7 Years of VR games Ranked - The Best VR Games Of All Time 2023

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hello everybody and welcome back for my biggest video ever seven years of VR games ranked is here and it includes over 200 games from every single VR platform since last year I've added over 50 new games and I've rescored every single game based on the current competition and any new updates they've introduced all game names rating and the platform will be on the screen throughout the entire video and will be moving upwards from C tier all the way to s-tier titles this video is obviously quite subjective but I will break down my scoring system throughout each section but before we continue I would love to hear your number one favorite VR game down in the comments right now and make sure to sound off anytime you disagree with my opinion now there are of course links and timestamps if you want to skip ahead but before we jump in this video is brought to you by kiwi design my favorite site for VR accessories if you're looking for a charging dock Elite strap battery pack upgraded hand straps A Link cable a bungee system or an array of different Comfort options kiwi has you covered they now make an elite strap that includes both enhanced speakers and an extra powerful battery pack it's a must have accessory for the quest too plus it's super comfortable and extra durable there's a link to Kiwi down in the description and don't forget to use discount code mateo311 for five percent off and to help support this channel okay so let's start things off with the graveyard every year I unfortunately have to report that a few more multiplayer games have gone offline this year it happens to be Nerf ultimate championship and Echo VR Echo VR was a huge blow to its massive online community because unlike most of these other titles it was still quite successful but moving on from the graveyard we have the d-tier games just like in school a d is barely a passing score Landing somewhere between 65 and 70. these games are poor examples of their genre usually have significant bugs or are just all-around mediocre with extremely short campaigns so in most cases you want to steer clear over these games unless someone's basically handling them out for free and first on that list is Thunder God cool graphics but minimal mechanics and content this wave shooter or rather Hammer thrower lets you feel like you're wielding Thor's hammer until your arm hurts and then you basically never play the the game again if you find the title on a super steep sale maybe consider picking it up and speaking of titles that should only be picked up on a steep discount we have Wolfenstein cyberpilot it's hard to imagine how 60 Minutes of Nazi murdering via multiple different remote piloted mechs could be boring but cyberpilot manages to pull it off all the visceral action you expect from a Wolfenstein title is missing and the game remains one of my biggest disappointments another title that's severely disappointed me was awaken this horror game looked extremely creepy but poor performance horrendous controls bugs and a slow start ruin the experience for me now they have improved some of these issues over time but I'm still stuck on that first impression speaking of First Impressions right out of the gate the western themed wave shooter guns and stories seems pretty cool the cutscenes are a nice touch it's fairly entertaining But ultimately forgettable and quite repetitive a similar title that replaces the Western theme and guns for castles and medieval weapons is Mason Grace again it's really fun to punch waves of incoming enemies I do enjoy the humor and excessive Gore but there's nothing to really keep me playing this and at most I might use it for something like a VR demo at a house party so unfortunately we're adding a few new games to this mediocre category after dark VR is actually a really cool VR experience as it's designed to be a dead by daylight clone now the only problem is there's absolutely no player base so unless you have multiple friends who want to buy this together it's not worth picking up additionally the game is still a bit janky which does dampen the overall immersiveness and speaking of ruined immersion Star Wars really dropped the pinball I don't understand how you can make a VR pinball game and forget to include motion controls overall the experience is just okay and the best thing this title is going for it is the Star Wars Nostalgia but let's move on from games that are just passable and into some sea tier titles the sea tiers would be your 70s or rather your 7.0s and these titles can definitely be good but there's either some type of significant floor extremely short gameplay length or it might just be all around mediocre if you you absolutely love this genre of game you might enjoy these titles but there's most likely better options out there first up is the four person Co-op hack and slash Vault air breaker this game gives an excellent first impression featuring some cool mechanics best paced combat excellent Graphics a leveling system and some fun Co-op unfortunately though after a few hours this turns into an unbalanced grindy mess there's definitely some potential here but this game needs some reworking and speaking of things being reworked parts of the classic title the blue have been made free to play this Grand underwater viewing experience now gives you one environment for free and if you enjoy it you can purchase the rest it's a great way to Showcase VR but hardly constitutes as a game but with the new introductory price tag of free it's a great value and definitely worth checking out and our next game that is just good is Rush as the name says Rush is supposed to be this adrenaline-filled wingsuit flying game unfortunately though I just did not find it that immersive something like Richie's plank experience can oddly get the pulse up but somehow flying over mountains in a wingsuit just didn't do much for me I was a fan of the multiple different control options though next on our list is this year's first newcomer space Blockbuster it's like physically jumping into a game of brick breaker and it's definitely a fun engaging experience but outside of just some casual gaming maybe showing it off at a house party there was just nothing else pulling me back to this title and if I was just looking to kill some time there are better options speaking of better options for VR I wouldn't recommend your first experience be a roller coaster or the title epic roller coasters the game itself is actually pretty cool and you can pick it up for free only paying if you want additional tracks but roller coasters in VR is a recipe from motion sickness after six years of playing VR games I still find this title fairly uncomfortable but I did feel completely comfortable throwing on a ghee in ninja Legends this arcady ninja fighting wave shooter is definitely fun to play there's lots of cool weapons and special abilities to unlock and there's excellent boss fights they've added an archery section since launch but it's still pretty shallow and the combat isn't as good as some games that'll show up later on this list speaking of combat let's become Batman which is an absolutely amazing experience in VR unfortunately though this is a bit more of an interactive story rather than an actual game and while it does have some really cool moments it's extremely short with no replayability Batman had the potential to be something great but like usual The Dark Knight vanished on us mid-conversation now our next title is the wave shooter raw data this was a very early VR title and it tried to be a lot more than just a wave shooter by adding a full storyline and playable classes plus a few on-rail segments and areas of free Locomotion unfortunately though at its core it's still very much a wave shooter the main thing holding back this title is the 40 price tag now moving up the list a little bit this year is the Spire 1 VR operative this game promised to be Metal Gear Solid in VR but failed to deliver the launch was also unfortunately riddled with bugs it has definitely improved since launch though and there's now additional content so if you're in desperate need of a stealth based VR game this is a decent option but there are a few more later on in this video okay so the next game on the list is going to be a bit controversial as it has one of the largest disparities between the quest and PC version I have ever seen I'm talking about the action adventure title Tarzan VR when I play this on PC I was truly impressed by the graphics the running climbing swinging and chest beating mechanics were immersing me into this world and overall I had fun with the game but when the quest version released at a later date it was a significant downgrade those beautiful Graphics were nowhere to be found the already not great combat somehow felt worse and I just couldn't get immersed into this world so I'm putting up two separate scores for this one now since immersion is key to VR that's why games like o shape can be so successful contorting your body into random shapes and then punching through walls is not only a fun mechanic but it's also a fun spectator sport now there's other Rhythm titles I prefer over this mainly due to having different mechanics and a soundtrack more my style but it's an excellent rhythm game alternative if you're looking for something different speaking of different we have the Tower Defense title Ginny and thakka there's a large emphasis on dry humor here in both Monty Python style cutscenes and in-game narration there's also some gesture-based spells that help make the game more immersive but the humor was lost on me and I found this title to be a bit unbalanced now something else that was lost on me is the puzzle titled Doctor Who The Edge of Time while I enjoyed the storytelling and found the environments to be quite immersive anything related to the TV series went over my head as I've never watched it and mechanically this game felt like a first generation VR title initially I struggled with some controls more than I did the actual puzzles also some aspects felt frustratingly unintuitive like the first puzzle where you need to find the code to a safe I'm sure there's more enjoyment to be had here for Doctor Who fans but for me it's not exactly what I'm looking for now a similar title that did appeal to me a bit more was the Twilight Zone based on the classic TV series you get three separate intertwined stories they each come with varying mechanics like playing cat and mouse with some robotic enemies battling creatures throughout the Wasteland of Earth and finally a Trippy themed walking simulator where you've been abducted by aliens ultimately though it's a mediocre experience with minimal mechanics and a forgettable storyline I'm not exactly sure it lives up to the twilight's own name and it feels like they've delivered three just okay mini games now if you're looking for a deeper storyline we have this cronia Chronos alternate you're thrown into a truly bizarre futuristic world where everyone is connected and crimes like murder should not be possible well somehow it's happened and you're sent to investigate this cronia is mainly a story driven experience so if you're struggling to get into it it's just not gonna be for you and while I was intrigued to see where the old Daya storyline was going Kronos ultimate just didn't do it for me similar to how I