Men's Murph - 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games

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followed by 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 squats and then we close it out with another one-mile run you know any competition setting it's so neat that these athletes get a chance to do a hero workout because it's it's very unique it's an opportunity to focus on something different when the workout starts to get really hard when it starts to hurt and that's the thing really we've never had that it's always been at the CrossFit Games it's a workout they're thinking about themselves they're thinking about what's my strategy but here this is the first time they have an opportunity to look past themselves it's thing about Mike Murphy and the other thing look at what they're wearing they're wearing actual body armor that you know that Michael Murphy when he did this workout and he called it body armor this is what they're gonna be doing so what a great thing to see [Applause] for the first time across a games history MERS being done in competition and we start with a one-mile run and with longer events like this you're not going to win it here but you can't lose it you absolutely can lose it the all these athletes they've all done Murph they've all done it broken up they've all you know run miles and miles miles to get ready to come here but they want they also know that they want to set the stage they had that day off you know that Thursday break so all these athletes are rested and ready to go and I mean when you have birth handed to you it's really hard to go easy out of the gate you know you have to have that pace but these guys want to get up in the front and get moving the athletes train for the unknown and the unknowable they've done this though so that takes a little bit of that pressure off for some of the people that they're not on the top of the leaderboard that we may it could have expected this is the day really the nerves are out you're gonna see who came here to really compete against the test of the CrossFit Games and who's here just to say I'm gonna have fun and check it out and see your mouth and especially this event because they know how it feels they know where it's gonna hurt the only differences they're being told how to partition this workout 2010 Games champion Graham Holmberg in the all blue he is out front first on his initial one-mile run behind him in the orange shirt shorts is Joe scallion that directly behind Graham Holmberg you can't quite see him but that's Noah ohlsen an impressive rookie last year who finished eighth at the cross at games of 2014 when something that is gonna be real impressive our let's look at your more adventure in CrossFit competitors they've done burn more times as opposed to overall then a lot of the younger guys but the younger guys come in with such I mean their explosiveness or stamina their powers is so incredible so I'm really anxious to see you know you have some like Graham Holmberg who's been around a long time how many time do you think he's done Burke at least 10 times so you know he knows how his what he's supposed to feel and how he supposed to feel as he's going through this Graham Holmberg just passed by Joe Scalli the man had a Canada West he was a former Cornell hockey player and I actually got a chance to talk to him a couple weeks before the games and he said he loves these longer events and this is certainly a very long event and when they do this in their own boxes it's different than how they're gonna do it today well what you have to deal with whatever environment you're coming from if you're doing in Australia guess what you're in winter time right now you come over here to cross in California and it's hot out there it's extremely humid you know we just had that hurricane doll the the effects of that hurricane that came through so there's a lot of things that these athletes are having to deal with that they don't normally have in their own box and don't forget in their own box they're not competing against the fittest in the world so you know when you have that pressure these he's running this first mile are not going to be going at their fastest mile pace that just wouldn't be smart they're not going to kill it here on this very first mile because they'll have nothing less in the tank for the second mile vehicle Act last year any of the runs the triple threes we saw it could be very detrimental if you went out too hard too early so you're not going to be seeing the best mile time that these guys can put up Joe Scalia is the first man to make the turn at the 800 meter mark and he will repeat the course that he just did in reverse order grabbing some water it is really hot out here you competed over the last three days you were in the soccer stadium it's were up here in the booth and we're sweating what are the conditions like down there it's well first of all it's extremely humid so your body's trying to cool off your sweat like crazy but that's really difficult to cool yourself off Rory mckernon is another member of our broadcast team let's send it down to him on the field so this vest has been produced by 511 is anything but the one that you would have in your box there's bells and whistles galore then I'll get into here in a second I had the opportunity luckily to sit with Tom Davin who's the CEO of the company and really the history of this vest is what's the most interesting because it was developed by another American hero Chris Kyle he talked to Tom he identified the need for a better vest for a plate holders what they call it it takes the rounds from a high-velocity rifle and these are made for tactical operators and then he field tested it himself so what you'll see is these are not as easy to get in and out as a typical vest the athletes are allowed to loosen it but they may not continue until they've resealed their vest again now what the plate has been replaced with is a plate of steel that's been provided by a rogue fitness so the male athletes now holding on to 20 pounds total now they're allowed to take these best home at the end of the weekend but if I'm being honest I think after this event they might just want to leave it here and forget about it Thank You Rojo's callie continuing into lead he's a cross it's samyama and Rock British Columbia is his first year at the CrossFit Games and you got to worry about when you see a rookie go out like this whether or not he's being smart or whether or not he got caught up in the moment how many things get caught up in the moment I mean most of these guys if I would be looking at about seven and a half minutes seven minutes seven and a half minutes or so for the whole mile I mean he's on fire right now and you've got a lot of stuff ahead of you even without a vest of average 800 meter time would be about three three-and-a-half minutes he hit that 800 meter