A Bustling Airport on an Artificial Island: Verde Beach - Vanilla Cities Skylines Build (Ep. 33)

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[Music] hello and welcome back to city planner place where we are building the city of verde beach and i am very excited today and one of the reasons i'm so excited you can see clearly in this particular vantage point of the city there's no more ruining on the ground and that's because i've enabled the no more radioactive desert mod so that ruining is completely a thing of the past and i felt okay adding that because today we're adding a few different mods so the mods that i've added are the 81 tiles mod no radioactive desert and the sort mod settings mod and that's really kind of a quality of life modification for me that will sort things in the in the mod settings so not really much of a concern but it's an important one in my book so i like this because now i don't have all this tree ruining that i had over here so you can see that these trees lining this industrial area are looking a little bit happier and that's that's a win in my book i really dislike the purple ground and i don't think it makes much of an impact on gameplay so today is an episode that i know that many of you are excited about and i am also very excited about it we are going to build verde beach international airport and we're going to build it on an island it's going to be kind of out here and it's going to be a really really interesting build but before we get started we do have some trash problems and i want to take care of those problems right now so i've done a little bit of scoping out before i started recording and i think i want to put it here at the corner of uh these two roads the problem that we're gonna have with that is that we've built this hunter street extension now none of these road names are are permanent but i'm gonna get rid of that road because it's really important that we have this particular uh asset here we don't really have another good garbage facility where to make all those people so sad and i'm very you know disappointed in that but i think it's it's it's for the betterment of the city and we're going to need to do that if we want to be able to process garbage in any rational way in this area uh right now we're transporting it all the way across the city and that's just not not gonna work in the long in the long run so [Music] okay so we've reestablished a roadway network here and this will cause pollution that will cause noise we should take a look at how this impacts things because we might want to think about what this area might redevelop to in the future because i don't know that it's it's going to be the most compatible with this area i mean it's it's partially compatible because of its surroundings over here but we have some low density residential the one way we could soften that is by landscaping and now that we do have the ability to do that i think it's something that we should definitely do so let's do a place a little bit of landscaping in this area to soften that then we'll take a look at our sound actually went with the sound now yeah you can see it's it's pretty pretty harsh for these neighboring properties see if we can solve it let's speed this up and see if it impacts anything at all it looks like there's still some impact in this area but it's certainly better it's kind of unavoidable that this kind of use would have an impact on these surrounding properties but at least when we look at it it's not significantly worse than you'd see with commercial properties in that same area certainly better than the than this uh this train station over here um so it's it's not not great but it's not not terrible and i do think landscaping would be required all the way around this building in fact i do question this road simply for landscaping in fact yeah let's let's get rid of that we'll landscape around here and make sure that it's permanent now while i'm over here to make sure that i don't inadvertently zone in this area i am going to place some zoning nearby and then i will fence in the rest of this area with the fence tool not the budget tool so let's get that right okay so this is gonna be good enough so basically what this does is ensure that i will never remove this landscaping and hopefully having this buffer here of of uh office type uses will help preserve some of these trees and uh you know make sure that some of the sound is is is uh reduced a little bit so i think this is a is a nice transition between this industrial area and this more residential area and in terms of the character of the land uses so i'm pleased with that there's certainly more landscaping we could do in there if we wanted to i don't know that we i think it's kind of diminishing returns at this at this point that i've got to do i'm just a little bit more and that's mainly for visual purposes not because i think it's actually going to improve things if we take a look one more time at our sound yep just the same but i like the way it looks more so that's something all right so the main feature that we are here today for is the airport now that we have 81 tiles look what we can do so there are a couple things i'm imagining today uh so i the whole concept for this airport island came from the comments someone in the comments a while back mentioned that they'd love to see an airport island and as i thought about it i thought what a great idea so a couple things we need to think about with this first of all there are a couple airports that i'm