Men want pain... give it to them. They also want pleasure. Give that too. Be all to him

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okay this is better right all right this is much better okay perfect all right I'm gonna hopefully that interconnection is very well here right I'm gonna I'm gonna eat lab right on the point that I was talking about earlier but let me I should have taken my jacket out before started I should right there you go that as you can see I have three [ __ ] layers mm-hmm and on top it is it's it's kotas brakes man it's a good time you're out there but um so you earlier today I was talking about how when you want a relationship with a guy right and you want to make something happen you need to create pain to some some sort of degree right and and the reason why you gotta create pain is because when you create pain what you do is that it puts you in a position where you're the only one that could relieve that pain if it attacks his ego you see because whenever you're attacking guys ego if he was somewhat invested to you if he kind of liked you and you inflict pain by either showing interest in another guy in his mind because he kind of still likes you because he kind of like she was already invested in his mind he says he sees himself as a a lower individual like as a beta mo because some other girl some other guy got his girl you see and so in order to to actually feel better just to feel better he's gonna have to fight for you so in this case he's gonna have to seduce you again so he'll start showing more interest stuff like that and so that pain yeah you're doing what's gonna happen is that because of that in his mind because he feels like he's losing you his before he meets you he's gonna be anxious he's gonna be scared not scared but like anxious because I don't know if I lost her why is she acting this way what the [ __ ] is going on so you dress better and share you take her to a better day you know you you you know you you you don't even bring out the topical you take no more you know such as in cases that's turning her off right and that's because you're making a guy valve himself he's like [ __ ] what did I do to lose to make her lose interest cuz it looks like she's losin interest either because she's being her person Natalie strongly changed she's liking a little meaner she actually bailed on me the other day and this Sunday she's not calling me as often she's acting a little bit now or because she actually broke up with me you see you do that and I'm promise you it doesn't matter how much you hurt him he's gonna come back if there was some sort of if you guys already were kind of attached and everything was good if you do this if you do it at the peak of things I went everything's perfect and stuff like that you don't want to mess it up you know that's when you should do it because it's gonna surprise them and those shots I hurt the most of the ones that people are caught off guard right it's kind of like if somebody if you are friend word of mouth guy right and you think you had him and you think you kind of thought you thought that he liked you the whole time and then suddenly you find out he doesn't like you and actually he prefers women that doesn't look like you he actually is dating a black Iran you're white right and then you'll have a [ __ ] I thought he but the father thought he liked me all right that's not a good example but the point is is that if when you make when you throw people curva ball you show a certain characteristic that's the opposite of what you project you make them become a little bit more interested like what the [ __ ] does that I'm not talk about a match you gotta talk about this in the course like how to create instant attraction without having it's because there are two and again this is gonna be in the course in the psychological game attraction it's [ __ ] amazing this is well I'm actually that's how we also have me making a lot of videos I have to make in a lot of videos because of you but there are actually two types of ways to approach a guy if you wanna do sky right there's an in there in the indirect route and this is direct route right the indirect route is through a friendship okay but it specifically we are doing the friendship the direct route is through showing interest in the beginning but also while showing interest throwing shades of this interest so you're sending mixed signals all in one in one motion right and there are many ways to do that and you could do it instantly you know the mixed signals could be so many different way or just by do it's just very subtle but for example like like a way to set - if way - to send somebody a mixed signal it's for example there was one for that but this is one girl who once man and it was actually kind of funny is that I met her and she looked like a nice girl you know she looked like she was a 19 you're a girl she I'm not a voyeur voyeurs whatever right now they sound and and when I was talking to her so I was Alice she looks like a nice girl and it's saying gullible whatever right and yeah and and I just didn't think much of it and she was like by the way I'm actually a man well what you mean you're man oh you have a man you know I have him it just I just don't sound like a bit but I really had a man and she won't she kind of convinced me and I was like I mean why would she lie about being a man she pretty much telling me she's a [ __ ] man and she's like she's