Beyond Acceptance (2011) | Full Movie | Larry Bowron | Trent Garnaat | Traci Bowren

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[Music] Child Protective Services yeah hi this is Brenda from Dayspring Hospital I'm calling to report independence that's been left with really is a cute child but really stressful for us we have to think about [Music] stupid [Music] I'm gonna review are you kidding me when he [Music] because [Music] [Music] all right I'm taking off all right we'll see tomorrow night late you know what that life perspective wouldn't hurt yeah well I'll see you tomorrow hey did you get the notes on the Richter project did make it those two no I never got ha Gyung to DA tomorrow don't you ever stop he's expecting me home early tonight you know she's not happy with all these late nights we've been spinning a trick that's great do me a favor and stop by Sharon's desk on your way up you can send him from there all right you owe me one hey share and I forgot to forward some documents to Vincent can I use your computer for a second no I only keep track of his schedule I don't run his life for him ah ok bye then you have a good evening what was it you needed I just need to send a couple of documents to Vincent oh ok thanks your all's I know you never care about what's important to me Jen it's what's best for you right now what is that or what you think is best what's the difference but everybody has one so why do you have to make it such a big deal look your father and I have decided yes you're not ready for that level of Independence I'm 14 do you want me to wear diapers too Jennifer why can't I get a cell phone so you want a phone now more like I need one all right I'm convinced you have my permission to get a phone wait I need you to buy me one well that's an entirely different matter you're just whatever I don't care Jenny till I see you're willing to go without his phones you're not ready to have one Jenny she's not making this easy is she too much shouldn't hurt it too much I was 35 when I got my first cell phone I turned out all right [Music] [Music] this oh it came in the mail today I can see that why well I saw this thing on the news the other day and I have some friends looking into adoption how do i heard this promotional thing on the radio I don't know I just think we should have had more how do you know that's not possible I think we gave up too soon that's all we did what we had to do that was ten years ago well I think we made the wrong decision I just requested some information [Music] he did can I simply did you want to sit with us right [Music] okay last time this cannot keep happening be home soon just go back to bed you have to stop doing this I don't think we can do this yeah come in well working on some history yeah what did you want nothing I guess are you here to tell me can you phone aren't you over that yet sure can I was hope well yeah you can hope but actually I want to ask your opinion on something what I need to know how to talk your mom out of a crazy idea what crazy idea well she got it into her head that we should adopt really this is impressive we should be able to have your license approved in just a few months something wrong well but we're just not exactly sure with best for our family right now can we do like a test run or something I mean if this doesn't work out is there any way to get out of it you need to know that welcoming a child into your home is not like buying a car this isn't about you and me working out some kind of deal it's about finding a great fit for a lonely child there is no test run for acceptance you can't put limitations on love I always advise my families to give this process their best but if you're not able to do that then you'd be better off not getting involved okay we've said we're willing to take the first step but we really need to know which way to go because if it doesn't work out for us I guarantee you it won't be good for any child there are many children in the foster system today that are currently available for adoption they don't have any hope of being returned to their biological parents but no adoptive placement has been identified we call them waiting children we could look at placing one of these in your home I wouldn't call it a test run but things really don't work out removal as possible but either way the licensing process is the same [Music] big change [Music] [Applause] [Music] long night so much paperwork seriously we're just trying to give a child at home not I've been the Constitution did I miss something Oh Aaron is discovering a hard truth that buying a kid is much more difficult than making one from scratch but seriously adopting a kid what a great idea I think I might have to try it if you have why because it looks great on a resume you're just ahead of the curve I'm not doing this to get ahead [Music] [Music] I start a check that's just to take us through all the people oh we can't forget tomorrow's Jenny's birthday okay forget I know I didn't see it before she just needed somebody else to care for looks really nice and so glad we went with the green what nothing yeah we also have a ten-year-old boy what's his name his name is Evans Evans is well he has a lot of baggage he's been in 12 homes over the last seven years I think it might be best to move on to the next one how old did you say it was Evans he's 10 well could we at least just see his picture no honeys perfect just what I'd imagined we still have several more I'd like to show you Evans has been known to be a little bit of a challenging child I'm not sure if it would be wise with your first placement to think I'm suggesting that Evans might try your love impatience beyond what