Meta Quest 3 - 1 MONTH Later… is it worth it?

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hey guys I'm Tom Tech jaap and I've been living with this The Meta Quest 3 for well the best part of a month now and I wanted to share some sort of longer term Impressions now that there's been a couple more games released there's been a few more updates I've been having a great time with this thing which makes its flaws just even more frustrating so here's The Good the Bad and everything else you need to know before you consider buying a quest 3 I will also put a link to this in the description below and if you do find this video helpful then a cheeky little like And subscribe would be lovely okay let's start with some positive vibes and after a few weeks with this guy it's obvious the quest 3 is the best all round VR and Mr headset for the money if you already have a quest one or two then this is mostly a big upgrade and if you want an excuse to jump back into VR or try out mrr Mixed reality or just want a pretty good value PC VR headset that's also great for Standalone apps and games then nothing beats this flaw and all pop it onto your head and immediately you'll see the higher rise screens and the clearer pancake lenses make everything so much sharper than the Quest 2 even in games that haven't had a quest 3 upgrade that is very impressive and in fact things are so clear now that actually low res textures and blocky geometry in games are actually more obvious it's also much easier to stay in the focus Sweet Spot meaning there's less ice strain and the larger 110° field of view up from 97 last year means better immersion thanks to the extra peripheral vision plus there's 2 and 1 half times more Graphics power on tap thanks to the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon chip and also setting up your play area with the new depth sensor is much quicker mixed reality games look great with the new color pass through the controllers are smaller and lighter and now get some great haptic feedback and just the whole interface is nice and slick and easy to use and as the ecosystem has matured we now have a pretty decent library of apps and games which are genuinely fun and less Tech demoy than they used to be so that all sounds great what's the problem well there's a couple of things which I'll come to but the first one the main one I guess is the price PR the quest 3 has had a pretty serious price hike Over The Quest 2 and also to get the best experience out of this you need to buy some add-ons which is going to just add to the cost as well and so it's become less of a fun impulse buy that perhaps you could get away with with the Quest 2 or the quest one now you really have to think do I need this am I going to spend the same amount of money as a PS5 on a quest 3 but I'll come back to all that sticking with the Positive stuff and the second reason to buy one of these is because it's just so versatile now standalone VR and to some extent Mr gaming is still like the bread and butter of the quest 3 but the extra Clarity the better graphics performance and that significantly improved pass through actually makes it a pretty compelling dedicated uh PC VR headset whether it's wired or Wireless I've been having a great time we playing halflife Alex and the virtual desktop is a great way of working or playing PC games on a big screen and of course watching movies on this virtual big screen is a fantastic experience VR workout games are great and actually make exercising more fun ah and I could maybe see myself using this while traveling but it's the Mr the mixed reality experiences that are genuinely new here and also on the whole very impressive and this is thanks to the quest 3's new color pass through cameras that just make all the difference although they're not perfect sometimes you do get some weird Distortion and things do get much grainier in low light you can play Virtual board games you can fight aliens or somewhat unconvincing zombies that actually break into your room or even learn piano although sadly not at the same time and just being able to move around these virtual objects in your room is really immersive you can watch stuff in the headset while maybe doing housework and the new dep sensor is also key here as it keeps track of the headset's position so virtual objects stay in the same place because you can use this as a massive virtual monitor at your desk or anywhere really you can use hand tracking the controllers or a physical mouse and keyboard and I like the fact you can keep a separate browser window open in the quest home screen just off to one side although I do much prefer using the pass through to Virtual desktops though it's much more comfortable that said I do still think X reel's new air2 or air2 Pro AR glasses are more comfortable for longer working sessions or watching a movie even if they're not so versatile but essentially we're talking about a pair of sunglasses versus a headset and you do kind of have to wonder how many convincing high quality Mr experiences are we going to get considering only the just launched Quest 3 has this full color pass through you know it's a very small Market that will actually own one of these for developers to get on board and create applications and games for perhaps as the Apple Vision Pro comes out early next year that we will see more developers jump on board and create these really convincing uh Mr experiences but for now there just isn't a whole lot to really sink your teeth into but let's talk about the graphics because together with the new cameras and sensors inside we have the Qualcomm Snapdragon xr2 Gen 2 chip which provides that 2 and 1 half times boost in graphics performance over the Quest 2 but the thing is only only a handful of games have actually taken advantage of the extra power so far ranging from a basic resolution and frame rate bump up to 90 or the experimental 120 HZ which still makes a massive difference all the way up to a full Graphics overhaul like we get in red matter 2 and together with the clearer Optics the high resolution textures and the better lighting and effects it all adds up to make a big visual difference to the games it's good to see you thanks for coming out so while I've been trying out plenty of the updated titles and there are more incoming it's still hard to say just how many games will take full advantage of that extra power dungeons of eternities quest 3 enhanced Graphics mode does look better and has nicer lighting but it's not exactly night and day and I can't wait for The Walking Dead Saints and S Graphics update as right now the clearer image on the quest 3 makes it look pretty bad next up games and this is going to be the main reason for me at least that unlike most VR headsets that just start Gathering dust after a couple of weeks and sit in my drawer that it's going to make me keep coming back to this and so far while it's only been a month I've actually played played this most days it's so bizarre that we've got a seventh guest game I remember when I played the original a million years ago it scared the hell out of me and now I'm in it which is even scarier definitely quite immersive even if it's not like the highest quality I just forget that I can move around Crouch look around I haven't got a cable behind my back which obviously is a huge benefit compared to most other headsets