Don’t let a man bait you into chasing, focus on the process - @dalexisp

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it's that time okay it's that time it's another day another day new [ __ ] another day all right let me show you guys let's have a little conversation all right let me let me let me get my coffee ready and put them in my coffee right now because we we're all gonna have a little conversation right but in the meantime look follow me on instagram i'm trying to get to 10k by the end of the month been ambitious by the end of the year so follow me there if you guys don't know if you guys are always wondering what am i doing you know what books am i reading um what is he doing today what is his habits um how does he go throughout his day um you know where does it go where can i find him where can i creep on him and i should be in the background in the bushes following on instagram you can see the link on the on the link at the lexis p or in the link below downstairs you can check it out right so go check that out man um i'm always posting always and people ask me questions i never answer but that's okay um and if you guys enjoyed this um live stream um super chat and send a little donation it never hurts okay all right let's talk man look man um no i'm making coffee um this is the thing okay you should never let a guy bait you into chasing him right now how do people bait you into chasing you see people think they're [ __ ] slick you know what i'm saying people think they're [ __ ] slick now whether people chase you a big a big part of making people the way people make you chase is you think that they're you think that they're as dumb you think they're dumb you know what i'm saying for example if you text someone and they don't respond to that text you think they didn't see it you think they forgot [ __ ] please [ __ ] don't forget a text message [ __ ] know you texted them you see that they try to bait your ass into texting them back they try to bait your ass and text them twice you should make a rule to never double tax oh [ __ ] you should make a rule to never double text a guy you should make that rule now how do people bait you into chase him again like look this is the theme right this is the theme of this whole of this whole month they're trying to get you emotional you see they're trying to get you emotional for example an x comes back and he shows a lot of interest he's texting you a lot he's liking all your statuses right he's telling you he's in the area but he doesn't ask you out he wants your ass to ask him out you know you know and you should make this a policy for the rest of your life i'm telling you when i say this to you make this a policy for the rest of your life never chase a guy never double text a guy never ask a guy out if he never if he never asks you out first and if a guy ever dumps you never go back to him unless he comes back and pays the [ __ ] price and pays the price whatever the [ __ ] the price you you put make him pay and if he doesn't want to pay that price then he could go in the curb is that simple you know people always trying to bait you to chase man and the way they do that is that they act like they act like nothing happened you know i'm sorry you know i forgot to check i forgot to text you back you know you text him hey why didn't you text him back oh i forgot to take you back [ __ ] please he no got there well he felt he didn't forget to text you back he knows exactly what he did he's trying to get you to double tax you gotta like i tell my clients man i've been look i tell my clients this and i was talking to one of my clients yesterday i told her look man you gotta be an immovable object you have to be in a movable object you have to have standards that you will not break no matter what be an immovable object in other words if you if he doesn't ask you out your ass is not going out with him if you're on a date if you have a date with him that day and he doesn't confirm it just and and and just comes without without without um without confirming you say hey look man i'm not going out because you didn't confirm now this is the thing you want to know what's the key to all of this you want you want to know what's the key to all of this you got to be willing to lose these [ __ ] you got to be willing to lose these [ __ ] and the only way for you to lose these [ __ ] is for you to be in love with your life you gotta find your purpose in life you gotta have something that you wake up to that's not that guy you gotta have something that that fills your heart with fire you gotta have something that you say i just cannot wait to do that i don't know what that is but make that your focus try to find that try to find that because if you don't find that what's gonna happen is that if you don't have a strong base of passion that comes from within and not from a man you're gonna be like a ship without a without a rudder some [ __ ] like that right you're just gonna be led by the wind look man for me reading this book mastery has really changed my life and what this book teaches is for you to find your purpose in life let me show you this right let me show you oh perfect right as soon as i opened it it said strategies to find your life task and i'm gonna read it to you guys and i want you guys to listen right okay let me show you guys um it might seem that connecting something as personal as your inclination and life's tasks will be relatively simple and natural once you recognize the importance but in fact it is the opposite it requires a good deal of planning and strategizing to do it properly since so many obstacles will present themselves in other words distractions you see the following five strategies strategy illustrated by stories of masters are designed to deal with the main obstacles in your path over time the voices of others is infecting you fighting over limited resources choosing false paths getting stuck in the past and