When A Girl Proposes To A Guy...

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like the video and subscribe right now and i'll show you a picture of suspicious doggo ready three two one [Music] men who have been proposed to buy their girlfriends how did you feel about it not me but my mom proposed to my dad because she got tired of waiting for him after they'd been going out for almost 10 years he was casual about it and was like sure i'll marry you my dad was always shy and my mother more direct they'd known each other since they were 15 so they'd been together for so long they kind of forgot about marriage they've been married for 30 years now and still going strong my husband and i are a younger version of your parents he's shy and withdrawn and i'm loud and outgoing i asked him to marry me after six years of dating from 13 over 14 and he was very quiet a moment long enough for me to get worried because he likes to think everything through when he finally answered it was just this quiet deliberate okay from the outside i know it doesn't sound whirlwind romantic novel but it makes me smile here to air at the memory we are celebrating our 11th anniversary in october and we are still so in love with one another that it's actually kinda embarrassing it was great we had lived together for about a year and one sunday afternoon we were sitting on the couch talking [ __ ] and she started talking about how women could use boobs to get men to do literally anything i argued that she was wrong and we weren't that simple she sat on my lap facing me lifted up her shirt and said will you marry me i was sworn to secrecy afterwards but i'm pretty sure it doesn't count i had the ring in my hand i was saying how happy she made me and how i wanted us to be together forever and then she interrupted and said will you marry me and i said yes and put a ring on her finger then i said hang on that was my line and she said sorry i got excited then she cried a lot my mom proposed to my dad they are still married after 30 years my dad had been married twice previously and my mother once before he said he never wanted to get married again and she said duck that so one day when my dad got back from work on the railroad she was waiting for him with a steak and some scotch and she asked him and he said okay the end fastest way to a man's heart is his stomach if that doesn't work prostate my gf walked up behind me while i was cooking hugged me and said what would you say if i asked you to marry me i said i'd probably say yes we've been married 22 years and am still waiting for her to actually propose you need to start hinting openly look at engagement rings and wedding dresses leave web pages open with most romantic places to be proposed to at the front turn other engagements to your advantage mask your engagement desire with celebrity commentary hint through the grapevine have her plan a romantic jet away wear your prettiest dresses to dinner women have a hard time with subtle hints but if you combine methods you can get her to propose remember de beers recommends a ring at least worth three months of pace so don't let her get away with cubic zirconia i pretty much just quoted various cosmo esque websites for that pretty good about it i guess because i said yes even better now because 20 years or so later i get to say hey this was your idea i made all the first moves with my boyfriend and whenever i express any sort of exasperation with him he loves to play the back quote this was your idea card it was a confusing set of emotions we had been together for a while and i knew i was ready when she decided she was ready she thought it was silly to hint around thai it was time for me to get a ring and propose to her instead she thought one of us ought to be surprised she proposed to me in one of my favorite places and then gave me a ring to put on her finger in the days after i did a lot of thinking wondering if it was a little emasculating she already makes a lot more money than i do and sometimes it feels like we have reversed traditional gender roles ultimately i came to the satisfactory personal conclusion that there was no need for a conventional proposal and all that mattered is that we are happy as an added bonus where i had been ready for so long before she did having her propose removed any doubt in my mind that she wanted it if i had proposed i may have always wondered if she agreed even if it wasn't quite the right time just to spare my feelings now there is no uncertainty we took our run conventionality to the next level this summer when we very secretly eloped imagine our family is surprised to learn better we were married and b we had secretly flown from canada to new zealand and gotten married atop a mountain it's our relationship and we want to do what makes us happy my mom proposed to my dad in a pub about two months after dating he said no until he found a steady job and could support them two weeks later he found full-time work and said they could get married they celebrated 30 years together in may i love them so much in this modern day that would be considered a massive red flag of crazy glad it worked out for them i asked my dad this question i didn't want to get married but there's nothing else to do in cuba so i did it anyways oh damn it was humbling she had a learning disability and wrote and then read out loud her proposal she was terrified of blowing it and it was the most important moment in her life we were both in our 40s and i was blown away because after being with her for seven years i didn't know how important it was to her we are in our 60s now still humbled my husband says he was just fine with it although he didn't get proposed to by his girlfriend i got proposed to buy my future wife he is so cheesy love him i melted happiest moment of my life didn't once occur to me what the conventional norm was supposed to be didn't feel emasculated or anything just felt so loved actually i did at one point think duck getting proposed to is the best feelings in the world duck me i can't do this for her now do i how do i make her feel as loved as she is making me feel in this moment duck this love [ __ ] is so hard unfortunately she passed away five months after that and i never did get to wait for her at the end of the aisle i was made the happiest man that day twice long story if you are interested it was the day of my final exam of my three-year apprenticeship she took the day off and was more nervous than me when we had coffee together i was sure she was nervous for the same reason as i was and didn't pay much attention as my mind was occupied by the exam two hours later i passed the exam and we were standing outside with a colleague having a smoke and talking and talking and another cigarette i was just so relieved and felt lighter there and happy to not have a single thing on my mind than i did it my girlfriend though was shuffling her feet not really taking part in the conversation after what must have been hours for her she asked what i wanted to do going downtown shopping or grab something to eat i didn't care at all she drove to the record store first we walked to the