patterning patterning this off from so number one is hong kong international airport it's on an island it and there are a couple things there that i want to make sure i incorporate here number one the international airport obviously necessity number two is the freight airport where this is a great location for it because it has access to the rail lines and we'll have this this uh we'll be able to loop that rail line right into our cargo airport hub so we're gonna be able to loop that right in and that's gonna be great because that does have a rail line incorporated into it at the same time i want to get this far enough out and oriented correctly so that i can you have some cargo harbors here uh that that also have the rail lines incorporated directly into it so there are lots of things that we're going to need to consider and i also want to make sure that i don't have the different uh runways overlapping so that's going to be another consideration so and then the final thing i want to think about is i want to get some sort of power source out there because we are on the edge right now in fact we are below we are actually producing it looks like four megawatts more than our than our consumption so the moment we get really deep into this we are gonna have issues so i know that this is something that we absolutely need to take care of so we're gonna have a power plant out here and i want to also have a water plant or storage out here so lots of things i want to accomplish and uh we're gonna do it so let's get started first thing i did is i purchased some land and it might look like a kind of a weird way to to purchase the land so uh what i'm thinking here is you know this might not work uh first of all first thing i guess i want to make you aware of is that i am not sandboxing this build because i feel that with a build this complicated it's kind of better just to watch me iterate through the process as i'm going through it because i'm going to have issues and that's totally fine that happens so i might as well show you my process as i'm going through it rather than attempt to you know kind of finagle it i'm going to pause this because i see that we're having power issues and it's going to be a thing for a while i'm also going to take care of that because that's been bugging me forever so let's see if there's anything i can do with power no you know that's it's it stinks we're losing power to half of downtown so that's not gonna work so the the back to back to the the idea behind the airport now denver international airport is kind of outside of denver in a fairly significant way and the way that they were able to do that is flag annexation so with flag annexation you annex little chunks of property within the legal limit over and over and over and over to to kind of create a transportation corridor and then repeatedly annex smaller chunks to make the bigger chunk so that's why when you look at denver international airport there's denver which is roughly a square and then kind of a line following the interstate and then a line following what became the future interstate out to denver international airport so controversial it was controversial at the time it is controversial uh as is you know currently it's it's one of those things that uh after denver uh went through and actually annexed all that land the state changed the laws so that you couldn't annex an airport in the same or annexed land in general the same way that denver did it and the reason for that is it's kind of a power grab cities always want to make sure they're not locked in so they have room to expand it's a way to ensure that you you constantly have the potential for future tax base and this is kind of one of those things where at least in america a lot of cities that are growing or prospering and cities that are stagnant or shrinking have a lot of problems maintaining their infrastructure so it's it's probably not the best way of of looking at how to maintain your city but it is one of the things that is constantly a consideration in america so it's it's a reality we have to deal with uh another reality speaking of realities we have to deal with i'm gonna need to run the game during this build so i'm gonna have to build a temporary power plant which i don't love but if i don't get something going here i'm going to struggle so let me look at my policies first of all yeah i already have the police the power the power usage policy enabled i think i have if i look at my budget i'm maxed out for power so i the options i have are either to create a temporary power plant creating just a little bit of power it doesn't have to be a lot maybe i'll do that out here just one temporary power plant enough to help me run the game and hopefully i don't see how it goes okay that's enough to keep keep the city functioning because we're gonna do a lot of terraforming so uh let's go through and take a look at the path and i'll give you some insight into what i'm thinking so first of all we're gonna have some significant changes to the city and the airport is going to spur that i built this road many episodes ago with the idea that this would be the road to the airport but not in its current form we are going to eventually turn this into the interstate that goes into verde beach so this old interstate will be urbanized and this will become our new interstate corridor so that's going to mean some changes for myrtle park probably not good ones truthfully and it's going to mean some changes for the old part of verde beach probably good