Men's CrossFit Total—2020 CrossFit Games

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athletes making their way on to the competition field and here's your start list now what's unique here is that they should be going in order from fifth down to first that first place actually has an advantage of what's been hit already yeah and you know we already know that matt fraser has so much strength out of this field he's one that has the highest total from that last time that we actually did this at the game so he's definitely gonna be someone to watch i mean obviously it's matt fraser of course you're gonna be watching kicking things off it's going to be jeffrey adler and again he's one of the stronger guys in the field so be curious to see how he does we didn't see him when they did this last so good good starting weight for adler and again with only three lists what's the approach you should take for an event like this well i think just like with the classic olympic lifting type of stuff when you only have a handful of numbers like this you want to hit a 75 80 percent get something on the board that you feel comfortable with you kind of get yourself going get yourself moving get a heavy lift for your third one or your second one and then go for the fences on the third one that's kind of what you want to do if you miss one then you have to play catch up then defense the whole time that's what you don't want here because when you come down to it the strong will survive this is all about your strong guys and you need to get something on the board next up we know olson for his first attempt good for noah also now unique to this event particularly is you have that 44 45 second rotation so you get a good three to four minutes before you go in between but you only get three attempts and you can't go down and wait it's it's pretty reminiscent of what a weightlifting meet would be yeah yeah i mean so you have that why that first lift is really important you want to have a good lift to start but you don't want to go out too heavy and then miss it and then really have to like you know put yourself back put your back against the wall and try to fight against that just moderos that looks like 455 on the bar if i know the colors of the plates correctly good easy starting lift for mederos tell us like okay we didn't hear anything we started it but like real strong this is that's what i love about this guy he just comes in with youth confidence it's like he doesn't know he's supposed to have a hard time with it but look at the power nice big breath nice and tight gets to that level and there wasn't even a hiccup there was none you usually have that sticking point there was no sticking point and that's that's lift number one that's going to set the stage for a lot of these other athletes and a lot of that goes with feels again the speed of the bar not necessarily how heavy the bar actually feels for these athletes quant first attempt at 4 25. nice easy easy but that's that's what we want you want for your first lift is something you know you can do yep but not too far out to have to make a massive jump for that second attempt is that that second attempt is going to be key well and quants like his listed one rep max for the basketball was 445 so that's only 20 pounds off fraser will be up next your overall leader after two events he has 455 in the bar all right and nice you see how tight you taking that nice big breath really contained embrace that spine and what i like is that he has that olympic lifting power look at that nice rebound out of the bottom uses that momentum to get him up right through that sticking spot nice lift another part of that is is looking the the difference of techniques between athletes especially when you look at the foot position oh yeah how narrow matt fraser is but when noah olsen comes up is the stark difference of setups for these apps oh yeah it's olympic lifting setup versus power lifting setup jeffy adler we're down with we're moving on to our second round he had 450 on the bar he had a successful 425 the number that they hit will be displayed in the front of their lane so strong look at that wow what's on this so 455 that's five that's ten pounds off his listed one rep max for back squat but look it and again you know look at the speed no hiccup he didn't even look concerned with that and i really you know we've we've been curious about what jeff is going to do how he's going to handle this mentally he looked confidence there confident there and just boom in and out they'll also be up next with a pound attempt now as we're looking at back squats we have three different lifts back squat strict press deadlift these are one of those where you need to bank some weight as opposed you're not going to get a big advantage on the strict press these guys not at all so if you have the opportunity to go big you have to take those 10 15 pounds because how much difference are you gonna have on a strict press i mean that that number really gets down there so you talk about that foot position a little bit here noah's foot positioning nice and wide and what that does is it makes it so you bottom out right at parallel you're not doing a lot of extra work and going down to that extra depth successful lift for noel olson 435 on the books medeiros he hit 455 at his opening weight but he's only jumped 10 pounds to a 465 pound attempt for his second one i think he maybe it's a game trying to see if the other guys are going to make a big jump you know good that look almost too easy yeah yeah you know okay again games maybe it's a maybe it's a rookie move um very strong he easily could have gone up another 10 pounds just to take that to push the field a little bit you have to be able to take a swing at some of these guys push the field if you can because if if you have the opportunity especially where he's sitting if you have the opportunity to push someone like matt fraser or even samuel quant you got to make