window to have a look at the record players as we were thinking about getting a new one how do you like that one she asked pointing at one in the back there was sign next to it with my name on it and bright as i'm i said it has my name on it back quote what else it had let's face the music and dance written on it i just stared blanket it and then at her having not the foggiest she said now that you are a technician i wanted to ask you if you also want to be my man i said i would love to hugs and kisses when i looked at the player again i noticed three of the staff standing behind it smiling and cheering with a bottle of champagne and glasses it was a relevant tenth day okay so a few weeks after we met we were taking a shower together and she corners me and says so are we dating are you okay with us dating it's okay if you say no will you go be my boyfriend of course being the absolute specimen of a gentleman that i am slashes i say well you caught me with my butthole out i can't say no fast forward four years we are camping the nearest town is 60 miles away the car is a few miles away it's cold and i'm changing clothes i'm but naked in the tent she says so baby i've been thinking i say oh lord let me at least put my pants on she says could you see yourself marrying me have you thought about it before will you marry me i said well you caught me with my butthole out i can't say no she thought that was hilarious then we had a good long chat about it on track for getting married in april i think it's pretty cool that she did it both times definitely made my life easier and i'm sure i'm under appreciating the clarity so i was the girlfriend he glowed for days afterward looked up the statistics and glowed some more he didn't care that it's typically the guy's job to do the asking he was too busy being overwhelmed by the fact that i love him enough to ask this is beautiful gender roles don't just hurt women they also take away opportunities for men to feel or admit they want to feel what women are allowed to supposed to feel such as excitement that someone in this world loves you hey it's december 26th we only have five days left in the year to get married and have it count toward our taxes we should do that okay i was fine at that point we'd had a kid together since the previous september and had been together for almost 10 years marriage was a tax convenience for us less than an everlasting bond between passionate lovers i love her all the same though we just never put any sentimental importance into marriage i suppose her real proposal was the november before our daughter was conceived where she said we should make one of those after i texted her a picture of my five-month-old niece at the time and my heart basically jumped out of my chest so i was very excited and happy not exactly a proposal but my ex wanted to elope i said no not because i wouldn't have married her in a heartbeat but partly because i would want my family there for it and because i knew that her parents would disown her and it would hurt everyone in the process no matter how open-minded indian families are their world would shatter i keep thinking how i might have answered her differently perhaps it could have saved the relationship my response might have just fueled her insecurities in fact it's weird that this question came up today on my feed because i was thinking about it today just awesome the most curious thing was that when i told other people we were engaged about 80 of the people would ask how did you propose and then i had to explain i didn't who won i can answer i was ecstatic to be engaged to her i was planning on acting her in six months time too so it worked out she did it on my golden birthday at a music festival so needless to say i was quite inebriated right before she did it we sat on a bench and she asked me so how are you feeling i replied who walked up then she got on one knee and i started crying it's two years later and we are still doing the same shenanigans without the proposing and crying i feel a complete indifference that she was the one to do it people are almost always shocked when they hear it except my dad's family they they're so open and awesome but honestly with my semi-apparent commitment issues i may never have done it in the long run who knows so better that she did i wasn't really planning on proposing but one day while surfing the web i found this ring that was exactly his style and even had customizable runes he is a die-hard lover of all viking stuff and i knew i just had to get it i bought two rings invited him to our favorite restaurant and after dessert i popped the question no i didn't get down on one knee or announce it for everyone to hear my husband got so happy and yelled out oh [ __ ] awesome when i showed him the rings ironed he popped a boner that lasted all the way home and he was such in high spirit that he decided that we should have a bake off spent the rest of the evening gaming and stuffing herself with cake and buns i was worried that he would feel emasculated and stuff but he said that he's really happy to have such a cool engagement ring and he has never been one to think that by being a man who had to do manly stuff and not be overshadowed by women he still tell me almost daily how much he likes being married and now we have a kid coming our way so i guess everything is really nice this is a bit of a different experience my now wife and i met when we lived in the same city and then she moved away and we started dating the following year we were long distance for two years and when i finished my graduate degree i planned on moving to where she was while applying to jobs we were planning on moving in together but that was it our parents are very religious and very opposed to cohabitation because she lived in the same city as her parents she was getting it bad and they were telling her that we should just go and elope before we moved in with each other they wore her down so much that she eventually just broke down in tears while we were talking on skype a couple of weeks before my move and proposed to me it wasn't a happy moment at all and i told her that i wouldn't accept a proposal in that circumstance and that it was important to me to actually live in the same city for a while before we got engaged and that if she didn't want me to move in with her i wouldn't she ultimately decided to ignore her parents and i moved in with her we did get engaged four months later i asked her and she said yes i would have been cool with her asking me though we've now been married for almost four years fine with it married 22 years and have great kids couldn't be better don't see what the issue is she just beat me to it you've been visited by the rare lucky doggo this doggo will give you extra luck for the next 24 hours but only if you comment you're a good boy dogger thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 11,874
Rating: 4.9472618 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, propose, marry, wedding, ring, groom, bride
Id: cREAdsXFJ10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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