Men In Black Pitch Meeting

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so you have a movie for me yes sir I do it's based off a comic book series called the men in black okay and so we're gonna start with a van of illegal immigrants being stopped by the cops and then having these two men in black show up hey that's the name of the thing it sure is and so they tell the cops hey we're from division six and we need to take one of these illegal aliens and the cops let them yeah but after the men in black leave the cops are like there is no division six this is BS so why did they even let them take the guy I don't know fair enough so then it's gonna turn out that this illegal alien was actually an illegal alien disguised as an illegal alien right okay do you get it yeah yeah I get it there's a double meaning yeah yep pretty straightforward but why would he even disguise himself as that well because he's trying to sneak into the United States and wanted it make more sense for him to disguise himself as an American well yeah but then I want to get to make that super clever illegal alien joke okay got you you really like that joke so anyway then one of the cops sees the alien because the men in black only took it like ten feet away and that sends it into a murderous rage why because I want the situation where the men in black shoot the alien and the cop gets covered in slimy goo did you say slimy goo I did Oh slimy goo is tight that's the funniest thing you could cover someone with well I'm glad you said that cuz we're gonna have a ton of slimy goo in this movie it's gonna be the main gag in a shocking number of scenes hell yeah that automatically makes seems funny it sure does so we're gonna have slimy goo splashing all over the place every chance we get throughout this whole thing that's not gonna get old at all I know Wow anyway so then because the older agent was slow to draw his gun he's gonna retire oh he is yeah and so the younger agent K is gonna use this neuralyzer thing to wipe his memory when they get back home from the desert No right then and there that's super inconsiderate but okay and so then the main character is this New York cop James who's being considered as the replacement for that old guy why is he being considered because he chased down a bad guy who turned out to be an alien why was he chasing it we'll never find out but he turned out to be an alien did he know that he was an alien when he started chasing him no but he chased him down for a very long time so a police officer just doing his job was enough to get him considered for the men in black apparently so sir so then James enters this testing period where all the other candidates are like super serious military types oh man I imagine it's gonna be tough for a New York cop to be chosen for a secret government organization actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah he does two tests and shows that he can think outside the box and that's all they needed to see so what are the tests we'll in the first test they had to fill out these papers inside these weird egg chairs and James went and grabbed the table right okay and the second one is this shooting range thing and all the other candidates are shooting the aliens but James is the only one that shoots a little girl in the face what yeah he's like this little girl is in a bad part of town and she's holding books that are way too advanced for her so you know he shoots her in the face and that was the right thing to do yeah she has no business carrying those advanced books around they could have been her older sister's books or something well the men in black are looking for someone that would shoot a little girl in the face for something like that and those are the two tests the table and the child killing that's it Wow it feels like they should definitely have their agents go through more rigorous testing than that yeah you'd think so but that's literally all they need to see well okay there so then James is gonna become one of the men in black Wow yeah they show him around the office and they slowly erase every letter from his name except the first one very dramatic use of the Delete key yeah and then he touches this ball that bounces around the office and destroys a bunch of stuff why would they leave a dangerous ball like that just lying out in the open so we could have some slapstick comedy sir oh the characters left that out for us that's very nice of that there is sir and so what a J and K have to go up against in the movie well there's this bug alien that's wearing a dead farmer skin and going on a sugar fueled rampage and what's he trying to do he's trying to get his hands on a Marvel that's actually a galaxy okay yeah so he goes into this diner and he easily kills these two aliens with a little stinger thing he has oh my lord again it turns out one of the aliens he killed was actually the Emperor of this alien race called the ik Williams gotcha and the Emperor had this cat that had the galaxy on his collar and so obviously the cat is brought along with the aliens corpse to the morgue of course they always bring dead people's pets to the morgue along with their corpses right and so then the bug alien goes to the morgue and threatens the mortician this lady named Laura her name is Yanni that's kind of weird no it's Laurel right Yanni that's what I said anyway so then the arc Williams threatened to blow up the planet if the men in black can't deliver the galaxy within an hour well so I imagine the men in black send out all their men to try to save the day no literally just the two main characters one of which is in training oh you'd kind of think they'd put more resources on something like that yeah you'd think so so how did J and K find out about all this stuff well they go visit the exposition pug the exposition pug yeah it's this little pug that K shakes until it shouts out all the exposition we need to move the movie forward well that pug sounds like a screenwriters best friend it sure is so then the bug tries to escape on a ship but the men in black shoot it down okay yeah they're like put your hands on your head and he's like okay but then he slowly rips off the farmers skin and reveals that he's a super big cockroach monster why hasn't he already taken off his human skin if he's trying to escape so we can add this big reveal and why didn't a and case shoot him as he was taking the skin off so we can have this big reveal well okay so then the bug swallows their guns and K gets intentionally eaten does the bug not have teeth oh yeah it has massive teeth but apparently those are just for show cuz it swallows k whole pretty lucky yeah and so then case shoots the bug from the inside and they save the day Wow and then k reveals that he wasn't actually training J as a partner but as a replacement wait what yeah pretty cool right so now after like two days on the job J has to find and train a new partner yeah yeah yeah wouldn't it have made more sense for k to train two people instead of just J oh yeah I guess that would have made a lot more sense whoops whoops eh so what do you think of the movie well it sounds like a lot of fun and we should totally get Will Smith to play in this oh yeah people really liked watching him punch aliens in Independence Day we could totally cash in on that yeah and plus we can get him to make it like a theme song right he can literally just rap about things from the movie right he can be like here's an audio commercial for my movie whoo ha ha if people don't realize that's just a commercial that's gonna be a number-one hit definitely and Will Smith is gonna become synonymous with the men in black yeah we're gonna have to make sure to get him for any sequels and spin-offs moving forward for sure [Music] hey guys it's Ryan here hope you enjoyed that pitch meeting if you did let me know in the comments section what other movies you'd like to see pitches for we also have a lot more of these videos on the channel also don't forget to Like and subscribe and comment and share on Facebook Twitter just start hitting all the buttons except hopefully dislike and as always check back soon for a new pitch meeting bye bye [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,354,386
Rating: 4.9558687 out of 5
Keywords: Men in black, will smith, mib, tommy lee jones, agent kay, jay, edgar, vincent d’onofrio, bug, men in black international, aliens, alien, Pitch meeting, plot holes, how it all started, honest, everything wrong Funny, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: i52RjCNnp2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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