The Quest 3's First BIG Update & New Haptic Gloves!

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[Music] hello and welcome to Tuesday Newsday your number one resource for the entire week's worth of VR news W 2 3 and pro all receive an actually pretty sizable update this week with V60 bringing a significant power boost all while meta pauses sales of its own accessories amid some major issues we got this Lego VR game on the way and we got to talk about these crazy VR haptic gloves that allow you to feel VR in a totally new way we got all that and so much more and we'll get right into it after a quick word from the absolute best sponsor of all time side quest so you've probably heard of side quest before I mean they're only one of the largest VR storefronts out there with thousands of VR games and apps available for download and side loading but you may not have heard that side quest has its own social VR platform banter basically take everything that is Horizon worlds you know a corporate stuffy hyper moderated hellscape and flip that on its head I mean there's a shot from their trailer that I don't even know if I could show you on YouTube it's a true Wild West VR social application with full physics Integrations and endless possibilities and it's pretty awesome and a huge bonus side quest is giving away a quest 3 every single week until Christmas within banter all you got to do is be online in the game and you might be picked details are in the description so check it out all right but we have a lot of news to cover so let's just get right into it I figured we'd start this one off with something kind of crazy that I just came across a brand new set of haptic gloves that allow you to not only feel virtual objects with your hands but also allow you to feel differences in textures between different virtual objects this is fluid reality recently spun off from research at the Carnegie melon University these gloves are quite a bit different than anything that's come before it essentially pioneering an entirely new haptic method each fingertip has around 160 fluid filed bubbles that are actuated through a tiny pump and this allows you to feel all sorts of textures there's a distinction between say how a rock feels in hand compared to a smooth piece of wood and this replicates that and this is so different than anything else out there because right now most gloves just vibrate or there's the other alternative of using a giant air compressor so yeah it's a pretty huge breakthrough and I think the really cool part about this is that these gloves are significantly cheaper to manufacture and sell than most other currently existing haptic Solutions fluid reality estimates that the cost per glove is around $1,000 per hand which may sound like a lot until you hear that the comparable solution haptics which does something sort of similar costs around five times that per glove and that's on the cheap end while again also literally requiring you to wear an air compressor on your back and this also got me thinking about a different application of fluid reality they showed that you can embed these haptic pockets in a screen which looks awesome but what if you put them on VR controllers even and I only say this because even after thousands of hours in VR when a game asked me to press say the x button I still have to do that little peek underneath the headset to see which one is X and I hope I'm not the only one there but just imagine instead of visually prompting you in VR which button to press but you can't see the button what if the correct button just sort of pops up just a thought but now let's talk about V60 the newest update coming to The Meta Quest 2 3 and pro and surprisingly there's actually a lot this time around and V60 kind of solves a lot of the big problems that I personally have had with quests in general starting with a feature called improved boundary recall so I think one of the most annoying parts of using a quest is when the headset seemingly just forgets the play space that you had set up you'll be in the same room that you've always been ready to beat some Sabers and then you got to set up your play space for like the 20th time I don't know maybe that's just a me problem but with V60 improved boundary recall uses quote cloud computing capabilities that not only allows the headset to remember more boundaries in general but also connects your boundaries to a 3D Point Cloud essentially saving these spatial coordinates of your boundaries so that when you're in the same coordinates it knows and it pulls up that boundary again and you can turn this feature on by going into settings and sharing your point cloud data and I guess it's just the same idea as always share some data for a bit more convenience on the flip side of that all Quest headsets just got the capability for full endtoend Cloud backup encryption meaning that when enabled nobody not even meta can access your headsets Cloud backups so yeah that's awesome but even more came in this update including a new first-party application called layout and it's kind of like the iPhone's measure app it allows you to measure Real World objects through pass through which is also cool we also got a few new home environments that actually look pretty good and for some reason the in headset phone notification feature has been removed not that I actually used it but I'm sure there's someone out there that did and there's no reason for the removal it's just been discontinued but I think definitely the biggest part of V60 is yet another huge performance boost at least for some people this time it's unfortunately