HOW TO GIVE A MAN THE PAIN THAT HE WANTS (3 Ways to Inflict Pain that Creates LIFETIME obsession)

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warning this video contains content that's dark and manipulative it's only for defensive purposes and for entertainment viewers discretion is advised [Music] all right ladies so today we're gonna get a little dark and this is something that how can i say this it's it's it's what makes my channel different from most channels i'm one of the only dating coaches who sort of um gives advice with dark psychological tactics but also i like to give you guys a warning because i don't want to create a gang of abusers all right that that that is not my my purpose what this is more for the knowledge so that it's not used against you guys and so that you guys can use this with appropriate force in other words use it responsibly i'm handing you over a very powerful weapon right now use it responsibly because if you mess with the wrong guy some people have a long memory and sometimes you don't know you're messing with the wrong guy because usually they're just quiet they get revenge and the quiet all right so be careful who you the users are now let's begin all right so the key to what we're going to be talking about in terms of creating pain and giving the pain that he wants it sounds wrong but it's all about creating guilt and insecurity because guilt and insecurity is what makes somebody more viable to bend to your will and when you do this you sort of become the end-all be-all to a god you are the one that's able to wound him and at the same time heal his wounds you see you become the oppressor and you become their liberator in a way right but if you really think about it ladies just think about this anyone who's in love with you you have that kind of power over them the problem that happens the reason why women have unsuccessfully seduced the guys the reason why some women struggle getting the guys they like is because they're able to bring him in but they're not willing to give him the finishing blow not that not the kind of blow that we're talking not the kind of blow that you know not that kind of blow but you know the finishing blow right because the key to all of this is this the lower the lows the higher the highs and you think guys don't want that but think about it guys usually want the women who hurt them the most it is that [ __ ] simple guys usually find us out about the women who they who causes them to feel more empty inside who causes reality to seem almost mundane without them in their lives right so as long as this looks this is just based on purely observing what works and what doesn't work right so if you think this is moral or wrong then too bad for you because this is just reality right so this is how you do it right the first method we're going to be using because we're going to be teaching you guys three different ways to give the pain that the guy wants right the first one is this [Music] the good boss effect what i mean about the good boss effect a good boss a good manager a good master right like it could be a boss at a job knows how to give praise to an employee right a good a good manager makes you feel good but a good manager also instills a little fear in you a good manager instills a little a little anxiety inside right a good manager makes you feel guilty when you do something wrong that's why women a lot of women fall in love with their bosses that's why a lot of women end up liking their balls is because a boss shows a lot of coldness mixed in with warmth in other words this is what bosses do right bosses give you harsh criticism they make you feel a little inferior from time to time right they'll tell you this is what you're doing wrong you got to fix it right and that and that criticism makes you feel down so then when you do what's right they give you praise and all of a sudden they have a control when you feel good and when you feel bad so how do you do it how do you use the good boss effect on the guy you're with right simple as this for the first few weeks of seeing home right if you're a nice girl right this applies to the nice girls because if you're if you're me if you're a [ __ ] then you gotta don't this doesn't apply to you but if you're nice girl what you want to do is is first create a sense of security right you you are consistent with him you show him your good faith that's how you bring him in right you bring him in with the nicest right but after a few weeks of knowing him three weeks four weeks of knowing home right you switch it up and you give him a criticism that's based on his character that's true for example if i'm with a woman and she never initiates contact or if i'm with a woman and she's very critical of people i could just say hey look man i'll be honest with you man i like you but you criticize people a little bit too much you know and and and it's not that i don't like you but you just criticize people it's a little hypocritical of you man and i just i don't know about that or i could say hey man you know what every single time we hang out it's always me having to initiate this you know i maybe you think you're better than me and stuff like that but i don't like to roll that way because i give you the respect that you deserve and and i just feel like you don't give that back you literally criticize them credit find something to criticize find anything to criticize that's legit and for example it could be that that they get angry a lot the point is find something to criticize and what happens then after you find something to criticize say it and then revert to you being nice right so you give them harsh criticism and then you return to being nice what that does is that it pulls a person's self-esteem down it makes you feel it makes them feel a little little it makes them feel a little right and and and what they'll want is they want to see that nice version of you it doesn't even have to be criticism it could be that this they did something genuinely wrong and