ones and redevelopment opportunities in this area it also means that we're going to need to do a lot of work here to to to change the direction of this road and we're gonna need to start thinking about that right now so right here is kind of the line this contour where we have been building everything so i want to or where we built the road so i want to think about that contour right off the bat and start building with that in mind so let's start our road we will build a road here now we're going to mirror that road in fact i want to think about grading right off the bat first of all i need the soil so any opportunities that pick up soil are good opportunities in my mind so this will be the general height that we cross the railroad tracks at okay so we're a little bit further over than we should be so we're gonna bring this down a bit there's gonna be a lot of uh guessing and checking here a little bit just a little bit anyway so we're gonna have to do a little bit of work in this way so generally i think you would see landscaping or landscaping i think you'd see soil being taken from close by for projects like this if at all possible so within the right of ways where i'm going to try to take the soil from so i'm just kind of stealing some right here [Music] let's see if there are any other places where i can potentially grab some so this whole area i could maybe scoop a little bit up here and this will do double duty for us we'll be able to utilize this land for a flatter neighborhood in the future so i am prepping it i don't want it to just be me taking all of this stuff and figuring it out later i'm only going to take land here for this purpose and in the future when we're when we're getting land we're gonna we're gonna take it from the ocean so what i'm trying to do here is absolutely minimize my deck span if at all possible and it is very putsy i will readily admit that so i'm going to pause momentarily as i take that out put it back and we should be good to go i just had to eliminate that that railroad that rail track temporarily to get that bridge span across but we made it so next i need to get this down to ground level and i want it to kind of snake along the ocean so what we're going to do is try to plateau this out or make some sort of clean transition down now you can see because i've used the the tool that i've used the the slope terrain tool these are pretty much mirroring each other which is what we're hoping for so now i can go along and kind of flatten some of this out and this kind of earth work would absolutely happen with this kind of project and the reason for that is it's it's though earth work like this would be expensive it wouldn't be nearly as expensive as building a gigantic bridge across here so i would i would fully expect that this kind of work would take place okay now back to our road just slowly taking this down remember this is a highway so we are going to expect high speeds so that's why this angle is not all that sharp and our decline is even more gradual there we go that that's looking good that is looking really good so i do want this to blend into the landscape a little bit better than this you can see that there are a couple places where it's not quite perfect and we might fix a couple of those up and this is one of those places where mods can be really helpful because it is really a challenge to get these heights to be just perfect we might need to do some landscaping around here to kind of clean things up and hide some some oddness you can see that this is this would be a very very significant decline into this area decliner incline i guess either way so i'm probably going to want to put some sort of fencing on here just so that it's not quite so dangerous the last thing you'd want would somebody to have someone fly off here this would be you know not a great place for that okay so the interesting thing about this particular project is you get a you get to see this project take shape before you eliminate the old projects i think it's kind of a fun way of building you know because that's the way it would happen in real life is you would expect this project to to be built while the old road is still in place so i'm just feathering this out a little bit and then i'll come through and have a little bit of hillside that i can smooth so that's a nice way of being able to to make this blend in with the the existing environment a little bit better get those contours to be a little less stark so there we go so now we know where this road is going it's going out into the water so let's before we we'll make this stop basically at the sand and we'll start our incline there i'm just taking it up two notches every 10 with the ib idea being that it's a nice gradual increase and they'll mirror one another that's really smooth that's exactly what i'm looking for not worried about road directionality not not a huge concern at this point we will deal with that in the future but right now we're really concerned about just getting this road in place so the other thing about this is this is going to unless we have some sort of interchange here it's going to sever this area from being able to actually access this this road so that might be something we need to think about as we're going through this and i don't love this so i'm going to take it back so this just might be something that we need to think about i do know that i want sunset to terminate into this new highway which i think we're going to call veterans memorial parkway or or something of that nature