Clean and Jerk Ladder: Men 2013 CrossFit Games

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[Music] it is time to break out the big boy wait hello everybody and welcome to our continuing live coverage of the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games live for the sub up Center in Carson California I'm Sean woodland alongside Bill grande ler and we are ready for the eighth of twelve sport events the clean-and-jerk ladder and bill after seven events look how tight things are at the top of the leaderboard it is so cool to see that the the race this close this is exactly what everyone is hoping for it's great spirits moving up it's great to see Jace on the top it's great to see some new names in there like Eric Fisher he is doing amazing so far during this weekend this is our first pure strength event of the competition it's a clean and jerk ladder every 90 seconds you move to a weight that was 10 pounds heavier than the one you just did the key here the men had to choose their starting weights on Thursday and they had four weights from which to choose 225 pounds 255 pounds to 85 or 315 now what's up you have to hit your first weight here at the clean-and-jerk your first weight in order to move on not only in this event in the competition so if you fail on the way you choose you are out and the crazy thing about making that decision early is you didn't get to fill any of the volume that you had leading up to this event it's night everyone has their their max clean-and-jerk up to this but it's usually a day that they got the rest and everything before that's a setup for it they have now gone through these couple days of just an onslaught of work now they have to do that that heavy weight so that decision could be very very important to the rest of their career for this this competition and to that point there are plenty of athletes in the field who have their max clean-and-jerk listed well above 300 pounds who are starting at 285 we saw this in the regional competition with that triple overhead squat max effort some people on their first did not make it did not survive in the competition so right now it's Orlando trail at the 285-pound bar Ryan Swoboda at 2:55 in Gary and humming at 225 in trail and 285 pounds on the Latin America that is no problem for him not even a problem no and that's a good thing I think start even though he has his he's listed in his max at 335 I think it's a good way for him to start at let him build into a little bit don't risk it again he wants to stay in the competition he got knocked out last year with the swim so he wants to continue through here another look at Orlando's lifts at 285 pounds the only thing I would have said on that is the arms were a little bent in our world what we say is you bend your arm to losing power maybe that's it's kind of help position that bar little bit better on his hips but you know a nice easy lift for him event advanced and 10 pound increments there are four rows of barbells out there you can only advance to the end of your row so if you're Gary helping can you started at 245 pounds the heaviest you can go is 315 and that's actually the starting weight on the fourth and final ladder you know this is a lot different than what you'll see in a lot of the regular type gyms when you're going for your one rep max is you know what just take 90 second you should kind of go around talk to everyone to get a drink of water these guys have this 90 seconds between the start and into the next lift so they're told when to move they're told when they have to go they have to increase their weight and that's increasingly difficult you know you get in there four or five reps that's a lot of weight you're moving around Orlando trail moves up to 295 Ryan slow buddy moving up to 265 again Orlando's got that heavy pulled his arms no problem with 295 Orlando trailing out slow Padilla 265 and that's a good left for Ryan suavity Gary talvik was also able to clear 235 pounds [Music] Orlando Trejo he's again he has a great clean again that slight bend in the arms is a little strange you don't even see most of the athletes doing that but what's really helping him is that jerk that jerk is solid nice dip and drive with his hips and when that bar gets up overhead he catches it locked arms no bobble in his arms at all that's gonna that's gonna bode well for him and then they have your weights Orlando Trejo currently lifting the heaviest weight out there on the ladder behind him in the white mike mackool Drake getting set to step up to the 285-pound warez Trejo moves up to 305 you have 80 seconds to make the lifter than a ten-second transition period so again they need to be able to conserve themselves enough to get into that neck you know moving into that next platform so trail up to 305 the gold ring to 285 Brian's sweaty on your right he's at 275 pounds Trey on the Left he's at 305 [Music] little bottle out of the hole there you know as long as he has a good really good front squat that's not too much of an issue [Music] 305 now slowly struggling at 275 and could not stabilize it but he does have a chance now to make another attempt you do get a partial score for successfully cleaning the weight so if somebody does not complete the clean-and-jerk here he will leave the field with a score of 275 I think that's a really good thing for these athletes bill to have that little extra set in there that little extra point to get you know get credit for that that's important well buddy one more attend to 275 many candidates can't walk out those arms again when you get that weight up overhead you don't