that push you got to do it now quant had a successful 425 45 on the bar again i mean somebody's smaller i would have i would have thought it would have been a more aggressive jump uh again very easy movement i mean geez that was that might be the fastest lift i've seen so far from any of the competitors there's some styrofoam in those ways this looks like my 135. matt frazier 455 successful first attempt it looks like white's on the side might be a 475 so this would be the heaviest weight we've seen put on the bar [Music] nice lift nice and easy and okay matt he's got the cushion he has a he's got a ton of room between him himself and the rest of the field doesn't need to go crazy and again he's not that's not an overly aggressive i mean with what he's able to do now he has a listed one rep max at 485 so it's still close to that yes but we have you know we have a couple other lifts that we're going to be able to add into there with the deadlifts especially all right necessarily we know fraser just hit 475. adler is up and he's chosen to get to a 470 for his final attempt we talked to jeff earlier about this and we said hey you know what you you got to take some swings got to take go for it like attack it's attack matt actually is what this is what is really all coming down to you have to want to attack matt look at how easy that was he couldn't he could have done more although he seems a little surprised how he did well maybe but even with his one rep max i mean that has listed for that 465. i just think that was way too easy look at that popped right up and i think that's why we said the second lift is so important that you get it right that you put yourself right to the edge because third rep should be the go forward right right forgot not dead no olson had 435 this looks like a 455 for olsen oh yeah baby anyway i love the fact that like it's the one time that we actually get to hear the athletes yes you know usually it's just people yelling and screaming but like to get that nice yeah baby in there is great you see noah got a little stuck right there in the middle and that's that's we're hoping to sleep for a third one oh yeah baby and that's that sticking point that we were talking about i was expecting to see more of those through here um and that's when you really are pushing yourself to that limit so here comes the gamesmanship 480 on the bar heaviest weight we've seen is 475 from matt fraser nice now okay now we know he's a rookie maybe that was the plan let me let me not go heavy on that second round so that it draws matt only in so far and then take the jump now and he that looked easy i mean he moved it with that 480. monderos moves into first so far we still have two lifters left to go but 480 is the heaviest weight we've seen so far quantz got 460 on the bar now 445 again it looked so easy i'm surprised it's just a 15 pound jump yeah okay nice easy lift well i mean i guess you know he was probably thinking like okay i'm not gonna go as far as i just have to get over noah maybe the jump to maybe the jump to frasier was just gonna be a little bit too much so know where you need to jump again nice and clean nice and clean so 480 is still the weight to beat fraser hit 475 on his second lift and now the way it's going is 482 wow so fraser with that will have the heaviest weight so far and that would be it for the back squat so we'll move from the back squat now to the strict shoulder press overhead and again look where his foot placement is i mean this is classic olympic lifting style not power lifting saw all the way down able to use they call it a stretch reflex and at the bottom that's that little bounce the body's braced and able to hold so much of that weight all right we just got word that that is actually 492. so it wasn't just the two pound jump but it's a 12 pound jump from what madaros had put up at 480. and what that does for matt is it gives him a cushion for the deadlift because the deadlift you can have a very it's very easy to have a 20-pound swing on a deadlift so to be able to use that to your advantage when you know you have the ability to do that that's going to be huge so your listed results from the backswing matt fraser will take the top weight now we are going to add all the weights together to determine who wins event number three but he has a 12 pound lead on mederos adler in third 10 points back as you move into the first rep of the shoulder press adler has the bar loaded to 190. i would say more for strict press that's when you take those nervous jumps because it's so it's such a sensitive lift because you can have days where you pr by 20 and you can have days where you're under by your pr on 20. and if that bar path isn't just perfect it goes from an easy lift to feeling like it's 30 pounds heavier than it needs to be 205 on the bar for noah olsen which is why we thought we'd see more aggressive weight changes on the back squat because you you could do that a little bit but it gets very trick with the shoulder press because you're not allowed to go down in weight so i would figure people would be a bit more gun shy in this one than the back squat 205 is good for no olson 205. 