100+ Meta Quest 3 Tips & Tricks, Unknown Features!

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in this video I'm going all out and going A to Z on all the things that the quest 3 can do this includes tips and tricks some unique settings and more let's get started now if you're own a pair of bluetooth earbuds wireless earbuds and you want to figure out how to connect these to your device well something that I just recently discovered if you're an OG user of the Nintendo switch and and you purchase one of these little Bluetooth dongle things that gave the switch capability to be paired to like airpods it's actually fully compatible to used on the quest 3 by simply just plugging it into the little USBC Port right here and just make sure that your Bluetooth earbuds are paired to this device and just like that you have audio there's literally no latency issues whatsoever in terms of sound immersion so instead of spending over $50 or more on compatible earbuds for the quest 3 you can always just get this little adapter for the best method possible but now with that said let's go ahead and jump into VR and go into the nitty G 3D stuff now real quick I want to go over the controller shortcuts now you can actually take a screenshot by pressing on the little Oculus button right here and the trigger button at the same time this will take a screenshot on the quest three in addition to that if you long hold on the trigger button it will actually begin doing a screen recording and you can repeat the same process to end screen recording so was that out of the way now let's officially hop into the quests so this is basically your smart status bar right here here you have a bunch of different unique shortcuts you have access to like your volume rocker your brightness Wi-Fi space Bluetooth boundary and Etc now I do have a couple things here modified like the live captions by pressing on here if I go to the store and I click on like a trailer that has people talking like I expected a die as an example you see the captions are right there and they're popping up because the VR headset itself is creating these captions based off the vocals that's picking up it works on all apps YouTube even so uh if you're using the web browser or games you could just enable it right here instead of enabling in the video game itself so this is how you find live captions if you want to go ahead and enable this you can find it in settings go into accessibility and hearing this is where you go in and have this feature enabled and you'll be able to dis able it again in this control panel another one that I have is the move option because now when I enable this and I look up I can see exactly how many calories I'm burning if you haven't yet set this up you can locate it in the application library and make sure you have it in the uh meta apps it'll be located in The Meta apps and then right here where it says meta moves just follow the unscreen instructions you'll be able to set this up then once you're done setting up your Fitness activity levels and such you may also go in here to adjust where you want it to be overlaid so instead of looking up now if I look down I'll be able to see it right there but I personally prefer leaving it up and if I'm playing a game that I don't like it to pop up again I could just go in here and disable it so it doesn't ruin the whole VR AR immersion you do have voice controls right here which The Meta once you click on it right here it'll walk you through a whole setup procedure this will take me like 10 minutes to go through so I'm just going to tell you click on here to get the whole to tutorial but do not disturb just like our smartphones you have that night mode is also located here as well reset view you could also click on it here or long Hold On The Meta button on your controller and this will reset your feel of view your microphone you can aable enable it right here and then quest Quest link is where you can manually link it right here on the via Wi-Fi if you don't want to use a tether cable Banner you may turn it on and off whenever you feel like highly recommend spending a lot of time in here to set it and have it all adjusted in your room cuz it really is the best way to actually have the best VR experience without you colliding into a wall but I'm going to go ahead and go into other settings just a little bit now where it says space right here you may also find the space tool right here located in your bar by enabling this this will take you to your AR environment which allows you to have like cool things like your mirror to edit your avatar and other playful stuff but again you can always CL click on here to go back back into pass mode and have this a mixed reality experience you may also double tap the VR headset either right or left side to enable it or disable it as a cool little shortcut now I am going to put these two controllers away and if you want to use hand tracking immediately in case your controller isn't responsive as soon as you set it down on a flat surface or something you may also double tap the controllers it'll immediately begin finger tracking your hands that's a cool little shortcut as well and if you don't see hand tracking in able for whatever said reason you may go into your settings andang go into movement tracking and then here is where you'll be able to enable hand tracking as well as the auto switch controller to hand feature by double double tapping the controllers as I recently demonstrated right here as well as you could adjust the sensitivity right here as well now before we go into the other settings