want that way to bobble at all you want to catch it when it's weightless so a nice dip and drive and lock in those arms keeping that stabilized not just with the locked elbow but if the shoulders were you got to keep that upper torso tight again you know what for him I think he's actually now that I see what he's doing he's hitting that bar right up at the pocket that's why I has a slight Bend it's working well and his jerk is perfect that was really trail moving up to the 315 pound bar behind his bike McGoldrick McGoldrick at the 295 how far and then behind mike McGoldrick austin malleolus ebbing onto the floor he's in the picture behind Michael Goldberg and a waste [Music] on the left at 265 pounds all those hats 4265 while train was going to make another run at 3:15 now Elena Trejo you know he has a good front squat so I think he feels confident trying to bounce out of the bottom like that but if you get loose at the bottom and you allow that that that spine to curve and around all sudden you your your joints all kind of roll in on themselves you lose that stability you don't have the ability to bounce out of there Trejo one more go at 315 pounds [Applause] and he cannot get underneath it orlando trail looking like he's going to leave the ladder with a score of 3 or 5.2 is 305 pounds the last successful lip that he had there's trails fits the first time you touched his arm you can see you can see you got that round in the back end his hips came underneath them underneath underneath his hips just wasn't enough and it's stable enough to come out second attempt nice Oh can't get its Orlando trail we'll leave the ladder after a successful list at 305 so he is currently your leader there's some big ol dirt they'll go to 95 there's so many body position points that have to happen to have a real strong lift and you can feel that you you you missed one of those body points or elbows drop get a little loose in the bottom loosing the shoulders the lips will feel literally 20 pounds different so it's all about a state tighten same perfect in your form all the way through [Music] forest 275 Alex daddy at 265 in the yellow shirt behind forest a successful lift for him Marcus Billy also out there is his Eric McGee huge crowd on hand here at the soccer stadium for the stuff up center the first time since we booted this facility that we have used the soccer stadium for events and this place is still filling up there in the upper deck there at the lower bowl we expect 24,000 Plus on hand for the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games and this evening it's going to be pandemonium when we move inside of the tennis stadium Alex Neddy just completed a lift at 265 pounds so Alex and he's taking a rest right here but you'll see it different at least on that last lift he did what's called a power clean not going down into a full squat now if he has the strength to do that that's great because it actually saves his legs a little bit but once you get into the heavier way it's the problem with that lift is that you have to get that weight up a lot higher so the squat clean don't have to bring up the weight as high you squat down underneath it but no why waste your legs if you don't need to let's see if he does end here on this on this way moving at the 275 in front of him Zack Morris is on the 285 pound bar on the right is fight but gold Rick he's at 315 pounds behind him is asif ali a low is 3 behind ball Eric McGee at 295 pounds like my Goldbergs gonna stand up 315 pounds Zack for us it's 285 but Goldberg gets 315 and Eddie gets 275 again Alex and Eddie all Anna dude the power claim he popped that up so easily again saving his legs for some of the heavier weight mike mackool Durin's that was an impressive lift he looks solid on the front squat jerk did no problem he's got a couple more in the in the tank for sure Jerry Helmick just hit 275 pounds McGoldrick that was just a PR for him his last listed PR on this lift 310 pounds for the former hockey player from Middle Tennessee State University [Music] you know that's exactly what you want to do is hit your PRS when you come in here to the games it's impressive and it blows my mind every single year when you have guys that do that after they've gone through everything that they just went through the last couple days let's remind everybody these guys are not lifting fresh they've been through seven events one this morning now Asia Bartow one of the biggest athletes in this competition at 225 pounds Bartow is on the field starting in the 285 pound bar now again ADA has a listed record of 340 pounds but I'm thinking he's gonna go ahead and again build him build a little bit of momentum as he gets up on the platform 350 the Goldberg cake in 325 on the left is Zack Morris at 295 pounds line him Alex nany in the yellow at 285 off Mallos just unable to get that jerk didn't get underneath the bar press it out in front of him wasn't able to get underneath it that's on a blackboard but he gets back on I'm gonna count the lay down they're not going to castle ever exact words he did get a successful plate in the chance to do it again not even needed use a real deep split on that it was a narrow narrow split usually we'll see you guys split really wide so they can get deep quickly didn't even need to do that it jumped it up so high volley ah low and 315 still trying to complete that live down Zack Morris another go at 295 pounds he was able to get it overhead but he came off at the platform you can undo that so now but he will get partial credit for his last lift to 95.1 4/4 with this man Mike Goldberg 25 so solid