mark at 301 so he is blazing fast with the vest on I'm gonna call rookie mistake to Josh Galli underneath this stub up Center here in Carson California you will make a right turn and then head back out onto the soccer field where he will get to work on 100 pull-ups well looking at the duration of this workout - there's no need really to push it and get ahead on this mile dude get ahead the last mile right save it hold back a little bit more and then that's when you make your move that's when you push it just keep your whereabouts where you are with the group right now for this mine I think the athletes that are just kind of setting the pace letting themselves hang out but you know it it could be the fact that - here work out he's ready to fire he's fired up let's let's do this Joe Scalia birdie - the tears of this crowd to be the first man of the Paul brick the athletes can choose any lane they want Jacob Hefner is there as Alex Anderson Matt Fraser also coming out onto the field usually when you do this workout in your own gym you can break these up any way you want you can't do that here you got to go straight through and that makes a big difference and I'm so excited that it's set up this way because finally we finally are getting a true rx of what this workouts supposed to be 100 pull-ups all the way through you know going to have to do all of the all the and then all of the air squat this is the this is the ugly way to do it but this is the crossfit game so what what a true testament what you're gonna see is these athletes are gonna perform 25 pull-ups and then they're going to advance to the next pull-up bar to the next 25 and so on until they do their 100 pull-ups so there is a cool little mental break there you know you get to move you get to advance which is good but you're gonna see really the strategy comes down to how many do I do within this 25 at this pull-up bar and all these athletes are amazing athletes so they can bust out 50 pull-ups you know without stopping at all anyway not a smart move here I think you can even most of you that so if they wanted to break down to less than ten they would be fine if they were doing sets of 5 to 10 with a short break they're gonna be moving that's a really smart that's a really smart strategy when you have numbers like this it's all about your rest time and just minimizing the rest time take those small breaks but you have to just keep it short yeah Joe Scalli was your leader coming out of the tunnel he had a 5 minute 53 second mile roaring the Thornton has more on him you guys were talking about the strategy Josh Galli clearly has thought this out very well he's doing sets of five looking at his watch and waiting just about five seconds for the first set that worked out just fine he looks to have slowed just a little bit but he's thought it out we'll see how it plays out through the pull-ups thanks Rojo's Kelly as we approach the 8 minute mark Jacob Hefner is chilling with Alexander's to dance and Minsky's on the right side of your screen I'm looking to see some big things from taking pepper in this particular workout this sits in the wheelhouse you put any sort of a long grind or one but a basically a bodyweight movements type of a workout and he's gonna be unbelievable plus he just had that he's got that little click in the brain where he's smiling at lap in the whole time that's the dangerous athlete to have next year Hebner came in in 13th place overall he has 98 points and leading up to the games he actually knew that he was gonna have to do Burford he did a different version I would put on a weight vest and did 50 straight chest-to-bar pull-ups during that workout so that guy has some pulling power many athletes have advanced to that second of four bars they do 25 pull-ups on each one of those bars and they will also partition their push-ups and their air squats Jacob Hefner trying to get back to work on his third set fourth set now of 25 is Jakob members very much in the lead he's taken over from Jos Kalle who was the leader on the run big sets of pull-ups that he's putting together which is great but again even the pull-up segment 100 a lot for a lot of people but for these athletes is not that large of a number so the timeframes and these guys are gonna be here someone's gonna be about three minutes or so or we're really gonna start seeing a separation it's gonna be on the push up that's where it gets deadly well and the work it compounds the effects of it compound because they're wearing that weight vest also if you've ever a lot of people do this without the weight vest a lot of people that are not this level if you've never done it it really does it really smokes your lungs really takes a lot out of you Jacob Hebner is the first man to the push-ups he will partition these in sets of 50 and each 50 he will move farther up the field I see the Jacob just gotten up off the ground I don't think that was a good move he should have stayed lower so he doesn't have time to go down into another push-up stay down stay relaxed don't stand up and do extra work but you don't need to it's hot down there on the ground but I agree especially with that weight vest on it's just a lot more energy that you need to expend this is Hefner second year at the CrossFit Games he was 18 in 2014 is a tap iron major cross at Fort Leavenworth Kansas young cow ski wearing the white leader's jersey now on the push ups this young man was impressive last year as a rookie seven tailed off as the games went on he has a lead here and this is a bunch of Rakosi that we saw last year last year in the in the fitness in the long endurance event with a triple three teeth was forty seconds so he would have expected him to do very well in this but I actually saw him earlier training at CrossFit LA when he was down here get used to it he did with the weight vest hand to release push-ups and hit thirty seven minutes so extremely strong time I think it's gonna be an excellent workout for him as well second year at the games you always have that experience that confidence under your belt you know the things that you need to work on you're exposed your weaknesses and just the smart athletes are gonna work on that and come in a lot better prepared eleven minutes in to event number three it's Murph it started with a one-mile run 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups and then three hundred squats followed by another mile in yoco ski the twenty year old out of bori finland the man who came in with the overall lead working away on his set of 100 push-ups every fifty the athletes will move farther up the field Jacob kept her in the blue shorts was your leader off the pull-up bar next to him in the orange shirt is now a Sanderson and then on the right of your screen is Dan Tyminski Yoko's he's starting to struggle a little bit but resting on the ground not standing up I'm surprised he saw Jacob actually stayed