veterans highway because of of where it's cutting through here but we're going to need to think of a way to make this connection so that might be an interchange right here kind of bringing this down making the connection but i think it's time to start dredging so i want to take most of the soil that we're going to take from the ocean if at all possible the main reason for that is normally if you were going to have a major random land reclamation project like this that's exactly how you how they do it they would take boats out there and they would kind of pick up the soap from the bottom and build up they would build some some key walls around and use that as as their guides as they're bringing in this soil we can't do that which is unfortunate but we can go ahead and just start taking some of the soil down here so i'm gonna do that you can see that i've loaded up so i want to keep this fairly low to the ground so that we're low to the low to sea level so we don't have any weird issues the other thing i want to look at real quick is i want to see where our shipping routes are because the last thing i want to do is interfere with them at all so there's it's it'd be very difficult for me to interfere with those so we should be fine i also don't want to get too close to this contour because then i will start disturbing the beach so let's do it just like that we have used up all of our soil to start to see why it's so important that i keep the game running the water mechanics in this game are interesting in the way that they work and i don't you know i i don't i don't think it's the most realistic part of the game but it is a part of the game that when you move the sea like this it's going to cause a major tsunami kind of thing so hopefully because we're far enough out we're not going to impact any of our city so i guess keeping an eye on the population and what the water is doing is going to be really important at this point okay so you can see now just how little land i've actually reclaimed so i'm going to need to do a whole bunch and i'm going to do that right now and i'm going to do that fairly quickly because i went deep out in the ocean and was able to create a new contour which is really helpful because it helps me see where i have and haven't taken taken soil from because it's you know it's it's a pretty difficult thing to figure out exactly where i've been and i want to do this in a really controlled way okay so let's start building once this clears out so we're starting to clear and you can see that i now have enough space to build this particular asset which is really the the one that i need to work in in a really deliberate location so we're going to need to put a road in first to be able to make this work everything's got to start somewhere and that's where we are going to start all right finally getting some movement unhappy so next what we're going to want to do is start to think about our our international airport how that's going to work into this area and one of the challenges it with this particular asset is it has this diagonal runway i wish it didn't um i think we are going to place these parallel and have a little bit of overlap there i don't think it's totally unreasonable but i'm not an airport planner and i won't pretend to be so i know that some people will probably have a real problem with what i'm doing and i apologize for that it is reasonably my lack of experience in this particular facet of planning so i might actually separate it like this so that we have the ability to work our rail around it the other thing i could do is totally reorient the airport this way which might actually serve us a little bit better so i think yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna orient it this way there'll be minimal overlap then and i think it'll work a little bit better in terms of our circulation pattern in here so there's going to be a loop at the end and that's kind of how people are going to be able to get to the airport but we have a lot of soil to reclaim also in this in this little triangle that you see that's forming i'll put our public works hub back there yeah there won't be all that much traffic going to that area it'll be a nice place we can access it underneath the highway so it'll be perfect so you can see just what a costly proposition this is as i'm getting soil from the ground it's 52 000 just to dredge it up and then to put it back i think we're looking at about the same cost let's let's see we'll keep a close eye on it yup 52 000 so that's really expensive really expensive but if we were going to do this it would be significantly cheaper to to do it this way than to build the bridge and then truck the soil from land so i think that this would be the preferred method if it were going to be done i am trying to i was grabbing a lot of soil from a long ways away but truthfully i think you'd probably try to keep it as close as you could for financial considerations and timeliness and speed of operation [Music] okay so we need a little bit more for our runways and a little bit more for our road well a lot a little bit more for our road but that's okay just keep plugging [Music] okay i think we might be getting close now let's take a look okay i can see quite clearly that we just need just a little bit more soil okay so now once we get this we get this uh the water off from here we're gonna be in a spot where we can actually place this so i'm very very happy about that take a look you can see this wattage is taking a long time to dissipate