you call them out on it right and you show them another face of you and then once you're finishing calling them out on it once you finish scoring them you return to being happy it's almost like when you're when you're a parent you beat the [ __ ] you have to beat the [ __ ] out of your right hispanic friend dude right you you whip him you say this is because i love you and then you make them some rice and beans that contrast of of of of criticism punishment with love and warmth creates a cycle of addiction that makes people fall in love with you now the first the key is to the key is to first create an image in a person's head that you're somebody that's fair right so it takes time to do this so if you if you already have this image if you're already a nice girl you could do this [ __ ] tomorrow find something to talk about for example the girl that i'm talking to she got mad at me or something right and obviously she was right about it right and she was like hey man i don't like that you did that and you know what when she did when she said that for what finally she said something finally she said something i felt bad i feel bad it works people it works the second thing [Music] so the last one was about creating um guilt right creating insecurity but but this the last one was a little bit too direct this one is more indirect and more insidious and to be honest with you indirect is much better than direct so all you got to do is learn how to insinuate things and create insecurities through your insinuations for example so you could talk about how let's just assume he's a skinny guy all right he's a skinny guy right remember it's all about creating security so you can just talk about how oh man yeah i love will smith is so big ah man i love watching him he just he's just so sexy stuff like that right if you if you want to feel insecure just praise a guy that's big and strong right or praise a guy that's rich right or praise a guy let's just say this guy has a nine to five the guy you're talking to praise a guy who has um financial freedom right let me give you my kids the guy i was talking i was talking to a girl and her ex that she loved right was a big black guy right and he worked out right and at the time i was skinny so she just insinuated that she fell in love with him it's subtle but you know what what happened to me i started working out and when i started working out as i was working out i wasn't just working out i was thinking of impressing her as i'm working out right you know some parents that are bad say i love how how how your cousins are oh i love your cousin he's so responsible what are you gonna say [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you saying man i'm not responsible too right stuff like that praise and talk about people who have traits that he doesn't have it'll naturally create an insecurity and he'll naturally start to begin to sort of be that better representation that you have in their in their heads rather than having that person they want you to think of them as you think of that person if that makes any sense right or just talking about how you go to the gym hey listen he doesn't go to the gym and she goes to the gym just talk about how oh man all these guys are working now i love it man it just motivates me you don't have to say i love watching tyrone [ __ ] do work nah nah you just talk about how you love being in an environment when people work out and and just seeing everybody in shape and it's just he's a fat soul like me right look louise you got fat so i am look at that look at that don't don't do that to me people that'll make me feel insecure and if you guys make me feel insecure you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna close the channel ladies and gentlemen that's why don't make me feel insecure the next one is this man by the way i want i want to say thank you to all of my patreon supporters right and you'll see them right here right because a lot of them is because of them that this channel has peripheral aided and has been successful so say thank you to all of them right the breakup method the preempt the breakup right the preemptive breakup is all about creating a little chaos in a guy's life right and again i said this earlier think about the relationships that you always wanted it's usually the people who break your heart this is risky people this is risky breaking up with people people are more forgiving than you imagine people are more forgiving than you could imagine by you breaking up with him over an argument that's legitimate that is like let's just assume that he talked to another girl or let's assume that he took a whole day to text you back breaking up with somebody shows them that you're somebody who's not to [ __ ] with now this is the key though you break up with them you delete their number you tell them not to contact you but you find a way to run into him again people a lot of you guys not gonna do this because it takes a lot of risk and i don't recommend you guys do this but this works right it's all about you breaking up with him over something that that that is legitimate because everybody has a reason to break up right blocking him making him feel feel like you he's never going to see you again because it's all about taking him to the island of despair a place where he feels like he has no hope for you and then orchestrating a way to see him orchestrating a way to run into him and when you hit when you do run into him you act as though you're not mad anymore you act as though you didn't break up with him yeah oh my god it's you and what that does it makes me feel how can i say this it lowers a person's guard i i know it's [ __ ] up i know it's [ __ ] up but this it worked on me people i'm just letting you guys know this this worked out me like i'm not saying that when you break up on you see him randomly right and then you act cold no no no no cause you want to confuse the [ __ ] you you act like you're happy to see him you act like you were waiting to text him but