felt about shadowgate this was a br reworking of a classic adventure title unfortunately though is lacking immersion the mechanics and puzzles were simplistic and the combat didn't offer much either there are some redeeming characteristics and VR doesn't offer many experiences like this but unless you absolutely love this genre it's a little hard to recommend similar to The jrpg Sword reverie you're dropped into a beautiful fantasy world combat has some fun mechanics and there's a leveling system plus single player campaign it just starts to feel a bit stale way too quickly I liked a lot of what this title had to offer but ultimately there were a lot of different games I would rather be playing like our next title Pro's Enlightenment this is a truly challenging puzzle title with a dark theme the game takes place in two separate timelines and it's just a really intriguing storyline now puzzles aren't your style and you're looking for combat we have arashi castle of sin this Revenge fueled Samurai stealth title has a lot to like the levels are open with multiple Avenues of approach your pet wolf is a badass and stealth kills are truly satisfying the sword fighting and AI can do some work though and it's also a fairly easy game but if you're not interested in a samurai fantasy world we have two titles that try to emulate real life forever bowl and for forever darts do a great job of delivering a darts or bowling experience it's just some good casual fun and a decent alternative for when you can't get out of the house so if your life is missing more darts or bowling these games should scratch that itch or we could say to hell with reality and just play a bunch of mini-games with Sam and Max in Sam and Max this time it's virtual if you're a fan of the cartoon Duo this game might have some extra appeal otherwise it's just a few hours of casual fun there's shooting galleries Escape rooms something similar to a combination between bop it and Simon Says and it's all wrapped up in a cool little storyline it just might be a little too casual or kid-friendly for the average user and right around the same level of cartoony quirkiness is Captain toon head and the punks from outer space this Tower Defense title will have you building up turrets and jumping right into the action to defend some Cube style creatures the humor wasn't exactly my style but I am a sucker for a tower defense and this title did suck me in for multiple hours but for those of you who need more action we have swords of Gargantua this is a physics-based sword fighting roguelite with some truly unique enemies since launch they've added four-person Co-op and new enemies but this title gets quite repetitive and feels pretty shallow now on the opposite side of that we have Warhammer age of Sigmar Tempest fall which has a great storyline and atmosphere but the combat is lacking the developers have released numerous patches since launch which overall have improved things a bit but the combat itself still holds this game back from being anything great this had the potential to be something great but it ended up falling short if it continues to improve it will also continue to move up this list for next year and while we're moving up the list we have the Army themed RTS final assault if you ever played with green army man as a kid that's basically what this game is like the RTS elements are quite simple and you'll mainly be pushing your units down a few separate Lanes but there are a few standout moments like grabbing a plane out of midair and redirecting it to rain gunfire down on an unsuspecting enemy you won't find many people these days playing it online but for 9 99 it's a good way to scratch the rtsh now a completely unique title that's in its own category is Starship Commander arcade this is an interactive story that's controlled completely by your voice and a few head movements you take control of a spaceship and your choices will guide the storyline unfortunately though this game has a tragic history and even though its technology was winning Awards and was highly praised the studio could not find enough funding so it ended up being a short arcade experience rather than an epic multi-hour adventure they originally planned this story can be found in a documentary that's included with the game that I found to be very interesting but to each their own which is a perfect segue for horror titles starting with wraith the Oblivion afterlife a little bit too slow at some points and a little bit too creepy at others keeps this game from mainstream appeal I had to push through some slow story elements in the beginning and then as I started getting more and more into this title I also became more and more nervously uncomfortable ultimately it wasn't for me but for the horror fans out there you should put this one on your list along with the next title hinge VR hinge is a psychological horror that has you navigating an abandoned skyscraper but something absolutely horrendous is going on you're seeing creatures getting memory flashbacks gravity has a mind of its own and you really don't know what to expect next now this is also a great looking game but unfortunately it also has some significant performance issues and to round out the horror titles we have the Blair Witch another psychological horror exploration title which has you tormented by your own memories luckily though as you search through the Blair Woods you have a canine companion to help cut the tension now horror titles aren't my go-to genre but between these three games there's something there for any horror fan now if you wanted to take part in an anime story rather than a horror one we have alteas Beyond Kronos this is basically a multi-hour interactive comic book with a high level of replayability it's a very trippy and quite interesting story and you'll get the pilot a giant Mech but the mechanics are minimal here and you basically just make choices to direct the storyline overall though I found it to be a very unique and entertaining title another entertaining title was the time bending Puzzler time stall you'll get a cut scene where something goes wrong and your cruise ship robotic staff tries to go on a murder spray but luckily you'll be able to stop time and then rearrange things to work out to your advantage it's a cute fun title and sometimes that's all you need but if you're looking to kick it up a notch we have Airborne Airborne has you flying around like Iron Man while taking out a never-ending onslaught of robotic enemies you'll unlock new weapons and skills between runs and flying around at Breakneck speeds just feels so awesome sadly though there's not much more to this game and it's just a fun time killer now if you still want to be agile but remain a bit more grounded we have the parkour shooter stride when you get into a good Rhythm stride feels fantastic and it's thoughts to live up to that claim of being Mirror's Edge in VR while there are multiple different game modes to explore this title is still very much in development if you pick it up now you'll most likely enjoy it but you might want to wait for the finished product but for now plant those feet and put those guns away because we're stepping into the arena with iron lights this unique melee fighting title slows down time and has you taking turns at both offense and defense you can't just wildly swing your weapons and every time they make contact they will shatter and you need to reform them it's a unique set of mechanics that just works well there's also competitive multiplayer and a ton of different weapons to choose from it's not my favorite melee title but it's still a good option and that's just like Ben VR Adventures which isn't my favorite platforming title but it's a good option Ben has some really cool environments the difficulty starts to creep up towards the end and the title does throw a few surprises your way I just found the combat and some of the sound designed to be a bit lacking now a title that I thought would be lacking but actually surprised me with Zombieland headshot fever it's not quite an on-rail shooter or a wave shooter but it plays like the classic House of the Dead titles you'll enter a room after Clarity of enemies and then you could proceed forward there's new weapons and upgrades to unlock and there's a high emphasis on replayability if your goal is just to pick up a fun shooter you can do a lot worse than Zombieland headshot fever and while we're on the topic of games that are just fun to play we have a beachy infector this Rhythm title is a port from the original flat screen version which has you pressing keys to some music by the late DJ Avicii you're also gliding along with the spaceship the entire time so it makes this entire experience very chill now the opposite of chill is Richie's plank experience now it's really much more of a mini game but it's also one of a kind the overall impact that this title can have on your senses and it could trigger acrophobia in the bravest of us maybe it's not a top tier recommended title but everyone needs to try it at least once unlike Medal of Honor which some of us would be completely okay to pass on Medal of Honor scores some points here mainly due to the scope of the single player campaign and it's relatively robust multiplayer unfortunately though the campaign is unevenly paced the steam version is riddled with performance bugs and the quest version doesn't run that well on top of that the multiplayer is fairly dead at this point so how did it make it this far up on the list well for starters we rarely ever get a full game in VR and the campaign definitely has some moments later on in the game but it's a strong mix of highs and lows after you strip away all the ambition that Medal of Honor had and just aim for a fun quick story you get final space this shooter based on the TV series is a fun multi-hour distraction if you're a fan of the show I assume there's some extra value here but knowing absolutely nothing about it I still enjoyed my playthrough four player co-op is also a rare treat in VR so next on this list is the quirky nightmare known as virtual virtual reality 2. this is a brand new title that actually released right before this video and I was lucky enough to complete it in time virtual virtual reality 2 has you uploading your Consciousness into a really quirky digital world and then everything goes horribly wrong this game is well written and extremely self-aware poking fun at things like the metaverse and some levels are quirky parody mixing titles like beat saber with a meditation app the title is really well done but the core quirky nature might not be for everyone now a title that was aiming for mainstream appeal is Star Wars Tales From A Galaxy's Edge for the most part it is successful but it's a bit of a bland shooter and the best part is a small side mission where you take on the role of a Jedi now this game really starts to come into its own in the last call DLC from there you get to take on the role of a Jedi an assassin Droid and even a stormtrooper and they kick the overall action up a notch unfortunately though you do need to make it through part one before you can play the second part so I'm gonna put two separate scores here now while Tails from the Galaxy's Edge is fairly popular I'm sure most people haven't heard of the next title The Tale of anogoro this is a puzzle action adventure title that leaves you scratching your head and offers up epic