If He Pulls Away, Don't Give Him Space, HERE'S WHY

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wait a minute wait a minute so rather than pull them away when a guy pulls away you rather just do [Music] all right ladies this is alex your toxic dating coach today we're going to be reacting to another dating coach i never seen this video but the title of the video is very very interesting so let's see what he has to say because this must be some magical magic [ __ ] right here this has to be some like [ __ ] chronicles of narnia magical tactic because i've i don't know what what you i don't know what you're gonna do if a guy pulls away that's not pulling away that doesn't make you look needy jesus christ i don't know what i was gonna say so bro you look like a goo cool guy um honestly we're both wearing the same thing right um so i hope there's some good [ __ ] going on here bro um so by the way this question was asked by one of our fellow patreon supporters as you guys can see for 25 hours a month they were able to ask me a question and make a video about that question ladies and gentlemen for twenty dollars a month you could join the book club for ten for uh five hours a month you could watch the videos that i don't post on youtube okay um and one last thing is i also have a course for women called the natural game of attraction i mean the sounds like a good title but it's called natural chemistry which is a course for women in relationships if you want to strengthen your relationships if you want to make your boyfriend like you husband like you more become more passionate about you this is the course for you it's pretty much a course on how to how to maintain interest and how to make sure that he doesn't play you and the other course is the psychological game of attraction which is for women who are single so go check it out or close on the channel as you can see right there all right let's let's see what he has to say and and um i hope it's not crazy stuff okay so let's let's begin this and now i'm jonathan asley of jonathan.com and i'm so excited to be shooting this short video for you today our topic don't don't give a man space when he pulls away and here's honestly i don't know what the alternative it is what are you gonna do a backflip spinner rooney [ __ ] double monkey flip like honestly like what are you gonna say like and like i said we funny how we're both wearing the same thing why okay don't give a man's face when he pulls away here's why okay really quickly if this content here resonates with you uh and you've been interested in hiring a coach check out the link below yeah check out this link go ahead and check it out if you want man free discovery call to see if working with a coach is right for you and that call is with me all right our topic don't give a man space when he pulls away so there's this interesting um point of view i've heard from others in my industry that says when someone pulls away in relationship and this is mostly centered around men pulling away in a relationship that what you should do as a woman is give him space you give him space okay now here's the interesting thing about this uh oh oh lord i don't like where this is going i'm not a fan where this is going bro you look a good guy but i'm i feel like i'm gonna have to call you out a little bit let's hope i'm wrong and by the way you give him space you focus on yourself and allow him to come back and claim you okay that's the advice you give him space you focus on yourself and then you allow him to come back to you and you allow him to claim you and you don't accept him unless he's claimed you back well well the way i like to do it is that if you come if you pull away and you come back you're gonna have to either like like some like like ams says you're gonna have to lick my ass or you're gonna have to lick my toes or you're gonna have to write a five page letter where i should take your ass back you know or you're gonna have to run around the street on your underwears with a shirt that says i love melissa or i love alex whatever the point out of your girl the point is is that if you don't make the guy pay for leaving the next time he leaves he's not he's he's not going to be afraid but if you make him lick your ass he's going to have like am i saying he's going to have that sweet taste of ass in his his mouth and he's going to re he's going to think about it twice leaving you you know but let's say what he has to say okay that's the advice first off when someone's taken space when someone's pulled away they're the ones who took space there is nothing you can do at this point because they're the ones who took space okay here we go what you could do is let go what you could do is put them in your mental gauntlet where you say if this [ __ ] comes back i'm not taking him anymore and people could feel when you people can feel when you get over them because they come back so it's kind of like yeah he could pull away but i could also pull away even further okay if he's pulling away and he's not texting us as much then you text him even less that's how the game is played because if he likes you he's gonna say what the [ __ ] is going on and then you can say well you're doing the same [ __ ] too you know but let's see what you have to say so you can't give someone space when someone who's already taken space so i i just find that ludicrous there's nothing you know that person's already taking space he kind of looks like the older version of elliot scott doesn't he holy [ __ ] he got good he got a good head of hair look at him bro he's lucky he got good hair they've taken space okay you can't give them the space they've already yes you could because you could say if he comes back i'm not gonna be there taking it so does that first off make sense yes no it doesn't yeah i do agree that when someone pulls away that chances are or not chances are well let's get to why they pulled away in a second but when they pulled away what's most important is you nurture your soul you nurture your sovereignty you nurture your self-love and if you need support and help