on the ground with the rest of the field which is just tomorrow move it really no sense to do burpees in the middle of Murph that's no need to add insult to injury after bringing the water bottle with him he is on his second set of fifty he is your leader yohko ski has also finished up the fighting for the top spot is worth all 40 men on the field at the same time Bukowski had an impressive performance in the regionals he's the only man to win four events at a regional this year of course he went under width and he's coached by 2009 CrossFit Games champion Pico Salo now Noah ohlsen in the blue shorts and black top the right ear screen is on his second set of 50 Dan Tyminski who just went out of your view he says he's on his second 50 as well no there's a lot of buzz about him a lot of height and so he really does need a really good showing today to get himself back up there if he wants a chance of promotion Dan Simmons is a man with military experience his fourth appearance the CrossFit Games he failed to qualify last year his best finish 2012 he was 14 [Music] full singer in the middle of your screen he's out of the Northwest played football at the University of Washington walked on there now with coal being a larger athlete that number of reps he's trying to get together is gonna be a lot smaller so you see him doing sets of two but he has to be smart keep that rest short the last thing on push-ups you want is what those triceps you just burn out but once they go you have no choice but it just sit there and that is the biggest problem with any sort of body weight gymnastics movement is once they go if they got high but for the larger athletes they need to be smart about it it Cole needs to be ok with the fact that it's only doing two which he seems to be all right you'll sit back grass do your thing then when you're able to get to you know the air squats um we're gonna be more powerful that's we're gonna make it for distance [Music] these athletes have to make sure that their body is staying nice and flat they can have their hips rise before the rest of their body or that's a no rep so it's a little different with that that body armor you see Noah ohlsen has to slow down a little bit and make sure that he makes each and every rep count it's really easy to pop your hips up off the ground before also getting a no rep there that vest he's wearing has to make contact with the ground and then he has to reach full extension with his arms at the top of the push-up is with that body armor it's different than the way that's a lot of us have at our gym so it is a little different than fitness you might hit the ground a little bit sooner than the fight it is something that they have to adapt to I still think that all these athletes instead of trying to lower the self down they should be bouncing and rebounding on their take put that put that to the ground rebound now these can give you a little help sure think about it then lift heavier death as you stay tighten keep your body as tight as possible but you kind of bounce off the ground use that Dan Tyminski is the second man to his third set of 50 pushups Yoko ski was their first and now Noah ohlsen those three men at the top of your screen also does in the blue shorts to mid skis on the inside and then at the top and the white jerseys Yonko ski he's your overall leader coming into this event your top three at the bottom left-hand corner of your screen for cross ski so you can stay towards the front here there are a lot of tests that remain here in the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games but hitting up top early and racking up those points you get 100 for a victory 94 for second place and then so on and so forth to scoop down that's definitely gonna help him and look at the technique that you own is doing every time he takes his reps whatever that number is that he's broke down to two he actually doesn't come all the way up he just kind of pulls himself back let's arms completely relaxed but he's not moving so far away from the movement goes right to their his hands are still on the ground so I get me a move away from the bar it takes too long to get back to the bar if you have to actually do the movement he has the weight vest on so for anybody that used to sitting up and sitting back it's a lot more weight he has so this is the most relaxed position without keeping that pressure on his shoulders and I did see him train earlier one of the techniques that that his coaches had in view wasn't you know your pushup and you lay flat on the ground you know give him back an arm to complete Rev yo cause he continues to leave here Rory mckernon on the field with more row guys iana Koski despite being in the lead has been fighting against no reps the rule actually where he's having trouble is on the bottom where he has to compress his body against the the armor on the ground oftentimes like you just saw the body armor is touching but his body is not so he's doing way more than the wretched than that required 200 push-ups thanks ro young Kowski taking a break next to him at the all-black etat is austin valio the name of this workout is Murfin ain't crossed if you're new to the community we have made workouts after fallen heroes who have given their lives in the line of service people might be familiar with Mike Murphy the man through Hollywood but they they may not know the full story yeah the movie came out lone survivor that basically talked about the operation wet red wing and what you know what my little waving said we had wings and what Michael Murphy did basically gave his life for his crew so that they could be rescued that what he was trying to do but the fact that the fact that we all get to experience a workout they heat it on a regular basis this was something that he loved to do it when he was you know out out when they were on on their bases good workout that he did we all get to experience that now and I mean what an honor it is for these athletes to be able to put it to the test for all of us to see but all the people in the stands and all the cross of people out there all the fans out there we know exactly what they're feeling that's impressive when it first appeared on the cross against the Prophet main sight it was called body armor then named after Michael Murphy Noah ohlsen and no cause he were the two men to their final set of 50 pushups and no holes and small sets but very quick Olson on the left toasty on the right Olson needs to score some points here he had a disappointing day on Wednesday did very well in pure paddle but then had a disaster in sandbag 2015 he had his wheelbarrow loaded up fully and then dumped it halfway across the floor and basically had to redo all the work he just did that cost him precious time and put it back in the stands he comes in in 14th place overall the volume that this guy works at is just incredible I mean he is one of those and