Dr John Campbell - You Need To Know This Now

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In related news, Pfizer and Moderna stocks are tanking as evidence mounts of massive fraud around vaccines.

Maybe this doctor isn't crazy?!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ttystikk 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2022 🗫︎ replies
can we ever trust science only if we get the money out of it dr john campbell youtube sensation explains how that could happen hello there you five million glorious miracles thanks for joining me on this channel this is a video you're going to love i spoke to dr john campbell who used to be a nurse and indeed trained nurses and has a phd and his channel where he talks about coronavirus pandemic and the various mutations permutations regulations but primarily the medical connotations and analyzes medical data has been a total sensation i watch his videos myself i know loads of you do let me know in the comments below if you do watch dr john's channel he's a fantastic guy a brilliant communicator trustworthy and in my opinion stays super objective on the full luminary podcast under the skin which is on you know luminary where i do my podcast we talk in depth about what's been going on the last couple of years in the part of the conversation i'm willing to put on youtube we talk about double blind science tests do you even know what that means a double blind science test i bet you don't do it i bet you've been pretending to know i bet you've been using that phrase what is a double blind science test he talks about how things are clinically trialled he talks about the power of placebos it's a fantastic conversation you're going to love it stay to the end and hit me up in the comments about what you think of this chat objectivity is really quite difficult intrinsically in pharmacology because whenever you put forward an idea in pharmacology you'll always get someone who says well where are the randomized double blind controlled trials on this so if you're talking about hydroxychloroquine or you're talking about ivamectin for example as an early treatment people will say well where's the large-scale randomized double-blind controlled trials on this well there isn't any can you just tell me what a randomized double blind sure sure sure so if you want to know if a new drug works you have to have a clinical trial to see if it works this is the experiment to see if it works so you want you want a few thousand people who are actually getting a new drug and a few thousand people who are not getting the new drug but the point is if you've got a few thousand people and you say to them well i'm giving you this new sophisticated drug and we think it's probably going to make you better they'll think oh i'm getting a new sophisticated drug it's probably going to make me better and the fact that they think that makes is going to make them better is likely to make them better in itself that just that belief and that's well recognized that's called the placebo effect but then if you say to another group of people well we're doing this clinical trial and those group of people over there they're getting some nice sophisticated new treatment whereas you you're just getting a sugar pill you're just getting a placebo you're just to control you're not as important now not only will those people not have the placebo effect they could actually believe that's making them worse and have what's called the nocebo effect so we have to have two groups and it's absolutely vital that who goes into those groups is randomized so if you imagine could you have all men in one group and all women another group well obviously not could you have young people in one group and older people in another group well obviously not could you have people with heart disease and smokers in one group and non-heart disease and non-smokers in the other group again you would be comparing apples and oranges you have to compare light with like so you can think about things like male female age body mass index smoking status heart disease and you could you could allocate people to one group or other the experimental group getting the drug or the placebo group based on that but of course then there's thousands of things that you don't know about so the only way to compare light with like is to randomize it so you must have randomization either to the experimental group or the control group and then it has to be blind to get rid of this placebo and nocebo effect and the only way you make it blind is you have the drug looks the same and the placebo looks the same and that means the patients are blind so the patients don't know whether they're getting the drug and they don't know whether they're getting the placebo they don't know and as well as that it has to be double blind and if it's double blind that means the nurses and the doctors giving the treatment don't know whether they're giving the active treatment or where they're giving the placebo because if i go into a patient's cubicle who's sick and i i give them a drug and i know that's the drug they're going to be able to read that in me to some extent and and the people interpreting the results mustn't know whether it's actually the drug or not that means it's all objective or object or it promotes objectivity that means it's a randomized that you have to be random allocation mathematical random allocation as to who goes into what group so it's randomized it's got to be double blind so the patients and the staff and the people interpreting the results don't know who's in which group so it's a randomized double-blind it's controlled because the control group are not getting the active treatment and it's a clinical trial and that is the gold standard of working out what treatments are that's the first time i've ever understood that thank you does that make sense yeah it really does you really broke that down i'm like one of them nurses from your vhs days i guess it's much easier if i can draw on a whiteboard at the same time i can't tell you i missed the cut away of the founding pin that's killing me not having that oh yeah i've got it here um the the thing i wanted to say is with regards to the double blind component of this experimental uh controlled trial yeah does that not in itself indicate that the power of consciousness and innate healing propensity in our nature is so powerful that science has to sort of blank it out absolutely absolutely you could just tell people get better absolutely the placebo effect can do things that are apparent miracles and more ominously russell the nocebo effect can as well so if people believe for example in witch doctors and the witch doctor says i put a curse on you and the person who's had the curse put on them actually believe that then