Men Share The Creepiest Things Women Done To Them - AskReddit

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she was trying to get pregnant because she thought i was going to leave her men what makes a creepy woman in college i dated a girl for longer than i care to admit who was officially the craziest person i have ever met several red flags came up and i failed to see them any time i looked at my phone when i was with her she would question who i was texting called me gay because she claimed i was spending too much time with guy friends when i spent nearly every waking and sleeping hour with her she would start a fight just so we could make up god pissed at me for working on my thesis project which i was required to complete to graduate when i asked why she was mad she said it was because i wasn't paying enough attention to her when my phone battery died for 90 minutes when i was able to charge it turned it back on and it lit up with over 50 text messages the buzzing didn't stop for about 10 minutes these are just a few of the things she did but yet somehow i couldn't see the crazy my roommates sat me down and pointed out everything that was wrong with her one night and she called me while we were talking it turns out she was outside of the living room window listening to the whole conversation it was so creepy after breaking up with her we ran into each other where i worked within a week she was back to show me her new boyfriend i simply smiled and said that's nice i turned to her boyfriend shook his hand and told him good luck when an ex-girlfriend shows up at your house at 2 a.m persistently slamming her fists on your door calls your phone literally 107 times sends 63 text messages leaves seven hate-filled voicemails attempts to facetime five times tries to break in through your front windows which i usually leave unlocked because i always forget my keys rips the screens off the windows rips your mailbox off the wall and destroys all your mail and leaves it scattered throughout your yard oh yay all in the pouring rain after she broke it off with you i dated a girl in college for a short while on a random day i went to the mall with some friends and she called for whatever reason i can't remember i didn't answer not two minutes later i start getting calls from some other acquaintances from school informing me that she is calling everyone to find out where i am yup got back on campus and broke up with her fast forward maybe a month went wakeboarding to teach others how she shows up in normal street clothes not bathing suit with no intention to wakeboard she proceeds to spend the rest of the day taking pictures of me creepy as hell i went out with this girl once we met whilst on holiday and being 16 it's not as if i had money to travel the country to see each other so i suggested an online relationship fast forward about two weeks and it's going well one day on mission she asks me shall we make it official then what she sends me a link to a poorly made pixel site donzo and emma's online wedding well no she went full-blown into it copying and pasting our heads on the first image she probably came across of google after typing bride and groom that was a difficult time [Music] some mutual friends showed up to my apartment one evening with their friend leah she was a bit quirky but very cute and we flirted a bit i thought there might be a chance for something down the road if i played my cards right there were about eight of us and we all just hung out in the living room or kitchen cracking jokes talking having a few drinks nothing wild as everyone had work or class the next morning about midnight everyone is heading out and leah is the last out the door she stops turns around leans in close and whispers i'm really wet shivers raging bone mind racing then while maintaining eye contact she reaches up under her skirt and pulls off her wet underwear and hands them to me confusion problem something isn't right these are mine these are my goddamn fruit of the loom boxer briefs she left and in my befuzzled state i open the door to my bedroom and find every pair of underwear i own spread out on my now on made bed writing it out sounds like it could have been hot or sexy it was neither of those things i was pretty creeped out by it i broke up with a woman once in my car she opened her purse got a bottle of her perfume opened it and spilled the full contents on the passenger seat have you ever smelled passion for women by elizabeth taylor this was a brazilian knockoff called agua frasca sugary as hell that lady liked it and she liked it a lot after dating for a while the smell was in my clothes my bed my hair my car reeked of it so much it gave me a headache i can still smell that smell today just from telling the story and it's been 27 years and two marriages since i don't think fabries are replacing the seat would have helped much she said as long as you have this car you will never forget me was the last thing she told me she was right i sold the car a couple of months later for a lot less than it would have sold without the smell my ex went off birth control without telling me trying to get pregnant because she thought i was going to leave her she also called me to hang out one night and i said i couldn't i had exams to study for at the time i was really playing wow she called me about an hour later screaming she said you aren't studying you are playing that stupid game i asked her why she thought that and she replied still screaming i