these entities with other CrossFit Games out these are doing it he makes sure he matches if not beats their volume young kids so he recovers fast and so I work out like this and event like this definitely something right up into the houses Jorgen goo Batson has moved himself in the third place and of the Meridian regional route 20 minutes in Murph the first time it has ever been done at the CrossFit Games so on Wednesday we got a little test a little taste of the test of this 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games and the cool part is that this event is the long event of the test you know in Gregg license definition of what is fitness its he says go long every once in a while so we're not going to see all of the events here and the games be this long long event but you know ended years passed people started just doing these short little met cons they avoided doing these along workouts these long events so I love having them come back because it's always a reminder for people you can't just do the short little lifts relish the real heavy and your short little men you have to do this once in a while because this stimulus there is just so great so love testing these types of events then the other aspect now we win all in the water let's test that then we went to something that you don't normally do in your gentry how many times do people move sandbags and lift up upstairs that's a straight grunt work and then we come back in with not only a here workout but a classic CrossFit workout that you can anyone can do this workout anywhere cliff you're out traveling around you're at the hotel you can always do more and that's where the CrossFit Games is such a true test of fitness finding the fitness because it is all those different aspects and that's where Wednesday is crazy where you see people that you don't normally would expect that are so good at CrossFit no allusive is the first man who hits 300 air squats from 75 at each station when he's done with 300 it's back out for that final one-mile run so what's really gonna go in his favor with this it's not only the fact that he's a great athlete not only in fact it has a great engine he's a little bit shorter than some of the other athletes and look his feet are he's a little wider that shorten up that range of motion super-smart minute Lou Noah ohlsen is the man towards the top of your screen or the bottom is Norva goranson who moved himself in the second place and now alex anderson is moving up to join those three men on his 300 air squats and that's impressive Alex Anderson so we just talk about home no holds a little bit shorter Alex Anderson's a little bit taller very powerful extremely strong and again we knew the push-up we're going to be basically the separator for the for the group was it's been and there is right up at the front it's still gonna come down to what PC works best for these athletes knowing what their capabilities are how many spots they can do in a row before they need to take a little breather no one on the right of your screen receiving a no rep from his judge he didn't hit full depth the crease of your hip has to be below your knee for that rep to count but he gets another one on the left is Alex Anderson the CrossFit Games rookie who finished third in the central beam while the overall leader young Kowski has joined the leaders on his first set of 75 next to him in the old black is Austin ball Yolo it's really easy with the weight vest on for your chest to fall forward a little bit more than it normally does when you're just doing standard air squats and that can sometimes raise your hips up a little higher if you think you're at depth but you're just not Noah ohlsen in first place he got to the 300 air squats almost 20 and a half minutes into this event your Lucas had followed him that Yoko's he had other Europeans who have to Europeans see the effect that this event and this heat and that best has all these athletes one big ugly mouth probably put together a lot of things to deal with I think what NOAA really needs to do is not try to keep this so much don't try to strategize this do what you do and do some hard work he's such a great athlete he just used to get in there he's not he won't get no rep if he does what he needs to do which is all the way down all the way up but I think he's trying to game it to the touch Noah ohlsen at the top of your screen taking some time just to pour some water down his back to cool himself off a little but he's the first man alone with your group and sit at the bottom of your screen on those second set of 75 and gubin sit at the bottom of your screen look at the Knowles and then Olson got another no rep and he's getting a little frustrated you can see him talking to his judge a little bit now here Gil Kowski the overall leader through two events wearing that white leader's jersey the nice part about doing an event with everyone going at the same time as you know exactly where you're gonna stand on the leaderboard at the end of this event looking around if he can be first he knows there's nobody chasing there's not another heat it's right here everybody out you know exactly where you are [Music] know also so far has had a very good pace behind him over his right shoulder is Dan Tyminski next to the Vince key is Jacob Hefner who did very well on the bullets Europe Magoo vinson second of the meridian recently to gymnastics for nine years in soccer for fourteen his brother actually signed him up for the open in 2012 and here he is at the CrossFit Games and he's moving so well also it's not super fast but he's making every rep count and he just looks comfortable very good what you need you need to have this in these long events push just enough to where you're not hitting that red line but staying comfortable staying consistent say nice and calm if you're Bakunin sin has managed to pass up another man from the already original that's yun Kowski the twenty year old from poori finland man who is coached by 2009 crossing Games champion Mika Salo Koopmans is still in second place towards the top middle part of your screen the athletes working their way from left to right on your screen and after 300 air squats it's back out through the tunnel on a final one-mile run Matt Fraser the man who finished second last year the CrossFit Games he's in the orange on the right side of your screen as one of the favorites to win the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games now Herman guman Singh has taken the lead from know Olson and he is on his third of four sets of 75 air squats get real smart without water corn on his body and let that slide read you can see the flags out there barely moving so you need to do whatever you can do to try to stay as cool that water the shirts gonna be nice but have the body owner blocking everything couple different options you can do here here when they have you go really fast