Euc Benitez is creepy towards kids

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna be talking about I need to get used to these sleeves aren't they cool though I feel like such a vampire it's great anyway we're gonna be talking about a bit of a sensitive topic shocker but I got a comment under one of my videos and it said look up this person they're a pedophile and I was like oh Jesus so I look up this guy and his name is elke Benitez on Instagram he has three hundred and forty five thousand followers and he's obviously a musically type influencer to be honest I really don't like calling people pedophiles unless I have significant proof because as we well know that term has been thrown around the YouTube community in the drama community quite easily and you know as much as I don't want any pedophiles to run amok I also don't want to just say someone's a pedophile without any proof what I went to see this person's Instagram it looks really bad and I'm not saying this person is a pedophile I'm saying this person seems to be acting very inappropriately with younger with very young children and you know I don't know if this is all for show like that one person I can't remember what his name is touched a light who was using his sister for views or was saying that someone was his sister for views and just a mess but I don't know if this is some kind of baiting that he's doing or not honestly I almost hope it's baiting just so it's not actually him being a pedophile and potentially like taking advantage of his little sister anyway so the most information I could really find about him was on famous birthdays so it says that he's AM user who was won more than 300,000 fans with the spirited often shirtless lip sync videos on Spanish pop and hip-hop songs trivia he has a mystery I'm account dedicated to musically outtakes called oak fails family life he has two younger sisters okay two younger sisters is something to keep into account he is 19 years old so I'm gonna show you a couple of screenshots of the thumbnails of his videos that he has on Instagram I'm gonna show a couple of them here and just let you make up your mind about what you think about them cuz to me they're definitely creepy they're definitely baiting of the thing is I wonder you know how real is this but honestly it just makes me really uncomfortable because there's so many of them I didn't have to scroll that far down his profile to find this stuff so I'm just kind of like God like some of them are just pictures straight up and I just Oh God so disgusting so anyway he took a picture with these two young girls very young girls I don't know how to put like aged children it's really weird but I really can't tell the difference between like 2 3 and 5 like it I just can't tell and even people in the comments are saying step away from the children get away from those creep this is not okay that ain't right mate and then someone says you look like a pedo so I kind of wonder what the purpose of this photo shoot was because it I just don't know in what context a grown-ass man unless he is advertising for adidas would be with two young girls in a studio taking pictures so I'm like is this for your personal repertoire to not say spank bank but what is what is the purpose so then there was another picture with these two little girls again and he says new projects with my little ones coming soon something along those lines I don't know like the fact that he wants to do a project with little kids like why is it so centered on little kids like that's my question like why are little kids part of his musically or even just an influencer career like why why are they there that's what I and extremely creepy like why it has to be so child centered and like if you had a child it would make sense but he's 19 and doesn't have children as far as we know and also like I can understand doing a musically or two with your sister like not in a creepy way but just like to be goofy or just like to switch things up but the thumbnails he has for those musical e's are always like him kissing her and the songs are also inappropriate so I'm just kind of like what what is going on here anyway in this picture with the two little girls again people are saying get your hands off those children get your hand off those kids bro this definitely ain't it FBI open up I'm gonna need you to answer a few questions at the police station like people really are getting the fact that there's some weird dynamic between himself and children and there's this one picture that I thought was particularly creepy where it's him with his little sister and the comments are turned off interestingly enough and it says only you the mouth that's like mouth watering I don't know what how you call it in English with a picture with your sister you could put a heart you could put a lot of things and I don't want to read a deep into an emoji but at the same time that's a really creepy emoji to be using for someone who's related to you and even if this wasn't his sister it's still creepy so I don't know what to make of that so I'm looking at this picture that he just posted recently six days ago and it's just a picture of himself and I was just wondering if people would go comment this pedophile stuff on the picture of himself and I saw a couple of comments that said pedophile but most people are like you're so pretty if not you're so pretty you're so hot whatever whatever so it seems like people are sometimes letting it slide I don't understand how there can be so many people behind this being like yeah you're so hot great whatever like it's so abundantly obvious that there's a weird dynamic between him and children this is my avoiding calling him a pedophile because I don't want to get sued because I don't know what goes on behind closed doors I'm just saying this account has a very weird dynamic between adult and child and I find it super creepy and really really weird so let me know what you guys think I was really just disgusted like I thought this was one of the creepiest things I'd seen in quite a bit so yeah let me know what you guys think I'd be interested to know your opinions on this thank you guys for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 489,599
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Keywords: eucbenitez, influencer,, tiktok, creepy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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