boss fights it's also a surprisingly good looking title with a unique fantasy setting and storyline my only complaint was I occasionally got stuck and this title gets less and less exciting as time goes on but if you're looking for a puzzle game with some action in it check out the tale of anogoro but if you prefer your puzzle games to be a bit more unique I wreck recommend Gadget here it's the most strategic setup of dominoes you'll ever experience and it's a lot more chill to play Because when everything falls down you don't have to go and manually pick it back up so go turn the entire environment into one giant Rube Goldberg machine and watch some Physics in action but if you prefer the physics of boxing we have Creed rise to Glory inspired by the Creed movie You Can Box your way through a single player campaign featuring Rocky Balboa earn some calories with some training based mini-games and then finally jump online and press some multiplayer PVP my only complaint here is it's a little expensive for a rather short campaign and the online player base has been dried up for quite some time but that might change with their recent release of the championship Edition now if you prefer Shooters we have Arc and Aid this neon infused Tron inspired FPS title will have you blasting your way through retro futuristic levels there's three different game modes including endless Arena and arcade and there's difficulty levels from straight up Noob to hardcore player so if you like high action Shooters go check out Arc and aid but if you're looking to add more Adventure in your shooter title you absolutely have to check out hubris hubris offers up some absolutely amazing VR Graphics plus a nice level of variety with swimming parkour and some pretty intense firefights from a storytelling standpoint there are a few standout moments but overall it's forgettable unlike the rather intriguing storyline from unbinary this beautifully hand-drawn world has you solving puzzles dealing with disagreeable robots and an AI that likes to challenge you it's a unique fun and rather intriguing experience but the puzzles are all quite simplistic but if it's complexity you want we have Juan's Alliance this is an online 3v3 spell slinging shooter there's multiple different classes each with their own unique abilities a customizable list of spells to unlock and some Fierce online battles unfortunately though it wasn't enough to hold my attention for an extended period of time after roughly 10 plus hours I wanted more game modes and different levels now a much older title that managed to hold on to my attention for an extended period of time is banishing Realms this is a classic VR RPG title that was quite frankly ahead of its time it features collision-based combat beautiful environments and basically everything you'd want to see from an action RPG it's just not a very long game and the mechanics are quite simple it was however one of my favorite original VR games and there is a DLC package to expand the campaign there's not a ton of VR RPG options out there but even without any competition it's still a solid game and it's strange for me to put a game I enjoyed so much right next to a game that I didn't really enjoy that much at launch and that's Warhammer 40K Battle Sister this story driven first person shooter set in the Warhammer 40K Universe failed to live up to my expectations while I did enjoy it enough to play almost the entire title in just one day the combat just came off as a bit Bland and the graphics were immersion breaking but since launch they've greatly enhanced the graphics introduced a co-op horde mode dropped the price to 19.99 and we just got another update with new enemies and weapons so while I still believe Warhammer 40K deserves a better game than this this is still a fun and fairly MP campaign now if we jump back to Rhythm titles we have Thumper Thumper is mechanically similar to avici and Vector which we already covered but it has no chill the overall tone affects music and giant enemy looming above you is all very aggressive it's also a great challenge that'll definitely raise your pulse but at the same time it's extremely satisfying when you nail the moves and while the game doesn't make great usage of motion controls VR does make it that much more intense and since we like things intense let's jump into Doom bfr now I've Revisited this title since last year and it has moved up the list a little bit because a good portion of the launch bugs have been resolved now while this is a solid shooter it just doesn't feel as action oriented as those new Doom titles mechanically it's also lacking a bit and I just didn't feel like I was that all-powerful Doom guy and speaking of not exactly feeling the role in Phantom covert Ops I didn't feel like this unseen special operative to me it felt a bit more like hide and seek canoeing that being said though there are some cool elements in this title and it can be quite immersive a six plus hour long campaign is a lot more than we usually get in VR and post launch they added some trials that help with replayability now I wasn't the biggest fan at launch but this title did grow on me a bit over time now if you want to unload those guns and pack a fishing rod in the canoe instead we have real VR fishing as someone who doesn't enjoy fishing I was blown away at just how entertaining this title can be truly immersive lifelike environments mixed with fun fishing mechanics and the ability to hang out with your friends if a king with a six pack and a beer helmet adapter for your quest this game would be like a 9.0 all jokes aside it's an experience that basically anyone can enjoy and if you want to up the challenge you could turn off all of the visual indicators making this much more true to life but this is virtual reality so who's looking for a real life experience instead let's head to a Soviet space station with Jupiter grad Jupiter grad is a grappling hook platformer with a great sense of humor unfortunately for you this abandoned space station is quite deadly The Swinging Linux in this title are excellent and post launch they've added time trial levels for those of you mastering the art of the grappling hook overall I was pleasantly surprised with this title another surprise Delight was PokerStars VR for the low low price of free you'll get your own private Casino where you could join your friends or some random other players for a few games of Poker and to help keep things exciting there's unlockable items and cosmetics plus they've added additional games like roulette and slot machines so if you need a quick trip to the casino Go download this game now another place where you could find some treasure is one of vr's only MMO titles Zenith Glide your way into this fantasy setting battle enemies with either swords or spells and grind your way up to max level and unlock the Top Gear that's the basic gist of any MMO and Zenith also offers up a couple of additional features including a Cooking System owning pets and full body tracking now coming from a long history of playing every MMO out there I found Zenith to be a bit too shallow but if you do end up liking this game you might find yourself addicted and sometimes is just Simplicity that keeps you addicted and that's why I enjoy drums Rock so much grab your drumsticks and battle some Demons by perfecting your Rhythm you could also get some additional style points by flipping your sticks and this game has an absolutely hardcore soundtrack and a cameo by Yours Truly but if the drums aren't for you why not build a cute little city in little cities we are this is the absolute chillest city building experience it's all about instant gratification and just watching your world come to life there's no deep challenges here and keeping your citizens happy is pretty straightforward but there's just something about this game that'll suck you in and before you know it you've gone and populated all the islands but I know this gameplay is too peaceful for some VR Gamers and that's why we have some stealth based action from aspire to VR operative while the original game was definitely not my favorite I enjoy everything they've added to the sequel there's a completely new campaign that could be played in both single player or Co-op they'll take control of two completely different robotic chassis one specializing in stealth and the other combat and there's a huge amount of strategy on how to tackle each level so if you're looking for for either a co-op campaign or some stealth based action go check out Aspire 2. now if you want to up the action and bring more than one friend we have Gambit Gambit is Borderlands meets Left 4 Dead filled with plenty of vulgarity and past paced action there's four separate characters to choose from each with their own special abilities a huge array of different weapons to unlock and upgrade plus some really quirky cut scenes now this title was delayed a few times and finally released recently but it's still a little bit too buggy but if you're looking for a streamlined Adventure we have eye of the temple this game is uniquely VR and basically puts you into the shoes of Indiana Jones you'll have to jog backwards on logs and use your whip to fend off creatures in this platforming puzzle title overall it really reminds me of this old Nickelodeon game show Legends of the Hidden Temple kids would run jump and climb through a temple themed maze all while avoiding traps looking for Treasure and avoiding enemies and that's basically what this game is the title gets high marks for originality and I've never played another platformer where I was the one physically jumping but if that doesn't sound like it's your style let's head back to RPGs with vengeful rights vengeful rights is the full package there's a full storyline physics-based sword fighting an RPG system gesture-based spellcasting and basically everything else you would expect in an RPG it's quite similar to Vanishing Realms but with enhanced mechanics graphically the game's not the best looking and it could still feel a bit low budget at times but it's still a great VR RPG option now if you don't care about RPG elements and just want to bash in some skulls we have Gorn Gorn is a slapstick physics-based Arena fighting game it's extremely cartoony but at the same time gruesomely brutal it's one of the most cathartic VR games I've ever played and also most likely the number one cause of VR related accidents and bodily home my only real complaints is I generally like my games a bit more serious and it does get a bit repetitive but it's undeniably fun now if Gorn is too cartoony for you we have swordsman VR this is a title that significantly improves since launch handed in additional content and became a very solid Arena fighting title with multiple different factions to choose from RPG elements and even a little bit of magic at launch the combat was a bit lame but it's definitely a lot more fun now speaking of fun you guys have to check out Megaton rainfall it's a truly one-of-a-kind VR title that basically has you becoming a god it starts with a truly immersive flight around the planet and into space and then moves into gaining some powers and having to protect the city from Alien Invaders it's a total Power Trip and a great use of VR mechanics but overall it's a short game and a bit simplistic now if godhood isn't your objective and you're just looking for a lot of fun content we have dash dash world