for ten and then take a break really fast his speed and his pacing his tempo very very efficient Noah ohlsen is now joined your legume Ansan on his third of four sets of 75 yolko ski is there as well so the three men who separated themselves into push-ups young husky Noah ohlsen of your magnificent continued to lead this final 300 air squats before that last one by one one other thing we need to note while watch night athletes do it all these here's what the last time we saw an event like this was the beat's workout way back when 2010 Andy Torres daughter had her turn 2012 and thought it was putting her hands on her leg for the air squats so there was always gotta have a shovel in the traffic video if that was okay or not they were cold and for this event you are not allowed to touch your legs so you've seen some of the absolute to hold on to the best hands down to the side but man this is we're getting the absolute true testament of what this workout supposed to look like that's mat Fraser who is almost done with his second set 75 air squats Fraser coming in in third place overall had a great performance on Wednesday night in sandbag 2015 the Champlain Valley CrossFit and Fraser is the man who has a rookie pushed for time fittest man on earth rich Froning through the final event at the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games to finish second thus the high expectations coming into this year no rep for Matt Fraser but continues to move he'll look so strong and we knew his legs are so powerful with all his Olympic lifting background so he gives that nice little bounce out of the bottom which is gonna help hug [Music] Knoll so now has a towel on his neck trying to cool himself off again it is very warm down there at very humid unusually humid but if anybody can handle it it would be no Miami keep 360 so he's used to this very much use of this but it Gorman GU Manson who continues to lead here on his final set of 75 air squats to complete 300 total let's send it down to Rory mckernon guys I'm down here on the field watching these athletes go York Penn did not get to the poems first he didn't finish those first he made a slow comeback from behind Noah Wilson took the lead and now he looks unstoppable when they got to the 225 ribs he was he was just up and down like a piston he's taking very few reps whereas Noah ohlsen is just doing what he can he'll go fast stop shake his legs out go slow but Goodman sin has taken only two breaks so far in his final set thanks Roy Yoko ski though European has joined your group it's about his final set of 75 air squats go ski at second you would sit in first that he looks so relaxed and what I like is he was actually looking back as he's doing a trip to see where everyone is not not getting so caught up in how many reps I have two dudes lap he could see for everyone is kind of taking it all in just keep on moving such a long event like Murray said not first to any of the movement so that's not what it's about in a long event it's what are you have left at the end that Fraser on his final set of 75 as well guman Singh comes in in sixth place overall plenty of tests remaining this is just day two but another points for winning this event and Fraser speaking to his left looking around looks like she's ready to make a move as well Alexander said also joining the men on their final set of 75 air squats Anderson on the right of the orange shirt [Music] Jakub peppers getting set to move up as well he's right next to Alex Anderson so those guys have that final Lane have final set that they have to do these air squats it's not a matter of behind us needing it through this they are trying to mentally put themselves into I need to sprint to mile after this because now they do need to run faster because this is where the race actually is going to be happened need to get ready to go and then put the pedal to the metal one more for bjorgen gubins ended he will take off through the tunnel and he is the first man off on that final run just passed the 40-minute mark 20 pounds are in that vest and that probably feels like a hundred right now to Bjorkman goo Vinson the compounding effects of all those squats the first mile run the lactic acid that builds up in there over that time of those past half hour has just been a lot so right now when you initially get started you're like hold my legs are like concrete you actually feel a little better after the first 400 meters and you can see look at this variety he's pretty heavy with his feet you a lot of a lot of heel striking down account loosen up when to get through them Austin Lally although the second man of the wood and mat Fraser has now moved into third Fraser and horde shirt he's grabbing some water and heading back underneath to step up Center grooving sit with about a forty second lead though on Austin Bali Allah who's making his way now underneath the step-up Center and mat Fraser finishing up his air squats just three seconds behind molly-o low Lubin Singh had the fastest time through all of those bodyweight movements and now up that incline will obey the left turn and head out one flattered ground that's not enjoyable if in one you're just gonna be starting to run to use had a hose air swap but that Hill is not gonna be enjoyable now no Olson is to his 300 air squats he will try to catch the three men who got out ahead of him Moulson trying to move up the leaderboard coming in at 14th place overall young Kowski is also out on his run I said under the first about 400 meters you start to feel a little better but this is a competition setting so while you might settle into what the run it it still hurts he's gonna have to push for this coasties on your left bali hollow in the black and that fraser in the orange on your right now young Kowski emerging from the tunnel behind him is noah Olsen and Olsen has a very good pace here okay just the way he looks is so different than all of the other as the epic his legs look okay that gait that stride really looks like Noah's normal run and he must have had at least 20 no reps through all those air squats so the fact that he's able to do that much more work and still have that much have a king right now that's pretty impressive so he's gonna be deadly on the smile your burger Burton though still a sizable lead over the men behind him ghupat say who just left her screen and back to the men chasing him Austen Bali Allah was second to this third or this final one-mile run behind him Matt Fraser I love the fact that Austin is up toward the front that's exactly we were talking about earlier you're a veteran CrossFitters I mean a very you know a very well known props the coach he programs for Reebok CrossFit one and all the members there and you know that they do this on a regular basis so it's cool to see him out in the front knowing then paints it knowing what he needs to do new boots on the left he's your leader