that belief will make them sick it's called the nocebo effect so when i was young and foolish i took an interest in mushrooms yeah absolute insanity i was about i must have been about 20 or something like that i was taking so i went out and picked some mushrooms and i learned to identify psilocybin mushrooms and i thought well i'll just take a couple of those and see what happens so i took a couple of these psilocybin mushrooms now i'm not advocating this never done it again confessed and repented all that's finished i never took enough to have any real effect anyway but then i thought you know i wonder if those mush i think some of those mushrooms are picked had white gills underneath them which would make them poisonous now they didn't i'd pick the right ones because i was very careful about it but then i came to believe that i'd eaten a poisonous mushroom and that made me start feeling really really ill it wasn't a it wasn't a physiological effect it was just my belief and i had to take advice to point that out point out that i wasn't ill so it's and the c but and no sibo effect can make you ill a placebo effect can make you better and and really quite dramatically now clinical trials have been done on this where you can actually separate out the active drug from the placebo effect so when i give you a painkiller if you come into my a e department and i give you 10 milligrams of morphine for example for your pain then about 70 percent of the beneficial effect you will experience is as a result of the pharmacology of the morphine about 30 percent of that is because you believe i've given you an effective painkiller so it's actually been identified as around about 30 in the field of analgesia and there's a placebo effect in in absolutely everything that's why whether you're looking at surgery whether you're looking at wound healing whether you're looking at treating heart disease whether you're looking at treating brain disease kidney disease you always have to have this randomized double-blind component otherwise you can't get objective results it means people that consciousness itself faith and belief are formative foundational necessary components of reality in the way that reality is expressed and realized and to foreclose that reality is um hubristic and sort of lacks optimism and open-mindedness it's that that seems to me that that's telling us something fundamental yeah i i really agree with that russell men and women are holistic we are mind clearly we're a body but there's also a spiritual component what whatever you take that to mean so whenever you have science that's devolved of the individual the role of the clinician really is to put that individual back in so you know when when i when i go to a patient in in pain i i'll hold the hand and i'll be with them i'll come alongside them but looking at it from a much broader point of view science really modern science i feel does inform spirituality in in a way that's never been informed before so maybe just take a couple examples if you take one example as you as an individual or me as an individual without being too crude about it your father and my father were quite capable of producing three or four hundred million individual reproductive cells per day and yet there was the one cell that fertilized your mum's ovum became russell the one cell that fertilized my mum's over and became became me so is that like one chance out of 300 300 million that you're you and not your your brother or sister it's quite interesting of course that depends that you're on the particular overman that your mum met your dad and of course that goes back throughout the whole generations so science can just show us this bewildering away ray of possibilities just in terms of the individual and yet here we are you and me both experiencing consciousness and more than that to an ex extent to an extent uh understanding if not experiencing each other's consciousness because because we we we're communicating and i i can tell that that you're understanding things that i'm saying so so it ties up as the in the individual but then when we look at science it also ties up into the whole nature of of the universe without being too grandiose about it because if you take any parameter in science it's take take any science so take take you take biology to take geology if you change any aspect of geology pretty well any aspect of geology you don't have a stable planet so if the earth's a little bit further to this from the sun or closer to the sun or if the moon isn't the right mass and the moon is at the right distance then the amount of uranium and the earth's crust is not right to give the right amount of plate tectonics and the amount of water in the oceans is not right to give the hydro cycle if you change anything you don't have a long term stable planet and therefore you don't you don't have human beings so we depend on everything in physics everything in chemistry everything in geology everything in biology being exactly as it is or you and me are not experiencing this whatever this is this consciousness now that we are currently experiencing and the more we learn about science the more improbable it looks that all these things could just arise spontaneously as as random chance so it's just a whole fascinating area where you know people talk tend to talk about a religion science as if they're in separate boxes or even worse that they are that they are opposed to each other where whereas to me um the more you learn about science the more it leaves for the sheer wonder of this phenomena we call consciousness there you go you're learning something if you're not already a subscriber to dr john's channel have a little look in we've got a great video coming up soon from jimmy dore who's also been on under the skin another great youtube sensation let me know in the comments below what you for this chat give it a like give it a thumbs up give it a little subscribe if you enjoyed this video have a look at this one and this one sign up to my mailing list so i can tell you about what i'm doing for example i'm touring all around the country glasgow plymouth bristol newcastle stockton on tees carlisle i'm all over the place blackpool i'm all over this crazy country of ours come and see me live it's a fantastic show stay free
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 1,331,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Russel, Russel Brand, dr john campbell, Dr john campbell latest, placebo effect, drug trials, ivermectin, early treatment, covid 19, corona virus, pandemic, news, double blind randomised controlled trial, clinical trials, nocebo effect, healing, mental healing
Id: OSvc5gFif8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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