totally fine it's just one of those things kind of curious to see what's happening because it's taking longer than i had suspected it would i just need to let this sit for a minute to run so at this point i'm starting to think that i need to go up just a little bit in elevation that i went too low and that is causing some of the problems so i'm gonna load up one more time with soil and uh give it another go just raise it up a couple of meters okay we finally got it it's not perfect but it is pretty darn good and i'm very very happy with the way that this has turned out so the main issue that we had is that we were just a little bit too low and i probably didn't give it just enough time so i'd love for this to be even a little bit better see that there's it's not perfect and that little bit's gonna drive me absolutely bonkers i don't know that i'm gonna be able to do much with this because of the water issues that we're seeing here okay i was able to rotate that now i paused it and the main reason for that is that i really want to make sure that i'm not going to have any more issues with the water for the time being so now we need to find a way to get this highway to this area and have an interchange that makes sense so that's going to be our probably our biggest struggle at this point so what i'm thinking is we might have a roundabout in this area that serves as kind of a diffuser for traffic so we'll start that process right now i'm going to do a lot of this with dirt roads just because i i look at the dirt roads it's kind of my planning roads so the idea would be that that we end up with the highway coming in at an angle over here and then coming out of either side of this we have roads that kind of swoop down for access to both the cargo terminal and over here at the airport so i do need to unfortunately run this again to let some of these water issues sort all right now i'm going to again try to take this road down and connect it up to the airport that's a fairly smooth connection in there so i'm i'm pleased with that i might have a turnaround back here but this is how we're going to access the public works campus there's going to be kind of two sets of traffic going this way and i'm also going to have a ring road kind of around this entire facility that will provide access just generally to the entire airport now i'm a little concerned about how i serve this so i might actually make kind of a frontage road okay so this road is probably going to be a little controversial and i understand that and i am okay with that so the whole idea with this road is going to be that number one it allows us a nice place to put our key walls so we're going to use these we're going to remove soil and and place our key walls in this area the other thing is it will provide roadway access to some of you know basically all of these facilities and this is something i saw at the hong kong airport some of the the uses that wouldn't have as much traffic are are kind of behind these frontage roads so that's kind of the thing i'm thinking as well is when we're thinking about things like in a water collection there's absolutely no reason to have water collection on a road that's going to receive lots of traffic ooh that is rough so we're going to need to do a little bit more terraforming the nice thing is we see that we're freeing up some land and eventually in the future when we need more soil we might be able to steal some of this [Music] so i'm going to make a temporary bridge which might sound even more outlandish than some of the other things i've been doing but i think it's going to be a really important facility for measuring soil so basically everywhere within here i need to raise the soil so i will make this temporary facility and we will just continue to bleed the treasury dry [Music] until i run this it's gonna continue to create bridges [Music] okay so we're also gonna need more soil out here so we might as well start thinking about that now [Music] perfect this is wonderful i'm really uh i'm really liking the way this is starting to shape out so i also want to leave some space for commercial type uses in this area i think i'm going to leave this temporarily and we'll start to focus on this airport road [Music] okay so one of the unfortunate things about the way that the game is currently uh the way the game is set up is that you can't actually create a one-way loop in this in this particular area you can see this is a two-way street using the touch-it mod will allow you to actually make that change if you wanted to outside of the game it outside of the vanilla game but i'm i'm playing vanilla so no dice for me so so i want to be really space efficient with every decision that i make so this is going to be where my frontage road connects and what i'm trying to do here is make sure that i'm not using any more land that i need to i still want to use that roundabout as my primary uh way of of accessing this area but i do want to be as space efficient as possible i'm just kind of moving through my freeform tool and uh and my curved road tool to try to try to make this right then really that the road guidelines are what are driving most of my decision making it's it's really a wonderful tool if you get the hang of it now the one thing that we don't have out here is our kind of hobbyist airport and i'm totally fine with that we could certainly add that if we wanted to i don't think it's a huge deal if we don't and i am leaving some some empty spaces here and that's fine i think at airports you