Austin Malayala taking a look behind him he'll see Matt Fraser chasing him for a second began to win the CrossFit Games it's about consistency no Olsen creeping up as well Matt Fraser doesn't need to win this event but he's had two solid results so far he finished 12th in Peter Pan open second Wednesday night so this is the top five here look out but one thing for Fraser is that he's not known for his lung capacity that is not his wheelhouse so if we're gonna see it you know creep up a little bit these other guys that in their wheelhouse he's gonna be struggling he's gonna have to make a push to keep himself up there awesome all yellow in the middle of your screen behind of his Matt Fraser Samoa yellow putting a little bit of different distance between himself and Fraser no Olson's at the very tip-top of your screen trying to track down those other two beds Europa goo Vinson continues to lead six place overall after two events surprising to see him in the top ten yeah I mean I wasn't really really expect this but I really think that he was pushing a little hard on the air spots he's still his run is not very solid I mean it looks very lumper ish with his legs doesn't look very comfortable well for how relaxed he looked on the air squats and he was going at that pace I really thought that yeah he would come out and even look a little more like Noah ohlsen no no more reckless on the squats but came out with his run so it doesn't have to be pretty doable no jiggly pit of the vein was pretty good but that guy is the other incredibly fast see to me that looks perfect that looks like me fresh suit Vinson working his way back he just passed Fraser in bull yellow and at Noah ohlsen guman Singh has never won an event at the CrossFit Games he's only been here one year that was last year when he finished 26th overall psychologically when you hit that 800 meter and you start to pass other guys and boy that feels good so right now for him he knows he's over halfway you just have to keep pushing get himself back there so he'll have what it takes I believe but you know yeah it's surprise for him but getting that first-place win it's only gonna help bump them up the leaderboard coming into today in sixth place volley although making the turn for home as his Matt Fraser no Olson in the blue shorts at the upper left part of your screen just left your picture he'll make the turn as well now Fraser turning it on a little bit Matt Fraser said last year before the games he didn't run at all zero no running he's worked on that and remember in the regionals he won event three that was that grueling long event Fraser has worked on that and now he's threatening to take over second place or Boston ball yellow thanked he was trying to himself for that first eight hundred knowing where the kick was gonna need to come in really no sense of wasting the energy and look at that run looks a lot better look he's controlling his vet that's impressive he lost a lot of weight too so he is able to carry his body a little differently than he did last year as well the crowd erupting as Matt Fraser made the pass and now sits in second place behind Europe and goo Vinson who is comfortably out in first Noah ohlsen still in fourth and Olson needs a solid result here he came in in 14th place overall after the first two events on Wednesday gooo Vinson has to be happy with that he looked behind him it didn't see a single athlete [Music] final leg pull Sager the man with no shirt and that vest on who just left your screen also out on his run Lucas home burger in the oranges just left the screen he's out on his final lap I'll run it down you're Magoo Woodson down the hill this has to be the most enjoyable part of the run for Bjork legume and sit on that deep line 100% one you're you don't you can slow down just a touch because you know those guys are way back there too you have a little downhill and three you know that it's almost over it is light again a tone it's the home stretch and you know the crowd is waiting for you back at this stadium it was a lonely run there for him and he's gonna come back to the warm welcome of the crowd Scott panchik in the orange who is running up the hill as goo Matson was running down starting his run panting another man who came in with high expectations and here comes Boardman do Batson looking to lock up 100 points with an event win in Murph the first time it's ever been done at the CrossFit Games Yerevan Guzman sin' hearing it from the crowd as they anticipate his emergence from the tunnel at the step-up Center rising to their feet to salute the man who's going to win this event Joerg than Goodman's a from Iceland we're in front of this crowd at the suburb center in guman Singh will take event number three mirth his final mile time just around 8 minutes so oppressive poet presidency we use its own consistent wins the race and he was I don't want to say what's up with obviously but it was run from there at the end what he had enough in the tank this looks so relaxed impressive so now without the great run ravenson takes the bow as Matt Fraser now the second man out of the tunnel Matt Fraser will finish second for the second straight event Noah ohlsen in third as he passed us at Valhalla Olson in the blue shorts behind Fraser great result for Noah ohlsen he absolutely needed that after his disappointing finish in sandbag 2015 Matt Fraser is in he will finish second and Noah ohlsen saluting the crowd he will walk up third place that Olson will earn 88 points for that result Fraser will get 94 this is exactly what Nelson needed and now he the momentum now his games have begun awesome Molly oh lo he will finish it forth Molly although his fifth appearance of the CrossFit Games his best result was when he finished sixth in 2010 and he will lock up a fourth place finish Olsen burning sorry Molly hollow earning 84 points for that result coming in today in 38th place that absolutely again for him will bump him up the leaderboard his game starts today for a lot of these typical CrossFit athletes that we are we hear all the time or familiar names this is where it begins and now you're gonna see that fire lit yo Kowski getting set to exit onto the soccer field on the final leg of his 100 mockup 100 his one-mile run it seems like it's one under when I look at it one mile run across the soccer stadium here what a great first three events for him at the suit that that's where you want to start off from the game great position for such a young actor Vico sailor was the last European man to win the Clasen games that's in 2009 East Coast he's coach and you could be looking at the next European superstar in the men's division [Applause] [Music] young Kowski who led for much of this event but fell behind on the squats closing out post he will finish in fifth that will add 80 points to his score he came in with the overall lead Jacob Hefner good finish young after a sixth