you might think we'll take him could we have a minute [Music] Aaron did you see him are you sure about this yes I'm sure shouldn't we think about this a little no I don't want you to think yourself out of this one what why do you always just give up how is this my fault you can't keep bringing Ethan into this you have no idea how hard that night was for me you have no idea how hard it was for me I live with that every day I've always wanted more children and you know that I almost lost you that night Stacy and I wasn't willing to put your life at risk again but this is different we can't have anymore and I'm okay with that that doesn't mean we can't have him he needs us he's even ten years old we'll take them you need to know more I've known Evans all his life he came here when I was just an intern I've watched him over the years every time he moves he gets worse if you take him and give up on him I very little hope that he'll never have a chance at a normal life we won't fail I want you to seriously consider this step you're taking heavens has a lot of behavioral problems there are some things I need to tell you before you agree to take him first of all he's been known to throw himself at people and attack them it can be dangerous to younger children he also suffers from night terrors you don't need to be shy it'll be fine what do you like to do most of my old toys are for girls but you can play with them if you want to do you like to watch TV what's your favorite show this is your new home buddy let's show them his room okay I'll start some dinner I think you're really gonna like it do you like it mom and I spent a lot of time shopping and cleaning and stuff they're just used to be a lot of boxes and junk in here I thought this is the perfect color we weren't really sure just give him some time to himself I thought you might like green if you want to stay here for now that's fine we'll come get you in suburbs hi father we thank you for bringing Evans to our family and we asked your blessing on this undertaking we thank you for the blessing of being able to provide for him we ask it in time he would learn to call this his home we thank you for the food let me pray in Jesus name Amen it looks good thank you would you like some water Evans it's dinner time buddy you need to eat maybe doesn't like it would you like something else Evans don't you like spaghetti me boss how long did you say we had to keep him you didn't expect him to just fit right in did you give him some time once he realizes we're not out to hurt him he'll warm up to us I hope [Music] okay buddy let's get you into bed we got your jammies on brush your teeth is there anything else you like to do before bed please help me to do out my meat tomorrow and I'll break already do our best and help Stephanie to work things out with our mom and God please make evans better I'll be better tomorrow right he's just scared didn't know us of course you will but it might not be tomorrow or even the next day remember how long it's been alone well Amy said that how long till he's normal I don't know Jen all I know is that he needs a place to stay and I need this to work [Music] I need this to work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] Bethan Evan's Evan's oh it's okay it's okay good morning guess what it's time for you to be getting up and dressed and I want you to make your bed and after that I'll have some breakfast waiting [Music] I'm gonna go get some work done okay if you need anything just come find me [Music] you want this one [Music] [Music] does he always do this change of locations will usually increase the occurrences sometimes they'll go for weeks and be fine other times you may have several bad nights in a row be patient we believe he is actually experience more trauma than we know about but he's never opened up about anything and she said he didn't eat well he's eating now but how long until he talks well he's never been much of a talker Evans has had a lonely life making this work we'll take things out he needs to know there's no way you'll ever give up on him love mere patients and foster children who move around a lot are not used to the kind of structure that so instrumental to their development at that age [Music] son was alive was deeply moved out of love for her son and said to the king please give for the living baby don't kill me but the other said neither I know you shall have him cut him in two then the King gave his ruling give the living baby to the first woman do not kill them she is his mother Solomon demonstrated extreme wisdom his wisdom is based on his understanding [Music] he understands the Thai of Chula they consider [Music] [Music] he totally said that well if it was me I would have told him that he's being a jerk he's so cute though totally but did you hear what he did at prom oh that's right you weren't there I forgot why couldn't you come again some things into young what about your dad just agrees with her yeah let least they said you get to come to camp later this summer that's a whole month away it's not so bad anyway I wanted to show you what Josh posted last night he's kind of strange how do you deal with him I actually wanted him to come but now I can't wait till he leaves you're not keeping him I thought you guys like adopted him or something well we thought we would but it is the only fit it's awkward mm-hmm that's too bad it's not all bad he's mean he's around mom and dad let me get more of what I want but kind of curse me out living with a ghost sorry are you doing Evans stop it I mean it mess up right now it's not funny I know and then pick it up maybe we should just do it no he needs to learn consequences Evans pick it up come