I want to show you one more thing in the quest installed apps the web browser the web browser is a powerful tool because here not only can you browse between web browser game free apps you could play yeah these are actual full free games you can stream directly to your VR headset that are VR supported and allows you to play some of these games in VR if you don't want to buy them or anything like that there's some free web browser games that meta keeps uploading right here and keeping it up to date so you can click on this or click go down here on popular games on Facebook or videos I'm sorry uh that allows you to view 360 videos as well other stuff down here but what I want to show you real quick is the capability to multitask so you could literally just click and drag them to like three different window tabs you can have three running at once so you can have like Google Here YouTube right here or another website over here and on the corners you could actually like control the size as you want it to be so by doing this this will be like mobile mode so allows you to really customize it to your personal preference really unique really cool in addition to that right here on your status bar you can switch the distance view as well if you want it much closer you totally can by clicking on here and when you're using hand tracking if you click on that you may interact with Pages by just tapping on it as well as scrolling how neat is that he could pinch to move the taskbars you just witnessed me do it's really cool for a real like cool first person interaction the hand tracking works extremely well but now if we quickly go into our settings I want to go over everything with you so when the system TAPS in the display I do recommend leaving 120 HZ enabled to really give you the real maximum performance experience when it comes to mix reality gaming or ar gaming as well so enable this but just be warned by enabling this is it is known to drain the battery life quicker on your headset so just be warmed but if you have one of these like mobile VR headsets that allows you to extend the battery life even more feel free to enable that you'll be able to easily still experience 3 hours of battery Al and in here of course you have your night display you could enable it here but in in this menu you could adjust the you could enable how aggressive you wanted to be but again you could always just go in here and enable night mode right here so it can help you go sleep faster but back in the settings now in the sound section here you have do not disturb notification sound mute microphone from self-explanatory in the voice commands this allows you to customize it even more I personally don't use voice commands but if you do want to spend more time on like virtually telling your quest to do certain things as well as launch applications and such you could just bruise here but what I do want to show you is the camera in the camera section here's where you can truly customize it so you see this little red icon right here tell me that I'm recording or I'm casting you can enable it or disable it right here as well as you have the capability to change it on the left eye or right eye right here as well and in image stabilization you can stabilize your footage if you like to this is a new feature that was recently added and I do recommend experimenting with it but I personally prefer leaving it on medium now in aspect ratio here you can do 1080p full high definition right here landscape or portrait mode or you could do a oneon-one square by 10 24 pixels by 1024 for like Instagram posts and stuff like that I like using landscape because it just it just feels right but if I was sharing this video clip on Instagram maybe on Instagram real portraits 1080p by 1920 would be my selection right here but I'm going to keep it on landscape now frame rate this is all personal preference but you do have 30 to 60 FPS but for like daily use like this video 30 FPS is good enough and bit rate the higher the bit rate the more data the video will be able to capture in terms of small details but in my experience if you select the high 20 this does gather more data so if you're limited on storage I don't recommend selecting 20 but even though my headset is 500 gigs 5 megabytes is perfect enough the recording clip that you're witnessing throughout this video is being recorded at 5 megabits per second Now language and region here you could change the language as well as the temperature from FR High to Celsius personal preference you can also change the time to your own own location to automatically set keyboard settings you can disable auto correction if you find it unnecessary Quest link you'll find your quest link capabilities you could disable it right here if you just don't want to be involved in it but why would you want to do that that's actually really great if you have a computer that supports it headset tracking this allows the headset to constantly like scan around your room making sure that everything is connected and working properly with your boundary now the tracking frequency however I have it set to Auto but if you're in a room where it feels like the lights are flickering play with these little Herz rate that they have available here because by selecting one of these this will help eliminate the flickering lights now backup I highly recommend leaving cloud backup enabl this allows you to delete your games and reinstall it without losing your personal data as it will automatically be uploaded in the cloud so you don't lose your progress in the developer tab if you register your