Ultimate Feats of Strength - The Best of Giants Live

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On the way we go! If you are a Viking, then you are a Viking! The Beast against the Mountain! This is extraordinary! This man can do anything! My goodness me! Charging double figures! Well if he looks enormous he's not CGI but Hapthor Julius Bjornsson from Iceland is indeed   six foot nine, nearly 200 kilos and my ¡goodness me!  charging down the course here five seconds to go it's time! still no finishing it, that momentum  once it goes you're in a world of hurt.   and even the Beast isn't pulling you out of it. step after step, the hands in unison this is   brilliant stuff from Bjornsson, he's  out of first gear and into second   make that third as he comes up this little hill at the end that no one has gone past, and he too slows! But just, just get it! my goodness me! relief for Bjornsson. I think if it was another 30 centimetres on, he wouldn't have done that but he is the only man to finish with a time. Bjornsson winner in bus pull! Straps on, you are allowed straps at Strongman. Reps to beat...7 Mark Felix and is Janashia, who's surprisingly ¡uh! lifting quicker here, though when Hall starts to lift, watch how quick he pulls! very quick indeed and Janasia is slower  at the top that is power right there from Eddie Hall who's of course done 500 kilos, this is a percent of his personal best is a lot smaller than anyone else's,  he's equal Felix 30 seconds to go   there's eight, how many more? He has  Hollands and Bjornsson still to come, Janasia takes a break, enjoys watching the Beast pull another one. There's nine reps at 362 and a half gosh, could he do a double figures?? I don't see The Beast fail a rep often but that took it out of him, that was hard, hard work Janashia six reps, very impressive still just behind Felix, but this man Eddie Hall had to work for that 10 10 and 800 pounds 10 reps, is that beatable or  is that the win? that's the win, that's the win on the way we go!!!!!!!!!! Stoltman blast the first stone along and  Bishop chasing him down hard, look at this and Tom Stoltman roaring through the stones ¡wow!!! who will be crowned Britains' Strongest Man as Adam Bishop releases the storm and the result is already edged. it's Strongman legend   and the World Record paused at Britain's Strongest Man. What a run, what an incredible one! what a race! Well, the build up for Hafthor Bjornsson, to break the World Record, the  most powerful man on the planet And he nearly does it on the roof! Monstruos!! Mountain is this guy. This man can do anything, superman ¡oh oh oh!!!!!! Felix is on the way on the hercules hall  so many times we've seen this remarkable athlete   go that little bit further than he did the last  time, this is a man who holds the World Record   and the crowd starts to react  as he approaches the minute,   and he goes through that barrier. Right  now he's over the minute Felix calls Applause to Mark if he passes 1:15... how much have you got? 120 Mark Felix you are all with a 120....... 25, 26, 27 it's a World Record of 28 and there it is World Record, Ladies  and gentlemen once again, Mark Felix Will he be quite so dominant in this event after that performance by Biby? it's a great start, an incredibly fast competitor Kieliskowski and this is extraordinary ¡oh! well look I think now,  now, now we have a World Record that was about 10 seconds I think he smoked it by a second well that was an incredible  performance! surely we will see a smile.   He's a machine, Magnus Ver Magnusson confirming, there is a World Record but what is the actual time?   10 seconds on the nose crushed! this guy's unbelievable! how about that, the focus, the strain,  a thousand pounds crushing him   leg to leg, driving forward,  he was almost up to a jog. ¡The Beast! Eddy The Beast Hall, he's  no stranger to the World Records but   even for him this is a big jump, 10 kilos  after just going up by six kilos previously   under half ton deadlift here a year ago  he can do the impossible! he's shown he's got the strongest back in  the world how, about the strongest shoulders?   you bet he does ¡oh my goodness me! they're on their feet, over 11.000 fans and he delivers! don't ever, ever put a limit on what I can do, because  I will prove you wrong every single time. whoever wins the stones, is Europe's Strongest Man. all they want is this title more than  anything else in the world right now!   ¡The Beast! against ¡The Mountain! and it's  neck and neck on the first the mountain!   one motions the second but the Beast  does two end the third, it's so tight   the mountain's quicker on the fourth, Hall tries to throw it and Bjorhnson does it!!! five stones in 17 and a half seconds, that is extraordinary! Eddie Hall looks slow in 23 seconds come on Zydrunas! I am very happy, it was very heavy weight I mean to prove a lot of people wrong  today, people say it is possible,   you know, people say going to the moon wasn't possible, running a mile under four minutes   wasn't possible, I'm here today to prove five hundred kilo deadlift is possible.
Channel: Official Strongman
Views: 510,265
Rating: 4.9321628 out of 5
Keywords: Giants Live, strongest man, Eddie Hall, Strongman, Deadlift, World’s Strongest Man, Powerlifting, weightlifting, World Record, strongman records, Brian Shaw, strongest ever, Log Lift, strongman motivation, gym, Bian Shaw, Hafthor, Kaz, Thor Bjornsson, strong man, hombre fuerte, Europe's Strongest Man, World Strongest Man, Strongest Man in the World
Id: XShorumMw8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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