205. i love that he's going to be talking through this all the way but you can see what he was doing trying to get his head back out of the way almost a slight lean back to torque his body that just changes that angle of his arms a little bit more to make it a little bit that's just a touch easier which i think noah's weight might have been 195 with that blue plate on side and he's asking go to maybe maybe now with madeira the way he's setting up here i thought that he would have started a little heavier uh just with the the way he was moving the bar in the reloaded event earlier i mean he didn't have any issues with that bar going overhead granted this is a straight practice strict press versus a jerk but again there's still a lot of shoulder strength that you need with that and we saw you know that that matt failed on that one lift um nice strong movement there and again maybe this is just okay let me get my first lift in let me go a little bit more aggressive and kind of get to that peak at that second lift and then go for you know just swing for the fences on the third but nice and solid i mean that oh one thing from adair dude's got some long arms and that is not conducive to a good strict press yeah he really does he really does 185 to start for samuel kwan third overall in total weight lifted coming off of the back squat good good that would take a solid first lift to just get something on the board you can even see he saw that same thing just like let me get a nice number but look how i mean he just looks really strong it's crazy the squats and the deadlifts are so such a powerful looking lift because you have so much weight this like the weights look so small here but that very strict movement makes it very very difficult to do fraser his first lift will be at 185 leading the total so far with that 495 or 92 pound back squat wow easy easy and along with the strict press you feel like you got to find it find your way your hands feel comfortable how does that bar path feel this first rep kind of feels like you're just feeling out the lift i mean they've all done it but when you're going heavy you just got to kind of get what the vibe of the strict press is going to be today yeah totally i mean you have you have to feel you got to ride it out a little bit all these athletes have done you know these lifts a bazillion times so that's nothing new but you come out here knowing that you have the pressure of only three lifts you have to make every single one of those as perfect as you can make them good good now one of the things with the front with the strict press that you have to be careful with yes you when you take the bar off the rack and you take that step back you almost want to get into that push right away it and i thought that jeff was going to hang out just a little bit too long the bar gets heavier and heavier the longer waist look how long how much of a pause there was so i mean if there was like a a second more or a millisecond more of that that bar would have started to move down which i mean changes that weight entirely that yeah that's it's definitely a step back and press oh yeah i've lifted i can't get it off your shoulders as fast as you can okay here's 205 for no olson 195 successful first attempt and that is good so 205 for noah olsen and that is that for a lot of times you look at body weight relative to maybe what your strict press would be the goal you know they say bench weight bench marks is at least strict press your body weight as a as a benchmark goal and noah being 190 ish like being 15 pounds over that that's a good strict press for goals and you could tell the way his body was moving he was adjusting his body to get under that so he saw him really lean back to try to get that arm that's like very classic like 1970s olympic style you know clean and press you know where you kind of lean back for it well speaking of 70s the mullet is up as madaro says 175 on the bar good and i have to say i would i honestly was expecting more on the slip pump now you did say that he has longer though you know he he does he has long arms and that the longer your arms go the the the more of a mechanical advan disadvantage you have man i think i would have had his hands moved out just a touch more because you can see when his pressing his elbows were out so if he can keep his forearms and straight up and down keep that vector force going in the same direction that's going to be the best the best direction 200 bar for samuel quan successful in his first attempt good that would be good for quan the heaviest weight is still noah olsen at 205. and what i really like with the way samuel has been showing himself up so far this in these first three events he's confident i mean we talked about you know is he coming in with the chip on his shoulder and i don't see the chip i see some confidence so he's just a quiet confidence right now hey matt fraser bumping up to 200 pounds nice and easy nice and easy so the second round of strict press is done as you move into the third and final round with matt fraser's 200 pounds that is going to keep him in the lead so far even though the heaviest weight was put up by noah olsen on the strict press as adler moves up to 207 so that's more what we're hoping to see is again the game within the game no olson went 205. adler bumps up two more pounds to 207. and adler needs this he definitely needs to do this and he needs to take some chances you got to remember like i know that we're on a three-day competition here but the worst you're gonna do is fifth in the world so with that being the case take some swings go for it you know is that to be said for everybody except matt is like second third fourth or fifth what what does it matter go for it that's good 207 for adler and that should be a new this i'm proud of okay see now hopefully hopefully something like this is gonna you know light the fire into him a little bit get that pr very happy about that which you should be that's very cool uh as he gets a little bicep pose in there excellent but now he needs to ride that he needs to use that energy of that that that confidence that feel good something that he's proud of and like just keep going with it hey olson got 205 in his first attempt or a second attempt it's like 212 on the bar but it's not going to be enough and if you see it i don't know if we'll be able to see it from the side on the replay or not but the bar got just in front of him a little bit he wasn't able to lean back and keep that ball in that straight bar path that's why that bar just came right back down see him pushing he's leaning back and the bar actually moves forward about literally a half an inch to an inch i just want to able to get under it and that's that's the crux you come up with something as