Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Pitch Meeting

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so you have a movie for me yes sir I do do you remember how the last Indiana Jones movie ended sure he rode off into the sunset it was a great way to say bye to the character it sure was surfing in fact so I thought we could bring him back is that really such a good idea kind of feels like we should leave the character be you know I mean what if we mess it up well I mean what if money though that's a good point you know I'm interested great so how does this thing start well I figure a cool way to start would be to show a prairie dog that was clearly made on a computer what and then we're gonna see Indiana Jones but it's 1957 now so he's old right because of how time works exactly yes so he's been captured by this evil Soviet lady Irina and her soldiers okay and they want help finding this dead alien that's been kept inside a government warehouse Wow and how does he find it well these aliens have skulls that are like magnetic when I need them to be for the plot what do you mean well sometimes people's guns get stuck to them so Indy can escape but usually they just sit around and do nothing oh very cool so anyway thanks to magnetism Indy helps them find this alien but then he escapes Wow so where does he go well he finds himself in a nuclear test village with a bomb that's about to go off in like 30 seconds well if we're gonna kill him off that is a pretty dramatic way to do it no he's not gonna die what you know he goes inside this fridge right and because it's lined with lead he survives a massive explosion insanely high temperatures crazy amounts of radiation and being launched like a hundred feet into the air and violently bouncing around several times so I don't really understand anything about science but if I'm understanding correctly LED does magic LED is magic yeah that's right Wow Wow Wow so then Indy goes back home but he gets fired from his job because now the FBI thinks he's a communist oh so he's on a watch list and stuff yes super serious stuff so then Indy gets on a train and this young guy much shows up and he's like I need your help how did he know Indy was gonna be on that train Oh extremely unclear oh okay so Mutt tells invi that his mom and this professor Oxley guy were kidnapped and they were looking for a Crystal Skull okay so mutton Indy fly down to the Amazon together isn't he being watched by the FBI he sure is but apparently that doesn't affect travel in any way oh well good so they go track down this Crystal Skull but this dude pops out and let me tell he's got one of those poisoned dark glowy things oh yes so Indy pops out and he blows the dart backwards into the guy's mouth so he gets poisoned what is it a double-sided dart yeah I guess I don't know I just thought it'd be cool it does sound cool so then they get the skull but then they get picked up by the Soviet bad guys Oh No yeah and then we meet mutts mom and it turns out it's Marion Ravenwood from the first movie oh yeah yeah and it turns out her and Indy are still in love and mud is their son Wow okay yeah no sure I feel nothing okay I was kind of hoping for a bigger reaction no nope okay so anyway now they're rolling through the jungle and in front of all the cars there's this tree cutting machine and it's like making a road for them very cool but then Indy shoots the thing with a rocket and that leads to this huge car chase through the jungle how is there a chase through the jungle if he blew up the thing that makes roads I don't know very now so this car chase is gonna go on for super long like mutts gonna have a big sword fight with Irena the skull is gonna switch hands like a bunch of times very exciting but then mutts gonna get stuck in some vines uh-oh so he's out of the chase actually no cuz he immediately bonds with some monkeys and then swings on some vines and catches up he swings faster than speeding vehicles that's what we're going with and now that he's friends with the monkeys they attack the bad guys Oh monkeys that know which characters are the protagonist certai chaser are so anyway then all the cars get to this cliff oh man it's gonna be hard to get away from the bad guys with a frickin cliff in the mix actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yes see Marion spotted a tree earlier so she just drives down onto that and then their car is also a boat and that works no problem it works with absolutely no problem the tree even snaps back and takes out a couple of bad guys Wow but then they have to go down three massive waterfalls uh-oh so what do they do they go down three massive waterfalls do they prepare in any way or there any consequences no they just go down three massive waterfalls and everything's fine well okay then anyway so eventually they get to this crazy pyramid throne room where they have to return the skull right right but then the bad guys catch up with them again now what are they trying to do well they want to return the Crystal Skull to the throne room right so everybody's just trying to do the same thing here yep pretty much so then Irina puts the skull on to this alien skeleton thing that's missing its head how did skull get out of this room in the first place unclear but then this skeleton merges with a bunch of other skeletons and becomes an alien oh it does that okay and then Irina's eyeballs turn to light and a spaceship appears from under the throne room and then it disappears into another dimension okay okay okay but what if literally anything else happened well that would probably be better but we're gonna go with this somehow that works for me so then everybody lives happily ever after Indy gets married and he gets his old job back whoa wait what happened with the FBI thinking he's a Soviet spy everything's okay now cuz he saved the day is there any proof that he did not at all not even a little but he's still off the hook he is yeah a hundred percent well great yeah yeah so what do you think well I mean hopefully people don't think we're pushing it too much with a fourth Indiana Jones movie well I mean I think a fourth one will be okay yeah I mean I guess if we work on a fifth then that's clearly a cash grab right hey guys it's Ryan here hope you like that pitch meeting there are over a hundred pitch meetings on the channel so check some of those out you'd also let me know in the comments section what other movies you'd like to see pitch meetings for don't forget to Like and subscribe and share on Twitter Facebook all all the stuff that helps out a lot as always check back soon for a new pitch buh-bye
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,718,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Indiana jones, harrison ford, george lucas, steven spielberg, pitch meeting, kingdom of the crystal skull, crystal skull, fridge, nuke the fridge, shia laboeuf, cate blanchett, marion, indiana jones 4, aliens, spaceship, jungle chase, vines, vine swing, plot holes, bad, honest, Funny, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: JbUA_HtQ6Ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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