not for Quest 2 or three but instead it's for the pro and so I'm not sure if everyone knew about this I actually kind of just recently learned all about it as I've been building my quest application with mixed reality but all Quest headsets actually lose quite a bit of CPU and GPU power when in mixed reality mode and it makes total sense the headsets have to dedicate some CPU and GPU Headroom for the pass through camera streams and all sorts of calculations for mixed reality and the loss of performance is probably more than you'd think for most mixed reality applications you only have about 80% of the GPU and 85% of the CPU Headroom that you normally have in VR and well Quest Pro just got a pretty significant clock boost for that exact situation and since the launch the pro now has a 34% higher CPU and almost 20% higher GPU performance at least within mixed reality applications which is crazy awesome snap your UI better frame rates all around it's just great news for the 10 people including myself that have a quest Pro that is however not all was great regarding meta this past week V60 is great but their first party accessories are definitely not official Quest 3 Elite battery straps have halted sales temporarily for a variety of reasons in fact my Elite battery strap that I bought has already broke which is crazy just right now in general the headstraps from meta have serious reliability issues some users can't get it to actually charge their headsets that happens to me sometimes others have had physical failures like on mine the back of the head strap just fell apart while using it one day and meta is replacing these as they're required to do by law but I will just say as a PSA as tempting as it is just to grab it in the store just stay away from the elite battery strap there are multiple issues right now with them so whatever you do just don't waste your money and throw 130 bucks down the hole but now it's time for a meme [Applause] break I think that being here with you snuggled up cozily warm and safe is the greatest gift I could possibly as for I think the greatest gift is these virtual reality [Music] goggles okay that was uh kind of dark but um back to the news GTA 6 trailer dropped yeah I don't know it's not necessarily VR related but it's still kind of cool I mean who knows by its release date in 2025 maybe it'll have VR support I guess either way people will find a way to mod VR into it like they have with most other big games including GTA 5 so that's something to look forward to but on the topic of VR games in general something pretty interesting's been happening all within the past few months tons of VR games have all gotten delayed some of them even indefinitely and yeah delays happen all the time but these specific delays happen to be some of vr's biggest upcoming titles that people have been looking forward to for a while now starting with Behemoth from the creators of The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners this is a Skyrim looking VR title I guess we don't really know much about it and it was moved all the way back an entire year to late 2024 rather than the well now that it was supposed to release Attack on Titan VR was also delayed yet again also for late 2024 when it was originally going to release this winter stranger things VR has also been delayed indefinitely maybe forever possibly put on the same shelf that Grand Theft Auto San Andrea's VR was Bullet Storm has been delayed for who knows how long phasmophobia for psvr2 has also been delayed look there's been a lot of VR game delays which kind of sucks for this Winner's VR catalog but I always have the same stance regarding these sorts of situations I'd rather delays happen than receive a broken game at launch like we're so used to nowadays late is just for a little while suck is forever one game that has not been delayed however is one that I'm actually pretty excited for and I haven't really seen it being talked about much and that's Lego brick Tales so I've always been a huge Lego fan it's probably provided some of my fondest childhood memories as my toy of choice and to be honest I would still have a ton of Lego sets around everywhere and probably still play with Legos to this day that is if I didn't actually have to have Legos everywhere which is why I'm pretty pumped for Brick tail coming out in just a couple days yeah the game has a story mode which is cool and all I I don't really care too much about that what I'm excited about is mixed reality Lego building it's like all the benefits of Legos you get to build and play with Legos in your room and do whatever you want but you don't have to clean up any Legos or even worse step on them sounds like an absolute dream yeah so I hope this does well and I hope it actually is good but I also have to bring up a little weird fear that I have in the back of my mind about Lego mixed reality games I just have this feeling that one day we're we're going to be paying full price $30 a set for Legos and not even get physical blocks anymore just like mixed reality nft Legos I don't know but now I want to talk about a really cool bit of VR research that I just came across and you know what this one is quite literally cool it has to do with temperature and if you're into how VR can trick the brain I think this might interest you so researchers at the University of scuba have recently developed a breakthrough technology in the form of a non- cont device that allows the user to perceive temperature changes all without actually changing the user's skin temperature and that may sound a bit trivial it's just making things hot