losing your way right uh let me see smaller sometimes this inclination becomes clear through a particular activity that brings a feeling of high empower sometimes it's not an object or an activity but rather something in culture that sparks your deep connection and sometimes one's true inclination can be revealed through an encounter with an actual master like for example people who you admire why do you admire them there's something in you that connects with them you must understand the following in order to master and feel you must love the subject and feel profound connection to it your interests must transcend the field itself and border on border on the border of religious these childhood attractions are hard to put into words and more like whatever um go read that [ __ ] book man the point is is man you got to find something that that you're passionate about and that could be your kids that could be raising your kids that could be improving your career but you have to send you that energy somewhere else except a man what guys are going to try to do is to make you focus your psychic energy on them you're going to be thinking of them you're going to be wondering what happened you're going to be wondering why they're not texting you back right and so what's going to happen is that you're going to start chasing them you're going to start looking for certainty you're gonna start asking why haven't you texted me back do not let yourself get to that point and if you are in that point put your resent that feeling resent people who try to make you feel needy resent that reality have a personal vendetta against neediness have a personal vendetta against people who try to make you needy make sure you could make you make that a mental enemy so that you can put all of your power to fight against that because if you don't make that an enemy you're gonna make that your friend and you can continue chasing i don't give a [ __ ] i could lose a girl and i don't care you see because i know that women always try to make you chase i don't know what i walk i walk around the streets right and all i see is dictions i'm look i'm getting to the point where i'm gonna i'll be honest with you i'm getting to the point that i'm gonna start wearing sunglasses i could check them out so they don't see me checking them out because i know women do that women wear sunglasses for eight so that they don't make eye contact with guys and also like so they look they can look at guys without checking them out women are like that too you guys don't like to give god validation so guess what i'm joining that [ __ ] club right i'm getting those glasses and i'm gonna check those girls out without them seeing me checking them out because i want to see them but i don't want to give them the satisfaction you see do not give people the satisfaction of you chasing them don't do it do not do it make that a policy do not give people the satisfaction this this itself will help you not chase this itself will help you not change just the feeling of resentment towards people who try to make you chase will allow you to not chase it will put things into perspective another way is visualizing yourself never chasing visualizing yourself see what would happen one year in the future if you stop chasing men i'm not saying nothing to be interested but to not let a man bait your intuition if your ex come back all happy hey baby let's work it out you know hey baby let's work it out right you don't just let them take you back that easily i'm gonna [ __ ] better pay a price you don't say oh my god baby you're back no you're like hey what's up how's it going you so indifferent right because the good thing is that when you do you think people people are slick people are slippery right they won't act like they like you until you until you show that they like you and then suddenly you're like holy [ __ ] this person is texting me every day right that's your ass you're waiting for that you're waiting for him to text you you're using my strategies right and you're like oh my god i cannot wait for him to text me and he texts you and starts showing interest and then you revert back to your old [ __ ] habits of neediness the game is not over when he starts chasing you it's only beginning it's only beginning when he starts chasing you when he starts chasing you take a little step backwards again and then one step forward and then another step backwards don't let yourself be baited into chasing don't let yourself be baited into sending everyday good morning texts don't let yourself be baiting to ask a woman if he loves you take the fight the [ __ ] bullet bite that bullet let him be the one that does it hey thank you miss for the 4.99 um donation i appreciate it man because look man you have to you have to have this mentality this is human nature man this is human nature you have to have this mentality yes and keep repeating the subject because [ __ ] don't understand this subject [ __ ] seem to not understand this and and so what i need to do i need to drill that [ __ ] in your head like a drill saving through a wood you need to it needs to be drilled in your head you need to think about that constantly because if you don't you're going to keep repeating the same [ __ ] mistakes oh [ __ ] i'm sweating so much it got in my hey man it is what it is man it is what it is um so yeah people follow me on instagram follow me there i'm always posting videos um i actually post videos like that posting that i find hilarious to me you know um yesterday a lot of you guys followed and i really appreciate it i'm trying to get to 10k by the end of the year though i really am it's gonna be kind of cool um um not yet i'm going to mexico i'm going to mexico in a few weeks so i'm gonna get it fixed there um can you make a recap yeah recap is this ma'am um don't let a guy's interest make you think that it's it's okay to let go this is the thing okay look look let's be honest