device as a developer if you don't know how to do that I have a link in the description down below but one powerful tool that you do get is the boundary capability as you can actually disable your boundary but just keep in mind by disabling your boundary if you record like what I'm recording right now in mixed Reality by disabling the boundary everything will be black so you're unable to record your surrounding unfortunately but if you want to enjoy a VR game without experiencing those lines that pop up and you're fully aware about the potential risk you may crash into an object or a person you have full freedom to disable your boundary right here now software update I personally recommend leaving on auto this allows the VR headset to update automatically so as soon as you put on your VR headset it's always up to date and power settings is obviously your power settings where you could disable auto automatic wake up soon as you pick up the headset it will turn on now in the display settings if your headset is just on a flat surface not doing anything my VR headset will actually turn go black in 5 minutes but you can change the duration right here and in sleep mode you may also change the duration for sleep mode as well so I'm going to also set that to five minutes bar life saer you only want to enable this if you're trying to get as much juice as much as possible on your VR headset under a single charge because by enabling this this will turn your VR headset into a quest to as performance and everything else will go down so I only recommend it if you're fully aware of the and you just need to max out as much juice as possible you want to go ahead and enable this but it will turn your VR your quest 3 into like Quest two performance which is not really something you want to have enabl at all times batter life audio notification personal preference you want your vrhe to play a sound if it's low on batteries this is where you go ahead and turn this on or off about and tips support just don't worry about this it's not what you're thinking if you're looking for like Quest tips you you want to go ahead and go into your filter apps and select meta quest apps and just launch the quest guide but as you're witnessing right here I'm basically covering all of them and some but if you wish to check out more capability with the hand tracking capability can do you can also click on here and it will play the whole video tutorial but really it's basically pinch to like select certain things like this or flip your hand up and connect your finger you have access to the menu of some hot key menu including recenter and of course you could use your finger to interact with these those are the main important ones right there so now we're done with the system side of settings let's talk about physical space so the boundary if I go ahead and enable this for you guys these lines right here I may change the colors to Yellow if you want or even purple unfortunately it's only those three colors that we have access to if you need to reset your floors this is where you'll go if you want to clear your boundary history you clear it here if you think these walls are too sensitive for you you may also change the sensitivity right here as you'll have access to the slider to like adjust it to like really low where I have to get really close right there to activate it or you may select Advance which gives you more sliders capability like the head the sensitivity or your controller play with all this but I'm perfectly fine with simple and just adjust it to your own personal preference pass through this is where in the pass through Section this is where you could inable or disable the double tap on your right or left side headset to enable or disable pass through we disable pass through right now but you could also disable it right here as you see just enabl it but we may also use the toolbar space setup I highly recommend spending time here by going in the space setup you'll be able to scan rooms tables and Furnitures and mix in the boundary space setup to give you a maximum mixed reality experience and you can also enabl show mixed reality objects seeing mixed reality objects you created during the space setup if this setting is on objects will only be visible when you get close to them if the setting is off objects will be hidden from your view while in VR always be aware of your surroundings so you don't get hurt or damage anything around you so I am going to go ahead and get my controller and we're going to quickly set up this room it's going to walk you through here so you're going to be utilizing your depth sensor on the quest 3 and it will automatically be scanning the walls the furniture anything around here to give you a fully scanned room so as I'm walking around it's going to give you a little loading bar right there showing you when you're done once you're done you hit continue and then this is the next fun part so all our walls are lined up now we just need to adjust them but everything here seems to be well adjusted view this little video that they have popping up right here in case you need to understand how to adjust your walls but we're good we're going to go ahead and click continue and now we're going to add Furniture so to add Furnitures you simply just do that then we just added a desk or a table I should say in mix reality another table added and you should get the picture you can also add Windows too you can add doors doesn't have to be perfect just good enough but by adding Windows as well as wall art some games will be able to take advantage of this and pop