generally see those kinds of spaces we're going to fence this in so that we don't have people trying to come around this this this road back here and get wild back there so that's certainly something that we're going to be cognizant of all right so we have what we want here so this is going to be where our ports are so we're going to have a road that comes off from here so we have our main loop around here and then we'll have another loop where we will have our ports i'm not overly concerned with the exact location of this road because it will need to be demolished but i do want to just place it there temporarily because it will be important in the future and now probably the most important part and that is getting our freeway here so we are going to need to have it flat by the time it reaches here so that we don't have a bridge that are you know we have the airplanes flying into so that's going to be really important ideally i think it would be just a little bit below sea level but that's a really tough sell a really difficult build so i think we're going to probably avoid that what we're going to do is get it to ground level over here which is rational to me because we want this to be you know we want the bridging to end as quickly as we can but that means we're going to need to build this entire area out so i think we are going to steal some soil from our build you can always add to this later right now this is really valuable to us so what i'm doing right here is leaving enough room for an avenue because that's the way that we're going to connect this up is an avenue so i think it's going to be really important that we have the ability to to utilize or to to place that within the space that we are allotting here so it's one of the things i'm doing i did notice i didn't make a roadway connection here i do want the ability to loop if necessary so we are going to include that here as well and one of the trickier things that we're gonna do here is we're gonna have to take this rail underground most likely to access our rail that we're gonna have over here for our cargo our cargo harbor so that's gonna be a trick okay so at this point the water is finally starting to clear out a little bit so we can start building our parallel road so i am using a the the two-lane collector here with decorative trees and this is what we're going to connect into with our highway over here so the main reason for that is it's going to be a lot easier to connect up to our roundabout and a little bit less unwieldy to deal with oh i like that a lot this gives us a kind of a focal point bridge what i don't love is that the height changed so that's gonna be something we have to worry about a little bit maybe that just means we didn't stretch it quite enough so i will make the bridge come in a little bit further and lower it down right away and that seems to oh this ugly bends is what it's done so let's see if there's any way that we can fix this and it might unfortunately be taking it back quite a ways and having a less pretty bridge okay so that wasn't ideal but it will work out just fine now what i want to try to do is i'm going to bring this road this collector up a little ways so we can make a nice smooth connection in here [Music] so this is going to be a little bit tricky so one of the struggles with this is going to be that they're you know it's it's kind of a challenge to make that transition between the two-lane road and the the two-lane divide it so what i'm going to do is just kind of make this little transition piece [Music] then i'll eliminate the transition piece turn this into the road and then convert it all right so that is a very clean connection as clean as it's going to be in vanilla so i'm i'm okay with it so next i want to mirror some of these existing roads that we have at the same distances that we have them so again i'm going to use my freeform tool quite a bit here there we go nice clean level connections i love it the last thing that we're going to want to do is make our connection to our roundabout which we will eventually need to convert as well [Music] that is perfect so this is exactly what i was hoping for a nice clean connection through here and now we can just start upgrading things and maybe even get utilities to this area before we end it this is going to be a two-parter i kind of suspected that this might be the case this is a really complicated build that's going to take some time but it's all for the best we're gonna get this thing running today that's that is my goal before we end this i want this thing to operate even if we don't have all the bells and whistles present at day one opening okay that is very good that's a good start i think in in my opinion so last but not least we need to make a connection to our existing highway so what i think we're going to do for the time being is throw a roundabout in here so we're gonna need to use some of our soil that we have and level out a nice pad for a roundabout i think that pad might be right about here actually i'm going to take that back we are going to not do it there so what i'm going to actually do is go ahead we will take this back down i'm going to level it out up here and the road will just have a meander so okay so we have this let's get a little roundabout up here so even even when you made a ton of roundabouts in this way it can still be a challenge sometimes to get it just right so if you do struggle making roundabouts without a roundabout builder just know that everyone does no matter how many you've done so