with you guys man everyone what people want in relationships is someone who they can feel vulnerable with someone who they could let go someone with whom you could open up right we have so many emotions inside so many negative emotions so many bottled up emotions because of because of the adult exterior we don't open up because we are afraid of people judging us and guess what that is the truth people judge us so we are looking for someone who we could just surrender to who we could just express ourselves who can who we could reenact our our childhood through them what we liked when we were children and the problem is that they're not our parents these [ __ ] unfortunately they don't they only care about you and to only care about you if you benefit them thank you miss lynn for the 499 um thing right they only care about you if you um if you benefit them right the truth is is that you should not be looking for you should not be looking for someone to completely surrender to you should be surrendering to the moment accept all of your feelings surrender to it observe all those negative sensations observe all the angers inside of you redirect all that energy towards personal development start reading books that enable you to redirect that pain do not use men to relieve you of the pain to free you from your from your mind made prisons do not let a man do that it is not their responsibility you are responsible for yourself and the only way for you to be responsible for your own emotions is to not put men on a pedestal and put your life first look man we all want to find someone who we can open up to that's fine right but when a man is making you chase when a man is playing games with you that's not the kind of guy you want to be with like it's a paradox right it's a [ __ ] paradox and sometimes sometimes you don't know what the [ __ ] you say alexis you say to open up and sometimes don't open up i'm saying you gotta you gotta balance that you see what i'm saying so if you are gonna open up back off after that you know because people will take you for granted people will say oh you know i have this person open up emotionally that will open them up as well and also if you open up make sure they're also opening up don't just open up yourself you know so so because if you're just opening up and the person is not opening up it means that they don't want you to open up and you're just doing it because of your selfish reasons because you have emotions that you haven't dealt with you know so chasing the guy it's all about you releasing those emotions that are pent up that's all that is because when the guy doesn't text you you feel negative he doesn't you don't like that feeling it feels like something is gnawing on is not in your spirit you have to find a way to redirect that with me i'll jack off i'm like oh time to watch porn right here all of that [ __ ] goes out goes out the window right it's a beautiful thing being a guy right until like two hours later right but also i'll read a book right i'll read my i'll start reading my book mastery i'll start reading tony robbins books for example let me show you this like i'll start reading um unlimited my instagram is on the is on the link of the video on the video at the lexus p or under the description below i'll start reading ultimate power right it's a beautiful book and so when i read this book i'll think about my neediness i'll think about what i need right now right i'll find chapters that relate to what i'm going through and what's gonna happen that's sure man you may you may lose a person [ __ ] that [ __ ] it doesn't [ __ ] matter man there's new people coming through you don't live in a village no people coming through unless you live in a village you know that's different right but you find ways to redirect it man you know and and and stop thinking in the now so i'm not into now stop thinking to stop thinking that you need it now think long term think long term focus on the process realize that if you if you'll never chase a guy the guys that want you are going to reveal their cards they're just waiting see you got to make them fold it's all this is all you see it this is not a bluff [ __ ] game i'm not telling you to bluff i'm telling you to be [ __ ] real i'm telling you that if you i'm telling you that if you if he doesn't chase you this is not a [ __ ] bluff your ass is not getting this this is not a bluff some people bluff you not bluff him and if you don't bluff you're going to catch people's bluffs and you're going to realize that a lot of guys are [ __ ] bluffing just like women a lot of women are bluffing a lot of women are just bluffing you are bluffing men you know you know it's just funny how that works man like it's funny how that works man you know it's all about self-love love yourself man the way you love yourself is to work on yourself it's to pay attention to your needs and to find a way to you fulfill this and to find a way to fulfill your own needs you see this is all a symptom of a larger problem it's all a symptom of a larger problem man how do you love yourself like i said man practice meditation observe your pain look into the pain run towards your pain don't run away from it run towards your pain and if any time you feel rejected you might think that the mental image that you see that the guy rejects you is the cause of your pain no is something deeper than that look within that pain read books that will allow you to address that pain re go watch videos that allow you to to address that pain but do not chase a guy to deal with that pain because [ __ ] will sense weakness and when they sense weakness the three laws of human nature exist one humans are always sending signals a weakness two humans humans will attack the weak if they sense weakness they will attack in three humans cannot resist an easy victory even if they're nice people if they see you weak [ __ ] are gonna take your ass i'ma take your ass if i