this is a Mario Kart Style Racing game with a huge amount of unlockables plenty of single player missions and eight player Online PVP it just recently came out of Early Access and with full release they introduced a new virtual steering system two new weapons and seven new tracks They also have upcoming tournaments planned for the future so if you're looking for something things similar to Mario Kart here you go okay so the next title is a little hard for me to rank while I do love it and play it every single day it's not exactly a game and it's also a subscription service I'm talking about the workout application Supernatural which I have been using for nine weeks straight and my only complaint is that subscription price tag but that's a necessary evil for all the included licensed music and the digital coaches but for 180 bucks a year you can get a full gym membership it's undoubtedly fun cardio though and there is a free trial if you'll want to find out if it's right for you speaking of games that are right for you Defector tried to be a jack of all trades but mostly ended up being just good at some things it's an over-the-top 007 style game with everything from dialogue choices that alter the storyline minor puzzles a fantastic interrogation scene and a level that's basically a first person shooter but like I said it doesn't Master any of these and ends up being just good sometimes good is all you need and that's how I felt about the roguelite tune their sweet surrender there's an excellent arsenal of weapons you have vr's favorite utility a grappling hook and the game is action-packed so you don't really need much more if you enjoy this style of game you can lose yourself in it for countless hours now we have a few more titles on the edge of greatness and the next one is cities VR not to be confused with little cities VR cities VR is an adaptation of the flat screen titles City skylines it brings with it that extreme level complexity and some extremely challenging gameplay if you want to build a city of your dreams it's going to take work proper planning and a high level of resource management now the quest version of cities VR leaves something to be desired as the graphics are extremely Bland and there's a high Reliance on phobia rendering so if you have the option I recommend you check out this game on psvr too now if that's too much challenge for you we have a brand new Rhythm shooter gun Jam the gameplay of gunjam is very similar to pistol whip but the mechanics do vary there's more emphasis on keeping a beat and this title has a completely different artistic style if you're itching for an action-oriented rhythm game gunjam isn't no-brainer but if you're looking for a story driven stealth title we have the Republic this is one of the very few third-person games that exist in VR and you'll have to sneak past guards unlock security Terminals and use security cameras to your ultimate Advantage there's a truly deep storyline here set in a dystopian future world and there's nothing else quite like it available in VR when I almost forgot to mention this game is free but if you enjoy the more traditional games we have alvo vr's Call of Duty this online shooter is exactly what you're expecting there's multiple different weapon loadouts to equip unique perks and the classic gameplay shooter modes so go ahead and get your online shooter fix with up to 10 player combat now if you want to add some co-op into the mix we have yet another shooter with zero caliber this is an action-packed storage of NBR Adventure title that is a single player campaign that you could also experience in Co-op and when you're done with that you could jump online for some PVP now why stick the single player games quite often and that's why I truly enjoyed Runner this futuristic motorcycle title reminded me of a modern version of Spy Hunter while the combat is fast based in arcadey it's also quite challenging death will have you starting over from scratch making every boss encounter or minor Health reducing mistake that much more tense while the challenge level might not be appropriate for everyone it's a truly fun and highly stylized experience a VR is a lot more than just gaming and that's why I recommend the workout title Les Mills body combat it's one of the non-subscription-based titles making it a lot more appealing and there's some excellent workout routines and good enough music if you value the quality of workout Above All Else Les Mills body combat is an excellent title to help you reach some of your fitness goals and our last title in the C tier is broken Edge this unique sword fighting experience has some rather interesting mechanics and a gorgeous neon stylized world there's multiple characters to choose from each with their own unique weapons and power-up method your test with destroying your enemy sword prior to moving in for the ultimate kill there's a surprising amount of strategy and some fairly intense gameplay so if you're in the market for a competitive sword fighting title check out broken Edge and now we've made it up to the B tier game these score between 8.0 and 8.9 and they're usually a great example of their genre and while they're not exactly the best of the best that BR has to offer most people will enjoy these games and first on that list is Walkabout mini golf Walkabout mini golf is probably the only virtual activity that is more fun than the real-life version the physics however are extremely true to life because they suck just as much in a virtual game of mini golf as I do out in the real world but joking aside this game features some amazing mini golf courses and it's just a fun chill experience that you could share with a bunch of friends but who wants to chill when you could be out there killing virtual monsters L split Arena allows you to do just that with both fantastic graphics and some excellent physics last year I placed this title right next to Gorn but the title has significantly improved and they've added jousting which makes it that much more extreme if you're looking for a mature themed and brutal Arena fighting game this is the one for you but not everything Could Be Blood and Guts and sometimes you need some one-on-one action and that's where blast on comes in also moving up the list this year this truly unique 1v1 shooter has received multiple updates there's Now new game modes additional weapons a single player campaign and a player Hub to hang out in it's also surprising to see just how much strategy is involved in this game it might look like just grabbing guns and dodging bullets but there's a lot more to it now another game that has you grabbing guns and dodging bullets is the roguelite compound now this is very similar to Sweet surrender except it has a much more retro art style while it might be lacking a grappling hook this game also has an excellent Arsenal and a great feel to it now this game has technically been in Early Access for almost four years but it's still receiving updates and as it improves I will continue to push it up my list speaking of games moving up the list Lies Beneath has also been bumped up a few points I originally played this game on the quest right after Half-Life Alex and that's the main reason why I found it lacking but a quick revisit on the pcvr version and I understood what everyone was saying in my comments from last year this is a solid horror title with plenty of action it also features some excellent comic book style graphics and immersive sound design but if the horror theme is too much for you and you rather play with some action figures we have Yuki Yuki is an excellent bullet hell roguelite that makes you feel like a kid holding your favorite action figure and best of all the more you play the more you get the updated it's easy to get immersed in this game as you're dodging bullets enemies and obstacles and trying to blast everything out of the sky at the same time now if you're looking for even more of a challenge we have dropped at the cabin you'll find yourself trapped in an experimental lab with hordes of creatures coming to kill you you'll need to keep your com system up and running to make sure an Evac comes your way you'll also need to strategically unlock new weapons and equipment because resources are rather limited now luckily you could bring a friend along to help you survive but this game is designed to be extremely difficult and offer Up Maximum replayability and speaking of replayability our next title Arc axer is extremely unique you'll jump between an isometric and first person mode battle enemies and turn based combat that still requires you to physically Dodge attacks and attack your enemies with motion controls the campaign is extremely lengthy and there's an excellent leveling system overall it's an extremely unique VR RPG title but if you prefer more of a Dungeon Crawler we have ancient dungeon this roguelite experience offers over 20 hours of procedurally generated gameplay and while the Minecraft style Graphics may now look great on flat screen they actually really shine in VR so Jump On In and slash away to discovering over 125 powerful relics but if you prefer to fight against the elements we have green hell this survival title places you deep in the Amazon jungle and expects you to fend for yourself you'll need to forage for food build weapons and shelter and defend yourself against the Amazon's indigenous people and dangerous wildlife there's titles not for the squeamish and before you're done you'll die in a multitude of different ways and speaking of dying the classic Boomer shooter shock troops is guaranteed to get you killed a few times it's an amazing nod to Old School shooters like Duke Nukem 3D there's a large array of enemies in different environments and the pacing on this title is very different than many modern Shooters if you're like me and grew up on titles like Duke Nukem 3D you're sure to love shock troops but if you prefer something that's just all around different when it comes to racing games z-race is definitely unique there's a huge selection of YouTuber themed racing cars all of which can be updated over time and a series of futuristic tracks for you to master it's an addictive gameplay Loop and I couldn't stop until I maxed out the Mateo 3-1-1 car another title that sucked me in in a similar manner is Iron Guard while this Tower Defense title is quite simple I just really enjoy it the campaign is over 10 hours long and they go the extra mile with fully narrated cutscenes mechanically it's a little simplistic and it takes a while before the game starts to get difficult but I love building the perfect defensive strategy and then leveling up between missions unlocking new weapons and special skills there's not many Tower Defense titles available in VR so this is easily one of the best recommendations but Guardians might be an even better option even though it's not only a tower defense title it's almost like a tower defense RTS first person shooter hybrid set in a world similar to Starship Troopers you could play it single player or without the four people online and the game will have you Gathering resources building defenses controlling armies and even riding in vehicles there's also an excellent assortment of weapons to unlock and the Jet Pack what more do you really need I don't know maybe a storyline well hellblade has you covered there this absolutely gorgeous third person action puzzle title works surprisingly well