don't don't stress it's not not not not terrible it's it's something you kind of got to feel your way through unfortunately so we've got a nice connection here what i'm thinking is we're gonna have a couple of legs coming off here at least for the time being so let's go ahead and we will slope down here so we'll have a nice connection here so we are still maintaining our access to the industrial area and then we will again slope down over here and we'll maintain our access to the interstate at least for the time being and this is this this will be kind of a staged project which you know until the additional capacity is warranted really until you see that major uh interchange or interstate reconstruction project rather i would expect that you'd see something kind of like this occurring because there's just not the not the need to really beef up capacity in this in this really intense way until you have a bigger project that's really spurring it and and i would think redirecting all traffic in the in the city to another highway that'd be that project okay so we have a couple of odd things going on here i'm going to eliminate this little segment here we'll upgrade and then we'll use our free form tool to make the connection there we go perfect now we need to get all of our roads pointing in the right direction so this should be in the opposite direction i'm going to focus on this direction first make sure it's right it's perfect come back and fix the other way [Music] all right we've got a nice connection over here now the one thing i want to think about right off the bat though i mentioned our public works woes so let's at least draw the bones of our campus because we are going to need some sort of connection so that we have we can have a power plant over here okay so we're going to run this again so that i can change some of the soil conditions over here we'll take that in and this is probably the first place that i know i want a key wall so i'm gonna place one right now [Music] i'm thinking an ocean power plant makes a ton of sense right here so we're gonna place that i'm not sure that this is a hundred percent the best place for it right now and this is kind of where you know i'm playing the game a little bit and trying to figure out exactly how this is gonna work out but this is generally where i want it the other thing i know i want out here which might sound kind of bizarre but i know that i want it is i want to have some sort of road maintenance facility out here fortunately i'm not gonna be able to put it where i was hoping so we will wait for that i'm also thinking about having a toll right here this is an international airport there's no real way to make them pay for parking so that would be a way to potentially accomplish this i don't know let me know in the comments what you think about that i know that i also need to get the rail bridge over here somehow and that's going to be a real trick so a couple of options i'd really love for this to mirror out here i could either go up right away or take this down it's gonna be it's gonna be a tr it's gonna be a real mess so that's probably a next time project maybe we'll just get the bridge [Music] yeah and i think i'm gonna need to spend a little bit more time on this because i don't love what it's doing okay so i decided to be a little bit more okay with some at-grade crossing here this could be a huge mistake we will find out it most likely is a huge mistake so we are going but we're gonna go with it anyway and the thought being that there really shouldn't be all that much traffic in this area so as long as i reconfigure this road a little bit we should be okay and this gives me the opportunity to make the road the right length to have room for that maintenance facility i said i really wanted there we go look at we accomplished everything all at once that is exactly what we're hoping for so we would need to come up with some way to kind of loop this back around and have another way coming out so we're gonna do that now quickly okay so i made the connection here it's a very sharp turn they would have to go very slow around it but i think it'll work the bigger concern is that it's going up i think you know we would want to keep this relatively flat so why don't we go through and we'll flatten this out a little bit actually that's not really gonna be all that possible so whoa whoa whoa whoa that is not at all what i wanted to do well we'll make it work so at this point i kind of want to mirror the track and make a nice smooth connection in so again we're just mirroring what we're doing until we branch off and make our connection in there are certainly some lumpies and bumpies here that i would love to take care of this is this in particular is going to drive me insane so i'm gonna give it one more go to try to prevent that from occurring but otherwise i think that we have the connection that we're looking for into this area that's much better and now we just need to kind of smooth things out a little bit because that is intense so let's fix our grading and interestingly i see that sunset ends here now there's there's at least for the time being it is done right there we will see if we can extend that in the future but you kind of see this is the natural conclusion to the uh to the city in terms of progression this way at least for the time being this this corridor would be a significant barrier to development and i just i don't see anything reasonably developing outs out that way for quite some time it would be really costly