see you or that you're weak and i'm a nice guy right now what limited blowtops [ __ ] yeah come on come over here girl i'm not going to give you what you want but because you're needy i'll take it come on man come on i've done it before right and i'm a nice guy you see what i'm saying and i'm a nice guy if a girl if if a girl just went right it's not a bad thing that's not a negative thing right look man some girl just like giving [ __ ] right ah those girls are [ __ ] gems i love those girls those are [ __ ] gems we need these people in the world i i absolutely adore them and i'll be honest with you man those are the girls that really are out of all the girls man out of all the girls those are the ones that are difficult to let go of man those are the ones that are difficult to let go of because like like i i've dated super [ __ ] sexy ass girls right but the the few girls not the few girls it's a good amount but the one that that that that that just want to give you a [ __ ] like you know like she just said no you could just you could just sit down and and i'll just blow you for a few hours those are the ones that you just praised jesus for existence [Laughter] yeah i don't think matthew hussey ever talk about this ah yeah man sometimes um i'm not gonna say that um [Laughter] i've done some crazy things that you guys may never have you you guys will never know oh man let me say hi to some of you guys what's up sweetest what's up roxy what's up pia um don't forget to follow me on instagram man what's up ash what's up way of life are you again um uh what's up denny what's up sincerely yonah what's up kristen what's up lillian what's up sean what's up everybody type what's up what's up michelle what's up tt what's up inez what's up manoga what's up elena what's up tina what's up marilyn f ten more seconds what's up tamika what's up cleo um what's up luisa what's up wendy what's up sherida what's up signing what's up cordia what's up micah what's up linda what's up osman with something where i was up rice what's up i know who you are right bunny i was uploading what's up hannah what's up d what's up michael what's up dandy what's up maddie okay that's it man i can't read too many it's hot as balls up in this [ __ ] man it's hard as hell anyways man look man just because a guy look if a guy ignores you don't chase him man don't chase him don't think that he forgot to read your text you know if if a guy knows if you're in his city right and he's looking at your stories but he's not asking you to hang out don't ask him to hang out realize that he knows where the [ __ ] you are he knows what the [ __ ] you are he knows that he knows that him as hot as [ __ ] man he knows that right um if a girl if what i do if a guy's cheating on his ex with me well look man if you like that if you don't mind then keep going but if you want something more i mean i don't recommend i mean look girl it's not gonna work out okay it's not gonna work out sorry about that you see dating is a game where the one who needs you less wins in the long run not in the short run in the long run you just have to trust that process always every day visualize visualize yourself never chase him and look how your life will be one year from now i'm telling you raise realize how your life will be one year from now if you never chase i promise you your vision will be very powerful very powerful you're going to see yourself more empowered you're going to see yourself with more self-esteem you're going to see yourself with men chasing you more about the above all you're gonna have more respect for yourself there is there is some self-respect that one loses whenever you chase someone i promise you i felt that too don't give in to it don't take debate never chase a guy okay never chase a guy anyways it's alex mindful um if you guys i'm about to leave soon but if you guys want to donate to my you know you guys want to um give a super chat a donation i'll be i'll be here for like another two minutes um and if not i'll bounce you know also follow me on instagram again i post a lot of things i'm always posting about my life um when i play basketball you guys see me play basketball literally like i'm a very transparent dude you know what i'm saying i'm very transparent um [Music] let's see um i'm a very transparent dude so you guys can see my daily life and you guys will see that life is not crazy man you know my life pretty much revolves around a few things basketball youtube videos and reading books and from time to time just meeting women you know what i'm saying that's what happens um that's pretty much my my my day to day and also hanging out with friends you know hanging out with friends going out with them picking up girls with them i have a buddy of mine when you go out and pick up girls and stuff like that um going out you know it's a it's a very simple life but the difference is that i i have a focus in my head you know i have a goal in my mind you know so everything i do is based on the goal that i have in my mind you know what i'm saying um the [ __ ] people stop commenting no nobody ever told me i remind them of russell brand um you have the most beautiful name i've ever heard the lexus it's a nice thing i never liked it when i was a little kid these are called me deluxe sandwich [ __ ] [ __ ] answer your dm's but i don't answer dms man if you guys ask me questions about your relationships i block [ __ ] man i've done that where where they ask me how are you i'm like i'm doing good how are you doing i'm doing good and then [ __ ] paragraphs of quick questions i'm like you know block i'm sorry man you know i don't deal with that [ __ ] man like it's like you know i put free videos for a reason all this [ __ ] is free i have over 500 videos over 500 videos over 500 free [ __ ] videos you see what i'm saying yeah i have i have a little code i have a little code um hey andre i'm happy you tuned in you look like max for the singer