on Jen let's just do it ourselves fine I'm going [Music] this behavior is completely unacceptable like this sweetie why are you so annoyed that was a good book I don't know how to help you Evans I don't know how to help you okay great I will be in class thank you your wife Stacy she's in marketing right yeah what I was talking to potential client but they're too small for us I was thinking of referring them to her instead of problem no that's fine are you jealous oh so tell me how does that work with both of you in marketing I don't think you'd understand why not do you ever try to provide for an independent person you're right I wouldn't understand it's just that what about you you've been successful what are you gonna set it down start a family hey come on what would I want with a family I'm on track to getting everything I want how's a family gonna help there's more to life than having everything you want Vincent so do you want me to refer these guys to your wife or not yeah go hi Steve it's Stacy border I'm excited to talk with you about some new ideas I have for your ad campaign give me a call when you get a chance Thanks hi it's Stacy border it's got your email today I'm sorry I've been busy I'll get right on I see no that's okay thanks for considering me Evans Evan's Evan's Aaron it's Evans I think he ran away no I don't know where he went I took my eye off him for one minute okay please hurry [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we aren't really sure what his mother's circumstances were when Evans was born I know she was alone his father is still a total unknown no one ever came forward I doubt that his parents were ever in a committed relationship all his mother left him was his name Evans according to the hospital reports he ended up staying there alone for about two weeks thankfully he was placed with his first family and was able to have some stability for three years and those were the best years of his life what happened well they were in the middle of the adoption process but through tragic circumstances the process was halted and never resumed does he remember those circumstances I don't really know I think you're doing well you may not see much change but I think you're making progress mom have you seen my phone she never parts with that thing how could she lose it no I haven't this should help Evans did you take my phone did you you shouldn't take things that don't belong to you give it to my phone stop it Evans [Music] are you okay yeah what happened crap don't make the phone I please have the song wait happens first you have to apologize to Jenny for what you did sorry that's good enough for now eret sit down you listen to me if you pick one more thing in this house you're out do you understand out what happened to us Theron what happened to you me he's been pushing the limit since the day he got here you know that treating him that way goes against everything we stand for what are we gonna top Amy how should I know you call her this was your idea to begin with Erin please I'm sorry yeah - this is so overwhelming nothing seems to reach him I feel more like his babysitter than his mother what are we gonna do I don't priority a check this out what all that work on the Richter project paid off apparently they liked us enough to pass our name on this could be do they want us yeah I got that covered shouldn't it be working on this because our bosses Channel yeah but we both know who doesn't in the end besides Davis seem to be around here much longer anyway for now I need a cost estimate tonight tonight don't make me look bad down oh and you guys I brought our favorite thanks for driving by mom have a good week okay okay bye my trip Jenny are you gonna say goodbye to Evans why should I where is he he had a rough day I had to send him to his room I'm gonna go talk to him Aaron I'm okay rough day come on Evans what good is it to sit and pout like this you're only hurting yourself things don't have to be like this can't you see we're trying to help you I can see you're miserable but you really only have yourself to blame look I'm sorry about last night I don't know what happened [Music] [Music] Aaron did you move one of my paring knives no why strange [Music] [Applause] Evan's Evan's every night now Vince this needs to stop hey honey let's just I am done thinking about this I can't take this anymore Aaron [Music] [Music] I'm sorry I couldn't finish what we had a bets no excuse work goes on you had a job to do I thought I could trust you I do my job and more often than not I do a little extra for you and if you haven't noticed you usually benefit from it come on don't get defensive I'm trying to help I don't understand how you can waste your talents where would you be if I hadn't pushed you admit it your problem is that you're always content to stay right where you are and you're never content all I asked is that you help me secure a major deal a major deal that's not in our department but it will be soon I'm gonna need people I can count on what it's just not right fight what does right have to do with anything this isn't about right wrong it's about winning and losing and I'm here to win well I hope you get a deal don't you walk out on me I can help your family and that little what's-his-name kid I could take care of my family Thanks his name is Evan I'm glad you finally asked [Music] if anything like this happens again we'll have to do a full revaluation Evans can't tell the difference between punishment and abuse and if you lash out in anger he will lash back it's almost like he's trying to make us mad he might be do you want to keep him yes then you're going to have to prove it to him he just needs a little