showing me her ding and because she told me it's actually kind of bigger than most girls somehow actually became bigger because I thought I just believed her I just [ __ ] believe okay I'm [ __ ] believing there what do you want me to do oh and then she told me but then she but they after she convinced me she was like now I'm just [ __ ] with you on my shitty girl and I'm like you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] on me no like got me oh okay you funny you're funny I didn't expect that you see that's bad acid me Signum like oh I got this is my son she throws something else at me like oh [ __ ] I did not expect that right anyway you do is through you lure them to sleep you kind of like slice calling with a hypnotist you create a pattern and you're like the keeper they see that pattern and then suddenly they get hypnotized by that pattern and then Sanne you go do something else and because they're so then sold didn't expect that it catches them off guard and it makes them emotional you know when something surprises you you get emotional [ __ ] the emotion is what makes you think irrationally was what changes your thinking is what changes your perception for at least that second but there's a lot of things you know cloud things it's it's [ __ ] it's it's cynical baby hat if you have good intention this is what you're gonna happen right if you have good intention you give it a guy a natural fun chase because for example it's kind of an obstacle course that it's meant to be won you know what I'm saying like it's kind of you paved to go to the obstacle course you pay to actually struggle you pay to lose but the other day you're gonna win the game so what you're doing is that you just most guys are like dude this game is tong beginner put me on all a fait mode you're just ranking up the skill level to hall of fame oh that's what you're doing you're just making it harder than home and it's gonna be more fun you know and when it's fun that means because if it's fun because he's in a sexually competitive state I mean he's doesn't [ __ ] gonna start working now cuz it's like man I've better stop working now cuz Alice's around you know or or he's gonna start like becoming ready more because you you say you have my ex-wife a lot and he's gonna get in his mind when you start losing interest it's gonna thing called man what does she like awful she said one day their ex-boyfriend like sweet Eliza suddenly you start [ __ ] reading allow even just posting pictures of you eating boxes [ __ ] right now like I haven't picked in me reading a book I'm tender but nevertheless though you know you know yeah anyways it is anybody listening cuz I'm not reading any comments okay hey people are sending comments anyways yo this is the comments let's see okay economy imposed anyways yeah like it's this is actually very exciting like the whole creating on course cuz it's like it's actually forcing me to think deeper about the process you know for example most a time I will talk about specific portion you know I like let me talk about how to make them chase let me talk about how to make them chase after you become leader you like stuff like that right but because I'm thinking about it as a whole process it's causing me to to just to think of the whole thing rather than just think of the individual parts but when you begin to think of the whole scheme the whole page of a good flow you sort of you sort of begin to get a deeper understanding of the train it's kind of you sort of seen the map from 2d to 3d you sort of like putting all the pieces to get there it's kinda like allowing your two brains to collaboration ship and so it's giving me a very interesting understanding of things it's just and it's showing me like a lot of things that I did wrong allowing me to miss Cagney's calculations and what's we even worse is when you just imagine about the things about moment she could have capitalized but you just do it in to it like oh those are the ones that just know me the most like the ones that I said that that it was right there to plow to do just just back off and this was second when you should've backed off and you didn't damn right but you know what but it's that's where you learn right now what I do then is I'm like okay what did I do wrong then I look back at the scenario you know what I do I [ __ ] if I if I suffered through that [ __ ] I better get pay for that [ __ ] I better get pay for suffering so when I Dutch and put that in the course that's what I'm doing right it's kind of give life [ __ ] with me I'm making a course out of it don't do it life you know like you make me become a professor I don't make videos on that you know I give you may but Gotham Anarchy leukemia gotta start making videos on that whatever I'm skinning but um yeah man you use what you use everything that life throws at you you learn from it you know you capital a lot on it and Eve you're smart enough you monetize on it right you just you just have to know you just have to like the top and you talking about oh my tender boots was a success it's almost a success see my tender way when it does a little boost cause it a success because you already completed to me a success is if I could date alright anyways um let me see oh by the way whenever when you inflict when you flick pain you gotta reward home you see that's the part that you people [ __ ] up and when you inflict deep pain you gotta reward them with an intense pleasure for