look at that drive out of the hole he doesn't look at all like it to PR not even me he could have gone a lot deeper a couple more lifts in them with that all he has to go down is a little bit deeper a little bit more speed on that drop and he's going to get a couple more lifts out of it Matt chin is on the floor 285 pounds in the band who finished second at the games last year textbook matches the gold or get 335 standing up behind him Derrick McKey at 315 pounds and now it's an Alec steady jump at 295 [Music] see that right there's a problem with the power clean versus the squat clean he has to get down underneath it Daleks Nettie he's not the best at his front squats you know that that's a little bit of a weakness so he's doing everything he can to avoid that you actually saw his feet starts to split but you know that Alice City the cool thing about this guy when he was at the regionals hit all he had a different outfit for every single workout that he didn't I think he's the only guy out here right now Taylor converse right there meanwhile Mike Micawber can't get 335 so the gold rig PRA but can't set another one now it's deadia 295 a given power think that thing up there so Alex netting will be done as well the gold 335 more times to a PR for Mike McGoldrick and he will lead the field as your leader right now Mike Colter with that bloody shin and a lot of people who train a crossfitter very familiar with they're familiar with that you know what all that means is that he's been keeping that bar nice and close to his Chin's which all of his trainers were wanting to do so it looks bad but it's you know he's doing the right thing 295 pounds where Marcus Billy and now Eric's wiki on the right at 3:25 by hitman three fifteen is Daniel Kaminsky rookie all the 325 [Music] and a good [Music] he could not get 315 lockdown markets Billy just successfully lifting 295 pounds now you came in with a list at 325 pound PR started at 255 so again I'm not sure if he was worried about the volume of the weekend coming in he moved that easily so let's see how much further he can get right here Dan it's Minsky he needs to start getting some heavy lifts their dad need to start making his way back up the leaderboard he's done a lot of work with a lot of it and this is not what he needed 315 just not gonna happen for Daniel zaminsky so he will leave the ladder now age apart oh we just got 305 we'll move up to the 350 pound bar Matt chances behind Tim as in 2010 game champion Graham Holmberg and now Dan Bailey getting set to step up for the 285 pound bar I'm crazy with Dan Bailey last year in the clean ladder this is a straight clean ladder he pulled 345 pounds I seen him on videos I've talked to him a little bit earlier he said that going overhead is where he has issues so he may be able to clean a lot of weight it's where he goes overhead and starts having some issues Bailey power and easily overhead for Dan Bailey I'll tell you what when he moves with a lot of draw ability is pretty impressive besides the elbow start to drop that rounded his back gotta bump on toad weight went down all it takes is all it takes is inches for that to happen [Music] Vicki's gonna make another go at 335 pounds behind him cooling down but the towel on his head agent Marco who just cleared 315 pounds smart move I think just saving his legs you know saving his legs until the next lift Eric boogie who finished third at the North East Regional [Music] well you see right there Eric actually started rounded from the beginning all of his trainers I'm sure we can same put your shoulders back tighten up that upper spine so you're nice and tight before you go into that first pull he started around it he went through that whole movement rounded Eric begin leaving the field after successfully lifting 325 pounds and now Asia Bartow is your lead man on the ladder stepping up to the 325 pound bar behind him his mansion behind Chan Graham Holmberg on the Left Marquez Philly 350 Bartow no problem in three two one not even a rest the great thing about that right there a lot of these guys they get the weight in that front rack position and they sit and try to recuperate themselves in psychic trying to take a nice big breath all which agent did but he didn't he didn't have that time under tension get the bar to your shoulders take a breath get it up overhead and get out from underneath it just wrap that that will allow you to recover for the next lift Marcus Billy gonna make another go at 315 agent partner here's a look at that lived in 325 perfect form out at first cool stay down sensors up nice and tall a lot of speed moving back down underneath the bar for that split gonna go down a little bit quicker so he's not catching it without any bending his arm at all but that was a strong solid lift Asia Bartow out of behemoth across certain Katy Texas 65 225 of course he would name the gym after himself the behemoth you got to be a big DeMuth if you're working out with Asia Bardot getting set to move up to the 335 pound bar West Pyatt is now step under the ladder he successfully clearly clean under 285 pounds Marcus filly exiting the field after missing his lift at 295 pounds for Marcus Billy and that's what Vito harloff steps up Asia born to a 335 SEMA Jets in his hands there to get that grip on that bar [Applause] the loser new leader [Music] - it 3:25 cheese gets out of the holes out can he jerked away that right there solid solid jerk he saw hot why he went with his feet but he dropped into a pulley straight loc-nar position it was able to be stable underneath the weight allowed and get that way that was