on nurturing your self-love then i highly recommend you checking out my book okay go ahead check him out i'm not gonna i'm not gonna hate on the man making his money to be honest what the heck is self-love anyway by jonathan asley there's a link below called this relationship you're madly in love with each other and a guy takes a little bit he pulls away a little bit that's a very natural reaction because human beings all need time to recharge their batteries to not that's true i'm not a lot that is true like in everything in life even it doesn't matter how much you love something you're gonna take a break like even with drawing like i draw like by the way these are some of the draws that i do for my clients who joined the 50 club on patreon you see those kind of drawings but i even even i take breaks when it comes to passions passions in life are not just linear they go up and down you sometimes like it and you sometimes don't like it you know so it's like i do agree with him when a guy pulls away doesn't mean he's he's he's pulling away forever but if he pulls away in the beginning is a problem but if he's pulling away after three or four months and when i mean pull away i don't mean he he stops texting you i mean that you know he cancels the day you know he wants to date himself a guy wants to miss you so i understand but the thing is if he pulls away give him more space than necessary make him say hey baby why aren't you contacting me make him miss you don't just stand there like a [ __ ] break like you're just gonna look needy not be so fully you know um expectant on taking care of someone else's needs so there's going to be times when people are in a juicy delicious loving relationship that they just need a little bit of space but it doesn't mean space from the relationship it just they just need a little time to recharge their batteries that's a very common healthy thing to oh and i agree with that i agree with that you know what let's ask her tyrone what do you think about taking space tyrone likes in space okay when tyrone when tyrone is tired of a girl i want her leaving a [ __ ] low okay i want her to leave me and my weight too low anyways bro i gotta go back to working out tyrone out [ __ ] all right okay okay easy he's aggressive sometimes man like yeah let's hit you and couples that are happily in relationship they take time for each other that's a healthy thing to do when a guy actually pulls away from the relationship he's pulling away that means he doubts the relationship that means he's doubting you that means he's doubting him so he's pretty much saying the difference there's different types of pull aways there is pulling away because he doesn't like you anymore and he's doubting about whether this is the right decision and his emotions you gotta understand people begin to think clearly when they're when they're when they stop liking you when their emotions are ahi their thoughts are charged with emotions so their emotions are not their thoughts aren't rational but when somebody all of a sudden all of a sudden start saying baby we're not compatible you work all day i live 20 miles away this can't work out you're like why are you bringing this up now you know and that's because his emotions from you are going down now he's thinking logically not all of a sudden like it's a it's a struggle to drive three hours right but when the emotions are charged in your decision-making it makes sense to do that so one of the signs that somebody stops liking you is going to start thinking rationally you know and chances are he's not ready to fully commit into a relationship so when a guy in your let's just talk about you're in a casual relationship or an uncertain relationship you're in a casual relationship or an uncertain relationship this is the time you actually lean in and ask what the heck is going on we don't give someone space we check in because you don't want to invest one minute on your own thinking he's going to come back when he has no intention of coming back well okay if you know the guy if you're dating a guy and it's the first two or three months and he's pulling away he's canceling plans the only time i would tell you well look i just it's just that confronting him about why he's pulling away i get it it satisfies the ego and i get it it kind of like i i i'm not gonna i do kind of agree with him but i don't want you to do it in the beginning so if if in the first month he is pulling away leave him alone and if in the first two months he's putting away leave him alone you know like like let him walk away don't text him interview you never hear from him again and it wasn't meant to be but if you guys are if you guys are like boyfriend and girlfriend and he's pulling away like what i would do is give him give him give him a chance to give him his space give him a week or two and then just start telling him look man i'm not happy with this you know or better yeah honestly i'm going with what he's saying but i just think there are better ways the better way for you is just to if he if he stops contacting you for a week let's just say you've been together for two months he stopped contacting you for a week then you do it for two weeks and then you get him to complain if he says hey baby what the [ __ ] man like like hey man why aren't you hitting me up what's going on you know like aren't we together and stuff like that and then you say well tyrone you've been you've been put you pulled away too and i thought you wanted space that kind of stuff but if he doesn't complain to you you know if he doesn't complain to you and if he doesn't say what's going on then that means you're doing him a favor you get what i'm trying to say the mediocre relationships those are the ones when the person pulls away it's because there's huge doubt going on so you want to gain clarity and and some certainty around what's going on this is why i highly recommend the book eight dates by dr john gottman before there was another book in the seminar dude is [ __ ] he's writing everything to go inside the vagina understand the mechanics of a healthy happy