Men's 2007 Reload - 2020 CrossFit Games

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and chase there was a time when nobody thought the crossfit games were going to happen well here we are and this is a much different format than we have ever had in the past but it's still the games and that means we are in for a very tough and a very complete test of fitness it's the games we have multiple venues we're starting out at the ranch in romans california it's here it's finally here and i cannot be more excited and we're going to start with the very first crossfit games event ever 2007 reloaded and with that the 2020 reebok crossfit games are underway at the ranch in aromas california the first time since 2016 that we have been back here and the first time since 2009 that we have had an entire cross of games in northern california just keys to event one and when i'm looking at this event when i say perfect your pace and unbroken our bus these distances these rep schemes and these weights all dictate a certain pace you can't pace too slow you lose too much time with a field stacked with five if you go too fast you could blow up when you get off the road and you move to the last part of this it's really you got to go and broke you know matt's looking to go unbroken you know a lot of these guys have the potential to so again with only five there is no room for error you got to protect that pace on the row and then make sure you stay unbroken and efficient on the later parts sam quant was not on anybody's list when it came to the people that they thought would be inside the top five after stage one but then when you look at what he's been able to accomplish in the type of athlete he is then it's not as big as a surprise it's not he's he's a fantastic athlete he's got the size he has the athleticism and he has the talent this is one of those young heralded athletes that came on the scene a few years ago had a couple missteps over the last couple years due to injuries got cut in 2019 but samuel quan the thing i like about him is that he knows where he is relative to the field but he has a huge chip on his shoulder and with the way the programming is stacking up so far that we've seen the thing i like about most about these events that if you really want to attack and give it and bring it to matt these set up nicely for the athletes like samuel quan jeffrey adler is the lone canadian in the field here and he was impressive in the world wide open that's how he qualified and then of course followed that up with a great performance in stage one but we talked to him the other day and you kind of wonder about his his competitive i guess spirit right now spirit and mindset is one is that a lot of athletes in adler specifically when you see them make the crossfit games most the time they're surprised or they're just happy to be there for adler is that he has a very well-rounded skill set you see that in qualifiers all the time but he has not shown is having that on-site in-person competitive drive and fire that we've seen him have in his own gym athletes working through that 1500 meter road to start this off and then it's five rounds of the shoulder to overhead and the bar muscle ups noah olsen the man who finished second to matt fraser last year at the 2019 reebok crossing games even wore that white leader's jersey for a significant amount of time he did and you know 35 points going into the final events the closest anyone's been to matt when matt's on his winning streak and the thing for noah is that i think he's a guy that feeds off crowds atmosphere competitive landscape i'm very curious to see how he handles this new format without all those pieces pushing him to be the best he can that fraser on the right noah olsen on the left and the two of them looking to wrap up their 1500 meter rows here the first part of the opening event if you're not pacing and timing on a row what this is based off of is it's based off the thousand meter row of the old 2007 the very first crossfit event ever programmed and it came out of a hopper and usually when you have a thousand it's a nice steady pace you're sitting at about 140 to 145 you're getting off about 320 330. this 1500 it's one of those weird distances we don't normally do but you still need to again perfect your pace because if you come out a little too hot we're talking about a five second difference on a 500 meter row you could blow up towards the end because that 235 waiting for these guys is not the lightest weight in the world when you're talking about the total amount of volume when they get there but something about 145 is good but with above that if you lose 15 to 20 seconds on a row the way this is designed with only 10 i say only 10 bar muscle muscle-ups as a for for these athletes we gotta make sure we analyze with the quality of attitude that we have only 10 bar muscle ups only seven pushers as i said it's like they can handle this unbroken so if you're 15 seconds behind coming into that you're already behind the eight ball so there's a very fine line you have to ride for this 1500 meter row in terms of pacing the noah olsen is through 13 of the 15 reps of this initial 1500 meter row the judge's hand will be raised when their respective athletes have 100 meters ago and now noah olsen is inside that 100 meter mark jeffrey adler is there as well the scoring hat at the top of your screen the leader in the event will have his name highlighted in blue and then the white box next to that person's name will indicate the number of repetitions that he has completed 15 reps to start here on that 1500 meter row there are 101 total repetitions in this event with the finish line counting as a single rep so noah olsen is done and he will get to work on his first round of 10 bar muscle ups matt fraser is also there as well so fraser keeping pace with noah olsen here early on also the early leader though big thing i'm keeping my eye on is the tempo between the movements noah had a quick transition from rower to bar now what it's going to be from barbell or from pull up bar to barbell because all five of these athletes have the ability to go unbroken we just said that