How to Make a Guy Forget About His Ex Girlfriend

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[Music] like a bulge yo what up ladies is Alex on my for attraction 2.0 so I decided today to make the video bar how to make your ex how to make your boyfriend forget about his ex you see sometimes you don't know that the guy you're with is on the rebound sometimes you don't know you're leading the league in rebounds sometimes you don't know that the guys you've been with just came out of a relationship and the things you never know you never know because we all know guys see the truth look look the truth is that from coaching I'm not sorry to know these guys are liars when guys are liars and they lie about a lot of holy they lie by the way I'm 65 uh but so how do you make your ex forget about your how do you make sure how do you make your current gather you with forget about okay now let me ask you something why is it that you why is it that you haven't forgotten your ex most 99% of the time because you're hurt 99% of times something happened that you didn't want to happen and you're dealing with the pain you see so that's pretty much it is that the reason why you had he hasn't forgotten about his ex is because they're still lingering pain and the thing is is that pain attraction is what lies on the pain when someone causes you pain that means you like them that means you care about them that means you value their opinion you see what I'm saying so the reason why your ex hasn't forgotten about you his exit while your boyfriend or girlfriend or husband it's still not over his at last girls because he still has wounds so how do you fix that issue how do you heal those wounds well I don't think we're gonna be healing or anything here okay because this is it then you have two optional girl okay you got two options eight one let give him time give him time to confer get her okay that's the first option that's a and and that's the option that most people go for the other one is is to if so traps is to try to to impress him so much please them you know it give them that give him what his ex has it didn't give them to a point that it'll forget forget his ex but the fence is that that doesn't work it's like it's like you it's like you're its it was a kiss I was gonna say it's like your friend trying to cheer you up because your ex broke up with you but that does help so what is how do you do it little big is that if you wanna if you wanted to forget it ex you have to inflict more pain than his ex afflicted on him okay that's pretty much the key is that the reason why he hasn't forgotten this ex is because he hasn't felt any pain from you all right and I'm gonna tell you how to do it and well tell you why that's important before that we got some announcement one coaching sessions one on one coaching go to my for traction at org I also do life coaching people okay it's not just relationship coaching I do life coaching just to let you guys know if you guys want to attend my seminar in New York City okay next month go to mind for attraction ro excites live events links below and also you guys want to get updates on my upcoming course the psychological games of attraction I've got a link below you guys will get to get a VIP I said access when you guys will get a the course before everyone gets it and stuff like that okay so let's get started so essentially is the way to inflict pain on your ex the only way for this to work is is that you guys have to kind of like each other all right there has to be some attraction at least some attraction right and this is why I've dated women who haven't been over drugs okay and looking back at it there I remember a few moments when I could have capitalized on those moments but I did it alright so for example right I'm gonna disguise this because actually there's the truth because I actually thought about this and she didn't mind me telling is rama's a nice girl from California right and she she had him acts before me right anyways hurt her arm his ex cheated on her like five times right and she you know had work for her friends so she had to break up with him right I didn't know that right at the time I was not even beautiful so I was like yeah whatever right so we started hooking up and what now and she it was long this is relationship and every day she would text me every day she will message me and stuff like that and she came to visit me in inner city and we hanged out for like a couple weeks and she will go back right but mind you if we were still seeing each other for a few times and at the other day she went back to her ex this is where I up is that when she left I lost attraction right but because I was too nice I still didn't wanted to feel bad so I was like I try to act like I like there still if I would have acted like I if I would act like I really would have acted which is I said look man we're cool but I don't think which other it was fun I think we're done or even or even because we were seeing other people like it was it was you know those are the relationships that are that are there are there you guys are seeing other people wanna but you don't want to show them that he's seeing other people if she would have seen that I was seeing other people if I would have been honest with her and told her that I'm seeing other people just my pure honesty it would have inflicted enough pain to read ego because I was sitting I was giving her a lot of Attraction I was actually wanting a future with her right and then if I would have backed off and said you know what I don't want that anymore after hanging out with her for like two weeks I'm telling you ma'am it was a distraction with that I had a peek if I were backed off at that moment she would have forgotten about her ex and came to me