came to your house and looked in your window creepy is harder for a woman than a man but here's what i've got so far either before being introduced or after a primary introduction she will perform a cia level snoop on everything they can find out about you online and through other people by the second time you see this woman she knows more about you than you know about yourself she exploits said information to randomly appear places where you would never see her otherwise oh you happen to like the shooting range 60 miles out of town me too sees all other females in your life and some males as a sort of threat to her plans for you we'll pretend to like them very much but will scheme to move them in some way or another to be out of your life makes changes in your surroundings without warning or permission puts some new decorations in your cubicle to remind you of her or changes something at your home or puts her picture up on your computer background etc collects things belonging to you usually without warning or permission as well as keepsakes makes a sort of shrine or scrapbook out of them becomes all chummy with your parents behind your back friends them on facebook and starts chatting with them after one or even before one meeting my friend met a girl through our softball league two months ago he took her on a few dates and thought she was pretty cool until she showed up to every single softball game and practice we had she's not on the team just a friend of someone on the team gets upset like yells at him when he doesn't want to hang out just wrote him an email saying how he is not putting enough effort in their relationship and how he needs to fight for us i was dealing with this really good-looking girl but she was a little off i could tell she gave off a clingy vibe for sure and a hint of crazy glimmered in her eye after we met she asked me to come hang out i did nothing extraordinary it was normal we did some naughty things but i told her i did not want a relationship etc she seemed fine with that after we hooked up i told her i would be busy the next few weeks true i was studying for a certification exam and she started texting me like crazy when i wouldn't respond now i turn my phone off when i study i finish up my review and i turn my phone on at the end of the day no joke 88 text messages the last of which read if you do not f me again i will get one of your friends to do it so yeah don't do that in general not understanding the natural progression and boundaries of a relationship you are not my girlfriend because we went on two dates it is not appropriate on a first date to ask about what sort of wedding i am interested in having even if we pass by a bridal shop on the way to the restaurant and end up at a bar where some bridesmaids are out partying if we are in a steady committed relationship and you're not sure where i am and what i'm doing feel free to call me to find that information out if we are casually dating you probably shouldn't lead with those questions when initiating a conversation specifically i met a girl at a wedding we danced once because she was by herself and she asked and i'm a polite person this was the extent of our interaction that weekend at 7 00 a.m on a saturday morning of the following week the phone rang which is annoying but not particularly creepy unfortunately i have caller id and her number came up without a name so i didn't answer it according to caller id the same phone number called at half-hour intervals with a brief break after midnight until i finally picked up the phone sunday afternoon to tell whoever it was to have off it was the girl she had asked around and gotten my phone number sorry i've been gone most of the weekend i explained did you try to call earlier oh once or twice i actually had about a 20-minute conversation because i was trying politely to get off the phone but she was extremely persistent that following tuesday i got an email from a mutual friend of ours saying something like hey i heard about you and kristen sounds pretty serious good for you but i do have to warn you about something this was when i learned that to the person who is interested anything other than an outright rejection is just viewed as a temporary setback luckily my friend took care of things for me but now if someone is interested and i'm not i just tell them i'm not interested a girl i had a crush on during high school calls me out of nowhere to hang out after no contact in a year i said yeah that's fine it'll be nice to catch up so we hang out and i told her about my college life and how i was talking to this one really awesome girl she then asks hey is it all right if i take a look at your dorm i didn't think anything of it so i told her sure thing right when we get back to my place she turns off the lights and shoves me onto the bed she then proceeds to get on top of me and asks me will you regret it if we had sex right now i thought about it and finally told her yay i would i was interested in another girl and didn't want to take any chances she then asked me why i wouldn't want to f her i told her that i wasn't the type of guy that would sleep with just any girl then out of nowhere she yells no way all guys want to have sex it's because i have chlamydia isn't it who told you i had it she then tells me it's okay we can still be friends we don't have to be awkward about it but just know that i would have let you come inside of me without a condom i kicked her out deleted her from fb blocked her