relationship including one of the chapters in here is when you have conflicts and learning how to resolve them because here's the bottom line ladies he's taking space now you can go take care of yourself and hope you're going to be hoping hoping hoping hoping now what i would go is develop the mindset that this will happen and it's inevitable and when it happens you just say okay it happened and keep moving and if you hear from him again make it a pleasant surprise i'm sorry like it's just it's just too many people do this and and you have to train yourself to to to be a little a little bit pessimistic you know and that's just my perspective because it's kind of like especially with younger people i think he's talking to an older audience you know but especially with younger people people they do this more often so you have to expect that they're not going to pan out so that so you know and even though and even though he's like even though he says baby i promise you i don't have on the other women you're the one for me i miss you girl you know like don't believe what anybody says about tyrone tyrone will always be there for you you know even though he says that the more he says how much he likes you in the beginning the more suspicious you should be and never focus on the words focus on the actions and never focus on the positives focus on the negative if he smacks the [ __ ] out of you and then he says he misses you focus on the negative because that says a lot more than the positives positive things are words positive words and actions are used to disguise are used as smoke screens are used to disguise negative actions good companies companies nike gives money to minorities to hide the fact that they use slave labor like that kind of stuff you know you use good deeds to hide the negative deeds open hope and hoping he's gonna come back and claim you because you're so into your feminine energy right now that he's just gonna naturally come after you well understand this homie i don't know your name but guys always come back dicks always come back maybe hearts don't but dicks always come back and guys usually come back for the most part but they they they come back for some po-pom you get what i'm trying to say so you got you got to be able to to tell the difference between why he's coming back and always assume he's coming back for poom poom no that's a croc the reasons why he became pulled away or distant are a lot of heavy [ __ ] that means i didn't expect the white guy to curse probably not capable of being in a relationship no maybe he don't like you you know because if a guy is not capable of being in a relationship and he still likes you they're called narcissists they're called toxic people they they're like like like you know it's kind of like imagine imagine tyrone saying like man i don't i i don't feel like i don't feel like i'm together inside man i don't feel like i haven't i haven't healed yet so i'm not gonna go against a pump pump that makes no [ __ ] sense a guy's gonna use poom poop to heal it's not they're not women they're not gonna say baby i'm not gonna be with you because i haven't healed [ __ ] don't need to hear when it comes to when it comes to their dicks you get what i'm trying to say like a guy is never gonna leave me because he's not ready like come on that's just rationalizing the fact that he doesn't feel for you anymore chip this is why i highly recommend you checking out the book non-violent community jesus christ how many books this this is like bob the librarian here man communication by marshall rosenberg so you can learn how to ask what the heck is going on this is be careful people use this for relationships because if you barely know the person this will backfire on you this whole we need to talk [ __ ] a lot of time looks like weakness to people it's in this era so you got to be careful with this kind of honest communication like it's not that i'm for it it's not that i'm against it but too many people are too manipulative maybe i'm projecting okay so take that with a grain of salt are you saying that you're manipulative and that's why you're projecting father alex will never ever ever manipulate you melissa right tyrone all right let's go because here's the thing you've given them space and by the way sometimes this space could be weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks that's not how two grown-ups operate in relationships yeah man look man if this guy's giving you weeks of space this guy don't give up about you it's best to move out don't even ask me how i should get him back learn to accept what you see learn to ex stop poking us alex okay sorry learn to accept what you see with your own eyes chip if you want to be with a grown-up a man who's a genuine grown-up then you better again another book that both you should be reading before the penis gets to go inside the vagina is the [ __ ] this [ __ ] says penis in vagina man that's how i mean why you gotta be so [ __ ] scientific do you also call it fellatio also commingles whatever you [ __ ] it is i don't know four agreements the four agreements here's the bottom line and i'm tired of this not calm down white guy [ __ ] jesus christ white rage like oh my god like he's pissed off all right sorry dude happening because two people aren't making a commitment before sex these are ambiguous relationships it's what esther perel calls stable ambiguity which is companionship connection and sex and the ambiguous part is the commitment to the process of exploring a relationship what you should be doing is getting really crystal clear on what your standard oh i'm yelling yeah you are yelling at me actually like seriously dude like what the hell did i do to you yeah say sorry to the lord actually voice might you get really crystal clear on the standards that you want for yourself and say this is your bare minimum you're going to even accept in beginning exploring a relationship do you hear what i'm saying exploring a relationship exploring commitment there's a consciousness there's a intentionality there's purpose but the problem is that not when you