more time can you give him that [Music] We Need to Talk we got the deal signed on it last night and the look on Dave's face when he learned that I had his job it was great I told you it was gonna be good should have been here you can't just fire me oh is that what you're all worked up about it's nothing personal it's just that I need my team to be the best in this economy I can't afford to have people who only make half an effort you had to see this coming I gave you that project as a test and you failed well I think you're being unreasonable this is the real world if you want second chances go to church hey Aaron see you around okay so did you make it even friends yeah all the girls in my lane are really cool we have a meet next Friday think he can come of course we wouldn't miss it suppose he would have to come too is there a problem with that he embarrasses me we can't talk about people that way especially members of this family yeah part of this family Jennifer everything ok alright I got fired today what something about the economy can't support a full staff what's that supposed to mean I'm going for a walk I'm going with you I can still go to second we can cambree we'll see but it's your fault how was dad supposed to focus on work when he's too busy worrying about what you're gonna do next and what am I supposed to tell Rachel and Stephanie that I can't go to swim camp next week cuz my home was invaded by a little rat isn't there something you can do I doubt it he's read me off as a failure you did the right thing yeah but it's more about winners and losers and right and wrong Aaron you know that's not true it's just so frustrating things haven't been great with my business either I lost two clients just this week why what happened it's just with Evans in the house I can't keep up I was thinking maybe in your extra time you would be interested in running a small marketing firm how small no I couldn't that's your company honey not if I give it to you things would be a lot tighter I know and we'd have to make a lot of sacrifices I know what about Evans I think that now more than ever we need to make this work with him why if we can provide a home for him then we'll be able to show him a glimpse of the love that Christ has for us I just have this funny feeling we need to make it work we should at least do what Amy said and give him some more time why is it when you have these funny feelings I'm usually in for a rough ride stay away from me it's all your fault we spent all this time trying to help you and do you show any gratitude no and now you've made Eva's his job you should be ashamed of yourself and you have parents they'd be ashamed too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] could have broken the TV just clean up the rocks away [Music] [Music] good you're both still here I want to sit down and talk with everyone for a minute all right here's the deal we've decided we're gonna make this work Jenny you may go to camp next week but after that we're gonna have to tighten up our budget Evans we want you to be a part of our family but if you want to stay here we're gonna have to work together and see some change in your behavior okay I don't know what that was about but I have one more thing to say I think we should celebrate what that's right I declare a popcorn er movie night because tomorrow I start a new job are you serious but after dinner well that's right we have to eat our macaroni cheese what was it ramen noodles you are having way too much fun we just lost your dog I didn't like that job anyway what happened to the TV what did you do to the TV wait it was my fault I got mad I was throwing those rocks it didn't look broken so Jenny go to your room right now you can forget about camp next week too you [Music] [Music] it's all your fault what about having I wasn't supposed to end this way [Music] you [Music] why why'd you do it I felt like I had to I want to stay here I want you to stay [Music] [Music] baby can I come in sure what's up yeah I got a call last night it was about Evans potential father has come forward and he says he wants his son are you talking about Evans you can't take him didn't I said you to your room yeah but he just let him go why not because maybe he needs this I don't know maybe I think there's a great brother in there somewhere I was just as surprised and I thought I should let you know right away I guess I'll give you some time to decide what you want to do next decide Evans is still a ward of the state you can't apply to adopt him there be hearings they'd probably go to trial that I think you'd have a pretty good chance well you can count that chance out I got fired yesterday what yeah we don't need to go into the details I guess this is it so just roll over and let this creep take Evans Jennifer you can't talk about people that way especially when you don't even know them he had his chance if you wanted evidence you should have said so ten years ago I understand how you're feeling Jenny there are still a lot of unknowns here I have to get back to the office but I'll be in touch thanks for coming by no you can't he has to date your father and I have decided that it would be best to let him go we have to keep [Music] [Music] well I think we should start with introductions you don't have to worry about that you know each other okay mr. Evans I'm interested in learning exactly how you came to identify your son I heard his name Evans it's not a common first name and he's ten years old that's it his name an H Jennie calm down paternity tests will be required and I still haven't gotten any sort of confirmation from you are you planning to apply for adoption yes what you can't he's mine actually