as delicate as a strict press everything needs to be perfect when you get to these upper echelons absolutely it's like 180 182 from aderos oh you know that ah almost but i did like the fact that he came right off and tried to get right into it he didn't he he knew it was going to be a heavyweight so we tried to get right into it but again that bar is not in that straight line you're just not going to be able to get up up overhead sami quant be up next 207 on the bar so 207 from adler 207 attempt from quant olson has 205 as the second best we've seen so far yeah 207 is good for quasi that'll tie the heaviest weight we've seen on the strict press again we're not getting scored individually per event but a a positive booster for him going into the deadlifts oh but this is that quiet confidence that we were talking about that we're really hoping to see look at that nice battle gets his head back underneath gets the arms locked out and what i like was the little nod he gave himself right after it wasn't a he didn't give himself the bicep pose but it was like all right but a little knot and i went for it and if you're gonna get stuck in a position getting that bar over the top of your head instead of in front of your face is where you want to fight it's huge 210 for matt fraser and that is good for matt fraser and so he goes two for two of the heaviest weights we've seen [Laughter] oh man yeah you know he's the champ for a reason he's definitely the champ for a reason i love the fact that he let he let that game play out you know with adler and quan and then he just kind of steps up adds a couple more pounds and just puts a nail in it well here's the benefit of being in first place overall and getting to go last above everybody so you can play that game so fraser gets the heaviest strict press of the group tailing off what he did for the back squat 210 tie for second between adler and quant no olson at 205 and madaros uh 175 and again you could just see is that it's one of those you either got it or you don't it wasn't a deficiency per se it was just he just that's not a good lift for him no it really isn't but what's impressing me right now is is fraser is lifting more than he did the last time we did this in the last games uh he's already up by almost 30 pounds just based on those two lifts we haven't gotten to the deadlift yet final movement we have the deadlift we'll start with adler as we have for the first two rounds adler sitting just about man now 25 pounds behind matt fraser in total nice lift look very strong now these athletes do have their coaches on the sideline that allows them to decide which weights they want to pick what weight have have have already been done so they do have that advantage of having their coach there for them no olson setting up for his first attempt looks like 405 495 oh yeah they got the little blue wow and if you if you look at his hands like you would not normally see a heavy crossfit deadlifter using that that oh double overhand grip you're usually going to see that alternate grip so impressive movement there by noah great lift for sure watch his hands not just hands but his feet his feet are super wide and again the the wide feet what that does is your arms kind of get in the way and it drives your knees and so it changes that whole again that vector of power that you're trying to do so olson just hit 495. madarios has 495 on the bar and it's going to make a move here just because the strict press that he's had he's well behind the field after that decent little lift i saw a little hiccup there so i don't really know how much more he's gonna be able to pull above that um he's gonna have to kind of rally himself up a little bit i think he gets a little bit of a bump a little hiccup in his in his back end but coming up right there you can kind of see how he just started gotta get a little hung up on that so what that tells me is okay how much more can he go up can he go up another 40 pounds i don't know that's gonna be a tough one or another even another 25 pounds samuel quan opening with 4.75 okay nice easy speed off the floor easy and you know i think that that was a good call to make um just to feel some of that heavy weight get that nervous system ready to take some of that heavy weight before you jump into something and kind of shock it or scare it 10 seconds matt 485 on the bar for matt fraser he's already had the heaviest toll on both the back squat and the strict press good nice opening lip for matt fraser and again just like what i was talking about with quan i think it's you know pick a weight that you can feel feel some weight feel it on your body a little bit then you can make your attacking jumps plus you can also have your coach off to the side and be like all right how much do you need to make your jump by if you went big on the squat which matt did and you also had the heaviest overhead press or the strict press now you have that cushion that you get to work with so you don't need to over extend for no reason i said before matt led the first two but with such a big weight discrepancy here adler hit 5 35 and now he's going for 552 which we just heard would be a personal best attempt i don't know what he just said because i don't speak french but other than that it was like okay i think i can go up but look at that and that was still honestly that wasn't the cleanest lift in the world it was like two inches off of his body yeah it like actually moved forward so that really puts a lot of a lot of tension on his low back but he moved easily through that and we said before adler's gonna ride that emotional wave of confidence yeah strict press you can see is starting to pay off for the deadlift 5 32 on the bar for olson successful 495 attempt on his first one i like the way he just melts into that first pull watch this kind of sets himself up there's not a whole lot of speed out of them you can see this lats everything just really lights up as is he really engages all