beautiful beautiful 315 failed on the jury but he did get the clean so he won't make another run at this weight again these guys aren't getting a whole lot of time if you miss it all all we've really really been able to see is someone just get the clean after that they barely get into that so time goes quickly for these guys the tank to go after that weight so he'll have a score of three 15.1 gonna make another attempt though he has a successful clear it's under that and now our pods gonna stand it out [Music] now three 15.1 for vehicle our Papa let's go back and take a look at Matt Chan Sall and clean off the ground look at that driving his hips up underneath again adjusting his grip so we can get a nice Drive on the bar solid solid lockout with the dorms down pretty free textbook Africa Asia part selfie 345 pounds for Gallardo [Applause] so that right there it's five pounds over this dish cleaning dirt PR so and he just looks so solid with that the thing with ADA a lot of people think that because you're tall and long you're not to be able to remove a whole lot of weight and then it takes too hard you got to move it too long but he defies all those alternate rumors he is so efficient and uses that momentum to get underneath that weight going up and getting under Brian Miller 315 couldn't get it overhead but he does complete the clean so filler will get 351 and now it's bad at 335 and shakin on get out of the hole on that one but he will get a chance to make another attempt behind immigrant woman in 325 pounds [Music] oh we're just can't quite get underneath it now Jan another attended 335 this is not gonna happen for Matt Chan so chin leaving the ladder after successfully cleanin jerk 325 pounds but Asia part o just so solid he hit that bar up high on his thighs and again I think what's working best for him is he doesn't wait gets it up stabilized go there's not no hesitation at all 355 pounds are easy Bartow on the right on the left at 3:15 is Tyson Takasaki [Music] the whole domain that clean look pretty easy yeah you know he's used to being under a lot of weight you know he does a lot of work with Olympic lifting with his plea to jerk with the snatch that front squat was easy but you could tell the second he went and he went a little bit loose a pop that breath trying to go too soon really needed another breath of air tried to take a big breath and he just didn't have it just kind of collapsed collapse in that midline bar to a time for another attempt here er he has a successful clean so right now he's score would be 350 5.1 and he would be Asia Bardot can't stand that one up so he's a part Oh leaving the floor after successfully cleaning 355 pounds we just couldn't put it overhead so far so now in the lead so he's got that front squat that was impressive see I think you just needed you needed to sit there for just a second he needed to wait just a little bit longer and then he would have been a little more solid that would have helped up with a splint it just would have been better lit but that was a very very impressive showing so far Asia Bartow signing a scorecard and now it's Dan Bailey moving up to 335 pounds on the left I see Takasaki at 325 pounds I said Takasaki successful if for him and Bailey can't get underneath 335 West pion is behind and Balian 325i high his tenant leveraged at 305 that's Roy Gamboa [Music] and it's trying to get the crowd fired up right now I can't pull that real big clean last year he needs to get this weight up overhead Paisley can't get underneath it right behind Bailey West blanket underneath 325 behind Pyatt kenneth leverage now has 315 racks wes is right up at his PR right there at 325 he's pleading with sucessfully 325 and he his jerk 325 he's never actually had a full fleet and jerk at 325 so fact that he's there after all his boiling that's that's impressive for West Kenneth beverage gonna go again after 315 Bailey at 335 to Skagen at leverets had 350 drag who didn't go for the jerk [Music] blanketing overhead but he will get partial credit three 15.1 for Kenneth leverage West quiet has also have NASA's David Bailey so that round knocking off three men from that middle that third ladder and now Tyson Takasaki 335 pounds nice drive of his hips right there he never Lots midline is elbow stayed up nights and hard keeping that bar right up against his throat Takasaki nicely under but just a belies he'll Maddox at 3:05 basically pressed that overhead now I think you need to practice that slowly drilled afterwards drilled after the case after the package Gasper power at 3:15 all of the power clean on that exercises them dip down a little bit to come out of bottom what's it look like even needed to do that takasaka can't hit 335 but Castro Bowers successful live at 315 pounds with Dyson Nagasaki will leave the port after successfully lifted 325 pounds [Music] more time though for Tyson Takasaki but doesn't look like he's gonna make another go at it plus he's just gonna rest miss MacFarlane Sutekh us Tyson Takasaki is done inside the soccer stadium here at the suburbs center for the first time since we moved this facility and look at the crowd on hand Lucas partner one of two men who's going to story at 300 you know this is it's risky it's risky he's only listen to 333 flanger best so he needs to get this even stay the competition for the rest of the weekend [Music] [Applause] the crowd appreciating that effort for Lucas Barker because a big fat lip he is out I'm 11 321 that's a good lift for Roy Gamboa who now has 2 platforms left before he clears his lab but this is really showing I think this is great