip that I'm just it's not allowing me to do this properly start scanning okay well this is better well the automated version of this is way better pesky puffins are about to flood your room I'm not prepared I'm not ready oh that's very cool it's like rubbles landed on the table oh hello okay that's just landed on the table that's very cool look he's trying to get in oh he's actually breaking [Music] through hang on I miss I I'm shooting holes in the you're making a mess in here me I can shoot like out there oh wait scream what's mad is that this is this is so intense like it's it's detected my screen and it's broken that apart separately from the wall behind it shoot my holes in the wall that is a very fun that was very good let me uh pop that down I would say that was a really good a really good way of um jumping into mixed reality it showed you that sort of like things jumping around the room falling apart and the fact that I'm like s halfway in VR and half not there's a very cool way of introducing someone to actual virtual I'll be excited to see someone who's not used VR play this game I think that would be really cool okay so first impressions of the quest 3 I honestly have to say I'm pretty impressed with the whole thing I think the setup was a little bit finicky for me I maybe just the way I did it and swapping phones and stuff made a bit hassle don't have the clearest space in here that probably doesn't help but once it's all set up it's pretty similar to The Quest 2 um it's much more mixed reality focus it throws you straight into mixed reality instead of that which is um quite nice I guess I think if you're sort of new to VR you might want a bit more VR experience uh but for someone who's been using VR for over a year now it's quite nice having that sort of really clear pass through uh the pass through again is the best pass through I've used especially on a standalone device there's a little bit of warping but it's not that noticeable when you're actually in the headset playing a couple of games that makes use of the pass through has also been really sort of quite fun and when I do my full review which will be coming out soon um I'm going to experience a few more of those and share those in a bit more detail with you but genuinely that sort of mixed reality side of it is probably the main difference from The Quest 2 other than the extra graphical power I think it's very familiar for someone who's used a Quest 2 it's it's not that much different the menu is all the same same software I saw a lot of things about people saying it was was a little bit buggy I haven't really noticed that other than through the setup it was a little bit funny I'm yet to play some proper VR games and have a look at the graphical stuff so we'll do that again for my full review but so far so good I think the my biggest pros at the moment are the pancake lenses are super clear um it's a remarkable difference from The Quest 2 uh field of view is also um a lot better it'll be interesting to see how much stuff comes out and how good the mix reality stuff is I'm looking forward to having a look at the Lego stuff now if you're upgrading from The Quest 2 to the quest 3 is it time yet I don't know I am going to do a video where I go into that and break down that in a lot more detail but to give you sort of a snippet of what I'm thinking is that this does offer more and it is better but I think until there's more stuff out where that sort of takes advantage of that and the apps have been optimized properly um it might be not worth necessarily doing it that quickly at the moment bearing in mind I am a day after launch as I'm talking to you right now it's not really for me to judge whether this is going to be worth upgrading because within a month or two it could 100% of they just cleared out loads and loads of new content and stuff like that for it so it's hard to say but guys I hope you enjoyed experiencing this with me and experiencing the unboxing and stuff like that I hope if you're looking at getting one you are super pumped and excited it is a fantastic device it is very definitely better than the Quest 2 by a significant margin um I'm massively impressed with it I'm looking forward to spending some more time with it and uh hopefully you can join me for that too so guys comment down below are you pumped are you excited are you getting one is it ordered is it on the wish list is it on the Christmas list and guys if you subscribe I will see you in the next one whoop and
Channel: Samuel Jones Tech
Views: 41,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quest 3, Meta Quest 3, Quest, VR, Quest 3 unboxing, quest 3 review, quest 3 first impressions
Id: l0c5FHbBuCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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