i don't know what the [ __ ] that is but he may be cute he better god you know he better be hot you know people tell me i look like william levy i don't know i don't know but they tell me i look like william levy yeah i hope within the week also yeah uh what to do if it seems like he cares but says everything's okay doesn't seem any kid i mean then withdrawal back off you see you should treat in different you should treat uncertainty treat uncertainty with with with your own availability you don't have to say anything you know if you're noticing if you're on a date with him and he's acting weird and he's acting on interesting oh he's talking about other women right just back off back off let hey lillian thank you for the 1.99 i appreciate it you know treat it with indifference look man use your unavailability as a as a weapon hey janine thank you for all right i can use that to check a lot too thank you so much man i appreciate it man you guys are awesome um i feel very blessed to to to be doing and stuff like that but yesterday i was thinking to myself as i was walking home i was like look man right now my life is on the upward you know what i'm saying um it's on the upward you know and i remember when my life wasn't like that when my life was you know it was it i was i was i didn't have a lot of you know anything but the only thing i had was a vision you know that's the only thing i had and belief in myself and it's kind of crazy what happens when you focus on something hey roxy thank you so much for the 10 donation i really appreciate it um and um but a part of me said the lessons you should right now even though your life is going well let go of it let go of it things don't last things do not last it's much better for you to let go of things voluntarily and not let life take things from you you know amputate yourself from your desires before life does it yourself thank you so much carly for the 2 donations thank you so much um because if you don't things will change and you're gonna get and you're gonna get disappointed you know um you know i had a vision when i was younger when i was 20 okay let's be real about this right i had a vision when i was 20 where i wanted to have you know 14 [ __ ] buddies right 14 girls in the rotation right my friends were like dude that's [ __ ] crazy and i'm like look man if i don't make a huge goal that excites me i'm not going to work for it and guess what i worked so [ __ ] hard that i got to that point but the only reason why it happened was because the goal was so [ __ ] crazy but also i believe in it that it just gave me so much excitement that that excitement turned into energy that excitement turned into creative energy that excitement allowed me to see that vision with more clarity and it allowed me to take all of the pain and endure it because i knew that there was a purpose behind it you see what i'm saying and so sure it was a crazy goal but that was what was necessary so that i could achieve my goals you see what i'm saying you could do anything one life but not everything that's very true 100 yeah you see the things you got to make goals realistic and i found that to be realistic wonder why it was realistic because other guys had it other [ __ ] were doing that [ __ ] so i'm like if other [ __ ] would do it i could do it too you know and then i found out that 14 is too much they want too much attention and i'm like oh i don't know about that girl you know no no man that's a little bit too much so what i learned is to cut that down you know big time bro no no uh-uh serengeti she said see she said bro you're just good looking no no no no no no no no i don't agree with that 100 now because if you're needy a girl doesn't see good looking a girl sees a creepy dude who's needed you know women are not as it's not about looks it's about your masculinity it's about you being an immovable object it's about you not reacting to women it's about a woman is it about women misbehaving in front of you and you're not saying [ __ ] about it you see if a woman talks about another guy if she talks about it she says if she talks about her ex around me right well look man you could talk about your ex talk about your ex right but not around me right so if you want to do that i find that disrespectful so if you want to continue doing that i could just go home or you could go home right and then we could start this all over again call it insecurity i don't give a [ __ ] but you're not you're not i have standards you see what i'm saying stuff like that i didn't have when i was younger because i was afraid to lose those girls right now if if i sense a girl's being is being indifferent i'm out i'm out i i'm not taking that i'm not taking a pint of [ __ ] it's that simple i'm a loser she could go [ __ ] herself you know she could [ __ ] herself i lose it that's fine there's plenty of women out there you know there's tina there's bumble there's there there's okay cute but there's plenty of fish there's christian mingle there's farmers only there's [ __ ] um [ __ ] adult friend finders of the streets there's pickup there's youtube there's instagram there's facebook [ __ ] there's so many options out there man you know what i was gonna say women you know it's just it is what it is man it doesn't work you see i like farmers only farm farm girls are freaky farm girl i love farm girls farm girls don't have a lot of things to do they have a lot of things to think about you know what i'm saying um and when you're bored think okay you have crazy desires when you're bored and i like a girl who's poor bored women who are bored are my favorite i don't like busy girls you know i don't like busy girls you see when a girl when a girl is bored do you i like girls who's bored because i become their entertainment you know what i'm saying [Music] now it goes you don't have to be lonely with oh man you don't have to belong me oh my birthday my birthday is september 11th september 