for a lot of CrossFitters when they go to their boxes if you know around the world a lot of people try to just lit and they come to this sort of a half split they don't really do it he needs to everyone else's all these guys are splitting and meeting split it's it's a you're gonna do it or not you can see all these athletes are doing that and that's what's helping them get that lift Lukas Parker stepped on the ladder at 3:15 when a two men two started that wait big risk for him but he made it pay off Chad Mackay beat Wow at 285 pounds the big Australia gets that overhead [Music] look at that perfect form on the whole back state night straight head through the [Music] and get your shoulders underneath that bar to support that way 325 now for Lucas Parker on the left bo Maddox also at 325 pounds by Lucas Parker is bad half talk another athlete opening at 3:15 rusul in forever [Music] [Applause] Lucas Parker Neil Maddox take it under it but he does have to reclaim it he does not have to reclaim his make another attempt and the old Maddox cannot successfully get 325 pounds over it and what that was was a squat jerk he's trying to get underneath it that way instead of splitted in his legs you actually see it saw him there's like one real big lifted that we really see do that and Cedric billet senator Karen said he when he splits he actually goes down into a full squat clean so he's all the way down Neil couldn't do that I think if he was to split he's fast enough he's strong enough and that's a more efficient movement by splitting together need for that for that jerk Maddox is gonna make one more run at this 325 pounds for do Maddox [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's that overhead he needs to have speed on that jerk here's a look at that spurred cetera we actually made two attempts at the jerk so the dip drive is about getting underneath it snapping that bar off his shoulders he's just not going down fast enough and deep enough to catch that bar with locked arms now Lucas Parker at 335 pounds on the left is CJ Anderson at 325 and Matt half-cock at 325 as well behind Parker they're subscribing at 325 that was actually falling backwards as he went underneath he keeps so far with his head underneath that actually the bar was gonna go behind him he was able to pull it back that's and that's great being that heavy you don't have those with those sort of abilities been stove workers at 325 as well and there's CA Anderson another one at 325 Anderson has it on the shoulder successful Church parameters for the beacon stay you can see how fast that was compared to new max a little bit more but deliver it down and up that was a snapping off of his shoulders allowing him to get underneath the bar za Anderson now will move up to the 335 [Music] [Music] [Applause] right there that is an anger you needed he willed that weight up and scared it and said you will go up Mookie Parker's smoker angel watch Jesus he's so he means the lack of ever and he's so animated 3:45 Nitai Jakarta Joko Rufus Parker [Music] [Applause] you will fear the beard I think I think honestly I think honestly between Luke's partner Matt hath GART we have it and screaming match up on that last row both of them are yelling back and forth to the bar now CA Anderson at 3:35 there's a big weight around here in event number ASA clean-and-jerk ladder the age of 12 sport events here at the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games she [Music] just can't get underneath that one to get himself out of the hole Daniel Pete Rose right behind ya Anderson at 325 now present packages in 3:45 that's not going to just not strong in the hole not able to stay that keep that midline nice and tight elbows are dropping this touch but if you want to look at a classic textbook way to live Lucas Parker impeccable form bad half still alive behind him Jan the K on the left at 9:25 Lucas Parker for the overall lead now at 355 pounds [Music] [Applause] Wow that front squat out of the hole is easier than the last when he came out so Stalin underneath it but he does get to clean so he is your new leader at 350 5.1 and al achat mckay and 325 the big box trilling yeah so big so strong [Applause] rugby player Australia [Music] and Chaz McCain 325 for Jeb McCain Lukas Parker sighs a little time and he wants a bigger run at 3:55 again behind him at 3:45 man half cup can't get underneath bet that Lukas partner already has to clean here he's already the leader he hits the clean-and-jerk here he moves to 365 get underneath it we go to this partner still your overall leader full commitment on that split that's what I'm talking about about it deep split getting as low as you can don't eat that bar because the lower you were able to go the lowering or the higher you don't need to push some apartments high to get underneath it but that's commitment when saw dad McCain when he being is he actually caught the bar with bent arm so that's a difference right there that's something that's gonna hurt Chad as he gets up and continues on his heavier weight 265 that's Albert Dominique LaRouche behind him Jordan Troy and was the lead man on the ladder now as Chad McKay at 335 pounds [Music] [Music] again let's see how deep chat can come out underneath desert nothing they have too much of a problem on the on the clean part especially that fronts why it's so strong out of the whole solid but here's where he really needs to take a deep split and go down as quick as you possibly can that right there you tried to push himself down instead of really shooting himself down to them underneath them okay we'll get three 