in VR it's a dark storyline centered around mental illness which literally and figuratively has you fighting demons this was the first title to figure out how to integrate flat screen cutscenes and overall it's just an intense experience now if that doesn't sound like your style maybe you'd be more interested in cards and tankards this free Trading Card title allows you to jump in game meet some people grab a table and battle it out with some magic the Gathering style cards I found deck building and implementing new strategies to be quite addictive and the game does have a pretty solid Community I actually never played any card games prior to this yet I still found myself oddly addicted now another board game style experience that caught me by surprise is table of Tales the Crooked Crown this is like your very own personal one shot got DND campaign narrated to you by a close friend while mechanically the gameplay is much simpler than something like dungeon and Dragons it has a very similar feel and tells a truly compelling story it's also just really cool to watch the board come alive and have all the little characters moving around it's an easy recommendation to tabletop RPG fans but if you're not a fan we can always go back to killing zombies in Arizona sunshine this story-driven zombie shooter is playable in both single player and Co-op and it's received numerous DLCs over time including a really fun horde mode unlike many other VR games it's the full package it's just showing its age a little bit as it's definitely not one of the best looking games especially on the quest maybe it's destined to move down a few notches in the future but that's not the case for our next game synth Riders originally synth Riders felt like a decent alternative to beat saber for me but as you play you realize it's quite different and instead of just slicing stuff it gets you to naturally move to the beat of the song but what really sold me on this game were their new immersive experience songs which are just mind-blowing I'm not a big Rhythm genre fan but I find myself playing that algorithm experience at least once a month so if you're looking to move on from beat saber you might want to consider this game or our next title pistol win now last year this game didn't even make it onto my list because I wasn't really feeling it but the 2089 and smoke and thunder updates really sold me I love everything about them from the cutscenes to the different graphical Styles the weapon modifications and the included music while I still have a little bit of trouble connecting to the music compared to other Rhythm games this game is Just oozing with style and getting to feel like John Wick is more up my alley and another title that's right up my alley is grapple tournament this Unreal Tournament inspired multiplayer shooter is just plain excellent excellent Graphics it's super fast paced a strategic assortment of different weapons and we also get a grappling hook the only thing holding back this game is the low player count luckily though you can now pick up a free demo from the Oculus app lab and it will eventually get a full Quest release and another game that's gonna need a quest release to pump up the the multiplayer numbers is the online sword fighting title swords of Gara with a large assortment of melee weapons and game modes like a 12 person free-for-all Team Deathmatch battles up to 6v6 and even some Capture the Flag this is an excellent melee experience there are some unique sword shattering and blocking mechanics but this game really needs to hurry up and release on the quest Because unless you go to their Discord and plan out some matches it's pretty hard to find a game now if you rather keep your sword fighting to single player we have journey of the Gods this is a light RPG title that makes great usage of VR allowing you to transform into a towering entity there's a cool storyline physics based combat excellent boss fights and some additional surprises along the way if you're looking for a light RPG it's an easy recommendation now if you rather just get your hot pounding we have Thrill of the fight just get in the ring and stop beating up some enemies that's it it's really simple but this game delivers 15 minutes in you will be covered in sweat and wondering if you're actually in a real fight there's some awesome effects when you take a solid hit and it's always great to give your enemy a black eye or soften them up and watch him drop his guard forget Supernatural or any other fitness apps this might be all you need but if that's too intense we have some fun house party games to check out keep talking and nobody explodes is about as unique as a VR game can get one person will be in VR attempting to defuse a bomb while everyone else in the room will attempt to give some defusal instructions but to make matters worse everything is designed to be as confusing as possible and multiple different things are competing for your attention if you haven't experienced this game or you're looking for a party title to play I highly recommend it but right above that I would recommend takeling's house party up to eight people can take on the role of these creatures known as take links by using either a traditional game controller or their cell phone some game modes will have the VR user attempting to kill all the take links and they can band together and fight back while other modes will have the take links in direct competition this is honestly my favorite party title and I think everyone needs to try it but many of us are lacking friends and only stick to single player so we have a truly unique Rhythm title against against is like a combination of pistol whip beat saber with a drop of stride thrown in there and rather than slicing down blocks or pixelated creatures there's some awesome comic book style fantasy creatures for you to mow down and chop in half it's an excellent take on the Rhythm genre for those of us looking for something a bit more gritty now another gritty option is Sniper Elite VR travel back to Italy during World War II and basically become a one-man Army The Sniper Elite series is known for that x-ray kill Cam and it's even more brutally satisfying in VR a lengthy campaign compelling storytelling and lots of Nazi murdering make this a very solid title now if you're looking for a bit more emotion in the storytelling we have stormland this single player shooter is also playable in Co-op and it sets you down a path of uncovering what happened to this mysterious planet you're on as a robotic unit that was damaged and out of commission for quite some time you're not only rebuilding your memories but upgrading your chassis with excellent Locomotion mechanics and fun combat still Homeland is definitely a fun title albeit a bit too repetitive but repetition can be okay if the gameplay Loop is on point and that's exactly what our barrier brings to the table this title feels like Clash of Clans meets a melee brawler you'll be leveling up your Champion sending him against Realms that online players have created and gradually unlocking new power ups powerful new weapons and a large array of minions and traps for you to use in your own realm whenever you're offline your character will be controlled by the AI and you can watch a full replay of anyone who tried to invade your realm this title offers up so many different mechanics and it's also highly strategic with an absolutely addictive gameplay Loop just like our next shooter mother gunship forged this is a combination roguelike bullet hell with a truly unique weapon building mechanic there's a huge array of different bullets to fire power ups to apply and you can even utilize both a shield and Chainsaw the uniqueness of these weapons makes every run feel fresh and new and there's even an online competitive mode or campaign co-op there's plenty of options and replayability and that's why it actually surpassed space pirate trainer as my favorite way shooter now if you're looking for both a top-notch single player campaign and some highly competitive Online PVP look no further than the mech piloting title Vox machinae the single player storyline has you going on a series of unique missions that introduces a brand new warring faction that seemingly comes out of nowhere the storyline tracks a nice balance between being quirky and fun and giving us some compelling action and that action also includes some highly competitive Online PVP and Co-op modes now you'd expect after seven years we'd have a lot of Mech titles in BR but box makine is the best of a very short list now when it comes to roguelikes the VR list definitely is not short but luckily the Light Brigade stands out you'll be utilizing realistic World War II style Weaponry plus a unique combination of magic abilities the world has been overtaken by darkness and you're the only one who could bring back the light mechanically this title is solid graphically this is a highly immersive world to explore combat feels unique and the random power-ups keep things exciting it also feels much more like you're playing a single player campaign rather than a traditional roguelike now if we break from tradition and try and make a title that only works in VR we get swamp swarm easily has some of the best grappling hook mechanics and you're definitely gonna need it because there is no ground in this game you'll continually swing from platform to platform while taking out waves of enemies and picking up some truly powerful secondary weapons this title is filled with epic boss fights a significant challenge hours of gameplay and even some cutscenes there are some multiplayer modes currently in development and if they're successful I wouldn't be surprised for this title to move up the list for next year but a wave shooter that still holds a special place in my heart is space pirate trainer I love the mechanic of pulling a shield out from over your shoulder switching to the proper weapon based on the enemy you're fighting and even dual wielding some weapons for an extra power boost the soundtrack always gets me pumped the main boss is an epic battle and their Arena update is absolutely game changing so now not only do you have a super fun single player shooter you also have an online co-location 1v1 multiplayer title the only issue there is you need need a really large play Space so if you only have a small amount of room available maybe the RTS title battle group VR is more suited to your play Space this space battle title is currently the most in-depth VR RTS available it features a full single player campaign full customization of both your ship captains and your Fleet which comes in the form of special power-ups weapons that specialize in either dealing Hull damage or Shield damage trade-offs between speed all strength and shields giving you a ton of customization options there's also online competitive multiplayer and the ability to use voice commands and the game also just happens to have amazing Graphics so this is easily my top pick for VR RTS titles now some VR shooters that tend to go under the radar these days are the Serious Sam titles there are now VR versions of these titles available and unlike some other ports these work amazingly well it's non-stop fast-paced action with tons of enemies on screen and excellent Graphics there's also a ton of content available multiplayer gameplay modes and I have to mention that the scale of the enemies in this game just looks