11th man so we are tuesday um so a gift that you guys could give me is follow me on instagram that's my gift okay follow me on this again all right follow me there um yes i'm gonna be 28 and in about a few days 28 in about a few days um so that's going to be fun and i got to admit man i'm happy i'm happy um this year i've grown so much and see what i want to do i want to meet robert green that's my that's what i want to do i want to be robert greene because he has helped me so much man like his books have literally transformed the way i think about myself you know and so that's what i really want to do i want to meet robert green and he's coming out with his new book um his new book um the laws of human nature and i'm hoping i could i'm hoping i could see where he's doing signing so i could mean to do it man and then if i beat that guy man i'm gonna i'm gonna look like a little girl man like he's gonna he's gonna get creeped out by me he's gonna be like what the [ __ ] why is that just smiling at me like a psycho i won't be able to help myself i want people to hurt myself man i won't be able to help myself you know like like like i just won't be able to help myself you know because robert greene he he man his his his writing is just so timeless you know it's just so i meant deep rock chuck brad silly i met him in the streets and he was going like this i'm saying i'm like okay all right he's like he's like thank you oh it's 420 people look at that 420. stay there people oh 419. goddammit um yeah i want to meet that dude man because like he he needs to know how he changed my life you know he needs to know how to change my life such a beautiful mind such a beautiful mind man and his writing is so beautiful man it's just i can't put him into words man like i i admire him i i absolutely admire the way he writes it's it's beautiful man it's you know and look man it's because of him that my content keeps changing if you guys notice the advice that i give now is that the device that i gave two years ago it's not you know that's because i'm always learning i'm always trying to change my perspective a lot of dating coaches you know they take this as a job me this is not my job this is my lifestyle you know i'm learning about dating because i want to improve it for myself and then what i do is if i find something useful for you guys i tell you guys right i don't tell you everything right but i tell you guys you know and and when a dating coach is single he doesn't have that he doesn't have that big creativity you know that you know that big creativity you know like when you when you're when your dick when you want some [ __ ] right you become creative you find ways to get [ __ ] done right and because of that it's like a rod of creativity right and because of that um you come up with new ways you know you learn i i followed i followed the 18 coaches i followed different dating coaches i followed this one dating coach his name is alpha male strategy he always he's like man he's always like man you gotta [ __ ] these [ __ ] with sleep right he talks about he tell him about that if a girl if a girl is indifferent to her and she backs off for a few months he says um i know he's crazy but you know what he's got some genius behind him he's like you know like he this is like he's i'm gonna get my ass licked ass like yeah i'm gonna get my ass licked tonight he's just crazy man he's crazy um what do you think of matthew he's nice he's good he's good i like him i have nothing bad to say about him um yeah man anyways man i gotta go take care of people and um have a nice day let's do two more minutes in case people want to donate a little bit more and i'm gonna bounce okay pull up some coffee and once i finish this coffee it's out people okay road the real rose what do you want to know you don't have to be lonely we're [Music] text cheating i mean i don't know man i mean you could definitely cheat over text it's like cheaters right cheaters remember no it's like catch a predator you don't molest hey thanks virgo hey thank you so much i'm gonna finish it actually let me reach you guys some of my favorite um parts of mastery oh let me show you this one that i started reading um let me see i'm on um chapter four and this chapter is about social intelligence i love this chapter right let me let me show you right i love this chapter okay let me tell you guys one of my plans all right my plan is next month i'm going to start a book club it's going to be a robert green book club it's going to be i don't know how much i'm going gonna charge maybe like 20 i don't know 20 30 a month i don't know but that book club is going to be where i post each day each week a new video and each video is going to be based on the chat of robert green's book so i'm going to go over each book specifically right and and so you guys are going to each each week you're going to get a new video very specific and based on the lessons that i learned from this book right so i'm going to post it and so it's going to be the the book club i don't know i cannot wait i cannot wait i really cannot wait i really cannot wait you know this this is actually i am so excited for that it's just okay anyways um let me show you this all right so this is chapter four from robert green um she says see people as they are social intelligence often the greatest obstacle to our pursuit of mastery comes from the emotional drain we experience in dealing with the resistance and manipulation of the people around us if we are not careful our minds become absorbed in endless political intrigues and battles the principal problem we face in social arena is a naive tendency to project down onto people our emotional needs and desires of the moment again if you don't follow me on instagram i post all this [ __ ] on instagram i post quotes or books like i'm always posting [ __ ] about books on instagram so i'm saying follow me there by moving past so so social intelligence