oh man some of these bumpies just drive me nuts just looking at them and knowing that the new node controllers out just makes me desperate to fix some of these things but it's gonna function and the cosmetic stuff aside i think this is pretty good i mean it's it's it's pretty darn good uh move it would certainly help here let me know in the comments do you want me to just uh try to improve some of this off camera i'm not gonna i'm not gonna take move it into this build and build with it but i would consider doing it off camera probably not something i'm super excited about though truthfully uh because we've done everything vanilla and organically up until now so changing i don't i guess i'm not 100 sure if it's if it's the best approach at this point in time [Music] so this transmission line is absolutely desperately necessary i hate bringing it in right here at the memorial park but there's really not another great location for it for the time being we're gonna eliminate this temporary power structure and get our water out here as well so the water i would imagine that this would be served by its own facility uh or there'd be some really elaborate system it doesn't necessarily need to go directly underneath the road it's the ocean so you know it's fine but inside of here everything is basically right away so you can kind of go wherever you need to go so i will get loose with it so water pipes are under roads for the most part now we run it we see what happens because at this point in time everything should be connected all right you see that we're good here got some water coming in over here that's not so good water impacting our power facility over here but i think that we're in a spot now where things should work multiple problems maybe not this so we're going to need some sort of transmission line over here for the time being this just bugs me immensely but there's not much i can do short of getting kind of hokey i might just get kind of hokey for the time being we'll have this serving just the airport and look at that i think that we're in a spot where everything's running now you start to see some traffic coming in here what is that an ore mining truck all right we don't even have an oi or uh industry uh biofuel garbage truck i love it i'm gonna pick up the trash and the last last last thing i'm going to do before i cut this off i really want to make sure that we have some sort of rail connection or metro up metro connection out here i will try to be fairly clean about this we are going to be redoing a lot of the transit infrastructure in the near future so i know that getting overly picky is probably not not best for my my mental well-being so but that that said i still want this is a place where if i don't have to change it a bunch i don't want to so what we'll do let's take a look at our connections out here do i not have a line going out this way no i i do i do not know why i cannot see them so i have to come up if i zoom in too far they disappear i'll have to take a look at that yeah i don't have another connection coming out here apparently no that's not right oh it's back that's what the problem is oh that is why you do not make a black line [Laughter] now i can see it i'm still seeing some weird popping i'll have to see what that is all about we'll add a stop here cannot find path that is super ugly forcing a transfer at this stop right here but it'll do the trick for now we're gonna really have an episode focusing on transit at some point in the near future so i'm not going to get overly picky about it right now it's just not worth the time because we're going to redo all of these routes and look at this we're functioning it is a bare bones airport there's not a lot going on here we don't have our our helicopters yet which are going to be important we do have vacuum trucks making sure that our roads are empty out here we do have materials flying out from here we're in a good spot we are in a very very good spot so i think we're gonna leave it here so this is part one of this build we are certainly gonna need to do more in the near future uh but uh but we're good for today so thank you so much for joining me i hope that you enjoyed this build i hope that you agree with my my uh my airport layout hopefully i didn't completely watch it if you did like this video please considering that like button if you aren't subscribed to my channel please consider doing so and if you want to be notified when i release new videos hit that notification icon i also want to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters they help me make all the content that i do and i want to thank you for watching this video and joining me i can't wait to see you in the next one but let's have a quick city take care [Music] bye-bye [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 50,163
Rating: 4.9720497 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays city builders, City planner plays cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, verde beach, cities skylines metropolitan airport, cities skylines cargo airport hub, cities skylines ocean thermal energy conversion plant, cities skylines airport designs, cities skylines airport vanilla, cities skylines airport island, cities skylines airport no mods, cities skylines airport layout, cities skylines airport, cities skylines gameplay 2021
Id: vD7m3KCjRLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 15sec (3255 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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