those muscles on that back that posterior chain and just slowly pulls it on a beautiful lift so noah discussing what his third weight was going to be is going to be mederos successful 495 to start 517 whoa that was almost like a dave castro rep right there that's how long that took to get up but good pull off the ground and i like the fact that he didn't stop he let he let that power kind of build in his body and kind of slowly got that got that bar moving got some momentum on it definitely fought through that yeah samuel quan setting up for 525 pounds he's a smooth criminal right now i just have to say that start to finish just a nice criminal smooth and we've seen it in the squats the strict press and the deadlifts just kind of in there does this thing drops it out of word singing is not a word we haven't really seen a sticking point in any of the lifts so far we've also haven't seen any struggle or or real speed yeah as well like i said it's just a nice smooth strong lift okay matt fraser might be lining up for a 517 pound attempt so that'll be good for matt fraser now here's the crazy part is that he won the back squat he won the strict press but with the way adler's lifting right now 50 pounds over this he might not win the event just because of the deadlift i know and you know what again it's still it's a solid lift i mean that's more than what he did um the last time at the game so i take that back just under the what he did about 10 pounds under that but he was over before so like he's right in the same realm you know right in the same area where he was but you're right like adler has i mean that deadlift was insane that he just pulled on that last on that last time around successful 550 lift for adler this is the one he's hoping that can push him over the top for an event win wow holy cow look at that 567 pounds for jeffrey adler it's incredible that you can make that big of a jump with on a pr that you already had granted it's the games but holy cow i mean i tell you i i was not really expecting him to have yeah i'm not really expecting him to have that much of drive i mean what we saw earlier i thought he might be broken i'm hoping that he can really use this for you know to drive him the next couple days no olson hit 532 this will be 5 40. that was a long one [Laughter] again just really kind of melts himself into that into that rep and just keeps on pulling knowing that he can get up there just trying to be patient letting that bar move and never stop yeah and you know i think some people were like oh well he's rounding a little bit and but the thing for here is that when you're talking about the power and safety position if the back doesn't move moves if it's breaking how the movement is going he's just braced totally he's bracing for impact totally 540 pounds of impact all right mederos is up this is his final lift 550 on the bar oh wow i thought he made it past that sticky hard part in the beginning um he just had to get it up over his knees so it was a little sticky right here in the beginning but he kept on fighting i thought it was like oh it's good and then all of a sudden someone turned the magnets on and it just stopped that bar in midair you know i mean great pull great attempt and that was what he needed to do i think he still should have gone for that attempt 5 45 on the bar for quan that's not going to move an inch so he'll stay with his last total 529 would be good for samuel quan that's still 12 pounds more than fraser did at 5 17. and matt fraser will be your last one to lift for event three fraser hit 5 17 on his last attempt he's sitting about about 25 pounds 25 pounds outside 35 pounds outside lift 5 35 on the bar for fraser all right judges a little bit of eyes across the floor on that you saw that i think that that's important to see that battle we want to see that battle and i think you know what this is okay for jeff adler he needs to be staring matt in the face jeff congrats on your first win and congrats on pr city for you down here a number of those lifts were your new personal records tell us what happened out on the floor uh i did my best i think i pr'ed my back squad by five pounds and there's still some room oh so i'm happy about that i i was aiming for 455 back squat so i did a little bit better there my press two pounds pr that's always like that's it's always two pounds it's never more than that of course uh and then the race i didn't know exactly what matt was doing and i knew he was like we were probably the two that were competing for first place so i just put on 567 on the deadlift i was like it's it's make or break so and i got it so i'm happy about that that's great congrats now i was going to ask how much of this was your prep knowing what you can and can't lift having your coach here and how much of it was gaming figuring out what the other guys were going to be lifting uh there's no gaming for this because what you can lift is what you can lift um i'm i'm pretty confident with with heavy weights so i just like for the deadlift i just put it on and like just i just have to lift it and my body just lifts what i asked ask it to do so that's pretty much it i'm happy about these numbers because i haven't been training strength that much in the past few months because that's obviously not a weakness of mine right but yeah i'm super happy and i can do it with no belt there you go yeah congratulations here man nice work you
Channel: CrossFit Games
Views: 812,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Functional Fitness, Fitness, Functional, CrossFit, The CrossFit Games, The Sport of Fitness, Forging Elite Fitness, 2020 crossfit games mens event 3, 2020 crossfit games event 3, 2020 crossfit games, crossfit total, crossfit games crossfit total, mat fraser, justin medeiros
Id: I2cAPewTgKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 59sec (2219 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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