you just forgot you say hey let's hang out hey let's do this hey let's do that ladies and gentlemen i'm not going to go any further with this method because i could talk about it some other time but this is [ __ ] up you got to make sure who you do this on because this is borderline abuse but then again isn't being heartbroken a form of abuse isn't being in love a sort of masochistic indirect way of feeling pain ladies and gentlemen the love the world of love isn't the place where the nice people thrive it isn't a place where the morals some of the where the people who are moral in it's a place where you got to be a little cunning and a little strategic mixed thing with love of course as long as you genuinely have intentions with this guy and you really want to be with him this is how you do it but it's a little risky it might create the false the kind of attachment that you might not want which is obsession and it might give you a thirst for more power so you want to be careful with this and just see it as entertainment if anybody does this to you just realize that this person either one does not like you or respect you or appreciate you or they're manipulating you you know what i'm saying ladies and gentlemen if you're interested in this kind of topic we're going to be doing the artist adduction next month in my book club on patreon right we're moving over to my website actually i'm starting a website patreon on my website because youtube my shout out shut down my channel i don't trust patreon too much so i'm doing my own patreon on my own website as a way to not let them control us as a way to make sure that this channel continues on and spite what people think because i'm here trying to help the nice girls be bad at least to get what they want ladies and gentlemen all right ladies um to all of my the lexians out there this is it that's the word for you guys to lexians um don't forget to hit the comment let me know what you guys think is it [ __ ] up has it worked on you and um hit the like button and subscribe or hit the notification button so that you guys can get notified when my videos go up peace out my friend and enjoy your day as a way to make sure that this channel continues on in spite what people think because i'm here trying to help the nice girls be bad at least to get what they want ladies and gentlemen all right ladies um to all of my the lexians out there this is it that's the word for you guys dylexians um don't forget to hit the comment let me know what you guys think is it [ __ ] up has it worked on you and hit the like button and subscribe or hit the notification button so that you guys can get notified when my videos go up peace out my friend and enjoy your day all right ladies so finally i have released my second course women which is natural chemistry this course is a five-week course five-week course where every week you're gonna get a new set of videos based on based on specific issues the this course is all about how to create and maintain the attraction in any man this will help you create love this will help you deepen the love with your man this is not about manipulation this is not about playing games this is genuine genuine natural chemistry no more short-term partners no more being fooled why because i will reveal to you not only how to create attraction in the first week but also how to understand male nature how to understand their tricks how to prevent from being too attached signs that he's the wrong guy signs that he's a narcissist signs that he's a mama's boy signs that he's an emotionally available guy emotionally unavailable guy we go over everything we go over this third week setting boundaries we go over the third week controlling your emotions right setting boundaries fourth week fifth week embracing your masculine and the feminine right and on top of that i come i have over 10 different bonuses technical bonuses my lord have mercy right with a money back guarantee the bonus are one the natural chemistry over 10 hours of content right the breakup formula how to deal with a breakup right the connecting with your man right establishing a life of abundance social mastery understanding your dark side the goal setting seminar which is about how to set and achieve goals practical mastery that will teach you how to master anything the laws of human nature i will come that i have a book club for the laws of human nature where over four hours of content right the transformational seminar in our pocket which is my mindfulness seminar and the chase audiobook this is a this originally is 1 800 but you get it starting at 97 ladies and gentlemen right 97 we have different packages but all of this starts at 97 and you know what you can check it out for free if you want yeah for the free loaders i have free videos just for you free videos all right so you can just check it out for free and then you could get out nothing wrong with that all right so and on top of that it comes with a 30 day money back guarantee no questions asked that's right no questions asked i don't mind i just want you guys to check it out because i know when you take one look you're going to want to buy it i can promise you just like my other course on the psychological psychological game of attraction it was a hit you're going to love this one this one is not about manipulation this is genuine natural chemistry order it now all right i'll see you guys inside peace out
Channel: The Toxic Dating Coach - Mindful Attraction 2.0
Views: 258,367
Rating: 4.897718 out of 5
Keywords: make him chase you tips, mindful attraction, mindful attraction 2.0, relationship advice, how can I make a guy chase me, relationship coaching, dating advice, make him yours, how to make him chase you, how to get him to chase you, how to get a guy to want you, How To Make A Man Chase You, how to make a guy like you, how to get a guy to chase you, how to make a guy chase you
Id: xnCYtRujHE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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