fantastic now some of these old school titles remain my favorite VR Shooters and that's the case for the next title super hot super hot is an extremely unique shooter enemies will only move when you move turning this into almost a puzzle title between limited weapons and ammo to use plus enemies approaching in unexpected ways creates a lot of trial and error to pass a sequence there's also a bit of quirky VR inside of VR game storyline going on and the only thing holding back this title is the rather short gameplay length there's definitely some replayability here but most people want more content now one of my favorite Shooters with a lot of replayability is Robo recall the mechanics behind this title truly shine not only are you decommissioning hordes of robotic enemies but you're also rewarded for doing it in style bounce a weapon off the enemy to automatically reload it catch a bullet in midair and throw it back at the enemy or just rip off some limbs the options feel Limitless and every time you play a level you'll earn some points to help you upgrade your weapons I still absolutely love this game and have been waiting years for a sequel but instead we get some other surprise hits like Frack the shooter's like starring in a Vin Diesel movie that's a mixture between Fast and Furious and Borderlands ski right into the action with an avalanche chasing behind you then crash land without injury right where you need it to be practice not only one of the best Shooters I've played on the PlayStation VR it's also one of the best looking games the one Crux like many other VR games is the short gameplay length of just a few hours but if you're not interested in that over-the-top adrenaline filled action and are aiming for some realism we have onward onward is vr's Undisputed military Sim it's completely unforgiving and strides for realism when it comes to equipment and weapon handling no cursors button reloads or any of that nonsense we are training you for war now while some people might prefer something more arcadey if you're looking for realism this title can't be beat but VR doesn't need to be realistic so let's take a time traveling Journey with Wanderer what immediately stands out in this title is the production value this is a great looking game with beautifully immersive environments I high quality voice acting and brain straining puzzles if this is the type of game you're looking for it's a fantastic option and a close tie with the gallery episodes one and two as an older title it's not quite the same quality as Wanderer and the puzzles aren't as challenging but I found this storyline a bit more compelling and it took some really crazy turns that I was not expecting and this is yet another title that I would love to see a sequel to now if you prefer a story that's set in an existing IP we have Westworld Awakenings as a huge fan of the show I thought the storyline was worked in perfectly and mechanically this game plays just like one of my favorite horror titles Outlast love it or hate it RR always works so well in VR and there's a series of surprises that just works in perfectly well with the lore behind Westworld now if you're not interested in horror but still looking for some adrenaline we have the climb one and two I dragged my feet on this title for quite some time because I expected it to bore me who knew that beautiful environment and well thought out climbing mechanics would turn into a fantastic VR title it's almost oddly addicting and the perfect level level of effort is needed to play this game so you still feel active but you're never really getting tired The Climb 2 could have basically been a DLC as not much has changed but if you like the original you're getting more of the same now a title that's almost completely alone in its own category is the co-op RPG Carnage Chronicles beautiful Graphics physics space combat two different classes excellent storytelling and lots of Epic Loot Define make this a fantastic game to play in single player it feels much more like a refined melee title where every single strike counts and you really need to time those blocks and counter attacks in Co-op it turns into a bit of a chaotic Dungeon Crawler but either way it's still a fantastic experience and speaking of fantastic experiences we have valves free title the lab the lab is a collection of mini games designed to show off just how cool VR can be highlighting everything from immersion to mechanics you'll get to meet Gladys and other robots up close and personal take in some beautiful Vistas put your Audrey skills to the test or explore space and this is only a few of the mini games available if you haven't tried it you definitely need to and it's also a fantastic way to introduce people to VR another excellent free option is rec room not only does it have a huge player base tons of different gameplay modes everything from RPG style quests a laser tag car racing and Battle Royale there's tons of ever growing unlockables and a pretty insane amount of player generated content there's definitely a younger audience here but as an old guy I still enjoy this game but if you really want to lose yourself in VR for an extended period of time you should check out no man's sky this bomb of a launch turn Comeback Kid became an extremely anticipated VR title while the VR launch had some rough edges it's definitely improved over time and there's just so much to do in this title everything from Planetary Exploration to space fights or just sitting back and building a base and I really enjoy the option that I can switch back the flat screen at any time if I feel the need now for whatever reason I actually enjoy Base building in the forest a bit more than no man's Sky sure there's a bit less to do in this game but it doesn't matter if I enjoy it all the more being stranded on island with creepy ass mutant cannibals definitely keeps you on your toes especially in VR and being able to play this online with your friends not only helps cut the tension but also helps you build some epic structures so much faster now you wouldn't have been stranded on this island at all if you learn to fly by yourself and you can do that with vita vital is a fighter pilot Sim that is a great balance between realistically challenging and just some arcade fun don't get me wrong it's still pretty complex but it's definitely not as hard as learning to fly a real jet they've recently added multiplayer missions a dual seat helicopter and this game also has Steam Workshop integration for user generated content as someone who's not really a Sim fan I was surprised at how much I truly enjoyed this game and speaking of really enjoying games we have hyperdash and larsonance larsonatz is a hero shooter similar to OverWatch with some excellent different characters to choose from and some excellent VR mechanics issues like the completely broken steam release and non-immersive weapons have been resolved in some recent patches and overall it still has a fairly active Community unlockable characters and upgrades will keep you coming back for more but I don't actually need that and prefer hyperdash a little bit more than larsenauts the varying gameplay modes non-stop action powerful weapon pickups and the ability to perform some teleportation jumps makes for some excellent combat there's some definite strategy here and the developers have continued to push content since the release of this game from a mechanical standpoint this is my favorite VR multiplayer shooter well let's completely change the tempo with the quirky puzzle title I expect you to die this is a series of spy themed Escape rooms where trial and error is key and a funny death is around every corner they've managed to prevent the frustration of repeat failure by making every death hilarious open up your glove box uh oh there's a bomb in there smoke a cigar yeah there's a bomb in there too basically the first time you touch anything it kills you now another game that likes to kill you but never in a fun way is the persistence this horror themed roguelite has you on a derelict space station where the cloning systems are malfunctioning and pumping out monstrous creatures you can Harvest their DNA for upgrades roll the dice for some risk versus reward exploring and ultimately try not to poop your pants because most of these creatures are horrific this was originally a PlayStation VR title so there are some Port issues with other versions like no hand tracking but it's a great game nonetheless now you can't mention great VR game without me saying until you fall another roguelite title but this one has some unique melee combat you'll have to learn and block a series of attack patterns and then strike back at those most opportune moments stronger enemies will also have more powerful attacks that you either need to duck or Dodge out of the way this game is both a physical and mechanical challenge which will have you dying constantly and breaking into a full sweat luckily though you can unlock new weapons and upgrade them between each run now if you don't want to get up close and personal and prefer to sneak around I recommend budget cuts too I never played the original title and I was shocked to see the main mechanic for this game is actually stealth back when the main method of locomotion in VR was teleportation budget cuts came up with an elegant solution with some port like teleportation Windows you can clearly see where you're gonna end up and then you just pull yourself through this is ideal for sneaking up behind enemies or scoping out areas of the map that you can't currently see there's also some challenging puzzles and combat a fun storyline and a bit of surprises along the way now if you have no interest in stealth or single player our next title is the free zero g sport Echo VR this wild combination of Rocket League meets rugby will have you floating around in a futuristic Arena slingshotting off your teammates and punching your opponent in the face all while trying to get a disc through the goal mechanically this is a hard game to master but when you do it is so satisfying but to be honest I rather play more of I expect you to die and this sequel gives us just that it's definitely more of the same as the original but refined in almost every way graphically the game gets an update it's longer than the original with deeper storytelling and the environment and traps are more elaborate if you enjoy the original or just enjoy Escape rooms this title is a no-brainer but a lot of us crave more action and luckily there's Bladen so sorry this physics-based fantasy melee title continues to receive some amazing updates including a quest release what was once just a Sandbox title with some great combat is slowly becoming a single player Dungeon Crawler but what makes this close to a must-have title is all the amazing user generated content you could become a Marvel character like Spider-Man or Iron Man maybe wield the 10 Rings or Thor's hammer or just decapitate some people with a lightsaber the quest blade and sorcery Nomad Edition lags behind a little bit especially because it doesn't have all of these amazing mods but it's still a really fun option now a title that doesn't require any mods to be amazing is red matter too the developers have already modified the Unreal Engine enough to get this puzzle title to look absolutely amazing on the quest too this sequel will have you traveling deeper into space solving a much larger array