out throughout some of your wall art you have across the room but you'll find some objects like this Frame to small enough that's not compatible so just keep that in mind and once you're done finishing outlining all the rooms you have the capability to re-edit in case something didn't came out right and just complete and let the VR headset saved that so next time when you're playing games like first encounter you'll utilize that scan room space that we just did so the Wi-Fi self-explanatory not going to go too much in there but in personal space Here's we casually select between the different rooms environments are available in the quest 3 if you use sideo you may also download some third party ones too like the Breaking Bad RV which isn't really the best render out there and then SpongeBob the Crusty Crab is kind of scary and they're just staring at me but the Rick and morning one is pretty fun especially if you understand this little Easter egg what a lovely view than also find this if you want to find out how to install some of these new environments your meta headset I'll have it also linked in the description down below but an interaction object this is where you can enable your mirror your avatar mirror to quickly edit your Avatar as well as first encounter to enable this so you actually play and hop into first encounter right away in display theme you have the ability to switch between light or dark mode I like dark mode and in text size you have the freedom to adjust the text size font but if you wear glasses like I do I highly recommend picking up prescription lens now vrwa sponsored this portion of today's video to show us their latest version for the quest 3 now VR wave they make some incredible prescription rtion lens for VR headsets and they send us a pair for us to check out and just like the previous VR W prescription lens these things still use magnets which means once you attach the adapter you can simply just pop them out like so and the magnets are so strong you don't have any fear of them randomly popping off as you're gaming this makes it super convenient to share your headset around whenever friends are over and you don't want to remove the whole thing entirely you simply just pop them out and store them in a nice safe place so anybody can enjoy playing the VR headset and as an individual that does wear glasses myself it's super narrow in the quest 3 that's really challenging the fit these things in without fear of them making contact to the lens so best way to protect your VR headset from experiencing any scratches in the near future prescription lens are clearly a must and their website so easy to use to create a custom order for your prescription and they also have support as well on their website that they can easily get a hold of in case you need some assistance with your order and yes you do have the capability to add blue light as well as anti-glare seriously as a glasses wear definitely do consider checking out VR wve in the video description down below as I purchased some other ones and these ones are still my go-to but now moving along here is your storage base I have 512 gigabytes and you can see how much my games take up I have about 340 gigs left taken away from just games alone so if you're curious about what VR headset you should get go for for 100 or 500 gigs this will give you a real world numbers right here in the app section you can also lock your apps if you want certain apps to be locked with a pin code or a passcode you just simply enable it and just lock app and install app is just all your installed games now notification section it's very similar to our smartphone again you have access to do not disturb here as well but if you feel like The Meta store is bugging you too much on mobile you could disable it right here if you want those notification popups as well as device notifications Social account notific ifications or even your games you could disable some of these notifications in some of these games here as well again just like our smartphones I'm not going to go into too much into detail CU I'm sure we're pretty much familiar with here familiar with it if you have other users who want to save and add their account on their request headset your request headset you could add an account right here and in addition to that if you enabled app sharing all your friends and families who have their account on here in this VR headset they'll be able to game share with you but you can only enable it on one VR headset at a time so by enabling this you as an admin are guaranteeing other people from logging into this VR headset and playing some of your already purchased games off this VR headset so game sharing you can enable it right here under accounts now if you don't know how to add an account it's right above here so your friends could add get up three additional people on this device though in devices in Bluetooth you can actually pair certain compatible Bluetooth gaming controllers as well as headsets right here in the controller setting you could adjust some of the other settings you can also remap your controller too if you want to remap some of buttons to do other things you go to adjust the vibration sensitivity and eliminate some dead zones in case your controller needs to be re-calibrated keyboards here you'll find your keyboard settings as well as manage your paired keyboard rate here then in Mouse you can also adjust the mouse speed as well as the game pad now going back and movement tracking we already went ahead and covered this accessibility the important cool one there is again it'll