now it's the things between the reps getting to your bar how fast do you start when matt fraser's already to his bar next to noah olsen and there there's that little transition difference between matt and no he's already two maybe three reps in before no he had his hand on the bar for about 10 seconds before he picked it up fraser ripping through those seven shoulder to overhead at 32 he'll be done with his first round he has done and matt fraser now in front through 32 of the 101 scored repetitions noah olsen is in second sam quant just put the bar down as well fraser going back to the bar for the bar muscle up second round of 10. one more look at the description here in 2007 reloaded presented by romwod 1500 meter row that's done and dusted we are in the second part of this the five rounds of the 10 bar muscle ups and the seven shoulder to overhead 235 for the men and then 145 for the women they're coming up next fraser the center part of your screen looks so smooth and relaxed you can actually hear his breathing is nice and relaxed he's almost trying to catch his breath on a bar muscle up that sounds absurd to the casual crossfitter but that is something these athletes can do and what i'd like to see there is matt's already looking left to right here's the beauty about this event this year is that you are competing against the five people you're competing against in this heat so what's nice for matt or anyone that gets in the lead is that as long as they just barely stay ahead they're good to go they don't have to worry about previous heats before them fraser is done with his second of five rounds jeffrey adler is three reps behind him he's in second justin madero starting to creep up and noah olsen who was the first man off the road has now fallen back into fourth adler already breaking and i was thinking about it as the morning you know we're talking about last night it's like are these athletes going to go unbroken i think so but 235 is that ten pound difference makes a big difference in the end it's kind of like doing thrusters in the open when you have to do a hundred pounds instead of ninety five i don't know why five pounds feels like 50 when i get about 15 reps in but it does make a difference if you're not used to that classic 225 weight matt fraser is more than halfway done now with the scored reps through 55 of the 101 he needs to complete again crossing the finish line does count as a weapon now noah olsen on the left side of your screen is trying to catch up with justin medeiros who has moved himself into second place just watch the tempo that fraser has between the movements maderos looks very good it's catching nice and high what's good there is that when you couple a bar muscle up with a jerk as opposed to the pull-ups that we had in the previous version of this is that press out at the top is taking away from the hardest part of the jerk which is that receiving position so if you catch high you save yourself some energy but if you have that full dip out of the bottom that's going to mess over your overhead position fraser is on his third round of shoulder to overhead he has yet to break any of these up seven reps to complete and then he'll be on to round number four fraser will advance his barbell and head back to the pull-up bar and he is in the lead all by himself right now noah olsen and justin medeiros on either side of your screen olsen's on the left moderos is on the right they are fighting for second place in this event they said the difference maker other than the barbell work in the pull-up rig is the time in between noah olsen is taking huge chunks of rest in between the jerks and the bar muscles where mederos is not doing it but i'm going to talk about matt fraser's in the center part of your screen his tempo between that is just get the work done walk to my bar and start vice versa that is what really the difference is for matt right now razer on round four now of his bar muscle ups meanwhile justin medeiros is trying to hold off sam quan jeffrey adler and noah olsen for second place and then matt takes a break but again is it a hat to break or i'm choosing to break because he's so far ahead of everybody else in the field he can afford to take a little bit of rest to ensure that he's not going to peter out towards the end justin medeiros the only rookie in the field here this is his very first crossing games appearance matt fraser and noah olsen have 14 between the two of them fraser now threw 76 of the 101 total repetitions closing in on an event win here so that last set of jerks for matt was definitely the hardest set is we're now 28 reps total for the jerk itself and that's again that is a lot of repetitions at this weight fourth round of seven for fraser when you get towards the end here with the bar muscles taking away your overhead stability you gotta put as much of your legs into this as possible yes it's an overhead movement but as you move from movement say strict press to push press to pusher the legs and hips are the dominating driver for that particular movement so you got to make sure you're dialed in technique-wise or else you're not going to be able to get through these reps for matt fraser again and he'll make the trip back to the pull-up bar fifth and final round to ten bar muscle-ups justin madaro's top of your screen just got back to the barbell for the fourth time sam quant jeffrey adler and noah olsen are now all battling for third as moderos is starting to put some significant distance between himself and his fellow competitors i really like the tempo that maderos is coming out with being a rookie at the crossfit games and already trying to take it to the field other than matt fraser the fraser though all by himself in the lead nothing new there he is through 89 of the 101 scored repetitions he's got four to go to close out this fifth and final set and now medeiros is back up onto the pull-up bar and looking to cut into fraser's lead but frazier right back to work as well he's not going to let the rookie get any closer and i said before he's like these breaks are not breaks because they have to it's because he chooses to he doesn't need to go