of puzzles and battling a multitude of security droids all while slowly unraveling a deep storyline both fans of story driven Adventure titles and the puzzle fans out there should absolutely love this game and speaking of absolutely loving a game the spacecraft sharing roguelike go signal a Solaris story completely blew me away rather than getting up close and personal in your VR Space Battles you're instead controlling your ship from a third party view combat is highly strategic forcing you to both maneuver away from enemies and switch from an array of different weapons in order to survive combat the roguelike nature hands you an array of different power-ups over time which can make or break each run and the gameplay Loop is just absolutely addictive and I played nearly six hours straight the first day I got this title now about six hours is all you'll get out of the Fantastic escape room title I expect you to die too but it'll be a few short hours of top-notch quality and a multitude of hilarious different ways to die if you played the original you'll know you're in for some spy themed action but the second game just gets so much better there's more of an actual storyline fantastic voice acting from will Whedon and I found the puzzles to be the perfect level of challenging but sometimes we just need to shoot people and that's why we have games like contractors this is another online competitive military style shooter but what sets it apart making it absolutely fan fantastic is the large range of mods available you can experience games like Team Fortress 2 and Star Wars Battlefront in VR the mods are also built right into the game so you can access them in just a few clicks so basically it's a VR shooter that just keeps on giving but if you're looking for a game that's a large commitment we have Elite dangerous this is an extremely immersive open world space Sim there's quite a learning curve here and this game can be a serious investment you'll find it extremely rewarding between hodis and VR Sport Plus amazing Graphics this is an extremely immersive game but if that's not your style you can hunt down some ghosts in phasmophobia this four-person Co-op Ghost Hunter is equally terrifying and hilarious the overzealous Brave member of the group might kick in the door yelling the ghost name and end up getting themselves or someone else killed while the coward of the group can stay back in the van narrating your team's demise I've had so much fun playing this game and if you could get past the jump scares I highly recommend it but there's more jump scares to come with Jurassic world aftermath this beautifully cell shaded trip through the abandoned Jurassic Park is an excellent and rather terrifying story to behold crash land on the island after a pterodactyl attack and then continuously play cat and mouse with some Velociraptors this can be an extremely intense experience but there's also moments of Jurassic Park Nostalgia and some well done storytelling if you enjoy the title you should definitely pick up the part 2 DLC as it definitely has a few more surprises than the original title now since we're talking about Quest exclusive titles I have to mention in death on chain this roguelite journey through the afterlife remains one of my favorite Quest titles best in-class archery mechanics challenging combat embosses a large array of horrific enemies lots of unlockable upgrades and seasonal content will keep you coming back for more now do not get the PC version of this game it has been discontinued for quite some time and the vast majority of the content and all of the new updates are only available for the quest well let's jump back to RPGs with Skyrim VR now last year I snubbed this title because for years now I've just been burned out on Skyrim and in truth if you've played Skyrim before the VR version doesn't suddenly make it that much better now if you haven't played it before this is easily the biggest and most robust RPG available in VR spending a thousand hours in Skyrim is quite possible especially when you start tacking on mods that take this game to a whole new level extra content graphical overhauls upgrades have fixed the game's crappy UI and just so much more my Skyrim mod folder is currently over 200 gigs now the next title on this list may surprise you because it absolutely surprised me I never expected a puzzle platformer with a mouse protagonist to be so compelling excellent storytelling beautiful environments tight controls and challenging puzzles make this a fantastic game you end up forming a strong bond with quill and the only thing holding back this title is the short run time there is some replayability with hidden items to find on each level and I found the storyline compelling enough to play through it more than once but overall the attention the detail and level of quality are what sell this game and speaking of quality we have Iron Man VR not only does this game do an amazing job of making you feel like Iron Man between both a flight and weapon mechanics it also tells a compelling story and is loaded with action my adrenaline was pumping from the very beginning when you're ripped out of an airplane and my excitement skyrocketed the second I saw the Iron Man HUD yes it's a bit repetitive and held back by the PlayStation VR Hardware but this is a total package title the games receive some nice patches and additional content since release and if you really enjoy it there's definitely some replayability here now a title that I actually enjoyed a little bit more but lacks replayability is Vader Immortal I know this is not everyone's favorite and the storyline is only roughly two hours but you also get a wave shooter style dojo and this is the only time in your life you're gonna get up close and personal with Vader for me personally that's worth the price of emission graphically this game looks great I thought the storyline was a nice tie-in and while it's mechanically simple wielding a lightsaber and using Force Powers is an absolute blast if you're a Star Wars fan and fairly new to VR I highly recommend this game but if that's not enough action we have the new four-person Co-op zombie shooter after the fall after the fall of some amazing Left 4 Dead style fun and I quickly sunk about 20 hours into this game it's a testament to the gameplay that a title with such little content is still maintaining a player base and has sucked up so much of my time where the game goes from here is based on how much additional content they push out and by next year it could either be headed towards the graveyard or a must buy title speaking of must buy titles we are right on the edge now and a great example is the story driven shooter farpoint this time-bending journey to an alien world absolutely sucked me in while it is playable in Co-op I played through it in one single player sitting that's right I was glued to my chair for over five hours straight mechanically as a shooter this game lacks a bit especially if you're not using an aim controller but the Fantastic storyline more than makes up for it but let's switch back the roguelites with everslaught everslaught is an extremely fast-paced mix between doom and Diablo I love the multiplayer mechanics like twisting your wrist to activate a grappling hook or to turn your hand into a cannon the graphics in this game are top notch it's highly immersive and also gives me an adrenaline kick every single time I play the title is currently in Early Access so there's only about one to two hours of single player linear gameplay and then it turns into procedurally generated dungeon runs which have you collecting blood to level up the future roadmap has some really exciting stuff which will make this title a lot more similar to a Diablo style Dungeon Crawler I'm definitely looking forward to that and expect this game to move up the list a few points next year now another newcomer to the list this year is demio demio is a tabletop RPG that people like to compare to Dungeons and Dragons but it's definitely not the same the RPG system in demio is much lighter but that doesn't take away any of the fun you get the pick from one of five characters each with their own unique abilities jump into one of the three available quests in either single player or multiplayer mode with up to three of your friends then make your way through three levels of a dungeon and then take down an epic boss there's a lot of strategy and cooperation needed to survive and the random dice rolls help keep things exciting a single round of gameplay could take one to two hours and until you learn the ropes this is a very challenging game it's also my number one pick for tabletop fans now if the tabletop isn't for you and demio's RPG system just isn't robust enough we have legendary Tales this is a four-person Co-op RPG Dungeon Crawler with a lot to love for starters the physics based combat is up there with other titles like boneworks to experience that in four-person multiplayer is a rare treat the game also has fantastic Graphics an arsenal of weapons that drastically impact how you play the game a gesture-based magic system and a truly rewarding upgrade system It's a combination of doing what you want to be better at in the game like swinging a heavy sword to get stronger plus assigning points to increase other attributes and selecting unique skills that will drastically alter your character for example in my latest run I have built a glass Cannon Mage I can only take about one or two hits in game before I die but at the same time I can constantly rain down Hellfire plus I have a magical Shield to help defend me my buddy so far is built an unarmed monk style character Who stuns enemies with palm strikes and can drop the biggest Baddie with a Flurry of Blows this is an RPG system I always dreamed of and I already love this title and its current Early Access State and can't wait for them to release more content while the content is still a bit limited I've already managed to rack up 25 hours in this game and I'm still playing but legendary Tales is missing storytelling and the best place to get that in VR is from Lone Echo now besides this title starting off with a slow burn I love everything else about it it's some of the best graphics and highest level of immersion you can get from a VR game the storyline is extremely intriguing and once you get past that first hour it has a great pace and lots of surprises along the way now the only game to surpass this in storytelling is the sequel to Lone Echo lone Echo 2 is very similar to the original except most of it has been improved graphically it's looking even better the storyline is even better with a lot more unexpected turns and they introduce some new mechanics to help keep things fun I would love to see another Sequel and additional game set in this world but since meta now owns this studio and they no longer produce pcvr games I doubt it will happen okay before we jump into those a-tier titles this video is brought to you by VR Rock VR Rock makes prescription lens inserts for all of your favorite VR headsets and now they have them for the PlayStation VR2 so if you've been struggling to get your eyeglasses to fit inside the headset or you're afraid you might scratch the lens these can be a great option they magnetically connect so they're easy to put on and take right back off and if you're interested I have a 10 discount code down in the description and a link to their