or cold but I promise this gets really interesting this breakthrough actually solves a pretty huge problem that temperature related haptics especially in VR just inherently have right now in a virtual reality simulation whether you're in a volcano or next to a glacier you never actually experience any change in temperature you're still just in that air conditioned bedroom but imagine if you could actually experience even a small change in temperature to accommodate some sort of virtual stimuli obviously it would add to the immersion immensely amusement park rides have been using this trick for decades with something called brain fire increasing the temperature of a space by even a couple degrees mixed with audiovisual stimuli have been proven to make rides and attractions far more believable and enjoyable the problem with this NVR though is that heat transfer is very slow and inefficient it requires a lot of energy and strapping on hot plates all over your body isn't exactly the safest thing to do plus if you heat up someone's skin to make them hot then it will of course take time and energy to cool it back down so instead of an explosion feeling like a burst of heat it's more like a stove heating up and then cooling back down not super believable it's like a haptic lag this device however solves most of that with a system of cool air flow mixed with an alternating light source and this enables rapid perceived temperature changes and the special thing is that the skin doesn't actually actually get hot or cold but the users in the study say that it feels like it does it's a perceived change and I think the cool thing is that these researchers have made this with VR specifically in mind and it's kind of a rare side of haptic research too A lot of people are doing haptics but not many are doing temperature and of course while this still has a really long way to go good temperature feedback physically is probably the best immersion that we'll get without just going full neuralink so I'm definitely here for it and I also have a bit of personal news for the third year in a row FIA and I will be hosting a huge VR Christmas party and Rave in VR chat and well you are invited every year it's absolutely one of my favorite events where we all get to hang out and join in the holiday spirit and this year I've also been working on some pretty big updates for my club World Schism where it's going to be hosted so I can tell you now you won't want to miss it we'll be hosting the party on Christmas Eve Eve so the 23rd and for details and an invite when it's ready you can either join in my Discord server which is down below or join our mutual VR chat group reality explorers and I hope to see you there but of course we're not done yet and it's time for question of the week from Urban fuel do you think that vario has a chance of seriously competing with the Apple Vision Pro in the high-end market and this is a really good one so in last week's video I got to try out the vario xr4 a pretty insane package of a headset with 4K displays ey tracking the whole 9 yards and a price to show for it costing just a bit more than the upcoming Vision price and I got to be real in terms of the xr4 competing directly with Apple's headset I think they're for very different audiences and purposes they do very different things specs wise on paper they're similar but the xr4 has to be Tethered to a Windows PC while Vision Pro is a full Standalone unit on its own OS which is amazing in many ways but it's also a huge limiting factor and while being Tethered to a PC is a limiting factor for the xr4 it's also its biggest benefit at this this point and at this point you can do almost anything you want with the windows based pcvr headset there's a decade of work that's gone into making the platform usable but this is Apple's first foray and so in terms of direct competition at the highest end of Enterprise applications where people might be using VR or Mr every single day for design or industrial applications well at that point they'll probably just have both to be real just like how many people have a Macbook as a laptop but a PC for work they do different things and they are good at different things and if it's a tool it's a tool now in terms of the consumer side where you don't just have money to throw around no doubt The Vision Pro will destroy the xr4 in terms of sales and it'll probably be a more usable experience for the average consumer as well I mean it's Apple at the end of the day but still I'll have to wait until I have both in hands like I said they do similar things very differently and they're for different applications and that was question of the week leave your own down below and I'll answer one next week it feels so good to have question of the week and meme break in one video but I wanted to say thank you to all of my patreon supporters for making this video possible I couldn't do any of this without you and don't forget to like this video if you loved it subscribe if you want more of this and hit that freaking Bell if you just can't live without it much love thrill [Music] out
Channel: ThrillSeeker
Views: 333,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, virtual reality, quest 3, Meta quest 3, Quest 2, Quest 3 review, Quest 3 headset, Quest 2 review, VR review, Thrillseeker, Tuesday Newsday, Best VR, Valve INdex, VRchat, beatsaber, Gorilla Tag, Quest, Meta Quest, Oculus Quest, Oculus Quest 3, Haptic, Gloves, GTA6, Quest 3 Update, V60, Quest Pro, VR news
Id: S-Q7QnQktPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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