unbroken anymore he set the pace for the first three rounds and then able to pace for the last two fraser making the trip back to the barbell for the final time through 93 of the 101 scored repetitions and looking for yet another event win in his crossfit games career fraser's gone unbroken through all four sets trying to do it again here in round five maderos is gonna get a rare no rep for matt fraser wow so he'll have to re-situate his barbell and now mederos is going to get to work but fraser has plenty of time yeah but that was a not that matt's going to lose us at the end but that was a failure rep that was a misstep rep that was a complete muscle fatigue miss the fraser's done and matt fraser will win event one and start off with 100 points as he looks to win his fifth straight crossfit games and justin medeiros will take second that will be worth 75 points that eight second difference was that one break maderos took on his final round of bar muscle ups had he had not taken that who knows what have happened towards the end there with that miss final rep on matt fraser sam quant is ahead of jeff adler for third so quants gonna lock up third place 55 points for him and that leaves adler and olson still left on the competition florida olson is way in the back still on his bar muscle ups adler is on his final round of shoulder to overhead so once again noah olsen and we've seen him do this in the past comes out hot leads and then all of a sudden fades you got to wonder if he had the right strategy for this event and that's when we're talking about perfect your pace because the row can screw up the rest of your event if you pace that out too hard you get two i mean it's day one event one of the crossover games we didn't know if this is ever going to happen and it's finally here there's a lot of excitement around this especially for the athletes so i'm curious to see if if he did come out too hot on the row or even too hard on that first round of bar muscle ups and push jerks no olson with seven shoulder to overhead remaining here at 235 pounds then he's got to cross the finish line there's an 18-minute time cap so this is where the rule the scoring rule comes into play olson right now has 15 points for finishing fifth but if it's determined that he's not giving his full effort he could wind up with zero and that is one of the uh rules that hq and the games have put out is that you can't just take your l and pack it in you have to show that you are attempting to fight and finish each and every event now noah olsen is clearly not short of effort at this moment so he's not have to worry about a zero but at the same time is like those add up so and it's hard and the thing here for noah is like look you're going to get last no matter what make sure you don't do something that could potentially mess up the rest of your weekend it's just the first event of many to come and we're just talking about today this is a five event day it's gonna be a long day of competition four reps to go for noah olsen [Music] and you mentioned earlier that noah you know as a guy who feeds off the crowd and this is a point in the event where the crowd would be going nuts for olsen to get across the finish line and now it's just him all by himself 100 and then again noah rides that surge and he rides that wave of competition a lot like sarah sidney's otter does sometimes your time man matt fraser meanwhile is icing his forearms after picking up another event win he'll start out with 100 points and will be your overall leader after the first event three to go for noah olsen 18-minute time cap olsen is done and he is in and you can hear his fellow competitors cheering him on here so olson starts off with a fifth place in event number one that'll be 15 points justin medeiros impressive early on 75 for him and matt fraser with his 20th career event victory 100 points with a time of 1307.2 matt there's really no better way to kick off the 2020 crossfit game such a unique competition such a unique year now that you've got that first event under your belt how are you feeling about the competition yeah i'm feeling great the you know the first event is where most of the nerves are so it was good get on the road there's plenty of time to talk to yourself say all right this is it this is the real thing that's what you've been training for yeah so now this is a different situation i mean i could hear you breathing there's no crowd there's no music how does that change the competition scene for you oh man i love it really a minute before the workout started dave dave said hey there's no music so i'll be waiting for it i just oh thank you you know i don't like training with music uh when i'm in my garage usually i'll just have a podcast going but uh but yeah i like to i like to hear my breathing be in my own thoughts and uh just focus on the task at hand interesting now that last rep in the very end i haven't seen you fail a rep like i really looked like you were kind of like you know earlier what was going on there um i think part of it was i knew i'm sure i just relaxed a little bit because i knew sure even if i missed this you know i still have time to shake it out pick it up do another rep um but yeah i mean it's a heavy weight and five sets of seven it adds up so uh yeah you know the last set going in so god you know i feel like i should break this up and do it in two sets but it's the last set there's no one really around me might as well give it give it a wax see what happens so yeah just got a little out of line dropped it took a second picked it up finished it oh thanks matt congrats thank you
Channel: CrossFit Games
Views: 334,466
Rating: 4.8951073 out of 5
Keywords: Functional Fitness, Fitness, Functional, CrossFit, The CrossFit Games, The Sport of Fitness, Forging Elite Fitness, 2020 crossfit games 2007 reload, 2007 crossfit games event 1 results, mathew fraser 2020 CrossFit Games, noah ohlsen 2020 CrossFit Games, justin medeiros, justin medeiros event 1, justin medeiros highlights, crossfit games 2020 event 1
Id: DN91oGZ24QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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