and I've been loving hand-to hand combat in Blade and sorcery Nomad and also the co-op in dungeons of etern cool espire 2 with it Mr mode is a good stealthy Metal Gear style fun and the brand new Ghostbusters rise of the ghost Lord is kind of funish I've played all three I expect you to die escape room puzzlers and love them all I've been struggling my way through Resident Evil 4 and I can't wait to get my hands on ascar wrath 2 and also Assassin's Creed Nexus and it is worth remembering you can get a refund on any purchase so long as it's within 14 days and you've played less than 2 hours just be aware that a lot of people have been complaining that the mic on the quest 3 is pretty awful so for multiplayer you'll probably want a Bluetooth or USBC alternative great job now from a design point of view I definitely appreciate how much more compact the new Quest 3 is uh surprisingly it does actually weigh a little bit more than the Quest 2 uh but they've improved the weight distribution so it actually feels like it's less droopy on the sort of less front heavy on the front of your face which I do appreciate although it is still heavier than I would like and I find after about 15 minutes I do start to kind of feel it on my head a little bit definitely more suited to short bursts of use especially with the battery which will come to in a second but one thing I do appreciate is the ipd adjustment is much simpler and you can adjust the lens distance if you wear glasses and you can also tilt the headset so it sits comfortably on your face but I still find this facial interface a little bit cheap feeling not particularly premium and you will definitely want to switch this out to something that's easier to clean if you are going to use this for longer gaming beat saber sessions or if you're going to work out in this and get all sweaty plus there is quite a bit of light visible around my nose which isn't great for darker scenes watching movies then there's the head strap it's not the best and I do still have to find myself adjusting it around my ears and my head every time I put it on and it just kind of feels like a temporary solution like it's it's enough to not have the headset full off your head but it just doesn't stick in the same place well enough it doesn't feel particularly comfortable it sort of sits on my ears I don't love it also remember as much as these headsets have improved over the last few years not everyone can use VR and a lot of people do feel a bit nauseous using these it very much depends on your physiology and also the game or app you're using uh I do find myself in some games feeling a little bit queasy that said there are usually in-game options to lessen the effect if you are sensitive then we have the controllers which are also much improved they're lighter without the usual tracking ring and there's new haptic feedback it's not quite PS5 dual sense level but it still helps get around that uncanny feeling of touching objects in VR and thanks to a recent update tracking's been improved as well although you can always buy the pro controllers if you want the absolute best tracking so the controllers are great what's not so great in my experience is the battery life which actually also seems to be like a step down even over the Quest 2 I'm getting between an hour and an hour and a half in mixed reality and at best maybe two 2 and a half hours in less demanding apps and games it really doesn't last very long which actually isn't the end of the world deal breaker you may think it is because to be honest I mostly use this for like half an hour 45 minutes as I say these sort of quick short bursts because at that point I'm starting to feel maybe a little bit nauseous or the weight is sort of getting to my face so I've never really had an issue where I'm like I want to be in this for two and a half hours and had a battery issue but it's always in the back of your mind and I do have to sort of plug this in at the end of every session just for that sort of peace of mind now you can add the elite strap with battery which also seems to have some reliability issues or a third party battery headstrap but then that's just an extra cost and the funny thing is meta knows that its users aren't that impressed with the battery because they've actually added a sort of reduced Graphics mode which improves the situation a bit but if you're buying a new headset partly for the better graphics probably not going to want to turn them down well this is fun anyway let's talk about the price because on the one hand compared to meta's own Quest Pro and also some other pcvr headsets the quest 3 feels like an absolute bargain and it's also like 15% of the price of Apple's Vision Pro headset although no doubt that will be higher end but then as I say the 60% price rise the quest two to the three just takes it away from that kind of fun impulse purchase to a full fat console or you know low to mid-level laptop price the 512 GB model is over £600 and if you go with the elite headstrap with the battery the carry case and the charging dock you're up to a grand and that's before you've bought any games and that is a real issue because you're not going to get developers create new games and apps and invest in high quality games if there isn't a user base of this if not enough people buy it so from a hardware and a technical perspective I absolutely love this thing although it could be a little bit lighter and I don't love the headstrap but I think the quality of the lenses the Mr experience mostly is very impressive but I just don't know how many people would actually want to spend this kind of money for that experience but if you know you love the quest or for new users if you feel like you're going to throw yourself into everything this has to offer and maybe don't mind modding it a little bit despite the more expensive price tag it's hard to argue this isn't the best overall VR headset alternatively see if you can get yourself a good deal on the Quest 2 tons of these are going on eBay now as people are upgrading also you've got the Pico 4 as a good alternative to The Quest 2 although I am more excited about the Pico 5 and of course I am very excited to see what Apple will do with the Vision Pro headset although for $35,000 that is very much a pro- niche device to start with at least but what do you think would you be tempted to buy a quest 3 have you already bought one and if so let me know what you think of it in the comments below I'll also leave a link in the description if you do want to check this out and if you got any questions drop a comment as well thank you so much for watching guys and I will see you next time right here on te [Applause] ch
Channel: The Tech Chap
Views: 1,108,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meta quest 3, meta quest 2, quest 3, quest 2 vs 3, quest 3 review, best vr headset, oculus quest 3, meta quest 3 games, best quest 3 games, best quest games, quest 3 news, meta quest 3 review, vr games, vr gaming, quest 3 unboxing, best vr headset 2023, quest 3 passthrough, mixed reality, quest 3 games, quest 3 mixed reality, quest 3 piano, quest 3 vs psvr 2, quest 3 battery, quest 2 vs quest 3, virtual reality, quest 2, meta quest, oculus quest 2, best VR games
Id: 3CaasarxQKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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