be located in the hearing and it's just live caption capability but if you want to adjust more things like aside from the text size like the contrast go you have that slider right there and in the mobility you'll find some of the controller setting we just highlighted in here as well there's just located in two different settings for some reason moving along privacy I highly recommend perusing this because in device permission this allows meta to share location services I like having this turned off but everything else I'm okay with including SharePoint cloud data by having this enabled this allows two VR headsets to actually communicate with one another in case you're in the same room so boundary wise if you have two VR headsets in the same boundary the two headsets are going to communicate with each other so you don't bump into each other this is a new feature that they recently added so enable this if you can but in data an analyst this is where you control what meta can receive from you and what meta cannot so I don't have share additional data to improve Meta Meta Quest development this includes like photos and stuff like that or video that these VR headsets capture so I have that turned off for that reason due to privacy but meta improvements in keyboard that's perfectly fine and if you're okay with your voice to be recorded from meta and be used to improve dictation you're able to enable it right here I have that enabled for privacy reasons but everything else will be random stuff like safety and legal so let's just go back and go into security if you like to add a add a pin code to your VR headset you create a password right here to either unlock your VR headset or save your passwords or lock apps you have full free them right here as well in the experimental tab I do recommend at least in trying this out this the swipe typing feature just like our smartphone if we actually launch like the virtual keyboard you could also swipe to like type things so just like our smartphones you could do that and also supports hand tracking so enable that refresh keyboard uh don't really see a need to enable all this now meta account this allows you to enable your Facebook account your Instagram account I'm not going to show go in here because it's going to show a lot of my personal data but if you like to have your Instagram be paired to your quest 3 so you can see it on your feed you could find those features right here and then help it's just a bunch of like their website Q&A stuff that again I'm basically covering all of this right here but if you are locked out your VR headset you can actually reset your pin and it'll guide you through this as well now what I want to go ahead and show you next is playing is the new apps that were recently added this includes Microsoft cloud gaming right here if you're an Xbox Live member you can actually pair your actual Xbox controller into this VR headset and play your Xbox game pass games right here and stream it directly from either your console or Xbox cloud gaming and they also have Far Cry 6 right here and this is the screen how it looks like you may change the size if you wanted smaller small or extra large like a Ultra home theater setup you could do so right here it's really cool I played Hitman I was playing Hitman as you see right here jump back in for some somebody's not showing me the game but I was trying this out it's actually really impressive and the latency is not that laggy at all it all relies on your Wi-Fi just keep that in mind but the environment is pretty cool now next to that what I want to also go ahead and cover is the new Microsoft Word because you can find Microsoft Excel as well as Microsoft PowerPoint right here and you're able to log into your Microsoft account and actually work on your documents and have like a three monitor display I don't have a subscription to Microsoft Word so I'm unable to demonstrate this but the app is here it's free to download and these little video previews show you like how that works but a free feature that allows you to pair your computer to your VR headset can be located in workspace the app is I mean I'm sorry work rooms the app is free to download and by launching this app you have access to your computer that you have paired so long as you you have the meta work room software installed on that computer and it looks like this you could run three monitors at once allowing you to dim your display on your work computer and actually view it all right here in virtual reality it's super cool and it works extremely well and you'll find some of settings right here extremely beneficial and just like that you are now a pro when it comes to using your quest 3 to its full potential hopefully this video guy was useful and informative again leave this video a like get subscribed for more Quest 3 content and links to this the decal where I got that and all the other stuff also be in the description down below thank you so much for watching
Channel: HotshotTek
Views: 74,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quest 3 tips and tricks, meta quest 3 tips and tricks, quest 3, quest3, meta quest 3, quest 3 tips, quest 3 beginner guide, quest 3 beginner tips, meta quest 3 beginner tips, quest 3 quick start guide, meta quest 3 how to use, how to use quest 3, how to use meta quest 3, quest 3 hidden features, quest 3 hacks, quest 3 accessories, quest 3 features, meta quest 3 setup, QUEST 3 GAME SHARE, QUEST 3 AIRPODS, meta quest 3 review
Id: bzhLUkVDndY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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