35.1 just an Allen with a successful lip that he will await the next bar is his to back of Chad McKay [Music] for Chadwick aid and he's at a gas [Music] Marcus hendren area as again fifth place out of the the craziest region that we have five people coming out of the region all five of those people were in the top ten last year coming out of the game just barely making it here but is doing just amazing so far this games he's having a great showing albear Jonica ruse on the left the 275 on the right Justin Allen at 325 pounds and Scott panchik right behind him at 315 Hendrik no hopple 35 yeah that was that was an easy lift that was a warm-up lift right there now last year in the games he was able to pull up 355 pounds in the clean didn't necessarily have the best form but just horse the weight up it does that that farmer that farm boy strength Justin Allen again Wow well again nothing up there that's that they split power clean just cannot stabilize an old boat addict with this on that's been to his elbows stabilized over again justin is so strong you can see what he can do I mean he basically tried to push all that up all by himself really didn't have any fun with that at all didn't get underneath the bar on his clean didn't split the right way it's clean though split his legs sideways and just didn't get underneath that bar that bar quick at all the man who has back-to-back victories Josh bridges who moved from 11th to 50 good lift for Bruce [Music] being key to the bar there Scott panting 325 power clean magic [Applause] and ruin no problem at 295 and again I think these are just a couple warm-up sets for him he knows when you can clean jerk maybe a little bit different what's he writing it up to but again how much warming up were they able to do back at the bullpen before they came out here it's also a little different to come out into this gigantic stadium and lift in front of you know 20,000 people the man who currently sits in fourth place overall Ben Smith he will start at 285 pounds Ben Smith even though he's been he's one of the younger athletes when he's known for is his snatching his clean and jerks he's room he if you look at him he doesn't seem like he'd be such a power horse but he is so strong and his form is so impeccable and this right here is the games that he was hoping he had laughs here he's really making a run back at that podium Ben Smith just 63 points back of overall leader jason khalipa Scott panchik is currently the lead man on the ladder in Spanish now making a run at 335 pounds on the fair Dominica ruse at 295 Dominic is Jordan Troy at to 85 to 95 [Music] Angie cannot get that to his shoulders [Music] now Troy has one more chance to 285 [Music] seventy-five feet while judge bridges at 2:55 but he is still alive remember if you don't hit your opening weight you are out of the competition man she's making another run at 335 Scott panchik actually got himself a coach an actual boxer you know what all that technique is really helping him out he looks really good that was impressive again that speed underneath the bar and landing and catching solid it's exactly what everyone wants to be doing with their jerky George Troian one more attempt to 285 pounds just collapse is underneath the bar again it's about keeping tight keeping all those all those joints tight this is a new PR for Scott panchik Wow what they power clean again and he hits it that jerk was solid the fact he's able to power P right now is a presence so that just means he's going to be able to get up those higher weights and then squat clean later at 345 pounds in the ER after doing all of this plus every event pretty incredible from Scott panchik trying to get the crowd fired up and behind him as he is setting up for his first attempt at 345 pounds on the right is Marcus hander and ended at 3:15 and Fargas hammer gets that lift now panting at 345 pounds for a new personal best [Music] can't quite get that weight stabilizing stand it up again he needs to commit to that squat if he's going to go the squat underneath like that he has to commit pull himself down quickly and land in a solid tight position he can't okay you can't just kind of go half a nap on that you have to commit to it just can't quite standing up pant you guys a successful lift at 3:35 in 345 point one but he still won't stay alive without passing exiting the ladder and here comes the two-time defending prosecuted champion rich Froning he currently sits in second place overall and he is starting at 285 pounds now rich listed a PR of 370 pounds and what's gonna wonder why he started off so light and I think the only thing we can kind of speculate I think he wants to warm up into those lifts so really no reason for him to go heavier than he needs to why put that extra strain under so lift a couple extra piece of lighter weight there's no one perspective it's in fact speculated it but we'll see how he goes with this solid jerk quickly getting underneath that bar catching it with locked arm nice tight midline now bark is heavier it is your lead on the field Paragon standing up 315 pounds and he is unable to get it so I'll bear dominique beluche on his second attempt still not able to get 315 pounds as there is you lead athlete Marcus header getting set to move up for the 335 pounds are behind him currently standing on the 305 lat Ben Smith behind Smith's Garret Fisher behind Fisher rich Froning they have 80 seconds to complete that second transistor [Applause] Marcus entrance setting up for 335 pounds into that ladder is 375 pounds no one who got past 355 so right there Johnson bridges d5 look at his