place finish that will be good for 76 points Alex Anderson getting passed by Adrienne Conway Conway has been to the games before as a member of a team he was on you CrossFit hacks PAC the team that went back-to-back affiliate cups in 2012 and 2013 first here's an individual little mistake there for Anderson walking 42 even know anybody was behind him there so everywhere matters you're gonna see if it airs he's gonna make a sprint here [Music] Adrienne Conway and Alexander said it's a foot race Anderson starting to pull away two former football players but here comes Adrienne Conway that way it's going to win that footrace hamstring issues on that Adria cago is used to running away from people he played running back and Weber State High School he ran for 337 yards and five touchdowns in one game that right there that shows how important that's the top important each of these places are you got to get the points you can win you can't so you can't slit somebody sneaked by like that that's gonna be a place on Sunday when people look back and they say ah that was the moment that was that was the time where I got passed and that was a huge mistake because that's precious point two points back on the course meanwhile Lucas Hobart damn commenced we've also had been Gerard out of Australia finish he locks up a ninth place finish and then Ben Smith as well he was tenth in this event [Music] Lucas Hubbard coming out of the tunnel to hide in Dan Tyminski [Applause] Bofur coming in at 40 plays overall great result for him [Applause] Lucas Homburg making sure that no one catches him gets across the finish line over his second year at the cross with games he was 23rd to 2014 Dan Tyminski finishing up just inside 44 minutes [Music] these guys cannot wait to get that vest off of the peppers already shedded that's Scott panchik magic is digging himself a hole after day one magic cent in 31st place he finished 20th bent one 33rd in event 2 that means he's gonna have to do it's not just well but really really well all the rest of the ones gonna have to start winning some of that stuff very surprising last year there was so much talk about you know the pressure he was putting on rich and seeing him a bit Central East Regional last year just seconds behind at 1 second so many and then 3 was one second behind rich it doesn't seem like the pan trick that we are that were used to seeing Scott panchik on the right getting ready to come out of the tunnel Cole Sager is on the left no need for him to hurry there's nobody pushing him for the next position Cole Sager will finish up he's also a sophomore at the CrossFit Games 17th in his rookie campaign last year here comes Scott panchik and with that point system the way it's set up I mean it pays to be a winner you get more points for being in the higher places you just can't allow yourself be on the bottom half of the field that's it's gonna be just this detrimental to two chances Sager finished 13 Hillier in 54 points and Jake will get across the finish line and that'll be 52 for a 14th place finish so a decent result for Scott panchik it's not gonna catapult him up the leaderboard we'll help here comes Dan Bailey the man who won the California regional meanwhile Tyson Takasaki is on the field as Bailey makes the final turn back out onto the grass nice and Takasaki is going to finish in 15 that'll be good for 50 points John para he's a full-time officer with the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department better walks out behind him because he has a lead on Bailey but damn Bailey's a sprinter but John Parra will not be caught though [Applause] good result for John Parra and he needed that as well he was kind of sitting towards the bottom of the pack going into this and then that was a good one a good Rinder for him so real presence should be one of the larger athletes that that's a great positioning Dan Bailey is done Bailey a crowd favorite here Nathan Bramblett the CrossFit Games rookie bigger athletes the most of them have done gambling better watch out for shad McKay the big man in Australia who came in with the same amount of points is Yoko ski is about ready to Passavant Bramblett realizes it and Chad McKay gets across before Nate Bramblett Chad McCain is one of bigger guys in this field he's 225 pounds this event already didn't favor now you make him 245 an impressive result the chat Mackay nice that's a powerful sprint but again Nathan Bramblett being a rookie not necessarily aware of his surroundings just couldn't couldn't get it going fast enough coming into today second place he really did need those points so to see that he will drop down a leaderboard he knew every in every place that mattered for him big crowd on hand here at the soccer stadium the step-up Center in Carson California to watch the fittest man on earth do her for the first time at the CrossFit Games Neil Maddox the oldest competitor in the men's field still out on that final one-mile run [Applause] Malick CEO has finished up here comes Lucas Park who's just making the turn on the final 800 meter leg marker easily one of the most recognizable athletes the games because of that beard chat pole is across the finish line rob forte and i would expected a lot more for rob forte on this one I mean he won the triple threes last year looks so strong isn't as an endurance athlete which is what this is and I just would have thought he would map towards the front triple threes 3000 meter row followed by 300 double unders in a three-mile run and Rob Forte crushed that last year Graham Holmberg who is out front on that first one mile when asked was this man Joe Scalli the game's rookie out of the Canada West Region falling back and taking a look over his shoulder Stephens faucet is the ban trying to chase down Scali thus Callie's going to be able to hold him off [Applause] Graham Holmberg is trying to chase down Todd order as Fossett gets himself across the finish line polar on the left homework on the right Homburg has passed Porter Porter the man who won me the opening event to the second of the opening event to young Kowski the two of them are now done is the 2010 games champion the only former champion in the men's field here Hobart came into today into this event sitting in eighth place so prides gonna drop him a little bit down the leaderboard but he still always knows a very intelligent athlete veteran knows about getting those points still had it in and to make that push at the end Spencer handle another big athlete to 15 now to 35 of that West that vest on him he's across the finish line that's Nikki ranked are right behind him you're Angkar finishing up as well we kind of compared to the triple threes that was our long event last year but they weren't wearing a vest they weren't wearing body armor so that really does make a difference when you're seeing some of these guys that we wouldn't normally expect to do so well