example let's say somebody let's say a guy god forbid let's say a guy was flirting with your friend right but you're really dating this guy for like three months you kind of like go and stuff like that trust me if you like him you're gonna find a reason to to to stay at home trust me trust me trust me okay um okay when you heard that yeah you heard about her down [ __ ] talking about oh here we weren't a guy so wait when you create a me right and say you you do sort of war further he's fine right flem his friend soon this is scenario whatever you flirting somebody right you get the others you owed them word there should be not back Auggie please cuz he's gonna it's gonna go for one else what you do is now you you you close that bungee and you actually be bored am I saying look let's do this look let's go let's go on vacation let's take a off your government off we can't refuse and offered you want to very be merciful in that offered like whatever the hell doubtful that is a mace you know you look like you let's say bell on home on a date and say you stop you could see him on the whole week because you keep bailing on because you're busy right he's feeling it you're not like weird now to now solidify that to look like I'm sorry and you to hold a my let's go we go to a party big and and okay now I'll make it dinner and stuff like that he's just beating you you don't have any unique experimental occasion both you guys and in that uh vacation what now because you really want to initial call it like look at the first days you show interest okay knock off and he can't like you okay you're not you guys look like in each other victims perfect now you thinking and now you want a little cash in you can feel bit by himself and now that's when they just that's you make a few bumps that's now bond and get seem stronger right and you know you that's just again I think in this to me [ __ ] okay now I'm thinking like a little exactly psycho into that happen for and then I say they and then he breaks up and you guys get back together and I'll eat the bun is like bad shape okay I'll just lost everything current and that point doesn't put it you just like stare just like that I don't I'm thinking I think about this I do believe that you so like you you you're like interesting new cool you just get to get off your board and then say they break it and and it breaks up you guys know you guys get back together at night the Basel so I think that wasn't the phases and then there's a room where it's just they're like you know you just get comfortable which other are the only thing you do in this raise is as little as little moment of what you recreated in the first days you don't create deep pain you just be subtle insecurities like in but more in an excited period of time like not like it's a session shape and there's subtle just little something's right you just keep excited into that but I don't know me like I'm just this is just rambling and maybe I'll take notes from this but yeah that's that's that's what I think in about to getting the whole thing together and and in that I'm trying to also is have a kind of like a sec like when I make the video I'll talk about like this video applies to this kind of problem blah blah blah blah blah okay this is how it's done okay and it's part of the process but I'll say this applies to this phase even though it's specifically meant for this phase you see what I'm saying like reading a guy for example is I have a section how to read a man write that section it says how do we man what what stage does this belong I put all stages all stages you see because it's it's you gotta know how to [ __ ] meet men like doesn't matter if you just got Wilhelmy if you just twenty years in a relationship with this guy you gotta learn how to read man if you never knew despite you see what I'm saying so or then I have like you're he's talked about like inflicting pain deep pain you don't do that in the beginning so I'll say what point at what point does this relate this relates to this and we lay and also is applicable to online dating it's applicable to this kind of scenario and so it's kind of like to to help people not call me that much you know like so they could coach themselves and like I have more time for myself and and claim Abascal points like that it's been busy it's pretty busy holiday for people shave having a tough time out there right from all the work that I'm getting but yeah I like free time for myself you know so I got all I gotta make this I gotta give people more opportunities to get help without me actually doing it live you know because I got a I got live and [ __ ] right anyway yo that's it man I'm out I'm gonna haven't eaten man I gotta eat anyways yo you guys want to check out the book that I'm reading it's war strategies a war or Robert Greene um for example what did you say he let me show you let me show you one part right it's [ __ ] crazy me show you one part right this is chapter 15 we just this is some deep [ __ ] ready look yo hold on to yourself alright since people are constantly struck struggling to control you getting to getting you to act in their interest keeping the dynamics under terms the only way to get the upper hand is to make it is to make your play for control more intelligent and insidious instead of trying to dominate the other side at every move work to defy the nature of the relationship itself I'm sure shift the conflict to terrain of your choice