number and told her that she was insane i hung out with this one girl a few times getting to know each other stage and i mention where my family is from the next time we hang out she goes on her ipad and maps is already up and zoomed in on my house i grew up in i didn't say my address so she did some serious snooping i kind of laughed it off but end up breaking things off with her for the following month i would get texts like are you home i see people on your rooftop is that you she lived 30 minutes away from me i was dating a girl a while back and i came home having a bad day and under a lot of stress so she made me some hot chocolate to cheer me up i drank it sat down to watch tv started feeling drowsy and woke up the next afternoon feeling like i'd been hit by a bus my mouth felt like paper i was disoriented i couldn't hold my head up and i was incredibly thirsty i went back to sleep and when i woke up again later that night i called her and asked what the hell was in the milk turns out she put a couple of her cerroquel i don't know the exact quantity or dosage in it to help me relax that's probably the creepiest thing a girl has ever done to me i was at a party that was a sort of high school reunion i show up and see a friend i hadn't spoken to in a while choosing a song at the stereo let's call her amy i walk up and stand right next to her for a moment pretending to be looking at the cd list she turns and looks at me and then does a double take she then proceeds to hug me with the tightest hug ever so i am not looking to hook up with amy because i have someone else in the plans so we chat for a bit and then i try to move on but she won't let me go i eventually get away and proceed talking to others later on in the night i am sitting on the couch with the chick i had in mind and we are chatting and flirting away let's call her rachel then amy comes and sits next to us and so i be nice and include her in our conversation rachel starts getting closer and such then so does amy i am basically showing all my body language to rachel but at some stage amy starts touching my face then all of a sudden her fingers are in my mouth i quickly grab her hand and remove it at that stage one of her friends comes and takes her away i thought that was kinda creepy i'm a broadcaster i have a female at least i think i suppose she could be in drag if you were to ever see a photo fan that has gone too far she maintains a blog and writes daily updates about how she's in love with me and we're going to be together she considers my broadcast states and thinks i'm sending her secret messages in the music i play which i don't choose by the way and the news did bits that i choose to highlight once i took a trip to las vegas and she apparently followed me there and followed me around the hotel never making her presence known to me throughout the entire trip the only way i found out was because she talked to one of the female members in my group to see if we were together she mails me letters at work doused in perfume hounds me on social media and continuously suspends and unsuspends her account so i can't block her and overall creeps me out that makes a creepy woman everybody seems to be talking about exes but i've experienced something that creeps me out way more than any ex ever could there's a lady who lives near me and works at a nearby diner before my daughter was born she never spoke to me not even in passing i'd say hi at the mailbox and she wouldn't so much as grunt ever since my daughter was born that all changed any time she sees me she comes rushing up to talk about how bad she wants a baby okay innocent enough right normally that would be an odd thing to approach a stranger with but i have a baby with me makes sense thing is over time her statements of desiring a child have changed in tone from a passing casual oh lovely weather type thing to an insistent tone with a pause at the end and what i call the waiting stare you know that look somebody gives you when they ask a question and are waiting for you to answer that's dare the first time she did that the hair on my neck stood up and every fatherly cell in my body screamed that i should run but it gets worse again the lady does not know me she has never so much as asked my name but her insistence about how she wants a baby yes with emphasis like that now has lately been appended with statements about how she's such a great babysitter and so responsible and good with kids oh and available anytime if she has to miss work it's okay once in a while i have never asked this lady to babysit for me i have never even brought up the topic lately i avoid her i've stopped eating at the diner she works at unless someone is over who can run for me and get an order to go sorry lady but you're not going to kidnap my child i don't care how bad you want a baby creepy as hell a crazy ex has nothing on this experience thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for a date with a lady who wants a baby right now click the right box for the related playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 153,425
Rating: 4.9397135 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts creepy women, radio tts males, reddit crazy ex, reddit crazy breakup stories, radio tts crazy ex, psycho ex girlfriend, crazy ex, crazy girlfriend behavior, crazy ex girlfriend, crazy girlfriend, askreddit crazy ex
Id: lV52vbbsLE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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