knees basically naked right now he came back from a catastrophic knee injury no nice leaves it all now that's why I witness what we didn't see him last year but he's pressing that way looking great here the crazy thing about that he didn't split that that was a squat jerk and that's not normally what you're gonna see you're gonna see a splinter Fargas and root at 3:35 just can't quite get that overhead Ben Smith had a successful listen that lifted 315 fissures good as it's groaning behind him so Marcus Henry that we can't get this weight overhead will leave the ladder [Applause] [Music] one more go now Marcus Andrew at 335 he goes back to the chalk bucket [Applause] [Music] still some time left needs to hit this lip to stay alive on the ladder Wow again almost the power clean on that and now your overall leader Jason Khalifa is on the ladder and Khalifa has already cleared 285 pounds and he will move up to the 295 pounds are so he knows exactly where rich froning's records are on this so he has to do in every can to stay close to it doesn't want Brits to get too many points as he starts creeping his way up to the leaderboard Josh bridges currently in fifth place on the left at 305 solid lifts even without any sleeves or knee protection at all now watch his jerk bridges can't quite hold it underneath that but he won't get far slam for the Queen not bad Smith on the right at 325 now Ben Smith you know what I think that's pretty smart of him as he comes up against a little bounce he's looking for a rebound into that jerk I don't know if that would really work in like a USWA steady but here is all of it as long as you get that bar overhead that's a good lift that was smart that was a pretty pretty lift Josh bridges five he's already cleaned and now he needs to complete it with a clean and then the subsequent dirt to stay alive rich is coming in at fifth place the Benny's chasing on the bridges just can't quite stand that up so Britt is looking like he's going to leave the ladder the final score of three oh five point one you know what that's that's not bad at all Josh did really well on that last then you needed that because you know the big boys are gonna push a lot of weight here it's still not too shabby for him this event pretty much damage control for Josh bridges Ben Smith in front behind him Garrett Fisher bridges just can't get 305 but does a good job on that ladder even in fifth place overall remember we have an event tonight that could be right in his wheelhouse inside the tennis stadium yep chance for him to get a third win of the competition on the left rich Froning at 3:15 on the right Ben Smith 335 rich Froning no problem at all but again let's watch Ben Smith Brad when he comes out of the wall going from his clean initially get me gets right into a jerk he gets a little bounce on the bar goes right into it here in Fisher just hit 325 [Music] where you would see most people getting to split on his hands and readjusting they're up there in his grip he goes right into the jerk after that Lucas Parker liking that lift is his crowd and spin now moving up to the 345 how far behind him is Derek Fisher mine Fisher is groaning that finally your overall leader jason khalipa watch this talk about efficiency I mean strong I don't even have any time to even say anything about any movement the bass and that's on the replay 335 pounds now Garrett Fisher the man who came in third place just 28 points out of the top spot he's a rookie I mean he's the new kid on every lock no not at all he's so he's so poised in this position right now again training partners in he had the people that he on a regular basis get to work out with his I mean nobody gets that opportunity yeah you want to get talking but he want to have I get thrown and there's a fire he's out there was some of the biggest names in the CrossFit Games got Ben Smith he got thrown e behind you got Felipa there's brownie and 325 behind him and jay-z Khalifa at 3:15 Fischer on the left of your screen behind Ben Smith at 3:35 he can get that overhead so now Ben Schmitt and 345 pounds this is 25 pounds over his listed PR right now so he's already PR himself today the whole first time he's stopped in between the clean of the jerk can't quite get underneath it but partial credit for Ben Smith 345 point one still a super strength of the plan yeah it was at I'm here for Ben Smith Garret Fisher he's going to exit the ladder the Ben Smith can't complete this slip he will exit he's already putting on the Hat Solar Sykes kids day it's done I think he's gonna think it's calling in a day so now the top two men still out on the ladder rich Froning and jason khalipa groping all he needs to do here is just stay one ahead of Kalifa and he's going to cut into that lead even more and get it down to single digits jason has a little bit of an advantage on this because he actually gets to see how rich does on each one of these lips he gets his few baubles or if there's any struggling rich doesn't get to see that with Jason though unless he beats into the hip 335 is good for bloating and al-khalifa and 325 and a good lift for jason khalipa two different techniques there yeah you know I just it wasn't that Jason doesn't have the prettiest form in both think but he's so strong and he's been working on these single box again it was a nice split he really needs to have a much more powerful and explosive dip-drive out of the hole it's so strong so strong again not a very dramatic split he needs to get underneath that weight a little bit more go a little bit deeper with this split the cats that wait now throw Network move