is the ability to see people in the most realistic light possible by moving past our usual self absorption we can learn to focus deeply on to others reading their behaviors in the moment seeing what motivates them and discerning any possible manipulative tendencies navigating smoothly the social environment we have more time and energy to focus on learning and acquiring skills success attained without this intelligence is not true mastery and it will not last right let me show you guys right um okay let me show you some of this part right i don't know you guys could tell i got excited about this okay sorry about that um this okay to adapt okay um to adapt to this they involved mirror neurons which were more refined and sensitive than other primates this meant that they could see they could use these mirror neurons not only to imitate those around them but also to imagine what others might be thinking and feeling oh it prevail at a pre-variable level such empathy allowed for a higher degree of cooperation with the invention of language and the reasoning powers it brought them our instances could take this empathic ability further seeing patterns in people's behavior and deducting and deducing their motivation over the years these reasoning skills became more infinitely more powerful and refined in theory all of us today possess the natural tools empathy and rational thinking to have a supreme understanding of our fellow humans in practice however these tools remain mostly undeveloped and the explanation for this can be found in the peculiar nature of our childhood and our extended period of dependencies compared to other animals we humans enter the world remarkably weak and helpless we remain relatively weak for the many years before we can truly operate on our own this extended period of immaturity lasting some 12 to 18 years serves as valuable function it gives us a chance to focus on developing our brain by far the most important weapon in the human arsenal but this prolonged childhood comes at a price um during this time of weakness and dependency we experience the need to idealize our parents our survival depends on the strength and reliability to think of them as having their own frailties with fillers with unbearable anxiety that's so true that's so true and so we inevitably see them as stronger and more capable and more selfless than they really are in reality we come to view their actions through the lens of our needs and so they become extension of ourselves right um he says let us call this naive perspective although it is natural to have such a perspective because the unique character of our childhood it also it also dangerous because it develops us a childish illusion about people and um distorting our views about them we carry this perspective with us into the adult world into the apprenticeship phase in their work environment the stakes are suddenly raised people are no longer struggling for good grades or their social approval but for survival under such pressures they reveal qualities of their characters that they normally try to conceal they manipulate compete and think of themselves first we are blindsided by this behavior and our emotions are turned up even more than before locking us into a naive perspective to to when people betray us affect us the most of the ones that we do not see coming you see what i'm saying and so we become emotional right and we so and and the thing is is that you don't see it coming right and as a result you don't learn from it you know and so this is this book this chapter is about social intelligence man it's a beautiful book um anyways man i gotta go i thought i'm talking too much man um you're welcome robert green's amazing um [Music] you see it's not about understanding i'm reading the comments it's not about understanding narcissists it's about not even trying to understand these [ __ ] you see the way they bait you is trump is you trying to understand them that's the way they catch you is you trying to i'm going i'm going to am step 14 do not try to understand narcissists or try to reason with them you see robert green in his new book the the the the um the the um the laws of human nature is going to talk about narcissism that's one of his chapters and i cannot wait to talk about that um let me see them yeah man architecture people man you just gotta avoid them like the plague man you gotta avoid them and if they're your parents you know like you gotta real you gotta deal with reality man if your parents are narcissists man you gotta know who they are know how they function and keep your distance it is what it is man it is what it is um okay that's it man i'm out take care people um follow me on instagram the link is below um you know i'm always there posting stuff about myself saying hi to people posting stories and if you guys want one-on-one coaching go to accessing again coaching if you guys want to buy my online course um go to the link below on every other video i didn't post it on this link the link below is on my is my instagram okay anyways take care i gotta go take a shower man i'm sweating i'm i'm hot as balls man i'm sweating like a [ __ ] dog right now take care
Channel: The Toxic Dating Coach - Mindful Attraction 2.0
Views: 313,733
Rating: 4.9134374 out of 5
Keywords: make him chase you, how can I make a guy chase me, How To Make A Man Chase You, how to make a guy chase you, how to make him fall in love with you, how to make a man fall in love with you, how to make a man miss you’, how to make your boyfriend want you more, how to make him chase you, how to make a guy crazy about you, how to make a guy miss you, how to make him crazy for you, how to make him obsessed with you, how to seduce men, make him fall in love with you
Id: aXSXZtx06zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 58sec (2638 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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