10 Iconic CrossFit Games Moments

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unbelievable for carrie pierce who looks like she's going to do this unbroken 10 seconds to go 23 rounds for kerry pierce maybe six feet long but rich is getting more on that ball this one's going down to the wire and a games athlete in the same year she's struggling to finish it up we saw the same thing with val vogel in the previous heat and sometimes you don't think about in the midst of competition but i can't imagine what that feels like walking off the stage for the final time eight times to the games stacy tovar [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] today [Music] [Applause] there is nothing better than big weights on the big stage in a big pressure situation here at the 2019 reebok crossfit games event eight a one rep max clean it's in a ladder form but here's the twist one person lifts at a time on the floor all eyes are on you chase i cannot imagine what that feels like 215 is easy for amanda bargo 215 for tia toomey [Applause] that's the power coming come on 260 for amanda barnhart [Music] oh okay then go on there you go yeah okay what do we do now dave oh hey what will dave do is we've got a tie we're at a barber okay i didn't mean to just dave you right there i'm sorry mr castro oh first time she's failed to lift [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and she won't be able to hit it but barnhart at worst will finish second but here's to me for her second straight win if she hits it she wins if she misses we go to the tie break [Applause] [Music] up [Applause] for the defending crossfit games champion rich frody hearing it from this crowd is the first one done but ben stoneburg is right on his heels and josh bridges is now in third place in handstand push-ups at 10 inches and he's done josh bridges [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sits in third [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bridges the fifth event of the 2019 reebok crossing games for the women is underway five handstand push-ups 10 pistols 15 pull-ups for 20 minutes it's the workout known as married first time under the lights for these women it's the second and final heat of event number five as gary pearce is the first one done with 15 rounds and she will move on to the other end of the floor and continue the work as we have just about seven minutes left here and here comes jamie green gary pierce looking to work her way back inside the top three because she is well ahead of amanda barnhart who came in in second place and pierce trailed her by just 11 points unbelievable for carrie pierce who looks like she's going to do this unbroken 10 seconds to go 23 rounds for carrie pierce look at those handstand bushes look at the speed she still has on those five reps more for carrie pierce 100 points more for carrie pierce as she looks to get back inside the top three and put some more pressure on overall leader tia toomey i don't even look like that after one round of hair this is insane like i said man left on criminals floor and you can see the bars they're starting to do some damage to these athletes hands and he and uh he's just uh yoni is just having a rough time with those hands he's trying to put the chalk down try and cover up as much of that blood as they can you can see him looking down all the time to his hands to see what's happening and those of you who may be new to crossfit this is a very unique element to the sport the man who finishes last often gets cheered louder than the man who finishes first and the world's finished cheerleading crew is over there encouraging and right there neal maddox actually just gave jody a glove to help that out when are you going to see that anywhere else i'm in competition with you and i'm going to help you get through this because i want you to get through this 10 seconds ago mccloskey makes it and he will get over to the finish line and listen to this crowd and applaud the effort from the 19 year old from poury finland for the victory lap though [Music] they ain't never seen nothing like this before little room when i came through the front down ask me if i stress overcome what for [Music] he will still have the overall lead but matt fraser now has the opportunity to cut into that significantly heading into the final basis [Applause] razor at 370 and he has the whole crowd behind him as he makes his first attempt and won't be able to get that the worst he can do with second place one more try uh just doesn't happen that's a smart move right there he would go to a time break if fraser misses this lift so matt fraser for the event wins he wants to walk off 380 for the three-time champ he hits this he wins the event stop come on man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one last test six minute time cap do not expect these ladies to need it tia claire toomey six points ahead of carl webb entering the event she just needs to finish ahead of cara five feet remains one year ago tia claire toomey the first person to be an olympian and a games athlete in the same year she's struggling to finish it up clara webb right behind her catia still hang on they are neck and neck at the line to the podium [Applause] oh my goodness what a finish second final heat of event 12 the suicide squad patrick felder who currently sits in third place overall makes the turn [Music] with scott panchik and marcus philly out front along with noah olsen [Applause] final turn back to the start and philly's trying to open up a little bit of the lead philly the first man to that final pilot and now the final sprint to the finish but look who is there in the red shorts that's matt frazier matt fraser and ben smith in a foot race are you kidding me what can this guy do matt frazier is gonna win you've got to be kidding me [Applause] you've got to be kidding me just like that the men take off on their one-mile run josh bridges is your leader he's the first man on to that initial round of 60 air squats that's the lead that josh bridges has on matt fraser that noel has yet to even exit the stadium that is incredible fitness right there [Applause] [Music] and he's going to pick up yet another win but this time in the soccer stadium josh bridges eighth career event win as he takes [Applause] back when i was honestly [Music]
Channel: CrossFit Games
Views: 473,379
Rating: 4.8859582 out of 5
Keywords: crossfit games, josh bridges crossfit games, rich froning crossfit games, rich froning, crossfit games highlights, highlights crossfit games, top crossfit games moments, 10 iconic crossfit games moments, iconic crossfit moments, iconic crossfit games moments, tia-clair toomey, tia-clair toomey-orr, top crossfit moments, top 10 crossfit moments, 10 top crossfit games moments, the crossfit games, the sport of fitness, mat fraser, mat fraser highlights, mat fraser crossfit
Id: jYV2JjadtWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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