like remember we only remember those people who hurt us we only remember the people who warned us just think about anyone who you love the most is usually people who hurt you so in order to get your ex forget about you your boyfriend to get away that's you gotta inflict more pain than the previous acts that simple so you gotta think about this find the peak are you at a peak right now it could be that you guys it could be for example you can say oh this is we're on a downward trend okay that's fine find that downward trend and when you notice a small peak even though it's on a downward trend this little peak right here do it right there do it right there why because the contrast but the feeling shitty bad relationship oh we're pretty good this is amazing I want to see a future BAM you take that off now though taking off could be anything it could be you Lily to start packing a weight like you make the promise one huh and then you back off the reason why you're doing this because you want to imagine himself with you like when you say let's be together right even though he's not over his ex he's gonna still think about that but because you're backing off you're flicking some pain your value is mind automatically Rises I'm telling you man I'm telling you this works man or you could even put a little triangle where what you liking me like him you like him right but then he showing some attraction right like the attraction you have but then you start including somebody else you start you start surrounding yourself by guys by attending a class in yoga class what we talk about talking about your yoga teacher how your yoga teacher wants to give you individual classes or how you're gonna take individual classes from your yoga teacher John stop being so paranoid John I'm just taking individual classes with my teacher he's a great teacher you see like those things I'm telling you man like you have to inflict some pain more pain in the previous X now if the axe broke up if your ex cheating on him of course you're not gonna cheat at home right but you're gonna give them the you're gonna give them that power oh yeah that you might cheat on home but at the same time cover your tracks for example let's say you can uh let's say you can act like you're going out with a guy right right and you'll be like by the way baby I'm let's let's not hang out tonight I'm gonna hang out with my friend and they were like over who's your friend just my friend who's your friend just my friend I'll tell you like like okay home when I get home you leave right I'm assuming that you guys are long distance right whatever and then he's text you hey where you are at 11:00 p.m. no no and you don't respond 12 p.m. 12 a year you don't respond 1 a.m. you don't respond 3 a.m. you text them yeah just got back home it was such a great time he takes the phone he's like this texted me a 3:00 a.m. what the and why is she so happy and then you make sure that during that night you take pictures with your friends and then you send them pictures look man you see I was where my friends the pain has already been inflicted he really feels that pain he's capable of oh okay like the Dow's already gone but the pain was already done right another way to do it is is to break up a home look man look look okay this happened with me okay this is how you get somebody to figure out their exes you could you could make it put it at the peak where everything's good and then you break it off you got to think long term what are you doing is it's just temporary a long term think long term this will mean he's gonna come back to you regardless regardless he's gonna come back to you because he already feels the pain of rejection from his from his ex he's not gonna go back to her maybe he won't but who knows right but wait wait when when you say I don't know I gotta think about it I don't know if this is gonna work out and I think about it you still give him hope if I guess I you you have a small dick we're done no you give them hope you give them some hope because hope is what keeps people prisoners they become prisoners of hope and that's how you don't do it I'm telling you man this is how you get someone to forget their ex this is that like look I've made videos check out the video ten ways to make him weak for you check out the video on the hot-and-cold tactic that's how you do it okay it's not true pleasure or being a perfect girlfriend mm-hmm it's too inflicting some pain simple as that yo let me tell you something man this is what I'm gonna be teaching on my course on the psychological games that have traction these kind of games all right if you're interested in that yo check that out because there I'm gonna show you about how to avoid manipulation how to do manipulation how to brainwash brainwash people right how to counter manipulations how to how to get out of the voidable situations how to create obsessions how to make you forget about his ex I'm gonna go deeper into this topic yo it's just gonna be the all right anyways I gotta go take care and check I'll go to my seminar New York City man what the all right every week is gonna get more expensive just letting you guys know every week I'm gonna raise the price right now it's 1999 next week it's gonna be higher and higher and higher and higher right why because I don't want people to slack off I want people to do it right now right because if you guys want to get it last minute it's gonna cost little bit more like an airline like the airlines all right goodbye take care
Channel: The Toxic Dating Coach - Mindful Attraction 2.0
Views: 51,567
Rating: 4.931973 out of 5
Keywords: mindful attraction, mindful attraction 2.0
Id: xx7s_bOMRG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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