up to the 345 pounds bar jason khalipa is right behind him he doesn't have to worry about just staying ahead of jason khalipa and taking another bite at the Khalifa's lead that is just 11 points we're coming into this 8 and 12 sport events the clean-and-jerk ladder the second of three events that will hold today Daniel Petro looking on as the overall leaders pounds now it's Felipe at 3:35 front of the freaking crazy thing about rich Froning he doesn't have any sort of crazy setup he's on Lucas Parker's long-drawn-out rapini father Mitchell grabs it and goes Wow that's Felipa trying to match up yard he slipped off the bar soap roading now a really good spot to take over the lead for jason khalipa if khalipa cannot get this lift now depending how far rich needs to go he can really make up all his points right now picking it up past Lucas Parker that is going to be deadly to Jason these men are already torched if Brody finishes one a head to cleave it would just be five points difference in kalibo would hang on to lose now 335 Khalifa's photo looks off [Applause] again there's not the dip Drive in that dip that we're looking for after there's no speed underneath the bar just trying to use those big shoulders and press up our heads not gonna work with this heavy of a wave the jason khalipa did get the clean so far some credit three thirty five point one for him and just one man will remain on the ladder unless khalipa didn't make another run but he does not have enough time to set up for another attempt so rich Froning moving up to 355 pounds two men at pleadin neither jerk did though that was Lucas Parker and Asia Barroso now rich Froning Oh a little characteristic right there rich I think he did kind of jumped into a little bit too fast sometimes that means it didn't slow it down just a little bit but he just didn't get that far high enough up on his chest if Brody doesn't complete a queen here he will only for this one ahead a Khalifa believer will surrender first a champ trying to get out not doing so rich Froning will cut into Jason Khalifa's lead it's going to be down to single digits will await the official scoring but it looks like jz Khalida will Silvermane it first place overall the two men who have stood up with this weight or on the right groaning is on your left he just can't hand it up be cheered on by Lucas Parker and Asia Bartow groaning still with some time he's gonna make another attempt he's the first guy to take four attempts in one wait that's a lot in 80 seconds not going to happen for Froning so 345 boy huge burning will be its final score and those are the two men who got 355 on their shoulders and they will tie for first place and the wind in event eight the clean-and-jerk ladder the second of three events today the third will be tonight in the tennis stadium and it's a repeat from the crossfit games of 2007 a 1000 meter row followed by five rounds 25 pull-ups at seven shoulder to overhead at 135 but first the clean-and-jerk ladder at the books Asia Porto 350 5.1 Lucas Parker is second and then rich Froning finishing in [Music] third place rich froning this is ahead of jason khalipa no so strong we so used to seeing him do everything that he wants to do it's all characteristic to see evidence those at 3:00 at the 355 but strong lips before that real impressive the tie for first was between these two Asia part Oh Lucas Parker look at the height difference there we have one of the shorter athletes of five seven Lucas Parker - one of the tallest athletes at the age of Bartow it's six five so when they'd say which is it better to be taller short in Olympic lifting I don't know these guys just answered the question it doesn't matter just do your thing [Music] Lucas Parker finally getting a victory here he was way back in the standings to start this event Lucas Parker came in 37th overall and he was a man as a veteran who has continued to move up the standing of the past two years he's been at the games but he is on track for his worst finish but aja Bartow and Lucas Parker helping their causes with a victory and look at rich Froning who finishes way ahead of jason khalipa that right there is that's gonna be detrimental to Jason I mean even though we had a lot of people that tied in seventh place as long as rich keeps moving he's gonna start eating up that lead and that's exactly what he's doing and he very well could have done it in this event we're gonna wait for the official results to update the tie for first here it is the Texas behemoth and the bearded Canadian I mean it's fun to watch agilent's he's just so tall because he's so big he moved the other things moving slow but you can't beat the screaming or the beard of Lucas Parker that's mad half tuck behind him at 3:35 both of them making a lot of noise on those lists and look at this rich waited to come back he is now in the first place by six points over jason khalipa Josh bridges dropping to seventh but still more events to go here the barbells are going to be put away at the scene him and we're gonna move into the tennis stadium stay with us live coverage from the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games continues [Applause]
Channel: CrossFit Games
Views: 3,802,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Functional Fitness, Fitness, Functional, CrossFit, The CrossFit Games, The CrossFit Journal, The Sport of Fitness, Forging Elite Fitness, Affiliates, CrossFit Affiliates, 2013, Clean and Jerk Ladder, Men, Individual
Id: k4jLxVILsFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 30 2014
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