webpage Okay so we've now made it up to a tier titles and these are some of the best games that VR has to offer unless you absolutely hate the genre you should consider all these games must plays now this tier is fluctuated the most since last year's video and first up is vr's fortnite population one this battle royale shooter has not only managed to hold on to the majority of its player base but it's also grown significantly in the last few months as the title's gone free to play and they also introduced a World building sandbox mode so it doesn't matter if you're a fan of the classic last team standing gameplay or you're looking for something new this title has you covered with its Ever Changing nature now if you prefer single player The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners is still an amazing experience the world is highly immersive and anxiety-inducing the combat feels amazing and taking down walkers never gets old plus there's an interesting storyline and some truly intense moments that keep pulling you back to this game and another title that kept pulling me back was Star Wars squadrons highly strategic Space Battles the iconically immersive world of Star Wars a lengthy single player campaign stunning visuals and some truly competitive Online PVP squadrants is the full package even if you're not a Star Wars fan now while dodging proton torpedoes might be pretty intense it doesn't match the horror of Resident Evil 7. Capcom sure knew how to highlight VR with this title having a multitude of psychotic individuals get up close and personal with you having to watch Fighters crawl up and down your arms and just getting a first person view of some truly horrific sites this is a less action-oriented Resident Evil title focusing more on immersion and suspense which makes it absolutely ideal for VR similar to our next title The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners chapter 2. it's very much just more of what the original game gave us but now there's updates to Scavenging and weapon creation plus there's plenty of new ways to dispatch the undead and this storyline has been expanded besides the excellent combat I also enjoy that these games have the perfect level of scariness I remain tense throughout my entire gameplay but not enough to prevent me from wanting to jump back in but no one's ever been scared by the next title beat saber beat saber has somehow become synonymous with VR itself would have known that slicing blocks with lightsabers to the beat of a song would ever become so popular now it's the type of game that only works in VR which makes it a bit more special and the gameplay is super easy to pick up but extremely challenging to master this gives it an addictive nature from everyone from Noob to extreme competitor but if that's not enough action we have the half-like shooter vertigo remaster great graphics plenty of large open environments which we rarely see in VR an unmatched level of creativity and just an absolutely great single player campaign it's a little bit on the shorter side at roughly five hours but definitely a must play for all VR shooter fans and what vertigo does for Shooters astrobot Rescue Mission does for Platformers not only does Astro have extremely solid platformer mechanics it also features enemies and a level design that truly knows how to highlight VR you'll be dodging enemy attacks with both Astro and your own physical presence and the title will be dropping you into a lot of exotic worlds last underwater jump from skyscraper to skyscraper up in the clouds or even take a roller coaster ride through some lava filled canyons and when you're done admiring the environments there's some truly Larger than Life bosses that you'll have to battle I'm hoping we'll eventually get a sequel to this title because it's an unmatched VR platform or experience but again we need to jump back to the action with vr's Counter-Strike Pavlov Pavlov is one of the OG VR Shooters and it still remains extremely popular featuring gameplay that's a direct clone from Counter-Strike there's also plenty of other official gameplay modes such as the World War II Edition but just like Counter-Strike there's also countless mod you got apply everything from a Zombies mode to grenade dodgeball and even Prop Hunt so basically pavlab is a top-notch shooter with the addition of a limitless gameplay modes but sometimes nothing beats the classics and that's why Resident Evil 4 is so high up on this list this remake of one of the most popular Resident Evil titles was done phenomenally well graphics and sound effects have been reworked there's full motion controller support for weapon handling and they've even integrated some new controls into the cutscene any true horror or Resident Evil fan should absolutely play this game the lengthy campaign is filled with a ton of over-the-top moments and plenty of brutal action but when it comes to action not much Tops boneworks This experimental physics shooter took the World by storm to date no other title has both melee and gun mechanics that can match this title you could somehow feel the impact of every single stab or swing with a blunt weapon and the handling of firearms feels absolutely fantastic now combine this with an intriguing and truly Wacky World Plus unique enemies and experiences and you have a top-notch title The Arena and sandbox modes are up a ton of replayability and it's also great for producing some pretty cool video clips but now we have some newcomers on the list for 2023 and the first one up is the racing Sim Gran Turismo 7 featuring unmatched Graphics a lengthy campaign with a huge amount of cars to unlock true to life driving physics and some highly addictive gameplay I'm not at all a Sim fan and even I found this game irresistible having to constantly sneak in more and more sessions but a title that was a lot more my style was Horizon call of the mountain this game easily has some of the best VR Graphics available and it's set in a truly interesting world to explore the robotic creatures of the Horizon Universe look better than ever when they're up close and personal and this game has some truly amazing boss fights it may be a little bit too climbing heavy for some and I wish the overall storyline would have brought more to the Horizon universe but overall it's an absolutely fantastic VR experience but if there wasn't enough action in there for you we have Resident Evil Village we've traded in some of the overall suspense from Resident Evil 7 and up the action with battling some werewolf-like creatures Capcom admitted that this game was made without VR in mind but it's ported phenomenally well and as long as you could handle lahara themes it's some of the best VR Gaming you can get and this finally puts us into the S tier category which are just essential VR titles the best of the best and easily the portion of the video where people will disagree the most amazingly a title done by a single developer has made it up this high and that game is vertigo 2. this is 10 plus hours of Half-Life meets Rick and Morty you're thrown into an insanely large research facility filled with tons of alien creatures and controlled by security robots both the combat and creativity in this game are huge standouts as you'll be unlocking and upgrading a multitude of unique weapons but also sailing the Open Seas portaling your way through different dimensions choosing sides in an ongoing religious war and finally asking yourself what the heck is actually going on in this game it's an absolutely fantastic ride with a 10 plus hour campaign and the option to jump right back in with a new game plus mode but if a 10 hour campaign isn't enough for you why not check out 40 plus hours with the RPG at NASCAR's draft this title does so much right starting with the absolutely gorgeous Graphics utilizing VR to its fullest in both storytelling and mechanically as you're constantly moving between Mortal and God mode there's also a large array of unique pets to unlock and upgrade and they somehow manage to keep the entire game feeling fresh and new throughout that 40 plus hour campaign VR is absolutely begging for a sequel to this title and I hope that happens one day just like for our next title Half-Life Alex featuring both the best graphics and unmatched production value of any VR game Half-Life Alex is a clear standout title not only is there excellent combat there's also an intriguing storyline set in above the IP extremely immersive environments and some memorable moments that I'll stick with you forever once you've completed the campaign a few times you could also check out the countless number of mods available from steam's Workshop there's a Bioshock return the Rapture one that I always recommend that uses assets from the original game and is absolutely amazingly well done now that right there finishes off today's list but I do have a few more things I want to go over I know there's a few fan favorite games out there that I've didn't mention like H3 gorilla tag and even Jet Island I tried to play these games but really struggled to get into them and don't feel like I've given them enough time to actually score them and just about every single title on today's list I played from beginning to end additionally I know people tend to have issues with the scoring system itself but as you've noticed it kind of matches school grades anything under a 65 is a complete fail and not worth mentioning for a game to score somewhere between a one and a four it would just need to be completely broken and a 5 or 6 would also be pretty damn terrible and my ratings are based up of three main criteria the fun factor or rather how enjoyable the game is to play the value on the title based on replayability and the overall cost of the game and finally the quality of the title itself is it a polished release free of bugs are there some glaring issues the developers should have addressed beforehand and how does everything like the graphics and voice acting Stack Up Now people usually mention mods down in the comments which I separate out into completely separate videos if I included everything like alien isolation and the cyberpunk mod this video would be twice as long so keep this in mind before you stop blasting me in the comments but I still really want to hear your feedback at least let me know what your number one VR title is down in the comments and that was today's video brought to you by my dad mateo311 if you enjoyed it please go ahead and give it a thumbs up and if you're new here consider subscribing consider subscribing consider subscribing and consider subscribing consider subscribing consider subscribing okay we'll see you guys on next time we'll see you see you again next time foreign
Channel: Matteo311
Views: 121,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best vr games of all time, best vr games of all time 2023, best vr games of all time metacritic, best vr games ever, best vr games, best vr games 2023, best vr games psvr2, the best vr games, what are the best vr games, vr games, vr games 2023, vr games pc, best pcvr games, top 10 vr games, vr, oculus quest 2 best games, best quest 2 games, matteo311, vr games ranked, vr game tier list, best free vr games, must play vr, must play vr games, must play vr 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 50sec (4670 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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