yes if they wish they can't apply for an option to discuss this no one ever said anything about revenues would you please come with me never said anything I thought we decided it was best to let him go I changed my mind because you saw who his father was Evans has a better chance at life with us he needs a mother you can't let him go we don't have a choice we always have a choice wait Evans what do you want I want to stay with Jenny but he's your father isn't that what you've always wanted come on dad we have to try a few more days to think about this okay well I'll see you on Sunday do you think you'll know by then Sunday works this is pointless we can't keep him if we try we'll lose and if we don't try it Jenny won't understand sometimes doing the right thing is hard I found that out the hard way but how can I pretend to want him when I don't well I don't know what happened to Jenny but she wants him and so do I I need him when will you understand even if we do make it to court Vincent would simply say that we can't afford to support him which is probably true I want to see him in a good home as much as anyone and I know that our home is better than Vincent's but I will not be publicly humiliated especially when it doesn't even make a difference who is this about Aaron he is a child he's never been loved before in his entire life here we have an opportunity to show him love and all you care about is yourself image why does everything have to be about you this isn't about me I'm trying to do what's best for this family Amy thinks we have a chance yeah we could afford a lawyer that we would Vincent took away that option when he fired me what other choice do I have God please help us show Dad the right thing to do Evans needs us and I think we need him do you really think he's listening I know he is what you never listened to me maybe you should try again won't do any good he never did anything good for me here I'll help you no God hates me you won't listen God can't hate you he loves everyone and why did all those things happen to me why my mother hate me why did they all hate me why did they scream at me why did where did they hit me but he lets you come here I'm gonna make me leave you it always happens this way can't you just try one more time can't we just try one more time well I guess we need to have an answer for Amy today evidence we want to try to adopt you I didn't get much sleep last night I spent most I pray and listening in the end I just got the feeling that we need to try I don't know what'll happen I don't know if this feeling is just my imagination maybe I'm crazy probably am but I just think we need to try this I think the best thing to do is just pray dear Lord we thank you for this day in the grace that you've shown us now Lord we humbly come before you begging for your help who are we thank you for this family you trust this entire situation to you God we know that you've promised to provide we can't afford a lawyer but we know that with you all things are possible please reveal your perfect plan to us God please look after Evans you sent him to us for a reason please send someone to help us we don't know what to do please just let us keep him I'm gonna stay here or you thank you for this family we're trusting in you in Jesus name Amen so have you made a decision yes we want to adopt him I'm so glad do you think we have a chance actually your chances are better than you might think what about a lawyer a lawyer well you won't need to hire one if that's what you're wondering Bridge Point will be representing your family mr. Evans I'm sure will have his own representation so I don't have to know I know it's complicated but most of this process is just paperwork punctuated by well-documented evidence I know this is a critical time for your family but just try to relax our job is just to present you as the best placement option remember the judge is always trying to act in the child's best interest well too hard fast okay I'm right here honey single most important event in Evans's life happened when he was three it was springtime and his adoption was just weeks from being finalized they were some of our best foster parents she had taken many difficult children over the years such a reliable person he was a teacher I think he was even up for a Teacher of the Year I guess some things just aren't meant to be there were a lot of hidden issues in their relationship one night you just put a gun to his head she had to watch her husband's suicide nobody knows how much Evan saw or heard but he's never been the same that night he tried to hide from everybody and it's like he's been trying to hide inside himself ever since she sort of gave up after that she never even told Evans goodbye he makes a lot more sense now since then he's had five adoptive placements halted because of his behavior she's just so much anger there I just thought you should know I really need to go now we should probably be alert for the hearing tomorrow is there anything else we can do to prepare if you could come up with a list of the positive changes you've seen in Evans since he came to you I could certainly use that sure Thanks you didn't break it did you I'm proud of you Jenny you took responsibility and you made this all possible about ready I'm sorry for everything for all the stuff you've been through I'm sorry for the way I've treated you I didn't know can you forgive me will you let me help you all arise vulnerable judge Wilson presiding but his time here has been different he finally looks like he's beginning to thrive Your Honor I would like to remind you that my client is the rightful father of the child has ever been right by right he should have