come with that intensity at first god's gonna say yo this [ __ ] mother teresa girl was trying to marry me the first date like unfortunately when it comes to this dating world today you got to act like you don't want them like like it's just how the game is played now you know it changed because too many options now purpose behind this but of course we can just sit back and lean back and just get that dick sucked oh yeah let's go being nice and toxic today our feminine energy and just hope guys are gonna gravitate towards it's not gonna work no yeah we will for a second when we want to get laid but that's not if you want to be in a healthy relationship then you got to learn the mechanics of a relationship and that's why i recommend you check out natural chemistry the reality is ladies men are clueless and so are you because i can tell you most of you have no clue how a healthy happy relationship works you know why because you're watching these videos if you're watching these videos as chances are well at least my videos are a little different why no i feel attacked right now don't you guys feel attacked right now i feel attacked you know what people congregation let's close our eyes heaven music let's close our eyes this guy is insulting the toxic community lord i ask you to smite this white guy lord lord smite him right now lord he's talking about your child lord smite him in your neck attack attack attack attack attack amen lord amen all right let's continue watch susan winter's videos she's just just you know i mean i don't know it's a beautiful family though you would know all this stuff and you wouldn't be choosing men that would pull away and then you're trying to figure out how to get them back stop trying to get a guy who's pulled away back get crystal clear on what's going on and then move on and take care of really okay so what he's saying is that rather than pull away know your standards i don't know i don't i really don't know what he said when it comes to pulling away to be honest with you i mean um yeah i guess he said communicate but again it just depends where you guys are if you're in the beginning of the relationship don't let him walk away but if he got a boyfriend and girlfriend he's pulling away pull away for a while give him a shot to come to you make him feel make him feel he's losing you and if he doesn't care then go up and say look man the [ __ ] like like what's going on like we need to talk or do you want this or what if he's just baby like you know [ __ ] you know i'm sorry i you know like i'll i'll change you know and if he does if he says that give him another shot if he pulls away again man kick him up kick him out man kick him out cause it's a habit people never do things just once never remember that never forget that if they cheated they'll cheat again if they hate you he'll hit you again if he called your name he'll call you names again okay all right all right ladies i hope you guys enjoyed this video man um what's this guy's channel name his name is jonathan aslay so if you want to go check him out by clicking on this on the description down below this is your toxic dating coach stay toxic about friends all right ladies so finally i have released my second course warming which is natural chemistry this course is a five week course five-week course where every week you're going to get a new set of videos based on based on specific issues this course is all about how to create and maintain the attraction in any man this will help you create love this will help you deepen the love with your man this is not about manipulation this is not about playing games this is genuine genuine natural chemistry no more short-term partners no more being fooled why because i will reveal to you not only how to create attraction in the first week but also how to understand male nature how to understand their tricks how to prevent from being a too attached signs that he's the wrong guy signs that he's a narcissist sounds like he's a mama's boy signs that he's an emotionally available guy emotionally unavailable guy we go over everything we go over this third week setting boundaries we go over the third week controlling your emotions right setting boundaries fourth week fifth week embracing your masculine and the feminine right and on top of that i come i have over 10 different bonuses 10 different bonuses my lord have mercy right with a money back guarantee the bonus are one the natural chemistry over 10 hours of content right the breakup formula how to deal with a breakup right the connecting with your man right establishing a life of abundance social mastery understanding your dark side the goal setting seminar which is about how to set and achieve goals practical mastery that would teach you how to master anything the laws of human nature i will come that i have a book club for the laws of human nature where over four hours of content right the transformational seminar in our pocket which is my mindfulness seminar and the chase audiobook this is a this originally is 1 800 but you get it starting at 97 ladies and gentlemen right 97 we have different packages but all of this starts at 97 and you know what you can check it out for free if you want yeah for the free loaders i have free videos just for you free videos all right so you can just check it out for free and then you can get out nothing wrong with that all right so and on top of that it comes with a 30 day money back guarantee no questions asked that's right no questions asked i don't mind i just want you guys to check it out because i know when you take one look you're going to want to buy it i could promise you just like my other course on the psychological psychological game of attraction it was a hit you're gonna love this one this one is not about manipulation this is genuine natural chemistry order it now all right i'll see you guys inside peace out
Channel: The Toxic Dating Coach - Mindful Attraction 2.0
Views: 37,799
Rating: 4.9203086 out of 5
Id: hB6nwtE5TsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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