or do so poorly let's send it down to Rory mckernon who's been on the field for this entire event row guys I'm down here looking at one very lonely squad or left alone completing his work it looks like she beat Jordan Cook Elijah Muhammad was the last one out the door he left with about 10 minutes left here's how it works if athletes don't finish the event there's three checkpoints one is finishing the squats the second is the halfway turn around at the run and the third is finishing the tunnel portion of the run so athletes who do not finish the advil workout will not be forced to do the last run but they'll be ranked according to where they finish their thanks row Jordan Cooke the only man's not another one that's Elijah Muhammad who's following Phil Hesketh neobux finishing up Jordan cook is finally done with his 300 air squats and walking his way towards the tunnel Roy Gamboa is also on the field he'll finish behind Anil Maddox [Music] Jambo in his second year at the CrossFit Games he debuted in 2013 he finished 22nd finished first in the South regional top 5 unofficially for Murph Jordan group Anson his first career event win at the CrossFit Games and he's followed by a pair of Americans Mathew Frazier and Noah ohlsen rounding out the top three than another American awesome olio low and then the finished sensation yoco ski the youngster who came in with the overall lead in fifth 55 minute time cap Lucas Parker crowd favorite hearing it from the fans at the soccer stadium to stuff up Center making his final journey down the field to the finish line he's an athlete that always had a game plan I guarantee you he came in with a game plan for Murph I'm sure he's done this many times and really you don't ever see him deviate from the plan which i think sometimes for him is actually it's a mistake because he doesn't adapt as much on the files to his other athletes and other competitors and what they're doing well he he's one of those athletes that loves the training portion of competition rather than the actual competition so when he comes out with the game plan doesn't really matter what all is happening he's doing kids things where that independent that twitch is there we put him at 34 0 or 12 points Phil Hesketh behind him easy Elijah Muhammad they have two minutes to finish this thing up and Elijah Muhammad known for just lifting heavy heavy weights all the time big one red boxes man did he get a shot this CrossFit game so far doing the doing that long row and then this long event the Phil Hesketh disease the only man from Africa Latin America or Asia competing at the games a serie played semi-pro rugby sees a lot of fans supporting him bounce around a little bit different regionals of them would be combined the region this year he was placed into the Africa region competed in the Meridian Regional and finished 5th there to earn his way to the CrossFit Games we haven't mentioned it yet but this is the first time we're seeing those regions come together and so we really are every year we tested the fittest and no doubt the fittest has been crowned champ but this year is the first we're seeing those regions come together and there's a lot of names here there that we've seen the past that that are not new names but there's a lot of people here that are not here that we were used to seeing the competition is every years there's incrementally better incrementally better Muhammad in front of Hesketh as they make their way underneath this table up centre but there's only 40 seconds to go meanwhile Aaron Hannah has emerged from the tunnel he's trying to get in inside that 55 minute time cabin Hannah halfway point so you could say to get himself in sad melts also on the field as well he is in these blue shirt right behind Hannah he's gonna have to hurry up to get himself across the finish line [Applause] [Music] I guarantee you he wants to finish this event it looks like he wants to go faster he just can't Noah will not get it so close and for the first time in Games history Merv is done and the winner your bigges Duman see let's fill Hesketh on does his best easy Mohammed taking some water Ben Smith there behind him Melton you could not quite get himself across the finish line signing his scorecard top ten unofficial results again the winner bjorgvin gu Vinson followed by Matt Fraser and Noah ohlsen who needed that result awesome all yellow and the overall leader coming into this event Jung ko ski rounding out the top five you see the top athletes in the world looking like that you know this was a grueling event great finish here between Chad Mackay who chased down Nathan Bramblett Chadwick hey that's impressive for a man who weighs 225 without that vest and then in third place no old saying really kind of struggled in the beginning but he definitely gives me endurance in his City when he's competing always put them up into those great place for the great finish in second place bad Fraser Matt Fraser this guy talked about a guy who doesn't have an engine Wow he needs to beat everybody wrong whatever whatever weaknesses he's had they are weaknesses anymore so guess what tough the games you better look out this guy is a fun team finally the man who one of your big Rubens in who picked the perfect pace and yeah the perfect taste he'd say slow and but he was just relaxed calm even the run we said he looked a little upper stuff but he was consistent the whole way and looked smooth and just watch blasted the feel blessed to deal with that without event one other points for pure mokuba's in his first career event win at the CrossFit Games and he's standing by with Nicky brazier Garvin you were not the first person in from that one-mile run but you were the first person out the door and the first person to finish how did you put I know it was definitely not about the first run but uh it's much more about last one and how are you tackle escort and the push ups it is hot down here did you practice in this type well like three weeks ago we started out in my orga let me came over to the US and I've been here for like two weeks so uh getting used to it congratulations you definitely acclimated well for this event your first CrossFit Games win great job you're the gubin said merging victorious in birth the men get through it the women are up next we'll be back at the step-up Center for more from the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games [Music]
Channel: CrossFit Games
Views: 10,784,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Functional Fitness, Fitness, Functional, CrossFit, The CrossFit Games, The Sport of Fitness, Forging Elite Fitness, Murph, Women's Murph 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games, Hero Workouts, Hero WODS
Id: 8i1ZC7TBa8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 0sec (3540 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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