had many family and a good home his time with the border family has been one of the only right things my client has every legal right to his own son how many other children are out there that mr. Evans has a legal right to which has no means of supporting my plan has a stable home a successful career and most importantly a willingness to take care of others it would not be in the child's best interest to allow him to stay where he is much better option parental rights Evans is a ward of this state and it is this Court's responsibility to decide where he would be best placed as a representative of Bridgepoint social services I am recommending that the border home is the best environment for Evans to grow up in a child needs a mother and a father he's bonded with their daughter Jenny in a way that hasn't happened for seven years if we take that away what message are we sending that he's not important that love is an illusion that we don't care can we really break his heart again thank you for your testimony we're now going to take a brief recess [Music] Eric can we talk for a minute what do you want do you mean what's your price I'll give you your job back anything just let me win why do you want him so much now so he'll look good on your resume Aaron I need some peace ten years ago I wasn't ready I refused to accept the truth I couldn't let a child get in the way I had potential but now it's all different you weren't supposed to take it this far please let me have my son you had your chance you want second chances talk to God [Music] in summary your honor for all the previously mentioned reasons is in the best interest of the child from to be placed in the home of his biological will take me who is this about Aaron it's about winning and losing and I'm here to win who is this about Aaron Aaron see you around okay my client Vincent Evans thank you Your Honor may I say a few words what are you doing the right thing for once I hope you'll forgive me I'm sorry you know it's funny how clearly I see things now but here's where this ends I know the standard procedure for this process is to go on for months we'll have hearing after hearing after hearing until everyone is so sick of Evans that a decision will be finally made he'll be placed with one or the other like a prize or a trophy and like so many trophies he'll end up on a shelf collecting dust well I for one I'm not willing to put him through that it's time someone did something for him I had my chance and I've never really cared about evidence sure I did all the right things or I tried to but I can see now that it was for myself not for him I originally opened up my home out of a desire to please my wife and look good in front of others and that's what motivated me through the months of paperwork and endless interviews I thought maybe once we got him home things would change but it didn't instead he became my challenge and when he proved stronger than me I couldn't handle it there's been a lot of talk here about doing the right thing and I'm finally gonna do the right thing for Evans Vincent you can have your son he doesn't deserve this I don't deserve him Your Honor it would be best if this ended quickly without further complication amy's claims make me sound wonderful but I can't sit around any longer pretending to be someone I'm not I'm not his father and I never will be [Music] well normally at this time we'd recess I'd go consider the data yes mr. border said this could go on for months but this appears to be different I think the answer is simple I have seen Evans in and out of this courtroom for years now I've heard his story I've read the reports but today I saw something that had never seen before in Evans life selflessness most of the people around Evans are selfish maybe it's work they need safety maybe it's sleep whatever it is Evans is always second but today I saw something different I saw a man willing to put what he wanted behind him and even more at the risk of losing the respect of his family that was putting Evans first having seen it I'm very confident that I'm making the right decision when I say Evans will continue in permanent adoptive placement with the border thing [Music] I will be approving that petition [Music] Jenny I'll play I'm busy right now are you busy right now yes oh oh you can't put that there yeah it can't go there either is there a place where I can't put my stuff this is where I do my own nevermind I didn't ask you know this out of your way how are we gonna make this work if I don't make room for you Stacey border yeah hello mm-hmm thank you this is just a second he says he's not going to appeal [Music] right on back now it's okay really are you sure now I really been looking forward to just doing some freelance work with Stacy we'd love to do some consulting and some of your larger jobs but I think I'm just going to stay here mm-hmm yes I'm sure all right he said that something at the hearing touched him and he now realizes that it's missing something important is right I don't think I'll ever understand their man and I don't think I have feelings would all work out not those feelings again but I still need an office true okay let's see we can do why don't you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 284,852
Rating: 4.7565088 out of 5
Keywords: christian, Jesus, trailers, movies, EncourageTV, bridgestone multimedia BMG, God, Movie, Larry Bowron, Trent Garnaat, Traci Bowren, Philip Bolzman, Leslie Naugle, Beyond Acceptance Full Movie, Beyond Acceptance Movie
Id: PbVnGKsbVM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 46sec (5746 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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