altering the pace and stage to suit you maneuver to control your opponent's mind pushing their emotional buttons and compelling them to make mistakes if necessary let them feel that they're in control in order to get it to lower their guard if you control the overall direction and framing of the battle anything they do we're playing to your hand so it's you see the autumn of opponent to be a to the opponent to the option a in the eruption be takes actually you do have a some see that requires you think on term because we think of Fundy to the overall into you know volley yourself from little petty problems are in present moment as you have a wider procedure because you're gonna life right so the halls you to become to make small decisions you fight or every battle and become decided when you think more less emotionally reactive because you're not you're not allowing people's stupidness to to gravitate your attention to problem that don't really matter you know and so you're more efficient alright and and so that's what strategy is and and then and you see the problem people who think that oh you got a strategy why you gotta do that that's what you do you take a lot seriously yeah then why are you not thinking about it why aren't you you take other things seriously why don't you take love seriously hmm what did you just born with that [ __ ] genes in love you're born to hate you're human humans are naturally self-interested you actually you're actually you actually struggle to be nice you know so you gotta learn to be if you see this is probably we struggle with this if you should be struggling with this that means you've been conditioned to be a certain way to be manipulated to be that way somebody told you to don't don't influence because I influence you're under somebody else's control that's why you struggle controlling things that's why you is that's why even you'll notice that you never control you notice that you know you notice that your life lacks control that whenever you get some control it intoxicates you and it changes you it's kind of when people poor people become rich instantly use notice a change you started sorry like thing acting all bougie and [ __ ] they get a little dose of that and they let that inflate them because that it because that's god that's [ __ ] usually happens you know it's like a girl who gets a new boyfriend she then she suddenly post pictures with him the whole time and everything that does whenever some girls get a boyfriend the Facebook becomes the hope the boyfriend at her right and that's what happens and that's why and that's people just want to find an identity in somebody else and they need to control that god somebody talked about control cuz I was like what I'll [ __ ] I'm talkin buyer but the need to control is is something that every human has and and people act like they don't want to control but seduction is the art of the female aspect of control this more subtler way the more but that's the most the highest form because it requires more thinking it requires a certain level of rationality and that requires you to look at dating from a different perspective a little bit more pragmatic a little bit more cruder not crew merely a little bit more raw and not as from antis eyes so that you can make decisions that's based on your self-interest because a lot of times when you saw romanticize relationships you make a lot of decisions that screw you over meaning because you want to keep the integrity of romance but then you screw you limit your options because something you don't you see and you see a maneuver that you can do because because you have morals because you are you know your this is [ __ ] crazy man this there's old freezing stuff is the last time next time he freezes them out but yeah that's it man good [ __ ] a lot of this stuff that I talked about is is it it's a lot of strategy it's a lot of I like to bring a lot of practical things like in science for example yeah like like in science and and then and in life and just try to make a applying in two villages for example like the second law of thermodynamics things go from order to disorder right and you need some force to actually go from disorder to order right that's what we live in shifts are naturally most people will lose interest over time but you need a force to go from cold to hot so rather than allowing life to just let them lose interest programmatically let them lose interest by you intentionally doing it and then you intentionally creating interest like you you sort of control it like like rather than allowing the normal allowing him to naturally back off you sort of control it you know what I'm saying I don't know I don't know but the point is is that you don't use you it's more control over you I don't know um how that's it by this is the bestest and it's time to leave
Channel: The Toxic Dating Coach - Mindful Attraction 2.0
Views: 151,415
Rating: 4.8439755 out of 5
Keywords: how to make a guy crazy about you, how to make your boyfriend want you more, how to make him chase you, mindful attraction, how to make a man miss you’, how to make him crazy for you, how to make a man fall in love with you, how to get a guy to want you, how to make him obsessed with you, how to make a guy miss you, how to seduce men, mindful attraction 2.0, make him fall in love with you
Id: snD8bDSOHfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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